02-23-2020, 12:34 PM
** 22-Feb-2020 World View: HTS
The problem is that al-Assad is using about 20-30,000 HTS fighters as
a reason to declare that all 4 million people in Idlib -- more than
half of whom are children, and more than half of the rest are women --
are all terrorists, to be exterminated like cockroaches. So al-Assad
plans to exterminate four million people. In America, that would be
like Trump deciding to bomb and exterminate all blacks because of
Black Lives Matter. That's also the same reasoning that Hitler used
to exterminate the Jews. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même
aeden Wrote:> I tend to agree with a side of blow back.[/url]
> The report notes Turkey has sealed the border using its military:
> "The border is closed to refugees, secured by walls, trenches and
> guards who have shot people trying to cross without permission,"
> according to the WSJ.
> However, the WSJ fails to mention that the US-designated terrorist
> organization which rules Idlib on the ground, al-Qaeda faction
> Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, has for years terrorized the local
> population and has prevented them from leaving.
> No body said end of the world. No one thinks two percent was ever
> a real rational number either. The mutation rate is the real
> question to its initial lethal rate.
> [url]https://pastebin.com/irj4Fyd5
The problem is that al-Assad is using about 20-30,000 HTS fighters as
a reason to declare that all 4 million people in Idlib -- more than
half of whom are children, and more than half of the rest are women --
are all terrorists, to be exterminated like cockroaches. So al-Assad
plans to exterminate four million people. In America, that would be
like Trump deciding to bomb and exterminate all blacks because of
Black Lives Matter. That's also the same reasoning that Hitler used
to exterminate the Jews. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même