Another aside -
Look at the Wash. Post trying to teach President Pussygrabber some basics about health insurance -
Donald Trump is about to face a rude awakening over Obamacare
Too funny that the media still thinking that President-elect Pussygrabber is going to give a shit after his crowning.
Dollar to donuts, the Orange Anus works with Ryan to replace Obamacare with block grants to states for vouchers. The Blue States will muddle through the best they can, but Red States will use that money to pay for Health Savings Plans - if you put $25K away in a Health Savings Account, you won't be taxed! And $25K might just handle the premiums for a decent plan coming out of those few insurers left and headquartered in no-regulation Delaware; hell, the credit card companies are right next door there and will work in tandem to let you use your credit card, at 18%, to make up the difference - because unlike the evil government, they're there to help! That should be okay for a year or two for some, at least until those double digit premium increases put it out of reach for 90% of people. But that's okay too, because you are free to buy junk catasthropic insurance, probable from subsidaries located in the Caymans (so no worries there about any payoffs!
) or you can just go barebackin and just do without - think of all the money everyone will save! It's all good because, well, freedom fries!!! Ye-haw!
Making America Great Again!
Oh, and if anyone bitches about this, it's, of course, Obama's and Hillary's fault and those Dems in Congress that let this happen!
Look at the Wash. Post trying to teach President Pussygrabber some basics about health insurance -
Donald Trump is about to face a rude awakening over Obamacare
Too funny that the media still thinking that President-elect Pussygrabber is going to give a shit after his crowning.
Dollar to donuts, the Orange Anus works with Ryan to replace Obamacare with block grants to states for vouchers. The Blue States will muddle through the best they can, but Red States will use that money to pay for Health Savings Plans - if you put $25K away in a Health Savings Account, you won't be taxed! And $25K might just handle the premiums for a decent plan coming out of those few insurers left and headquartered in no-regulation Delaware; hell, the credit card companies are right next door there and will work in tandem to let you use your credit card, at 18%, to make up the difference - because unlike the evil government, they're there to help! That should be okay for a year or two for some, at least until those double digit premium increases put it out of reach for 90% of people. But that's okay too, because you are free to buy junk catasthropic insurance, probable from subsidaries located in the Caymans (so no worries there about any payoffs!

Making America Great Again!
Oh, and if anyone bitches about this, it's, of course, Obama's and Hillary's fault and those Dems in Congress that let this happen!