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Presidential election, 2016
(12-14-2016, 05:25 PM)Skabungus Wrote: The EC meets and fails to elect Trump
.................................... A joint session of congress meets and elects HRC, cuz she crooked but not nutz.

Right wingnuts arm up.

Suddenly the nation discovers that left wing nuts are armed up as well (and have been all along)!

The fun begins.

One thing I 've found interesting is,  since November 8th, Antifa chapters have been popping up all over the place like pustules on an open wound.   Even in the heart of Trumpland!!!  Midwest Antifa, in Lansing, Michigan?  REALLY?  The far left is gearing up and gaining adherents.  Typically peaceful/non-violent strategies don't really seem to be the talk of the town.  Black Block numbers are swelling.

Ahhhh the crisis is upon us.

Not clear to me who gets selected by Congress.  The Democrats would likely unite behind Hillary, but they're in the minority.  Lotsa luck.  There would be no lack of establishment Republican candidates, but the establishment Republicans were rejected by the Republican base all through the election process.  How much of House would dare the wrath of their base enough to dump Trump?  If the Republicans in the House are firmly divided, if there is no majority there, I think the presidency goes to the president of the Senate, who happens to be the Vice President elect?  Would there be enough Republicans in the House dissatisfied with the Vice President to hand it to Hillary?  I'm doubtful.  Who then would the Vice President turned President nominate as President?

All interesting conjecture, fodder for fun on the forum, but I suspect enough the electors will stay loyal to the will of the people to get Trump in.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the "mountain people" anymore than myself.
Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
Skabungus Wrote:The EC meets and fails to elect Trump
.................................... A joint session of congress meets and elects HRC, cuz she crooked but not nutz.

Right wingnuts arm up.

Suddenly the nation discovers that left wing nuts are armed up as well (and have been all along)!

The fun begins.

One thing I 've found interesting is,  since November 8th, Antifa chapters have been popping up all over the place like pustules on an open wound.   Even in the heart of Trumpland!!!  Midwest Antifa, in Lansing, Michigan?  REALLY?  The far left is gearing up and gaining adherents.  Typically peaceful/non-violent strategies don't really seem to be the talk of the town.  Black Block numbers are swelling.

Ahhhh the crisis is upon us.

Not clear to me who gets selected by Congress.  The Democrats would likely unite behind Hillary, but they're in the minority.  Lotsa luck.  There would be no lack of establishment Republican candidates, but the establishment Republicans were rejected by the Republican base all through the election process.  How much of House would dare the wrath of their base enough to dump Trump?  If the Republicans in the House are firmly divided, if there is no majority there, I think the presidency goes to the president of the Senate, who happens to be the Vice President elect?  Would there be enough Republicans in the House dissatisfied with the Vice President to hand it to Hillary?  I'm doubtful.  Who then would the Vice President turned President nominate as President?

All interesting conjecture, fodder for fun on the forum, but I suspect enough the electors will stay loyal to the will of the people to get Trump in.

Agreed.  I can't really offer a prediction of how ANYTHING  will go over the next two quarters, however, I remain interested in what is happening in the body politic.  Folks that are traditionally uninvolved or under-involved are becoming vocal and active.  This includes those on the far left, many of which have considered themselves totally apart from the national political process for years.  With a crisis gathering steam that needs to be accounted for.  It has been a long time since the left (and particularly the far left) have been mobilized.  When was the last time the militant left was out in the streets?  And please, nobody try to pawn off the SDS and Weather Underground as the last time.  That was a flash in the pan.  Think again!
There was never any good old days
They are today, they are tomorrow
It's a stupid thing we say
Cursing tomorrow with sorrow
       -- Eugene Hutz
(12-14-2016, 05:25 PM)Skabungus Wrote: Suddenly the nation discovers that left wing nuts are armed up as well (and have been all along)!

The fun begins.

One thing I 've found interesting is,  since November 8th, Antifa chapters have been popping up all over the place like pustules on an open wound.   Even in the heart of Trumpland!!!  Midwest Antifa, in Lansing, Michigan?  REALLY?  The far left is gearing up and gaining adherents.  Typically peaceful/non-violent strategies don't really seem to be the talk of the town.  Black Block numbers are swelling.

