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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(08-10-2016, 09:40 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: The Right used to have some intellectual sophistication...  (Snip)

Thanks for the well thought out analysis. I always enjoy your in depth considerations.

That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
When you think it can't get lower, then here it comes: a call to murderous violence against political opponents.

I hate making this comparison, but the late Ugandan tyrant Idi Amurderin' -- I mean Idi Amin -- frequently joked about killing people. He also killed people with serious intent, and in horrible numbers.

Donald Trump makes me wish that I were a German instead of a German-American.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 10:49 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
Quote:Donald Trump said a lot of different things last week so we polled to what share of his supporters bought into each of them:

-69% of Trump voters think that if Hillary Clinton wins the election it will be because it was rigged, to only 16% who think it would be because she got more vote than Trump. More specifically 40% of Trump voters think that ACORN (which hasn't existed in years) will steal the election for Clinton. That shows the long staying power of GOP conspiracy theories.

-48% of Trump voters think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton deserve the blame for Humayun Khan's death to 16% who absolve them and 36% who aren't sure one way or the other (Obama was in the Illinois Legislature when it happened.) Showing the extent to which Trump supporters buy into everything he says, 40% say his comments about the Khans last week were appropriate to only 22% who will grant that they were inappropriate. And 39% of Trump voters say they view the Khan family negatively, to just 11% who have a positive opinion of them.

-Even though Trump ended up admitting it didn't exist 47% of his voters say they saw the video of Iran collecting 400 million dollars from the United States to only 46% who say they didn't see the video. Showing the extent to which the ideas Trump floats and the coverage they get can overshadow the facts, even 25% of Clinton voters claim to have seen the nonexistent video.

-Trump said last week that Hillary Clinton is the devil, and 41% of Trump voters say they think she is indeed the devil to 42% who disagree with that sentiment and 17% who aren't sure one way or the other.

We've been writing for almost a year that there's a cult like aspect to Trump's supporters, where they'll go along with anything he says. Trump made some of his most outlandish claims and statements yet last week, but we continue to find that few in his support base disavow them.
This pollster (PPP) despises Donald Trump.  But this pollster has been around for a while, and it is Donald Trump who has brought something new to American politics. People out of touch with reality in politics who make outrageous claims deserve the ridicule that people like me dish out at them.
One thing that we need in this Crisis Era -- teaching that makes people more media-savvy so that they do not fall for dodgy demagogues.

I have to admit that back during the 90s and around Y2K I was reading anti-Clinton / anti-Hillary books, and subscribed to some of the conspiracy theories of the time. For me personally, I had an epiphany in Y2K and reformed myself. 9/11 sealed the deal. But knowing about the mind set, I can recognize the fact that there are those who have clung to the same mentality for the past 20 or more years. In my book, whatever warts she may have, and whatever goofs she might have had, H.R.C. proved herself beyond a shadow of a doubt as having the right skills and point of view to be not only a highly capable SoS but also PotUS.
Boy, you see something about her leadership skills and her judgement that I just don't see.
(08-10-2016, 09:07 AM)Cynic Hero 86 Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: I have to admit that back during the 90s and around Y2K I was reading anti-Clinton / anti-Hillary books, and subscribed to some of the conspiracy theories of the time. For me personally, I had an epiphany in Y2K and reformed myself. 9/11 sealed the deal. But knowing about the mind set, I can recognize the fact that there are those who have clung to the same mentality for the past 20 or more years. In my book, whatever warts she may have, and whatever goofs she might have had, H.R.C. proved herself beyond a shadow of a doubt as having the right skills and point of view to be not only a highly capable SoS but also PotUS.

But Hillary is the abomination that the right has always said she was. 49 prominent political opponents have died under suspicious circumstances over the course of her career. She wants to destroy our rights, and emasculate america. Her ambitions to do this goes all the back to the 90s when she led the campaign against video games and a bit later when she led the campaign for gun control. Americans want masculine government back. We are tired of being run by globalist bureaucrats. Its obvious that the boombers (whom eric is a prime example) do not want TRUMP to become president.

Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 09:40 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 10:49 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
Quote:Donald Trump said a lot of different things last week so we polled to what share of his supporters bought into each of them:

-69% of Trump voters think that if Hillary Clinton wins the election it will be because it was rigged, to only 16% who think it would be because she got more vote than Trump. More specifically 40% of Trump voters think that ACORN (which hasn't existed in years) will steal the election for Clinton. That shows the long staying power of GOP conspiracy theories.

