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It's in the "stars" (predicting by astrology and other means)
(11-22-2019, 08:09 AM)beechnut79 Wrote:
(11-22-2019, 02:26 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: Even if you don't believe astrology, and even if I am casting pearls in the wrong place, so to speak, I should remind you why the planetary indicators say that the next decade will be critical for the USA. Of course we all know that this is the 4th turning, and that I have been saying here for 20 years that the planetary cycles also confirm the generational cycle on this point.

The primary indicators of this 4th turning cycle among the planets is Uranus' Return to its place when both the colonies AND the American nation were born in 1607 and 1776 respectively. This return also happened around 1692 during King William's War and some rebellions in the colonies. I forget all the details of these 1690s era events, but since most of the future nation was still in England, its transition to parliamentary rule in these years and overthrow of the Stuart Dynasty supported by Louis XIV was crucial for the shape of the USA to come.

In 1861 Uranus returned to its birthplace (9 degrees Gemini) in the same week that Neptune began a whole new cycle through the zodiac in aggressive Aries, on the very day Ft. Sumpter fell, igniting the civil war, on Sept.13. Neptune had also opposed its original position in 1776 a few years before. Uranus next returned to this birth position on D-Day, the crucial battle to preserve the USA and The West from its enemies on June 6, 1944. Neptune also returned to its 1776 and 1607 birth position a few years before.

Neptune's 165-year cycle sets up a double rhythm with the Uranus Return every 84 years, which equals the modern saeculum. In the 2020s, Pluto will also return to the 1776 birth position soon, in 2022, in a triple rhythm, which indicates another revolution in America and possible challenge to our presidential system. In that year also, Neptune will oppose its original position, and in 2025-26 Neptune enters Aries to start its next zodiac cycle. In the most common horoscope for the USA, when Neptune enters Aries it is at the bottom or Nadir of the chart, which represents domestic affairs, while when it returns to its position in the 9th house it emphasizes foreign affairs. That's why the 1940s 4T emphasized response to a foreign threat, while the 1860s 4T represented the civil war, and why another civil war is the greatest threat in the current 4T, and why I predicted it might happen decades ago, and why a cold civil war is already upon us along with polarization and deadlock similar to that of the 1850s. The Apollonian and Dyonesian generations idea tends to support that idea that the generations of this current cycle and that of the civil war cycle turned their ideals for change inward, while the Appollonians of the great power cycle turned their attention outward.

These cyclic returns suggest that as 4Ts come in the future times, they will be extended longer, because the Uranus return comes later than the Pluto and Neptune returns each time. This time, the 4T climax will stretch from 2022 when Pluto and Neptune return to their birthplaces, to 2027 when Uranus returns to its place at the time of our nation's birthdays. Such gaps will be longer centuries from now, possibly reshaping the cycle in some way.

But these are not the only signs of the times in the 2020s. Every 180 years or so, Jupiter and Saturn shift the signs where they make conjunctions and trines (120-degree angles) into a new element. On winter solstice 2020, Jupiter and Saturn align at the start of Aquarius. This could not only signify a mini Aquarian Age, when reform and progress return, but a change from earth to air signs, so that material advancement will yield its dominance in our lives to networking and social advances. This is already being manifested in the shift from the industrial to the information age.

The drive for reform will not go away once the new era starts after Dec. 2020. And Pluto's alignment with this conjunction and its entry into Aquarius, where last it sat as the USA achieved independence and the French Revolution changed the world, indicates that this era will change the world and the nation as well, and that congress will assume greater power much as the National Convention did during the French Revolution. For Aquarius is the sign of the legislature. So leaders emerging in the House now like AOC are going to be the leaders of the 2020s. Get ready neo-liberals, your last days are at hand. And Neptune entering Aries in 2025-26 means that the muddle and delay characteristic of Pisces as last seen in the 1850s will yield to unremitting action. This also means that the next 1T will not be as peaceful and complacent as the 1950s under Neptune in Libra, but more controversial like the late 1860s and early 1870s under Neptune in Aries.

As Neptune enters Aries in 2025-early 2026, Saturn will line up with it for the whole year. Saturn conj. Neptune was in effect at the Boston Tea Party. The people will rise up and throw corporate papers into the rising sea, and proclaim the looming end of fossil fuels and climate change. I would not count out a right-wing resistance however, just like the new tea party, if liberals pass higher taxes and gun control, as is certain to happen. Thus will erupt our "civil war," which however I think the liberal authorities will be able to defeat fairly soon before the 4T period ends in 2029. Exactly how things play out depends on who is in power, but since this is a progressive decade, liberal power resisted by the right-wing seems most likely. Secession movements are highly likely, and this may change the shape of the USA. Blue states may let some red states leave the union. Reductions to the power of the president are likely, along with many needed reforms to our system such as the end of money in politics and the electoral college. Just how far our 4T changes go depends on us, however.

Saturn and Jupiter returning to Aquarius in the early 2020s indicate the progressive decade, fulfilling the pattern last seen in the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s. Minor progressive decades with just Saturn in Aquarius include the 1990s, 1930s, 1870s and 1810s.

The Jupiter war cycle also returns in late 2024 through 2026, when the USA may also have to deal with a foreign threat as well as brewing domestic troubles.

Another indicator is more esoteric, and uniquely stated by E. Alan Meece, and that concerns the chart for the Neptune-Pluto conjunction back in 1892. This conjunction that happens every 493 years marked a change of age in civilization. Our world since then is not the same as the world of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. We have entered a new world since the breakthroughs, world wars and cultural shifts of that time. There is in astrology also something called progressions, enabled by the relation of the daily and yearly cycles of our lives. Every day after April 26, 1892 represents one year since then. In that chart, Mars turned stationary (magnified in significance as it passes close to Earth), and retrograde, on the day corresponding to 1962-63. It was the progressive era of JFK and LBJ, but afterward the progress represented by Mars in Aquarius in this chart of our age in the 20th century up until then started to go backwards too. Progress has been stifled since the 60s by the corporate establishment that got Nixon and Reagan elected.

But in 2022 this backward movement ends, and progressed Mars in Aquarius is now turning stationary, and will move direct again after 2022. The Earth will be passing on from its close approach to Mars in 1892. Progressed Mars will turn direct at 7 degrees Aquarius in 2022, the degree the Sun occupies on Jan.26th, the day Neptune begins its new cycle on 2026, and this is also the exact degree of the shining beacon of the new Aquarian Age that will happen when Uranus and Neptune align in 2165, exactly one precessional age since the time of Jesus at the time of the cosmic crucifix of 25 AD.

Was the Aquarian age really dawning around 1969 when that classic song by the Fifth Dimension all over the airwaves? At the time it was widely assumed that a new age predicated on peace and love would rule our future days. That philosophy was in effect at the time of Woodstock in August of that year after the turn of the decade a few months later with first Kent State and then Altamont..

It was, but this was another astrological cycle. In the sixties, Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction (roughly 1963-1969 and partially 1962-1970). Mars in Aquarius in the progressed chart of our age had just turned stationary (peak significance) in 1963, and Uranus (the planet connected to Aquarius) in that chart turned stationary direct in 1966, in Scorpio, the same year as the exact Uranus-Pluto conjunction (Pluto is connected to Scorpio). When the conjunction ended, the revolutionary and idealistic energy waned. We were left with Mars retrograde.

