01-27-2018, 11:03 PM
*** 28-Jan-18 World View -- New massive Taliban attack in Kabul Afghanistan kills 95
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
**** New massive Taliban attack in Kabul Afghanistan kills 95
![[Image: g180127b.jpg]](http://Media.GenerationalDynamics.com/ww2010/g180127b.jpg)
A distant view of the explosion in Kabul on Saturday (Khaama Press)
Exactly one week after a spectacular 16 hour siege by the Taliban of
the Intercontinental Hotel in Afghanistan's capital city Kabul,
killing dozens, a new suicide bomber struck on Saturday.
The new attack was a massive bombing by a suicide attacker in an
ambulance killed at least 95 people and wounded 158, almost all
innocent civilians. The ambulance got through security checkpoints by
claiming that he was carrying a person to a hospital. When one
checkpoint officer got suspicious, the driver blew up the ambulance,
which was full of explosives.
The Taliban have not yet claimed responsibility for this attack
because of the the bad PR they get when they kill innocent
civilians. It's suspected that the ambulance driver was trying
to reach the Interior Ministry building in order to kill
government officials.
Both last week's attack and this one occurred in areas that
are supposed to be under heavy security. Government officials
are coming under heavy public criticism for being unable to
prevent these attacks.
Tolo News (Kabul) and Khaama Press (Kabul)
**** Trump doubles down on war on Taliban in Afghanistan
President Donald Trump issued a statement condemning Saturday's terror
<QUOTE>"I condemn the despicable car bombing attack in Kabul
today that has left scores of innocent civilians dead and hundreds
injured. This murderous attack renews our resolve and that of our
Afghan partners.
The Taliban's cruelty will not prevail. The United States is
committed to a secure Afghanistan that is free from terrorists who
would target Americans, our allies, and anyone who does not share
their wicked ideology. Now, all countries should take decisive
action against the Taliban and the terrorist infrastructure that
supports them."<END QUOTE>
The idea of defeating the Taliban is fantasy, for reasons I've reported many times in the past.
Afghanistan's last generational crisis war was the extremely bloody
Afghan crisis civil war, 1991-96, which mostly pitted the ethnic
Pashtuns, who are Sunni Muslims and later formed the Taliban, versus
the Northern Alliance of Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks in northern
Afghanistan. Now, twenty years later, Afghanistan is in a
generational Awakening era, and a new young generation of Pashtuns is
coming of age, raised on stories their parents told them about the
atrocities committed by the Northern Alliance, and they're looking for
This rising generation of young terrorist Pashtuns cannot be defeated
by any conventional or unconventional army. They're capable of
forming cells, living off the land, and conducting terror attacks at
any time, targeting the government and the ethnic groups in the
Northern Alliance. What Trump calls "the Taliban's cruelty" is
actually their revenge for the atrocities that were committed against
their parents over 20 years ago. This is not going to end because of
some piece of paper drawn up by government ministers in Kabul, and
anyone who things so is living in a world of total fantasy.
In August of last year, Trump gave an Afghanistan strategy
speech announcing that some 4,000 more American troops would
be sent to Afghanistan, in order to achieve "victory."
As I described at the time,
Trump promised victory by redefining "victory":
<QUOTE>"Our troops will fight to win. We will fight to win.
From now on, victory will have a clear definition: attacking our
enemies, obliterating ISIS, crushing al Qaeda, preventing the
Taliban from taking over Afghanistan, and stopping mass terror
attacks against America before they emerge."<END QUOTE>
When you think about it, this definition of "victory" has already been
almost completely achieved. Going down the list, we attack our
enemies, ISIS has been defeated in Syria and Iraq, al-Qaeda has been
at least partially crushed, the Taliban are not taking over
Afghanistan, and there haven't been any mass terror attacks against
But this definition of "victory" doesn't say anything about bringing
peace to Afghanistan, nor does it promise an end to terror suicide
bomber attacks in Kabul. As far as Trump's definition of victory in
Afghanistan is concerned, it's pretty much already been achieved,
despite Saturday's bombing.
As I've written in the past, Trump appears to have a larger purpose in
mind. As war with China and Pakistan approaches, Trump wants to keep
American troops active in Afghanistan, and to continue to maintain
several American military bases in Afghanistan, including two air
bases in Bagram and Kandahar International Airport. These bases will
be valuable in any future war with China. Under these circumstances,
having troops in Afghanistan is what matters, whether the Taliban are
defeated or not. Fox News and India Today and CBS News
Related Articles
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Afghanistan, Kabul, Taliban,
Northern Alliance, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks,
Bagram, Kandahar International Airport
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John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
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This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- New massive Taliban attack in Kabul Afghanistan kills 95
- Trump doubles down on war on Taliban in Afghanistan
**** New massive Taliban attack in Kabul Afghanistan kills 95
![[Image: g180127b.jpg]](http://Media.GenerationalDynamics.com/ww2010/g180127b.jpg)
A distant view of the explosion in Kabul on Saturday (Khaama Press)
Exactly one week after a spectacular 16 hour siege by the Taliban of
the Intercontinental Hotel in Afghanistan's capital city Kabul,
killing dozens, a new suicide bomber struck on Saturday.