-48% of Trump voters think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton deserve the blame for Humayun Khan's death to 16% who absolve them and 36% who aren't sure one way or the other (Obama was in the Illinois Legislature when it happened.) Showing the extent to which Trump supporters buy into everything he says, 40% say his comments about the Khans last week were appropriate to only 22% who will grant that they were inappropriate. And 39% of Trump voters say they view the Khan family negatively, to just 11% who have a positive opinion of them.

-Even though Trump ended up admitting it didn't exist 47% of his voters say they saw the video of Iran collecting 400 million dollars from the United States to only 46% who say they didn't see the video. Showing the extent to which the ideas Trump floats and the coverage they get can overshadow the facts, even 25% of Clinton voters claim to have seen the nonexistent video.

-Trump said last week that Hillary Clinton is the devil, and 41% of Trump voters say they think she is indeed the devil to 42% who disagree with that sentiment and 17% who aren't sure one way or the other.

We've been writing for almost a year that there's a cult like aspect to Trump's supporters, where they'll go along with anything he says. Trump made some of his most outlandish claims and statements yet last week, but we continue to find that few in his support base disavow them.

This pollster (PPP) despises Donald Trump.  But this pollster has been around for a while, and it is Donald Trump who has brought something new to American politics. People out of touch with reality in politics who make outrageous claims deserve the ridicule that people like me dish out at them.

One thing that we need in this Crisis Era -- teaching that makes people more media-savvy so that they do not fall for dodgy demagogues.

I have to admit that back during the 90s and around Y2K I was reading anti-Clinton / anti-Hillary books, and subscribed to some of the conspiracy theories of the time. For me personally, I had an epiphany in Y2K and reformed myself. 9/11 sealed the deal. But knowing about the mind set, I can recognize the fact that there are those who have clung to the same mentality for the past 20 or more years. In my book, whatever warts she may have, and whatever goofs she might have had, H.R.C. proved herself beyond a shadow of a doubt as having the right skills and point of view to be not only a highly capable SoS but also PotUS.

The Right used to have some intellectual sophistication, and that held even as it got vicious and reckless. But the intellectual sophistication is gone and the recklessness and viciousness remain.The conspiracy-theory bilge about Bill Clinton got adapted to fit our Marxist, Kenyan, fascist, Islamist, anti-white, reckless, cowardly, militant  President... well, why let truth  expose the intellectual weakness of an argument? After all, what one believes to be true is more important than the truth, right?

Except, of course, that (1) Dubya has shown what a lousy President one could be, and (2) Barack Obama has done mostly right. Analogies to the two Lost Presidents (Truman and Eisenhower, but especially the latter) are relevant. Reactive Presidents are almost always underrated at the time because the Reactive personality is often troublesome.

While the anti-Clinton stuff was Boom-on-Boom invective, the anti-Obama stuff is either Boom-on-X or X-on-X invective. Reactive leaders in the previous Crisis and subsequent High included some of the nastiest characters of history (most Fascist leaders including traitors, leading perpetrators of the Holocaust, Stalin's hatchet-men, and Stalinist stooges). Thus Tojo, Himmler, Quisling, Beria, and Rakosi, In case anyone thinks that it is strictly a national phenomenon, America had David Curtis Stephenson, a charismatic KKK leader whose viciousness was similar to that of Nazis.

The best sort of Reactive is an administrative or entrepreneurial leader (like Dwight Eisenhower in the early 1940s) who leaves the moralizing to older Idealists who appreciates the pragmatic approach that Idealists do badly at, or the mellowed post-Crisis-era figure who  concerns himself largely to securing peace and prosperity while showing respect for tradition and precedent (like Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s). The 60-something Reactive Presidents that America had between FDR and JFK were terribly underrated while in office -- perhaps because they weren't so good at self-promotion as FDR or JFK. Barack Obama acts much like a 60-something Reactive President, and his virtues should be apparent by now. He's cautious, attentive, honest, respectful of precedent... Brilliant? Brilliance is not enough. Goebbels and Quisling were certifiable geniuses, too. But we get him as President during a Crisis Era, and he is definitely not a Boomer. He just doesn't have the self-righteousness. Maybe he just has an unusual role in history after a failed Idealist President in George W. Bush.

