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Generations and Astrology
The generations and Pluto: 

As a Gen Joneser, I was too young to serve in Vietnam or do all the sit-ins, but old enough to remember or  see the effect of  the assassinations of hero-type people like JFK, MLK, Bobbie, and Malcolm X. I call Gen Jones the Assassination Generation because that affected us more than anyone will admit. Gen Jones has Silent parents. Gen Jones was born with Pluto in sober, adult Virgo; we roll up our sleeves and quietly get things done with little notice or reward. Practical Pluto in Virgo Jonesers swing both conservative or liberal; depending on the Silents who raised them. Generous Silent parents created conservative Jonesers; selfish Silents created liberal Jonesers. We are hard  working, sturdy, survivors, serious, grown-up-too-fast, perfectionists, making order out of chaos, always feeling left out,  raised with high economic expectations but  realizing none of these because of de-regulation, pink-slipping, downsizing, greedy 80's policies.   

Boomers were born with Pluto in Leo; the teenager of the zodiac with all the insecurities, need to fit in, judgemental attitudes, selfish narcissism, attention-hogging, demanding, needy, vain characters and personalities of teenagers everywhere. Boomers have that "Me, me, ME" attitude.
Silents were born with Pluto in Cancer; they got married and had kids early yet did the worst job of nurturing their kids. Cancer is the crab that hoards everything for themselves and won't give up anything; they hold what's theirs like a crab does with their claws; even when you chop off the claw the claw will not open and give up what it has. These Pluto in Cancer Silents are a cardinal sign meaning they want to be the leaders but were stifled in that by the super-hero GI's and super-loud Boomers. So they control what they can and that means they control the assets they were so lucky to accumulate and hoard in their lives. They use those assets to have fun and control their Gen Jones and Gen X kids. 
Gen X are the Pluto in Libra folks; Libra being the ones that love balance and beauty and the good life and partnerships but they were raised by selfish Silents or Boomers and so they haven't the economic means to achieve that love of beauty. They grew up in the excessive greed of the 80's but upon reaching adulthood, could not have any of the largesse the Silents and Boomers got. Their Silent and Boomer parents divorced in record numbers but these Pluto in Libra (the sign of marriage) folks had to fend for themselves and grow up fast; they desired marriages but not the easily broken kind like their Silent and Boomer parents. So they were tentative in marriage and seek a balance (another Libra trait) in their work-lives that their parents never looked for because they had it so much easier. They, too, are cardinal folks but  have not had the ability to lead because Silents and Boomers will not relinquish their grip on power. 
Millennials are the Pluto in Scorpio folks. Scorpio being about sexuality, death, taxes, inheritances and other people's money; is it any wonder these folks have totally changed the way we all think of gender (transgender, non-binary, gender-fluid, gender-queer, different pronouns) and sex (asexual, pansexual, demisexual, )? They inherit the bad choices of the previous generations, they pay higher taxes to fund the greedier older generations, they now have deadly global warming to contend with and Boomers that will NOT give up their places or their riches for the Millennials who have to have a degree to get jobs but there's few full time jobs available so they end up living with their Joneser or Boomer parents (living off other people's money). That Scorpio death part shows up in their nihilism and nihilistic humor. 
Gen Z is the Pluto in Sagittarius generation. They have a much more global and philosophical outlook yet have a fatalistic view of life. Sagittarius are the philosophers of truth, it rules higher love, global ways of thinking, cultural investigations, foreign people, cultures, languages, higher education like college, and long-range communications. These kids grew up with hand-held computers that gave them a global reach before they could even read. They are far more exposed to foreign cultural icons, arts, thinking, philosophy. Theirs is a group that shuns nationalism and sees spirituality as more important than established religion. 
And that's just Pluto; Uranus has an 84 year cycle (like the Turning cycle of S & H), Jupiter and Saturn have cycles as does Neptune. All outer planets exert generational influences.

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

Paging Eric....

Also shouldn't this be in the Astrology and other Woo-Woo section of the forum?
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
If you consider that entertaining.  But perhaps if he has another lunatic person who fancies himself a prophetic visionary due to the power of discredited nonsense astrology maybe he'll leave the adults to talk for a while.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
Meh...I mostly ignore it.  Too much like listening to my mother.  I can't tell you how much she's wasted on psychics, gurus and all manner of other things.

