11-11-2016, 02:04 PM
I see all these pictures of women crying and weeping for their families lost in all the violence we the USA has helped cause or allowed to happen all over the world, and I feel so sorry for them. But I feel safe that I live safe in wealthy and peaceful America. But Tuesday night, women and men were weeping and crying and in shock over the fact that we elected a bully in chief. All the threats and insults we thought were enough to discredit him so that people would not believe the lies about Hillary and instead vote for a Lady America. Instead, now the liar in chief and insulter in chief has won the White House through lies and insults. That's what we wanted, and that's what we'll fucking get. LIES, and the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. And insults and bullying, and innocent people shot, black and white; and riots and killings and women weeping and children lost and we voted for our country to be like all those other countries, and the dirty chickens are coming home to roost folks.