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Trump Trainwreck - Ongoing diary of betrayal and evil
(09-28-2018, 12:40 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 12:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-27-2018, 10:00 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-27-2018, 03:46 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-27-2018, 02:10 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Do you know what it is like to be raped or to be assaulted in a context in which you can be raped? I don't. This is a very strong statement. If her testimony cannot convince one that she was assaulted in the context of a potential rape, then nothing can other than the confession of a rapist.

She has the sort of memory characteristic of someone who has been sexually assaulted. As far as I am concerned, she was most damning when she said that BK put a hand on her nose and mouth, scaring her that she could be suffocated. What other context could there be.

She admits to behavior characteristic of someone who has feared that she was going to be raped -- even her admission of claustrophobia and the double front doors on her house that damage its value.

I have no illusion that Donald Trump will not nominate some other reactionary jurist should this nomination implode. He could in theory nominate someone on Death Row to be a Justice of the US Supreme Court. He could in theory nominate someone who has the legal philosophy of Nazi "hanging judge" Roland Freisler. He could nominate me, for all the Constitution dictates (ridiculous in view of what I think of him). He could nominate a snake, and I mean a literal legless reptile. More reasonably, he could nominate someone who believes that workers have no rights against employers, that vote fraud is fine as long as it serves the current leadership, that damnatio ad bestiae is a fair way of dealing with political or religious dissidents (read the book or see the movie  Quo Vadis? to know what that means -- OK, that is casting Christians to the lions, so you don't have to search the stacks of a library or to find an old movie), or  that abortion is a crime against humanity in the same sense that herding Jews into gas chambers was. Or he could nominate a political hack.

Yes, elections have consequences, and I wish that we had elected someone else in 2016 as President or at the least we had a different Congress than one whose majorities believe that no human suffering can ever be in excess so long as it serves a tiny fraction of the public that matters more than everyone else. But we are stuck with Donald Trump.

Traditionally, character and competence have mattered for appointments to Cabinet positions and especially the US Supreme Court. This nominee, so far as I can tell, is Robert Bork with a history of sexual assault.

Nope, I don't know what it's like to be raped or sexually assaulted. As I mentioned before, I don't really care about what happens with you or you rights and don't really care if the blues let you keep some or not either. Yes, there was a time when character and competence mattered more than race and gender but that time has passed as far as the Democratic party goes these days.

I wouldn't wish rape or sexual assault on anyone. I have seen stories of people who had the experience, and they live in very different worlds from those who have not had such an attack on their persons. 36 years later Dr. Ford still has problems with a sexual assault (or an assault that initially seemed as if it would become sexual). She is a brilliant person, a holder of a PhD and a college professor.

Rape is the antithesis of sexual freedom, one part of which entails the right to say no. Rape is a dangerous, degrading crime that can easily end in murder. When I was seventeen (FYI, I am a man) I found the idea of rape sickening. It was not a way to get a woman, and I did not think one orgasm with a scared and hostile female worth a prison term. I wanted to get to know her and her to get to know me. I expect far more than sex out of my involvement with women.

But you should recognize from my posts that I am a law-and-order type, anyway... I just do not believe in exploitation and oppression which I consider unlikely to foster social concord. I am convinced that my side will do far more to protect the rights of conservatives than your movement conservatives will do to protect my rights. Human decency is essential to the survival of freedom. Donald Trump and Bret Kavanaugh have shown that they are monsters. They have shown their poor character, and that has nothing to do with race, gender, or cultural origin. Kavanaugh is apparently a brilliant man, but brilliant people can be evil. Think of Ted Kaczynski.

The power of your contemporary Movement Conservatives looks to be on the wane. The confirmation of Bret Kavanaugh (which could be a strict party-line vote) could well be the last victory of your side in American politics for a long time. Your conservatives have soiled conservatism as an alternative to liberalism. In an ideal world, conservatism goes into hibernation while it rediscovers a soul, divests itself of superstition and bigotry, and becomes less plutocratic... and becomes a check upon uncaring, corrupt, incompetent, inattentive, and reckless pols while addressing the interests of communities that will never be liberal. My side is for learning... and success in life is on the side of the educated. If I had to sacrifice white privilege for a first-rate education, I would.

