06-20-2016, 11:16 PM
Eric The Green Wrote:It's quite true that people in blue states are healthier than people in red states.
Well then, in the event of a draft, blue state inhabitants go and red state inhabitants stay.
Quote:That's because they are generally smarter about things anyway; their voting record proves it.
"Smarter" as per Eric's criteria. Non sequiter.
Quote:IOW, the gun toters are fat. If the MIC is controlled by the liberal states, they win the civil war. Classic Xer loses.
That would be a case of prolonged adolescence. Middle aged folks who think they can outdo some young buck who has been to boot camp are pretty much deluded, IMHO. Now... Rags knows he's middle aged and confines gun usage only to squirrels and game fowl. 12 gauges and .22's are pretty mickey mouse wrt any sort of military sort of thingie. Of course since they're mikey mouse, .gov needs to butt out of that stuff.
And... so it's no surprise to Rags that the Orlando thing got botched by the FBI due to TMI. I'm sure the NSA has all of Rag's stuff on their diski dumpies in Utah and this is why the NSA is stupid. I'm sure they have everything I have on teh interwebs on their diski dumpies. Further, and as everyone here knows, the precise stuff in my dossier is as follows:
1. Pr0n site visits and streamings from thereof.
2. Youtube streamings of assorted hard rock and heavy metal.
3. zerohedge.com
4. weather.gov
5. amazon.com - garden/snus/groceries.
6. Non USA news sources. Yeah, I don't trust useful idiots.
So you see, there is a serious needle in haystack problem here. It is for that reason, the FBI botched Orlando.
What do the spooks want now? Less worthless data populating their diskie dumpies? Fuck no, stupid is as stupid does, they want more worthless data like adding spy stuff to lamp posts. I mean really, I have to use the Ruskie's news to find out useful stuff nowadays.
The MSM = a bunch of worthless sycophants.
---Value Added