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skipped an archetype like time before last?
(04-30-2019, 09:02 PM)TheNomad Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 07:39 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote: Millennials were aborted. Numbers
You are not receiving my signal.  I am unsure I can give more power to the transmission.  peace

I guess it's more an incompatibility of views. I don't value words and phrases as much as I do actions. If the words and actions don't match up in real life, it's most likely virtue signaling. This is why raw data matters most to me. People can say anything and talk is cheap. Actions are what matter in this world.
(04-30-2019, 08:59 PM)TheNomad Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 12:57 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: niggers.  See Chris Rock on the difference between black people and niggers

I made this thread and it's not about hateful idioms.  Please can the moderator watch this thread?  DID you come here to interact I am assuming, right?  Guess what, no one is listening after you use that word.  You threw a bomb at your own interface!  lol.  Public forums are not about your own self-hatred for your own skin color and how you are perceived by others.  It also does not offer you free permission to use such idioms simply because the idiom is meant to define and blight you, personally, and you don't accept it.  People who look like you will say "oh, that's they w/e" it's actually mostly ppl of not that hue who are offended.  Obviously you don't care about offending people and I am not come to counsel you on that extraordinary leap - coming into a "public" place (a interweb forum) dropping bombs without a care to who feels what.

Such speech should be kept in the privacy of your own dwelling and for those who understand and accept your willingness to use that word for whatever reason you are using it.  They, unlike the rest of us, are not compelling to gravitate to your version of why you use that word or why that word means something to you it does not mean to the rest of us.  Nor is anyone tantalized to run to Chris Rock for definition on societal norms.

If you feel I am censoring you, feel away! I did not create this thread as a capsule of hate-mongering, self-loathing or whatever other unknown reason you choose to use hate speech.  Speech is free, speak away.  Just please not where my handle is associated with it.


You are aware that this is a public forum right?  That means you don't own this thread.  If you don't like what I have to say you can ignore it.  I really don't care.  As for how I interact.  I was responding to PBR who doesn't listen to anyone anyway unless they already agree with his asinine point of view.  Unfortunately that is true for the vast majority of this forum anyway which is why I spend large amounts of time away from it.  I just happen to be bored atm as summer is slow in the Donut Business.

As for what I feel...that is irrelevant. What I think is.  And I don't think I care if you like my word choices or not.   If I want to say shit, fuck or nigger I will do so.  I've not changed my speech for anyone here, or elsewhere I'm not about to start now.  And just so you know, I actually am trying to be polite right now.

As for so-called "hate speech" you may want to inform the SCOTUS of your opposition to its existence.  It won't do you any good though.  They've already ruled that it doesn't exist legally and even if it did it would be protected under the first amendment.  Since the server is registered in the US it falls under US Jurisdiction and is thus subject to federal law.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-01-2019, 08:16 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 08:59 PM)TheNomad Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 12:57 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: niggers.  See Chris Rock on the difference between black people and niggers

I made this thread and it's not about hateful idioms.  Please can the moderator watch this thread?  DID you come here to interact I am assuming, right?  Guess what, no one is listening after you use that word.  You threw a bomb at your own interface!  lol.  Public forums are not about your own self-hatred for your own skin color and how you are perceived by others.  It also does not offer you free permission to use such idioms simply because the idiom is meant to define and blight you, personally, and you don't accept it.  People who look like you will say "oh, that's they w/e" it's actually mostly ppl of not that hue who are offended.  Obviously you don't care about offending people and I am not come to counsel you on that extraordinary leap - coming into a "public" place (a interweb forum) dropping bombs without a care to who feels what.

Such speech should be kept in the privacy of your own dwelling and for those who understand and accept your willingness to use that word for whatever reason you are using it.  They, unlike the rest of us, are not compelling to gravitate to your version of why you use that word or why that word means something to you it does not mean to the rest of us.  Nor is anyone tantalized to run to Chris Rock for definition on societal norms.

If you feel I am censoring you, feel away! I did not create this thread as a capsule of hate-mongering, self-loathing or whatever other unknown reason you choose to use hate speech.  Speech is free, speak away.  Just please not where my handle is associated with it.


