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10-29-2018, 06:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2018, 07:00 PM by Eric the Green.)
(10-29-2018, 06:21 AM)Bill the Piper Wrote: (10-28-2018, 04:36 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Earth and Nature DO give us our life, although Nature includes Spirit too. But our descendants are not going to be living on Mars. Maybe a few adventurous souls will stay there for a while, and then come home. There will be no "terraforming," (yes I say confidently), and even if there were, Mars is too small to hold our teeming billions.
I believe the opposite. We need to spread and colonize the stars. This is a duty, in order to realize the potential of the Universe and fill its voids with life. For our mental and emotional enrichment we also need contact with other modes of intelligence and personality (whether naturally evolved on other planets or artificial made by us). The choice is between the extropian adventure in the Cosmos and stagnation. Without constant expansion our existence will cease to be an adventure. Art and philosophy will be able only to reiterate old achievements. Social order will become stereotyped, until some natural disaster destroys us. Such are the costs of abandoning space exploration.
The adventure we need today is the reawakening to Earth, and to higher consciousness of Spirit. Art and philosophy have many new avenues to explore, were the 2T awakening of the sixties and earlier ones sincerely appreciated, and the inner space within us explored. The human potential movement, forgotten by millennials and rejected by Xers, is the only true frontier. Mere material conquests, whether on Earth or in Space, are boring. We cannot spread a failed civilization to other planets or into space. We must create a successful civilization here. THAT is the challenge, which we are a long, long way off from achieving. According to my cosmic calendar, expansion into space will not be a major factor until the 25th century. By then, the myth as you call it below will be a routine reality.
Quote:Quote:Earth is indeed the most unique planet not only in our puny solar system, but perhaps in our entire galaxy. This is indicated to us by the traits of the lights in our sky, the Sun and Moon. They literally reflect the most precious and radiant metals in the universe, gold and silver respectively. This indication is further expressed by the fact that these two lights are the same size when viewed from Earth, and by all the mathematical proportions among our lights and planets that indicate the special harmony that exists here in this solar system as experienced and viewed from here on Earth. And the spirit life of Earth is so amazingly beautiful, inspiring and alive that other alien beings who have expanded into the galaxy come here to steal our DNA and otherwise learn from the special living beings here who have such perfect bodies and amazing spirits.
You seriously believe in this myth? Or is this your response to me quoting Orion's Arm myths?
Of course Orion's Arm is in no way a religious prophecy (I was ridiculed on another forum for quoting it), but it shows a civilization we should strive to become.
Orion's Arm is an obscure website culture. I don't remember if my statement is a response to it. My impression is that you don't appreciate enough the unique value and place in the cosmos of the Earth. That is something which I champion by pointing out these facts.
So many people have been visited and abducted already by aliens, that I feel that by the 25th century this contact will have become well entrenched. If we humans someday can venture out into other planets and star systems, as you assert, then there can be little doubt that other civilizations have already arisen and developed the ability to visit us. Our star system is a 4 billion year old wonder in a 13 billion-year old universe. I doubt we are the first.
Quote:Quote:If technology remain a means, and not the ends, or the evolutionary destination, then technology can serve us well. But only if humans are clear about what the goals of life are for which tech is a means, and about how our technology can advance the interests of all of life, and not just human life. Future tech must be what was recently (before millennials) called "appropriate" for the values of the Whole Earth. The Catalogue of that name is still relevant, along with Mother Earth News, although ignored right now by most millennials who live in their smart phones (millennials are wonderful in many ways, don't get me wrong, I love millennials, but they may be more limited in their perceptions right now than they realize, because the second turning has largely been kept hidden from them).
Sorry to disappoint you. I don't live in a smart phone. I prefer to identify as an Xennial since I'm also critical of millennials, in two ways. The first is their predisposition to collectivism, shared with the previous civic generation. The second is the fact that the digital gadgets made them superficial emotionally. This is a result of addiction of sorts. Interacting with these gadgets result in dopamine levels going up. It's similar to porn addiction or alcoholism. We need to fix our genes to make future generations invulnerable to addiction!
I'd say their predisposition to collectivism is their most positive trait; not that it can't go too far, indeed, but given the USA's obsession with individualism, as justification of greed, and its rulership of our country for 40 years now and counting, a strong does of collectivism helps millennials to be aware of real issues like climate change, inequality, abuse by bosses, and the need for democratic reform. The less-collectivist generations that preceded millennials are hooked on the idea of individualism, which has thoroughly blinded many of them to real issues that affect the collective. If this collectivism leads eventually to true civic engagement, then it could remedy the USA's regression and set it on a better course.