Ahhhh the crisis is upon us.

The modern equivalent of the "wide awakes" in the Civil War 4T. Makes the symbolism of all the talk of "getting woke" very fitting. If history is any guide expect a lot of this stuff to be most concentrated in areas of the Upper Midwest and Northeast Colin Woodard calls "Yankeedom". The same areas that, ironically, 160 years ago gave birth to the Republican Party.
(12-14-2016, 08:49 PM)Odin Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:25 PM)Skabungus Wrote: Suddenly the nation discovers that left wing nuts are armed up as well (and have been all along)!

The fun begins.

One thing I 've found interesting is,  since November 8th, Antifa chapters have been popping up all over the place like pustules on an open wound.   Even in the heart of Trumpland!!!  Midwest Antifa, in Lansing, Michigan?  REALLY?  The far left is gearing up and gaining adherents.  Typically peaceful/non-violent strategies don't really seem to be the talk of the town.  Black Block numbers are swelling.

Ahhhh the crisis is upon us.

The modern equivalent of the "wide awakes" in the Civil War 4T. Makes the symbolism of all the talk of "getting woke" very fitting. If history is any guide expect a lot of this stuff to be most concentrated in areas of the Upper Midwest and Northeast Colin Woodard calls "Yankeedom". The same areas that, ironically, 160 years ago gave birth to the Republican Party.
The coasts and the rust belt states.  Cali, Washington, Oregon already have active far left groups that are swelling, and becoming more bold.  NYC, Jersey, Boston, Philly, are getting bold.  Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois are seeing cells pop up like poppies.

While these groups are essentially anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists and left libertarians, and thus don't represent any form of mainstream political culture, their agenda and public posture is geared toward activating anyone and everyone, to contest the status quo, the political right and the religious dogma(s) currently ascending to power.  

The fact that these far left groups are coming out of the woodwork, seeking a role in political fight, is noteworthy.  For decades they've been in the woods ignoring the culture at large.  These groups look backward to the IWW, the anarchist brigades and their like during the same time in the last century.  Only difference is now, social media and technology in general make them able to act faster and on a much broader front.  The 3%ers and the militias on the right, are not the only groups capable of making mischief and finding violence as a possible tool in the belt.
There was never any good old days
They are today, they are tomorrow
It's a stupid thing we say
Cursing tomorrow with sorrow
       -- Eugene Hutz
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.

In your mind, Classic, I represent folks who are trying to "steal" your tax money and your guns by using the government against you. I get that.

Using me as your example of the valley people misses the point. You brought up the song claiming that "mountain people" are typical of red, conservative "heartland America" types like yourself. But Hippie Democrats are the opposite of the valley people in the song, and are characteristic instead of the mountain people who wrote and sang it. And you admit they are the hippies. No matter what you think of me personally.

But I have been a peace activist many times since the sixties, so you can say I don't represent peace, because I know what I admire and believe in, and what you believe in, and who fits which role. "Non-profit people," as you called me, are not very interested in profit. You valley people, Classic, are interested in competition for money and profit for yourself and mostly-white folks like you. What conflicts with that priority, like taxes, are what you are fighting. And since the seventies, it has been your Party that has been the war party.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-14-2016, 12:56 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 08:50 AM)radind Wrote: The election is not over yet.
If this election is not overturned, then I doubt one will ever be.  In other words, the EC is useless as an institution.  Worse, it tilts the power to small states (typically rural) at the expense of the larger ones.  Individual California voters are much less powerful than individual voters from Wyoming.  In fact, each Wyoming elector represents 195 thousand people and each California elector represents 711 thousand, for a ratio of 3.65:1.

That is the point, to prevent smaller states being completely swamped out.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(12-19-2016, 04:42 PM)Galen Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 12:56 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 08:50 AM)radind Wrote: The election is not over yet.
If this election is not overturned, then I doubt one will ever be.  In other words, the EC is useless as an institution.  Worse, it tilts the power to small states (typically rural) at the expense of the larger ones.  Individual California voters are much less powerful than individual voters from Wyoming.  In fact, each Wyoming elector represents 195 thousand people and each California elector represents 711 thousand, for a ratio of 3.65:1.

