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Joe Biden: polls of approval and favorability
(09-17-2021, 10:08 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-17-2021, 11:03 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I agree. Although we really need a liberal Democrat to win in 2024. Moderate conservatives tend to be neo-liberal trickle-downers, which won't do in a time of existential crisis. Of course neo-liberalism is also a type of extremism; not identical to trumpism but compatible with it. It was called extremism when Barry Goldwater ran, but Reagan made it more acceptable just because he was a handsome actor and had macho charm. We need to end neo-liberal rule entirely; 40 years of regression is enough. It's time for progress again.

Kamala Harris may be smart enough to be president, but is not qualified as a nominee, because she will lose. It is unlikely that she will even inherit the job.

Who is going to demote her once she's President? She will be the first minority birthing person President of Acirema to hold office? Hell, she could end up being the last President of the USA and the first President of Acirema when America declares its independence and reestablishes America and the American States as a nation.  Oh wait, we want her to look good in front of the cameras (the Acirema media and the global media). So, we will be nice and go along with Biden being the end of the USA and recognize her as the President of the United States of Acerima.   To be honest, I think it's very clear that the United States is no longer united and won't be remaining together under one banner for very long.

I just said she won't get the job, so any other comment is irrelevant and invalid, dude. Although I suppose, if the nation splits up, there won't be a president of the USA in the old sense.

By the way, you like the word America for yourself, but do you even realize that it refers to two whole continents? Most of which are hispanic?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-17-2021, 06:00 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-17-2021, 02:06 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: I predict you will be partly wrong on that, using my cosmic crystal ball method which has a lot of success. Of course, tempered by my obsession with following and understanding the news and history.

Right now, the Senate is 2 or 3 votes away from passing some major legislation through reconciliation. The Democratic Party is in negotiation. I think they will pass something. Much action on climate change is in this bill, if this portion is passed intact. Also, the president has some powers.

There are many clouds though, I admit. Republicans may try to shut down the government next month. I predicted the 2020s would be a progressive decade, for which we are way overdue. But Saturn returning to Aquarius through Aries is a fairly reliable 30-year indicator, and this is now going to be emphasized with Pluto there from 2023/4 to about 2043/4. The Supreme Court is the same as it was in the last 4T, and unless it tempers its reactionism, it could be threatened at least with packing. The Republican voter suppression going on in key states is a real concern. It could spell a midterm defeat unless millennials rise to their civic duty and vote. The congress can pass voting rights now and reverse this, if it finds an excuse to bypass the filibuster. This is unlikely, but still possible. Otherwise, it will be up to the aware and awake people to rise up on midterm election day and do their civic duty and preserve the republic and the world from the classic Xers and somnolent Boomers. If the midterms result in increased Democratic Party control, they could reduce/reform the filibuster or bypass/remove it and make Democratic Party power more permanent by giving Puerto Rico and DC senate seats. The groundswell has been aroused since 2017, if it still has legs. I consider the anti-Trump movements to be the regeneracy. The Democratic Party seems ready to fight, but right now they still have to get a few moderates in congress on board.

The Uranus Return every 84 years is an indicator that is identical to the saeculum, at least archetypally in the modern times since the 18th century, when the planet was discovered and became activated thereby. This even extends to the reason that philosopher/astrologer Dane Rudhyar said that Uranus has its traits: because it corresponds to the average length of a human life. That is also what S&H said is the basis for the saeculum. The Uranus Return is due in circa 2027.

We don't get through fourth turnings without having to meet an existential crisis or two. The pandemic is one. I mentioned at the start of these forums that climate change was the main thing, besides the nation's division caused by its reactionary Party itself. This is showing itself to be true ever more clearly, day by day. The IPCC says it's now code red. If we don't handle climate change now and reverse the trend, most-assuredly the next 2T will be too late. Second turnings may bring some social and cultural changes, and we can look for deeper change when it comes in the late 2040s, but big institutional changes are the province of 4Ts. And it never looks bright until near the end of the Crisis. We are in for some rough sailing yet in this 4T, which is still ramping up and is far from over. But the end looks positive according to the signs I read. Look to 2029 for some decisive battles that bring it to a conclusion. 