One of the reasons I discovered it was a legal con.  Back before they started off shoring all the call centers I made good money keeping people on the phone at those 1-900 number places.  That was a thing where you were charged to talk to someone on the phone above and beyond your typical long distance rate.  I also did terot and other psychic counciling on the side too until the state cracked down on that sort of thing.

I figured I'd rather join the service then join the prison system for a 25 or 30K a year (and this was late 90s dollars). Big Grin
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-15-2019, 01:30 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: Meh...I mostly ignore it.  Too much like listening to my mother.  I can't tell you how much she's wasted on psychics, gurus and all manner of other things.

One of the reasons I discovered it was a legal con.  Back before they started off shoring all the call centers I made good money keeping people on the phone at those 1-900 number places.  That was a thing where you were charged to talk to someone on the phone above and beyond your typical long distance rate.  I also did terot and other psychic counciling on the side too until the state cracked down on that sort of thing.

I figured I'd rather join the service then join the prison system for a 25 or 30K a year (and this was late 90s dollars). Big Grin

Gee you posted a lot of replies for someone ignoring it!  LOL!

It is just another way of looking at patterns.  No predictions, no seers,  just patterns.

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

(05-15-2019, 03:22 AM)carecare7 Wrote:
(05-15-2019, 01:30 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: Meh...I mostly ignore it.  Too much like listening to my mother.  I can't tell you how much she's wasted on psychics, gurus and all manner of other things.

One of the reasons I discovered it was a legal con.  Back before they started off shoring all the call centers I made good money keeping people on the phone at those 1-900 number places.  That was a thing where you were charged to talk to someone on the phone above and beyond your typical long distance rate.  I also did terot and other psychic counciling on the side too until the state cracked down on that sort of thing.

I figured I'd rather join the service then join the prison system for a 25 or 30K a year (and this was late 90s dollars). Big Grin

Gee you posted a lot of replies for someone ignoring it!  LOL!

It is just another way of looking at patterns.  No predictions, no seers,  just patterns.

Carecare7, I was mostly replying to Tara.

Here's a pattern for you...things happen while the planet spins.  Astrology has been throughly discredited and anyone who still holds that it has any predictive power is misguided at best.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-15-2019, 12:14 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(05-15-2019, 03:22 AM)carecare7 Wrote:
(05-15-2019, 01:30 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: Meh...I mostly ignore it.  Too much like listening to my mother.  I can't tell you how much she's wasted on psychics, gurus and all manner of other things.

One of the reasons I discovered it was a legal con.  Back before they started off shoring all the call centers I made good money keeping people on the phone at those 1-900 number places.  That was a thing where you were charged to talk to someone on the phone above and beyond your typical long distance rate.  I also did terot and other psychic counciling on the side too until the state cracked down on that sort of thing.

I figured I'd rather join the service then join the prison system for a 25 or 30K a year (and this was late 90s dollars). Big Grin

Gee you posted a lot of replies for someone ignoring it!  LOL!

It is just another way of looking at patterns.  No predictions, no seers,  just patterns.

Carecare7, I was mostly replying to Tara.

Here's a pattern for you...things happen while the planet spins.  Astrology has been throughly discredited and anyone who still holds that it has any predictive power is misguided at best.

Again,  if you read my reply you would have seen the part where I said  "No predictions..."

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

(05-15-2019, 01:00 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: Paging Eric....

Also shouldn't this be in the Astrology and other Woo-Woo section of the forum?

I just moved it. Seems to be an innocent mistake. New users may not know of stale threads with the same thing.
There is a link in the old place which should be gone in a day or 2.
---Value Added Cool
No replies, except from the lousy posters who are not interested. That's OK; thanks carecare for posting your views on the planets and generations.

My views in my book published the same time as The Fourth Turning are here:

The fact of the correlation between the planet cycles and generations/fourth turning is undeniable. Those who deny it are also denying S&H.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-16-2019, 12:22 AM)taramarie Wrote: tisk tisk that mouth of yours Eric! Go wash your mouth with soap and water! I am my own way tee hee! Btw your message is a "reply."