Addiction to smart phones and gadgets is a chief millennial trait. It is not genetic, and I am completely skeptical of those kinds of fixes. I think it will only be the next 2T that awakens some of them, and succeeding generations, to wake up from this virtual matrix.
Quote:Quote:Perfected future galactic humans will only be able to make great art if they are attuned and inspired to the organic aspects of life, as well as to its mystic aspects within. Even the best purely electronic music that I know (and I know a lot of it) is inspired by experiences in nature and with spirit. Artists above all need to be sensitive to feelings and intimations that come from their lives. Machines will never accomplish this.
If wouldn't say A.I.s will never create art. But it is very likely that their art won't appeal to us, and our art won't appeal to them. Too much difference in basic mental patterns. But this is mere speculation. If by mystical aspects you mean emotions, A.I.s and transhumans will certainly need that to create true art.
Yes indeed, but AIs and transhumans will likely not have genuine emotions. But no, mystical aspects are numinous experiences of spirit as reality, within ourselves or in larger beings. The purpose of art is first of all to be a handmaiden to religion in its expression of revelation, and the most genuine revelations are not from religious authorities, but personal experiences of the beyond within.
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(10-29-2018, 06:34 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: So what will be purged? Lets start with the culture. I expect the worst X elements in culture such as the cynicism and destructiveness in pop music to be gone -- and to not return until the next Reactive generation comes onto the scene. I expect communications to be more sanitized, with seditious material being treated much like Communist propaganda was in the last 1T.
That is already starting to happening on social media, for example; the recent deplatforming on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Also it has spread to other social media platforms such as Gab (which has temporarily shutdown) after that Pittsburgh shooter had an account on it.
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10-30-2018, 05:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2018, 06:10 AM by Bill the Piper.)
(10-29-2018, 06:59 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: We must create a successful civilization here. THAT is the challenge, which we are a long, long way off from achieving. According to my cosmic calendar, expansion into space will not be a major factor until the 25th century. By then, the myth as you call it below will be a routine reality.
True. It's better to eradicate the barbarian elements from our culture before they spread into space. Noone wants al-Qaeda creating its space colonies.
Quote:Orion's Arm is an obscure website culture. I don't remember if my statement is a response to it.
True. But I believe its core values will become more popular. This cosmic perspective is by no means unique to this website culture. It probably started with Giordano Bruno. The reason I reference OA because I'm familiar with their concepts, which are interesting thought experiments (like all good fiction). I also referenced Stapledon's and Tsiolkovsky's philosophical writings,. Some people are fans of obscure writers and learn important things from their books.
Quote:My impression is that you don't appreciate enough the unique value and place in the cosmos of the Earth. That is something which I champion by pointing out these facts.
So many people have been visited and abducted already by aliens, that I feel that by the 25th century this contact will have become well entrenched. If we humans someday can venture out into other planets and star systems, as you assert, then there can be little doubt that other civilizations have already arisen and developed the ability to visit us. Our star system is a 4 billion year old wonder in a 13 billion-year old universe. I doubt we are the first.
I agree that there almost certainly are other civilizations in the Universe. Have they visited us? "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". I find none. The main reason I dismiss UFO stories is that the aliens are always depicted as humanoid. Poverty of imagination, nothing else.
Quote:Addiction to smart phones and gadgets is a chief millennial trait. It is not genetic, and I am completely skeptical of those kinds of fixes. I think it will only be the next 2T that awakens some of them, and succeeding generations, to wake up from this virtual matrix.
The vulnerability to addiction is certainly a genetic flaw in human nature. But the type of addiction is certainly related to the generational cycle. Faceborg and Instaslag are two civic obsessions united: community and technology (Instagram adds sex as well, that's why I use this nickname). Other generations had other temptations: gen X played with gadgets less, but used more hard drugs like amphetamine or cocaine. Boomers smoked weed and used hallucinogens. Maybe the Silent look best in that respect.
I agree that next 2T will involve rebellion against social media and other form of techno-addiction, in fact I hope for that. The emphasis will move to improving our minds, perhaps using biotechnology in addition to more traditional methods such as meditation.
Quote:mystical aspects are numinous experiences of spirit as reality, within ourselves or in larger beings. The purpose of art is first of all to be a handmaiden to religion in its expression of revelation, and the most genuine revelations are not from religious authorities, but personal experiences of the beyond within.
Well, you'd love the Middle Ages!
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10-30-2018, 08:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2018, 08:59 AM by pbrower2a.)
(10-30-2018, 01:01 AM)Teejay Wrote: (10-29-2018, 06:34 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: So what will be purged? Lets start with the culture. I expect the worst X elements in culture such as the cynicism and destructiveness in pop music to be gone -- and to not return until the next Reactive generation comes onto the scene. I expect communications to be more sanitized, with seditious material being treated much like Communist propaganda was in the last 1T.