The 4T has never ended without a liberal or progressive victory. If we fail this time, it will be the first time. Do we want that on our conscience? I say no. We boomers still have a lot of work to do, and we dare not pass leadership on entirely to Generation X, which came of age under Reagan. The world needs our idealism and wisdom now. Writing on internet forums will not be enough. We boomers must participate in the body politic however we can during this 4T and beyond.

I don't know what you see in your cosmic crystal ball. I assume that you see what you want to see in your cosmic crystal ball. It's not a good sign if you're down to your cosmic crystal ball. Me, I'd see what any non partisan/objective minded person would see and use it as a guide what's to come. A while back, you said something about the group that has the better apparatus winning the civil war to come. Guess what, I agree with you one hundred percent and that's what I've been going by all along. So, how good of an apparatus does the Democratic party /Acirema have in place compared to the American apparatus that's in place these days. I don't think you or Nancy P, Chuck and Gumby or whoever is making the rules and decisions for Gumby understand who or understand what all you're up against or the amount of losses that you're all going to take at this point. I could toss in McConnell, Graham, Romney and Cheney with the Leftist's too just to show you that I'm not all that particular when it comes to getting rid of corrupt/self serving politicians who are getting in the way of American progress.

I don't think your regressive, reactionary militias are a match for the US army and national guard and police forces. Gen Milley made sure that you guys understand what's what. Even a Trumpist president will not be able to command the US army to go against the Constitution or attack the Capitol.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-18-2021, 12:11 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(09-17-2021, 06:00 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-17-2021, 02:06 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: I predict you will be partly wrong on that, using my cosmic crystal ball method which has a lot of success. Of course, tempered by my obsession with following and understanding the news and history.


We don't get through fourth turnings without having to meet an existential crisis or two. The pandemic is one. I mentioned at the start of these forums that climate change was the main thing, besides the nation's division caused by its reactionary Party itself. This is showing itself to be true ever more clearly, day by day. The IPCC says it's now code red. If we don't handle climate change now and reverse the trend, most-assuredly the next 2T will be too late. Second turnings may bring some social and cultural changes, and we can look for deeper change when it comes in the late 2040s, but big institutional changes are the province of 4Ts. And it never looks bright until near the end of the Crisis. We are in for some rough sailing yet in this 4T, which is still ramping up and is far from over. But the end looks positive according to the signs I read. Look to 2029 for some decisive battles that bring it to a conclusion. 

The 4T has never ended without a liberal or progressive victory. If we fail this time, it will be the first time. Do we want that on our conscience? I say no. We boomers still have a lot of work to do, and we dare not pass leadership on entirely to Generation X, which came of age under Reagan. The world needs our idealism and wisdom now. Writing on internet forums will not be enough. We boomers must participate in the body politic however we can during this 4T and beyond.

I don't know what you see in your cosmic crystal ball. I assume that you see what you want to see in your cosmic crystal ball. It's not a good sign if you're down to your cosmic crystal ball. Me, I'd see what any non partisan/objective minded person would see and use it as a guide what's to come. A while back, you said something about the group that has the better apparatus winning the civil war to come. Guess what, I agree with you one hundred percent and that's what I've been going by all along. So, how good of an apparatus does the Democratic party /Acirema have in place compared to the American apparatus that's in place these days. I don't think you or Nancy P, Chuck and Gumby or whoever is making the rules and decisions for Gumby understand who or understand what all you're up against or the amount of losses that you're all going to take at this point. I could toss in McConnell, Graham, Romney and Cheney with the Leftist's too just to show you that I'm not all that particular when it comes to getting rid of corrupt/self serving politicians who are getting in the way of American progress.

I don't think your regressive, reactionary militias are a match for the US army and national guard and police forces. Gen Milley made sure that you guys understand what's what. Even a Trumpist president will not be able to command the US army to go against the Constitution or attack the Capitol.

