(10-22-2016, 01:40 PM)Anthony 58 Wrote: But is everyone missing something here; namely, the Bradley Effect - in this case, respondents lying to pollsters because they don't want to be seen as one of those redneck, racist "deplorables" who are backing Donald Trump? Plus Hillary is a woman, which means some voters could be hiding their Mad Men misogyny by telling pollsters they're for her when they're not.
God, you're dense. Must be all that spaghetti sauce going to your brain.
1. Was there a demonstrable Bradley Effect in 2008? Did Barack Obama lose to John McCain because millions of secret racists told pollsters they'd vote for the black guy, only to check the box next to the old white guy's name? Y/N
2. For every misogynist Clinton loses, she'll bring in one of those weird racists who are gender-egalitarian and voted against Obama in the last two elections.
3. There's a shy Clinton effect, too - not that it matters, because nobody gives a damn about lying to pollsters, particularly when so many of them are robocalls these days.
A lot of the members of the white underclass I know (and I'm one of them) are terrified of Trump, but won't actively support Clinton for fear of losing face. A lot of poor blue-collar guys I know will get drunk and defend Trump on his recent controversies, then grudgingly admit that he shouldn't be President.