But a movement, sometimes called the greenpeace revolution, had begun, and it continues. People power, invented at Berkeley in 1964, sprang forth again in the Arab Spring era at the Uranus-Pluto square (first-quarter 90-degree angle) in the early 2010s (roughly 2008-2015), and it will advance further as the two planets reach a trine with Neptune between them in the 2020s, as described above. So the Aquarian emphasis of this new decade will bring back elements of the progressive spirit of the sixties and advance them to the next level, in political affairs at least. The fulfillment of the new culture, especially in its greening aspects, will be reached as Uranus and Pluto reach opposition in 2047 (about 2044-2050). So, just as an Awakening/2T was begun at the stroke of a Uranus-Pluto alignment, the next one will begin at the next such stroke in the mid-2040s, in which the movement begun at the conjunction in the sixties will reach consummation and climax. Such progressions also occurred in coincidence with previous Uranus-Pluto conjunction/opposition cycles. But this is the first time that the conjunction and opposition coincide with the start of successive 2T Awakenings.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Another kind of progression to keep in mind is spiral dynamics, and its connection with planets and economic and cultural/political ages.

Why are the planets significant? What is going on?

To understand this, combine spiral dynamics with planetary dynamics.

What this means is that, although the planets have been out there for many millennia, humans are endowing them with significance as we develop and evolve socially and technically. We are connected to the cosmos and grow in its rhythms. There were no revolutions and new ages in caveman times, not to speak of the age of dinosaurs and trilobytes. Maybe there was something going on, some similar behavior as one of our posters here suggests. But for the most part we have developed in the order of the planets, climbing the ladder of planets outward and entering a new phase as we learn to resonate with each planet that is next farther out from the Sun and Earth.

Up until Saturn, the planets were visible to the eyes since ancient times when we could discern and observe them. And yet, they were not really "discovered" until we entered the meme in spiral dynamics that coincides with each planet (along with a few other phases that fill in missing details in spiral dynamics). So in that sense, when we discovered Uranus in 1781, the first invisible planet, it was only because we had "discovered" fully the meaning of Saturn in the previous phase, and we went right on with the progression, next discovering Neptune, and then Pluto, and then the outer belts of smaller bodies.

In modern and post-modern times, then, we have reached the upper phases of spiral dynamics as we have discovered and realized in society the meanings of the invisible planets. This is why the modern age is a new age.

As we reached each phase, and thus each new discovery and new way of living, the mutual cycles involving the corresponding planet became more significant. As we rise outward toward the stars in our consciousness and abilities, we rise through the phases of our social and cultural/economic evolution described by the planets and by the color memes of spiral dynamics. The evidence of history clearly shows these phases.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Astrological indications and historical cycles, as well as the saeculum, spiral and planetary dynamics, and other cycles confirm a progressive era is ahead. These indicators include but are not limited to:

The 30-year cycle noted by Arthur Schlesinger is returning, which is the 30-year Saturn zodiac cycle of Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The 60-year period is even more significant, since both Jupiter and Saturn are in these signs following their conjunction. The last time this conjunction happened close to this position (25 Capricorn), JFK said "let us begin!" Jupiter-Saturn cycles confirm the 2020s will fit the pattern of the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s, and the minor reform periods of the 1990s, 1930s and 1870s.

Jupiter and Saturn join in progressive Aquarius in Dec.21 at the winter solstice, the first such conjunction in 600 years, shifting all these conjunctions and trines into air signs for the next 200 years. Uranus-Neptune is making the same switch, for a longer period. Air signs represent mind and communication, confirming we are switching into the information age instead of the industrial age (earth signs of money and materialism). The conj. of 1981 was like a preview of the switch to the information age, since it happened in air sign Libra, but it switched back to earth sign Taurus in 2000.

Pluto Returns to its position when the USA was founded for the first time, in 2022, and then moves into reform sign Aquarius in 2024 for about 20 years.

Uranus returns to its indication of the exact crisis climax in 2027, and into the sign Gemini as in the US horoscope in 2025. Jupiter joins Uranus in earth sign Taurus in 2024, a frequent conjunction of reform, representing the Green New Deal since Taurus is the sign of Earth Day. This is the first time that this 84-year Uranus Return of the 4T era ( = the modern saeculum, one typical human life cycle) will coincide with the 30/60-year Saturn Cycle Reform era.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form a very rare triple sextile 60/120-degree angle, very exactly. These are the planets of creativity, enlightenment and progress, and the symbols of the modern age of knowledge of the invisible since c. 1781. These 3 planets aligned in a tight conjunction in c.577 BC for the only time in history as the Axis Age of Enlightenment began.

Neptune enters activist Aries in 2025-26, lifting the current muddle of Pisces, beginning a new 164-year cycle through the zodiac. This last happened on the day the civil war began. On the day Neptune enters Aries to stay, 5 planets align in Aquarius overhead at DC.

The horoscope of humanity is indicated by Neptune's conjunction with Pluto, opening a new 493-year cycle of civilization in 1892. Using progressions (1 day after April 26 1892 = 1 year after 1892), we see that Mars in progressive Aquarius was highlighted in the sixties and turned retrograde in 1962-1963 during JFK's admin and his assassination. In retrograde, Mars has put progress on hold since the sixties. In 2022 it turns stationary at 7 Aquarius, and the retrograde period is over. Progress returns. The chart for Neptune's ingress into Aries on Jan 26. 2026 shows the Sun in 7 Aquarius, conjunct Mars-Pluto near there and conjunct Mercury and Venus near there at the midheaven in DC, and Uranus is rising. That indicates the start of a new age of Aquarius, and progress returning.

The next Uranus-Neptune conjunction will also happen at 7 Aquarius in 2165. This is the beckoning light of the city on the hill for us. This conjunction is 2140 years since Christ, the period of one age in the precession cycle, and thus indicates the Aquarian Age.

Here is a list of proposed reforms that may happen in our new reform era:

Repeal gerrymandering and reduce the filibuster.

Repeal Citizens United, pass public campaign financing, require licensed media to provide free time and space for candidates, limit contributions from all sources, restrict lobbying.

End the 2 party duoploy and voting for lesser of two evils with ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.

Raise taxes on the wealthy, and return social security savings to social security to reduce the debt and equalize the economy among classes.

Raise minimum wages and provide basic income security for all. End trickle-down economics and the deceptive slogans of freedom as "less government." Require corporations to contribute to society in their charter. Invest prudently in aid for housing to bring down prices and in other new industries that benefit society.

Medicare for All. Lower prescription drug prices. Invest in disease control again.

Repeal the current censorship of dirty words on broadcast stations alone.

End voter suppression schemes. Repeal the electoral college.

Require civics to be taught in all licensed schools, public and private.

Consider carbon taxes. Regulate auto emissions so that gasoline is phased out in 10 years. Regulate coal emissions and provide for transition to renewables. Invest in subsidies if necessary to further encourage the transition. Reform farming practices and restore family farms by restricting the size of corporate farms.

I see some chance for artistic revival in the 2020s-- unusual for a 4T. Watch the year 2022.

If necessary, consider packing the supreme court if it blocks reforms. Consider dividing the country between red and blue states. Consider ending the presidency as we know it and its war-making power and switch to a parliamentary system like all other countries have instead of our elected-king system.

