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02-20-2020, 02:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2020, 02:24 PM by Marypoza.)
(02-20-2020, 07:14 AM)David Horn Wrote: (02-20-2020, 12:06 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: (02-19-2020, 05:27 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (02-17-2020, 08:51 AM)David Horn Wrote: (02-16-2020, 03:28 PM)Marypoza Wrote: l agree w/u about the Greens backing Bernie & courting his supporters so they'll vote Green in the general should Bernie not be on the ballot. Over 91 million voters stayed home in 2016. Not all of them were Berniecrats, but despite what Eric sez, a good chunk of them were, & all 91 million stayed home bcuz they felt they had no horse in the race. If the Greens can convince just 5% of the electorate 2 vote 4 their guy- viola! new party on the horizon 
If Bernie’s followers do that, Trump wins. If Trump wins, there’s a real possibility that our system of government won’t survive his second term. Barring that, it’s a given that our alliances will fail. So the world will look a lot less friendly to us, and the international trading system may collapse entirely.
That’s a heavy burden for the left ... one it may not survive in our lifetime.
-- I've been doing my research on Bloomberg. He actually makes the Donald look good. Don't care 4 what I'm reading about Buttcheat either. But that's Bside the point of my post. If progressives can get our own viable party 2 build & be able 2 run progressive candidates , we won't need the Dems. We can. FINALLY get off their plantation 
On facebook I am battling a so-called Democrat who puts her Party first and will not support Bernie because he's a socialist and not a registered Democrat. And here we have our beloved Marypoza (butterfly) saying people should bolt and vote Green to teach Democrats a message if they don't nominate Bernie.
I disagree. I have voted Green many times. I want a progressive Democratic Party and am voting for Bernie. But our country is more important than our Party. Unless you guys don't get your way, meaning that Democrats vote blue no matter who in 2020, then you won't have a country or a world in which to hold your Party. Face up to it. Don't evade your responsibility to vote blue no matter who against pure evil, tyranny and destruction this time in 2020.
Let me add that, unlike the Republicans, Democrats tend to be a bit ornery. I can’t see Bloomberg buying this. It’s not Trump 2.0. I’m still baffled by the lack of closure, but Super Tuesday should resolve that. The two most likely to be there at the end are Bernie and Pete/Amy. Only one gets through, so flip a coin.
-- interesting pov considering most of the analysts think Amy & Sneaky Pete won't make it past Super Tuesday due 2 lack of minority & Southern support. But they could be wrong & u could be right. Personally l hope Amy & Pete mudwrestle each other in2 oblivion so Bernie can get the nomination
ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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Ask me on Election Night, 2020... probably around midnight.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.
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(02-20-2020, 02:22 PM)Marypoza Wrote: ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
At any other time But this I would agree; not this time. Trump is tearing our institutions to shreds. A fire hydrant gets my vote if it’s running against Trump!
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
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(02-21-2020, 12:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: (02-20-2020, 02:22 PM)Marypoza Wrote: ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
At any other time But this I would agree; not this time. Trump is tearing our institutions to shreds. A fire hydrant gets my vote if it’s running against Trump!
Meaning that you have definitely learned your ABTs.
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02-21-2020, 05:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2020, 08:30 PM by Marypoza.)
(02-21-2020, 12:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: (02-20-2020, 02:22 PM)Marypoza Wrote: ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
At any other time But this I would agree; not this time. Trump is tearing our institutions to shreds. A fire hydrant gets my vote if it’s running against Trump!
-- does that include Ol Stop & Frisk? Becuz, Eric's #s game notwithstanding, we may very well end up with a "choice" btween 2 repug sexual predator oligarchs from the Vampire Class. This is how f-ed up the Dems have bcome: they got a f-ing repug running in their primaries. Actually 2, but she's circling the drain. lt has come 2 this bcuz whenever ppl talk about leaving the plantation & voting alternative or starting a new party, the response is similar 2 yours: oh no we can't, not this election. We gotta vote against (insert either turd or shit sandwich here, take your pick) we'll start the new party after the election. Except we never get that new progressive party, do we? lt's the ultimate practical application of the Einsteinian definition of insanity
we should of left the Dem plantation awhile back. l understand time is of the essence here, which is y l suggest jumpstarting the existing Green Party instead of trying 2 start a new party from scratch. But we do need our own progressive party & we need it like last week
your vote is yours, vote 4 a fire hydrant if that's what u want. Just watch out 4 dogs. l have never in my years of voting voted against anybody. Always 4 somebody. Or something. This year it's Bernie, or failing that, vote Green
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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02-21-2020, 05:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2020, 08:28 PM by Marypoza.)