That is the point, to prevent smaller states being completely swamped out.

I am more concerned about liberalism being snuffed out in America.

Except for Louisiana, Texas, California, Hawaii, and Alaska the states west of the Appalachians were artificial creations with no heritage before the Constitutional era. It made sense to protect Rhode Island and Vermont from Virginia and New York. Virginia couldn't really control Kentucky and North Carolina couldn't control Tennessee.

I can make the case that Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas could as easily have been one state. Did you realize that North and South Dakota east of the north-south segment of the Missouri River were at one time part of Michigan Territory

[Image: 275px-Michigan-territory-1834-blue.png]

As of January 20, I am far more scared of a President with a dictatorial style and a Congress that will enable him to trample over civil liberties of Americans who disagree with him and impose a highly-unpopular, extremist agenda. There might in effect be a bill of rights for capital and bureaucratic privilege within for-profit entities while the rest of America gets kicked.

All hail the Master Class of the Corporate States of America!

Cue music -- "Imperial March" from Star Wars. America is about to become the Evil Empire.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

If one person's vote is as important as another, it won't matter if that person is in a small state or a large state.

The electoral college has it charms. But it's an antiquated system set up to give slave states more influence so they'd stay in the union. But times have changed; we don't need those states in the union anymore. Let them go, so we can be free.

We still have the Senate to give small states more representation. That's more significant, and unchanging. The electoral college can work to the advantage of big states too, as it did for JFK. Small popular vote victory; big electoral vote victory. It can shift depending on how the states vote.

JFK's victory was in the days when the South voted Democratic. Now it votes Republican, which screws our country. Even so, we thought the EC was a lock for Hillary. It could have been, if the Rust Belt had kept its head.,_1960
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-19-2016, 05:08 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(12-19-2016, 04:42 PM)Galen Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 12:56 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 08:50 AM)radind Wrote: The election is not over yet.
If this election is not overturned, then I doubt one will ever be.  In other words, the EC is useless as an institution.  Worse, it tilts the power to small states (typically rural) at the expense of the larger ones.  Individual California voters are much less powerful than individual voters from Wyoming.  In fact, each Wyoming elector represents 195 thousand people and each California elector represents 711 thousand, for a ratio of 3.65:1.

That is the point, to prevent smaller states being completely swamped out.

I am more concerned about liberalism being snuffed out in America.

Except for Louisiana, Texas, California, Hawaii, and Alaska the states west of the Appalachians were artificial creations with no heritage before the Constitutional era. It made sense to protect Rhode Island and Vermont from Virginia and New York. Virginia couldn't really control Kentucky and North Carolina couldn't control Tennessee.

I can make the case that Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas could as easily have been one state. Did you realize that North and South Dakota east of the north-south segment of the Missouri River were at one time part of Michigan Territory

[Image: 275px-Michigan-territory-1834-blue.png]

As of January 20, I am far more scared of a President with a dictatorial style and a Congress that will enable him to trample over civil liberties of Americans who disagree with him and impose a highly-unpopular, extremist agenda. There might in effect be a bill of rights for capital and bureaucratic privilege within for-profit entities while the rest of America gets kicked.

All hail the Master Class of the Corporate States of America!

Cue music -- "Imperial March" from Star Wars. America is about to become the Evil Empire.

Corporate States of America. Same initials as the Confederate States of America. Same deal: slavery.

Our masters like Galen want total obedience, and practice total deception and dishonesty.

The fact is the Electoral College is safe as long as the Repugnicraps control the Rust Belt. If they lose their current power in those states, the EC will go the way of the dodo by the law being passed in many states requiring the electors to vote for the popular vote winner. At least it will if this law is upheld in Trump's Supreme Court.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-15-2016, 04:53 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.

In your mind, Classic, I represent folks who are trying to "steal" your tax money and your guns by using the government against you. I get that.

