11-15-2018, 11:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2018, 12:09 AM by John J. Xenakis.)
*** 16-Nov-18 World View -- Fifteen countries challenge China's human rights in Xinjiang province
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
**** Fifteen countries challenge China's human rights in Xinjiang province
![[Image: g181115b.jpg]](http://Media.GenerationalDynamics.com/ww2010/g181115b.jpg)
Car with BBC reporters stopped by Chinese police in Xinjiang in October (BBC)
The ambassadors to China from a group of 15 Western countries are
reportedly taking coordinated action to condemn China's human rights
record in Xinjiang province, where evidence has been accumulating for
several months that about a million Chinese citizens of Uighur
ethnicity are forcibly locked up in vast "re-education centers" or
"re-education prisons," where they're required to sing Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) songs and pledge allegiance to the CCP.
The 15 ambassadors have drafted a letter to be sent to Chen Quanguo,
Xinjiang’s CCP boss. The draft letter reads in part:
<QUOTE>"We are deeply troubled by reports of the treatment of
ethnic minorities, in particular individuals of Uighur ethnicity,
in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.
In order to better understand the situation, we request a meeting
with you at your earliest convenience to discuss these
concerns."<END QUOTE>
The project is being led by Canada. The other 14 countries are
Britain, France, Switzerland, European Union, Germany, Netherlands,
Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Estonia, Finland and
The response from China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying was
both angry and bizarre. Here are excerpts:
An ambassador is supposed to promote the mutual understanding,
mutual trust and cooperation between the receiving state and the
sending state, rather than raise unreasonable requests and
interfere in the internal affairs of the receiving state based on
Maybe you could interview these ambassadors and ask them whether
they have got all the facts straight before writing this
letter. Do they know that we have another 54 ethnic minority
groups besides the Han and the Uyghur? Do they know that China has
more than 40 laws and regulations including the Constitution which
have clear stipulations on ethnic minority groups' usage and
development of their languages and cultures? Maybe you could ask
these ambassadors whether the ethnic minority groups in their
countries like the US and Canada, learn English? Is their learning
of English also considered as an attempt by their governments to
extinguish or assimilate languages and cultures of the ethnic
minority groups? ...
I think what they have done is very rude and unacceptable. We hope
that they could fulfill their duties and obligations as
ambassadors, work to help their countries learn about China in a
truthful, all-around and multidimensional way, and play a positive
and constructive role in enhancing mutual trust, friendship and
cooperation between their countries and China.
I would like to reiterate that Xinjiang as an open region welcomes
those who go there with goodwill. Anyone harboring malicious
intentions and prejudice and seeking to interfere in China's
internal affairs will be firmly rejected."<END QUOTE>[/i]
So China's re-education prisons are being compared to Americans and
Canadians learning to speak English. As far as I know, we don't beat,
torture and jail people until they learn English. That's about as
bizarre as you can get.
Beyond that, the statement contains no attempt to address the charges
of human rights abuses in Xinjiang except to call the ambassadors'
actions "very rude and unacceptable."
Finally, the description of Xinjiang as "an open region" may be true
in a sense, but several BBC on-site investigations show that every
word and action is rigidly controlled by the security forces. BBC
reporters may be allowed into Xinjiang but they're closely followed by
"minders," and prevented from approaching the re-education prisons.
The letter by 15 ambassadors will not cause China to change its
behavior -- nothing ever does -- but it will embarrass the Chinese and
make it more difficult for them to continue lying. CNN and Reuters and BBC (26-Oct)
**** China's crackdown on religions continues
The Uighurs are Muslims, but as I've described several times in the
past, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considers all non-indigenous religions to be dangerous.
These include Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism and Buddhism.
The reason is that pretty much every religion has, at one time or
another, been the underpinning of an anti-government rebellion in
So the Buddhist White Lotus Society led the Red Turban Rebellion that
overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1358, and came close to overthrowing the
Qing dynasty in the White Lotus Rebellion (1796-1804). Of course the
Tibetan Buddhists frightens the CCP, and the Falun Gong movement,
which is also Buddhist-based, terrifies the CCP.
