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Donald Trump will live on in the new Reactive Generation
Keep your fingers crossed that the next Prophets can beat these shitheads. Core Millies are getting pretty tired of shouldering these big fights alone and the Prophets can't come along soon enough.


Even if a Trump loss doesn't spark violence, reawakening outright racism can still have plenty of undesirable effects. Another branch of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Teaching Tolerance Project, works to help schools provide a diverse and equitable education. Maureen Costello, director of the program, says the "Trump Effect" is having a profoundly negative impact on schools nationwide. Costello explained that in the current climate students feel less constrained when it comes to acting on their worst impulses. Numerous racially inflammatory incidents among children are being chalked up to behavior first modeled during stump speeches and debates.

"Our mission is to fight intolerance," Costello said. "We began to notice news stories popping up in March about incidents at sporting events." Costello described a basketball game between a predominantly white school and a predominantly Latino school during which the white students began to chant about Trump's fanciful southern border wall. Costello said that if such behavior was on display in the gym, then it was happening in cafeterias and classrooms too. (Two such incidents occurred during basketball games in Indiana and Iowa, and another took place at a girl's soccer match in Wisconsin.)

This campaign season has seen an uncommon increase in the use of stereotyping—most of it by Trump, said Costello, adding that "this is something we, and most teachers, literally tell kids not to do. Any kid who reaches high school will have had several lessons explaining not to use a broad brush to paint minority groups."

Seeking to take the racial temperature of America's classrooms, Costello and her co-workers put a survey on theTeaching Tolerance website. The questions, the director said, were open-ended, and she stressed that her group's website heavily selects for people interested in nurturing diversity. Still, Costello was overwhelmed by the reaction to the survey. More than 2,000 teachers posted more than 5,000 comments, almost all of them decrying the impact the election was having. Many teachers reported increased hate speech, the taunting of minority students and discrimination against Muslims. A North Carolina teacher reported that her Latino students were carrying their birth certificates and Social Security cards because they were afraid of deportation. Other teachers reported even their African American students were fearful of being "deported back to Africa."

"I think there are rational reasons to be dissatisfied with government," Costello said. "We're in a period of enormous change. Look at technology, demographics. American schools will be 51 percent non-white for the first time in 2015/16. That transition is rough. There's always a reactionary movement away from that, and Trump has given that feeling a name: immigrants, Muslims. We're seeing a real disagreement about what American reality is. When you have people disagreeing on the fundamental nature of reality, those disagreements don't go away."
Just because Donald Trump will be soundly defeated on November 8 (and he will be, as his campaign is in collapse while it is well behind) does not mean that the people receptive to his cynical, hateful appeal won't be ready for the next vicious demagogue who rails at people that they consider to be of the 'wrong' skin color, ethnicity, or religion. Such bigots reflect little except from their shiny jewelry (if they have such).

I hope that the libertarians can remind people that a deportation brigade requires some loss of freedom for us all. Who wants to carry an internal passport, perhaps a card that keeps all sorts of data with the potent for gross abuse?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

So the overt displays of racism in this country are because of.....Trump. OMMFG
Knowledge doesn't equal Understanding, and the Truth is the Truth no matter what you think of it.
Uh, yeah. And because of meth head-riddled Internet shitbergs like /pol/, filled to the brim with trailer-bound Ritalin-smokers.
(10-16-2016, 12:21 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Just because Donald Trump will be soundly defeated on November 8 (and he will be, as his campaign is in collapse while it is well behind) does not mean that the people receptive to his cynical, hateful appeal won't be ready for the next vicious demagogue who rails at people that they consider to be of the 'wrong' skin color, ethnicity, or religion.
Serious question: so, what happens now that Trump won?

Fly over America has spoken in large numbers and part of that message is anti immigrant, which strikes me as a very much classic fourth turning phenomenon (I remember reading in the book that immigration decreases because the environment becomes unwelcoming to them).   If we've entered the regeneracy phase, what does this portend for the face of the nation?  The Democrats, who made it clear that they don't care about white America because they had enough power with all the other "minority" groups suffered a resounding defeat and the next midterm election is not likely to be friendly to them either.
(11-11-2016, 09:45 AM)noway2 Wrote:
(10-16-2016, 12:21 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Just because Donald Trump will be soundly defeated on November 8 (and he will be, as his campaign is in collapse while it is well behind) does not mean that the people receptive to his cynical, hateful appeal won't be ready for the next vicious demagogue who rails at people that they consider to be of the 'wrong' skin color, ethnicity, or religion.
Serious question: so, what happens now that Trump won?
He wants to make America great again, and that's what the poor dumb white working stiffs in the towns and on the farms of America voted for, and what not enough urban ethnic groups and women voted against. So the battle and conflict between races and genders is back on. That was a major theme of the 2T and 3T, and it's a major element of the 4T crisis. That would figure anyway. So the battle of the sexes, races and religions continues and heightens. We are not past it, as some here had hoped. The social justice warriors will come out in full force, the demand for political correctness will intensify beyond any previous decibel levels. And the racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia of the old America will heighten too. And one side must win before this 4T is over. I don't know which side will win now. I suspect what will happen is permanent separation.