It is time for the Right to go back to recognizing the validity of tradition, to rejecting demagoguery, and to promoting entrepreneurial self-reliance. The Right sacrificed limited government for crony capitalism and rationality for fanaticism. But if Republicans fail at that, then they might end up with little relevance in American life. Democrats are already appropriating conservative themes, and it could be that the Republican Party becomes irrelevant and the ne4xt conservative party appears as an offshoot of or even the mainstream of the Democratic Party -- but a party in which racism, misogyny, crony capitalism, scapegoating, and religious bigotry are unwelcome.
The right has a deeply entrenched Democratic bureaucratic machine to over come. Dude, don't you realize that you're doing the work of/for some demagogue. I sure hope progressives aren't as stupid as they come across. I must assume that your high IQ didn't come with senses or ability to self judge or remain self reliant.
(08-10-2016, 03:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 09:07 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: I have to admit that back during the 90s and around Y2K I was reading anti-Clinton / anti-Hillary books, and subscribed to some of the conspiracy theories of the time. For me personally, I had an epiphany in Y2K and reformed myself. 9/11 sealed the deal. But knowing about the mind set, I can recognize the fact that there are those who have clung to the same mentality for the past 20 or more years. In my book, whatever warts she may have, and whatever goofs she might have had, H.R.C. proved herself beyond a shadow of a doubt as having the right skills and point of view to be not only a highly capable SoS but also PotUS.

But Hillary is the abomination that the right has always said she was. 49 prominent political opponents have died under suspicious circumstances over the course of her career. She wants to destroy our rights, and emasculate america. Her ambitions to do this goes all the back to the 90s when she led the campaign against video games and a bit later when she led the campaign for gun control. Americans want masculine government back. We are tired of being run by globalist bureaucrats. Its obvious that the boombers (whom eric is a prime example) do not want TRUMP to become president.

Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the system was rigged in her favor. It's blatantly obvious to me and most voters who support Trump. Insanity is rampant and you and x_4ad_84 are as close to being insane without being diagnosed as insane (out of touch with reality) as a people can get. The  Obama years have taught me that there are a lot of progressive minded flakes in this world. As America becomes more aware of the progressive minded flakes and begins to associate them as being in with the Democrats, America will begin to distance itself from the Democrats.
(08-10-2016, 03:43 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 01:11 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(08-09-2016, 10:49 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
Quote:Donald Trump said a lot of different things last week so we polled to what share of his supporters bought into each of them:

-69% of Trump voters think that if Hillary Clinton wins the election it will be because it was rigged, to only 16% who think it would be because she got more vote than Trump. More specifically 40% of Trump voters think that ACORN (which hasn't existed in years) will steal the election for Clinton. That shows the long staying power of GOP conspiracy theories.

-48% of Trump voters think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton deserve the blame for Humayun Khan's death to 16% who absolve them and 36% who aren't sure one way or the other (Obama was in the Illinois Legislature when it happened.) Showing the extent to which Trump supporters buy into everything he says, 40% say his comments about the Khans last week were appropriate to only 22% who will grant that they were inappropriate. And 39% of Trump voters say they view the Khan family negatively, to just 11% who have a positive opinion of them.

-Even though Trump ended up admitting it didn't exist 47% of his voters say they saw the video of Iran collecting 400 million dollars from the United States to only 46% who say they didn't see the video. Showing the extent to which the ideas Trump floats and the coverage they get can overshadow the facts, even 25% of Clinton voters claim to have seen the nonexistent video.

-Trump said last week that Hillary Clinton is the devil, and 41% of Trump voters say they think she is indeed the devil to 42% who disagree with that sentiment and 17% who aren't sure one way or the other.

We've been writing for almost a year that there's a cult like aspect to Trump's supporters, where they'll go along with anything he says. Trump made some of his most outlandish claims and statements yet last week, but we continue to find that few in his support base disavow them.
This pollster (PPP) despises Donald Trump.  But this pollster has been around for a while, and it is Donald Trump who has brought something new to American politics. People out of touch with reality in politics who make outrageous claims deserve the ridicule that people like me dish out at them.
One thing that we need in this Crisis Era -- teaching that makes people more media-savvy so that they do not fall for dodgy demagogues.

