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Generational Dynamics World View
*** 2-Feb-21 World View -- Myanmar (Burma) military coup as army arrests Aung San Suu Kyi government officials

This morning's key headlines from
  • Myanmar (Burma) military coup as army arrests Aung San Suu Kyi government officials
  • How Aung Sang Suu Kyi became a useful idiot
  • China may intervene in Myanmar
  • The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Shan state

**** Myanmar (Burma) military coup as army arrests Aung San Suu Kyi government officials

[Image: g210201b.jpg]
Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi in happier days, before she turned into Hitler

The military in Myanmar (Burma) on Sunday arrested the country's
nominal leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, and about 45 other government
officials, in a military coup. Army chief Min Aung Hlaing declared a
state of emergency, and claims that the state of emergency will last a
year, and then there will be new elections.

Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party won a
landslide victory two months ago in November's parliamentary
elections, with 80% of the seats. The army's political party suffered
a huge defeat, and risked losing a great deal of power when the new
parliament was seated, which was scheduled for today (Monday).

In 2010, the army released Suu Kyi from detention. She had been under
detention since the 1988 student protests, in which she participated.
During her time in detention, she won a Nobel Peace Prize.

She went into politics and became country leader under the condition
that she "share power" with the army. There have been numerous
disagreements between the two, but apparently there was always one
area of agreement: Aung Sang Suu Kyi and the army and the Buddhist
monks, led by Ashin Wirathu, committed massive genocide, atrocities
and ethnic cleansing on ethnic Rohingya Muslims. Suu Kyi still
retains her Nobel Peace Prize anyway.

On Monday, the NLD issued a statement that had been written by Suu Kyi
in advance, in anticipation of the coup. In the statement, Suu Kyi
called on the country’s 55 million people to oppose a return to
“military dictatorship.” The implication is that she is asking her
supporters to protest and riot.

**** How Aung Sang Suu Kyi became a useful idiot

[Image: g210201c.jpg]
Cox's Bazar refugee camp for Rohingyas in Bangladesh, fleeing from Burma (al-Jazeera)

Army general Min Aung Hlaing, the leader of the coup, became head of
the army in 2011. That was the same year that Burma's security forces
began committing atrocities on Muslim ethnic Rohingyas living in
Rakhine State. The atrocities were supported by Buddhist monks, led
by Buddhist Monk Ashin Wirathu. The United Nations described it as "a
textbook example of ethnic cleansing." The atrocities included gang
rape, violent torture, execution-style killings and the razing of
entire villages, in a scorched earth campaign. Aung Sang Suu Kyi told
reporters nothing had happened.

In 2013, a mob of Buddhists attacked a Rohingya village, hacking 20
boys to death, and reduced an entire established community of 12,000
Muslims, including homes, shops and mosques, to ashes and rubble.
Aung Sang Suu Kyi told reporters nothing had happened.

A massive period of full-scale genocide and ethnic cleansing began in
August 2017. Tens of thousands were killed, and 730,000 refugees were
forced across the border into Bangladesh, where they're still living
in the crowded, filthy Cox's Bazar refugee camp.

In 2019, the International Court of Justice in the Hague held a trial
on Burma's genocide, and Aung Sang Suu Kyi came and defended the
army, saying that nothing had happened.

So Aung Sang Suu Kyi is just a useful idiot, becoming a war criminal
herself and serving the needs of the Burmese army war criminal, by
presenting a sympathetic tired, weary, female face to the world to
deflect the horrors and atrocities that are occurring in their

These atrocities have been going on since 2011, but almost nobody
cared, or even cares much now, because of Aung Sang Suu Kyi's tired,
weary, female face, reciting the words of her puppetmaster Min Aung
Hlaing. Most Burmese people are well aware of the genocide and ethnic
cleansing of the Rohingyas. But they aren't bothered by it. They
love it. "Go on!" you might imagine millions of Burmese saying in
unison. "Torture the Rohingyas some more! Rape them some more! Slit
their throats, so that their impure blood waters the furrows of our

The Burmese hatred of the Rohingyas is not rare. That kind of ethnic
hatred is common in several countries today and recently. It's the
rule. It's the Chinese hatred of Uighurs. It's the Zimbabwe Shona
hatred of the Nbdele. It's the Syrian Alawite hatred of Arab Sunnis.
It's the Rwandan Hutu hatred of Tutsis. It's the Nazi hatred of Jews.
In America today, it's the Democrats' hatred of the 74 million Tea
Partiers and Trump supporters, as I described at length in "12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook"

Aung Sang Suu Kyi sold herself, her self-respect, and her soul out to
become a useful idiot for the Burmese army war criminals. As often
happens by groups united only be hatred and criminality, army and Aung
Sang Suu Kyi have now become enemies. The army has arrested Aung Sang
Suu Kyi and dozens of people in her government, but the army just lost
an election in a landslide, and they can't arrest the millions of
people who supported her. (This is also a lesson for America.)