Me too.  I'd like to see you two scrap instead you merely promoting your shitty book that is maybe usable as a door stop. Entertainment hasn't been the same since the Catholic Church banned the Games in 404 CE. Big Grin
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
Wow, people here are really rude and dismissive. Don't believe in Astrology? Then don't read these posts. Or read them and keep your negative comments to yourself. I have not called anyone names or belittled anyone here. Maybe you nay-sayers could be a bit less busy trashing and bad-mouthing new and other posters and instead offer something constructive to say about the topic. If you have no belief in or interest in the topic, then just move along; why waste your time posting if you have no interest in it?

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

(05-15-2019, 06:52 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: No replies, except from the lousy posters who are not interested. That's OK; thanks carecare for posting your views on the planets and generations.

My views in my book published the same time as The Fourth Turning are here:

The fact of the correlation between the planet cycles and generations/fourth turning is undeniable. Those who deny it are also denying S&H.

Thanks for the link, Eric.

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

(05-15-2019, 03:30 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(05-15-2019, 01:00 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: Paging Eric....

Also shouldn't this be in the Astrology and other Woo-Woo section of the forum?

I just moved it. Seems to be an innocent mistake. New users may not know of stale threads with the same thing.
There is a link in the old place which should be gone in a day or 2.

Thanks.  As a new user, I appreciate your benefit of the doubt.  Smile

Carecare7~"I practice the religion of kindness."~The Dalai Lama 
Pick my brain:
INFJ~Advocate (rarest type)

(05-16-2019, 06:37 PM)carecare7 Wrote: Wow,  people here are really rude and dismissive.  Don't believe in Astrology?  Then don't  read these posts.  Or read them and keep your negative comments to yourself.  I have not called anyone names or belittled anyone here.  Maybe you nay-sayers could be  a bit less busy trashing and bad-mouthing  new and other posters and instead  offer something constructive to say about the topic.  If you have no belief in or interest in the topic, then just move along;  why waste your time posting if you have no interest in it?

Taramarie and kinser are unusually rude and dismissive posters. They come and go and are not typical of this forum.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-17-2019, 04:25 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 02:24 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(05-16-2019, 06:37 PM)carecare7 Wrote: Wow,  people here are really rude and dismissive.  Don't believe in Astrology?  Then don't  read these posts.  Or read them and keep your negative comments to yourself.  I have not called anyone names or belittled anyone here.  Maybe you nay-sayers could be  a bit less busy trashing and bad-mouthing  new and other posters and instead  offer something constructive to say about the topic.  If you have no belief in or interest in the topic, then just move along;  why waste your time posting if you have no interest in it?

Taramarie and kinser are unusually rude and dismissive posters. They come and go and are not typical of this forum.

I lost respect for you after you condoned touching people inappropriately and condemned defending yourself against it. Why the hell should I treat you with respect after that? This is only towards you. No one else here.

-- aww Eric..... plz tell me you are NOT pimping Groper Uncle Joe this time round  Angry
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(05-17-2019, 11:02 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 08:28 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 04:25 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 02:24 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(05-16-2019, 06:37 PM)carecare7 Wrote: Wow,  people here are really rude and dismissive.  Don't believe in Astrology?  Then don't  read these posts.  Or read them and keep your negative comments to yourself.  I have not called anyone names or belittled anyone here.  Maybe you nay-sayers could be  a bit less busy trashing and bad-mouthing  new and other posters and instead  offer something constructive to say about the topic.  If you have no belief in or interest in the topic, then just move along;  why waste your time posting if you have no interest in it?

Taramarie and kinser are unusually rude and dismissive posters. They come and go and are not typical of this forum.

I lost respect for you after you condoned touching people inappropriately and condemned defending yourself against it. Why the hell should I treat you with respect after that? This is only towards you. No one else here.

