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Greta Thunberg - Civic or Artist?
(11-13-2019, 10:42 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-13-2019, 08:01 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: Key phrase there PBR..."Would pick".  Have you had your plethora of tests and observations done yet or are you still relying on the word of a social worker you had a five minute conversation with?

Honestly I don't know who is worse, you who reads an abstract on WebMD and decides he has X condition or my mother who is utterly convinced I didn't need to go to the oral surgeon to have a rotted tooth extracted; that it could be healed with crystals.  Good thing I went to culinary and not medical school.  Otherwise I'd be dealing with hypochondriac boomers when I wasn't dealing moronic new ager boomers who are convinced that their charlatan of the week is superior to my education and science.

As for misery, there are various causes for misery not all of them economic, sociological or pathological.  I'd venture to say being a loser in general is pretty miserable.  Fortunately I'll not have to experience that as I'm not a loser--I went out and got mines.  I dare say that you should have done the same, perhaps then you'd be far less miserable now.  Mind you I don't have the White  and Straight Privileges you have.
what the fuck?!

I don't agree with Kinser on Global Warming, but I'll side with him in that there are many Boomers who believe shit like that or worse. I once heard a story of a guy who believed there was some guru in India who could turn toxic waste into pure water.

As Kinser said - they think their charlatan of the week was better than all the scientists and doctors of the world put together.
(11-13-2019, 08:01 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: Key phrase there PBR..."Would pick".  Have you had your plethora of tests and observations done yet or are you still relying on the word of a social worker you had a five minute conversation with?

Honestly I don't know who is worse, you who reads an abstract on WebMD and decides he has X condition or my mother who is utterly convinced I didn't need to go to the oral surgeon to have a rotted tooth extracted; that it could be healed with crystals.  Good thing I went to culinary and not medical school.  Otherwise I'd be dealing with hypochondriac boomers when I wasn't dealing moronic new ager boomers who are convinced that their charlatan of the week is superior to my education and science.

As for misery, there are various causes for misery not all of them economic, sociological or pathological.  I'd venture to say being a loser in general is pretty miserable.  Fortunately I'll not have to experience that as I'm not a loser--I went out and got mines.  I dare say that you should have done the same, perhaps then you'd be far less miserable now.  Mind you I don't have the White  and Straight Privileges you have.

I would rather have Asperger's than pathological narcissism, which I consider second-worst. Pathological narcissists might be more successful in economic results for themselves, but think of the harm that they do to others! Narcissism well fits an oppressor or exploiter no matter what his ideology.

Nobody chooses to have Asperger's... but recognize that I have some imagination, and that at my age (63) I have seen a lot or have heard a lot. But nobody chooses low intelligence, schizophrenia, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sado-masochism, addiction, borderline personality, sexual perversion, or sociopathy, either.

I may not fully understand what it is like to be black, but you can trust that I know what white people say when they think themselves safe to express racist ideas. I have been around people proud only of being white. Then listen to their conversations on other aspects of life -- and those aspects of life do not include the music of Bela Bartok. White privilege, so far as I discern, means only that one can get away with more bad behavior. Example: white people use more drugs and worse drugs in part because they are less likely to be busted.

DMS-IV does not include homosexuality -- and that is a good thing.  Considering what genetic messes people with Asperger's are, it would be better for the world if we did not procreate. It does not include blackness, either. If I had to choose between being black and having Asperger's I would choose being black. The Talented Tenth seems to live well enough.

By the way -- I am no mystic. Anyone who thinks that crystals have any powers of healing is a fool. There are crystals that I would avoid, such as realgar (arsenic) and cinnabar (mercury). I find astrophysics far easier to understand than astrology.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(11-14-2019, 02:24 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(11-13-2019, 08:01 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: Key phrase there PBR..."Would pick".  Have you had your plethora of tests and observations done yet or are you still relying on the word of a social worker you had a five minute conversation with?

Honestly I don't know who is worse, you who reads an abstract on WebMD and decides he has X condition or my mother who is utterly convinced I didn't need to go to the oral surgeon to have a rotted tooth extracted; that it could be healed with crystals.  Good thing I went to culinary and not medical school.  Otherwise I'd be dealing with hypochondriac boomers when I wasn't dealing moronic new ager boomers who are convinced that their charlatan of the week is superior to my education and science.

As for misery, there are various causes for misery not all of them economic, sociological or pathological.  I'd venture to say being a loser in general is pretty miserable.  Fortunately I'll not have to experience that as I'm not a loser--I went out and got mines.  I dare say that you should have done the same, perhaps then you'd be far less miserable now.  Mind you I don't have the White  and Straight Privileges you have.

