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Waves of Generations, based on presidency (Coming of Age Edition)
This is the same as the last one, except, instead of birth year, this is by coming of age period.
This could be an interesting way to look at generations, by the way. And I think we will actually like the setup of this (except there are very hard/rigid cutoffs):

Silent Generation - b. 1927-1945

Truman "coming-of-age" Silents - b. 1927-1934
The 1st terms (1927-1930) cusp with the Greatests, while the 2nd terms (1931-1934) are firmly in the Silent Generation. All were children of the '30s and early '40s. This cohort is the typical Great Depression era babies and kids. They came of age at the time World War II was ending and throughout the baby boom and prosperity happening after that, as well as the Korean War that they were old enough to fight in, compared to WWII, in which they were not. Also the early 1927 babies are going to be in the Greatest Generation since they still came age before FDR passed away and Truman stepped in. The Silents start in mid April 1927, instead of January 1927. Celebrities like William Daniels are still in the Greatest Generation but other celebs born the same year like Jerry Stiller are now Silents. Ends technically in January 1935. Spans from C/O 1945-1953. Full years are 1928-1934.

Eisenhower "coming-of-age" Silents - b. 1935-1942
All of them are firmly Silent to be honest, but the second-term skew towards younger Silents. They were all children of the '40s and are equally as Silents, if not more, than the last group, but are not the stereotypical Depression era Silent Generation. Also came of age during the prosperous '50s, the last full pre-civil rights decade, so they came of age when the blacks and whites were still generally segregated. Ends technically in January 1943. Spans from C/O 1953-1961. Full years are 1936-1942.

JFK "coming-of-age" Silents - b. 1943-1945
This is the tail-end of the Silent cohort, that all cusp with Boomers, had JFK lived to run 2 terms, this cohort would be a cusp cohort instead of a very late Silent cohort. They were kids of the early '50s and were also big contributors of the '60s movements, like hippies, abortion, free sex, feminism, making an impact on the Baby Boomer generation as well as the Eisenhower "coming-of-age" Silents did but were still young enough to seem Boomer. Ends in November 1945. Spans from C/O 1961-1964. The only full year is 1944.

Silent Generation are typically from 1927-1945, but in a technical sense, April 1927-November 1945. So Classes of 1945-1964. Full years are 1928-1944. Greatest-Silent cusps on the Silent side are 1927-1930 (a.k.a. April 1927-January 1931), Core Boomers are 1931-1942 (a.k.a. January 1931-January 1943), and Silent-Boomer cusps on the Silent side are 1943-1945 (a.k.a. January 1943-November 1945). April 1927 are the ultimate Greatest-Silent cusps since they came of age before and after the death of FDR, March 1927 and earlier lean Greatest and May 1927 onward lean Silent. November 1930-January 1931 are the ultimate Early-Core Silent cusps. Those who came of age in Truman's 2nd term and the Eisenhower administration are all in the core. 1936 are numerically the ultimate Silent Generation birth year. November 1942-January 1943 are the ultimate Core-Late Silent cusps. November 1945 are the ultimate Silent-Boomer cusps since they came of age before and after JFK's assassination, October 1945 and earlier lean Silent and December 1945 onward lean Boomer. The oldest Silents were born in April 1927 and the youngest Silents were born in November 1945.

Baby Boomers - b. 1946-1962

LBJ "coming-of-age" Boomers - b. 1946-1950
Technically this cohort starts in late November 1945 after JFK got assassinated and LBJ was sworn in. They all cusp with Silents. They grew up as children in the '50s and teens in the '60s. They were largely born at the beginning of the baby boom, right after WWII. They came of age in the mid-late '60s and fought in Vietnam, took part in a lot of the '60s activism, were hippies, and went to Summer of Love '67, Woodstock. etc. They are usually considered the core Boomers, being born in the late 1940's even though they are relatively early in the Boomer generation. Came of age in the LBJ administration. Ends in January 1951. Spans from C/O 1964-1969. Full years are 1946-1950.