Nobody needs any crystal ball to recognize that the Armed Forces have no use for a reckless, amoral Commander-in-Chief who would order the Armed Forces to do unilateral aggression on his behalf or to put an end to the Rule of law. The people who did the Michigan plot were apparently militia-related; I can't say definitively that they challenged the Law and the Law won until any guilty verdicts come in (that will be at least a month, as I understand the court docket). That plot includes violations of federal laws such as a plot for interstate kidnapping and violations of federal civil rights (as I understand the indictments). One participant buckled already, and I can only imagine what he will say against his co-conspirators.

Trump egged that on just as he later egged on the "Stop the Steal" farce. 

We have the rule of law and we have law and order lest our civil liberties and human rights prove farcical. 

The Service Academies teach well about the fundamentals behind the American political system -- enough that their last two graduates to become President (Eisenhower and Carter) had no proclivity to do anything screwy. Donald Trump, who was sent to a civilian military-style academy (which is where middle-class and upper-class parents often send wayward male teenagers!) would have never gotten through a Service academy. In view of his son's intellectual hollowness, Trump's father Fred practically bought a degree for him. High-quality colleges insist upon the intellectual equivalent of a work ethic these days, and they would rather have some sharp kid who uses his spare time when not working in the family restaurant (you know, the buffet that some Vietnamese-American family operates as a "Chinese" buffet... or its "Mexican" variant) hits the books instead of playing video games or watching the Idiot Screen. A great school like Harvard wants its influence to appear in places like San Jose and San Antonio, too.

Really to Classic X'er: the John Lewis bill has passed the House, and many of the efforts to squelch votes that reactionaries like you think unrepresentative of your conception of some mythical "real America" will fail should the bill pass the Senate. If the 50 Democrats can get any Republican to go along with stopping a filibuster, this bill passes, and conservatives like you will need to find ways to appeal to people not already in your Trump cult. There are plenty of Republican conservatives who recognize that they have little to lose if that bill passes. The Trump cult is old, white, and ill-educated, and it is shrinking every year. It had only one win (2016) and that was something of a freak. Trump's jungle-fighting style of politics is terribly obsolete, and it will become even more so as time passes. If Classic X'er wants a more conservative pattern, then he will need to stand for family farms and small business, and tax and spending policies that favor such people even at the expense of Corporate America. 

We need more capitalism -- not less -- if we are to have the basis of a solid welfare state (really a social-market system). Trump is simply for crony capitalism that serves a few inordinately well and $crews the rest of us.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-18-2021, 12:04 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I just said she won't get the job, so any other comment is irrelevant and invalid, dude. Although I suppose, if the nation splits up, there won't be a president of the USA in the old sense.

By the way, you like the word America for yourself, but do you even realize that it refers to two whole continents? Most of which are hispanic?
What, do you think you're the king of the world or God or something? Your arrogance is going to be a detriment to your health/survival dude. You better figure out how to get in check before we do it for you. It'll be much less painful than the alternative. What are you going to do, force her to resign (buy her off) or assassinate her before Biden resigns. What, do you actually believe Biden can continue getting away with it? America won't stand for it and the free world won't stand for it much longer either. She's pretty much guaranteed the job at this point. Biden will be out of office within two years. There is no doubt about that now. I told you that you wouldn't be able keep his obvious problem ( he's both senile and incompetent ) hidden for very long. He's pretty much f-d up everything he's done so far.
(09-19-2021, 12:48 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-18-2021, 12:04 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I just said she won't get the job, so any other comment is irrelevant and invalid, dude. Although I suppose, if the nation splits up, there won't be a president of the USA in the old sense.

By the way, you like the word America for yourself, but do you even realize that it refers to two whole continents? Most of which are hispanic?

What, do you think you're the king of the world or God or something? Your arrogance is going to be a detriment to your health/survival dude. You better figure out how to get in check before we do it for you.

You are getting belligerent again. 

I know, I know, I know. Many of the assumptions that you have made in life from childhood are falling apart. That is never easy. Nobody ever learns how to take that gracefully. Maybe being the sort of American that you are -- white, Christian, straight, and tied to Reagan-era conservatism -- doesn't hold the advantages that it once did. Maybe you see minorities succeeding, and even marrying people that you thought were the property of your race that must be kept pure. Maybe you can't accept that non-whites are asserting the same rights that you have assumed are for whites only. That includes marrying white people and having mixed-race babies by them.