If anyone reading this is interested in my new book, which covers these things and the entire "new age" era, the kindle ebook version is on sale now for $2.99 through Jan.15.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(01-10-2020, 03:26 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Astrological indications and historical cycles, as well as the saeculum, spiral and planetary dynamics, and other cycles confirm a progressive era is ahead. These indicators include but are not limited to:

The 30-year cycle noted by Arthur Schlesinger is returning, which is the 30-year Saturn zodiac cycle of Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The 60-year period is even more significant, since both Jupiter and Saturn are in these signs following their conjunction. The last time this conjunction happened close to this position (25 Capricorn), JFK said "let us begin!" Jupiter-Saturn cycles confirm the 2020s will fit the pattern of the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s, and the minor reform periods of the 1990s, 1930s and 1870s.

Jupiter and Saturn join in progressive Aquarius in Dec.21 at the winter solstice, the first such conjunction in 600 years, shifting all these conjunctions and trines into air signs for the next 200 years. Uranus-Neptune is making the same switch, for a longer period. Air signs represent mind and communication, confirming we are switching into the information age instead of the industrial age (earth signs of money and materialism). The conj. of 1981 was like a preview of the switch to the information age, since it happened in air sign Libra, but it switched back to earth sign Taurus in 2000.

Pluto Returns to its position when the USA was founded for the first time, in 2022, and then moves into reform sign Aquarius in 2024 for about 20 years.

Uranus returns to its indication of the exact crisis climax in 2027, and into the sign Gemini as in the US horoscope in 2025. Jupiter joins Uranus in earth sign Taurus in 2024, a frequent conjunction of reform, representing the Green New Deal since Taurus is the sign of Earth Day. This is the first time that this 84-year Uranus Return of the 4T era ( = the modern saeculum, one typical human life cycle) will coincide with the 30/60-year Saturn Cycle Reform era.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form a very rare triple sextile 60/120-degree angle, very exactly. These are the planets of creativity, enlightenment and progress, and the symbols of the modern age of knowledge of the invisible since c. 1781. These 3 planets aligned in a tight conjunction in c.577 BC for the only time in history as the Axis Age of Enlightenment began.

Neptune enters activist Aries in 2025-26, lifting the current muddle of Pisces, beginning a new 164-year cycle through the zodiac. This last happened on the day the civil war began. On the day Neptune enters Aries to stay, 5 planets align in Aquarius overhead at DC.

The horoscope of humanity is indicated by Neptune's conjunction with Pluto, opening a new 493-year cycle of civilization in 1892. Using progressions (1 day after April 26 1892 = 1 year after 1892), we see that Mars in progressive Aquarius was highlighted in the sixties and turned retrograde in 1962-1963 during JFK's admin and his assassination. In retrograde, Mars has put progress on hold since the sixties. In 2022 it turns stationary at 7 Aquarius, and the retrograde period is over. Progress returns. The chart for Neptune's ingress into Aries on Jan 26. 2026 shows the Sun in 7 Aquarius, conjunct Mars-Pluto near there and conjunct Mercury and Venus near there at the midheaven in DC, and Uranus is rising. That indicates the start of a new age of Aquarius, and progress returning.

The next Uranus-Neptune conjunction will also happen at 7 Aquarius in 2165. This is the beckoning light of the city on the hill for us. This conjunction is 2140 years since Christ, the period of one age in the precession cycle, and thus indicates the Aquarian Age.

Here is a list of proposed reforms that may happen in our new reform era:

Repeal gerrymandering and reduce the filibuster.

Repeal Citizens United, pass public campaign financing, require licensed media to provide free time and space for candidates, limit contributions from all sources, restrict lobbying.

End the 2 party duoploy and voting for lesser of two evils with ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.

Raise taxes on the wealthy, and return social security savings to social security to reduce the debt and equalize the economy among classes.

Raise minimum wages and provide basic income security for all. End trickle-down economics and the deceptive slogans of freedom as "less government." Require corporations to contribute to society in their charter. Invest prudently in aid for housing to bring down prices and in other new industries that benefit society.

Medicare for All. Lower prescription drug prices. Invest in disease control again.

Repeal the current censorship of dirty words on broadcast stations alone.

End voter suppression schemes. Repeal the electoral college.

Require civics to be taught in all licensed schools, public and private.

Consider carbon taxes. Regulate auto emissions so that gasoline is phased out in 10 years. Regulate coal emissions and provide for transition to renewables. Invest in subsidies if necessary to further encourage the transition. Reform farming practices and restore family farms by restricting the size of corporate farms.

I see some chance for artistic revival in the 2020s-- unusual for a 4T. Watch the year 2022.

If necessary, consider packing the supreme court if it blocks reforms. Consider dividing the country between red and blue states. Consider ending the presidency as we know it and its war-making power and switch to a parliamentary system like all other countries have instead of our elected-king system.

If anyone reading this is interested in my new book, which covers these things and the entire "new age" era, the kindle ebook version is on sale now for $2.99 through Jan.15.

-- does this mean Bernie is gonna win next fall?
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(01-10-2020, 03:59 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:26 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Astrological indications and historical cycles, as well as the saeculum, spiral and planetary dynamics, and other cycles confirm a progressive era is ahead. These indicators include but are not limited to:

The 30-year cycle noted by Arthur Schlesinger is returning, which is the 30-year Saturn zodiac cycle of Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The 60-year period is even more significant, since both Jupiter and Saturn are in these signs following their conjunction. The last time this conjunction happened close to this position (25 Capricorn), JFK said "let us begin!" Jupiter-Saturn cycles confirm the 2020s will fit the pattern of the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s, and the minor reform periods of the 1990s, 1930s and 1870s.

Jupiter and Saturn join in progressive Aquarius in Dec.21 at the winter solstice, the first such conjunction in 600 years, shifting all these conjunctions and trines into air signs for the next 200 years. Uranus-Neptune is making the same switch, for a longer period. Air signs represent mind and communication, confirming we are switching into the information age instead of the industrial age (earth signs of money and materialism). The conj. of 1981 was like a preview of the switch to the information age, since it happened in air sign Libra, but it switched back to earth sign Taurus in 2000.

Pluto Returns to its position when the USA was founded for the first time, in 2022, and then moves into reform sign Aquarius in 2024 for about 20 years.

Uranus returns to its indication of the exact crisis climax in 2027, and into the sign Gemini as in the US horoscope in 2025. Jupiter joins Uranus in earth sign Taurus in 2024, a frequent conjunction of reform, representing the Green New Deal since Taurus is the sign of Earth Day. This is the first time that this 84-year Uranus Return of the 4T era ( = the modern saeculum, one typical human life cycle) will coincide with the 30/60-year Saturn Cycle Reform era.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form a very rare triple sextile 60/120-degree angle, very exactly. These are the planets of creativity, enlightenment and progress, and the symbols of the modern age of knowledge of the invisible since c. 1781. These 3 planets aligned in a tight conjunction in c.577 BC for the only time in history as the Axis Age of Enlightenment began.

Neptune enters activist Aries in 2025-26, lifting the current muddle of Pisces, beginning a new 164-year cycle through the zodiac. This last happened on the day the civil war began. On the day Neptune enters Aries to stay, 5 planets align in Aquarius overhead at DC.