Conservatives are going to look at the election of Donald Trump and wonder how they could end up with someone that awful.

You weren't listening to her testimony, she claimed it took her a only a few years to put the incident behind her and move on with her life. I don't know if she she was lying or not. I don't know if she had a mental issue of some sort at the time or not. I don't know who her friends were or the kind of girl she was at the time. I don't know what people who knew her thought about her at the time. You see, she wasn't thoroughly investigated and legally forced to turn over her medical records pertaining like she normally would in a court of law. Who knows, she may actually have been the friend of the witness that she claimed had witnessed it who she she claimed had serious issue of her own at the time and the person on top of her friend may have been the friend of Brett's who had the drinking problem and the person who jumped on top of him and pulled him off her friend may have actually been Brett. Now, I understand that guilty by association is often viewed as good enough for most uppity blue half wits these days.

You used a highly-sexist word (ditz).

I don't know what a sexual assault does to a woman. Victims of non-marital rape have an unusually-high rate of divorce, which indicates that it can mess up a marital relationship -- let alone dating that leads to a marriage.  Bringing it up when an attacker gets into a position of prominence or getting some honor must hurt.  Rapists belong in prison. I am sure that Bill Cosby's victims were enraged any time that they heard of him getting some award of him as an entertainer or 'humanitarian'.

Kavanaugh has been caught as a heavy drinker despite claiming that he has no problems with drink. He has lied about his drinking. Have you ever heard a fifty-something adult who isn't a problem drinker who brings up the words "I like beer" out of a context having little to do with the beverage? He has even lied about his drinking, which is  commonplace for an alcoholic.

Maybe his term will be short. He is a middle-aged alcoholic still drinking. His liver might impeach him, if you get what I mean.
You seem like a ditz to me too. Would you prefer to be called a ditz or a half wit? If he was an alcoholic, the woman he's with wouldn't be with him. The blue half wit Senator with the pretty blue eyes who doesn't seem able to read REAL facial expressions didn't have a clue what his wife's facial expression were telling me either. The blue half wit senator with the pretty blues can afford to be viewed as another blue half wit and come across to half wit blues as another blue half wit when all they need to impress is a bunch of blue half wits like themselves.
(09-28-2018, 01:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You seem like a ditz to me too. Would you prefer to be called a ditz or a half wit? If he was an alcoholic, the woman he's with wouldn't be with him. The blue half wit Senator with the pretty blue eyes who doesn't seem able to read REAL facial expressions didn't have a clue what his wife's facial expression were telling me either. The blue half wit senator with the pretty blues can afford to be viewed as another blue half wit and come across to half wit blues as another blue half wit when all they need to impress is a bunch of blue half wits like themselves.

Well, I have a difficult time in reading non-verbal language and with facial recognition. That goes with Asperger's syndrome. That is not stupidity.

So why would women marry alcoholics?

1. They are alcoholics themselves. The more the merrier?
2. He is more than an alcoholic, but she thinks that she can get him to go sober. It rarely works.
3. She is accustomed to alcoholics as males in her life. All the men that she knows (father, grandfather, brothers, cousins) are alcoholics.

Half wit? Me? Now that is a real joke.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-28-2018, 04:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 01:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You seem like a ditz to me too. Would you prefer to be called a ditz or a half wit? If he was an alcoholic, the woman he's with wouldn't be with him. The blue half wit Senator with the pretty blue eyes who doesn't seem able to read REAL facial expressions didn't have a clue what his wife's facial expression were telling me either. The blue half wit senator with the pretty blues can afford to be viewed as another blue half wit and come across to half wit blues as another blue half wit when all they need to impress is a bunch of blue half wits like themselves.

Well, I have a difficult time in reading non-verbal language and with facial recognition. That goes with Asperger's syndrome. That is not stupidity.

So why would women marry alcoholics?

1. They are alcoholics themselves. The more the merrier?
2. He is more than an alcoholic, but she thinks that she can get him to go sober. It rarely works.
3. She is accustomed to alcoholics as males in her life. All the men that she knows (father, grandfather, brothers, cousins) are alcoholics.