I see it this way: most who do well do good first. They have often made great sacrifices to hone specialized skills. They did not become successful by boozing and whoring as adults or slacking off in school when kids. Maybe they started businesses that required them to put in 70-80 hours a week to have a chance to make a go of it. Maybe they went through some management-training program that had them doing long hours of truly unpleasant work, like dealing with irate customers or doing cold-call sales just to prove themselves. 

Unless one is born to wealth or privilege or has a career path that offers much so long as one is a chip off the old block, life isn't easy. Keeping a marriage together in rough times isn't easy. Hard as it all is one must do one's best. If one has children one needs establish an appropriate model for having some chance of success.  

Quote:It'll be much less painful than the alternative. What are you going to do, force her to resign (buy her off) or assassinate her before Biden resigns.

Eric has values -- maybe not yours, but they are just as valid. You attribute to him suggestions of violence that will never work. One thing is clear: Donald Trump was a catastrophic failure as President. He is the sort of person who has given  half-hearted efforts in all sorts of enterprises, cutting and running when things aren't as easy as they look. The one exception is the Presidency, and he failed there because he never understood that the President cannot govern as a despot and get away with it.   

Quote: What, do you actually believe Biden can continue getting away with it? America won't stand for it and the free world won't stand for it much longer either.

The only thing that President Biden is trying to get away with is in being President at an extreme age for such grave responsibilities, when most of his generation is already deceased. He does not have a large natural constituency of people similar to him in attitudes because they are in the same generation. This said -- he isn't hollow, lazy, angry, and egotistical as Trump is. Donald Trump is the disaster for being even more immature than senile.

As for the Free World... Angela Merkel loathed him and simply tried to wait him out. That was wise on her part. If you are dealing with Angela Merkel you don't do anything fishy. She can burn you. I have no idea how long Queen Elizabeth II will be around. She is one of the most secretive people around... and I would not be surprised if she has a rich log of her experiences with all sorts of people. She has surely met Franklin Roosevelt, who has been dead for over seventy-five years... and Donald Trump. Her memoirs (even if someone simply puts her diary into such a form) will be interesting. Trump will not be the most unpleasant guest that she has known, as there was Nicolae Ceausescu -- whom she is understood to have loathed. 

Trump made America's membership in the Free World far shakier than it had been. General Milley was right to warn the Chinese about the 45th President's desire to start a war with China, a war that would have never been approved by Congress.  

Quote: She's pretty much guaranteed the job at this point. Biden will be out of office within two years. There is no doubt about that now. I told you that you wouldn't be able keep his obvious problem ( he's both senile and incompetent ) hidden for very long. He's pretty much f-d up everything he's done so far.

If President Biden resigns, then it will really be a retirement that some physician has directed. It might be "die in office in three months or have a chance to live to 90".

The abandonment of Afghanistan is a disgrace, but Trump cut the deal.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-19-2021, 12:48 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-18-2021, 12:04 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I just said she won't get the job, so any other comment is irrelevant and invalid, dude. Although I suppose, if the nation splits up, there won't be a president of the USA in the old sense.

By the way, you like the word America for yourself, but do you even realize that it refers to two whole continents? Most of which are hispanic?
What, do you think you're the king of the world or God or something? Your arrogance is going to be a detriment to your health/survival dude. You better figure out how to get in check before we do it for you. It'll be much less painful than the alternative. What are you going to do, force her to resign (buy her off) or assassinate her before Biden resigns.

I do think I have a better crystal ball than yours. Mine has a pretty good track record, and yours does not.

Quote: What, do you actually believe Biden can continue getting away with it? America won't stand for it and the free world won't stand for it much longer either. She's pretty much guaranteed the job at this point. Biden will be out of office within two years. There is no doubt about that now. I told you that you wouldn't be able keep his obvious problem ( he's both senile and incompetent ) hidden for very long. He's pretty much f-d up everything he's done so far.

