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Generational Dynamics World View
*** 11-Apr-18 World View -- Major multi-national military operation planned for Syria after Sarin gas use

This morning's key headlines from
  • Fake news: Newsweek says Mattis denied any evidence that Assad used Sarin gas
  • Haley announces major change in policy regarding Russia and Security Council
  • Major multi-national military operation planned for Syria after Sarin gas use
  • Russia's Andrey Klimov: Sarin gas attack is just a Hollywood movie

**** Fake news: Newsweek says Mattis denied any evidence that Assad used Sarin gas

[Image: g180410b.jpg]
Children being medically treated in Douma Syria after chemical weapons attack (AP)

I've had trolls referring to a February Newsweek article that says
that US Secretary of Defense James Mattis claims that there is "no
evidence" that Syria's president Bashar al-Assad had ever used Sarin

This is totally fake news, as suggested by the fact that the Newsweek
article did not give a link to the transcript of the press briefing
where Mattis supposedly made this remark, which they could easily have

I actually went to the trouble to track down the transcript -- which
incidentally wasn't hard at all, and took about 30 seconds, which is
another indication that the Newsweek article was a full-fledged hoax.
We have to assume that Ian Wilkie, the author of the article, is one
of Russia's army of paid internet trolls, and moonlights for Newsweek.

Mattis was giving a press conference and answering questions thrown at
him by reporters. The press conference covered various subjects,
including Ukraine and Afghanistan, and the questions about Syria are
scattered throughout the transcript. Here are some excerpts:

<QUOTE>"We think that they did not carry out what they said
they would do back when -- in the previous administration, when
they were caught using it. Obviously they didn't, cause they used
it again during our administration."<END QUOTE>

According to Mattis, what they said they were going to do in 2013,
when they were caught using Sarin gas, was to destroy all their stocks
of chemical weapons, but obviously they didn't do that, since they've
used chemical weapons repeatedly, and used Sarin gas again during the
Trump administration (on April 4, 2017).

Mattis continued answering questions about chemical weapons attacks in
2018. He said that chlorine gas has been used recently, and he's
looking for evidence whether Sarin gas has also been used recently:

<QUOTE>"And that gives us a lot of reason to suspect
them. And now we have other reports from the battlefield from
people who claim it's been used.

We do not have evidence of it [Sarin gas]. But we're not refuting
them; we're looking for evidence of it. Since clearly we are
using -- we are dealing with the Assad regime that has used denial
and deceit to hide their outlaw actions, okay? ... Well, there's
certainly groups that say they've used it. And so they think
there's a likelihood, so we're looking for the evidence. ...

I think [chlorine gas weapons have] been used repeatedly. And
that's, as you know, a somewhat separate category, which is why I
broke out the sarin as another. ...

No, I have not got the evidence, not specifically [that Sarin gas
is being used]. I don't have the evidence.

What I'm saying is that other -- that groups on the ground, NGOs,
fighters on the ground have said that sarin has been used. So we
are looking for evidence. I don't have evidence, credible or
uncredible.<END QUOTE>

That press conference occurred in February, and apparently no recent
evidence of Sarin gas was found, until Sunday.

By the way, check out the beginning of the transcript, where Mattis
mocks the NY Times for fake news, saying that the reporter
interviewing him apparently wasn't even listening to him.

<QUOTE>"I salute whatever you write. You have the right to
write anything. I thought it was especially humorous that we
didn't realize we were still on the -- on the video
teleconference, since one of the people on the screen was talking
with us at the same time. I guess we were talking to ourselves
and imagining the person on the screen. Yeah, I got a kick out of
it, frankly."<END QUOTE>

Later in the transcript, he says, "See, right now, we're at a point
where ISIS is on the ropes. It’s obvious -- you know -- for all the
questions and challenges I had in this room over the last year, I
think now it's pretty much undeniable that they're in trouble. ... So
we want to get back to finishing off ISIS." Newsweek (8-Feb) and Bellingcat (9-Feb) and U.S. Dept. of Defense (2-Feb)

**** Haley announces major change in policy regarding Russia and Security Council

On April 6 of last year, president Donald Trump ordered cruise missile
attacks on the Shayrat Airbase in Syria, from which Bashar al-Assad
had launched Sarin gas attacks on civilians on April 4. Trump had
been moved to action after seeing pictures small children struggling
to breathe, gasping for breath, and choking to death. The cruise
missile attack was meant to be a warning to al-Assad not to use Sarin
gas again.