Half wit? Me? Now that is a real joke.
What make you think he's an alcoholic? Are you taking you're cues from a Blue Senator from a sort of blue state these days who is NOW in the process of losing her job? I drink beer but I'm not an alcoholic. I drink cocktails but I'm not an alcoholic. You have a hard time reading people and picking out emotional signs associated with people. Why would a decent, modest woman like her marry a KNOWN alcoholic? Dude, if you're an alcoholic you're nothing more than an alcoholic because alcoholics place alcohol above everything else in importance. It's kind of like race and gender among blues being placed higher in importance. Yes, half wit, you and I'm using it as a joke and when you see it being applied by me, you better start thinking blue blood and you better start paying attention to what I'm pointing out unless you enjoy being hammered and being made a fool of in front of an audience. Kiff once told me that didn't like the people she viewed as intellectually lazy. Well, as it turned out, I don't like them that much either and I destroyed her with the use of my superior intellect and my superior emotional strength and use of accurate terms. Asperger's syndrome ain't going to protect you around me dude.
(09-28-2018, 06:27 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 04:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 01:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You seem like a ditz to me too. Would you prefer to be called a ditz or a half wit? If he was an alcoholic, the woman he's with wouldn't be with him. The blue half wit Senator with the pretty blue eyes who doesn't seem able to read REAL facial expressions didn't have a clue what his wife's facial expression were telling me either. The blue half wit senator with the pretty blues can afford to be viewed as another blue half wit and come across to half wit blues as another blue half wit when all they need to impress is a bunch of blue half wits like themselves.

Well, I have a difficult time in reading non-verbal language and with facial recognition. That goes with Asperger's syndrome. That is not stupidity.

So why would women marry alcoholics?

1. They are alcoholics themselves. The more the merrier?
2. He is more than an alcoholic, but she thinks that she can get him to go sober. It rarely works.
3. She is accustomed to alcoholics as males in her life. All the men that she knows (father, grandfather, brothers, cousins) are alcoholics.

Half wit? Me? Now that is a real joke.

What make you think he's an alcoholic? Are you taking you're cues from a Blue Senator from a sort of blue state these days who is NOW in the process of losing her job? I drink beer but I'm not an alcoholic. I drink cocktails but I'm not an alcoholic.

Did you hear his testimony? He talked about his drinking. He talked about heavy drinking. He is basically auditioning for a seat on the US Supreme Court and he says "I like beer!" Unless someone drinks as sporadically as I do one can usually estimate what the fellow drinks by multiplying by two. (For some reason, doubling the amount that teetotalers drinks also works). This fellow was a problem drinker in youth, and he still drinks, which is characteristic of a middle-aged alcoholic

This lore is from AA material, and I consider myself fortunate that I know about this only second-hand. AA literature holds that some people have the sort of metabolism that makes them alcoholics even before they ever take a drink. In other words, one can be a born alcoholic who will become a problem drinker as soon as one has the first drink. There is one predictable way for any problem drinker to cease being a problem drinker, and this applies both to binge drinkers and habitual drunks -- to give up drinking altogether.

I admit to having an occasional drink, and my therapist even encouraged me to have a drink just to dissolve the anxiety that goes with Asperger's.  One drink, typically a beer or a glass of wine. That is enough.

Quote:You have a hard time reading people and picking out emotional signs associated with people. Why would a decent, modest woman like her marry a KNOWN alcoholic? Dude, if you're an alcoholic you're nothing more than an alcoholic because alcoholics place alcohol above everything else in importance.

Hardly. Many want the Good Life of consumer indulgence. Many are devoutly religious. Many have highly-responsible positions. Many are good family men or women and sleep off their insobriety so that they create few problems.

The cues to alcoholism are obvious to anyone. I have reported a drunk driver to the local police. He had his head out the window as if he were a dog trying to get maximum airflow into his lungs. He was weaving, and he was not maintaining a consistent speed. I pulled over to call on  my cell phone, and he took off.  Some symptoms might resemble a diabetic coma which has much the same effect as drunkenness, but someone in a diabetic coma had better not be driving at the time.