Biden is a genuine leader of the free world. Not perfect, since he has made some mistakes. But he has done well in most ways. At least I understand what's going on, instead of making up false myths and conspiracy theories like you do. At least Biden is aged and wise, rather than your guy who is both aged and insane.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-18-2021, 12:11 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't think your regressive, reactionary militias are a match for the US army and national guard and police forces. Gen Milley made sure that you guys understand what's what. Even a Trumpist president will not be able to command the US army to go against the Constitution or attack the Capitol.
You don't believe in the Constitution or recognize or support the Constitution. You've been proving that to me for many years. What do you think I'm as dumb and ignorant as the typical blue voter these days. I've been proving that wrong for several years too. General Milley is an insecure pussy who earned the ribbons on chest by sitting at a desk in Washington shuffling papers and transferring orders. He's not a field commander, he's a bureaucrat who wears a uniform instead of a suit.
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.
You can say what you want but Trump didn't fuck anything major while he was in office, So, what are you going to do when America votes to leave the Union and you're stuck living in a third world country. PB, are you are doing is screwing yourself out of a country right. So, who is going to care about you and provide for you PB? You're brother?
(09-19-2021, 11:24 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(09-19-2021, 12:48 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-18-2021, 12:04 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I just said she won't get the job, so any other comment is irrelevant and invalid, dude. Although I suppose, if the nation splits up, there won't be a president of the USA in the old sense.

By the way, you like the word America for yourself, but do you even realize that it refers to two whole continents? Most of which are hispanic?
What, do you think you're the king of the world or God or something? Your arrogance is going to be a detriment to your health/survival dude. You better figure out how to get in check before we do it for you. It'll be much less painful than the alternative. What are you going to do, force her to resign (buy her off) or assassinate her before Biden resigns.

I do think I have a better crystal ball than yours. Mine has a pretty good track record, and yours does not.

Quote: What, do you actually believe Biden can continue getting away with it? America won't stand for it and the free world won't stand for it much longer either. She's pretty much guaranteed the job at this point. Biden will be out of office within two years. There is no doubt about that now. I told you that you wouldn't be able keep his obvious problem ( he's both senile and incompetent ) hidden for very long. He's pretty much f-d up everything he's done so far.

Biden is a genuine leader of the free world. Not perfect, since he has made some mistakes. But he has done well in most ways. At least I understand what's going on, instead of making up false myths and conspiracy theories like you do. At least Biden is aged and wise, rather than your guy who is both aged and insane.
At best, your crystal is about equal to my superior senses/ logic. Do you want to know what's cool? Every Real American who cares about the future knows which group is guilty of fucking up the country right now. So, according to your crystal ball, when can we expect to see what I'm seeing and steadily predicting is coming for the last year. How many Democrats do you see being eliminated one way or another by angry American citizens who don't like the direction that the Democrats have decided to take the country with Biden in office? How many many wealthy blue elites do you see getting attacked or assassinated? I see some very dark/violent days ahead for the Democratic side. I don't how the Democratic side is going to win an asymmetric Civil War that has no borders or rules for that matter. The gloves are coming off dude and the Democrats seem oblivious and still pretty much stuck on themselves. The stars have a pretty good track record but your predictions that are based on them have been largely inaccurate so far compared to mine. We are where I said we'd be with Biden in office. The GOP ain't going to be able to cover for the Democrats this time because their necks are in the same noose as the Democrats these days.
(09-19-2021, 01:33 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: If President Biden resigns, then it will really be a retirement that some physician has directed. It might be "die in office in three months or have a chance to live to 90".

The abandonment of Afghanistan is a disgrace, but Trump cut the deal.
Do you think Trump cut the deal is going to fly when everyone knows that Biden has been the one in charge and making the decision for several months? Biden cut the deal and we all saw the result. Like I said before, I'm not in your feeble position.
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.
Look who's talking? It's hard to get over you're immaturity and the immaturity of today's Left without acting somewhat immature these days.
(09-22-2021, 08:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.

Look who's talking? It's hard to get over you're immaturity and the immaturity of today's Left without acting somewhat immature these days.

You do not know me well enough to judge my sanity and maturity. I know President Trump all too well from his behavior.