Quote:Fly over America has spoken in large numbers and part of that message is anti immigrant, which strikes me as a very much classic fourth turning phenomenon (I remember reading in the book that immigration decreases because the environment becomes unwelcoming to them).   If we've entered the regeneracy phase, what does this portend for the face of the nation?  The Democrats, who made it clear that they don't care about white America because they had enough power with all the other "minority" groups suffered a resounding defeat and the next midterm election is not likely to be friendly to them either.

The demographic changes will continue, because the millennial and homeland generations are much more diverse. The old white America will keep pushing to make America great again (meaning more white, less tolerant, more violent, more oppressive). Those who protest-- the whites will knock the crap out of them like in the good old days, and they'll have to take them out on a stretcher. Trump has outlined just what he wants to do. Suppress the press, jail and beat up and kill protesters and jail journalists.

But the country is too diverse racially and too many women have become too powerful and too many gays have come out of the closet, for this oppression to work as well as the white bigots want it too. The civil rights movement is back in full force, and we have decided to go back to the battle rather than move on. And this time Sheriff Clark and not Ike or JFK is in charge of our nation. How many black churches will be burned, is the kind of question we'll be asking. How many black young people will be shot down? How many insane people will feel free to get a gun and blow innocent people away on the street now? It's open season. It's what the people voted for. America is a sick society, and we threw away the cure. Things could not be worse, and the people could not have made a worse decision at the worst time. Shame on Amerikkka! Shame on white Americans in flyover country. They demonstrated just how stupid they really are. And they could not have made it plainer. They may be a bare majority now, in the states that count. But it was a narrow margin, and they may lose later on. And they will get absolutely NOTHING from Trump and their stupid votes. Their jobs will not return; their lives will continue to be horrible. Free trade will not go away, Silicon Valley and automation will not go away, and blacks and hispanics will not go away. And the hurricanes and tornadoes that they voted for will blow them away. And corporate power will expand, and corruption and economic collapse will accelerate.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-11-2016, 01:13 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(11-11-2016, 09:45 AM)noway2 Wrote:
(10-16-2016, 12:21 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Just because Donald Trump will be soundly defeated on November 8 (and he will be, as his campaign is in collapse while it is well behind) does not mean that the people receptive to his cynical, hateful appeal won't be ready for the next vicious demagogue who rails at people that they consider to be of the 'wrong' skin color, ethnicity, or religion.
Serious question: so, what happens now that Trump won?
He wants to make America great again, and that's what the poor dumb white working stiffs in the towns and on the farms of America voted for, and what not enough urban ethnic groups and women voted against. So the battle and conflict between races and genders is back on. That was a major theme of the 2T and 3T, and it's a major element of the 4T crisis. That would figure anyway. So the battle of the sexes, races and religions continues and heightens. We are not past it, as some here had hoped. The social justice warriors will come out in full force, the demand for political correctness will intensify beyond any previous decibel levels. And the racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia of the old America will heighten too. And one side must win before this 4T is over. I don't know which side will win now. I suspect what will happen is permanent separation.

Quote:Fly over America has spoken in large numbers and part of that message is anti immigrant, which strikes me as a very much classic fourth turning phenomenon (I remember reading in the book that immigration decreases because the environment becomes unwelcoming to them).   If we've entered the regeneracy phase, what does this portend for the face of the nation?  The Democrats, who made it clear that they don't care about white America because they had enough power with all the other "minority" groups suffered a resounding defeat and the next midterm election is not likely to be friendly to them either.

The demographic changes will continue, because the millennial and homeland generations are much more diverse. The old white America will keep pushing to make America great again (meaning more white, less tolerant, more violent, more oppressive). Those who protest-- the whites will knock the crap out of them like in the good old days, and they'll have to take them out on a stretcher. Trump has outlined just what he wants to do. Suppress the press, jail and beat up and kill protesters and jail journalists.

But the country is too diverse racially and too many women have become too powerful and too many gays have come out of the closet, for this oppression to work as well as the white bigots want it too. The civil rights movement is back in full force, and we have decided to go back to the battle rather than move on. And this time Sheriff Clark and not Ike or JFK is in charge of our nation. How many black churches will be burned, is the kind of question we'll be asking. How many black young people will be shot down? How many insane people will feel free to get a gun and blow innocent people away on the street now? It's open season. It's what the people voted for. America is a sick society, and we threw away the cure. Things could not be worse, and the people could not have made a worse decision at the worst time. Shame on Amerikkka! Shame on white Americans in flyover country. They demonstrated just how stupid they really are. And they could not have made it plainer. They may be a bare majority now, in the states that count. But it was a narrow margin, and they may lose later on. And they will get absolutely NOTHING from Trump and their stupid votes. Their jobs will not return; their lives will continue to be horrible. Free trade will not go away, Silicon Valley and automation will not go away, and blacks and hispanics will not go away. And the hurricanes and tornadoes that they voted for will blow them away. And corporate power will expand, and corruption and economic collapse will accelerate.