The CCP has been particularly heavy-handed this year in cracking down
on Christianity. That's partially because of the Taiping Rebellion
(1850-64). That rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan who had been
converted to Christianity by a Protestant missionary, and who had a
hallucinatory vision that he was the son of God and the younger
brother of Jesus. He formed the Society of God Worshippers that
spread and drew converts from ethnic Hakkas to form the Taiping Army
that, once again, almost overthrew the Qing Dynasty.
China, throughout its history, has rarely been able to govern itself,
and was frequently conquered by outside armies. It took only small
armies of Mongols to rule China for centuries, and then a small army
of Manchus to do the same for centuries. When China wasn't being
conquered and ruled by outside armies, it was a country of regions and
warlords fighting each other. It's only since Mao's Communist
Revolution in 1949 that China was finally self-governing through a
central government, but even that was almost destroyed by Mao's Great
Leap Forward and Mao's Great Cultural Revolution, which killed tens of
millions of people through starvation and execution.
Today, the CCP is the most paranoid government on earth. They're even
afraid of Winnie the Pooh because Winnie the Pool looks like president
Xi Jinping, and might be used as a symbol to trigger a rebellion. Can
you imagine Donald Trump or another Western leader being terrified of
Winnie the Pooh? Yet, Xi Jinping is terrified of Winnie the Pooh.
That's how pathetic he is as a leader. He's made himself into a total
dictator, and the only way he can rule is by killing, torture, rape,
abductions, massacres, atrocities, or, in the case of the Uighurs,
massive re-education prisons holding millions of people.
The CCP has identified what it calls the "five poisons" of society
that must be controlled or stamped out. These are Tibetans, Uighur
Muslims, democracy activists, Taiwanese, and Falun Gong
The equivalent situation in America would be if the government
declared blacks and Catholics to be "poisons," along with gun owners
and Jews, would need to be sent to re-education prisons to be forced
to become Protestants.
In July, a group of 30 workers at Jasic Technology in Shenzen who were
treated abusively and weren't being paid decided to unionize. The CCP
jailed them for "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order," not even
letting them see a lawyer. Last week, Marxist and Maoist students
from Peking University and other colleges traveled to Shenzen to form
the "Jasic Workers' Solidarity Group" to support the workers.
To the paranoid CCP, this situation is very dangerous, because it
could lead to an anti-government rebellion, so naturally these groups
of students have been violently rounded up and jailed. This was
followed by a crackdown on student activism on campus, banning Marxist
study groups, and punishing students at Peking University, Renmin
University and Nanjing University. The CCP know very well that the
government was brought down in 1949 by Marxist and Maoist forces, and
they know that it could happen again.
So whether it's Winnie the Pooh, or the Uighurs, or the Tibetans, or
the Falun Gong, the Chinese government are terrified of everything,
and consider pretty much everyone to be their enemy.
Like central governments throughout China's history, the CCP is
extremely weak and will end as quickly as it began. It can't govern
except by developing massive weapons systems and planning for a war
that it will lose, but not before it's brought catastrophe to itself
and the entire world. Radio Free Asia (12-Nov) and AP and Economist
Related Articles
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, China, Xinjiang, Uighurs,
re-education prisons, Chen Quanguo, Hua Chunying, Canada,
Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism,
White Lotus Society, Red Turban Rebellion, Yuan Dynasty,
White Lotus Rebellion, Qing Dynasty, Tibet, Falun Gong,
Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuquan, Society of God Worshippers,
Mongols, Manchus, Great Leap Forward, Great Cultural Revolution,
Winnie the Pooh, Jasic Technology, Shenzen,
Peking University, Renmin University, Nanjing University
Permanent web link to this article
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John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
E-mail: john@GenerationalDynamics.com
Web site: http://www.GenerationalDynamics.com
Forum: http://www.gdxforum.com/forum
Subscribe to World View: http://generationaldynamics.com/subscribe
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Fifteen countries challenge China's human rights in Xinjiang province
- China's crackdown on religions continues
**** Fifteen countries challenge China's human rights in Xinjiang province
![[Image: g181115b.jpg]](http://Media.GenerationalDynamics.com/ww2010/g181115b.jpg)
Car with BBC reporters stopped by Chinese police in Xinjiang in October (BBC)
The ambassadors to China from a group of 15 Western countries are
reportedly taking coordinated action to condemn China's human rights
record in Xinjiang province, where evidence has been accumulating for
several months that about a million Chinese citizens of Uighur
ethnicity are forcibly locked up in vast "re-education centers" or
"re-education prisons," where they're required to sing Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) songs and pledge allegiance to the CCP.