His attitudes toward women would have made him a sick joke at the college that I attended and graduated from in the 1970's. Trump has an attitude toward women highly characteristic of a rapist.

I have said plenty of things that make me incompatible with certain orthodoxies of the Left that I knew as a youth. Have you seen my defense of tradition as a fallback against hypermodern absurdity? Have you not caught on that I recognize law and order as necessary for the gain and preservation of civil liberties and human rights? Have you noticed that I stand for conservative family values as the appropriate model for people irrespective of their political positions because such conservative family values protect children? Have you noticed my support for old cultural models as the departure for anything truly innovative? Have I said anything good about Marx unless it is about some unique point not yet proven but not yet unproven? I have said that we need more capitalism in the form of formation of new small business because bloated bureaucracies are more likely to collapse than grow.

I may be multicultural in recognizing that our world has plenty of valid traditions from which people can pick and choose if alienated with what they have.

So on what am I not a conservative? Economic matters -- neoliberalism needs to go because it has failed except in intensifying economic inequality without appreciable growth. We got crony capitalism instead.

I do not know what sort of "Left" you think I am in. Marxism-Leninism and its offshoots are all reactionary failures. You surely missed my derision of the late Abimael  (leader of the Shining Path) Guzman and figures of the Khmer Rouge.

Don't try to make a straw-man out of me. It will not work; I will not let it.

...Donald Trump is indefinsable under any criterion of "tradition".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-22-2021, 07:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-18-2021, 12:11 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't think your regressive, reactionary militias are a match for the US army and national guard and police forces. Gen Milley made sure that you guys understand what's what. Even a Trumpist president will not be able to command the US army to go against the Constitution or attack the Capitol.
You don't believe in the Constitution or recognize or support  the Constitution. You've been proving that  to me for many years. What do you think I'm as dumb and ignorant as the typical blue voter these days. I've been proving that wrong for several years too. General Milley is an insecure pussy who earned the ribbons on chest by sitting at a desk in Washington shuffling papers and transferring orders. He's not a field commander, he's a bureaucrat who wears a uniform instead of a suit.

And I've been pointing out to you for years that the only thing in the Constitution that you care about is your "right to bear" guns, which is total bullshit. Yes, I would take away your guns in a heartbeat if I could. I would send the police to take them away from you.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Classic Xer, ask me if I give a damn about your "rights" ha ha

[Image: img_2388.jpg?w=1100]
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-22-2021, 07:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-18-2021, 12:11 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't think your regressive, reactionary militias are a match for the US army and national guard and police forces. Gen Milley made sure that you guys understand what's what. Even a Trumpist president will not be able to command the US army to go against the Constitution or attack the Capitol.

You don't believe in the Constitution or recognize or support  the Constitution. You've been proving that  to me for many years. What do you think I'm as dumb and ignorant as the typical blue voter these days. I've been proving that wrong for several years too. General Milley is an insecure pussy who earned the ribbons on chest by sitting at a desk in Washington shuffling papers and transferring orders. He's not a field commander, he's a bureaucrat who wears a uniform instead of a suit.

The Constitution precludes a despotic President. People who wrote it had written a Declaration of Independence that enumerated the wrongs of King George III; with that wisdom they defined the Presidency to give the President powers that a leader might need in a certifiable emergency... powers that would require the acquiescence of Congress. If one is Abraham Lincoln facing the Confederacy or FDR facing the demonic Axis Powers, then one gets the powers necessary for saving the Union. Someone criticizing the President in the exercise of his First Amendment rights is not the menace that Adolf Hitler or Hideki Tojo is... and should the Armed Services become servile to a political leader in enforcing his political will contrary to federal law including the Constitution then we have a dictatorship reminiscent of those of Hitler, Tojo... or Satan Hussein.

The President does not have the power to order someone killed unless the death of that that person (let us say Osama bin Laden)  is unlikely to offend Congress. He does not have the power to demand funds, as Congress has control of the budget. The President is responsible for the Armed Services, but the Armed Services are not above the Law. The Uniform Code of Military Justice dictated how General Milley responded to the Capitol Putsch.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November... January 6 can become America's equivalent of Guy Fawkes Day in the UK.

