01-24-2020, 12:20 PM
(01-24-2020, 02:37 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(01-20-2020, 12:51 PM)David Horn Wrote:Really? Wow, you only had a 4 million advantage. Gee, you think that you had 20 million advantage by the way you speak. It's to bad that it's mostly concentrated in certain. Man that makes you way more powerful. What are you going to do when the Trump side is 70,000,000 strong? I know that you guys are used to thinking there is some sort of a halo over your heads or some sort of moral advantage that you have over us but I've yet to meet one of you that that halo could not be removed or completely eliminated. Keep that in mind. Also, we don't whine like liberals or go out and protest after we lose elections either or insight riots either.(01-19-2020, 07:07 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: Because you, like Alec Baldwin, trash all 63 million Tea Partiers / Trump supporters by using exactly the same excuses that Hitler used to justify the Holocaust, and the same excuses that are used by other perpetrators of genocide and ethnic cleansing. These kinds of excuses are as old as time.
It's one thing to criticize the policies and politics of the president, but your trashing and condemnation of 63 million Trump supporters, almost all of whom are perfectly wonderful loving Church-going family men, women and children, probably a lot more wonderful than you are, is completely out of line, and should cause you to go offline for a few days and spend the time thinking about your values -- both about the Trump supporters, and about your excuses for Clinton's violent rapes.
Really? The slander has run in reverse, far more than the way you portray it, and the number of voters on the anti-Trump side was 66 Million. Trump has demagogued everything everyday since he entered the race in 2015. He, and his supporters, have no ground to stand on. They started the mud slinging, and now they're whining that they're getting muddied too. Boo-hoo!
In practically all other elections, the one who gets the plurality wins. So it is with elections for Governors, US Senators, US Representatives, state legislatures, mayors, city counsel, and many judgeships. The Electoral College is intended to ensure that the States decide the Presidential winner. In all but a few cases, the Presidential nominee getting the plurality wins. The two most blatant exceptions are 2000 and 2016.
It is possible to arrange for elections based upon politicians getting the "right" vote instead of getting the raw vote. Maybe we could have voting representing asset ownership instead of people. Thus a millionaire "job creator" has much more influence in formal voting than does some "loser" who toils for near-starvation pay. It would be possible to mandate that people vote as their employer insists -- of course that is fascism. It is possible -- think of Apartheid-era South Africa -- to determine that certain people are unreliable due to their origin. That created a monstrosity for people whose ancestry was other than white; white people got the goodies and everyone else got abuse, neglect, and repression.
In any event it is the right of people to hold the political leadership that they have had, even through fair and honest elections (for all practical purposes we must treat the 2016 elections as fair and free even if we have suspicions to the contrary). When our politicians fail us as badly as I see Trump failing us, then we must have recourse in the next election.
Yes, I hate Donald Trump. I hate his lack of empathy; I hate his corruption; I hate his appeasement of dictatorial systems; I hate his ethnic and religious bigotry; I hate his contempt for learning and expertise; I hate his contempt for Constitutional norms. Maybe more people see in him what I saw in him in 2016 -- enough to ensure his defeat in 2020. I hope that he does badly enough that he cannot get the "right votes"... and I also hope that voters who think that their politicians gave Donald Trump too much slack to do bad things to us will vote the bums out.
We have elections, and not coups.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.