06-29-2020, 07:20 AM
(06-28-2020, 08:33 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 28-Jun-2020 World View: White Masters
[quote='Sue S']
> Smear all you like, but the BLM movement has struck a cord with
> millions of our fellow citizens fed up with the discrimination all
> too many of them suffer and see their friends, neighbours and
> co-workers suffer - no doubt the lockdown has given people time to
> think.
> You just don't 'get it' do you? - probably because you don't get
> racial abuse yourself.
> Some of the posters here remind me of dinosaurs looking up with
> incomprehension tinged with ignorance as the giant meteor strikes.
> It is not often that the underlying tectonic plates of our society
> shifts - 1945, The 60's, Late 70's spring to mind - but it's
> happening again.
Your complaints are real, but you obviously know nothing about history
and how we got here, and where we're going.
During the Civil War, the Democrats wanted to continue slavery, and
the Republicans wanted to end it. After the Democrats lost the Civil
War, and the Republicans freed the slaves, the Democrats retaliated by
forming the Ku Klux Klan. So the Democrats used the KKK to lynch,
rape, beat and torture uppity blacks for over a century.
If this does not suggest that the Parties have shifted greatly in political orientation or that major constituencies have moved between the two Parties,
Quote:When all is said and done, I think that the Obama and Eisenhower Presidencies are going to look like good analogues. Both Presidents are chilly rationalists. Both are practically scandal-free administrations. Both started with a troublesome war that both found their way out of. Neither did much to 'grow' the strength of their Parties in either House of Congress. To compare ISIS to Fidel Castro is completely unfair to Fidel Castro, a gentleman by contrast to ISIS.
The definitive moderate Republican may have been Dwight Eisenhower, and I have heard plenty of Democrats praise the Eisenhower Presidency. He went along with Supreme Court rulings that outlawed segregationist practices, stayed clear of the McCarthy bandwagon, and let McCarthy implode.
gray -- did not vote in 1952 or 1956
white -- Eisenhower twice, Obama twice
deep blue -- Republican all four elections
light blue -- Republican all but 2012 (I assume that greater Omaha went for Ike twice)
light green -- Eisenhower once, Stevenson once, Obama never
dark green -- Stevenson twice, Obama never
pink -- Stevenson twice, Obama once
No state voted Democratic all four times, so no state is in deep red.
...then what does? Republicans used to do extremely well among the best-educated people, winning the votes of college graduates (so well that "college graduates" actually voted for Goldwater as one of the few demographics that so voted in the landslide loss to LBJ in 1964. Of course there were fare fewer college graduates in 1964 than there were in the last two decades, and college education was very much an elite (WASP) phenomenon, at least among people in their fifties and older as late as the 1960's. Even having a high-school diploma was above-average education as late as the 1950's... and the states that Stevenson won look rather unimpressive for educational attainment and quality of life in the 1950's. Tobacco Road, Backwoods, and "Ku Kluxistan".
There's no indication that Stevenson was a gutter racist, and it may be that Ike was able to allay fears of economic policies and practices that Democrats had associated with Hoover (Ike accepted the New Deal and wasn't going to bring back the New Gilded Age of the 1920's). But consider this: if Obama has a closer overlay of state voting habits to those for Eisenhower than to any other Presidential nominee, indeed even to Hillary Clinton in 2016, then there must be some common threads in their appeals. I am guessing that statewide cultures, barring demographic change (like huge growth in the Latin-American populations in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico) were much the same around 1955 as they were in 2010.
If you want my prediction of the 2020 election based upon what I see in current polls, then I would basically take the Obama map of victory of 2008 except to exchange Indiana for Arizona.
I'm not making a definitive prediction yet. Maybe as you think, Americans will come to their senses and recognize what a marvelous leader Donald Trump is. (Trump would be thoroughly awful for his erratic behavior, his corruption, and his irrationality if he were a liberal instead of a conservative.
FDR, LBJ and MLK agreed to a way to put the blacks back into virtual
slavery: Blacks were forced to live in black ghetto housing projects
from which they couldn't escape. To make sure that they couldn't
escape, Democrats and Feminists threw massive welfare payments at
black mothers, and told them to get rid of the fathers in exchange for
the money, or their welfare payments would be cut off. In this way,
the Democrats completely destroyed the black family.