I would rather have Asperger's than pathological narcissism, which I consider second-worst. Pathological narcissists might be more successful in economic results for themselves, but think of the harm that they do to others! Narcissism well fits an oppressor or exploiter no matter what his ideology.

Nobody chooses to have Asperger's... but recognize that I have some imagination, and that at my age (63) I have seen a lot or have heard a lot. But nobody chooses low intelligence, schizophrenia, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sado-masochism, addiction, borderline personality, sexual perversion, or sociopathy, either.

I may not fully understand what it is like to be black, but you can trust that I know what white people say when they think themselves safe to express racist ideas. I have been around people proud only of being white. Then listen to their conversations on other aspects of life -- and those aspects of life do not include the music of Bela Bartok. White privilege, so far as I discern, means only that one can get away with more bad behavior. Example: white people use more drugs and worse drugs in part because they are less likely to be busted.  

DMS-IV does not include homosexuality -- and that is a good thing.  Considering what genetic messes people with Asperger's are, it would be better for the world if we did not procreate. It does not include blackness, either. If I had to choose between being black and having Asperger's I would choose being black. The Talented Tenth seems to live well enough.

By the way -- I am no mystic. Anyone who thinks that crystals have any powers of healing is a fool. There are crystals that I would avoid, such as realgar (arsenic) and cinnabar (mercury). I find astrophysics far easier to understand than astrology.

Astrophysics is pretty complicated. I understand the theories when explained to me, but doing the actual math requires a strong background in knowing what the symbols mean.

Astrology is a lot easier, but also requires knowing some symbols. It requires questioning the scientism dogmas that have been imposed upon us. Watching the Sheldrake and Watts videos or reading these articles, posted here under scientism, would help you see the point of view beyond scientism. 

Sheldrake points out that these dogmas are not the results of scientific investigation. They descend in large part from Christian myths. There is no more reason to hold on to a mythical mechanistic conception of life and Nature than to hold on to the myth of the Big Daddy Boss in the sky who creates everything. The scientism believers can't even get rid of the original miracle of the big bang. Much of modern physics, on the other hand, goes beyond the simple cause and effect mechanistic view, and even opens up the realm of astrology and esoteric realities. Quantum entanglement is a big new idea.

The idea of mechanical cause and effect is useful for creating machines, but that doesn't mean that because we can create machines, that the world is a machine. Conceiving the world as a machine reduces life to what can be pushed around. Dealing with our moral and psychological problems requires taking possession of yourself rather than being forced. That was the original insight of the greatest and first psychologist, the Buddha.

I know crystals can focus some degree of magnetic life power, as can be demonstrated, but it is a fairly weak energy compared to other means of heightening one's spiritual or healing energy. Crystals are pretty, and they make a good sales gimmick, and saying that they have some healing powers if you wear them is an attractive pitch for buying crystal jewelry. Women especially like to buy jewelry. Us guys have less use for it.

But even on a tech level, it's easy to see that crystals have power. Without them we would not have invented radio.

Seeing healing power in crystal jewelry is possible when you ditch the dogma that life and consciousness is a fluke of Nature. But our own conscious life could not have developed from a stupid mechanical universe. There are roots of consciousness below our own, which has emerged through the life process of evolution. Greater complexity of organisms means also greater consciousness and freedom within those organisms. That's the basic premise of Teilhard de Chardin's magnificent portrait of evolution. Darwinist ideas are not enough to explain what is happening.

It's a matter of being curious about life, and realizing that conventional mythology does not explain it. There are great frontiers of knowledge about spiritual realities to explore as well as frontiers of physical knowledge, and ultimately spirit and matter are terms that represent interdependent realities. This is not word salad; it is rock-solid basic roots awareness available to anyone. 

This curiosity and openness to life is needed if we are to look upon the universe and ourselves in a way that engenders respect and not manipulation. We are subjects, not just objects. Scientism is, then, a moral issue.

None of this means throwing away our rational faculties and thinking for yourself rather than accepting some miraculous claim. On the contrary, being curious and open to experience and evidence convinces me even more that mere believing things is not the way to go about things. A healthy skepticism will cure us of conspiracy theory, or of not using traditional western medicine when it is a proven healing method that's better than hoping the weak energy of crystals can cure a powerful disease. I am happy to use medicine that is proven to work, whatever kind that it is. I am grateful for the operation I had that turned back my prostate cancer. I am also happy for the powerful touch healing I received from a new age minister that cured me of a bad malfunction in my brain caused by drugs that the doctor just told me to see a psychiatrist about.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I don't insist that you or anyone should accept astrology as true. I think it has some truth, because I have been convinced by my own experiment and experience. No-one can make me doubt this; the coincidence that I was able to forecast before I looked it up everything in my chart, convinced me in a way no skeptic can question. Likewise in the late 1960s when I thought about what was going on, and postulated there was a rare conjunction of outer transcendental planets happening, and then saw that it indeed happened on the exact day that I thought, it was enough to show that there's something to it in a way that no supposed scientific argument could answer.

