clinton is going to win this year, marking a third consectutive term of democratic president, but not by a very wide margin. marking a third consecutive democratic president, first time since the last 4T this has happened. i know enthusastic trump voters will be angry and start blaming a "rigged" system. the other trump voters may not be so upset but only voted for him because they see him as the lesser evil. yes clinton will be in office and the rest of the government will be largely republican. due to this, it'll be interesting how well they'll work together and i have some doubts as to how many of her ideas actually come into fruition. clinton will be a one termer. she is 69 as of tomorrow. due to the stress of presidency, it will probably take a determinal effect on her health, aging her at least 15 years. look at obama from 2008 to now. clinton will most likely be a continuation of obama. i'm not sure if a war will break out with her or not. i think a war is more likely to occur in the early 2020s. whoever is elected in 2020 or 2024 will be our war president. this election is a regeneracy election, which explains the rise of trump.
there seems to be sides rising up. the democrats being associated with the wealthy corporate elites who want globalization to get speed up and support all these trade acts. You have the other democrats like the Sander/Johnson/Stein supporter types who are anti establishment and against free trade like the hardcore Trump supporters and want to focus on America only. However, they are going to vote for Clinton cause they see her as the lesser evil.
with the republicans, you have the blue collar working class making a movement towards the republican party. they want to end free trade, and are anti china and want to bring back manufacturing jobs. the other set of republicans are the wealthy elite ones who support free trade.
social issues such as abortion and same sex marriage seem to be out of the picture for now. whether or not the culture war of the unraveling era has ended remains to be seen.
there seems to be sides rising up. the democrats being associated with the wealthy corporate elites who want globalization to get speed up and support all these trade acts. You have the other democrats like the Sander/Johnson/Stein supporter types who are anti establishment and against free trade like the hardcore Trump supporters and want to focus on America only. However, they are going to vote for Clinton cause they see her as the lesser evil.
with the republicans, you have the blue collar working class making a movement towards the republican party. they want to end free trade, and are anti china and want to bring back manufacturing jobs. the other set of republicans are the wealthy elite ones who support free trade.
social issues such as abortion and same sex marriage seem to be out of the picture for now. whether or not the culture war of the unraveling era has ended remains to be seen.