(02-20-2020, 12:06 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: (02-19-2020, 05:27 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (02-17-2020, 08:51 AM)David Horn Wrote: (02-16-2020, 03:28 PM)Marypoza Wrote: l agree w/u about the Greens backing Bernie & courting his supporters so they'll vote Green in the general should Bernie not be on the ballot. Over 91 million voters stayed home in 2016. Not all of them were Berniecrats, but despite what Eric sez, a good chunk of them were, & all 91 million stayed home bcuz they felt they had no horse in the race. If the Greens can convince just 5% of the electorate 2 vote 4 their guy- viola! new party on the horizon 
If Bernie’s followers do that, Trump wins. If Trump wins, there’s a real possibility that our system of government won’t survive his second term. Barring that, it’s a given that our alliances will fail. So the world will look a lot less friendly to us, and the international trading system may collapse entirely.
That’s a heavy burden for the left ... one it may not survive in our lifetime.
-- I've been doing my research on Bloomberg. He actually makes the Donald look good. Don't care 4 what I'm reading about Buttcheat either. But that's Bside the point of my post. If progressives can get our own viable party 2 build & be able 2 run progressive candidates , we won't need the Dems. We can. FINALLY get off their plantation 
On facebook I am battling a so-called Democrat who puts her Party first and will not support Bernie because he's a socialist and not a registered Democrat. And here we have our beloved Marypoza (butterfly) saying people should bolt and vote Green to teach Democrats a message if they don't nominate Bernie.
I disagree. I have voted Green many times. I want a progressive Democratic Party and am voting for Bernie. But our country is more important than our Party. Unless you guys don't get your way, meaning that Democrats vote blue no matter who in 2020, then you won't have a country or a world in which to hold your Party. Face up to it. Don't evade your responsibility to vote blue no matter who against pure evil, tyranny and destruction this time in 2020.
-- l want a progressive party. Period. lf Bernie, Tulsi, the Squad, Ro Khanna, et al can turn the Dems around more power 2 them. But l also blieve in hedging my bets (it's the only way 2 walk out of a casino & not b broke) if the Vampire Class screws Bernie over, then it's time 2 move on & vote Green. I'm not saying this 2 teach the Dems a lesson. l'm not interested in teaching them a lesson. They haven't learned anything from 2016, what makes u think they'll learn anything if the Berniecrats successfully resurrect the Greens after they (DNC) screw Bernie over again? F them.
what l am interested in- ok l'm a Berniecrat thru & thru & l want Bernie winning the general & in the WH next year. But, as a student of this theory, l want 2 see if the progressives can get off the Dem plantation & jumpstart the Green party, or any progressive party 4 that matter. l have noticed, as l posted earlier this week a pattern of political parties coming during Awakenings & going during Crises & being replaced. Bernie is blazing a path 2 regeneracy, the Vampire Class is trying 2 thwart it. What if they're successful, then what? lf the Dems, continue 2 swim against the tide of regeneracy, will they get swept away & a new viable party replace them? Bcuz unless they change their tune like say, some time b4 July, that could happen. l just wanna see how this rolls, that's all. As a student of the theory, that is
as 4 your friend, what does she say about Bloomberg? He's a repug. made that pie chart, btw. Sez so on the chart
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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If the Berniecrats split off and go Green, and I might go with them again because I am Eric the Green, wouldn't that split the opposition to the repugs, and they win? I just don't think the nation and the world can afford the repugs winning anymore.
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(02-22-2020, 04:17 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: If the Berniecrats split off and go Green, and I might go with them again because I am Eric the Green, wouldn't that split the opposition to the repugs, and they win? I just don't think the nation and the world can afford the repugs winning anymore.
-- that may be the only way 2 jumpstart the regeneracy. The old neolibturd way has 2 go, has 2 be burnt 2 the ground. Maybe 4 mo yrs is what's needed
Otoh it looks like the Bernie Juggernaut is getting legs. We'll have 2 see how this rolls
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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02-23-2020, 01:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2020, 01:18 AM by Eric the Green.)
(02-22-2020, 08:17 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (02-22-2020, 04:17 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: If the Berniecrats split off and go Green, and I might go with them again because I am Eric the Green, wouldn't that split the opposition to the repugs, and they win? I just don't think the nation and the world can afford the repugs winning anymore.