Nixon-Ford "coming-of-age" Boomers - b. 1951-1958
This group is the core of Baby Boomers, coming of age after a time of civil unrest in 1968, and also after the assassinations of MLK and RFK. They were kids of the late '50s and '60s and also teens of the late '60s and '70s, so they are like the '70s Disco Boomers. Some of them were old enough to be in the '60s movements and fight in Vietnam but were definitely young enough to be in the disco phase of the mid-late '70s. They are the stereotypical "yuppies" and are the peak of the baby boom. This group is separated by the Nixon Boomers born from roughly 1951 to early August 1956 (came of age from 1969 to early August 1974, so the majority of the C/O 1969 up to almost all of the C/O 1974) and the Ford Boomers born from roughly early August 1956 to 1958 (came of age from early August 1974 to 1976, so the youngest members of the C/O 1974 to a good chunk of the C/O 1977). Ends technically in January 1959. Full years are 1952-1958.

Carter "coming-of-age" Boomers - b. 1959-1962
This group is the caboose of Baby Boomers, cusping with Gen X. They were kids of the late '60s and teens of the mid-late '70s. They were the OG latchkey kids and peak punk era teenagers. They were probably the last to get into disco as adults before it fell out of style and were the last of the baby boom ('63 and '64 were also in the baby boom, but it was heavily decreasing by then and they are X anyways). They were probably the first video game teens as the Atari came out when they were teenagers. This group comes to a close with those born in January 1963. Spans from C/O 1977-1981. Full years are 1960-1962.

Baby Boomers typically spans from 1946-1962, but in a technical sense, November 1945-January 1963. So Classes of 1964-1981. Full years are 1946-1962. Silent-Boomer cusps on the Boomer side are 1946-1950 (a.k.a. November 1945-January 1951), Core Boomers are 1951-1958 (a.k.a. January 1951-January 1959), and Boomer-Xer cusps on the Boomer side are 1959-1962 (a.k.a. January 1959-January 1963). November 1945 are the ultimate Silent-Boomer cusps since they were born before and after JFK's assassination, October 1945 and earlier lean Silent and December 1945 onward lean Boomer. November 1950-January 1951 are the ultimate Early-Core Boomer cusps. Numerically as a whole, 1954 is the ultimate Boomer birth year, but numerically in the core, 1954 and 1955 are. The real core though are the August 1956 babies because they came of age in both the Nixon and Ford terms, and coming of age in those two presidencies are as Boomer as you can get. July 1956 and earlier lean toward earlier Boomer and September 1956 onward lean toward later Boomer. November 1958-January 1959 are the ultimate Core-Late Boomer cusps. November 1962-January 1963 babies are the ultimate cusps of Boom and X since they came of age between Reagan being elected and Reagan's inauguration. The oldest Boomers were born in November 1945 and the youngest Boomers were born in January 1963.

Generation X - b. 1963-1982

Reagan "coming-of-age" Xers - b. 1963-1970
This group is the leader of Generation X. Those who came of age during the first term cusp with the Boomers. They were generally born in the '60s. First-wave Gen X are very similar to Boomers and are the last "gasp" of the baby boom but they still grew up very differently than them as the Boomers lived in prosperity and were generally spoiled while the Xers had less protection than Boomers and did not live in prosperity as things were getting rough throughout the '60s and '70s, and were latchkey kids because their parents were either neglectful, separated/divorced, or both had work and couldn't take care of them. They were kids of the '70s, so they definitely had a care-free childhood. They were the first to truly grow up with video games as they were kids and teens when the Atari came out and then teens and young adults when the NES came out. They came of age at the height of the AIDS epidemic. This group ends with those born in January 1971. Spans from C/O 1981-1989. Full years are 1964-1970.

Bush Sr. "coming-of-age" Xers - b. 1971-1974
This group is the quintessential group of Generation X. They are the kids of the '70s and '80s as well as '80s teens. They grew up similar to both the Reagan "coming-of-age" and Clinton "coming-of-age" Xers but had more of the stereotypical X experience than both of them. They grew up in the late '70s-early '80s & core '80s, but came of age in the Neon era of the late '80s and early '90s. Came of age at the tail end of the Cold War and the USSR (at least most of them). Were late 20-somethings during 9/11 and teens during the Challenger explosion. They were the peak hair metal teens and Grunge demographic of late teens and early 20-somethings that could vote for Clinton in 1992, which definitely makes them quintessential X because hair metal and Grunge were like the most X things and having your first eligible election while Clinton was running for president for the first time is also very core X. The last to remember a life before the Jonestown Massacre and the Iran Hostage Crisis, and were born before Nixon resigned. Were all in high school during the 1988 election. This group ends with those born in January 1975. Spans from C/O 1989-1993. Full years are 1972-1974.

