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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
Come quickly, the bell has rung.
Gather round and among.

There is never a reason to use a word that only exists to denigrate an entire race of peoples.  It has been said there is a right way and a wrong way to use that word, but this thread now exists to inform the uninformed.

I don't think any reasonable person wants to limit the speech of others or catalog what words anyone can or cannot say or if the hue of their skin allows them dispensation to use words, etc.  We are not now talking about WORDS.  Please, pay close attention.

Why would any reasonable person use words or phrases or epithets that are extremely likely to cause inflammation of:


... you get the idea right?

Why do you want to use words or phrases that would cause these things or be really likely to cause these things IN HUMAN INTERACTIONS?  There are human beings (most of the time) on the other side of the screen.  Why do things or say things that would really be likely to cause these negative outcomes?  What are you really perpetrating in your life through HUMAN INTERACTION?

DO you have responsibility?  Not a lawful one as in "DONT"... but a spiritual one as in "DO".  Does your desire to use that word simply because you can outweigh how it may affect the HUMAN INTERACTION outcomes it will cause?

I DONT THINK SO.  And neither does your god, probably, even tho you can't understand that.  Or your CODE or whatever you think you are doing with your life like a static robot spilling INFORMATION and DATA upon the world without any thought to how it may affect others.  Your fellow human beings.  In fact, the same people using that word or saying it's OK to use it or there's a right and wrong way to use it, those are the same people who want to invite you to their church so the holy spirit can save you from sin.  It's odd.  Their god's example of how to treat others has no meaning to them.

OK, the bell is about to get rung again, but you have home work. 

Want the proof of the level of hate of the word in the Thread Title?  The targets of that word felt so abused by it, that word was adapted into speech as a flipped coin!  Owning the word means you control how it's used in connotation.  That word was so vengeful and hateful, the targets of the word needed to own it to STOP finally the power it had in the community, even among themselves.

So, it all returns to WHY do you want to use hateful speech?  What does it foment upon the world directly because of you when you use it?

Lastly, before we go... shockingly there is a really sick and ultra sadistic (sadism means you flog yourself remember Silas from Da Vinci Code) way to use that word: when the target of that word uses it against others not in OWNING IT but in SLANDERING THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS with it. 

The probably worst use of that word is someone so appalled by the idea someone looks at them and sees that word.......... they have to re-direct that hate onto someone else in the hopes it won't be used on them FIRST.  That's stringing up with yo own hands and making the noose really tight while inwardly praying they don't do you next.


// dismissed
(05-11-2019, 07:56 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(05-11-2019, 05:23 PM)taramarie Wrote: If you mean farming and our 21st century cities, every country has this. But I do not understand what this has to do with how a person behaves. Very curious yet confusing.

He's insulting you for not being an American Tara.

Not surprising really...SJW types always lie and they always project.

The fact she didnt even know she was being insulted..... and here you come............... LIKE EVE WITH THE FRUIT!......... opening her eyes to something that might have caused offense.

Are you the least spiritual-minded person in this room?

Do you know what is spirit?

Why do you want to cause problems?  The things you are doing have effects on others.  The things you say affect others.  You just do not care.  Roaming in social media trying to stir up as much sludge and trauma?  WHY are you here?  For real, Helen, WHAT is your intention here or elsewhere for that matter?