So I offer my astrological insights because they are relevant to the prophetic mission of The Fourth Turning. It offers another broader perspective on what is happening, and is based on my solid record of predictions I have made of major events such as 9-11, the 2008 crash and the end of the Soviet Empire. And so, my prediction of the return of progress in the 2020s, and the crisis of 2025, gives you a larger perspective that can provide some hope and less despair if one election goes the wrong way.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Are you materialist guys chasing your own tails? Before you knock us spiritualists, consider who is willing to take a look and think about these things, and you guys just accepting things at face value.

"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-13-2019, 10:42 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-13-2019, 08:01 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: Key phrase there PBR..."Would pick".  Have you had your plethora of tests and observations done yet or are you still relying on the word of a social worker you had a five minute conversation with?

Honestly I don't know who is worse, you who reads an abstract on WebMD and decides he has X condition or my mother who is utterly convinced I didn't need to go to the oral surgeon to have a rotted tooth extracted; that it could be healed with crystals.  Good thing I went to culinary and not medical school.  Otherwise I'd be dealing with hypochondriac boomers when I wasn't dealing moronic new ager boomers who are convinced that their charlatan of the week is superior to my education and science.

As for misery, there are various causes for misery not all of them economic, sociological or pathological.  I'd venture to say being a loser in general is pretty miserable.  Fortunately I'll not have to experience that as I'm not a loser--I went out and got mines.  I dare say that you should have done the same, perhaps then you'd be far less miserable now.  Mind you I don't have the White  and Straight Privileges you have.
what the fuck?! boomer mother, though a RN, believes a large amount of ridiculous new agey pseudo-medicine.  She is a particular kind of moron that seems more common in Prophet generations than in generations with other archetypes.  As for people believing in charlatans over persons with actual competency that is a human condition.

In my lifetime I've been taken in by a few charlatans and been one myself.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(11-14-2019, 02:24 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: I would rather have Asperger's than pathological narcissism, which I consider second-worst. Pathological narcissists might be more successful in economic results for themselves, but think of the harm that they do to others! Narcissism well fits an oppressor or exploiter no matter what his ideology.

Nobody chooses to have Asperger's... but recognize that I have some imagination, and that at my age (63) I have seen a lot or have heard a lot. But nobody chooses low intelligence, schizophrenia, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sado-masochism, addiction, borderline personality, sexual perversion, or sociopathy, either.

I may not fully understand what it is like to be black, but you can trust that I know what white people say when they think themselves safe to express racist ideas. I have been around people proud only of being white. Then listen to their conversations on other aspects of life -- and those aspects of life do not include the music of Bela Bartok. White privilege, so far as I discern, means only that one can get away with more bad behavior. Example: white people use more drugs and worse drugs in part because they are less likely to be busted.  

DMS-IV does not include homosexuality -- and that is a good thing.  Considering what genetic messes people with Asperger's are, it would be better for the world if we did not procreate. It does not include blackness, either. If I had to choose between being black and having Asperger's I would choose being black. The Talented Tenth seems to live well enough.

By the way -- I am no mystic. Anyone who thinks that crystals have any powers of healing is a fool. There are crystals that I would avoid, such as realgar (arsenic) and cinnabar (mercury). I find astrophysics far easier to understand than astrology.

I see you are avoiding my question as to whether you went out and got yourself an actual diagnosis.  I did not make a point about choosing to have a condition--people either have a condition or do not have a condition.  My question is as to your diagnosis.  Without a legitimate diagnosis I'm under no compulsion to accept your claim.

Furthermore, for some types of jobs I find that those on the spectrum outperform those not on it.  I've mentioned before actively seeking high functioning autistic persons for bakery positions with my company.  They generally focus more on the details of baking if they are so inclined and baking, unlike cooking generally, is more science than art.  Details and exactness are requirements to have a consistent product that the public demands.  Also they are far cheaper than buying in product, and the baked goods being made in house is a competitive advantage.  But that says more about my economic sense than my opinion of those on the spectrum.