The horoscope of humanity is indicated by Neptune's conjunction with Pluto, opening a new 493-year cycle of civilization in 1892. Using progressions (1 day after April 26 1892 = 1 year after 1892), we see that Mars in progressive Aquarius was highlighted in the sixties and turned retrograde in 1962-1963 during JFK's admin and his assassination. In retrograde, Mars has put progress on hold since the sixties. In 2022 it turns stationary at 7 Aquarius, and the retrograde period is over. Progress returns. The chart for Neptune's ingress into Aries on Jan 26. 2026 shows the Sun in 7 Aquarius, conjunct Mars-Pluto near there and conjunct Mercury and Venus near there at the midheaven in DC, and Uranus is rising. That indicates the start of a new age of Aquarius, and progress returning.

The next Uranus-Neptune conjunction will also happen at 7 Aquarius in 2165. This is the beckoning light of the city on the hill for us. This conjunction is 2140 years since Christ, the period of one age in the precession cycle, and thus indicates the Aquarian Age.

Here is a list of proposed reforms that may happen in our new reform era:

Repeal gerrymandering and reduce the filibuster.

Repeal Citizens United, pass public campaign financing, require licensed media to provide free time and space for candidates, limit contributions from all sources, restrict lobbying.

End the 2 party duoploy and voting for lesser of two evils with ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.

Raise taxes on the wealthy, and return social security savings to social security to reduce the debt and equalize the economy among classes.

Raise minimum wages and provide basic income security for all. End trickle-down economics and the deceptive slogans of freedom as "less government." Require corporations to contribute to society in their charter. Invest prudently in aid for housing to bring down prices and in other new industries that benefit society.

Medicare for All. Lower prescription drug prices. Invest in disease control again.

Repeal the current censorship of dirty words on broadcast stations alone.

End voter suppression schemes. Repeal the electoral college.

Require civics to be taught in all licensed schools, public and private.

Consider carbon taxes. Regulate auto emissions so that gasoline is phased out in 10 years. Regulate coal emissions and provide for transition to renewables. Invest in subsidies if necessary to further encourage the transition. Reform farming practices and restore family farms by restricting the size of corporate farms.

I see some chance for artistic revival in the 2020s-- unusual for a 4T. Watch the year 2022.

If necessary, consider packing the supreme court if it blocks reforms. Consider dividing the country between red and blue states. Consider ending the presidency as we know it and its war-making power and switch to a parliamentary system like all other countries have instead of our elected-king system.

If anyone reading this is interested in my new book, which covers these things and the entire "new age" era, the kindle ebook version is on sale now for $2.99 through Jan.15.

-- does this mean Bernie is gonna win next fall?

As I've been saying, I only think he has a chance, considering all the factors. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction might indicate the Democrat will win. Biden has an equal chance to Bernie. Trump is slightly favored overall, because his score is slightly higher than Bernie's and Joe's, and the new moon before election favors him, with a caveat; but that doesn't necessarily count his gross unfitness for the job. See my ebook for all the details!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I do love all these predictions and astrological news about each zodiac signs, such as cancer rising predictions as well. Because when you have great news you can think about it and feel a little bit better than it was before it. You can turn on your imagination and make your decision in that way, which will be the best for your zodiac sign.
(01-10-2020, 08:03 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:59 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:26 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Astrological indications and historical cycles, as well as the saeculum, spiral and planetary dynamics, and other cycles confirm a progressive era is ahead. These indicators include but are not limited to:

The 30-year cycle noted by Arthur Schlesinger is returning, which is the 30-year Saturn zodiac cycle of Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The 60-year period is even more significant, since both Jupiter and Saturn are in these signs following their conjunction. The last time this conjunction happened close to this position (25 Capricorn), JFK said "let us begin!" Jupiter-Saturn cycles confirm the 2020s will fit the pattern of the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s, and the minor reform periods of the 1990s, 1930s and 1870s.

Jupiter and Saturn join in progressive Aquarius in Dec.21 at the winter solstice, the first such conjunction in 600 years, shifting all these conjunctions and trines into air signs for the next 200 years. Uranus-Neptune is making the same switch, for a longer period. Air signs represent mind and communication, confirming we are switching into the information age instead of the industrial age (earth signs of money and materialism). The conj. of 1981 was like a preview of the switch to the information age, since it happened in air sign Libra, but it switched back to earth sign Taurus in 2000.

Pluto Returns to its position when the USA was founded for the first time, in 2022, and then moves into reform sign Aquarius in 2024 for about 20 years.

Uranus returns to its indication of the exact crisis climax in 2027, and into the sign Gemini as in the US horoscope in 2025. Jupiter joins Uranus in earth sign Taurus in 2024, a frequent conjunction of reform, representing the Green New Deal since Taurus is the sign of Earth Day. This is the first time that this 84-year Uranus Return of the 4T era ( = the modern saeculum, one typical human life cycle) will coincide with the 30/60-year Saturn Cycle Reform era.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form a very rare triple sextile 60/120-degree angle, very exactly. These are the planets of creativity, enlightenment and progress, and the symbols of the modern age of knowledge of the invisible since c. 1781. These 3 planets aligned in a tight conjunction in c.577 BC for the only time in history as the Axis Age of Enlightenment began.

Neptune enters activist Aries in 2025-26, lifting the current muddle of Pisces, beginning a new 164-year cycle through the zodiac. This last happened on the day the civil war began. On the day Neptune enters Aries to stay, 5 planets align in Aquarius overhead at DC.

The horoscope of humanity is indicated by Neptune's conjunction with Pluto, opening a new 493-year cycle of civilization in 1892. Using progressions (1 day after April 26 1892 = 1 year after 1892), we see that Mars in progressive Aquarius was highlighted in the sixties and turned retrograde in 1962-1963 during JFK's admin and his assassination. In retrograde, Mars has put progress on hold since the sixties. In 2022 it turns stationary at 7 Aquarius, and the retrograde period is over. Progress returns. The chart for Neptune's ingress into Aries on Jan 26. 2026 shows the Sun in 7 Aquarius, conjunct Mars-Pluto near there and conjunct Mercury and Venus near there at the midheaven in DC, and Uranus is rising. That indicates the start of a new age of Aquarius, and progress returning.

The next Uranus-Neptune conjunction will also happen at 7 Aquarius in 2165. This is the beckoning light of the city on the hill for us. This conjunction is 2140 years since Christ, the period of one age in the precession cycle, and thus indicates the Aquarian Age.

Here is a list of proposed reforms that may happen in our new reform era:

Repeal gerrymandering and reduce the filibuster.

Repeal Citizens United, pass public campaign financing, require licensed media to provide free time and space for candidates, limit contributions from all sources, restrict lobbying.

End the 2 party duoploy and voting for lesser of two evils with ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.

Raise taxes on the wealthy, and return social security savings to social security to reduce the debt and equalize the economy among classes.

Raise minimum wages and provide basic income security for all. End trickle-down economics and the deceptive slogans of freedom as "less government." Require corporations to contribute to society in their charter. Invest prudently in aid for housing to bring down prices and in other new industries that benefit society.

Medicare for All. Lower prescription drug prices. Invest in disease control again.

Repeal the current censorship of dirty words on broadcast stations alone.

End voter suppression schemes. Repeal the electoral college.

Require civics to be taught in all licensed schools, public and private.

Consider carbon taxes. Regulate auto emissions so that gasoline is phased out in 10 years. Regulate coal emissions and provide for transition to renewables. Invest in subsidies if necessary to further encourage the transition. Reform farming practices and restore family farms by restricting the size of corporate farms.