Clinton "coming-of-age" Xers - b. 1975-1982
This group is the caboose of Generation X. They were the kids of the '80s. They were the last to truly grow up in an analog world before the World Wide Web and the internet came along. They are the last to remember the Challenger explosion. They came of age after the Cold War, during the OJ Simpson trials, OKC bombing, Princess Diana death, Columbine, Y2K, and before 9/11, in which they were all in the 18-25 young adult range ('75 was technically 26). This cohort is probably the best group to be born in to truly experience all that the 1990's decade has to offer, from a kid, teen, and young adult perspective. The younger members cusp with Gen Y. This group ends with those born in January 1983. Spans from C/O 1993-2001. Full years are 1976-1982.

Generation X typically spans from 1963-1982, but in a technical sense, January 1963-January 1983 (a solid 20 years). So Classes of 1981-2001. Full years are 1964-1982. November 1962-January 1963 babies are the ultimate cusps of Boom and X since they came of age between Reagan being elected and Reagan's inauguration. Boomer-Xer cusps on the X side are 1963-1966 (a.k.a. January 1963-January 1967), Core Xers are 1967-1979 (a.k.a. January 1967-January 1979), and Xer-Millie cusps on the X side are 1979-1982 (a.k.a. January 1979-January 1983). January 1963 are the ultimate Boomer-Xer cusps, December 1962 and earlier lean Boomer and February 1963 onward lean X. November 1966-January 1967 are the ultimate Early-Core Xer cusps. Numerically, 1972 and 1973 (more specifically 1973) are the ultimate Xers. November 1978-January 1979 are the ultimate Core-Late Xer cusps. November 1982-January 1983 babies are the ultimate cusps of X and Y since they came of age between Bush being elected and Bush's inauguration. The oldest Xers were born in January 1963 and the youngest Xers were born in January 1983.

Millennials - b. 1983-1998 or 1983-2002 at the latest (depending on if Trump loses, if Trump loses, Millennials go up to 2002, if Trump wins, it ends in 1998)

Bush Jr. "coming-of-age" Millennials - b. 1983-1990
This group is the first wave of Generation Y. Came of age during the Bush administration, grew up as kids in the '90s and are the stereotypical "'90s KIDS WUZ DA BEEEST" 30-somethings. They were the last to grow up in a predominantly analog world and were all in school before the launch of Windows 95 ('90 was just entering Kindergarten so they basically had all of their K-12 experience with the internet). They all came of age in the '00s. They grew up in the economic prosperity of the '90s and early-mid '00s and came of age in a world before the Great Recession that wrecked them financially. They had a very optimistic view of the world up until that point and started thinking more pessimistic because of that fallout. They participated in the emo and hipster culture and are generally last group to not have social media play a major part or any part for that matter in high school. They were all in their double-digits but no older than 18 during 9/11, and would have been the main ones fighting in the war on Iraq. They were and largely still are in high school for events like Columbine, Y2K, 9/11, Iraq War, SARS, Hurricane Katrina, etc. Those who come of age at the very beginning (1st term) cusp with Gen X. This group ends with January 1991. Spans from C/O 2001-2009. Full years are 1984-1990.

Obama "coming-of-age" Millennials - b. 1991-1998
Came of age during the Obama administration, the last to remember Columbine, Y2K, and 9/11. Grew up as kids in the late '90s/early '00s Y2K era and the core '00s. They grew up more analog but was in slight transition away from that into the digital realm. They were all children during 9/11 and tweens at the youngest, teenager at the edge of adulthood during the Great Recession. Participated in emo and scene. Those who come of age in the 2nd term either cusp with Gen Z or are also firmly Millennial, like their 2nd term Bush and 1st term Obama brethren. This group ends with January 1999. Spans from C/O 2009-2017. Full years are 1992-1998.

Just in case Trump loses...

Trump "coming-of-age" Millennials - b. 1999-2002
Born at the peak of the millennium, have absolutely no memory of Columbine, Y2K, and 9/11. Grew up as kids in the late '00s and teens in the mid-late '10's. They came of age before or during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means that they were never a minor in a COVID-19 or post-COVID-19 world, so they only know their youth in a pre-COVID-19 sense. Probably the last to remember life before smartphones and to grow up during the transition from analog to digital but grew up far more digitally. They are the main TikTok creators while people 3-4 years or more younger than them watch their content. They were all in high school during the 2016 election and Parkland shooting. This group either cusps with Gen Z, being the youngest Millennials, or they cusp with Millennials, being the oldest of Gen Z. Either way, they are the ultimate cuspers. This group ends with January 2003. Spans from C/O 2017-2021. Full years are 2000-2002.