Using me as your example of the valley people misses the point. You brought up the song claiming that "mountain people" are typical of red, conservative "heartland America" types like yourself. But Hippie Democrats are the opposite of the valley people in the song, and are characteristic instead of the mountain people who wrote and sang it. And you admit they are the hippies. No matter what you think of me personally.

But I have been a peace activist many times since the sixties, so you can say I don't represent peace, because I know what I admire and believe in, and what you believe in, and who fits which role. "Non-profit people," as you called me, are not very interested in profit. You valley people, Classic, are interested in competition for money and profit for yourself and mostly-white folks like you. What conflicts with that priority, like taxes, are what you are fighting. And since the seventies, it has been your Party that has been the war party.
I used you as an example of a valley person because you have far more interest in obtaining other peoples treasure than me. The Hippie Democrats like yourself are more of the opposite today. I'm not a passive minded, peace loving, anti-war, so called mountain person depicted in the song. I excluded myself from being one of them. I've excluded myself as being one of you a long time ago. I associate sayings like Peace of Earth with Jesus and religious beliefs primarily associated with Christianity.
(12-19-2016, 07:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 04:53 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.

In your mind, Classic, I represent folks who are trying to "steal" your tax money and your guns by using the government against you. I get that.

Using me as your example of the valley people misses the point. You brought up the song claiming that "mountain people" are typical of red, conservative "heartland America" types like yourself. But Hippie Democrats are the opposite of the valley people in the song, and are characteristic instead of the mountain people who wrote and sang it. And you admit they are the hippies. No matter what you think of me personally.

But I have been a peace activist many times since the sixties, so you can say I don't represent peace, because I know what I admire and believe in, and what you believe in, and who fits which role. "Non-profit people," as you called me, are not very interested in profit. You valley people, Classic, are interested in competition for money and profit for yourself and mostly-white folks like you. What conflicts with that priority, like taxes, are what you are fighting. And since the seventies, it has been your Party that has been the war party.
I used you as an example of a valley person because you have far more interest in obtaining other peoples treasure than me. The Hippie Democrats like yourself are more of the opposite today. I'm not a passive minded, peace loving, anti-war, so called mountain person depicted in the song. I excluded myself from being one of them. I've excluded myself as being one of you a long time ago. I associate sayings like Peace of Earth with Jesus and religious beliefs primarily associated with Christianity.

That's right; that's just what I said. You are hooked on the false ideology that blames poor people for your own troubles. I am coming for your tax money and your guns, you believe, because I support welfare, food stamps and government programs in general. This meme is by far the most dangerous thing in America today. It justifies not only racism and inequality, but shutting down the government we so desperately need to make progress on everything from protecting the environment to better wages and working conditions. It is you valley people who want to keep America enslaved to poverty, inequality and environmental destruction, all just to protect your belief that liberals want to steal from you.

The hippies and the voices like those in the song are the true Christians today, and they would be with us, and not with you.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-14-2016, 11:09 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.
That is why we have our disputes, Eric and I. When he speaks of destroying and eliminating those who oppose him that is the opposite of the "peace on earth" message. That is just inclusion of those who are with his tribe and to hell with the others. That is not peace. That is oppression and further division. I can see why he is anti republican for various reasons but I certainly do not agree with his strategy if he is for peace on earth. How do you create peace when your actions and words say otherwise?
Our ancestors went through periods of war with the hope/goal of achieving long term peace. I assume that you have relatives who fought in the same World War's as my relatives.
(12-19-2016, 08:07 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 11:09 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.
That is why we have our disputes, Eric and I. When he speaks of destroying and eliminating those who oppose him that is the opposite of the "peace on earth" message. That is just inclusion of those who are with his tribe and to hell with the others. That is not peace. That is oppression and further division. I can see why he is anti republican for various reasons but I certainly do not agree with his strategy if he is for peace on earth. How do you create peace when your actions and words say otherwise?
Our ancestors went through periods of war with the hope/goal of achieving long term peace. I assume that you have relatives who fought in the same World War's as my relatives.