You are aware that this is a public forum right?  That means you don't own this thread.  If you don't like what I have to say you can ignore it.  I really don't care.  As for how I interact.  I was responding to PBR who doesn't listen to anyone anyway unless they already agree with his asinine point of view.  Unfortunately that is true for the vast majority of this forum anyway which is why I spend large amounts of time away from it.  I just happen to be bored atm as summer is slow in the Donut Business.

As for what I feel...that is irrelevant. What I think is.  And I don't think I care if you like my word choices or not.   If I want to say shit, fuck or nigger I will do so.  I've not changed my speech for anyone here, or elsewhere I'm not about to start now.  And just so you know, I actually am trying to be polite right now.

As for so-called "hate speech" you may want to inform the SCOTUS of your opposition to its existence.  It won't do you any good though.  They've already ruled that it doesn't exist legally and even if it did it would be protected under the first amendment.  Since the server is registered in the US it falls under US Jurisdiction and is thus subject to federal law.

DID you think someone called 5-0 because you said an ugly word?  You said you came in public but you also mentioned you just butting heads with someone who doesn't listen anyway, and then I also mentioned NO ONE IS LISTENING after you use that word and you don't care.

So, you are just some GOAT coming here to ram others?  Who are you?  Why should anyone interact with you?

Lemme say you you are not.  You think just because you banded Mr Cracker you are HALF WAY THERE.  No, HELEN.  You still WEEZIE and that don't sit right with you.  That's your own business and issue.  

Talking about SCOTUS and HATE SPEECH, but you just lack humanity (probably a characteristic of Mr Rock def of your Darkie Night-Terror named N ending with ER).  Terrified that word might be used against you, so lookin to use it first to get the jump. 

Lacking humanity.  Nobody was calling out your nap or ash.  No one calling on your desire to see something else when you look in the mirror.  You just don't care about how what you say (or prolly do) affects others.

That's lower than ghetto.  And you can't escape THAT ghetto JUST because you learnt to spake like the white man.
(05-02-2019, 03:06 AM)TheNomad Wrote: DID you think someone called 5-0 because you said an ugly word?  You said you came in public but you also mentioned you just butting heads with someone who doesn't listen anyway, and then I also mentioned NO ONE IS LISTENING after you use that word and you don't care.

So, you are just some GOAT coming here to ram others?  Who are you?  Why should anyone interact with you?

Lemme say you you are not.  You think just because you banded Mr Cracker you are HALF WAY THERE.  No, HELEN.  You still WEEZIE and that don't sit right with you.  That's your own business and issue.  

Talking about SCOTUS and HATE SPEECH, but you just lack humanity (probably a characteristic of Mr Rock def of your Darkie Night-Terror named N ending with ER).  Terrified that word might be used against you, so lookin to use it first to get the jump. 

Lacking humanity.  Nobody was calling out your nap or ash.  No one calling on your desire to see something else when you look in the mirror.  You just don't care about how what you say (or prolly do) affects others.

That's lower than ghetto.  And you can't escape THAT ghetto JUST because you learnt to spake like the white man.

I'm trying to decide if you are naturally clueless or if you're having to work at it.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
Drop out Helen, turn thee to Tom. Its right in yo sig
LOL....You think calling me a Tom effects me? I'm like Larry Elder I've been called everything under the sun already including Republican.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
This thread had gotten crazy, very uncivilized. Please bring it back to the subject at hand. Thank you.
(05-02-2019, 06:56 AM)beechnut79 Wrote: This thread had gotten crazy, very uncivilized. Please bring it back to the subject at hand. Thank you.

When exactly and at what post entry did it become uncivilized? 

Please share that so I understand where you are with this.

Helen and Tom are the bi-racial couple from The Jeffersons.  She want to turn to daddy.  Let her turn.
Letter designations: I = Idealist, N = Nomadic, C = Civic, A = Artist.

I feel that "Nomadic" better describes the character of such a generation than "Reactive".

Based on kinsers comments:

Boomers-I, with some N tendencies.