I see some chance for artistic revival in the 2020s-- unusual for a 4T. Watch the year 2022.

If necessary, consider packing the supreme court if it blocks reforms. Consider dividing the country between red and blue states. Consider ending the presidency as we know it and its war-making power and switch to a parliamentary system like all other countries have instead of our elected-king system.

If anyone reading this is interested in my new book, which covers these things and the entire "new age" era, the kindle ebook version is on sale now for $2.99 through Jan.15.

-- does this mean Bernie is gonna win next fall?

As I've been saying, I only think he has a chance, considering all the factors. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction might indicate the Democrat will win. Biden has an equal chance to Bernie. Trump is slightly favored overall, because his score is slightly higher than Bernie's and Joe's, and the new moon before election favors him, with a caveat; but that doesn't necessarily count his gross unfitness for the job. See my ebook for all the details!

-- Scratch & Sniff Groper Joe is toast. Should the DNC manage 2 coronate him come summertime all the Donald has 2 do is repeat Ukraine over & over. Pound it like a hammer
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(01-29-2020, 12:14 PM)Marypoza Wrote: -- Scratch & Sniff Groper Joe is toast. Should the DNC manage 2 coronate him come summertime all the Donald has 2 do is repeat Ukraine over & over. Pound it like a hammer

… or Biden can raise the issue and control the narrative. That seems to be what he's already begun doing. In any case, whoever gets nominated, the party will back 200%! Replacing Trump is task one, and the Dems will not tolerate any nose-thumbing by the disgruntled. Just saying.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(01-29-2020, 01:17 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 12:14 PM)Marypoza Wrote: -- Scratch & Sniff Groper Joe is toast. Should the DNC manage 2 coronate him come summertime all the Donald has 2 do is repeat Ukraine over & over. Pound it like a hammer

… or Biden can raise the issue and control the narrative.  That seems to be what he's already begun doing.  In any case, whoever gets nominated, the party will back 200%!  Replacing Trump is task one, and the Dems will not tolerate any nose-thumbing by the disgruntled.  Just saying.

-- is he? The articles l've been reading he's attempting 2 mansplain away his crappy Social Security record. He seems 2 get tetchey when anybody brings up Ukraine
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(01-29-2020, 06:01 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 01:17 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 12:14 PM)Marypoza Wrote: -- Scratch & Sniff Groper Joe is toast. Should the DNC manage 2 coronate him come summertime all the Donald has 2 do is repeat Ukraine over & over. Pound it like a hammer

… or Biden can raise the issue and control the narrative.  That seems to be what he's already begun doing.  In any case, whoever gets nominated, the party will back 200%!  Replacing Trump is task one, and the Dems will not tolerate any nose-thumbing by the disgruntled.  Just saying.

-- is he? The articles l've been reading he's attempting 2 mansplain away his crappy Social Security record. He seems 2 get tetchey when anybody brings up Ukraine

He's out with a new ad that uses the Ukraine issue as a positive: "Trump doesn't want to run against me …"  Will it work?  Hard to say, but it's smarter than running away from the issue.  Biden will have a harder time explaining ('man' or otherwise) why he felt it necessary to join the Social Security cuts chorus.  Neverminded that almost everyone did at the time, it was stupid then and suicidal now.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(01-30-2020, 10:30 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 06:01 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 01:17 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-29-2020, 12:14 PM)Marypoza Wrote: -- Scratch & Sniff Groper Joe is toast. Should the DNC manage 2 coronate him come summertime all the Donald has 2 do is repeat Ukraine over & over. Pound it like a hammer

… or Biden can raise the issue and control the narrative.  That seems to be what he's already begun doing.  In any case, whoever gets nominated, the party will back 200%!  Replacing Trump is task one, and the Dems will not tolerate any nose-thumbing by the disgruntled.  Just saying.

-- is he? The articles l've been reading he's attempting 2 mansplain away his crappy Social Security record. He seems 2 get tetchey when anybody brings up Ukraine

He's out with a new ad that uses the Ukraine issue as a positive: "Trump doesn't want to run against me …"  Will it work?  Hard to say, but it's smarter than running away from the issue.  Biden will have a harder time explaining ('man' or otherwise) why he felt it necessary to join the Social Security cuts chorus.  Neverminded that almost everyone did at the time, it was stupid then and suicidal now.

-- ok our primary isn't til St Paddy's Day Smile (vote 4 Bernie then back 2 the bar) so there haven't been any ads here  yet, except 4 Steyer. I've seen articles where he got nasty with ppl, voter & reporters alike, who brought it up @ his events. Perhaps his handlers have told him he needs 2 address it
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
Democratic Presidential Nomination, realclearpolitics average, Jan 30, 2020, with horoscope scores:
Biden 28.8 14-7
Sanders 22.5 14-7
Warren 14.1 8-7
Bloomberg 8.5 7-5
Buttigieg 6.0 7-8
Yang 4.8 8-15
Klobuchar 4.0 7-7
Steyer 2.0 11-7

Biden +6.3

For now, real clear is not mentioning the bottom four, who have not dropped out yet, but probably will after the Iowa caucus:
Gabbard 11-6
Bennet 8-9
Delaney 7-5
Patrick 9-6

16 out of 18 candidates who have already dropped out have unfavorable scores on my presidential candidate horoscope scoring system. The horoscope scores are based on the aspects in the charts of all credible US presidential candidates since elections began. See

See my video:

In astrology, an aspect is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope--
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Richard Tarnas, PhD, author of Cosmos and Psyche, gives his views on the meaning of the current powerful planetary alignments (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto aligned closely around March 20-24, 2020), and how they indicate a confrontation with mortality.

I see he did another talk called "Gimme Shelter", COVID19." That's a neat allusion to the great Rolling Stones song about disasters, and our current response of "sheltering in place".
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Mr. Tarnas quotes Joanna Macy, who uses the word "turning" to describe the kind of time we are in.

Personal Guidelines
by Joanna Macy

Come from Gratitude
To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe–to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it–is a wonder beyond words. Gratitude for the gift of life is the primary wellspring of all religions, the hallmark of the mystic, the source of all true art. Furthermore, it is a privilege to be alive in this time when we can choose to take part in the self-healing of our world.

Don’t be Afraid of the Dark
This is a dark time, filled with suffering and uncertainty. Like living cells in a larger body, it is natural that we feel the trauma of our world. So don’t be afraid of the anguish you feel, or the anger or fear, for these responses arise from the depth of your caring and the truth of your interconnectedness with all beings. To suffer with is the literal meaning of compassion.

Dare to Vision
Out of this darkness a new world can arise, not to be constructed by our minds so much as to emerge from our dreams. Even though we cannot see clearly how it’s going to turn out, we are still called to let the future into our imagination. We will never be able to build what we have not first cherished in our hearts.

Roll up your Sleeves
Many people don’t get involved in the Great Turning because there are so many different issues, which seem to compete with each other. Shall I save the whales or help battered children? The truth is that all aspects of the current crisis reflect the same mistake, setting ourselves apart and using others for our gain. So to heal one aspect helps the others to heal as well. Just find what you love to work on and take joy in that. Never try to do it alone. Link up with others; you’ll spark each others’ ideas and sustain each others’ energy.