What are you doing?  Can you describe it?
(05-11-2019, 09:28 PM)taramarie Wrote: Likewise where we start is looking within ourselves and ask, am I also projecting out hateful speech and action? Am I interpreting life in a negative way and why? Personally I do not like the word, but I am not about to scream about it because in my life as it is right now, I am focusing on my own flaws which I do have. I expect that the users of that word have their own reasons why but there is nothing that can be done about it and rather they should also ask why do they use it and why if it is used to cause hatred what it is within them that causes them to feel the need to cause that reaction. I feel there is a projection of inner scars as when one is using it for that reason it is a reflection of what is within the person. Again, I feel it could be used in various ways....that word. I don't know but I don't care enough about that. I have my own topics I am more involved in like circumcision, abuse and healing myself from what caused my cptsd as how can you help others in a healthy way when you yourself are broken? Consider how you come across is all I will say. There is wisdom in the right approach to certain topics. Otherwise you will have people sick and tired of listening and nothing will change at all if that is what you desire. But we must remember, the world is made up of people with differing opinions.
Can't we get along and stop using this forum for personal attack? Yes there was some of that on the old forum as well but not this bad. Yes there are things I'm angry about too but they mostly pertain to major issues that we don't seem to have the will to deal with, such as barbaric housing costs. I read posts with the venom of a cobra on other forums as well and consider it sickening. The forum can provide us with the opportunity to get a lot of work done. So let's be disciplined and work towards a goal of bringing to the table ideas on how to deal with the next round of destiny. OK?
(05-11-2019, 11:26 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Can't we get along and stop using this forum for personal attack?

The cowardice of some folks are brazen.  More attention and complaining have been put to me than on the person who used that word.  All I wanted was the ability to delete the thread I MADE because it was rancid off-topic anyway thus useless, and when I said that, and got agitated, the moderator began deleting MY posts while never even addressing the use of a word that can only be used as a means to bring anger and offense to others.  It has no other purpose.

The moderator, and this forum, are shameless.  Taking no side when it comes to speech that exists only for hate but clamping down on anyone who speaks ill of that habit.  And the forum with its stupidity to make a blocked user's actions available to those who have blocked them. 

The question you are asking.......... Can't We Stop Using This Forum For Personal Attacks................ you asked that question.  This forum is DESIGNED to make personal attacks not only possible but probable.  I put ppl on ignore, and still see they are responding to me and posting........ with that button "CLICK TO SEE" as if it's the Enquirer, baiting me to read about David Hasselhoff's Drunk & Disorderly or Pam Anderson reuniting with Julian Assange.  I DONT WANT TO SEE IT.  I chose not to see it.  But this forum makes sure I am tempted to look, and hoping I will respond (negatively, because I already blocked them right?)

Plus, the idea every single thread and area of this place is hijacked almost immediately, I keep telling the story of the "How To Grow Your Garden" Thread, in page 2.5 of said thread there is an OUTBREAK of complaints against filthy illegals invading America and why shouldn't the militia be able to shoot them.  Or, in page 3, Sharia Law is being secretly introduced (in strategic phases) on the senate floor through covert operative/representative Omar, or how Donald Trump is truly the Man Of God being raised up to protect Israel from the Arabs who attacked us on 911 and want to kill us because we are free.

This forum is basically a masturbatory whorehouse; a hot spurt of diatribe and the momentary pleasure of hearing your own "voice".

It doesn't matter what the thread title or topic is.  The thread/post/topic/construct exists as a FERTILE WOMB ready to be implanted with staunch dogmas and dead political ideology.

Living billboards and elaborate signature lines, they only come here to EXPOUND.
(05-11-2019, 11:26 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Yes there are things I'm angry about too but they mostly pertain to major issues that we don't seem to have the will to deal with, such as barbaric housing costs.

Allow me to JUMP forward in time a little? 

beechnut79 creates thread "Barbaric Housing Costs in This New 4th Turning".

A good effort.

Page 2 of said thread: "...entitlement programs make me sick, we have these people supported by our government doing nothing, getting their rents paid and I work 80 hours a week and can barely afford my little shack on the edge of town...."

So, let's stop pretending this forum is on some noble quest.

Now, imagine EVERY thread here does that.  What is it?


We might as well hash out and get right to the good stuff instead of pretending we came here for stimulating conversation.  Soon as the mirror is faced, the boil can get lanced.
(05-12-2019, 12:40 AM)taramarie Wrote: if someone could reply to my message, naturally he would see it and if he wishes to get what he wants, it may be his only reasonable option.

I think he will see mine.

The only excuse that anyone has for using that infamous word is reportage, and I go to great lengths to avoid using it, or perhaps the book title The Nigger of the Narcissus, a respected piece of literature. I accept the use of the word in some novels by Mark Twain that make clear that people who see the slave Jim as less than fully human are completely wrong about him. Of course I expect the word to appear frequently in the local Klavern (KKK meeting place) where low-life white people try to pretend that they are somehow superior just by being white. Anyone who sees his origins as cause for superiority likely has no other cause for self-pride.

