04-05-2017, 11:34 AM
(04-05-2017, 11:20 AM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: > Well, Venezuela did not start out as an illiberal anti-democratic
> socialistic republic. It got that way after the Venezuelan people
> elected a series of populist demagogues. Once such scoundrels get
> elected, the existing political system might end up getting
> ruined. Wrecking balls and all that.
> (sarc)It can't happen here.( /sarc)
I believe what I'm saying is that Socialism provably can never work,
even when the leader is a "nice guy." I would respond to your comment
by saying that once Socialism starts failing, the people throw out the
nice guy and start turning to pro-Socialist populist demagogues who
promise to make it work by force. As Socialism continues to fail, the
demagogues become increasingly violent, until (*) Socialism collapses,
as in China, Russia, Cuba, East Germany, or (*) there's a massive
bloodbath, as in China's Great Leap Forward, or (*) you get something
like North Korea.
Can it happen here? Actually, I believe not, since we have
institutions that seem to have been working for 240 years, even
through a Civil War. Obama was certainly pushing the country onto the
Socialist path, but now his Socialist regulations are being reversed.