I have to admit that back during the 90s and around Y2K I was reading anti-Clinton / anti-Hillary books, and subscribed to some of the conspiracy theories of the time. For me personally, I had an epiphany in Y2K and reformed myself. 9/11 sealed the deal. But knowing about the mind set, I can recognize the fact that there are those who have clung to the same mentality for the past 20 or more years. In my book, whatever warts she may have, and whatever goofs she might have had, H.R.C. proved herself beyond a shadow of a doubt as having the right skills and point of view to be not only a highly capable SoS but also PotUS.
Boy, you see something about her leadership skills and her judgement that I just don't see.

Much of what the opposition claims about her is bogus. Hillary's main defect is in the mass communication area, and people knock her for not conducting press conferences now, or avoiding issues about her own behavior. But she held hundreds of press conferences as Secretary of State, in which she came out frequently and explained issues calmly and intelligently, as well as working behind the scenes to get some good things done (arms treaty with Russia, climate change agreement with China, cease fire between Israel and Hamas, Iran sanctions, etc.). She was a charismatic advocate for human rights, and that human rights are womens' rights. Noone complained about her lack of communication skills then. She is boring compared to Trump, or Obama, or her husband; but that steady, intelligent presence is what we need.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 04:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 03:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the system was rigged in her favor. It's blatantly obvious to me and most voters who support Trump. Insanity is rampant and you and x_4ad_84 are as close to being insane without being diagnosed as insane (out of touch with reality) as a people can get. The  Obama years have taught me that there are a lot of progressive minded flakes in this world. As America becomes more aware of the progressive minded flakes and begins to associate them as being in with the Democrats, America will begin to distance itself from the Democrats.

So are you going to distance yourself from the Republicans, as you claim to do? Are you going to buy their insanity? Claiming that "if Hillary wins, the system is rigged," is just blatant nonsense put out by an emotionally-immature demagogue who can't face reality. That is obvious, and if you fall for that crap, then that says a lot about you as well, and about other Trump voters who fall for it.

The only time a presidential election was certainly rigged, in the last 140 years, was in 2000 when the Supreme Court ratified the blatant rigging of Katherine Harris and the Republicans in order to put a "shocking and awesome" genocidal murderer in the White House, and possibly in Ohio by Mr. Black in 2004 too to keep him there. THEY are the ones who rig elections. Nowadays conspiracy theory fans use that fact as the background event for the believability of their theories that elections are rigged by Hillary's Democrats.

The only name for the tactic of claiming that if you lose, the system is rigged, is "intimidation." That is certainly a tactic that bullies like Trump use all the time, and voters who prefer bullies (like you and Cynic Hero) are quite pleased with use of the tactic.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 04:23 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 02:46 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: When you think it can't get lower, then here it comes: a call to murderous violence against political opponents.

I hate making this comparison, but the late Ugandan tyrant Idi Amurderin' -- I mean Idi Amin -- frequently joked about killing people. He also killed people with serious intent, and in horrible numbers.

Donald Trump makes me wish that I were a German instead of a German-American.

Once in a while you may hear a talk host or passerby make a statement to the effect of "one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment is to prevent tyranny" which I actually agree with and have no issue with. But in the context it was said, I sure didn't take Trump's statement that way, I took it as a veiled threat. Plus, even beyond that, even though talk hosts and passerby may make statements like the one in my first sentence, that is just not something a PotUS candidate says. I know, how quaint and old fashioned, this concept of decorum. We don't need no stinkin' decorum. We like a real man who tells it like it is ... blah, blah. Angry
You don't need much decorum when you're dealing with progressive shitheads or competing against low down Democrats. Screw decorum, I would have been eaten alive (socially overwhelmed) had I stuck to decorum. We like a real man who knows the game of his adversary and plays the game to win. Mitt Romney should've cut through the liberal child play, set him on edge and drilled Obama. But no, no ,no...we have to be nice to the first cherry picked Black president. Washington DC, Washington politics and the media associated are becoming an ugly joke. There's you're problem dude and your bade Hillary doesn't have the balls or the interest in fixing it.
Why don't YOU run, classic? Trump has prepared the way for you. Seth Myers, John Oliver and Bill Maher will have as much fun with you as they have with the orange-haired menace.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 04:41 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 03:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the system was rigged in her favor. It's blatantly obvious to me and most voters who support Trump. Insanity is rampant and you and x_4ad_84 are as close to being insane without being diagnosed as insane (out of touch with reality) as a people can get. The  Obama years have taught me that there are a lot of progressive minded flakes in this world. As America becomes more aware of the progressive minded flakes and begins to associate them as being in with the Democrats, America will begin to distance itself from the Democrats.