-- that may be the only way 2 jumpstart the regeneracy. The old neolibturd way has 2 go, has 2 be burnt 2 the ground. Maybe 4 mo yrs is what's needed
Otoh it looks like the Bernie Juggernaut is getting legs. We'll have 2 see how this rolls
Gee whiz Mary, 4 mo years? It's been 40 years since that fluke election in which the actor Reagan charmed the people into making neo-liberal Reaganomics the national ideology. Now we have to wait another 4 years, to make it 44? Gee whiz, it might happen, but I hope not. It will certainly be a rocky storm if Trump is re-elected. I'm not sure whether he can be stopped in time from pushing our poor planet over the edge to the great extinction.
Bernie outperformed the polls showing him up by 13 in Nevada by something like 14 more points. He won't do that well in the south, and yet he is at least leading in many states there in Biden's territory, and he could even improve there now. It looks like it's rolling.
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02-23-2020, 01:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2020, 01:16 AM by Eric the Green.)
(02-21-2020, 12:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: (02-20-2020, 02:22 PM)Marypoza Wrote: ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
At any other time But this I would agree; not this time. Trump is tearing our institutions to shreds. A fire hydrant gets my vote if it’s running against Trump!
Me too. And I know Mary remembers that I have voted Green twice even when Bush was the repug nominee, although I secretly did some campaigning for Kerry. I voted Green 5 times total, and was a local Party official. The evil on the other side is far worse now. And there's the fact that any further Republican rule means disaster on a catastrophic scale now.
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(02-23-2020, 01:05 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: (02-22-2020, 08:17 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (02-22-2020, 04:17 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: If the Berniecrats split off and go Green, and I might go with them again because I am Eric the Green, wouldn't that split the opposition to the repugs, and they win? I just don't think the nation and the world can afford the repugs winning anymore.
-- that may be the only way 2 jumpstart the regeneracy. The old neolibturd way has 2 go, has 2 be burnt 2 the ground. Maybe 4 mo yrs is what's needed
Otoh it looks like the Bernie Juggernaut is getting legs. We'll have 2 see how this rolls
Gee whiz Mary, 4 mo years? It's been 40 years since that fluke election in which the actor Reagan charmed the people into making neo-liberal Reaganomics the national ideology. Now we have to wait another 4 years, to make it 44? Gee whiz, it might happen, but I hope not. It will certainly be a rocky storm if Trump is re-elected. I'm not sure whether he can be stopped in time from pushing our poor planet over the edge to the great extinction.
Bernie outperformed the polls showing him up by 13 in Nevada by something like 14 more points. He won't do that well in the south, and yet he is at least leading in many states there in Biden's territory, and he could even improve there now. It looks like it's rolling.
-- l never said l wanted 4 mo years. I said that's what it may take 2 get the regeneracy going. Hopefully the Bernie Juggernaut will roll str8 in2 the WH & prevent that. We'll see how it rolls l8r 2day
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
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(03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
The regeneracy is not a culture clean-up (which didn't occur anyway), although the cleaner and brighter pop music of 2010-2014 was a good omen. Too bad it went away again. The regeneracy has recently gotten underway as the various anti-Trump forces have gathered. The regeneracy is seen in the women's marches protesting Trump (the biggest demonstrations ever), the March for Our Lives organized by the Parkland survivors, the 2018 campaign which recovered the House from the evil ones, the climate rallies, the Bernie campaign, and other movements around the world. If Biden wins it will continue as the drive to push him forward if the Democrats win the Senate. The 2020s will be a progressive decade to one extent or another. The regeneracy today is making that possible. If Trump wins in 2020, the resistance will ramp up for the 2022 midterms and possible re-impeachment before then.
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(03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
No offense, but I don't get what's this thing about 2006.
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(03-31-2020, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: (03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
The regeneracy is not a culture clean-up (which didn't occur anyway), although the cleaner and brighter pop music of 2010-2014 was a good omen. Too bad it went away again. The regeneracy has recently gotten underway as the various anti-Trump forces have gathered. The regeneracy is seen in the women's marches protesting Trump (the biggest demonstrations ever), the March for Our Lives organized by the Parkland survivors, the 2018 campaign which recovered the House from the evil ones, the climate rallies, the Bernie campaign, and other movements around the world. If Biden wins it will continue as the drive to push him forward if the Democrats win the Senate. The 2020s will be a progressive decade to one extent or another. The regeneracy today is making that possible. If Trump wins in 2020, the resistance will ramp up for the 2022 midterms and possible re-impeachment before then.
Do you feel as though the much maligned Occupy movement occurred too early for it to be successful?
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(03-31-2020, 04:55 PM)Ghost Wrote: (03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
No offense, but I don't get what's this thing about 2006.