The 15 ambassadors have drafted a letter to be sent to Chen Quanguo,
Xinjiang’s CCP boss. The draft letter reads in part:
<QUOTE>"We are deeply troubled by reports of the treatment of
ethnic minorities, in particular individuals of Uighur ethnicity,
in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.
In order to better understand the situation, we request a meeting
with you at your earliest convenience to discuss these
concerns."<END QUOTE>
The project is being led by Canada. The other 14 countries are
Britain, France, Switzerland, European Union, Germany, Netherlands,
Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Estonia, Finland and
The response from China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying was
both angry and bizarre. Here are excerpts:
An ambassador is supposed to promote the mutual understanding,
mutual trust and cooperation between the receiving state and the
sending state, rather than raise unreasonable requests and
interfere in the internal affairs of the receiving state based on
Maybe you could interview these ambassadors and ask them whether
they have got all the facts straight before writing this
letter. Do they know that we have another 54 ethnic minority
groups besides the Han and the Uyghur? Do they know that China has
more than 40 laws and regulations including the Constitution which
have clear stipulations on ethnic minority groups' usage and
development of their languages and cultures? Maybe you could ask
these ambassadors whether the ethnic minority groups in their
countries like the US and Canada, learn English? Is their learning
of English also considered as an attempt by their governments to
extinguish or assimilate languages and cultures of the ethnic
minority groups? ...
I think what they have done is very rude and unacceptable. We hope
that they could fulfill their duties and obligations as
ambassadors, work to help their countries learn about China in a
truthful, all-around and multidimensional way, and play a positive
and constructive role in enhancing mutual trust, friendship and
cooperation between their countries and China.
I would like to reiterate that Xinjiang as an open region welcomes
those who go there with goodwill. Anyone harboring malicious
intentions and prejudice and seeking to interfere in China's
internal affairs will be firmly rejected."<END QUOTE>[/i]
So China's re-education prisons are being compared to Americans and
Canadians learning to speak English. As far as I know, we don't beat,
torture and jail people until they learn English. That's about as
bizarre as you can get.
Beyond that, the statement contains no attempt to address the charges
of human rights abuses in Xinjiang except to call the ambassadors'
actions "very rude and unacceptable."
Finally, the description of Xinjiang as "an open region" may be true
in a sense, but several BBC on-site investigations show that every
word and action is rigidly controlled by the security forces. BBC
reporters may be allowed into Xinjiang but they're closely followed by
"minders," and prevented from approaching the re-education prisons.
The letter by 15 ambassadors will not cause China to change its
behavior -- nothing ever does -- but it will embarrass the Chinese and
make it more difficult for them to continue lying. CNN and Reuters and BBC (26-Oct)
**** China's crackdown on religions continues
The Uighurs are Muslims, but as I've described several times in the
past, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considers all non-indigenous religions to be dangerous.
These include Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism and Buddhism.
The reason is that pretty much every religion has, at one time or
another, been the underpinning of an anti-government rebellion in
So the Buddhist White Lotus Society led the Red Turban Rebellion that
overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1358, and came close to overthrowing the
Qing dynasty in the White Lotus Rebellion (1796-1804). Of course the
Tibetan Buddhists frightens the CCP, and the Falun Gong movement,
which is also Buddhist-based, terrifies the CCP.
The CCP has been particularly heavy-handed this year in cracking down
on Christianity. That's partially because of the Taiping Rebellion
(1850-64). That rebellion was led by Hong Xiuquan who had been
converted to Christianity by a Protestant missionary, and who had a
hallucinatory vision that he was the son of God and the younger
brother of Jesus. He formed the Society of God Worshippers that
spread and drew converts from ethnic Hakkas to form the Taiping Army
that, once again, almost overthrew the Qing Dynasty.