So are you going to distance yourself from the Republicans, as you claim to do? Are you going to buy their insanity? Claiming that "if Hillary wins, the system is rigged," is just blatant nonsense put out by an emotionally-immature demagogue who can't face reality. That is obvious, and if you fall for that crap, then that says a lot about you as well, and about other Trump voters who fall for it.

The only time a presidential election was certainly rigged, in the last 140 years, was in 2000 when the Supreme Court ratified the blatant rigging of Katherine Harris and the Republicans in order to put a "shocking and awesome" genocidal murderer in the White House, and possibly in Ohio by Mr. Black in 2004 too to keep him there. THEY are the ones who rig elections. Nowadays conspiracy theory fans use that fact as the background event for the believability of their theories that elections are rigged by Hillary's Democrats.

The only name for the tactic of claiming that if you lose, the system is rigged, is "intimidation." That is certainly a tactic that bullies like Trump use all the time, and voters who prefer bullies (like you and Cynic Hero) are quite pleased with use of the tactic.
I'm not in with them and never have been in with them. I've been an independent voter my entire adult life. As I recall, you are in with the Green party and some what in with the Democratic party nationally as long as the Democrats are willing to support and advance progressive views and your political interests nationally. In other words, you are using them and they are using you to support/advance stuff that is viewed as being mutually beneficial to both. I keep telling my working class Dem buddies how bad they're being screwed by progressives like you, liberal immigration policies, liberal social policies and the liberal Democrats who are obviously connected to all of them.
(08-10-2016, 05:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:41 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 03:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the system was rigged in her favor. It's blatantly obvious to me and most voters who support Trump. Insanity is rampant and you and x_4ad_84 are as close to being insane without being diagnosed as insane (out of touch with reality) as a people can get. The  Obama years have taught me that there are a lot of progressive minded flakes in this world. As America becomes more aware of the progressive minded flakes and begins to associate them as being in with the Democrats, America will begin to distance itself from the Democrats.

So are you going to distance yourself from the Republicans, as you claim to do? Are you going to buy their insanity? Claiming that "if Hillary wins, the system is rigged," is just blatant nonsense put out by an emotionally-immature demagogue who can't face reality. That is obvious, and if you fall for that crap, then that says a lot about you as well, and about other Trump voters who fall for it.

The only time a presidential election was certainly rigged, in the last 140 years, was in 2000 when the Supreme Court ratified the blatant rigging of Katherine Harris and the Republicans in order to put a "shocking and awesome" genocidal murderer in the White House, and possibly in Ohio by Mr. Black in 2004 too to keep him there. THEY are the ones who rig elections. Nowadays conspiracy theory fans use that fact as the background event for the believability of their theories that elections are rigged by Hillary's Democrats.

The only name for the tactic of claiming that if you lose, the system is rigged, is "intimidation." That is certainly a tactic that bullies like Trump use all the time, and voters who prefer bullies (like you and Cynic Hero) are quite pleased with use of the tactic.
I'm not in with them and never have been in with them. I've been an independent voter my entire life. As ** you are in with the Greens and some what in with the Democrats nationally as long as the Democrats are willing to support and advance your political interests nationally. In other words, you are using them and they are using you to support/advance stuff that is viewed as being mutually beneficial to both parties. I keep telling my working class Dem buddies how bad they're being screwed by progressives like you, liberal immigration policies, liberal social policies and the liberal Democrats who are obviously connected to all of them.

