11-12-2016, 08:49 PM
(11-12-2016, 03:44 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: I garuntee that if a black woman was locking out a white male room mate and posted about it on line no one would have said anything about racism. The simple fact of the matter is that all the authoritarianism is coming from one side of the divide these days. I've said before that the SJWs are the neo-puritans. That is exactly what they act like. This of course leaves the right free to scoop up all the cultural libertarians, which is the norm for Americans.
As for more militancy from the SJW types, I hope they increase it. Their protests, rioting and tantrum throwing are proving to one and all that voting in Trump was the right course of action.
As for Eric-the-ignoramus' predictions, he has a habit of being consistently wrong (probably because he's clueless) so take what he says, assume the opposite happens and you'll be safe 90% of the time.
I know a bunch of working class Trump supporters and not a single one is angry about "SJWs", and I doubt any of them have even heard of the term. You Alt-Righters are the mirror image of the "SJWs", obsessed with identity issues that are mostly meaningless to blue collar heartland folk whose main concern is jobs. They voted for Trump because they are desperate and Trump promised them their jobs back. It's all BS of course, automation means that those jobs aren't coming back, but desperate people are easy prey for demagogues.