2006 is the period just before the Great Recession, but after the mortgage crisis began. The cracks were showing, but we just partied on. It's also the year of Hurricane Katrina, and the mess that followed (think of this as the precursor of Trumpian nonperformance on COVID-19).
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
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(04-01-2020, 09:49 AM)David Horn Wrote: (03-31-2020, 04:55 PM)Ghost Wrote: (03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
No offense, but I don't get what's this thing about 2006.
2006 is the period just before the Great Recession, but after the mortgage crisis began. The cracks were showing, but we just partied on. It's also the year of Hurricane Katrina, and the mess that followed (think of this as the precursor of Trumpian nonperformance on COVID-19).
Well, Katrina was 2005, but a sort of worryfest followed, and a green boom powered by Al Gore, and a change in congress (typical 6th-year midterm, and we can expect a bigger tsunami in 2022 if Trump is re-elected).
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04-01-2020, 03:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-01-2020, 03:37 PM by Eric the Green.)
(02-21-2020, 05:09 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (02-21-2020, 12:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: (02-20-2020, 02:22 PM)Marypoza Wrote: ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it
At any other time But this I would agree; not this time. Trump is tearing our institutions to shreds. A fire hydrant gets my vote if it’s running against Trump!
-- does that include Ol Stop & Frisk? Becuz, Eric's #s game notwithstanding, we may very well end up with a "choice" btween 2 repug sexual predator oligarchs from the Vampire Class. This is how f-ed up the Dems have bcome: they got a f-ing repug running in their primaries. Actually 2, but she's circling the drain. lt has come 2 this bcuz whenever ppl talk about leaving the plantation & voting alternative or starting a new party, the response is similar 2 yours: oh no we can't, not this election. We gotta vote against (insert either turd or shit sandwich here, take your pick) we'll start the new party after the election. Except we never get that new progressive party, do we? lt's the ultimate practical application of the Einsteinian definition of insanity
we should of left the Dem plantation awhile back. l understand time is of the essence here, which is y l suggest jumpstarting the existing Green Party instead of trying 2 start a new party from scratch. But we do need our own progressive party & we need it like last week
your vote is yours, vote 4 a fire hydrant if that's what u want. Just watch out 4 dogs. l have never in my years of voting voted against anybody. Always 4 somebody. Or something. This year it's Bernie, or failing that, vote Green
We needed that Green Party, for sure, and I joined it in 1991, and voted for it 5 times in presidential elections. It takes a people willing to jump on board, and so far too many Americans have jumped on the Republican ship to doom instead. So there's no alternative to Biden now, except to pressure him like crazy if he's elected, and continue to support Bernie's revolution to make the Democratic Party truly Democratic again. We can't break it up until the other guys break up. The evil on the other side is too great, and too united and powerful, and is a much greater evil than the Democratic side. But once the repugs break up, then the dems can too.
The dems could have opted for a progressive in 2020, but the older Democratic voters chickened out. OK Boomers, so we'll see what you can do with your half-measures again. This time we're going to rise up and make them whole.
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(03-31-2020, 05:53 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: (03-31-2020, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: (03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
The regeneracy is not a culture clean-up (which didn't occur anyway), although the cleaner and brighter pop music of 2010-2014 was a good omen. Too bad it went away again. The regeneracy has recently gotten underway as the various anti-Trump forces have gathered. The regeneracy is seen in the women's marches protesting Trump (the biggest demonstrations ever), the March for Our Lives organized by the Parkland survivors, the 2018 campaign which recovered the House from the evil ones, the climate rallies, the Bernie campaign, and other movements around the world. If Biden wins it will continue as the drive to push him forward if the Democrats win the Senate. The 2020s will be a progressive decade to one extent or another. The regeneracy today is making that possible. If Trump wins in 2020, the resistance will ramp up for the 2022 midterms and possible re-impeachment before then.
Do you feel as though the much maligned Occupy movement occurred too early for it to be successful?
They didn't even try to be successful. They didn't believe in voting. They could have cleaned out congress, but at least Obama was re-elected. FWIW.
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04-02-2020, 05:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2020, 05:21 AM by Blazkovitz.)
(03-31-2020, 04:55 PM)Ghost Wrote: (03-31-2020, 06:00 AM)Blazkovitz Wrote: There was a regeneracy in the 2006-2014 period, the drive to clean up the pop culture for Millennials. But then the 90s nostalgia happened.
No offense, but I don't get what's this thing about 2006.
To be more precise, there was a change of mood after Hurricane Katrina in late 2005. Then the Iraqi civil war made neocon interventions seem a lost cause... and this was the time when social media craze began.
Also, check out:
So I maintain 2006 is the year when proper millennial culture started.