Fine, but that doesn't make you independent. You are in with the anti-progressives who are against progress like liberal immigration and social policies (IOW the Republicans), and you are doing the bullies' bidding in your conversations with your buddies.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 05:14 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why don't YOU run, classic? Trump has prepared the way for you. Seth Myers, John Oliver and Bill Maher will have as much fun with you as they have with the orange-haired menace.
I would love the opportunity to have a serious go at Bill Maher. Bill Maher wouldn't know what to do with me. I would turn that liberal minded twit inside out. First of all, I would remind him that he's a comedian and he's not an expert on anything very important or anything that really matters to fully mature adults. Second, I would verbally push him a bit on his Atheist views and give him a small glimpse as to what someone is like who is actually connected to a higher power. Third, I would remind him that he's a life long bachelor who's never been responsible for the advancement or care of another human life his entire adult male life. No, I'd have him on the defensive from the start. I would make fun of his insecurity as it relates to religious people. I would poke at and make fun of his bigoted views. I would bring up his use of insults and verbally smash him for being a bigot. I would also suggest that making millions must lend to the complete disregard and disdain that he displays for regular folks. I would completely tear him apart and he would never be as popular as he was before meeting me. I could hold my own and do damage to the image of any one of them.
Classic referred to "liberal child play," and I thought somewhere he used the word "float" to describe us liberals (but I can't find it to quote now). So, like Rags does, I have a song to plug in. I passed over this one for the best songs ever thread, because the song it's associated with was pretty far down my top 400 list, and I'm not sure about it. I don't want to disrupt my careful chronological on the other thread either. But I bought the record in 1970 because I liked both the song and the Bay Area town ( Mill Valley ), which is described on Rita Abrams' website as a place where "heads" can live side by side with middle class suburbanites. And the video was directed by none other than Francis Ford Coppola, who was associated with Warner Brothers, the label the song was released on. The first fun song in this Coppola video is "Floating Away" from the Mill Valley album. So here, for both us childish liberals who like to "close our eyes" (like young Justin Bieber, and Miss Abram's Third Grade Class) and go floating away into our dreams, and for Trump and his followers, who likewise seem to be floating away into their own delusional world.

Introduced by my favorite DJ Gene Nelson, who used to review the KYA top 30 every week in the 60s. In the 70s he played 60s oldies at "the world's greatest radio station" KSFO, which later became a home for right-wing talk radio nutcases like Hannity and Limbaugh. I plan to play and sing it for my church group this Sunday, or next. Those bouyant kids (probably 1962 cohorts) certainly seem primed to be daredevil, risk-taking Joneser Gen Xers like Rags as they got older.

In the second song, Rita and the kids "wonder why" folks like Trump and his followers (not by name of course; this was early 70s) insist on ruining the Earth we live on with its wonderful lakes, birds and fish.

And now it seems Rita is looking for another home, due to the problems detailed in the video Rags found.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(08-10-2016, 05:19 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 05:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:41 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 03:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Polls posted here show that Trump voters are willing to agree with his most blatant nonsense. So the mindless rantings by our Cynic Hero are no surprise. Insanity is rampant in America.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the system was rigged in her favor. It's blatantly obvious to me and most voters who support Trump. Insanity is rampant and you and x_4ad_84 are as close to being insane without being diagnosed as insane (out of touch with reality) as a people can get. The  Obama years have taught me that there are a lot of progressive minded flakes in this world. As America becomes more aware of the progressive minded flakes and begins to associate them as being in with the Democrats, America will begin to distance itself from the Democrats.

So are you going to distance yourself from the Republicans, as you claim to do? Are you going to buy their insanity? Claiming that "if Hillary wins, the system is rigged," is just blatant nonsense put out by an emotionally-immature demagogue who can't face reality. That is obvious, and if you fall for that crap, then that says a lot about you as well, and about other Trump voters who fall for it.

The only time a presidential election was certainly rigged, in the last 140 years, was in 2000 when the Supreme Court ratified the blatant rigging of Katherine Harris and the Republicans in order to put a "shocking and awesome" genocidal murderer in the White House, and possibly in Ohio by Mr. Black in 2004 too to keep him there. THEY are the ones who rig elections. Nowadays conspiracy theory fans use that fact as the background event for the believability of their theories that elections are rigged by Hillary's Democrats.

The only name for the tactic of claiming that if you lose, the system is rigged, is "intimidation." That is certainly a tactic that bullies like Trump use all the time, and voters who prefer bullies (like you and Cynic Hero) are quite pleased with use of the tactic.
I'm not in with them and never have been in with them. I've been an independent voter my entire life. As ** you are in with the Greens and some what in with the Democrats nationally as long as the Democrats are willing to support and advance your political interests nationally. In other words, you are using them and they are using you to support/advance stuff that is viewed as being mutually beneficial to both parties. I keep telling my working class Dem buddies how bad they're being screwed by progressives like you, liberal immigration policies, liberal social policies and the liberal Democrats who are obviously connected to all of them.