Yes, I know that there are low-life types in every identifiable group of people by ethnicity and religion... and as a general rule, the good people in those ethnic groups dislike those low-life types. Is it acceptable to use a derogatory word once used against a whole group against those low-life types? I think not. I do not use the word "kraut" to describe John Dillinger, probably the most despised person of German ancestry in America. (I am about half German and Swiss in origin, so you can probably understand what concern I express). I use "gangster" or "criminal", either of which is more universal a smear -- and even more offensive in describing anyone.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-12-2019, 02:52 AM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-12-2019, 02:27 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(05-12-2019, 12:40 AM)taramarie Wrote: if someone could reply to my message, naturally he would see it and if he wishes to get what he wants, it may be his only reasonable option.

I think he will see mine.

The only excuse that anyone has for using that infamous word is reportage, and I go to great lengths to avoid using it, or perhaps the book title The Nigger of the Narcissus, a respected piece of literature. I accept the use of the word in some novels by Mark Twain that make clear that people who see the slave Jim as less than fully human are completely wrong about him. Of course I expect the word to appear frequently in the local Klavern (KKK meeting place) where low-life white people try to pretend that they are somehow superior just by being white.    Anyone who sees his origins as cause for superiority likely has no other cause for self-pride.

Yes, I know that there are low-life types in every identifiable group of people by ethnicity and religion... and as a general rule, the good people in those ethnic groups dislike those low-life types. Is it acceptable to use a derogatory word once used against a whole group against those low-life types? I think not. I do not use the word "kraut" to describe John Dillinger, probably the most despised person of German ancestry in America. (I am about half German and Swiss in origin, so you can probably understand what concern I express). I use "gangster" or "criminal", either of which is more universal a smear -- and even more offensive in describing anyone.

No but I would be interested in the why of why blacks use it towards each other often as I feel it is far more of an interesting conversation starter regarding intent of why it is used. I feel intent is far more important than doing the fur fly as anyone can be offended by anything. It has a horrendous past yes, but what about now, when it is used? What about the value of intent? We have heard from kinser why he uses it. Not the nicest way to use it for sure, but it is to be expected none the less from him....we know he has a chip on his shoulder no doubt from a past that has caused him to be the way he is and I have mentioned elsewhere I believe where I stated its far more valuable to look within ourselves and see where these acts come from towards other human beings, and it does start from ourselves. For me, I do not use that word for a reason. That is all I will say on that. I have suggested to our mod that he continue to follow the three rules and allow for our offended nomad to have his thread back the way he wishes it to be and staying on topic. I have followed the rules, and it is now up to Rags to follow through with it if he wishes to.

Kinser obviously has a huge chip on his shoulder, a common feature of an extremist of any kind. I'm not going to speculate on the causes as there are many possible causes including his encounters with racism. Some people deal gracefully with those; some sell out to the perpetrators; some participate in the divide-and-conquer techniques (a/k/a salami tactics) that those consolidating power use. Unless one is black or at least involved intimately with blacks in America one cannot fully understand American racism. I cannot understand how he feels and why he feels what he does.

There is no clear divide between good blacks and bad blacks (or any other identifiable group of people) -- and when white people have tried to make such a divide, such has often been between submissive compliance with subordinate status or resistance to such. With kinser I see someone selling out part of his race for acceptance among white people. I see him terribly wrong in doing so. Should America ever have a fascistic regime (something that I could not imagine before Trump) entrenching itself, then I expect it to start culling the American populace by starting with the most pariahs and then raising the demands for compliance and identity for avoiding the dangerous status of pariah under a ruthless and brutal regime. We defend the most unpopular people or we set ourselves up for our own disenfranchisement, dispossession, and even murder. We must also see the demonization of people as the first step to genocide. So it was with kulaks in the Soviet Union, with Jews in Nazi Germany, and with Tutsis in Rwanda. Even if genocide does not ensue, then lesser, but still inexcusable degradation of life ensue.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

I'm glad to see that there is much speculation as to why I do what I do, even when there is no need for such.  One need merely read my posts and they will understand me fully.  But then again that involves reading which seems to be a rare skill these days.  Well that and the ability to count money.  I can't tell you how hard it is to find someone to run the cash register because apparently people don't teach their kids these days about what coins and bills are and what they are worth.