Pong wave-the Boomer/Xer cusp.

Xers-classic Nomads.

Xennials-the Xer/Millie cusp.

Millenials-C, with N tendencies.

Generation Z-Artist?

If the Millies were to take on a pseudo-Artist role, I would imagine them as this-A in practice, with C and N tendencies.
There are other possibilities.

Somebody (the Grey Badger?) posted that in Ancient Rome the Social Wars were so traumatizing that I cohorts became A cohorts...with younger Nomads taking on the Prophet role.

The Irish Potato famine hit just after the start of an Unraveling. Idealists survivors became Nomad like, while the child Nomads-who were smothered in an attempt to keep them alive-became Artist like.
I have been reviewing the archived Japan thread.

As I noted in my posts, the Taisho period in the 1920s reminded me of the Boom Awakening. Almost a preview of the Boom Awakening, actually.

It has been commented that much of WWII was 3T for Japan, becoming 4T late in the war. With the 4T lasting to about 1960...with most of the 4T being a post war Rebuilding Crisis.

Zarathustra listed some Japanese generations. If I understand correctly, the War & Recovery generation (Hero) saw some combat late in the war, and then went on to rebuild Japan.
A possibility that S & H suggested was that the 4T might be primarily economic, and that Millies might become a mighty work force. I can sort of see that. If there is an emphasis on improving the prospects of younger generations.

A weaker version of the Hero role, I think, compared to the Republican or G.I. generations. Millies may become a water color version of a Civic generation, rather than an oil paint version.
(05-02-2019, 01:09 PM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: A possibility that S & H suggested was that the 4T might be primarily economic, and that Millies might become a mighty work force. I can sort of see that. If there is an emphasis on improving the prospects of younger generations.

A weaker version of the Hero role, I think, compared to the Republican or G.I. generations. Millies may become a water color version of a Civic generation, rather than an oil paint version.

This 4T started early in 2001. This 4T is a mix of many issues at once so it's pretty confusing and adding to the fact that it's far less intense than the last one but also far longer. The 4T lasting until 2028 or 2029 means a 27 or 28 year 4T which would cause a lot of malaise and also a different version of a 1T.
(05-02-2019, 01:39 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote: This 4T started early in 2001. This 4T is a mix of many issues at once so it's pretty confusing and adding to the fact that it's far less intense than the last one but also far longer. The 4T lasting until 2028 or 2029 means a 27 or 28 year 4T which would cause a lot of malaise and also a different version of a 1T.

… or it could simply invalidate the theory, which was being discussed before the validity thread evaporated.  I've always worried that the lack of historical stability has made the predicting capability of the theory of limited use.  Think about it:
  • the Agricultural Age -- lasts for roughly 12,000 years, including all civilized life up to that point, then
  • the Industrial Age emerges in the late 18th, early 19th Century, and, literally, flips civilization into a totally new mode, with a few hold-outs here and there, then
  • the Information Age emerges in just 200 years, and we're living the change right now.
Where is the stability to create a model? In the Agricultural Age. Since we're now two steps removed, are we also outside the prediction model entirely, or are we merely moving the Overton Window within the same basic frame? We should know pretty soon -- at least for this iteration of the saecular cycle.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
I was thinking about AspieMillies comments. If we have a 27-28 year 4T, will the subsequent 1T be a peace of exhaustion?

Regarding David Horn's comments, I think that the theory is better at predicting social moods than generations. After all, a generation includes all sorts of people. Our discussions about generations have been basically generalizations regarding large numbers of people.
(05-02-2019, 01:39 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(05-02-2019, 01:09 PM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: A possibility that S & H suggested was that the 4T might be primarily economic, and that Millies might become a mighty work force.  I can sort of see that.  If there is an emphasis on improving the prospects of younger generations.

A weaker version of the Hero role, I think, compared to the Republican or G.I. generations.  Millies may become a water color version of a Civic generation, rather than an oil paint version.