Something else was going on in the 1960's. About sixty years earlier, Booker T. Washington encouraged most blacks to seek industrial work as the most reliable method of getting out of poverty. Industrial America offered huge numbers of industrial jobs that required little formal education but instead a strong work ethic but offered a middle income. At the time, Big Business in the northern US (almost exclusively Republican, at least among owners and executives) and the agrarian elites of the South (Democrats, and quite hostile to manufacturing industry that would have drawn unskilled labor away from the dismal lives of what were still largely landless peasants) were at odds. The Republican Party had the allegiance of manufacturing and commercial elites Up North but (not surprisingly) the antipathy of industrial workers whom Big Business sought to keep poor. Working-class Americans in industry and commerce tended to vote Democratic. As late as the 1920's the Republican Party still got majority support from African-Americans; it was, after all, the Party of Lincoln... and as we well know, Southern agrarian elites hated Abraham Lincoln about like northern industrial and commercial elites hated Vladimir Lenin. Not until the Great Depression did blacks move sharply away from the Republican Party, at least in the North, for the simple reason that the Great Depression hit blacks harder than whites and because the labor unions sought to win over African-Americans to unions. Even then, the New Deal offered improved living conditions in the South due to rural electrification and big spending on infrastructure. Because southern Agrarian interests still treated blacks badly, the New Deal "Down South" was a raw deal for African-Americans, but they weren't voting anyway. (Think of how life is in places in which there are either no elections or elections have no choice -- vulnerable people get the shaft hard).
Still, the Democratic party was an uneasy coalition of Southern agrarian interests and of Northern organized labor, and the two rarely had to meet except at the Democratic national conventions. That worked until the 1960's. What changed? The kids.
The one-car family was the norm until the 1950's, often with Hubby and Wifey driving off to Hubby's job as a bread-winner in the plant, and Wifey driving back, perhaps stopping at the supermarket on the way home... and returning, perhaps after a trip to the dry-goods store on the way to pick Hubby up from his job. (If Hubby had any tendency to stop at the bar and drink up his pay, then the return trip from his job at the plant to home would not include a trip to the saloon). Hubby and Wifey would enjoy an unprecedented level of economic comfort characteristic in material (if not intellectual) quality of aristocratic elites. The kids would get to enjoy that without having to do any real work. Two cars? It was often the near-adults who got a second car if they got some slight work. It was often a used car, but it was usable.
Cars mean mobility. By the 1950's, adults of retirement age started heading to Florida to get away from real winters Up North... but to get to Florida on 41 from Chicago, 25 and 27 from Michigan and western Ohio, 21 and 19 from Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 15 and 17 from Rochester, and 1 from the great metro areas from Boston to Baltimore. the elderly sojourners drove through the most egregious parts of Dixie. This was before the Interstate Highway system, and as one got into Dixie one had to stop in restaurants to eat and in motels to stay overnight. Lost retirees might see evidence that Southern blacks were getting the shaft with the absurd separate facilities and denials of accommodations. Those elderly sojourners returned in the spring and had their tales to tell -- not all of them about sunshine and beaches in Florida. The kids listened, and (as late-wave Silent or early-wave Boomers) they were disgusted. Some of those kids would participate in Freedom Summer. They would come to despise the Southern agrarians who called black people something that rhymes with "triggers".
A new technology of communication was emerging: television. Radio did not offer images, so Southern pols could give assurances that they were treating "their" colored folks or Negroes (then much politer than the word they commonly used away from a Damn Yankee reporter) well when talking to a newspaper or radio reporter. With television, a camera crew could expose the squalor that was a consequence of the deliberate decisions of the agrarian elite to treat (it rhymed with "triggers", at least as they called them when no Yankees were around) badly -- and such things as separate facilities or signs that read "NO NEGROES SERVED HERE". Once the confrontations began, the Southern Agrarians revived the Klan and the more genteel "white citizens' councils".
The coalition between Northern organized labor and the Southern agrarian elite broke. No decent people Up North wanted anything to do with the likes of Bull Connor or Lester Maddox, let alone the fascist pigs (sorry about insulting pigs, in case "Arnold Ziffel" is reading this) who bombed places of worship.
Along came the Civil Rights Act of 1965, blacks got to vote in a democratic South, and for a while there could be a progressive coalition between white working-class Southerners (the South started to accept manufacturing industry) and African-Americans that could result in liberal reformers such as Winthrop Rockefeller (yes, he was a Republican), Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore, Jr. Even George Wallace, who once proclaimed "Segregation yesterday, segregation now, and segregation forever" recognized that the time was over for such rhetoric, repudiated his old racist rhetoric, and started courting African-American votes. Onward and upward, with the South showing signs of becoming more liberal than many other parts of America? Not for long.
Quote:So the result is that 75% of black children have no fathers, and their
black mothers are controlled by their white masters through welfare
Something else happened. Note well that the kids of middle-income working-class parents often had no desire to do the hard, regimented, mind-numbing factory work that their parents did. They took the advice on public-service ads: stay in school, to get a good (white-collar) job get a good education... and they did exactly that. Young adults from blue-collar families were not flocking to the plants to do industrial labor as they had. Big Business did move much of its manufacturing Down South, where low educational achievement made available plenty of manufacturing workers. Needless to say, manufacturing jobs upon which ill-educated black people depended upon for middle incomes disappeared as factories started closing. Ill-educated black men were often stripped of their roles as bread-winners. But they still had the same sex drive, and so did black women... To be sure, there were many young blacks who took the advice "stay in school" and "to get a good job, get a good education".