So why do black people use the word nigger?  There are many reasons, and all of them depend on context.  Context can only be understood within the framework of the whole.  That said some of the following are common reasons why a black person may use the word nigger:

-as an insult against an other black person for whatever reason
-in order to reclaim the word and negate its racist power  (Words only have the power that people give them)
-because the word fits in a rhyme scheme (most commonly used in rap)
-as a general greeting ("My nigger" and etc)

As for the demarcation between what makes someone a "good" black, it depends on one's perspective.  For your average run of the mill Progressive it means a black who accepts their victim hood narrative, lacks ambition for self-improvement never mind community improvement, and reliably votes for the party that the Progressives control (In this case the Democratic Party).  Any black that does not do these things is a Tom, a Coon, a self-hating Tom/Coon, or perhaps the gravest insult of all a Republican.

As for the problems facing black people in America I think I'll leave this here.

It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-11-2019, 09:05 PM)TheNomad Wrote: The fact she didnt even know she was being insulted..... and here you come............... LIKE EVE WITH THE FRUIT!......... opening her eyes to something that might have caused offense.

Are you the least spiritual-minded person in this room?

Do you know what is spirit?

Why do you want to cause problems?  The things you are doing have effects on others.  The things you say affect others.  You just do not care.  Roaming in social media trying to stir up as much sludge and trauma?  WHY are you here?  For real, Helen, WHAT is your intention here or elsewhere for that matter?

What are you doing?  Can you describe it?
Honestly, I didn't really notice that she was being insulted for that reason too. He basically took away a few more easy shots at a naive target which is all you have left for easy targets to take easy shots at for personal satisfaction at this point. Lets see, you can't handle the idea of someone saying a word you've been taught/trained to use like a hammer or club, a knife or a gun because you're to much of a liberal pussy to use one of them yourself because you'd act/look like a girl with one of them in your hand or because you might end up hurting yourself by using a real one because they're dangerous and could harm you and inflict pain or you know that if you were to use a real one of them instead of crap/fear that your using now that you would most likely end up being shot, wounded, massively injured in many other ways, soundly defeated and eventually rounded up and eventually tried as criminals because you understand that you still live in our America and the American will not tolerate that shit or allow that shit to happen here.

I shared some information with you about a personal exchange/experience between me and a previous poster that took place several years ago that didn't turn out as I thought it would/could that resulted in a loss of a decent (a genuinely good woman/person) blue poster. Of all the blue posters that I've either toppled or eliminated one way or another over the last sixteen years, she's the only one that I really felt bad about the result. Well, I'll just be nice and say that you aren't anything like her.
Reasonable solutions?

1. Raise expectations in education for blacks, as is so with other minorities. Formal education is the best preparation for success in life. Obviously, parents can insist upon kids not watching so much mind-numbing Schund on the idiot screen or playing so many video games. Most television programming is made for dimwits.

Studies across cultures have shown that the longer that girls are in school, the later they will start having children, whether in marriage or outside. Teenage motherhood is in decline, which is good news.

2. Crack down on crime. Repeat offenders are not simply unlucky; they are usually evil people. Maybe law enforcement, like all public services, is less effective where fiscal conditions make all public services less available.

3. Improve public transit. As it is, kids in the poorest urban neighborhoods are already learning that the retail and food-service jobs are in the suburbs and are commuting in the reverse of the 'classical' way of white suburbanites who live in the suburbs and work for bureaucratic organizations remaining in the cities.

4. Have policies that give advantages to small businesses. It is highly unlikely that any black person will found the new Wal*Mart, Microsoft, Big Oil company, or giant brokerage house. Our tax laws now favor monopolized, vertically-integrated firms that either crush competition or render it irrelevant. Although well-educated people can get well-paid jobs in Big Business, well-educated people of any kind are largely job-takers and not job-creators.