Aung Sang Suu Kyi has called on her millions of supporters to oppose
the coup with protests. This could easily unravel into full-scale
riots. However, the Burmese forces were extremely violent for years
against the Rohingyas, and they won't hesitate to be equally violent
against their own people. They can also count on support from the
Chinese Communists, who conduct their own violence against Uighurs,
Tibetans, Buddhists, Christians, and anyone who disagrees with them.

**** China may intervene in Myanmar

Myanmar and China share a common border, and they have a great deal in
common, especially since both are committing genocide and ethnic
cleansing of Muslims, of Rohingyas and Uighurs, respectively. That
must give them a lot to talk about, to discuss the best methods for
torture and enslavement. Indeed, in a meeting last month with Min
Aung Hlaing, China's foreign minister Wang Yi called the two countries
“brothers” while praising the military’s “national revitalization.”
Myanmar has promised to "continue to support China's position on
issues related to Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang." They also support each
other in the United Nations, when they're accused of crimes against
humanity. It takes one to know one.

China is heavily involved in building Myanmar's infrastructure,
including a joint construction project to build the China-Myanmar
Economic Corridor (CMEC), which is part of China's Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI). The CMEC focuses on 12 areas including basic
infrastructure, construction, manufacturing, agriculture, transport,
finance, human resource development and telecommunications.

China is also practicing "vaccine diplomacy," by promising to provide
300,000 doses of coronavirus vaccines to Myanmar.

However, China and Burma have also had strong disagreements over
separatist ethnic groups. In August 2009, there was violent fighting
between Burma's army and rebels from the Kokang ethnic group. This
angered the Chinese because the Kokang are a Han Chinese minority,
and got China's army involved briefly.

**** The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Shan state

The wild card in this situation is the separatist Kachin Independence
Army (KIA), which is demanding a separate state for the Kachin ethnic
group. They've joined together with the Shan ethnic group and other
ethnic groups in northern Burma, along the border with China, to form a
"northern alliance" against Burma's army. In northern Shan state,
intense fighting has occurred since January 2018 and intensified since
December 2020. There are an estimated 7 ethnic armed organizations, 20
militia groups, and 7 Border Guard Forces (BGFs) actively engaged in
an armed independence movement against the Myanmar government.

Burma's last two generational crisis wars (1886-91 and 1948-58) were
extremely bloody and violent civil wars involving multiple ethnic
groups. (See "Burma: Growing demonstrations by the '88 Generation' raise fears of new slaughter"

62 years have passed since the climax of the last generational crisis
war, so Burma is ripe for cycling around and having a new violent
ethnic civil war. China was heavily involved in the 1950s crisis war,
and they would be involved in a new Myanmar civil war, possibly
destabilizing the entire region.

Pretty much everyone is shocked that the army engineered this coup at
this time. Analysts are puzzled by why the army took this step right
now, since they pretty much control everything anyway, even with Aung
San Suu Kyi as the nominal leader.

So the following is speculation: Perhaps the Burmese army has
intelligence that sees signs of new KIA activity, and they want to
lock everything down. As I said, this is speculation, but the current
situation appears to be potentially very unstable, with an army coup,
with threats of protests and riots by Aung Sang Suu Kyi's millions of
supporters, and with the possibility of protests by the Kachin and
Shan ethnic groups, it's necessary to watch the situation in Myanmar
very carefully in the next few weeks.


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Myanmar, Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi,
Min Aung Hlaing, National League for Democracy, NLD,
Rakhine State, Ashin Wirathu, Rohingyas, Bangladesh, Cox's Bazar,
International Court of Justice, Wang Yi, Belt and Road Initiative, BRI,
China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, CMEC

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RE: 58 year rule - by John J. Xenakis - 04-02-2020, 12:25 PM
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RE: Generational Dynamics World View - by galaxy - 08-21-2021, 01:41 PM
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