First scenario: Generation Y typically spans from 1983-1998, but in a technical sense, January 1983-January 1999. So Classes of 2001-2017. Full years are 1984-1998. November 1982-January 1983 babies are the ultimate cusps of X and Y since they came of age between Bush being elected and Bush's inauguration. Xer-Millie cusps on the Millie side are 1983-1986 (a.k.a. January 1983-January 1987), Core Millies are 1987-1994 (a.k.a. January 1987-January 1995), and Millie-Zoom cusps on the Millie side are 1995-1998 (a.k.a. January 1995-January 1999). January 1983 are the ultimate Xer-Millie cusps, December 1982 and earlier lean X and February 1983 onward lean Millie. November 1986-January 1987 are the ultimate Early-Core Millie cusps. Numerically, 1990 and 1991 (more specifically 1991) are the ultimate Millies. November 1994-January 1995 are the ultimate Core-Late Millies cusps. November 1998-January 1999 babies are the ultimate cusps of Y and Z since they came of age between Trump being elected and Trump's inauguration. January 1999 are the ultimate Millie-Zoom cusps, December 1998 and earlier lean Millie and February 1999 onward lean Zoom. The oldest Millies were born in January 1983 and the youngest Millies were born in January 1999.
Second scenario: Generation Y typically spans from 1983-2002, but in a technical sense, January 1983-January 2003 (solid 20 years). So Classes of 2001-2021. Full years are 1984-2002. November 1982-January 1983 babies are the ultimate cusps of X and Y since they came of age between Bush being elected and Bush's inauguration. Xer-Millie cusps on the Millie side are 1983-1986 (a.k.a. January 1983-January 1987), Core Millies are 1987-1998 (a.k.a. January 1987-January 1999), and Millie-Zoom cusps on the Millie side are 1999-2002 (a.k.a. January 1999-January 2003). January 1983 are the ultimate Xer-Millie cusps, December 1982 and earlier lean X and February 1983 onward lean Millie. November 1986-January 1987 are the ultimate Early-Core Millie cusps. Numerically, 1992 and 1993 (more specifically 1993) are the ultimate Millies. November 1998-January 1999 are the ultimate Core-Late Millie cusps. November 2002-January 2003 babies are the ultimate cusps of Y and Z since they came of age between Trump being re-elected and Trump's second inauguration. January 2003 are the ultimate Millie-Zoom cusps, December 2002 and earlier lean Millie and February 2003 onward lean Zoom. The oldest Millies were born in January 1983 and the youngest Millies were born in January 2003.

Honestly, it is most likely going to be the former and Millennials will end in 1998, rather than 2002.

Generation Z - b. 1999-present or 2003-present (depending on if Trump gets re-elected or not)

If Trump gets re-elected...

Trump "coming-of-age" Zoomers - b. 1999-2006
Born in the early-mid '00s. Grew up as kids in the '00s & '10s and teens in the mid-late '10's and early '20s. They came of age before, during, or after the COVID-19 pandemic, and this group spent all of their childhood and preteen years before hitting 13 prior to the coronavirus, meaning that they are the last to have a genuine, full chlidhood with no interruptions. Probably the last to remember life before smartphones existed and/or became mainstream and to grow up during the transition from analog to digital but grew up almost purely digital. They are the main TikTok creators while people 3-4 years or more younger than them watch their content. They were all in high school during the 2016 election, Parkland shooting, COVID-19 pandemic, and new K-12 CDC laws changing the schools this year. The first terms cusp with Millennials, while the second terms are firmly Gen Z. This group ends with January 2007. Spans from C/O 2017-2021. Full years are 2000-2006.

If Biden wins...

Biden "coming-of-age" Zoomers - b. 2003-present

Either way the "ultimate" cuspers from both sides are those born from 1999-2002 who come of age in 2017-2020 (or January 1999-January 2003 who come of age in January 2017-January 2021). So the earliest Z can start is January 1999 and the latest Millennials end is January 2003. December 1998 and earlier can never be Z, even if those born from like 1995-1998 cusp with Z, they are still Millennials. February 2003 onward can never be Millennials, even if those born from like 2003-2006 cusp with Millennials, they are still Z.
Of your two posts this is the closer to accurate one .

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