This 4T started early in 2001. This 4T is a mix of many issues at once so it's pretty confusing and adding to the fact that it's far less intense than the last one but also far longer. The 4T lasting until 2028 or 2029 means a 27 or 28 year 4T which would cause a lot of malaise and also a different version of a 1T.

I think you'll find that the hypothesis that the 4T started in 2001 early has been largely dismissed.  That said, I think it started in the 2005-2007 range.  Of course being from the South I think Katrina rather than 9-11 was the major event that showed that the system was unrepairably broken. Before then people could easily argue we could tinker here and tinker there and fix most things.

After Big K and Nawlens Drowning not so much.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-02-2019, 09:56 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: Letter designations:   I = Idealist,  N = Nomadic, C = Civic, A = Artist.

I feel that "Nomadic" better describes the character of such a generation than "Reactive".

Based on kinsers comments:

Boomers-I, with some N tendencies.

Pong wave-the Boomer/Xer cusp.

Xers-classic Nomads.

Xennials-the Xer/Millie cusp.

Millenials-C, with N tendencies.

Generation Z-Artist?

If the Millies were to take on a pseudo-Artist role, I would imagine them as this-A in practice, with C and N tendencies.

Zeds will be A with strong N tendencies just like Millenials are C with strong N tendencies and Boomers I with strong N tendencies.

This is due to the mega-unraveling which has lasted the whole saeculum.  That is why many people seem to think the current 4T is so 3T like.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
I hadn't thought of that, Kinser, the 4T seeming so 3T like. But Yeah, that seems to fit.

I seem to recall somebody ranking 4Ts in terms of the Mega- concept. Most severe to least:

Mega Crisis, of course, being the most severe. Then Mega- Awakening, Unraveling, High.

One 4T that ours has been compared with the Glorious Revolution, which has been described as a long, meandering Crisis.
The Glorious Revolution itself was a Mega-Unraveling 4T. The real question is does the cold civil war stay cold like then or does it go hot at some point. That remains to be seen. If it stays cold the 1T will open with both sides exhausted. If it goes hot I would expect one side to establish a new order for the Mega-Crisis (which is a whole saeculum itself with its component turnings) so repugnant as to set the stage for the next 4T to be a complete bloodbath.

The Last Mega-Crisis saeculum was the Enlightenment Saeculum. (Sometimes called the Revolutionary Saeculum but I'm not so America Centeric) That cold-civil war lead to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. This scared Europe for a century, and they moved their conflicts to the colonies afterward to avoid bloodbaths in the metropolitan areas. However, without that the current order wouldn't have arrisen because it set the stage for WW1 in the 3T of the Mega-Awakening, and the establishment of two main political philosphies to duke it out most of the Mega-Unraveling. In our case Liberal Democracy (Liberal in the classical sense and not in the absurd 'Progressive' sense most Americans misuse that word) vs Communism. But it could have been as easily Liberal Democracy vs Fascism, or even Bismarkian Monarchism.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-02-2019, 04:12 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(05-02-2019, 09:56 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: Letter designations:   I = Idealist,  N = Nomadic, C = Civic, A = Artist.

I feel that "Nomadic" better describes the character of such a generation than "Reactive".

Based on kinsers comments:

Boomers-I, with some N tendencies.

Pong wave-the Boomer/Xer cusp.

Xers-classic Nomads.

Xennials-the Xer/Millie cusp.

Millenials-C, with N tendencies.

Generation Z-Artist?

If the Millies were to take on a pseudo-Artist role, I would imagine them as this-A in practice, with C and N tendencies.

Zeds will be A with strong N tendencies just like Millenials are C with strong N tendencies and Boomers I with strong N tendencies.

This is due to the mega-unraveling which has lasted the whole saeculum.  That is why many people seem to think the current 4T is so 3T like.

Didn't the Missionary and GI Generation in America also have what you see as Nomad tendencies? How are the Boomers different from the Missionaries and the Millennials different from the GIs in the US at least? Because I sense all of this is due to American culture, not a mega 3T. I know you say that there is no one American culture but the culture of wanting freedom, gun rights, and fighting against authority is very American no matter what the ethnicity. Also if you notice, the last 4T was also politically divided.

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