05-23-2019, 12:53 PM
** 23-May-2019 Trade war with China and Vietnam
In the middle of the US-China trade negotiations, China passed the
Foreign Investment Law in March, which codified the worst corrupt,
extortionist and militaristic policies of the CCP toward foreign-owned
businesses, and then on May 3 eviscerated their own commitments that
would have reversed these corrupt, extortionist and militaristic
policies. The CCP is a global criminal in every possible way.
They're running concentration camps and crematoria (like Hitler's
concentration camps), they're violently cracking down on Uighurs,
Tibetans, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians (as Hitler violently
cracked down on Jews and Roma), they're annexing other countries'
regions (like Hitler's Lebensraum), they have complete contempt for
international law (like Hitler), and they're preparing for war in
every possible way (like Hitler).
Trump has no intention of being this generation's Neville Chamberlain.
He's using the US-China trade negotiations as a tool to derail the
CCP's path to total war. It will not succeed because a world war in
100% certain anyway, but as I've said many times, and I'm not going to
criticize Trump for trying to prevent a world war, even if war is
certain no matter what he does.
There are plenty of reasons why a business might relocate a factory
from China to Vietnam -- substantially lower labor and real estate
costs, and less of the criminality -- corruption and extortion --
that's embedded in Chinese law.
Trump is not going to expand the trade war to Vietnam because Vietnam
will be our ally. He's not that stupid, and he completely baffles the
idiots on the left. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!
(05-22-2019, 06:02 PM)David Horn Wrote: > I read a great critique of Trump's trade war as stupid on tactics,
> totally lacking in strategy, but something that needed to be done.
> China has been riding the "developing nation" hobby horse far
> longer than they deserved to ride it. Add their great plans for
> world leadership, but also their weaknesses. They are already
> showing their hand on their one-sided view of trade and political
> relationships. What happens if the world decides that China is
> just too risky to have as a partner on really important things,
> and too domineering on everything else, and decamps for ABC
> (Anywhere But China) for making their things, great and small.
> This can get really messy really fast.
(05-23-2019, 11:04 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: > Moving to Vietnam to avoid tariffs will likely turn out to be a
> short term tactic. Americans will eventually notice (we aren't
> entirely stupid), and the trade war will expand in its geographic
> spread.
In the middle of the US-China trade negotiations, China passed the
Foreign Investment Law in March, which codified the worst corrupt,
extortionist and militaristic policies of the CCP toward foreign-owned
businesses, and then on May 3 eviscerated their own commitments that
would have reversed these corrupt, extortionist and militaristic
policies. The CCP is a global criminal in every possible way.
They're running concentration camps and crematoria (like Hitler's
concentration camps), they're violently cracking down on Uighurs,
Tibetans, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians (as Hitler violently
cracked down on Jews and Roma), they're annexing other countries'
regions (like Hitler's Lebensraum), they have complete contempt for
international law (like Hitler), and they're preparing for war in
every possible way (like Hitler).
Trump has no intention of being this generation's Neville Chamberlain.
He's using the US-China trade negotiations as a tool to derail the
CCP's path to total war. It will not succeed because a world war in
100% certain anyway, but as I've said many times, and I'm not going to
criticize Trump for trying to prevent a world war, even if war is
certain no matter what he does.
There are plenty of reasons why a business might relocate a factory
from China to Vietnam -- substantially lower labor and real estate
costs, and less of the criminality -- corruption and extortion --
that's embedded in Chinese law.
Trump is not going to expand the trade war to Vietnam because Vietnam
will be our ally. He's not that stupid, and he completely baffles the
idiots on the left. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!