12-12-2020, 05:22 PM
(12-11-2020, 08:57 PM)CH86 Wrote: PBrower, your boomerism strikes again. Most Millennials HATE globalist tyranny and UN tyranny. My generation during our childhood in the 1990s witnessed the Boomers embracing cultural feminine decadence while simultaneously making sanctimonious preaching to the rest of the world at the time. Millennials Embraced an alternative youth culture at the time which took several various forms (thank god Gen-x was around to show us actual values). A lot of us young people were not surprised when 9/11 occurred, we saw the obvious weakness boomers showed during the Kosovo war and punitive air raids on Iraq.
Boomer elites of management, media, and politics have been awful. They have gotten away with narcissistic pathology as one would expect of hereditary elites. Those not in the elites may be decent enough, but having to do real work now requires abasement characteristic of a serf. Once the System determines that one is a "loser", one is such for life. People who have no checks upon their egos become extremely obnoxious... like Donald Trump.
Quote:Millennials then signed up in droves to fight in the war only for boomers to betray the troops by demanding that they fight with one arm tied behind their backs. They inoculated us against globalist neocons. By the late 2000s we wanted reform. Yes we initially supported Obama enthusiastically however once He got elected, he chose to betray millennials by choosing to enrich the Boomer Tycoons and Support corporate globalists. The embrace of globalism is what summoned the opposition by the Tea Party. If Bush Inoculated us against the neocons, Obama inoculated us against the Neolibs. The Forced acceptance of refugees and mass immigration is what Catalyzed The Rise of Donald Trump in order to put a stop to that insanity.
So what do we call the pathology that is Donald Trump, who exemplifies the worst traits of an Idealist generation with none of the virtues? Trump has created a reaction against him. It is clear that American capitalism, at least during the Neoliberal phase of American history that begins with Reagan and ends with Trump, has operated on the assumption that no human suffering can ever be in excess so long as it enriches and empowers an entrenched elite while enforcing its will. Fascism is too generic (it has been used to describe the racist, militarist Adolf Hitler and the reactionary but militarily-cautious Agosto Pinochet). "Trumpism" suggests that the fault is in the specific person, but what do we call it when someone imitates him and exploits some hard times with promises that "I am the only solution or salvation".
Quote:President Trump was not our preferred option (we wanted someone like Tulsi) but he was a good stopgap measure for a time. Then finally in 2020 we had the opportunity to elect a policy based campaign representing the political aspirations of young People, Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers, A policy based campaign representing the Core of the Latino Communities of the western and northeastern cities, the Black Communities of the Northern and western cities and Suburbs and sunbelt cities as well as the new Asian and Arab ethnic constituencies. However the Boomers lead by Obama and Clyburn rigged the primaries AND the Veepstakes; while the selfish Boomers claimed that rich latte liberal Boomers and Southern Black Church ladies were somehow the majority of Non-republican voters. The Boomers then conveniently claimed anyone who disagreed with them was a racist against said church ladies; and what was the Non-Racist position: Conveniently the Human Rights Tyranny political positions the Boomer sixties radicals tried to shove down the electorate's throats since the 1960s.
Donald Trump is an unmitigated disaster, a diversion from needful reforms in our social order. Cultural identity is rarely a choice unless the result of some extensive process of self-discovery in a society in which entertainment is a bigger business (for revenue, if not employment) than textiles. If you think that concerns of human rights are tyranny, then think of what life is like in a country like Iran or North Korea in which there are no human rights. You know how that goes -- disagree with the ruling elite, and die horribly.
Quote:We now instead have this abomination of a woman (Kamala) who personifies everything millennials HATE about American politics waiting in the wings. Millennials and Gen-Z'ers WILL NOT submit to AIPAC tyranny. Millennials will never support an Israel-Firster and Human rights Tyrant who wants to take aways our kids childhoods. At least the right since the rise of Trump has rediscovered the neccessity of understanding Human nature unlike the boomers globalists who even now whine "why cant we install pro-feminist democracies in Tehran, Pyongyang and Damascus" because you are selfish boomers who refuse to accept the reality of international borders. You Globalists are starting to even make us Millennials even feel a little sympathy toward the motives of our enemies like the Mullahs of Iran and others. Death to Globalism, Death to Human Rights Tyranny.
Trump understood a part of human nature -- the primitive segment of the psyche, the sewer of the soul. Anti-intellectualism, contempt for the weak and helpless, disdain for ethnic and religious difference, celebration of the 'star'... I am too old to say that if I never see another Donald Trump (I thought he was a person to avoid from when he was a young man) I will miss nothing. If I were fifty years younger I would say the same thing, and that would count more.
Remember well: in the aftermath of World War II we ended up supporting environments much more respectful of women in Germany, Italy, Japan, and France (and the male chauvinism in pre-WWII France had made France vulnerable to a fascist movement that almost succeeded without war and gladly served the Third Reich for its own purposes). Male chauvinism might not be the cause of all ills, but note well: men are as a rule more aggressive in the same species (I had a pet female golden cocker spaniel and a male golden cocker spaniel, both neutered, and they could have hardly been more different in their "personalities" -- dogs are as individual as humans are) except when protecting their young. The Nazis got their start among people high on a heady combination of testosterone and alcohol. It's better that people get their social ideas from a sober priest than from some angry, cranky, loudmouth drunk.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.