Now there have been new pictures of choking children, following
al-Assad's latest Sarin gas attack on civilians on Sunday, and Trump
is furious again. This time, Trump went farther, blaming not only
al-Assad, but also his backers in Russia and Iran:

<QUOTE>"Very concerned, when a thing like that can happen,
this is about humanity. We're talking about humanity. And it
can't be allowed to happen. So we'll be looking at that barbaric
act and studying what's going on. If it's Russia, if it's Syria,
if it's Iran, if it's all of them together, we'll figure it out
and we'll know the answers quite soon."<END QUOTE>

At the United Nations Security Council on Monday, US ambassador Nikki
Haley went a lot farther in the administration condemnation of Syria,
Iran and Russia:

<QUOTE>"I could hold up pictures of babies, lying dead next
to their mothers. Brothers and sisters. Toddlers and infants
still in diapers. All lying together, dead. Their skin is the
ashen blue that is now tragically familiar from chemical weapons
scenes. Their eyes are open and lifeless. White foam bubbles from
their mouths and noses. Pictures of dead Syrians who are not
soldiers. People who are not armed. People who are the very
definition of innocent and non-threatening – women and children
hiding in basements from a renewed assault by Bashar
Al-Assad. Families that were hiding underground to escape Assad’s
conventional bombs and artillery. ...

I could hold up pictures of survivors. Children with burning eyes,
choking for breath. I could hold up pictures of first responders
washing the chemicals off of the victims. Putting respirators on
the children. First responders walking through room after room of
families lying motionless, with babies still in the arms of their
mothers and fathers. I could show pictures of a hospital attacked
by the chemical weapons. I could show pictures of hospitals struck
by barrel bombs following the chemical attack.

Ambulances and rescue vehicles have been repeatedly attacked,
maximizing the number of dead civilians. Civil defense centers
have been attacked in order to paralyze the medical response – to
increase the suffering of the survivors.

Who does this? Only a monster does this. Only a monster targets
civilians and then ensures that there are no ambulances to
transfer the wounded. No hospitals to save their lives. No doctors
or medicine to ease their pain.

I could hold up pictures of all of this killing and suffering for
the Council to see, but what would be the point? The monster who
was responsible for these attacks has no conscience, not even to
even be shocked by pictures of dead children.

The Russian regime, whose hands are all covered in the blood of
Syrian children, cannot be ashamed by pictures of its victims.
We’ve tried that before. We must not overlook Russia and Iran’s
roles in enabling the Assad regime’s murderous destruction.
Russia and Iran have military advisers at Assad’s airfields and
operations centers. Russian officials are on the ground helping
direct the regime’s “starve and surrender” campaign, and Iranian
allied forces do much of the dirty work. When the Syrian military
pummels civilians, they rely on the military hardware given by

Russia could stop this senseless slaughter if it wanted. But it
stands with the Assad regime and supports without any hesitation.

What’s the point of trying to shame such people? After all, no
civilized government would have anything to do with Assad’s
murderous regime. Pictures of dead children mean little to
governments like Russia who expend their own resources to prop up
Assad."<END QUOTE>

That was all by way of introduction to the following significant and
explicit United States policy change:

<QUOTE>"Russia’s obstructionism will not continue to hold us
hostage when we are confronted with an attack like this one. The
United States is determined to see that the monster who dropped
chemical weapons on the Syrian people held to account. ...

We are on the edge of a dangerous precipice. The great evil of
chemical weapons use that once unified the world in opposition, is
on the verge of becoming the new normal. The international
community must not let this happen.

We are beyond showing pictures of dead babies. We are beyond
appeals to conscience. We have reached the moment when the world
must see justice done. History will record this as the moment when
the Security Council either discharged its duty or demonstrated
its utter and complete failure to protect the people of Syria.

