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Collective Unconscious Map - Cycle in Art Movements (with Rorschach variables)
This week i made a 16x16 Matrix to correlates the Jungian Functions and the Rorschach Variables to expose how the Arts Movements obey  a cyclical pattern like the Cycle of Water (with his transitions phases), like also the Carnot Cycle or the Polybius Anacyclosis whose lenght is 256 years.

The Collective Unconscious is divided in 256 parts who are the 256 Cellular Automaton-Psyche.  The causality of events or the crisis the Society will face are based on the configurations of each cellular automaton who follow certains rules (the "Intrapsychics Conflicts" who can be translated to the whole Society at a large scale and who appears as Wars, Revolutions or Transient Phases). The Moore Neighborhood represent the apparatus of the psyche (one square is the Super-Ego, another is the Self, another one is the Ego or the Id). 

[Image: 4cb0ea52d4a326a9ae73bc3c63f9185c-full.png]

Here is the 16x16 Matrix (who grossely represent the Collective Unconscious), knowing the dates of Intellectual or Arts Movements taking place, we are able to superpose them to the Matrix : 

[Image: 256-Anacyclosis.png]

So it goes the same way as the Fourth Turnings Generational Theory,  because the Quadra Alpha in Socionics correspond to the Artists, the Quadra Beta to the Prophets, the Quadra Gamma to the Nomads and the Quadra Delta to the Heroes.

Here is the Meta-Analysis Grid...

[Image: Rorschach-Grid.png]

Short explanation of each variables :

[Image: rorschachmetanalysis-01.jpg]

[Image: rorschachmetanalysis-02.jpg]
[Image: rorschachmetanalysis-03.jpg]

[Image: rorschachmetanalysis-02.jpg]
For more informations you can find the document published there:   The Validity of Individual Rorschach Variables: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of the Comprehensive System
Are you preparing for your dissertation, because this seems well suited to one in some area of study.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
ah ah ah... I'm not a scholar, i have no particular background concerning psychology or any fields of interest.
I rather like to speculate or theorize alone. I left school as soon as i can... not the place i would choose as a
freethinker.... but thanks again, i appreciate positive comments.
Personally, I don't believe it. But you should add some arrows to the matrix, so we see the path of chronology.
[Image: 256-Anacyclosis-Sex-Copie-2.jpg]
Thanks! Did you have the pattern in mind before, or did you discover it when you worked on this?
(02-10-2019, 11:27 AM)Hintergrund Wrote: Thanks! Did you have the pattern in mind before, or did you discover it when you worked on this?

It's a long and gradual process, i've worked on it many years... but now it's clear for me.  With intuition, analogies and symmetries it's easier to connect the dots.

Unfortunatly this post become very long and i was not able to find the Edit button to modify the last image..   I have to repost it....

Last night i had putted the 32 defenses mechanisms on the grid.  They match the Jungian Function in each Quadras and relate to the Rorschach variables.

(But the names are in french, because i'm Canadian, i don't have the time to translate them, sorry).

Here it is :

[Image: 256-Anacyclosis-Sex-Copie-2-Copie.jpg]
Interesting. I welcome posts of map-makers of the human condition and the mind.

I made a sort of collective conscious map myself, the philosophers wheel, and I put the Jungian functions representing types of energy E/I and J/P in the same relationship on the same angles (but exactly inverted). It seems you have used the political compass as well, since the four corners align with those positions on both maps. I didn't try to join politics with philosophy, but made some connections with other esoteric systems. It's hard to read all your correlations here, maybe I can see them at your site. I am not familiar with Rorschack except for his "blot" (same guy?).

As for art, the various schools seem to be given exclusive dates by Carnot, when that is not historically accurate. There's a lot of overlap, and myself I only correlated the basic classic vs. romantic on the philosophers wheel, and the larger cycles of art with the civilization cycle (an astrological and historically-recognized longer cycle). The idea that the quickly-changing modern art styles can be seen in the same way that previous styles within a civilization cycle were seen (e.g. early, classic, baroque, rococo, romantic, realism) is an interesting new idea to me, but at first glance it doesn't seem valid.

But I don't deal too much with psychosis. I guess I have a baby boomers' more optimistic view of the universe and human potential. Basically, as I see it psychosis has one root cause, which the Buddha described 2500 years ago or so. I don't dwell on the categories of psychosis too much. There are 32 defense mechanisms? Wow. Are these Freudian?

I could not correlate the philosophers wheel to a cycle though, generally speaking, as it is more of a static map, although it has currents (the chakra currents). The cyclic process involves the same archetypes as the philosophers wheel, but they switch around rather than go in a circle.

Astrologically, the houses of the horoscope are static, and they can be correlated more easily with the philosophers wheel. The signs of the zodiac is a seasonal cycle, and doesn't correlate as easily. Same with the generational cycle, which is also based by analogy on the seasons.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-10-2019, 08:58 PM)Mark40 Wrote: I don't believe in magical thinking.... i prefer to rely on psychoanalysis.   When other people on the net make correlations and "beautiful" wheels or graphics with chakras and esoteric stuff they collect here and there because they "feel" it make sense ... i prefer to rely on Science, Cybernetics, and System Theory. Logic is the way to proceed.  There is a big problem with the wheel model, and other people who theorize about it face it... since the whole universe from the microscosm to the macrocosm follow the same patterns over and over, and that all complex systems have in common that they are nearly always made from four basic constituents. The circle is not appropriate to understand the symmetries who governs nature, but the square is.    