China, throughout its history, has rarely been able to govern itself,
and was frequently conquered by outside armies. It took only small
armies of Mongols to rule China for centuries, and then a small army
of Manchus to do the same for centuries. When China wasn't being
conquered and ruled by outside armies, it was a country of regions and
warlords fighting each other. It's only since Mao's Communist
Revolution in 1949 that China was finally self-governing through a
central government, but even that was almost destroyed by Mao's Great
Leap Forward and Mao's Great Cultural Revolution, which killed tens of
millions of people through starvation and execution.
Today, the CCP is the most paranoid government on earth. They're even
afraid of Winnie the Pooh because Winnie the Pool looks like president
Xi Jinping, and might be used as a symbol to trigger a rebellion. Can
you imagine Donald Trump or another Western leader being terrified of
Winnie the Pooh? Yet, Xi Jinping is terrified of Winnie the Pooh.
That's how pathetic he is as a leader. He's made himself into a total
dictator, and the only way he can rule is by killing, torture, rape,
abductions, massacres, atrocities, or, in the case of the Uighurs,
massive re-education prisons holding millions of people.
The CCP has identified what it calls the "five poisons" of society
that must be controlled or stamped out. These are Tibetans, Uighur
Muslims, democracy activists, Taiwanese, and Falun Gong
The equivalent situation in America would be if the government
declared blacks and Catholics to be "poisons," along with gun owners
and Jews, would need to be sent to re-education prisons to be forced
to become Protestants.
In July, a group of 30 workers at Jasic Technology in Shenzen who were
treated abusively and weren't being paid decided to unionize. The CCP
jailed them for "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order," not even
letting them see a lawyer. Last week, Marxist and Maoist students
from Peking University and other colleges traveled to Shenzen to form
the "Jasic Workers' Solidarity Group" to support the workers.
To the paranoid CCP, this situation is very dangerous, because it
could lead to an anti-government rebellion, so naturally these groups
of students have been violently rounded up and jailed. This was
followed by a crackdown on student activism on campus, banning Marxist
study groups, and punishing students at Peking University, Renmin
University and Nanjing University. The CCP know very well that the
government was brought down in 1949 by Marxist and Maoist forces, and
they know that it could happen again.
So whether it's Winnie the Pooh, or the Uighurs, or the Tibetans, or
the Falun Gong, the Chinese government are terrified of everything,
and consider pretty much everyone to be their enemy.
Like central governments throughout China's history, the CCP is
extremely weak and will end as quickly as it began. It can't govern
except by developing massive weapons systems and planning for a war
that it will lose, but not before it's brought catastrophe to itself
and the entire world. Radio Free Asia (12-Nov) and AP and Economist
Related Articles
- China continues massive crackdown on non-indigenous religions (21-Oct-2018)
- China defends million-prisoner 'reeducation camps' and Sinicization of Islam in Xinjiang (14-Oct-2018)
- University of N. Florida and Pentagon cut ties with China's Confucius Institutes (30-Sep-2018)
- Defector in Kazakhstan reveals explosive information about China's 'reeducation centers' (25-Jul-2018)
- China bans Winnie The Pooh because Xi Jinping looks like him (18-Jul-2017)
- China Prime Minister warns country becoming unstable (24-Jan-2006)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, China, Xinjiang, Uighurs,
re-education prisons, Chen Quanguo, Hua Chunying, Canada,
Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism,
White Lotus Society, Red Turban Rebellion, Yuan Dynasty,
White Lotus Rebellion, Qing Dynasty, Tibet, Falun Gong,
Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuquan, Society of God Worshippers,
Mongols, Manchus, Great Leap Forward, Great Cultural Revolution,
Winnie the Pooh, Jasic Technology, Shenzen,
Peking University, Renmin University, Nanjing University
Permanent web link to this article
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Contribute to Generational Dynamics via PayPal
John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
E-mail: john@GenerationalDynamics.com
Web site: http://www.GenerationalDynamics.com
Forum: http://www.gdxforum.com/forum
Subscribe to World View: http://generationaldynamics.com/subscribe