The new attack was a massive bombing by a suicide attacker in an
ambulance killed at least 95 people and wounded 158, almost all
innocent civilians. The ambulance got through security checkpoints by
claiming that he was carrying a person to a hospital. When one
checkpoint officer got suspicious, the driver blew up the ambulance,
which was full of explosives.
The Taliban have not yet claimed responsibility for this attack
because of the the bad PR they get when they kill innocent
civilians. It's suspected that the ambulance driver was trying
to reach the Interior Ministry building in order to kill
government officials.
Both last week's attack and this one occurred in areas that
are supposed to be under heavy security. Government officials
are coming under heavy public criticism for being unable to
prevent these attacks.
Tolo News (Kabul) and Khaama Press (Kabul)
**** Trump doubles down on war on Taliban in Afghanistan
President Donald Trump issued a statement condemning Saturday's terror
<QUOTE>"I condemn the despicable car bombing attack in Kabul
today that has left scores of innocent civilians dead and hundreds
injured. This murderous attack renews our resolve and that of our
Afghan partners.
The Taliban's cruelty will not prevail. The United States is
committed to a secure Afghanistan that is free from terrorists who
would target Americans, our allies, and anyone who does not share
their wicked ideology. Now, all countries should take decisive
action against the Taliban and the terrorist infrastructure that
supports them."<END QUOTE>
The idea of defeating the Taliban is fantasy, for reasons I've reported many times in the past.
Afghanistan's last generational crisis war was the extremely bloody
Afghan crisis civil war, 1991-96, which mostly pitted the ethnic
Pashtuns, who are Sunni Muslims and later formed the Taliban, versus
the Northern Alliance of Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks in northern
Afghanistan. Now, twenty years later, Afghanistan is in a
generational Awakening era, and a new young generation of Pashtuns is
coming of age, raised on stories their parents told them about the
atrocities committed by the Northern Alliance, and they're looking for
This rising generation of young terrorist Pashtuns cannot be defeated
by any conventional or unconventional army. They're capable of
forming cells, living off the land, and conducting terror attacks at
any time, targeting the government and the ethnic groups in the
Northern Alliance. What Trump calls "the Taliban's cruelty" is
actually their revenge for the atrocities that were committed against
their parents over 20 years ago. This is not going to end because of
some piece of paper drawn up by government ministers in Kabul, and
anyone who things so is living in a world of total fantasy.
In August of last year, Trump gave an Afghanistan strategy
speech announcing that some 4,000 more American troops would
be sent to Afghanistan, in order to achieve "victory."
As I described at the time,
Trump promised victory by redefining "victory":
<QUOTE>"Our troops will fight to win. We will fight to win.
From now on, victory will have a clear definition: attacking our
enemies, obliterating ISIS, crushing al Qaeda, preventing the
Taliban from taking over Afghanistan, and stopping mass terror
attacks against America before they emerge."<END QUOTE>
When you think about it, this definition of "victory" has already been
almost completely achieved. Going down the list, we attack our
enemies, ISIS has been defeated in Syria and Iraq, al-Qaeda has been
at least partially crushed, the Taliban are not taking over
Afghanistan, and there haven't been any mass terror attacks against
But this definition of "victory" doesn't say anything about bringing
peace to Afghanistan, nor does it promise an end to terror suicide
bomber attacks in Kabul. As far as Trump's definition of victory in
Afghanistan is concerned, it's pretty much already been achieved,
despite Saturday's bombing.
As I've written in the past, Trump appears to have a larger purpose in
mind. As war with China and Pakistan approaches, Trump wants to keep
American troops active in Afghanistan, and to continue to maintain
several American military bases in Afghanistan, including two air
bases in Bagram and Kandahar International Airport. These bases will
be valuable in any future war with China. Under these circumstances,
having troops in Afghanistan is what matters, whether the Taliban are
defeated or not. Fox News and India Today and CBS News
Related Articles
- Multiple Afghanistan Taliban terror attacks leave 'victory' plans in tatters (22-Jan-2018)
- Trump promises victory in Afghanistan by redefining 'victory' (23-Aug-2017)
- Trump's review of the Afghanistan war seeks solution where none exists (08-Aug-2017)
- Kabul bombing brings back memories of bloody 1990s Afghan civil war (03-Jun-2017)
- Brief recent generational history of Afghanistan (25-Jul-2017)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Afghanistan, Kabul, Taliban,
Northern Alliance, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks,
Bagram, Kandahar International Airport
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John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
E-mail: john@GenerationalDynamics.com
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