Either way, the United States will respond."<END QUOTE>

The reason that this is significant is because it makes clear that the
U.S. will no longer be bound by Russia's vetoes in the Security
Council. As I've been writing numerous times since 2011, Russia
adopted a policy of using the UNSC to control US and Nato foreign
policy by demanding that any military decision be approved by the
UNSC, where Russia could veto it. At the same time, Russia could
invade Ukraine, invade and annex Crimea, and perform other
international crimes, and go ahead with them without bothering to get
UNSC approval. Not only would Russia control US and Nato foreign
policy, Nato countries would turn against each other in confusion over
how to respond.

So when Nikki Haley says, "Either way, the United States will
respond," she's declaring the end of the policy of allowing Russia's
veto to control U.S. policy. She's saying to Russia: veto the
resolution or not, as you wish, but we're going ahead with a military
operation. CNBC and U.S. State Dept.

**** Major multi-national military operation planned for Syria after Sarin gas use

As I'm writing this on Tuesday evening (ET), there are reports that a
military attack may be imminent. Britain, France and Qatar are openly
supporting the Trump administration's plans for a military operation
in Syria.

The military attack will have to be significant and massive, since
last year's "warning" attack had no effect.

Some analysts are suggesting that the military operation might be led
by France, rather than by the U.S. If true, it would be a further
humiliation for Vladimir Putin, who has been using the UNSC to turn
the Nato countries against each other. This display of unity by
France, Britain, Qatar and the U.S. would be a united front against
Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin. AP

**** Russia's Andrey Klimov: Sarin gas attack is just a Hollywood movie

Every time one of these situations occurs, Russia unleashes its army
of paid trolls to make laughable claims and spread disinformation.
One of the best of these troll storms occurred after Russians in East
Ukraine shot down the Malaysian Airlines MH17 passenger plane with a
Russian-made Buk missile, bragged about it in a tweet, then pulled
down the tweet. Russian media and trolls went into full-on troll
mode, making one ridiculous claim after another: Russian commander
Strelkov's tweet had never occurred; the US had shot down MH17 to
embarrass Russia; the airplane was struck by a meteor; no living
people were aboard the plane as it flew on autopilot from Amsterdam,
where it had been pre-loaded with "rotting corpses."

So now we have a new troll storm. Andrey Klimov, a Senator in the
Russia's Duma, was interviewed on the BBC, and I transcribed excerpts
of the interview.

Klimov's main point is that the Sarin gas attack never happened, but
was staged as a Hollywood movie:

<QUOTE>"It looks like an artificial performance, like a kind
of movie, to make that provocation visible. But I can't say for
sure that it may be any real occasion of chemical weapons in this
area. It looks like a provocation. It looks like a Hollywood

[Referring to the images of choking children, and children having
to be hosed down with water.] You're just repeating somebody's
rumors. I'm speaking about facts, because there are no real facts
on the ground. But we'd like to find those who produced such kinds
of fake news, because those people are interested in keeping such
kind of confrontation in the world. And we'd like to find that
bastard, to show to the world that they're a
bastard."<END QUOTE>

Well Andrey, you have control of Damascus and Douma, so don't just
complain, start searching for the bastard. We'd all like to know who
he or she is.

Klimov also reacted to Trump's threat of a military operation in

<QUOTE>"They have no right to do that in any case, because no
kind of power granted on the part of the United Nations. Nobody
asked them from Damascus to do that. It's a kind of invasion.
It's a kind of occupation. It cannot be acceptable in today's
world. It is out of any kind of international law. Nobody
appointed them as international policeman, or international judge,
or international prosecutor. They're going to do it themselves,
and that cannot be acceptable at all."<END QUOTE>

This is a laughable invocation of international law from the Russians,
who ignore international law, but it's precisely the policy that
Russia has been following since 2011. Russia breaks international law
recklessly, never asking the UN Security Council for approval, but
then demands that the West get approval for anything from the UNSC,
where Russia can veto it. This is Russia's policy that Nikki Haley
specifically rejected on Monday.

It's gotten to the point where these Russian officials and trolls are
just plain pathetic, because nobody believes their rantings any more.
Vladimir Putin really needs to come up with a new policy.

Related Articles

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, James Mattis, Newsweek, Ian Wilkie,
Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, Douma,
Shayrat Airbase, Nikki Haley, Britain, France, Qatar,
Andrey Klimov, Malaysian Airlines MH17

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