Privilege, white or otherwise, as conceived by the Left is more worthless than horse shit.  It does not exist.  If whites are able to get away with more bad behavior than other races I think it has more to do with their generally greater wealth than those other races. Money may not buy happiness but it certainly can buy a decent lawyer.  I will not comment on the racism of other races.  My own race has its own racist problem which I've expounded upon elsewhere.

Homosexuality has not been listed as a psychological disorder for several decades now.  That isn't news.

Yes the Talented Tenth does really well.  Those of us who are slightly less talented but fortunate enough to have been born into what remained of the Black Bourgeoisie also also are doing quite well.  Those that have also taken advantage of every opportunity presented them are doing quite well also.  Remaining in the ghetto is a choice, and it is quite easy to leave the ghetto.  What is harder is not getting out of the ghetto but getting the ghetto out of oneself.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(11-12-2019, 11:10 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(11-08-2019, 07:55 AM)Hintergrund Wrote:
(11-04-2019, 06:27 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: My bet that she is a prop of her Antifa activist parents.

When they're right, they're right. Global Warming is a yuge problem and could become waaay more expensive than any countermeasure.

Global Warming is bunk.  Every prediction predicted to date has been wrong.  That track record is unlikely to change.  So-called climate models are about as effective at modeling the climate as Gosplan ( models were at modeling an economy.

Mathematical modeling is always flawed. Models vary in results depending on the levels of greenhouse gas emissions. That is the unpredictable amount. Add more carbon dioxide, halocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride  to the atmosphere, and more water vapor goes into the air. Water vapor is the most effective greenhouse gas, more powerful than carbon dioxide, but higher temperatures over the seas put more water vapor into the air because higher temperatures mean that more water can be held in the air. 

If you have ever noticed, the measurements of the shares of gases in the atmosphere are shown for those that do not vary by location  -- nitrogen, oxygen, argon, etc. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are not listed because those vary significantly. The air is much more 'juiced' in Kuwait than in Marseilles, let alone in polar regions. Oh, so why is Kuwait a desert if the air is so juiced? The cold fronts that bring drenching rain to  reach Marseilles in the winter, but cold fronts reach only about as far south as Tunis, Tehran and Tel Aviv in the winter.  

The models differ based on the amount of greenhouse gases that Humanity recklessly and improvidentially release into the atmosphere. Greenhouse emissions are the variable in the model. How the atmosphere acts with different levels of greenhouse gases is not so controversial.   

(this is a video showing projections of climate change. Note that dry zones expand and appear in places  in which they do not now exist.

 in 2100:

[Image: USA_env_MR_A2_2100_vividmaps.png]

There will be longer growing seasons -- but less water available. The C-D border between "rainy" winters and "snowy" winters goes from about Kansas City, St. Louis, and Louisville  to around Omaha, Chicago, and Detroit. Longer growing seasons will be nice in places like Fargo, North Dakota -- except that crops will need more rainfall and snow just to adjust to warmer conditions... and might be inadequate. Milder winters might expand the zone of tropical crop potential in Florida -- except that drought might intervene. California's San Joaquin Valley, one of the top crop-growing areas in America, becomes full-blown desert.   

The new Mediterranean belt along the Gulf Coast suggests that cold fronts will reach the southeastern USA only in the winter, late autumn, and early spring, but the air will still be juiced enough then for copious rainfall. There will apparently be no summer monsoon or a very slight one.  

Cactus will be part of the Los Angeles scene as they are in Phoenix. Full-blown desert starts appearing in southeastern Colorado and eastern New Mexico
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

PBR....Kilimanjaro was supposed to be snow cap free in 2016.  It's 2019 still got fucking snow.  Blizzards in the US was supposed to be a thing of the past by now.  If they can't predict 10 years out, then I have no reason to believe they can 80 years out.  You simply can't pretend that inconvenient truths do not exist.

It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
I always thought this study was fairly definitive.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-12-2019, 09:15 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote: Nanny state laws are even worse now in the UK than they were when you were growing up and the laws keep getting more and more extreme. Explain this.

Well in Australia, when these laws were first introduced nobody gave a damn about the young people being affected by it. However in recent years the attitude has changed, now that a lot of people are concerned that young people are being adversely affected by these laws.
(11-12-2019, 04:31 AM)Hintergrund Wrote: hey Teejay, are you Australian? Maybe it's just your family that's untypical. I always say, all people with shitty parents are a bit of a Nomad.