That is already starting to happening on social media, for example; the recent deplatforming on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Also it has spread to other social media platforms such as Gab (which has temporarily shutdown) after that Pittsburgh shooter had an account on it.
The social media have always had rules. Most social media have advertising as an objective, and spammers deny suppliers of media the ability to charge people for posting the classified ad. A news site obviously does not want one to offer to sell your used car except by advertising it. Forums also can shut down access to someone who uses those forums for lewd, salacious, or offensive material. If someone were to post antisemitic drivel on this site, you could count on someone like me (and I doubt that I would be alone) calling it to the attention of the threadmaster.
Cesar Sayoc was like many Trump supporters -- loud, but not obviously violent. Only after he was caught in the act was his account removed. People can go over the top with little warning to anyone. I know people who fully accept the Trump agenda, but I don't see them likely to make or mail pipe bombs.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.
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(10-11-2018, 07:01 AM)Theojm Wrote: I don't understand how some think that they can predict the "purge" continuing into the first turning? There's still 7-9 years left of the fourth turning.
Are you sure this Fourth Turning won't take longer? Because I'd bet it'll take longer. Hell, Artists like Nancy Pelosi still have lots of influence (and I hoped the Midterms would solve that problem at least). According to that, it's as if we're still in the Third Turning!
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People reading this think about the movie - but still, last time I checked, purging people like that was verboten.
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(10-25-2018, 10:19 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: In the case of Abraham, one voice told him to sacrifice his son and another told him not to do so. Apparently, God said no, and I can't say who gave the other voice.
Not doing human sacrifices is one of the first characteristics separating Judaism from other religions, including the Ba'al cult.
-- if you are referring to the Binding of Isaac, it was, ahem *gawd* who demanded this sacrifice. Lord Michael came down & stopped Abraham from doing the deed
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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(10-22-2018, 12:44 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: (10-22-2018, 07:22 AM)Bill the Piper Wrote: (10-10-2018, 05:54 AM)Teejay Wrote: Nationalism and Populism are going to become words akin to Fascism and Nazism.
Something like this has already happened, but to different words. Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are already dirty words in most of othe Western World.
I agree. Both Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are utter failures. Only idiots still believe those ideologies even work after all of the clusterfucks we've experienced from both
--- they aren't failures to the 1% getting rich off them. Problem is these parasites run the DNC. That might be the purge, the civil war, whatever you want to call it, that's needed- ridding society of these parasites
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020
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(11-14-2018, 12:46 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (10-22-2018, 12:44 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: (10-22-2018, 07:22 AM)Bill the Piper Wrote: (10-10-2018, 05:54 AM)Teejay Wrote: Nationalism and Populism are going to become words akin to Fascism and Nazism.
Something like this has already happened, but to different words. Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are already dirty words in most of othe Western World.
I agree. Both Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are utter failures. Only idiots still believe those ideologies even work after all of the clusterfucks we've experienced from both
--- they aren't failures to the 1% getting rich off them. Problem is these parasites run the DNC. That might be the purge, the civil war, whatever you want to call it, that's needed- ridding society of these parasites
It kind of depends how far the purge could get to be. If it's the earth that's doing the job, then the 1% will wind up being purged. Neoliberal and Neoconservative polices do very bad things to the environment. And yes, the DNC needs to wake up that fake Republicans or Republican Light folks lose elections to real Republicans.
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(11-14-2018, 05:50 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: (11-14-2018, 12:46 PM)Marypoza Wrote: (10-22-2018, 12:44 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: (10-22-2018, 07:22 AM)Bill the Piper Wrote: (10-10-2018, 05:54 AM)Teejay Wrote: Nationalism and Populism are going to become words akin to Fascism and Nazism.
Something like this has already happened, but to different words. Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are already dirty words in most of othe Western World.
I agree. Both Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are utter failures. Only idiots still believe those ideologies even work after all of the clusterfucks we've experienced from both
--- they aren't failures to the 1% getting rich off them. Problem is these parasites run the DNC. That might be the purge, the civil war, whatever you want to call it, that's needed- ridding society of these parasites
It kind of depends how far the purge could get to be. If it's the earth that's doing the job, then the 1% will wind up being purged. Neoliberal and Neoconservative polices do very bad things to the environment. And yes, the DNC needs to wake up that fake Republicans or Republican Light folks lose elections to real Republicans.
-- Harry Truman said it best: "Give the voters a choice btween a (dino) repug & a (real) repug, they'll choose the (real) repug everytime"
 my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020