Consume lots of alcoholic beverages? You are probably an alcoholic. Miss work because of your drinking? You are probably an alcoholic. Avoid social events because they are non-drinking events? You are probably an alcoholic.

Quote:It's kind of like race and gender among blues being placed higher in importance. Yes, half wit, you and I'm using it as a joke and when you see it being applied by me, you better start thinking blue blood and you better start paying attention to what I'm pointing out unless you enjoy being hammered and being made a fool of in front of an audience.

Hammered? Moi? What a joke. Race and gender above all else? Not being gay (Men -- yuck!), gender matters greatly to me in seeking a partner for love. Race? I've done my genealogy, and I find some people of suspicious origin. Most Americans of a certain time have excellent records of their origins. Some people had something to hide. Origins somewhere south of the Mediterranean basin, maybe?

Compatibility implies similar values in culture. That is not race. The music that I love most is extremely popular in Japan and Korea. So far as I know I have no ancestors from eastern Asia.

Quote:Kiff once told me that didn't like the people she viewed as intellectually lazy.

The intellectually-lazy are schmucks. It is far easier to use a mind and far more satisfying than doing raw labor. But Asperger's has me and I will admit that I am little more than my intellect. I must act just to seem normal enough to not be seen as crazy or even dangerous.  

Quote:Well, as it turned out, I don't like them that much either and I destroyed her with the use of my superior intellect and my superior emotional strength and use of accurate terms. Asperger's syndrome ain't going to protect you around me dude.

No, you bored Kiff and drove her off. Or she died. Or... who was the legendary Kiff, anyway?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-28-2018, 07:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Did you hear his testimony? He talked about his drinking. He talked about heavy drinking. He is basically auditioning for a seat on the US Supreme Court and he says "I like beer!" Unless someone drinks as sporadically as I do one can usually estimate what the fellow drinks by multiplying by two. (For some reason, doubling the amount that teetotalers drinks also works). This fellow was a problem drinker in youth, and he still drinks, which is characteristic of a middle-aged alcoholic
Yes, he told us about his drinking during his high school years. He talked about the heavy drinking that he associated with his teenage years. He talked about a teenage friend who was alcoholic back then, a struggling alcoholic for most of his life who nearly died because of it and who is still struggling today. Did you listen to that or did you just listen enough to hear something bad to use against him now? OK half wit, you're in trouble and placing me on ignore or making the crucial mistake of placing yourself in a defenseless position and opening yourself up to endless attacks and ridicule by a guy who isn't afraid to stoop down and use the liberals playbook. To be blunt, I have a hand that's willing to pick a pile of dog shit and smear it all over your face. A red goody two shoe who is squeamish would balk at the idea and be disgusted by the site of it but would mostly likely appreciate the result. Kiff was a prominent blue poster during the Bush/early Obama years. I didn't drive her off. I significantly reduced her social status and social appeal to the point where anyone could drive her off or have her banned. You're the liberal fool who has taken her place.
(09-28-2018, 09:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 07:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Did you hear his testimony? He talked about his drinking. He talked about heavy drinking. He is basically auditioning for a seat on the US Supreme Court and he says "I like beer!" Unless someone drinks as sporadically as I do one can usually estimate what the fellow drinks by multiplying by two. (For some reason, doubling the amount that teetotalers drinks also works). This fellow was a problem drinker in youth, and he still you do not discuss your drinkjing habits at a job interview.drinks, which is characteristic of a middle-aged alcoholic
Yes, he told us about his drinking during his high school years. He talked about the heavy drinking that he associated with his teenage years. He talked about a teenage friend who was alcoholic back then, a struggling alcoholic for most of his life who nearly died because of it and who is still struggling today. Did you listen to that or did you just listen enough to hear something bad to use against him now? OK half wit, you're in trouble and placing me on ignore or making the crucial mistake of placing yourself in a defenseless position and opening yourself up to endless attacks and ridicule by a guy who isn't afraid to stoop down and use the liberals playbook.