Yes I am an Australian, I admit while my family was very dysfunctional, that does not explain why a lot of peers (those born in the early to middle 1980s) are of a Nomad archetype. The only way I can explain this, is that Australia's last Awakening lasted all the way until 1989-90. Actually in much of the rest of the world, the last Awakening started about in 1968 and ended in 1989.
Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

So you see a fierce advocate as an Artist.  Why is that?  She fits the bill as a Prophet or even a Civic much better.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Her personality aligns more with prophet than artist. She's partly prophet and partly civic in personality.
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Only by using the Pew generation dates, which are not determined by generation traits but by demographics, and which reduce millennials to 15 years and also shorten Xers. Not reliable.

The Parkland kids are archetypal civics. In the wake of the shootings, millennial politics came of age. The climate change activists display the same.

Thunberg is a civic/artist cusper.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-22-2019, 05:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Only by using the Pew generation dates, which are not determined by generation traits but by demographics, and which reduce millennials to 15 years and also shorten Xers. Not reliable.

The Parkland kids are archetypal civics. In the wake of the shootings, millennial politics came of age. The climate change activists display the same.

Thunberg is a civic/artist cusper.

That sounds more like Columbine, which was definitely when Millennial/Civic politics came of age because a good chunk of them were in school then (1981-1993; 1981 is the odd one out because they're Nomads).

Parkland, similarly, was when Artist/Homelander politics came of age, as a good chunk of Homelanders were in school for the event (2000-2012).

Therefore, 1994-1999 is the Civic/Artist cusp because they weren't at school when either event took place.
(11-22-2019, 05:47 PM)Ghost Wrote:
(11-22-2019, 05:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Only by using the Pew generation dates, which are not determined by generation traits but by demographics, and which reduce millennials to 15 years and also shorten Xers. Not reliable.

The Parkland kids are archetypal civics. In the wake of the shootings, millennial politics came of age. The climate change activists display the same.

Thunberg is a civic/artist cusper.

That sounds more like Columbine, which was definitely when Millennial/Civic politics came of age because a good chunk of them were in school then (1981-1993; 1981 is the odd one out because they're Nomads).

Parkland, similarly, was when Artist/Homelander politics came of age, as a good chunk of Homelanders were in school for the event (2000-2012).

Therefore, 1994-1999 is the Civic/Artist cusp because they weren't at school when either event took place.

But they were in school for other school shootings.
(11-22-2019, 05:47 PM)Ghost Wrote:
(11-22-2019, 05:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Only by using the Pew generation dates, which are not determined by generation traits but by demographics, and which reduce millennials to 15 years and also shorten Xers. Not reliable.

The Parkland kids are archetypal civics. In the wake of the shootings, millennial politics came of age. The climate change activists display the same.

Thunberg is a civic/artist cusper.

That sounds more like Columbine, which was definitely when Millennial/Civic politics came of age because a good chunk of them were in school then (1981-1993; 1981 is the odd one out because they're Nomads).

Parkland, similarly, was when Artist/Homelander politics came of age, as a good chunk of Homelanders were in school for the event (2000-2012).

Therefore, 1994-1999 is the Civic/Artist cusp because they weren't at school when either event took place.

Seems like in both cases, one when the first millennials were coming of age, and another when later ones were, was the same stimulus to take the same kind of civic action. In the latter case, it's even more intense and the result is more civic participation.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-22-2019, 10:59 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(11-22-2019, 05:47 PM)Ghost Wrote:
(11-22-2019, 05:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-21-2019, 10:11 PM)Ghost Wrote: Greta Thunberg definitely belongs to the Artist archetype.

The "Artist" age of politics really ushered in during the aftermath of the Parkland shootings, which indisputably gave them an identity separate from that of the Hero archetype.

Only by using the Pew generation dates, which are not determined by generation traits but by demographics, and which reduce millennials to 15 years and also shorten Xers. Not reliable.

The Parkland kids are archetypal civics. In the wake of the shootings, millennial politics came of age. The climate change activists display the same.

Thunberg is a civic/artist cusper.

That sounds more like Columbine, which was definitely when Millennial/Civic politics came of age because a good chunk of them were in school then (1981-1993; 1981 is the odd one out because they're Nomads).

Parkland, similarly, was when Artist/Homelander politics came of age, as a good chunk of Homelanders were in school for the event (2000-2012).

Therefore, 1994-1999 is the Civic/Artist cusp because they weren't at school when either event took place.

But they were in school for other school shootings.

True, but the Columbine shooting and the Parkland shooting were both key events for the generations that were involved in them.

The former was when Millennials/Civics started to make an impact in the world, whereas the latter was when Homelanders/Artists started to make an impact in the world.

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