Taramarie's nonsense does not address the issue. You are the one who says here that wars are needed, in answer to Tara's comment. That implies that you are the one who wants war, not me. You did not originally post that song to represent me. You did not say that. You said the song represents the conservatives on the mountain being attacked by the liberals in the valley. It doesn't.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-19-2016, 07:56 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-19-2016, 07:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 04:53 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-14-2016, 05:52 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-11-2016, 04:16 AM)taramarie Wrote: "A strophic ballad, “One Tin Soldier” tells the tale of the materialistic “valley-people” who kill and cheat in search of a rumoured treasure on a mountain. The only treasure, though, is a stone inscribed with “Peace on earth”; ironically, the valley-people, a metaphor for mankind, destroyed this treasure whilst in the pursuit of it. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus which is a common arrangement technique used to engrain a song in the listener’s memory."

Now that is a blue hippie message if I ever saw one.
Look to the external links provided in this link of course.

It's a hippie era song that's for sure. I associated Eric with the "valley people" mentality. Eric does not represent "Peace on Earth" or the beliefs of the  "mountain people" anymore than myself.

In your mind, Classic, I represent folks who are trying to "steal" your tax money and your guns by using the government against you. I get that.

Using me as your example of the valley people misses the point. You brought up the song claiming that "mountain people" are typical of red, conservative "heartland America" types like yourself. But Hippie Democrats are the opposite of the valley people in the song, and are characteristic instead of the mountain people who wrote and sang it. And you admit they are the hippies. No matter what you think of me personally.

But I have been a peace activist many times since the sixties, so you can say I don't represent peace, because I know what I admire and believe in, and what you believe in, and who fits which role. "Non-profit people," as you called me, are not very interested in profit. You valley people, Classic, are interested in competition for money and profit for yourself and mostly-white folks like you. What conflicts with that priority, like taxes, are what you are fighting. And since the seventies, it has been your Party that has been the war party.
I used you as an example of a valley person because you have far more interest in obtaining other peoples treasure than me. The Hippie Democrats like yourself are more of the opposite today. I'm not a passive minded, peace loving, anti-war, so called mountain person depicted in the song. I excluded myself from being one of them. I've excluded myself as being one of you a long time ago. I associate sayings like Peace of Earth with Jesus and religious beliefs primarily associated with Christianity.

That's right; that's just what I said. You are hooked on the false ideology that blames poor people for your own troubles. I am coming for your tax money and your guns, you believe, because I support welfare, food stamps and government programs in general. This meme is by far the most dangerous thing in America today. It justifies not only racism and inequality, but shutting down the government we so desperately need to make progress on everything from protecting the environment to better wages and working conditions. It is you valley people who want to keep America enslaved to poverty, inequality and environmental destruction, all just to protect your belief that liberals want to steal from you.

The hippies and the voices like those in the song are the true Christians today, and they would be with us, and not with you.
I don't blame my troubles (what little troubles that there are that is) on the poor people or blame them on you or anyone else for that matter. My troubles aren't involved or in play here. Now, Odin and PB, I suspect there's a lot more troubles involved/ in play with them. Who's ideology are they closer to and more aligned with? The way I see it, you're coming for my treasure for you and your friends spend on whatever they want without any questions being asked and without any standards being applied to who gets it or how its being used. Well, I hope you have amassed a very large pool of dip shit/careless blues to tap because middle America just naturally separated itself from you.
Why are you so bitter, over so little, as you are; if you don't have troubles? I find that hard to believe.

I think a lot of Americans, especially in Red America, where the Awakening did not penetrate very far, are not very aware of what's going on within themselves emotionally, sociologically, psychologically. You guys are not very introspective. So you assume you are feeling fine, and doing fine, when you are not; and that your family background was cool when in reality it was oppressive. Or you have the habit of acquiescing in that oppression in many ways. And you project these ignored feelings into your political resentments, stirred up by Donald Trump and other Republican authoritarian demagogues. Of course, I'm not sure just what is the case with you. The authoritarian attitude is quite evident though.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-19-2016, 11:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why are you so bitter, over so little, as you are; if you don't have troubles? I find that hard to believe.

