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Is there a map or resource somewhere of which places are in which turnings?
And if not, then shouldn't one be made? I'm trying to explore current events in this way and have become stuck on some. For example, is Chile's current intense mood an Awakening or a Crisis?
2001, a very artistic hero and/or a very heroic artist
Someone posted something to that effect on a thread on the old Forum. Examples of countries deep into a 4T are all major participants in the Second World War except for Ethiopia, and Ethiopia is ambiguous. Its famine and takeover by the Commie Derg (Communist takeovers are usually 4T events because those are always trauma) in the decade around 1980 might suggest that Ethiopia is probably in an Awakening Era (2T). Rwanda and countries of the former Yugoslavia are likely approaching the end of a 1T, genocidal times happing about twenty years ago. I would guess that Croatia and Slovenia are great places to be for a Boomer who wants to enjoy another Boom-like Awakening . See also Vietnam and Cambodia.

The Second World War Crisis ended earlier for some countries (USA, Britain, France, Netherlands, Italy, Indonesia) in 1945. Somewhat later come countries whose Crisis Eras ended in a Commie takeover. China (1950 -- and that is a reference to more outlying areas) is earlier in Crisis mode. Korea's Crisis ended only in the mid-1950's with a shaky armistice that could still implode. Both North and South Korea are in Crisis mode, and they are not quite a Saeculum away from the end of their last Crisis.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

I've come to an interesting realization.

There is only one country that I can be confident is definitely, certainly, 100% in a 3T right now, and it's...Algeria.

Somehow Algeria has managed to end up almost exactly a single turning behind the "WWII block," with its last Crisis Era beginning in the mid-1940s and ending in the mid-1960s. 2011 was the spark of a 4T on the rest of the North African coast, but in Algeria it was the spark of a 3T.

I'm not even sure what countries are possible-3T-but-ambiguous. Maybe Kenya or Colombia?

This could be interesting for the future. It implies that it is possible for the world to have a single nearly-"missing" turning, and that we will eventually be in an era with a similar extreme deficiency of 4Ts. Whether this will be some kind of "golden age" or thoroughly unremarkable, I can't say.
2001, a very artistic hero and/or a very heroic artist

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