(07-21-2017, 09:47 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:(07-21-2017, 11:50 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I understand the point that we can't convince Trump supporters of the error of their ways by insulting or ridiculing them. On the other hand, they are the ones who created him, and so they are responsible for everything that he and the Republicans do. If they are this stupid, then maybe they are fair game. At least it should be understandable why some comics, reporters, blue-spinners and pundits make fun of them or call them out.
How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined
By News Corpse
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017 · 4:22 PM PDT
In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.
This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship. This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:
Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.
What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.
Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone. This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.
As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:
Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.
Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.
However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality. They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.
The Trumpists are a combination of Anti Western Fiends and those who've been duped by Anti Western Fiends. The enemy is within the gates. Liquidation, either judicially or if that fails, extra judicially, is the remedy.
Read "Origins of the Fourth World War." Observe the scenario of the Arch General. This gives some idea of what might ultimately occur, when the truly patriotic remnant no longer care to tolerate the Anti Western Fiends among us.
fake news (1) news items known to be fabricated, plagiarized, distorted, falsely-attributed, or discredited; the antithesis of good journalism that seeks to relate objective reality without embellishment. (2) objective reality as the political leadership wants suppressed or denied.
alternative facts (1) in science fiction, alterations of historical reality to create the genre of alternative history, such as a German victory in the First World War. (2) falsehoods offered as objective reality.
enemy of the people (see also "public enemy") (1) a person who violates normal codes of behavior to the endangerment or exploitation of people as a whole, for example John Dillinger or some non-human menace such as "child pornography", "tuberculosis" or "crack cocaine". (2) in Stalinist terms, somebody that the political leadership sees as a threat to its power and is thus damned to elimination through assassination or execution.
The first definition is plain and honest language. The second one is Orwellian.
The real hazard of Orwellian language is not so much that it tells the simple, crude lie that consists of a crude negation of truth that with slight research one can debunk easily. The second turns words themselves into lies, degrading the ability of people to communicate at all.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.