You do not discuss your drinking habits at a job interview unless your job entails drinking.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-28-2018, 09:31 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 09:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 07:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Did you hear his testimony? He talked about his drinking. He talked about heavy drinking. He is basically auditioning for a seat on the US Supreme Court and he says "I like beer!" Unless someone drinks as sporadically as I do one can usually estimate what the fellow drinks by multiplying by two. (For some reason, doubling the amount that teetotalers drinks also works). This fellow was a problem drinker in youth, and he still you do not discuss your drinkjing habits at a job interview.drinks, which is characteristic of a middle-aged alcoholic
Yes, he told us about his drinking during his high school years. He talked about the heavy drinking that he associated with his teenage years. He talked about a teenage friend who was alcoholic back then, a struggling alcoholic for most of his life who nearly died because of it and who is still struggling today. Did you listen to that or did you just listen enough to hear something bad to use against him now? OK half wit, you're in trouble and placing me on ignore or making the crucial mistake of placing yourself in a defenseless position and opening yourself up to endless attacks and ridicule by a guy who isn't afraid to stoop down and use the liberals playbook.

You do not discuss your drinking habits at a job interview unless your job entails drinking.
You discuss them when asked about them during an interview or during a liberal inquisition like the one that lots of Americans got to see first hand the other day.
(10-03-2018, 10:28 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 09:31 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 09:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-28-2018, 07:29 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Did you hear his testimony? He talked about his drinking. He talked about heavy drinking. He is basically auditioning for a seat on the US Supreme Court and he says "I like beer!" Unless someone drinks as sporadically as I do one can usually estimate what the fellow drinks by multiplying by two. (For some reason, doubling the amount that teetotalers drinks also works). This fellow was a problem drinker in youth, and he still you do not discuss your drinkjing habits at a job interview.drinks, which is characteristic of a middle-aged alcoholic
Yes, he told us about his drinking during his high school years. He talked about the heavy drinking that he associated with his teenage years. He talked about a teenage friend who was alcoholic back then, a struggling alcoholic for most of his life who nearly died because of it and who is still struggling today. Did you listen to that or did you just listen enough to hear something bad to use against him now? OK half wit, you're in trouble and placing me on ignore or making the crucial mistake of placing yourself in a defenseless position and opening yourself up to endless attacks and ridicule by a guy who isn't afraid to stoop down and use the liberals playbook.

You do not discuss your drinking habits at a job interview unless your job entails drinking.

You discuss them when asked about them during an interview or during a liberal inquisition like the one that lots of Americans got to see first hand the other day.

I have never heard a potential employer ask me about my drinking habits. I would not bring it up if I were doing the interviewing unless the prospective hire or subordinate brought it up, as by stating that he had a DUI incident. Because people with DUI convictions are usually alcoholics (it can of course reflect that someone made a one-time mistake of driving after having had more drinks than he thought he did) I would ask about the applicant's drinking, It would be a positive if the applicant admitted that it was a one-time mistake and would not do it again (he is 40 and the incident was at age 22) or said that he has gone through rehab and recognizes that he cannot drink safely. Being a former drinker but still an alcoholic is a positive in that it shows that one can learn from one's mistakes.

Doing a sexual assault while intoxicated? Alcohol excuses nothing of the sort. The 'inquisition' began about allegations of sexual assault and drifted into problem drinking. I prefer that judges be  sober, whatever their ideology and legal philosophy. Am I harshly judgmental about problem drinking on the job Yes! I would fire someone for operating dangerous equipment, including a car on company business while intoxicated, if a superior did not insist on getting him into rehab and giving him a second chance. Sexual assault while plastered? That's good for prison. If I had a daughter who was so assaulted (and that includes 'grabbing her by the crotch), I would encourage her to prosecute if there is no consent on her part to the assault.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: get?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thechroniclehe...=600&h=390]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

A capitalist tells the truth. And how. Click on it to watch.

"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I'm not an attorney, but I figure that one of the most important rules of legal ethics is that an attorney must never involve himself in his client's wrongdoing. Thus do not advise a criminal defendant to do any further offenses that include destruction or concealment of evidence, do not try to get fellow defendants to coordinate their testimony, do not advise a client on how to evade law enforcement, and do not counsel a client on how to do money laundering or other offenses. If I were a defense attorney I would rather that my client go back to jail rather than commit further offenses that can get him a harsher sentence or more likelihood of a conviction.