Act your Age
Since every particle in your body goes back to the first flaring forth of space and time, you’re really as old as the universe. So when you are lobbying at your congressperson’s office, or visiting your local utility, or testifying at a hearing on nuclear waste, or standing up to protect an old grove of redwoods, you are doing that not out of some personal whim, but in the full authority of your 15 billions years.

Three Dimensions of the Great Turning
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Wall$street serendipity.

It's all taurus man.

And look, Taurus is the totem:   Big Grin 

[Image: Charging_Bull_statue.jpg]

I mean, really?  There's somethin' weird going on here.
---Value Added Cool
(05-21-2020, 12:25 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: Wall$street serendipity.

It's all taurus man.

And look, Taurus is the totem:   Big Grin 

[Image: Charging_Bull_statue.jpg]

I mean, really?  There's somethin' weird going on here.

Taurus IS the sign of the bull, which Wall Street aspires to and hopes for.

And they like it when the bulls are runnin' wild!

Taurus is the sign of money, possessions, and values.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(01-10-2020, 08:03 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:59 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:26 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Astrological indications and historical cycles, as well as the saeculum, spiral and planetary dynamics, and other cycles confirm a progressive era is ahead. These indicators include but are not limited to:

The 30-year cycle noted by Arthur Schlesinger is returning, which is the 30-year Saturn zodiac cycle of Saturn in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. The 60-year period is even more significant, since both Jupiter and Saturn are in these signs following their conjunction. The last time this conjunction happened close to this position (25 Capricorn), JFK said "let us begin!" Jupiter-Saturn cycles confirm the 2020s will fit the pattern of the 1960s, 1900s, 1840s and 1780s, and the minor reform periods of the 1990s, 1930s and 1870s.

Jupiter and Saturn join in progressive Aquarius in Dec.21 at the winter solstice, the first such conjunction in 600 years, shifting all these conjunctions and trines into air signs for the next 200 years. Uranus-Neptune is making the same switch, for a longer period. Air signs represent mind and communication, confirming we are switching into the information age instead of the industrial age (earth signs of money and materialism). The conj. of 1981 was like a preview of the switch to the information age, since it happened in air sign Libra, but it switched back to earth sign Taurus in 2000.

Pluto Returns to its position when the USA was founded for the first time, in 2022, and then moves into reform sign Aquarius in 2024 for about 20 years.

Uranus returns to its indication of the exact crisis climax in 2027, and into the sign Gemini as in the US horoscope in 2025. Jupiter joins Uranus in earth sign Taurus in 2024, a frequent conjunction of reform, representing the Green New Deal since Taurus is the sign of Earth Day. This is the first time that this 84-year Uranus Return of the 4T era ( = the modern saeculum, one typical human life cycle) will coincide with the 30/60-year Saturn Cycle Reform era.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto form a very rare triple sextile 60/120-degree angle, very exactly. These are the planets of creativity, enlightenment and progress, and the symbols of the modern age of knowledge of the invisible since c. 1781. These 3 planets aligned in a tight conjunction in c.577 BC for the only time in history as the Axis Age of Enlightenment began.

Neptune enters activist Aries in 2025-26, lifting the current muddle of Pisces, beginning a new 164-year cycle through the zodiac. This last happened on the day the civil war began. On the day Neptune enters Aries to stay, 5 planets align in Aquarius overhead at DC.

The horoscope of humanity is indicated by Neptune's conjunction with Pluto, opening a new 493-year cycle of civilization in 1892. Using progressions (1 day after April 26 1892 = 1 year after 1892), we see that Mars in progressive Aquarius was highlighted in the sixties and turned retrograde in 1962-1963 during JFK's admin and his assassination. In retrograde, Mars has put progress on hold since the sixties. In 2022 it turns stationary at 7 Aquarius, and the retrograde period is over. Progress returns. The chart for Neptune's ingress into Aries on Jan 26. 2026 shows the Sun in 7 Aquarius, conjunct Mars-Pluto near there and conjunct Mercury and Venus near there at the midheaven in DC, and Uranus is rising. That indicates the start of a new age of Aquarius, and progress returning.

The next Uranus-Neptune conjunction will also happen at 7 Aquarius in 2165. This is the beckoning light of the city on the hill for us. This conjunction is 2140 years since Christ, the period of one age in the precession cycle, and thus indicates the Aquarian Age.

Here is a list of proposed reforms that may happen in our new reform era:

Repeal gerrymandering and reduce the filibuster.

Repeal Citizens United, pass public campaign financing, require licensed media to provide free time and space for candidates, limit contributions from all sources, restrict lobbying.

End the 2 party duoploy and voting for lesser of two evils with ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.

Raise taxes on the wealthy, and return social security savings to social security to reduce the debt and equalize the economy among classes.

Raise minimum wages and provide basic income security for all. End trickle-down economics and the deceptive slogans of freedom as "less government." Require corporations to contribute to society in their charter. Invest prudently in aid for housing to bring down prices and in other new industries that benefit society.

Medicare for All. Lower prescription drug prices. Invest in disease control again.

Repeal the current censorship of dirty words on broadcast stations alone.

End voter suppression schemes. Repeal the electoral college.

Require civics to be taught in all licensed schools, public and private.

Consider carbon taxes. Regulate auto emissions so that gasoline is phased out in 10 years. Regulate coal emissions and provide for transition to renewables. Invest in subsidies if necessary to further encourage the transition. Reform farming practices and restore family farms by restricting the size of corporate farms.

I see some chance for artistic revival in the 2020s-- unusual for a 4T. Watch the year 2022.

If necessary, consider packing the supreme court if it blocks reforms. Consider dividing the country between red and blue states. Consider ending the presidency as we know it and its war-making power and switch to a parliamentary system like all other countries have instead of our elected-king system.

If anyone reading this is interested in my new book, which covers these things and the entire "new age" era, the kindle ebook version is on sale now for $2.99 through Jan.15.

-- does this mean Bernie is gonna win next fall?

As I've been saying, I only think he has a chance, considering all the factors. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction might indicate the Democrat will win. Biden has an equal chance to Bernie. Trump is slightly favored overall, because his score is slightly higher than Bernie's and Joe's, and the new moon before election favors him, with a caveat; but that doesn't necessarily count his gross unfitness for the job. See my ebook for all the details!

A liberal African-American facebook mundane astrology admin reminded me that I need to include in the reforms list such things as ending racial profiling and criminal justice discrimination, stopping police shootings (black lives matter), and consideration of reparations for slavery and Jim Crow, etc. Pollution and climate change and other social ills including COVID-19 affect people of color and poor people disproportionately, as does gun violence.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Picking a Vice President article
E. Alan Meece, July 2020

Joe Biden is running for president against Donald Trump. They are the two oldest presidential candidates in history. Joe might not run again in 2024 if he wins in 2020, and he might not even finish his first term. That means that whoever Joe picks as his running mate stands a good chance of succeeding him if he wins. He needs to choose someone who can fill the job if needed.

What’s more, the 2020 election is critical. Many people are concerned that if Trump is re-elected, he would move the country toward an authoritarian government headed by a cult leader who has lost his marbles. Many of the nation’s needs could continue to go unanswered, including a pandemic that now threatens the economy and the nation’s health. Many others remain committed to Mr. Trump because he has promised to make America great again. He has helped keep the economy going through most of his term with tax cuts, and he has protected conservative values.