Don't disparage the upper echelon of the Armed Services for being "bureaucratic". Bureaucracy can control behavior down the line. The military is obliged to obey lawful orders of the President -- but not unlawful orders such as war crimes and the overthrow of Constitutional protections.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Classic X'er...

Do you believe that it was right for Donald Trump to exercise dictatorial powers? Can you offer some justification other than "My side must win"? It is terribly wrong, in my opinion (and I am sure that I am far from alone in this) in my rejection of executive despotism on behalf of any President.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-22-2021, 08:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.

Look who's talking? It's hard to get over you're immaturity and the immaturity of today's Left without acting somewhat immature these days.

I'll dispute your characterization of Paul, but even if it's true, he's not the President, and not running for the job either.  We can and do expect much more from womeone who does.  Trump fails miserably, and may very well be labled a traitor by the one judge beyone dispute: history.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(09-24-2021, 08:56 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(09-22-2021, 08:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Worse than being aged and insane... Donald Trump is terribly immature. He has a grade-school level of emotional maturity.

Look who's talking? It's hard to get over you're immaturity and the immaturity of today's Left without acting somewhat immature these days.

I'll dispute your characterization of Paul, but even if it's true, he's not the President, and not running for the job either.  We can and do expect much more from someone who does.  Trump fails miserably, and may very well be labeled a traitor by the one judge beyond dispute: history.

Thank you, David.

I am unelectable. I have Asperger's syndrome, and I often end up with expressions that contradict my words and feelings.

At least I know my serious flaws as a person. Of course I would never lie as Trump does. I could never get away with it. I'm not a sexual predator. If I were in business I would never have dealings with mobsters and would never stiff contractors. I expect integrity in business transactions as a norm, and I would enforce those as an owner or executive. I have much cause for resentment, but at least I have never struck back at society for such resentment.

As someone with a serious disability that has wasted such talents as I have, I cannot accept anyone mocking the disabled and unfortunate. I at least have nothing but respect for POWs in the "Hanoi Hilton" who showed their loyalty to America clean as did the late John McCain. I have nothing but respect for those military leaders who decided that Donald Trump was not going to muck things up so that we would have a war that would make a Presidential transition impossible. I respect law-enforcement that stood up to the Capitol Putsch at the risk of their lives and prosecutors who now hound down the worst.

Crooked gain just isn't worth the shame and the overall harm to the system. His sexual predation? Feminist or traditionalist, one way or the other one cannot excuse him. That was the definitive warning to me that he was unfit to be President.

...I see Donald Trump as a sick joke to historians. Presidents of the United States will get attention long after the USA is no more, much like Roman Emperors. Caligula, Nero (Quo Vadis?), and Commodus (Gladiator) have had feature films that show them in unflattering lights. I expect much the same, and far sooner (of course!) with Donald Trump. Of course, a full deprecation of Trump will be impossible until he dies... but with his bad eating habits, his obesity, and his lack of exercise I have every reason to expect Obama to be around for the premiere. Maybe one of Dubya and Bill Clinton!

I could even imagine a remake of Doctor Strangelove, with Donald Trump as the erratic character in a roman-a-clef.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[quote author=Matty link=topic=411540.msg8265269#msg8265269 date=1632499315 uid=11937]
Minnesota star tribune poll of Minnesota

approve 47
Disapprove 51

Surprise! The first poll of Minnesota.

There will be more of this state.

[Image: genusmap.php?year=2016&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_...&NE3=0;1;5]


30% red shade: Biden up 1-5%
40% red shade: Biden up 5-10%
50% red shade: Biden up 10-15%
60% red shade: Biden up 15-20%
70% red shade: Biden up 20-25%
80% red shade: Biden up 25-30%
90% red shade: Biden up 30%+

white: tie

30% blue shade: Biden down 1-5%
40% blue shade: Biden down 5-10%
50% blue shade: Biden down 10-15%
60% blue shade: Biden down 15-20%
70% blue shade: Biden down 20-25%
80% blue shade: Biden down 25-30%
90% blue shade: Biden down 30%+

All in all, this is close to the low point for President Biden in statewide polling.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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