01-05-2022, 07:16 PM
(01-05-2022, 03:16 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(01-05-2022, 05:58 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:(01-05-2022, 01:41 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(01-03-2022, 11:32 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
You need a Donkey and a caricature of Chuck Schumer instead of Trump for this to be accurate. It to bad you don't see what we see since everything you have and need to survive is now on the line. I'm not going to feel bad when you can no longer afford to eat or live in your home and the Democratic government can no longer fulfill its obligations because it over extended itself along time ago. I hear California is nice and warm and rich and very very kind and generous to sad sacks.
You just do not get it, Classic X'er.
No President has done more to gut the Constitution to fit his ideological whims than Trump. No President has done more to such up to murderous dictators since FDR had to make ethical compromises with Stalin strictly out of military necessity. Trump faces no such necessity. The stunt in which he had people tear-gassed so that he could stand holding a Bible that he neither reads nor heeds in front of a church that he does not attend demonstrates the fraudulence of any pretense to piety. Then there was the January 6 Putsch in which he sought to negate a free and fair election that had been conducted as cleanly as is possible (OK, COVID-19 was out and about making voting in person unduly dangerous as a "super-spreader event", so many state legislatures did what they had to do). Had he succeeded we would have a President in office despite losing the election, which is one way in which dictatorships often start.
You know about the Viking helmet on the elephant, a long-lasting symbol of the Republican Party. The GOP has yet to distance itself from such bad behavior. Usually the losing Presidential nominee retires, and someone else becomes the effective leader of the party. There is no such person. The GOP has committed itself to Donald Trump irrespective of consequences to itself, let alone the USA.
Chuck Schumer isn't President.
You haven't been paying attention to the Democrats. You probably should since your life/well being is now directly attached to them. Let's see, we have a group of Left Wing teachers making the decisions on whether children will be educated or not. Are you aware of that and do you agree with that? Do you think teachers in our area would be able to get away with that (profanity deleted)? So, what's the value of an education system that has no decent students or decent parents who are paying for it? Any (profanity deleted) clue what an educational system like that is worth? I know what the Viking helmet on the elephant is supposed to insinuate. I'm going to ask you one more time, which group obviously cheated by illegally changing elections during the last election? It's your group so to speak. If you like Portugal then I suggest you start making plans to move/escape to Portugal and accept whatever (profanity deleted) happens in Portugal while we are busy cleaning house here. You know if I were you, the last thing I would do is go along with something stupid (vile language excised) that pisses off an American Super Power.
By "cleaning house" do you mean by "ethnic cleansing"? If so, then I suggest that you consult clergy. Assuming that you are a nominal Christian, you need recognize that "ethnic cleansing" is murder, deportation, or forced exile. It's a crime against humanity. Please clarify.
Remember -- you do not represent America any more than I do, especially when you rage about people who differ from you by ethnicity, religion, or non-extremist ideology. We liberals are coming to recognize tradition as a sane default when radicalism fails. The difference between liberal endorsement of tradition and some fascist identitarianism is that I recognize that a tradition very different from mine can be just as valid.
Quote:You're right. Chuck and Nancy aren't President and neither is Biden or Harris. Biden has already checked out for the most part. America is either aware of it or becoming more aware of it as we speak. Jan 6 should be a major concern to anyone financially tied to DC. It was a prelude of what's to come after most of America rejects it and stops funding it and begins to further hamper it and starts teaching it who the real bosses are these days. Gee, even the ghetto slug running San Fran into the ground must have been informed who her real bosses are these days. Are you aware of her recent trip down from her Ivory Tower and her recent about face? Do you think America would care if (thoroughly brutal language excised, and this is good for reporting you)? As far as Trump, I don't know if Trump will be running for POTUS again in 2024 or not at this point. It doesn't matter to me if he does or doesn't at this point.
Sure, just what we need (note the snark)-- political failures getting away with denying the judgment of the majority as determined by the Ele3ctoral College (or the simple plurality should we do the sensible thing with the Electoral College by Constitutional amendment) and declaring themselves winners. After a time, as with the late Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, there are no meaningful elections because dictatorships do not need electoral contests. People know who the Leader is no matter how incompetent, corrupt, cruel, and reckless he can be.
Who are the real bosses? Schmucks like you? No -- it will be some irresponsible clique that looks out only for its power, indulgence, and gain while everyone else suffers. Once-proud property owners are obliged to make forced sales for pennies on the grand to people well connected to the political elites. If someone well-connected wants your job because he is a party hack, then you get fired. After you are fired you might get to be a laborer. Start a business? You will be taxed into ruin and get nothing in return. What usually happens is that some vile clique makes impossible promises to the masses at the cost of political pariahs. Then those not so well connected find that the farm or other business that they receive in some "revolutionary" distribution is foreclosed upon in some 'socialization' of private property or some aristocratic elite arranging things so that you are forced to sell out.
My comment about Portugal was a reference to the climate... and not being so messed up as California is. If you are broke because you have little to show as your income goes rapidly to some rapacious landlord, then you are poor even if you have a highly-esteemed job and impressive title.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.