Being of progressive mind myself, I see the need to shift from the philosophy of trickle-down economics and laissez faire that has kept the nation from acting on those long-unmet needs, and to move into a new era in which the nation can accomplish great things for everyone and not just for a privileged few. I am concerned that yet-another Republican president would keep us shackled to the old ways just when we most need to move forward.

For this reason, I think that the first priority in choosing a vice-president should be which one can be elected in her own right later on. I developed a method of predicting who can win, and I offer it as a guide to which candidate chosen as vice president can win in a future election, as well as giving us some idea about whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be elected in 2020.

Unfortunately, my method does not give a definitive answer about who will win the 2020 election. The most significant part of my method is what I call the horoscope score for US presidential candidates. In my research I looked at the charts for all the significant candidates for president in US history. I found the most favorable aspects for getting elected, and the most unfavorable ones (the aspects being the angles between the planets in the horoscope, such as conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines). After giving each kind of aspect a rating, based mostly on this research (and not just on the traditional meanings), I score each candidate by adding up the favorable and unfavorable aspects to provide a percentage, much like a baseball team might have in the standings. These scores do not tell us whether the candidate will be a good president or not; just how skilled (s)he is at getting elected; although such skills can often help in the job. But one finding seems certain: only skilled candidates ever get elected president of the USA.

For example, President Trump has a score of 9-4, meaning 9 points for favorable aspects and 4 for unfavorable. Joe Biden has a score of 14-7. The percentage of the two candidate scores is almost the same, but Trump has a slight advantage. The difference is within the “margin of error,” however, and Biden’s higher positive number could help his chances a bit. Usually, when the two competing candidates have scores as close as these, a close election happens.

The elections since 1932 show how the method works. Every winner but one had at least a 2 to 1 percentage of favorable to unfavorable aspects. Only two, Trump and LBJ, had a positive score below 10. In all except two cases, the candidate with the higher score won:

1932: Franklin Roosevelt 21-4, Herbert Hoover 11-11
1936: Franklin Roosevelt 21-4, Alf Landon 10-16
1940: Franklin Roosevelt 21-4, Wendell Willkie 8-9
1944: Franklin Roosevelt 21-4, Thomas Dewey 8-6
1948: Harry Truman 14-0, Thomas Dewey 8-6
1952: Dwight Eisenhower 18-8, Adlai Stevenson 5-21
1956: Dwight Eisenhower 18-8, Adlai Stevenson 5-21
1960: John F Kennedy 13-6, Richard Nixon 18-7
1964: Lyndon B Johnson 8-6, Barry Goldwater 20-11
1968: Richard Nixon 18-7, Hubert Humphrey 9-5, George Wallace 2-7
1972: Richard Nixon 18-7, George McGovern 9-10
1976: Jimmy Carter 12-4, Gerald Ford 12-8
1980: Ronald Reagan 22-6, Jimmy Carter 12-4, John Anderson 14-8
1984: Ronald Reagan 22-6, Walter Mondale 12-12
1988: George H W Bush 14-6, Michael Dukakis 2-10
1992: Bill Clinton 21-3, George H W Bush 14-6, Ross Perot 7-10
1996: Bill Clinton 21-3, Bob Dole 12-19, Ross Perot 7-10
2000: George W Bush 17-2, Al Gore 10-9
2004: George W Bush 17-2, John Kerry 8-12
2008: Barack Obama 19-2, John McCain 15-13
2012: Barack Obama 19-2, Mitt Romney 4-10
2016: Donald Trump 9-4, Hillary R. Clinton 9-11

Chapter 12 of my book Horoscope for the New Age has the full story on the methods and the scores for all the major candidates, and which aspects provide favorable or unfavorable points.

People vote for the top of the ticket. So I have no scores for candidates who won and lost their elections for vice-president. Usually the vice-presidential nominee makes no difference. Two of the worst choices in history, Spiro Agnew and Dan Quayle, did no harm to the presidential candidates who picked them. Franklin D. Roosevelt picked a very left-wing and starry-eyed candidate named Henry Wallace in 1940 for vice president, and he won anyway. In earlier times, most people never paid any attention to who was vice president.

The presidential candidate scores, however, can tell us who can step in after Joe Biden and Donald Trump and become elected president. Joe Biden has pledged to choose a woman. These scores are mostly based on a 12 Noon time, which means that the scores could change by a few points if birth times become known. Significantly though, we do know the birth time of Kamala Harris, who is the leading candidate according to many media sources, but whose score shows she is the least likely ever to be elected president. Here are the top 10 female candidates being discussed these days for Biden’s running mate, and their scores from highest to lowest:

Susan Rice 15-5
Tammy Baldwin 13-6
Stacey Abrams 13-7
Gretchen Whitmer 17-12
Elizabeth Warren 8-7
Val Demings 6-6
Tammy Duckworth 9-10
Keisha Lance Bottoms 11-13
Michelle Lujan Grisham 12-15
Kamala Harris 4-16

Susan Rice has the best score; but interestingly, if she was actually born around Noon, her score could fall behind Tammy Baldwin’s, and similarly, if Stacey Abrams was born in the afternoon, her score could also fall. But Kamala Harris has by far the lowest score, and that won’t change.

Susan Rice has extensive federal government experience and has worked closely with Joe Biden. On the down side, her experience has been mostly in foreign policy at a time when domestic issues are uppermost, and she has never run for elective office before. If she is chosen, and war develops during the years of crisis ahead, as I predict could happen, Mars aspects in her chart indicate that she can be a competent and victorious warrior president and national hero. Some pacifists might not approve of this, however. Her recent comments indicate that she could shift her focus to domestic affairs too and do a good job. Her background has been exemplary, and she projects a noble bearing.

Tammy Baldwin is a liberal senator from an important swing state, Wisconsin. Sometimes running mates are chosen to help win a key state, just as John F Kennedy chose Lyndon Johnson to help him win Texas, and as Mitt Romney also chose a running mate from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan. This has rarely if ever decided a presidential election, however; except possibly in the case of Kennedy, since along with Texas he only needed Illinois, and it was alleged that Mayor Daley cheated to help JFK win that state. But Senator Baldwin lacks a strong national profile and name recognition, and picking her could put a Democratic Senate majority in jeopardy. Her score might indicate that she could be an inspiring candidate like JFK was, who had the same score. Being born days after the famous Aquarian eclipse of February 1962, during Kennedy’s administration, she has many planets in that sign of the New Age.

Stacey Abrams is an articulate and inspiring speaker who could mobilize the black vote in key swing states. Although she was a leader in the state legislature in Georgia, she has not served in any statewide or federal office. But she was likely cheated out of the governorship of Georgia by the current incumbent, who had been secretary of state there and heavily purged the voter rolls to help himself win. She has been a good organizer for the cause of voting rights since then, as aspects in her chart among Mars, Saturn and Uranus show.

Gretchen Whitmer is governor of Michigan, a swing state, and although she has not been in office long, she has gained national recognition through persisting in imposing measures to control the covid19 virus in spite of protests and insults against her by President Trump. Aspects similar to Abrams’ show this resilience, and Venus aspects show charm and a liking for attention.

Elizabeth Warren has the most name recognition among these candidates as a liberal leader in the US senate and a former candidate for president in 2020. She could step in and do the job well as president. But her campaign did not gain enough traction. Her score confirms the impression among many that she is only an average communicator who connects well with some voters but appears too pedantic or too crusading to others. Her strong Mars trine to Neptune is the signature of her idealistic and fighting spirit. Biden has been consulting with her a lot on policy.

