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Generational Dynamics World View
*** 16-Nov-17 World View -- Zimbabwe coup splits ruling Zanu-pf party along generational lines

This morning's key headlines from
  • More on the evacuation of ISIS militants from Raqqa, Syria
  • Zimbabwe coup splits ruling Zanu-pf party along generational lines
  • Zimbabwe Commander Chiwenga gives a totally delusional explanation for the coup

**** More on the evacuation of ISIS militants from Raqqa, Syria

A couple of analysts that I heard on Wednesday provided additional
information about the evaluation of militants from the so-called
Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh) from Raqqa that I described yesterday.
The coalition
permitted hundreds of ISIS militants, along with tons of weapons and
ammunition, to be transported by bus into Deir az-Zour, where they
were free to fight again.

According to these analysts, the ISIS evacuation into Deir az-Zour was
actually a strategic move by the US coalition. The militants were
transported into a region of Deir az-Zour that was already controlled
by ISIS, and there are Syrian and Iranian armies and Hezbollah and
Russian warplanes trying to recapture that region from ISIS. Thus,
the evacuation of ISIS fighters from Raqqa to Deir az-Zour actually
has the purpose of supporting the enemies of Syria, Iran and

The Youtube video for the full BBC report on the ISIS evacuation from
Raqqa can be found here: Youtube

Related: BBC reports hoax by US-led coalition about ISIS evacuation from Raqqa Syria (15-Nov-2017)

**** Zimbabwe coup splits ruling Zanu-pf party along generational lines

[Image: g171115b.jpg]
Zimbabwe's first lady Grace Mugabe has reportedly fled the country (AFP)

Insisting that there was "no military takeover" of Zimbabwe, General
Constantino Guvheya Nyikadzino Chiwenga, Commander of the Zimbabwe
Defense Forces (ZDF) on Wednesday led a military takeover of the
Zimbabwe. A statement by the ZDF spokesman said:

<QUOTE>"To both our people and the world beyond our borders,
we wish to make it abundantly clear that this is not a military
takeover of Government. What the Zimbabwe Defense Forces is doing
is to pacify a degenerating political, social and economic
situation in our country which if not addressed may result in
violent conflict. ...

We wish to assure the nation that His Excellency, The President,
of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and Commander-in-Chief of the
Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde R.G. Mugabe and his family are safe
and sound and their security is guaranteed.

We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing
crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the
country in order to bring them to justice. As soon as we have
accomplished our mission we expect that the situation will return
to normalcy."<END QUOTE>

Zimbabwe's 93-year-old president Robert Mugabe has not been heard
from. South Africa's president Jacob Zuma said that he has spoken to
Mugabe, who told him that he's ok, but he's confined to his home under
house arrest.

Zimbabwe's 52-year-old first lady, Grace Ntombizodwa Mugabe, the wife
of the president, has not been heard from either. The rumor is that
she's fled the country. The logical country for her to flee to is
South Africa, but she can't go there because she's wanted for violent
assault. In August, she went to South Africa and went to the
Johannesburg hotel room of her two sons, where she found her sons'
friend, a 20-year-old model named Gabriella Engels. Mugabe beat the
crap out of Engels with the heavy plug at the end of an extension
cord, leaving her with numerous gashes and scars, and putting her
entire career at risk. So it's still not known what country she's
fled to, but there are reports that on Wednesday she was seeking
asylum in Namibia.

The military coup was apparently triggered when Robert Mugabe sacked vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa

so that his wife Grace can succeed him and be the next president, thus
forming a kind of Mugabe dynasty.

Mnangagwa is part of the "old guard" that fought alongside Mugabe in
the violent "war of liberation" and victory over Ian Smith, the white
supremacist leader of Rhodesia. After the war ended, Mugabe's Shona
tribe turned against their co-victors, the Ndebele tribe. Mnangagwa
developed a reputation for ordering the unbridled slaughter, rape,
torture and murder of Ndebele tribesmen and women, leading to
Operation Gukurahundi, one of the greatest holocausts of the last

So Mugabe and Mnangagwa have always been great friends, sharing
their psychopathic atrocities targeting the Ndebele, but they've
been feuding recently, and Mugabe decided that the next president
should be his wife Grace Ntombizodwa Mugabe. This choice was
also supported by the Youth Wing of Mugabe's Zanu-pf party.

But this choice infuriated the old guard of war veterans who had
fought alongside Mugabe, hence the coup. Reuters (15-Aug) and Zimbabwe Herald

**** Zimbabwe Commander Chiwenga gives a totally delusional explanation for the coup

Mugabe's old guard war veterans are steeped in the erotic excitement
of the memories of their youths, when they fought against the white
supremacist Ian Smith and won.