-- aww Eric..... plz tell me you are NOT pimping Groper Uncle Joe this time round  Angry
He is stuck in the 60s where apparently it was more appropriate to touch people in certain ways and yet thinks that defending yourself against it is wrong. In my books, you respect a persons space, you respect the person's right to their body. It is not there for someone to touch in certain ways and IIRC he has said this is what is also wrong with society where violence is allowed yet that type of touching which is basically molestation is condemned. The violence as he calls it is called self defence when someone who is touching your privates, keeps doing it when you say stop. I basically lost my respect for Eric after that as my partner and myself were both molested and raped and in his books, it would be wrong to defend myself. Then he has the gaul to call me rude when he defends horrendous things. He disgusts me.

-- calm down Tara l agree with you
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
I will vote for Biden if he is nominated. Trump is an abomination and has no business being president. But if I vote in the primaries, I will vote for Bernie. I don't care about Biden touching people though.

Taramarie and kinser are unusually rude and dismissive posters. They come and go and are not typical of this forum.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-17-2019, 11:02 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 08:28 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 04:25 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-17-2019, 02:24 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(05-16-2019, 06:37 PM)carecare7 Wrote: Wow,  people here are really rude and dismissive.  Don't believe in Astrology?  Then don't  read these posts.  Or read them and keep your negative comments to yourself.  I have not called anyone names or belittled anyone here.  Maybe you nay-sayers could be  a bit less busy trashing and bad-mouthing  new and other posters and instead  offer something constructive to say about the topic.  If you have no belief in or interest in the topic, then just move along;  why waste your time posting if you have no interest in it?

Taramarie and kinser are unusually rude and dismissive posters. They come and go and are not typical of this forum.

I lost respect for you after you condoned touching people inappropriately and condemned defending yourself against it. Why the hell should I treat you with respect after that? This is only towards you. No one else here.

-- aww Eric..... plz tell me you are NOT pimping Groper Uncle Joe this time round  Angry
He is stuck in the 60s where apparently it was more appropriate to touch people in certain ways and yet thinks that defending yourself against it is wrong.

In that time, many progressives actually even thought that pedosexuals were just a poor oppressed minority. They never really apologized for it. And Eric is the biggest proof some of them are still around.

(I am not endorsing conservatives or other rightists by this. If they are so great, why didn't they manage to stop some crazy hippies?)
(05-18-2019, 07:56 PM)Hintergrund Wrote: In that time, many progressives actually even thought that pedosexuals were just a poor oppressed minority. They never really apologized for it. And Eric is the biggest proof some of them are still around.

(I am not endorsing conservatives or other rightists by this. If they are so great, why didn't they manage to stop some crazy hippies?)

There is no such proof about me, and hippies were not pedosexuals; this stuff above is only ignorant rantings by a troll. Don't feed it.

Generations are described well by the outer 3 planets, which form a 1-2-3 rhythm in their orbits. Uranus' 84 year rhythm equates to the modern saeculum, since Uranus' discovery signaled the modern age in 1781. In that year the USA won its independence, the industrial revolution took off in Britain, the French Revolution began to unfold, Kant wrote the first book of modern philosophy, and discoveries of invisible light and electricity and a radioactive metal named after it; all coincided with the discovery of the first invisible planet. Neptune's 165-year orbit maps out the double rhythm, which Chas named Apollonian and Dionysian. Their sign positions and aspects describe the generations and sub-generations, along with Pluto's. The dwarf dual planet makes its first return to its place in America's horoscope in just 3 years from now, bringing back the revolution over the following 6 years. Uranus' third return since then will cap the 4T in 2027.

Neptune is even more descriptive of generations, and also the current zeitgeist, than is Pluto. The dominant generations as dated by Strauss and Howe in modern times, including the Gilded if they are assumed to be in-part civics, begin being born within a year or two of Neptune's entry into a cardinal sign. The Boomers began to be born, by S&H dating, in 1943 when Neptune entered Libra. This was the flower child generation that extended from the late war babies to the start of the so-called Jonesers, who are more conservative, in 1957. Boomers are idealistic, artistic, musical and sociable, and opened up boundaries in relationships. Yes, they are also narcissists, but Pluto in Leo also indicates leadership skills that the later generations lack.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-18-2019, 09:08 AM)Marypoza Wrote: -- calm down Tara l agree with you

Don't agree with the troll, please.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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