Assisting an  offender in the commission of any crime makes one a criminal.


[Image: sdny_header.jpg]

Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Southern District of New York

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Michael Cohen Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison
U.S. Attorney’s Office Also Announces Non-Prosecution Agreement with American Media, Inc., Related to Its Payment of $150,000 to a Woman to Influence 2016 Presidential Election

Robert Khuzami, Attorney for the United States, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, announced that MICHAEL COHEN was sentenced today to three years in prison for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations.  COHEN pled guilty on August 21, 2018, to an eight-count information before U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III, who imposed today’s sentence.  In a separate prosecution brought by the Special Counsel’s Office (“SCO”), COHEN pled guilty on November 29, 2018 to one count of making false statements to the U.S. Congress and was also sentenced on that case today, receiving a two-month concurrent sentence.

According to the allegations in Information 18 Cr. 602 (WHP), filed by the United States States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (the “Office”), as well as previous court filings and statements in public court proceedings:

Between 2012 and 2016, COHEN concealed more than $4 million in personal income from the Internal Revenue Service, avoiding more than $1.3 million in income tax.  COHEN also made false statements to a federally insured financial institution to obtain a $500,000 home equity loan.  Finally, in 2016, COHEN made or caused two separate payments to women to ensure that they did not publicly disclose their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate in advance of the election.  In one instance, COHEN caused American Media, Inc. (“AMI”), which was identified in previous court filings as “Corporation-1,” to make a $150,000 payment to one woman; in the other, COHEN made a $130,000 payment to another woman through an LLC he incorporated for the purpose of making the payment.  COHEN was reimbursed for the latter payment in monthly installments disguised as payments for legal services performed pursuant to a retainer, when in fact no such retainer existed.  COHEN made or caused both of these payments in order to influence the 2016 election and did so in coordination with one or more members of the campaign.

In addition to the sentence of imprisonment, Judge Pauley also ordered COHEN, 52, of New York, New York, to pay a fine of $50,000, to forfeit $500,000, to pay $1,393,858 in restitution to the IRS, and to pay a mandatory $800 special assessment.  Separately, COHEN was ordered to pay a $50,000 fine and to pay a $100 special assessment in the case brought by the SCO.  COHEN was also sentenced to concurrent three-year terms of supervised release in both cases, to follow his term of imprisonment.

*                      *                      *

The Office also announced today that it has previously reached a non-prosecution agreement with AMI, in connection with AMI’s role in making the above-described $150,000 payment before the 2016 presidential election.  As a part of the agreement, AMI admitted that it made the $150,000 payment in concert with a candidate’s presidential campaign, and in order to ensure that the woman did not publicize damaging allegations about the candidate before the 2016 presidential election.  AMI further admitted that its principal purpose in making the payment was to suppress the woman’s story so as to prevent it from influencing the election.

Assuming AMI’s continued compliance with the agreement, the Office has agreed not to prosecute AMI for its role in that payment.  The agreement also acknowledges, among other things, AMI’s acceptance of responsibility, its substantial and important assistance in this investigation, and its agreement to provide cooperation in the future and implement specific improvements to its internal compliance to prevent future violations of the federal campaign finance laws.  These improvements include distributing written standards regarding federal election laws to its employees and conducting annual training concerning these standards.

*                      *                      *

Mr. Khuzami praised the work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation; and the Special Agents of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

This case is being handled by the Office’s Public Corruption Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Andrea M. Griswold, Rachel Maimin, Thomas McKay, and Nicolas Roos are in charge of the prosecution.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

The Trump Organization is a cult.

It is also like a Mob family in its seduction of people. Michael Cohen  practically admits this now. Many characteristics of Donald Trump are behaviors of a Mafia capo as depicted in Goodfellas, with the table always reserved for him. (If you have never seen that movie, then by all means see it. As in a cult like $cientology or in a Mafia 'family' one sells oneself out for either meaning in life or 'the Life' (as the gangster Henry Hill puts it).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

The Trump trainwreck may go off the rails soon.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=14716614]
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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