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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(01-05-2022, 01:03 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 10:42 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: My mother listened to your music. She was American to the core. Musical taste or preference has nothing to do with whether one is American or not. Whether you are aware or not, there is a natural process that is taking place right now. Americans are leaving Democratic controlled areas by the thousands which is good for America in my opinion. I have no love for the Progressives and they have no love for me or Americans in general. You should know that by now. You're on their side, you're working for them and you should know what that means too. I've spent the last two decades reminding Progressives about the American country and showing them what Americans have the freedom to do and the power to do as well. 4 vs 1 only matters here that's all. Right now in real life, its about 6 vs 4 which means you're done. If it takes a fight to prove its done then so be it. To be honest, I don't know a Democrat who is a Democrat these days. YOU ARE GOING to learn that elections have consequences. Every fucking one of you is going to learn it by the time. Welcome to the Real World boy. I wish you luck and Godspeed.

If people are leaving one area for another, that doesn't imply that their philosophy is being left behind.  I moved to Red America 50 years ago.  I'm sitll a liberal/progressive. As people move, they rebalance the politics of the area they adopt.  Right now, the most targetted area is Texas, with expat Californians providing the anchor votes.  Why do you think the Texas Republicans are going so far overboard with voter suppression?  It may take a few cycles for the demographics to become undeniable, but they will at some point.  The real queston: can you Red Americans tolerate being a more-or-less permanent minority?

You live where I live more or less. People like me don't pay much attention to people like you where we  live because you're not considered a threat to us right now  Believe me, you want it to stay that way. You don't want to mess with us because we will mess with you if it comes to that. A neighbor like you found that out with me.

I live in the middle of more firearm-owning rednecks (they're preferred term, not mine) than professional retirees like me.  I don't intimidate easily.

C-Xer Wrote:I doubt people are leaving California to make Texas more like Progressive blue state that they left. I'd say the continuous border problem (the continued influx of illegal immigration) and an understanding of what the Left pulled off and got away with during the last election has more to do with the Republicans tightening up voting laws in their state than the folks who left California and chose Texas to live in and raise their children. Minnesota ain't as Democratic controlled as California, New York or Illinois these days.

People are leaving California simply because it's too expensive to live there anymore.  It's much smaller than Texas and has twice the population.  Most have some culture shock when they get to their new cities, but most of the cities in Texas are already bluer than the state as a whole, and some are Azure Blue.

C-Xer Wrote:What demographics are you referring to, the minority demographic that's causing the bulk of the issues/problems and lagging behind these days that you've been adding more of on a regular basis that's going to drag you down and ruin you eventually? The demographic that we see robbing and trashing stores and torches portions of cities and when it gets upset or doesn't get it's way and so forth. Yeah. You should do something about that demographic other than what you've been doing with it for years. I suggest that you do something about it before America does something about it and find yourselves (wife included) being gathered up and dumped in with that particular demographic and find yourselves fighting to survive in a lawless Democratic shit hole where the majority have been taught to hate white people.

I lie with many minorities where I am, get along with all of them, and find them typically hard working and, frankly, put upon.  Look around.  People are quitting their shitty jobs, working for the people you admire, bacaus they finally can.  That may or maynot be permanent.  In any case, it's well past time that the little people get a hearing in this country -- or are they the robber-trashers yuo're talking about?

C-Xer Wrote:I can't think of a better group of people who deserve to go out that way than you guys at this point. Like I said, you better start thinking because American Right is on to you guys and its not going to be long before you start seeing Democrats dropping like flies and what's left of the old  GOPer's being replaced by American hardliners who don't have any qualms when it comes to doing battle with Leftists and crushing the Left altogether.

In case you missed the message: you guys lost last time even turning out the largest part of your electorate.  WHere you could, you stopped the "robber-trashers" from voting (I think that's voter fraud, don't you?), yet you still lost.  Your side has only won the popular POTUS vote once since 1988, even though you've connived your way in the White House in both 2000 and 2016.  So I guess it's more fraud or guns for you, then.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.

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RE: Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can! - by David Horn - 01-05-2022, 04:08 PM

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