-- you cast a chart for any of this?
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
The "stars" impel, they don't compel. The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves. People make decisions; prediction of human behavior is imperfect. Decisions have consequences. That's what I was talking about in this post. This is just how I sum up the implications of the facts about what people decided Tuesday. And the political landscape of the next 4 years makes it clear that there is little we can do about this shift back to reaction and regression. We'll just have to deal with what Americans have decided the best we can, and cope on the state and local level and in our economic and cultural activities. The only change toward progress now politically is to prepare for the long term. Maybe Bernie will run, maybe he won't. Maybe he'll win if he does; maybe he won't. As I said it's too hard to predict now. If he runs, it will not be an easy call to just say Bernie will win, based on astrology and the signs I have told you about. It will be up to the people to decide again. And given the peoples' track record, it doesn't look very good.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(11-11-2016, 11:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

Introspection is not something that Eric the Obtuse does.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-12-2016, 03:44 AM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:37 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-11-2016, 11:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

Introspection is not something that Eric the Obtuse does.

He sees it in others clear as day but not himself. Amazes me. I wonder why that is. I am constantly doing it for myself and listening helps. But he is incapable of doing so for himself. It is just amazing to me.

The Gnostics would say that he is unconscious.  Sadly, a condition that plagues the majority of mankind.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
taramarieHe sees it in others clear as day but not himself. Amazes me. I wonder why that is. I am constantly doing it for myself and listening helps. But he is incapable of doing so for himself. It is just amazing to me.

Interesting isn't it.  Just as you read the post of mine and asked people to actually read it and try to understand what I was saying before going off on me.  Of course, Eric did not do that, but instead launched a massive diatribe to which he applied every right wing and libertarian stereotype possible to me and emphatically stated what (he assumes) my beliefs and positions to be.  The funny thing is that he couldn't be farther from the truth but he is a prisoner to the false dichotomy of liberal / conservative.  More to it, he certainly falls into the pattern that, while common on both "sides", is certainly more pronounced on the left of demanding blind obedience to a set of doctrines and one is either for "us" and by extension every one of those doctrines or against "us".

He, and those who think that way are their own worst enemies.
(11-12-2016, 03:50 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:44 AM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:37 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-11-2016, 11:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

Introspection is not something that Eric the Obtuse does.

He sees it in others clear as day but not himself. Amazes me. I wonder why that is. I am constantly doing it for myself and listening helps. But he is incapable of doing so for himself. It is just amazing to me.

The Gnostics would say that he is unconscious.  Sadly, a condition that plagues the majority of mankind.

What is amusing is that he claims those who don't believe in the same hocus-pocus he does are unconscious.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(11-12-2016, 04:37 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:50 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:44 AM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-12-2016, 03:37 AM)Galen Wrote:
(11-11-2016, 11:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

Introspection is not something that Eric the Obtuse does.

He sees it in others clear as day but not himself. Amazes me. I wonder why that is. I am constantly doing it for myself and listening helps. But he is incapable of doing so for himself. It is just amazing to me.

The Gnostics would say that he is unconscious.  Sadly, a condition that plagues the majority of mankind.

What is amusing is that he claims those who don't believe in the same hocus-pocus he does are unconscious.

In my experience the truly enlightened don't have to tell anyone else because the people around them figure it out on their own.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-12-2016, 09:31 AM)noway2 Wrote: Interesting isn't it.  Just as you read the post of mine and asked people to actually read it and try to understand what I was saying before going off on me.  Of course, Eric did not do that, but instead launched a massive diatribe to which he applied every right wing and libertarian stereotype possible to me and emphatically stated what (he assumes) my beliefs and positions to be.  The funny thing is that he couldn't be farther from the truth but he is a prisoner to the false dichotomy of liberal / conservative.  More to it, he certainly falls into the pattern that, while common on both "sides", is certainly more pronounced on the left of demanding blind obedience to a set of doctrines and one is either for "us" and by extension every one of those doctrines or against "us".

He, and those who think that way are their own worst enemies.

Don't assume that the people you were talking about me with, have any of the virtues they claim.

How could I demand any obedience from you? I do not have that power.

You are the one who made the references you did to non-white people.

It is your opinion that the liberal/conservative dichotomy is false. I think it is true, by and large. That doesn't make me a prisoner to anything. It just means I disagree with your views. Are you denying that you are a libertarian? That would be as useless as me denying that I am liberal, wouldn't it?

Just to clarify my post above: I didn't mean to say all whites in flyover country are stupid. That's absurd exaggeration. But voting for Trump was a stupid decision, as I see it.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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