On Wednesday, Commander Chiwenga of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces
referred to this liberation struggle to explain the purpose and
objective of the coup:

<QUOTE>"Zimbabwe’s history is hinged on the ideals of the
revolution dating back to the First Chimurenga where thousands of
people perished. Zanu-PF is the political Party that waged the
Second Chimurenga for our independence; the struggle that caused
the loss of over 50 000 lives of our people; the struggle in which
many Zimbabweans, in one way or the other, sacrificed and
contributed immensely for our liberation. Many of these gallant
fighters still live on with the spirited hope of seeing a
prosperous Zimbabwe, but also the hope of leaving behind
inheritance and legacy for posterity. ...

Our peace loving people who have stood by their Government and
endured some of the most trying social and economic conditions
ever experienced are extremely disturbed by what is happening
within the ranks of the national revolutionary Party. What is
obtaining in the revolutionary Party is a direct result of the
machinations of counter revolutionaries who have infiltrated the
Party and whose agenda is to destroy it from within.

It is saddening to see our revolution being hijacked by agents of
our erstwhile enemies who are now at the brink of returning our
country to foreign domination against which so many of our people
perished. The famous slogan espoused by His Excellency, The
President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Head of State and
Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces,
Cde R. G. Mugabe; “Zimbabwe will never be a colony again” is being
seriously challenged by counter revolutionary infiltrators who are
now effectively influencing the direction of the Party.

It is our strong and deeply considered position that if drastic
action is not taken immediately, our beloved country Zimbabwe is
definitely headed to becoming a neo-colony again."<END QUOTE>

This statement is completely delusional. There is no possible
scenario where Zimbabwe would become a colony again.

The "erstwhile enemies" that Chiwenga is referring to are Grace Mugabe
and her supporters. Chiwenga is seeing hallucinations. He think's
Mugabe's wife is going to make "our beloved country Zimbabwe" into a
"neo-colony." This guy's a total nutjob. And young people in
Zimbabwe listening to this statement are going to know immediately
that it's crazy.

This is a neurological problem that seems to strike many leaders who
come to power after winning a particularly gruesome tribal or civil
war. Ordering and participating in thousands of atrocities, tortures,
mutilations, rapes, and killings is only possible for a certain kind
of sociopathic man, and the after effect leaves them traumatized for
life. Syria's Bashar al-Assad and Iran's Supreme Leader Seyed Ali
Khamenei are also complete nutjobs, just like Mugabe and Chiwenga.

When I first heard about the Zimbabwe coup attempt yesterday, I
immediately thought that it would be an Awakening era climax -- an
event that resolves the generational conflict between the generations
of survivors of the previous generational crisis war versus the
generations growing up after the war. The survivors of the war are
traumatized for their entire lives, and so they have quite different
personalities and behaviors than those growing up after the war, who
have no such traumas.

However, that clearly hasn't happened. The generational conflict has
not been resolved. The "old guard" is still in control; only the
names of the players have changed.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, this is an extremely
dangerous situation, as can be seen from the example of Syria. Bashar
al-Assad is completely delusional, and has unleashed his psychopathic
fury on his political enemies, as I've been describing since the war
began in 2011. Al-Assad has created millions of refugees flooding
into neighboring countries and Europe, and has created jihadist
militias ISIS and al-Nusra. This has destabilized the entire Mideast.

The old guard in Zimbabwe appears to be equally delusional, and so the
current crisis is far from ended. Zimbabwe's neighbors are
particularly worried about a flood of refugees from Zimbabwe. There
are already a million Zimbabweans working in South Africa, for
example, and a flood of refugees similar to what happened in Syria
would destabilize southern Africa. Zimbabwe Herald

Related Articles

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Syria, Raqqa, Deir az-Zour,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Iran, Hezbollah, Russia,
Zimbabwe, Zanu-pf, Zimbabwe Defense Forces, ZDF,
Constantino Guvheya Nyikadzino Chiwenga,
Robert Mugabe, Grace Ntombizodwa Mugabe, Gabriella Engels,
South Africa, Namibia, Emmerson Mnangagwa,
Rhodesia, Ian Smith, Shona, Ndebele, Operation Gukurahundi,
Zanu-pf Youth Wing, Bashar al-Assad, Seyed Ali Khamenei

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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by radind - 05-14-2016, 03:21 PM
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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by radind - 08-11-2016, 08:59 PM
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16-Nov-17 World View -- Zimbabwe coup splits ruling Zanu-pf party along generational - by John J. Xenakis - 11-15-2017, 11:23 PM
RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by noway2 - 11-20-2017, 04:31 PM
RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by Galen - 12-28-2017, 11:00 PM
RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by Galen - 12-31-2017, 11:14 PM
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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by Galen - 08-19-2018, 04:39 AM
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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by JDG 66 - 03-16-2020, 03:21 PM
RE: 58 year rule - by Tim Randal Walker - 04-01-2020, 11:17 AM
RE: 58 year rule - by John J. Xenakis - 04-02-2020, 12:25 PM
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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by galaxy - 02-27-2022, 10:42 PM
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