05-23-2020, 09:29 AM
** 22-May-2020 World View: Peaceful reunification with Taiwan
This does look really ominous, particularly because similar words
were also left out of the speech on Hong Kong, as I mentioned in
my article.
Perhaps it means that an attack on Taiwan is imminent, or perhaps
it means that it's not imminent since omitting the world "peaceful"
removes an element of surprise.
Guest Wrote:> China drops word 'peaceful' in latest push for Taiwan
> 'reunification'
> https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china...SKBN22Y06S
Quote:> Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left out the word “peaceful” on Friday
> in referring to Beijing’s desire to “reunify” with Chinese-claimed
> Taiwan, an apparent policy shift that comes as ties with Taipei
> continue on a downward spiral.
> Getting closer...
This does look really ominous, particularly because similar words
were also left out of the speech on Hong Kong, as I mentioned in
my article.
Perhaps it means that an attack on Taiwan is imminent, or perhaps
it means that it's not imminent since omitting the world "peaceful"
removes an element of surprise.