There is 32 defense mechanisms, there is also 32 personnalities, there is 256 cellular automata, like there is 256 particles in physics.  Nature prefer symmetry.  And people who don't reasonate with symmetrical thinking and who don't catch the patterns are not able to understand the logic behind the "Grand Design".  

Current problematic thinking we can observe is "naive" and "credulous" believers who buy anything, and who mix religious elements togethers in a nonsensical melting pot, but on the other side we have the narrow-minded "scientist" who reject and try to refute everything that doesn't match the consensus established by his peers community or the information who is not written in his "textbook".  

I believe in Astrology because the principles who governs celestial bodies can be explained  by mathematical formulas and at a certain point there is some sort of synchronicity between all systems (causality, transformations in society,  cyclical events, etc...).  Like two clocks who are synchronized.  There is no magical powers or occult forces behind it.  

No magical thinking for me, thanks....

And yeah... people of our time don't identify with psychosis.... What i observe at large is dangerous Conspiracy Theories who are out of control, paranoia, lack of trust. Thin Foil Hats are trending. I fear that a Civilizational Collapse or a Revolution are at sight. What we have to be afraid the most is not the illuminati pyramid, but the inverted pyramid of ages. Baby-Boomers were in charge of everything before 2008 crisis, now they are near to vanished, but not without consequences. The drop in natality rates observed following the sexual liberation era during which politicians and activists were promoting pills and abortion, the individualism of people, it have a cost. Those who are in charge knows it, and i don't think the wars in the middle east to defeat all the potential threats before that happen could change something.

[Image: fsdgdsfgsdfgsdfg.png]
By the way, instead of hijacking other people threads and "indirectly" pretend that you are the mastermind behind the works of others theorists, you could open your own thread and publish it there. This is my works not yours... and the ideas i put there are not the product of some "ghost writers"... it may resemble some graphics or matrix on the internet, but the people who made them are not aware of the implications, the derivatives, or the correlations we can obtain by transposing one matrix over another.

Unless you can explain the use of Cellular Automaton, the hints concerning Thermodynamics, why it matters and as i can see you don't even know who Rorshach is...
You don't seems to know the relations between time and symmetry, the possible uses in medical sciences, in genomics... something you ignore is that i had also worked on it many years and that thoses correlations have already been made. Oh, you could surely demonstrate the benefits and the links that can be made between the human genome, the distribution of diseases among the population or the birth time of individuals. It's a work in progress.... but it's not the fruit of another mind.... and surely not a part of your work or an idea i could have stolen to someone else.

Instead of taking the credits from the efforts of other people, do your own researchs...
(02-11-2019, 09:32 AM)Mark40 Wrote: By the way, instead of hijacking other people threads and "indirectly" pretend that you are the mastermind behind the works of others theorists, you could open your own thread and publish it there.  This is my works not yours... and the ideas i put there are not the product of some "ghost writers"... it may resemble some graphics or matrix on the internet, but the people who made them are not aware of the implications, the derivatives, or the correlations we can obtain by transposing one matrix over another.

Unless you can explain the use of Cellular Automaton, the hints concerning Thermodynamics, why it matters and as i can see you don't even know who Rorshach is...
You don't seems to know the relations between time and symmetry, the possible uses in medical sciences, in genomics... something you ignore is that i had also worked on it many years and that thoses correlations have already been made. Oh, you could surely demonstrate the benefits and the links that can be made between the human genome, the distribution of diseases among the population or the birth time of individuals.  It's a work in progress.... but it's not the fruit of another mind.... and surely not a part of your work or an idea i could have stolen to someone else.

Instead of taking the credits from the efforts of other people, do your own researchs...

I'm not doing that, or making any of the claims you say; just observing your chart, what I can understand of it, and I like to compare mine with the ideas of other researchers, and you might be interested in that too (or not); and of course if you post here you invite comments, and the way things work here is everyone can comment and the thread often goes where it goes. Your chart interests me because it starts out with virtually the same placement of 4 Jungian functions as I make. You're correct though, I don't know much about your subjects, so you might explain some of them, if you care to. These are not well-known subjects for the most part, or why they should be linked together. Most people don't know who Rorshach is, or whether he's the same guy who invented the famous blot. Is he?

I use the wheel, because it encompasses infinity (among other reasons), and the idea of a cycle implies a wheel; but I also refer to the cross within it, which is like a square. I correlate logically, but all such correlations can only be similarities or observations of the same idea working within several systems. Several posters here have made other cycle observations or created charts. This forum is a good resource for sharing such ideas. But we often stick to what we have each created.

I agree with you about conspiracy theory! 

Esoteric subjects like the chakras actually have much validity and physical links. There's a venerable tradition called hermeticism behind many neglected subjects today.

As I have pointed out to others, many younger people today assign what's gone wrong totally to the boomers, but that is not fair; the status quo today was created by many generations. Boomers have become slightly a majority status quo generation today, but when younger they too questioned and opposed the status quo. Will millennials take a different path, or will they be like their civic forebears and be upholders of the status quo in turn, when older?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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