The current federal corporate tax and most state income taxes are effectively flat taxes that tax a profitable small business as hard as a giant entity. It may be ironic, but the 1950s, the last heyday of high taxes on earned income, were the last heyday for small business, when retail, banking, and manufacturing were practically cottage industries. The current tax structure seems to have the purpose of protecting giant corporations from small-scale competition.


1. Encourage blacks to abandon liberal politics. The Right has little to offer except inequality, fear, and superstition.

2. Tell blacks to suck it up and accept that they will be second-class citizens. This has been done, and the results have been awful.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-11-2019, 09:18 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-11-2019, 09:05 PM)TheNomad Wrote:
(05-11-2019, 07:56 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(05-11-2019, 05:23 PM)taramarie Wrote: If you mean farming and our 21st century cities, every country has this. But I do not understand what this has to do with how a person behaves. Very curious yet confusing.

He's insulting you for not being an American Tara.

Not surprising really...SJW types always lie and they always project.

The fact she didnt even know she was being insulted..... and here you come............... LIKE EVE WITH THE FRUIT!......... opening her eyes to something that might have caused offense.

Are you the least spiritual-minded person in this room?

Do you know what is spirit?

Why do you want to cause problems?  The things you are doing have effects on others.  The things you say affect others.  You just do not care.  Roaming in social media trying to stir up as much sludge and trauma?  WHY are you here?  For real, Helen, WHAT is your intention here or elsewhere for that matter?

What are you doing?  Can you describe it?
Oh btw speaking of the spiritually is a video that I will put out for anyone who is interested. This is the sort of thing I have been interested in of late and it has been really helpful as a sufferer of cptsd myself. This could help some people here including our nomad given he raised the topic.

My only issue with her as a teacher is that she's a bit to idealistic (hippy blue) and seems to be still stuck on herself and the cause of her own issues for my taste. However, she does seem to understand the power dynamics in play, the reason for the family/social disfunction that exists and the social rifts that largely exists within the Democratic party/social/ political structure today. As a more spiritually inclined person, I don't view her as being all that spiritually inclined these days. She's made the move back to teaching and attempting to instill the basics. I'm not saying this to be mean or hurt you, I'm just sharing my view of it and inform you as to the reason why American reds have a hard time identifying with and relating to blue people and their issues so to speak. America has been navigating/ trudging through a couple of modern day culture wars since the end of World War II. The American family has pretty much stuck together through thick and thin and will continue sticking together regardless of what unfolds as far as the future is concerned. 

What would you rather be, the best woman in the world at whatever women are capable of doing these days or the best woman in the world that a combination of science and a team of doctors and nurses are able to transform and produce these days.  Now, I would most likely get along better with a woman who was a bit more manly (less emotional) who didn't sweat the little shit and allow herself to get all wrapped up and bogged down with petty emotional shit like what the neighbors will think about us doing this, what we have to do now because the neighbors are doing that or what the woman over there thinks about me not doing this like I should or what I'm suppose to be like or look like to get this or that for myself or what my pussy or my tits have to be like for me to remain sexually competitive/ confident in my ability to attract and keep a financially stable man and so forth. I'm not saying males are perfect, plenty of men do worry about whether the size of their penis is considered adequate by most women these days and so forth.
(05-12-2019, 05:19 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: As for the problems facing black people in America I think I'll leave this here.

You offer a video from PragerU, the young-Earth creationist outfitRolleyes Seriously? Dude, you had way better game when you were a Marxist-Leninist.  LOL
(05-12-2019, 05:25 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: The reason why I'm here is self-evident if one bothers to actually read my posts.  That being said I'm not responsible for the actions of others or how they interpret my actions.

Does that mean I lack 'spirituality'?  Maybe.  But I can't say that I actually care all that much for 'spirituality' which is mostly pie in the sky nonsense when it isn't an open con-job.

