By the way, instead of hijacking other people threads and "indirectly" pretend that you are the mastermind behind the works of others theorists, you could open your own thread and publish it there. This is my works not yours... and the ideas i put there are not the product of some "ghost writers"... it may resemble some graphics or matrix on the internet, but the people who made them are not aware of the implications, the derivatives, or the correlations we can obtain by transposing one matrix over another.
Unless you can explain the use of Cellular Automaton, the hints concerning Thermodynamics, why it matters and as i can see you don't even know who Rorshach is...
You don't seems to know the relations between time and symmetry, the possible uses in medical sciences, in genomics... something you ignore is that i had also worked on it many years and that thoses correlations have already been made. Oh, you could surely demonstrate the benefits and the links that can be made between the human genome, the distribution of diseases among the population or the birth time of individuals. It's a work in progress.... but it's not the fruit of another mind.... and surely not a part of your work or an idea i could have stolen to someone else.
Instead of taking the credits from the efforts of other people, do your own researchs...
Unless you can explain the use of Cellular Automaton, the hints concerning Thermodynamics, why it matters and as i can see you don't even know who Rorshach is...
You don't seems to know the relations between time and symmetry, the possible uses in medical sciences, in genomics... something you ignore is that i had also worked on it many years and that thoses correlations have already been made. Oh, you could surely demonstrate the benefits and the links that can be made between the human genome, the distribution of diseases among the population or the birth time of individuals. It's a work in progress.... but it's not the fruit of another mind.... and surely not a part of your work or an idea i could have stolen to someone else.
Instead of taking the credits from the efforts of other people, do your own researchs...