Val Demings has little name recognition, but she spoke eloquently as one of the managers of the impeachment hearings against Trump. Now in congress, she represents a district in Florida, a key state. It’s doubtful whether a representative from one district can carry a whole state, however. She gains some support and also some doubts from her record as a former police chief who championed some reforms. Her score indicates that her apparent eloquence may not wear all that well in its power or persuasiveness.

Tammy Duckworth has a lot of admirers as a double-amputee veteran who could run as a military hero, and her chart reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt’s, but she is not very well-known and has not accomplished much in the senate.

Keisha Lance Bottoms, mayor of Atlanta, has been a key supporter of Biden and has countered the unfortunate rule of Georgia’s Republican governor during the virus and the riots. She does not have the heft or appeal on a national level, however. Mars and Pluto aspects may indicate some runaway passions.

Michelle Lujan Grisham is another candidate who has some credibility as an hispanic governor with a good record. But New Mexico is not a major platform from which to run. Her strong Mars in Scorpio shows energy and determination.

Although Grisham’s score does not bode well for her as a presidential candidate, she easily beats the candidate who is the most talked-about, California Senator Kamala Harris. Being a person of color gives Harris an advantage. She has a good liberal record in congress and can ask tough questions in senate hearings. But her campaign for president in 2020 flopped, and her rather whiny speaking style and her record as Attorney General of California did not inspire support from liberals or the black community. Some of her aspects show impulsive unsteadiness. If she is chosen, she could actually hurt Biden a little bit, and she would lose if she were chosen to succeed Biden as Democratic Party standard bearer in a presidential election. I believe it is vital to the Party’s chances in 2024 that she not be chosen.

Vice President Pence will likely be Trump’s running mate again, and probably will run for president in 2024. His score is only 8-7, and his presentation is not inspiring. I have joked that if Warren were chosen to run against Pence in 2024, we’d have two candidates with the charisma of a wooden indian. If Trump loses in 2020, this could actually help Pence beat Warren in 2024, according to the important indicator of the new moon before the election. I can’t cover this method here, but I mention it prominently in my book, in my video and on my website. Suffice to say, the challenging candidate has an advantage in 2024. So if Pence runs, his mediocre score can be beat, but this would require a candidate with a much better score. Perhaps Rice, Baldwin or Abrams could fill that bill, but I would recommend instead the potential candidate with the highest score, former Mayor of New Orleans and Lt. Governor of Louisiana, Mitch Landrieu (score 16-2). He is so friendly and articulate that he would charm the pants off everyone and waltz right into the White House, much like a candidate with a similar style and talent did in 1992 by the name of Bill Clinton (score 21-3). Another great possibility is the very-positive and very-successful former governor of Virginia and prodigious Democratic fundraiser Terry McAuliffe, whose horoscope score as of now I calculate as 11-2, although it would be higher if he was born in the morning.

One possible Republican candidate to watch is the very-conservative but articulate Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, who scores 15-9. Just as President Bush 41 (score 14-6) lost his bid for re-election, but his son Bush 43 (score 17-2) continued his dynasty anyway, President Trump (score 9-4) could lose his re-election bid, but his daughter Ivanka (who scores 16-2) could continue his dynasty anyway. She is remarkably poised, independent and charismatic, and despite her problems with scandal she could still emerge in the future as an outstanding candidate. The scores of these four candidates are all very similar, and they could indicate a pattern-- perhaps the only real hope for the Republicans in the future.

Another critical factor to watch is the Saturn Return. It does not affect a candidacy for vice president. But when Saturn has returned to the place in a presidential candidate’s horoscope during the first three years of the term sought, that candidate has lost the election 11 out of 12 times. If Saturn returns to its place in a candidate’s horoscope during an election year, the situation is more fluid and affords some choice, but the burdens would be great and disaster usually happens. You may get elected, but sooner or later you’ll wish you hadn’t. The list of candidate and presidential victims of this Saturn Return pattern is a long one, including 4 presidents who died in office, one who got a stroke, one who had to resign, a number who suffered through long and deadly wars, and many who decided they had had enough and bowed out, or were forced out.

This pattern will affect several of these vice-presidential contenders. Tammy Duckworth would be predicted to lose if she ran in 2024. Keisha Lance Bottoms would face disaster during her term in the unlikely event she ran in 2024 and got elected. Gretchen Whitmer could not be elected or re-elected if she ran in 2028. If Stacey Abrams ran for president in 2024, she might win, but if she ran for election or re-election in 2028 and won, the term would be a rough one.

Many mundane astrologers look to the current transits to determine the chances of a candidate. I have found no reliable patterns with transits, but sometimes a good connection to buoyant and fortunate Jupiter or to other planets could indicate at least a temporary boost. Looking at transits to the charts of the various candidates, I see one outstanding indicator that benefits Elizabeth Warren, a number of factors that inhibit the chances of Kamala Harris, and mixed indications for the others. This election in November will be quickly followed by a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This conjunction corresponded to a series of presidents who died while in office after being elected just before this conjunction, a pattern that lasted from 1841 to 1961. In 1981, Reagan survived an assassination attempt “by inches.” Whenever the party in power was not well-entrenched, the party in power was voted out of office seven out of eleven times. This could bode well for the challenging party this year. It could also boost Elizabeth Warren, because her Jupiter, a stand-out planet in her horoscope, is located in the same degree as this conjunction. That does not mean that I predict that she will be chosen vice-president, but it makes this outcome somewhat more likely.

In Kamala’s chart, however, those heavy planets now in conjunction in Capricorn will be in stressful square angle to her Sun in Libra, and to the ruling planet of her chart, Mercury in early Scorpio, along about convention time, and Uranus will be opposing this Mercury then too. Mars in Aries will be opposing her Sun and Mercury as well. She may not make the right moves at this time to become vice president. In the outside wheel in Kamala’s chart, you can see that Mars will be within one degree of her Moon during the Democratic convention, and opposing her Sun. It will turn stationary-retrograde in early September, magnifying its energetic significance. It will also be in square to Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, all of which square her Sun position. In the natal chart shown on the inside wheel, you can see the T-square of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, which form a large portion of the 16 negative points in her score.

Mr. Biden, please choose Susan Rice, not Kamala Harris.

BIO: E. Alan Meece (aka Eric Meece), MA – philosophy, has studied and practiced astrology for over 50 years. His two books Horoscope for the New Age (2019) and Horoscope for the New Millennium (1997) are now available at He has written for Welcome to Planet Earth magazine, NCGR, ISAR, The Mountain Astrologer and the AFA Bulletin. He is author of the forthcoming book The Philosophers Wheel. Website: (click on Horoscope for the New Age, and then Predicting Presidential Elections); see also my youtube channel under Eric Meece and my video “Election 2020 Preview.”
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Most people who post to this forum don't "believe" in astrology. What is interesting to me is that, if it is shown to work, what is the use of not "believing" in it? Should we not believe in electricity, or gravity, even though they work? Surely it is no easier to explain why these things work, than to explain why the most venerable science of human types and behavior works.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I'll Mention it here because this is the most sensible place to mention it. In the past week it appears that war has broken out between Armenia and Azerbaijan and turkey is threatening to Intervene militarily. France and Russia are calling for a regional cease-fire.

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