The question really should be why are you here.  I've yet to see any added value from your presence.  Though I have been amused by your antics.  But then again this forum is cheaper than cable and the actors typically follow better scripts than anything coming out of Hollyweird.
Maybe not. You may be spiritually connected. I'd agree and say that it's best to stay away from those who promote their own brand of spirituality.
(05-12-2019, 05:48 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Reasonable solutions?

1. Raise expectations in education for blacks, as is so with other minorities. Formal education is the best preparation for success in life. Obviously, parents can insist upon kids not watching so much mind-numbing Schund on the idiot screen or playing so many video games. Most television programming is made for dimwits.

Studies across cultures have shown that the longer that girls are in school, the later they will start having children, whether in marriage or outside. Teenage motherhood is in decline, which is good news.

2. Crack down on crime.  Repeat offenders are not simply unlucky; they are usually evil people. Maybe law enforcement, like all public services, is less effective where fiscal conditions make all public services less available.

3. Improve public transit. As it is, kids in the poorest urban neighborhoods are already learning that the retail and food-service jobs are in the suburbs and are commuting in the reverse of the 'classical' way of white suburbanites who live in the suburbs and work for bureaucratic organizations remaining in the cities.

4. Have policies that give advantages to small businesses. It is highly unlikely that any black person will found the new Wal*Mart, Microsoft, Big Oil company, or giant brokerage house. Our tax laws now favor monopolized, vertically-integrated firms that either crush competition or render it irrelevant. Although well-educated people can get well-paid jobs in Big Business, well-educated people of any kind are largely job-takers and not job-creators.

The current federal corporate tax and most state income taxes are effectively flat taxes that tax a profitable small business as hard as a giant entity. It may be ironic, but the 1950s, the last heyday of high taxes on earned income, were the last heyday for small business, when retail, banking, and manufacturing were practically cottage industries. The current tax structure seems to have the purpose of protecting giant corporations from small-scale competition.  


1. Encourage blacks to abandon liberal politics. The Right has little to offer except inequality, fear, and superstition.

2. Tell blacks to suck it up and accept that they will be second-class citizens. This has been done, and the results have been awful.

Actually you're so-called "not-so-reasonable" solutions are also reasonable to a degree.  Those very liberal politics that have been supported by blacks by decades have not paid off.  As such anyone who isn't stupid or crazy must realize that they must try something different.  After all every single one of your "reasonable" solutions are offered by one part and it isn't the Democrats.

As to point 2 of the "not-so-resonable" solutions I would say that there is a caveat.  My grandfather told me a long time ago, and he was part of the black bourgeoisie, indeed he made a small fortune even though the family eventually declined in over all wealth since his death since I believe only one of his grandchildren (myself) actually listened to him.  He said:  "You have to work twice as hard at whatever you do than a white man or you will be condemned to be second-class.  It is your choice.  Be the second-class negro the man wants you to be or put your shoes on and get your ass to work."
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-12-2019, 04:14 PM)Mikebert Wrote: You offer a video from PragerU, the young-Earth creationist outfitRolleyes Seriously? Dude, you had way better game when you were a Marxist-Leninist.  LOL

PragerU provides a platform for many conservative voices.  They are not in and of themselves young-earth creationists, but some of their commenters have been.  Those commenters are idiots.  The Left has idiots too Mike.  Unfortunately it is mostly all of the Left that are the idiots.

The person in the video I posted is Taleeb Starkes who is a best selling author, and radio host on Sirius/XM.   He is also one of the most intelligent humans I've listened to in my life.  That he happens to also be black is a nice bonus.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-12-2019, 04:55 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-12-2019, 05:25 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: The reason why I'm here is self-evident if one bothers to actually read my posts.  That being said I'm not responsible for the actions of others or how they interpret my actions.

Does that mean I lack 'spirituality'?  Maybe.  But I can't say that I actually care all that much for 'spirituality' which is mostly pie in the sky nonsense when it isn't an open con-job.

