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Millennial/Homeland Cusp
I like to define generations historically, culturally, and both. For my mixed definition, it’s the one I posted earlier based on my overall research. But for my historic definition, the  Millennial/Homeland cusp is between 1997-2003, with the Millennials being 1982-2000, and Homelanders being 2001-2019.

2020 is a world changing year, an impeachment, an economy crash, a pandemic, riots, and finally a possible historic election. I believe we are living in another  turning since 2014, right when Gamergate, Ferguson, and ISIS were happening, which all possibly lead to the Trump Era, with this turning most likely ending in 2021 as that could be the year the Trump Era and COVID-19 Pandemic will end.

Political Crisis Turning

The Class of 2015 came of age  after Gamergate, which lead to the political division of today, Ferguson, and the rise of ISIS.

The Class of 2016 came of age after the legalization of gay marriage, and after the 2016 campaigns began.

The Class of 2017 came of age after Brexit, which arguably lead to Trump winning the 2016 election.

The Class of 2018 came of age  after Charlottesville, Me Too, Parkland, and after the US-China Trade War began.

This is where the cutoff would be made, as the Class of 18 graduated closer to Trump’s inauguration, and Class of 19 graduated closer to COVID-19.

The Class of 2019 came of age after the release of the Mueller Report.

The Class of 2020 came of age after Trump’s impeachment, Climate Strikes, and after the COVID-19 pandemic and recession began, in the world changing year of 2020.

The Class of 2021 came of age after the George Floyd Protests, the upcoming 2020 election, and could possibly graduate before the pandemic ends.

Another thing about 1997-2003 is that they all entered school after 9/11, but before Obama got elected and the Great Recession ended.

Overall, this could make the Millennial generation 1982-2000, with the Homeland Generation being 2001-2019.

The Millennium Scaculum 

Silent/Boomer: 1943-1949 Classes of 1961-1967

Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 Classes of 1964-1982

Early Boomers: 1950-1952 Classes of 1968-1970
Core Boomers: 1953-1957 Classes of 1971-1975
Late Boomers: 1958-1960 Classes of 1976-1978

Boomer/X: 1961-1967 Classes of 1979-1985

Generation X: 1965-1981 Classes of 1983-1999

Early X: 1968-1970 Classes of 1986-1988
Core X: 1971-1975 Classes of 1989-1993
Late X: 1976-1978 Classes of 1994-1996

X/Millennial: 1979-1985 Classes of 1997-2003

Millennials: 1982-2000 Classes of 2000-2018

Early Millennials: 1986-1988 Classes of 2004-2006
Core Millennials: 1989-1993 Classes of 2007-2011
Late Millennials: 1994-1996 Classes of 2012-2014

Millennial/Homeland: 1997-2003 Classes of 2015-2021

Homelanders: 2001-2017 Classes of 2019-2035

Early Homeland: 2004-2006 Classes of 2022-2024
Core Homeland: 2007-2011 Classes of 2025-2029
Late Homeland: 2012-2014 Classes of 2030-2032

Homeland/Corronials: 2015-2021 Classes of 2033-2037
[quote author=wbrocks67 link=topic=390644.msg7534373#msg7534373 date=1598288005 uid=19655]
Biden 70
Trump 18
Someone else 10
Would not vote 3

Was there any type of poll done to compare this to 2016?

Powerful evidence that the Millennial and post-Millennial generations are anti-Trump... and that the politics of late-wave Millennial and early-wave post-Millennial youth will be hostile to the GOP as it now exists. (Of course, the GOP could change its ways -- but cultural patterns and political attitudes rarely change over people's lives.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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