Note well that welfare was intended as a stopgap, "relief" for people in dire temporary need. But once the factory jobs were gone, wages cratered in other work (such as restaurants and retail, or domestic service) in which people needed little education. Such work for blacks was largely for women. There were not enough such jobs to go around, and they did not pay adequately.
Quote:Black leaders today are just Uncle Toms doing the bidding of white
Democrats. If a black leader wants to be on CNN or have political
power, then he must obey his white masters in the Democratic Party -
and on CNN.
No, they are not. They want dignity for fellow black people. The "Uncle Toms" of the past sold out fellow black people on behalf of white racists who praised the "Uncle Tom" in public and saw them as (it rhymes with "triggers") behind their backs. The current Republican Party has little to offer African-Americans except extreme poverty in return for toil for Third World wages under brutal management -- to which the current Republican Party will readily consign white people as well. Note well that well-educated non-black minorities (Hispanics and Asians) vote much as does the black bourgeoisie despite having very different backgrounds. See also Jews. The white middle-class is less dependent upon formal education to get its income, but it is trending Democratic.
I can say this of the black bourgeoisie; it is far too large to be a collection of Uncle Toms for any group. It also knows the "Uncle Tom" game and finds it appalling and offensive. It also gives a damn about poor blacks, which is more than I can say about economic elites that now dominate the Republican Party which seeks monopoly pricing, brutal management, and low taxes on elite income. The current Republican Party seems more like the big landowners, the tycoons, and executives of Germany about 90 years ago. Mercifully Trump isn't Hitler. It's the next right-wing demagogue who promises everything (no matter how contradictory) to everyone, can't deliver on such promises (such is inevitable among demagogues of all kinds) and takes the easiest course possible, which is to please the fewest people that he can get away with pleasing and then repress anyone dissatisfied. That is what Hitler did -- suppressing organized labor, outlawing socialists and other opposition, privatizing the nationalized sector of the German economy on the cheap, and destroying Jewish competition with Big Business.
Note well that in a system that goes fascistic, the people most vulnerable are the model minorities such as Jews in Germany... Maybe we are safer in America because we have more model minorities, including Jews, Asian-Americans, middle-class Hispanics, gays and lesbians, and of course the black bourgeoisie.
Quote:We see the results today in places like Baltimore and Chicago. The
streets are filled with the bodies of black teenage boys who shoot and
kill each other because they have no fathers and don't know any
better. The blood from these black boys flows through the streets of
the Democratic ghettos, but black leaders ignore them because their
white masters tell them to. The only black lives that "matter" to BLM
are the one or two who are shot by policemen. The other thousands of
black lives, whose bodies are filling the streets of the black
ghettos, are ignored by BLM because their white masters order them to
do so. Since BLM leaders are just Uncle Toms, they do as they're told
by their white masters.
The generational reality is clear. Know well that crime rates are down -- way down-- from what they were in the 1970's and 1980's. Young X of all ethnic groups were more likely than their predecessors to be involved in shady behavior from drunk driving (then treated rather gently) to marijuana use to larceny and violent crime. I give much of the credit to the disappearance of leaded fuels and lead paint. It was easy to see at one time that crime rates were highest in those sectors of urban areas in which fumes and dusts from vehicular exhausts were most concentrated -- where traffic was slowing down and getting into more traffic jams as it approached the central business districts. Lead, an insidious and cumulative poison can pass into the brain where it causes learning disabilities and weakens impulse control -- both of which have strong connections to criminality. The garden-variety criminal is stupid and out of control. (Such may not apply to the pure sociopath who has other psychological dynamics in operation, but this type appears across all lines of class, ethnicity, and culture).
Quote:So if you actually care about black lives, and you aren't just a robot
obeying the commands of your white masters in the Democrat Party, then
you should become an activist for getting husbands and fathers back
into the lives of their families.
It will be difficult to re-create the industrial reality that was good for ill-educated people in the late 1940's and the 1950's. Scarcity was still the norm at the time, and people could make a good living supplying the cars, appliances, consumer electronics, and furniture that Big Business could churn out profitably. Now we are near satiation with those.
Maybe it was the American High following World War II that was the abnormality, and other times are more normal.
Quote:Because I can tell you with absolute certainty: Blacks will continue
to suffer, and your concerns will never be addressed, until blacks
have fathers again.
Those fathers also need well-paying jobs that make them attractive husbands.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.