I think a lot of Americans, especially in Red America, where the Awakening did not penetrate very far, are not very aware of what's going on within themselves emotionally, sociologically, psychologically. You guys are not very introspective. So you assume you are feeling fine, and doing fine, when you are not; and that your family background was cool when in reality it was oppressive. Or you have the habit of acquiescing in that oppression in many ways. And you project these ignored feelings into your political resentments, stirred up by Donald Trump and other Republican authoritarian demagogues. Of course, I'm not sure just what is the case with you. The authoritarian attitude is quite evident though.
You are correct. I have an authoritarian's attitude like most American adults my age. BTW, I'm free spirited too. I'm feeling fine. I'm doing fine as well. I had a pretty good childhood. I had two good parents who cared about me and loved me a lot as well.  As far as being introspective, I don't have a problem looking inwards and making appropriate changes/adjustments from time to time. My mother taught me the value of doing that a long time ago. You appear to have a much bigger problem with that than me at this point.
(12-20-2016, 12:48 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-19-2016, 11:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why are you so bitter, over so little, as you are; if you don't have troubles? I find that hard to believe.

I think a lot of Americans, especially in Red America, where the Awakening did not penetrate very far, are not very aware of what's going on within themselves emotionally, sociologically, psychologically. You guys are not very introspective. So you assume you are feeling fine, and doing fine, when you are not; and that your family background was cool when in reality it was oppressive. Or you have the habit of acquiescing in that oppression in many ways. And you project these ignored feelings into your political resentments, stirred up by Donald Trump and other Republican authoritarian demagogues. Of course, I'm not sure just what is the case with you. The authoritarian attitude is quite evident though.
You are correct. I have an authoritarian's attitude like most American adults my age. BTW, I'm free spirited too.  I'm feeling fine. I'm doing fine as well. I had a pretty good childhood. I had two good parents who cared about me and loved me a lot as well.  As far as being introspective, I don't have a problem looking inwards and making appropriate changes/adjustments from time to time. My mother taught me the value of doing that a long time ago. You appear to have a much bigger problem with that than me at this point.

No, you and Taramarie are wrong about that. I am quite introspective. I don't suffer fools too gladly, though. I guess it's just your authoritarian bent, then. I guess that's enough to explain it Smile  Keep those poor folks in line; make sure they tow the line too. Giving them your tax money is being too nice to them. Life is tough, you say; so make sure not to coddle the poor weaklings. By the way, you have said often that life is tough, and you have had to deal with tough characters. And you feel the need to be armed against those restless poor folks across town. That's not as "pleasant" as you say. But, being a bully can be pleasant too, if you get away with it. And, bullies generally vote for same.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
President-elect Donald J. Trump has claimed he won the electoral vote in a “landslide,” but he ranks below most presidents in the electoral vote and popular vote margins.

[Image: electoral-Artboard_1.png]

[Image: popular-Artboard_1.png]
Mr. Trump won 30 states, gathering 306 of 538 electoral votes. There have been 45 presidential elections in which the winning candidate won a larger share of the electoral vote.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-20-2016, 02:08 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-20-2016, 12:48 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-19-2016, 11:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why are you so bitter, over so little, as you are; if you don't have troubles? I find that hard to believe.

I think a lot of Americans, especially in Red America, where the Awakening did not penetrate very far, are not very aware of what's going on within themselves emotionally, sociologically, psychologically. You guys are not very introspective. So you assume you are feeling fine, and doing fine, when you are not; and that your family background was cool when in reality it was oppressive. Or you have the habit of acquiescing in that oppression in many ways. And you project these ignored feelings into your political resentments, stirred up by Donald Trump and other Republican authoritarian demagogues. Of course, I'm not sure just what is the case with you. The authoritarian attitude is quite evident though.
You are correct. I have an authoritarian's attitude like most American adults my age. BTW, I'm free spirited too.  I'm feeling fine. I'm doing fine as well. I had a pretty good childhood. I had two good parents who cared about me and loved me a lot as well.  As far as being introspective, I don't have a problem looking inwards and making appropriate changes/adjustments from time to time. My mother taught me the value of doing that a long time ago. You appear to have a much bigger problem with that than me at this point.

 I don't suffer fools too gladly, though. 

Then you really must hate yourself since you are possibly the biggest fool it has been my misfortune to encounter.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises

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