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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(10-15-2016, 01:18 AM)taramarie Wrote: This interview was fantastic. Nice to see a conservative who can see Trump for who he is. Respect to the guy for his shown intelligence.

Longtime Conservative Radio Host Calls It Quits Over Trump: ‘We Have The Lowest Information Voters Ever’

Movement conservatism has begun to show its pathology, and Donald Trump is just the one to show much of it. Liberals in contrast have little problem in vetting their candidates because to them public service is a privilege and not simply a quest. Liberals dumped William Jefferson (corrupt US Representative later convicted of taking bribes) quickly. Likewise former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich for soliciting a bribe to sell the Senate seat recently held by Barack Obama. Anthony Wiener? Tsk, tsk. A sex scandal isn't nice.

It relies heavily upon voters incapable of judging leaders. What those leaders say they accept at face value. So Donald trump is a successful businessman -- just look at the 'gold' (solid? plated? Whichever, educated liberals see such as tacky. Starving children in Africa or even Appalachia). Movement conservatism has been pushing a an anti-abortion agenda... and Donald Trump does sordid stuff. Really sordid stuff. Oh, the proles are to either refrain from sex or pop out plenty of children to become cannon fodder and cheap labor, but elites show how powerful they are by getting away with stuff that most of would never get away with. Getting away without paying taxes? That's smart, he says. (No, we know that if one has huge assets, then failure to pay taxes indicates either that one is not a good businessman or that one is a crook hiding revenue. People and businesses get taxed basically on their pre-tax cash flow). Foreign policy? Donald Trump appeases Boris Putin before the Russian dictator has made any demands... George McGovern got cast as a dangerous radical for much less.

The Republican Party is now a coalition of low-information (low in formal education and generally toward the low end in economic achievement) and callous plutocrats who wage a war against the middle class which poor whites can be gulled into thinking are amoral exploiters and whom the callous plutocrats who no longer need a class with a stake in the system. The corporate Right wants a social order that looks much like the Marxist stereotype of capitalism as a dehumanized, exploitative order that well serves economic elites and debases everyone else.

...The sorts of people who support Donald Trump remind me of the core support of Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Khomeini, Assad, Qaddafi, Chavez, Mugabe, the Klan, and the Apartheid clique -- people with little formal educated, capable of reading but unable to read between the lines. (Note the etymology or the word intelligent: Latin intelligens is literally "reading between [the lines]"). They are unable to recognize a logical contradiction and its consequences. (If you took high-school geometry, you were then obliged to learn formal logic; by doing so you found a powerful technique of proof by contradiction). This course is the strongest determiner of what high-school students go to college and who doesn't... for good reason.

You know how the proof by contradiction works outside of geometry. The idea that giving polluters free reign will do no harm to the environment should be laughable. It is good for catching liars, fools, and demagogues.  It is hardly surprising that education, once having a strong and positive correlation with voting Republican  now has the opposite effect.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


Messages In This Thread
Basket of Deplorables - by John J. Xenakis - 09-10-2016, 11:06 AM
RE: Basket of Deplorables - by pbrower2a - 09-10-2016, 02:01 PM
RE: Gringrich - by The Wonkette - 10-27-2016, 11:29 AM

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