The question really should be why are you here.  I've yet to see any added value from your presence.  Though I have been amused by your antics.  But then again this forum is cheaper than cable and the actors typically follow better scripts than anything coming out of Hollyweird.
Maybe not. You may be spiritually connected. I'd agree and say that it's best to stay away from those who promote their own brand of spirituality.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure that I'm spiritual at all.  I don't believe in any sort of woo-woo. Not new age not gurus, not ghosts/haints etc. My experience with black churches has basically destroyed any desire to be a Christian.  I find the teachings of Islam to be repugnant.  I'm not remotely interested in the third Abrahamic Faith.  I find the teachings of the Nation of Islam to be flat out bizarre (and no they are not a branch of Islam like Eric-the-ignoramus will claim, Islam teaches that Muhammad was the final prophet of god where as the NOI teaches that Elijah Muhammad is, and also that white people were created by a mystical black scientist named Yakub in Mecca some six or seven thousand years ago--it is almost in UFO cult territory).

I tend toward a materialistic world view--IE viewing matter as existing independently of human perception and driving humans and human perception rather than the reverse (Idealism).

In short I've seen very little evidence for any of the proposed religions man has come up with, even though I am open to the possibility, or more accurately probability of extra-terrestrial life but even there I'm looking for bacteria and pond scum not Mr. Spock.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(05-12-2019, 05:12 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: So why do black people use the word nigger? 

That said some of the following are common reasons why a black person may use the word nigger

-as a general greeting ("My nigger" and etc)

Any black that does not do these things is a Tom, a Coon, a self-hating Tom/Coon, or perhaps the gravest insult of all a Republican.

So, I'll gift-wrap several themes in this post, try to keep up.  The spirit (or spiritual aspect) of hate speech is that the speech has no other reason to exist except to negatively define and denigrate the target OF the speech.

In a thread wholly ABOUT this ^^ you have then continued to use the word and even now dragged in more offensive, hateful racist words that exist only to demean and assault entire groups of people.



You had a panic attack for not understanding what the "spiritual" was, but I just learned you.  It means the spirit of being human is to not harm each other.  The hateful, racist words you throw around so flippantly, you just care nothing about those around you.  Not how what you say could inflame them, could trigger them, could ANGER them.. but you don't care.

The unspiritual thing is to do whatever the hell you want with no responsibility taken for how what you do and say affects others.  The unspiritual thing is to say "I have rights and I will say anything I want" even though anyone lurking in this board you don't even know is here is feeling the hit. 

I swear before god you just don't care and take no responsibility.  Martin Lucifer Coon?  Why don't we just go on here and pour out all the hate and catalog a whole thread of every word created to stereotype and damage and harm everyone we can think of.  What ELSE is there to do?

But this is a generational cycles forum.

WHAT are you bringing here?  We all keep hearing the moans and sighs from the world about evil social media and how mean it is and how the hate just SPILLS out from people in the comments section, ppl ranting and going on in ways they would never do if physically in the same room with other humans.  But they do it here. 

You still have not shown anything in your rhetoric and empty serum of bile(*) to contribute to anyone's understanding of how a CYCLE works or WHAT IS AN ARCHETYPE or WHY are boomers on a mission to convert us to their revelations and that's why we have the doom of the 4T every 80 years.

You talk about WHY you are here being "self evident" and you must be right on that.  Whatever the hell reason you are here is evident to you, but not to many others. 

(*) I see you as no different than the chieftain of Ghana - seeing the white man coming in ships and plotting HOW you can survive their assault and then you realized you just had to capture and store ppl who look like you and then negotiate their sale.  Then, you are safe, wealthy and you think you not that ugly word because they did business with you.  So, eventually you get to thinking you one of them until there's no one left to sell.  Then yo azz gets put in the hold for the long haul just like everyone else.
(05-12-2019, 09:45 PM)TheNomad Wrote: <snip>

(*) I see you as no different than the chieftain of Ghana - seeing the white man coming in ships and plotting HOW you can survive their assault and then you realized you just had to capture and store ppl who look like you and then negotiate their sale.  Then, you are safe, wealthy and you think you not that ugly word because they did business with you.  So, eventually you get to thinking you one of them until there's no one left to sell.  Then yo azz gets put in the hold for the long haul just like everyone else.

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