Fine, but that doesn't make you independent. You are in with the anti-progressives who are against progress like liberal immigration and social policies (IOW the Republicans), and you are doing the bullies' bidding in your conversations with your buddies.
I'm passing on my personal  knowledge and experiences that were gained from many years of paying attention to and participating in progressive politics.
(08-10-2016, 06:01 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 05:14 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why don't YOU run, classic? Trump has prepared the way for you. Seth Myers, John Oliver and Bill Maher will have as much fun with you as they have with the orange-haired menace.
I would love the opportunity to have a serious go at Bill Maher. Bill Maher wouldn't know what to do with me. I would turn that liberal minded twit inside out. First of all, I would remind him that he's a comedian and he's not an expert on anything very important or anything that really matters to fully mature adults.
I think voting matters, and the issues he deals with.

Quote: Second, I would verbally push him a bit on his Atheist views and give him a small glimpse as to what someone is like who is actually connected to a higher power.
How would you demonstrate that? Say a prayer and then give him a powerful karate Chop Chop?

Quote: Third, I would remind him that he's a life long bachelor who's never been responsible for the advancement or care of another human life his entire adult male life. No, I'd have him on the defensive from the start. I would make fun of his insecurity as it relates to religious people. I would poke at and make fun of his bigoted views. I would bring up his use of insults and verbally smash him for being a bigot. I would also suggest that making millions must lend to the complete disregard and disdain that he displays for regular folks. I would completely tear him apart and he would never be as popular as he was before meeting me. I could hold my own and do damage to the image of any one of them.

I doubt it. They'd make as much mince meat of you as they do of Trump, since you have the same illusions and prejudices. You call him a bigot, and he'd smack you on the head with your own black kettle.

I have to give plaudits to Seth Myers over the other two, because he's on broadcast media and can't depend on or resort to obscene words to get some of his laughs.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I think Most Xers and Millies have always known that boomers have been trying to "domesticate" them ever since the earliest Xers were small children. The Clueless and Tone-deaf Boomers responded to the fact that their kids largely rejected the "democratic pacifism" the boomers believed as idiotic nonsense. Most Xers and Millies Just tune out their silent and boomer parents idiotic ramblings, because they saw everyday experience refute these notions before their own eyes.
(08-10-2016, 04:49 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 04:23 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 02:46 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: When you think it can't get lower, then here it comes: a call to murderous violence against political opponents.

I hate making this comparison, but the late Ugandan tyrant Idi Amurderin' -- I mean Idi Amin -- frequently joked about killing people. He also killed people with serious intent, and in horrible numbers.

Donald Trump makes me wish that I were a German instead of a German-American.

Once in a while you may hear a talk host or passerby make a statement to the effect of "one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment is to prevent tyranny" which I actually agree with and have no issue with. But in the context it was said, I sure didn't take Trump's statement that way, I took it as a veiled threat. Plus, even beyond that, even though talk hosts and passerby may make statements like the one in my first sentence, that is just not something a PotUS candidate says. I know, how quaint and old fashioned, this concept of decorum. We don't need no stinkin' decorum. We like a real man who tells it like it is ... blah, blah. Angry
You don't need much decorum when you're dealing with progressive shitheads or competing against low down Democrats. Screw decorum, I would have been eaten alive (socially overwhelmed) had I stuck to decorum. We like a real man who knows the game of his adversary and plays the game to win. Mitt Romney should've cut through the liberal child play, set him on edge and drilled Obama. But no, no ,no...we have to be nice to the first cherry picked Black president. Washington DC, Washington politics and the media associated are becoming an ugly joke. There's you're problem dude and your bade Hillary doesn't have the balls or the interest in fixing it.

Do politics your way -- the Trump way -- and America would degenerate quickly into a political hell-hole in which everyone who runs afoul of the Great and Infallible Leader risks being assassinated. Maybe it's a jab from an umbrella that deposits a pellet of ricin stuck just beneath your skin, for which there is no antidote by some tourist while you are in London (that's how Georgi Markov, a dissident Bulgarian writer, met his end at the behest of the Commie secret police of the time). Ricin is even deadlier than cyanide. Or as you and your recent captor share a toast to your soon-to-arrive freedom you get a dose of thallium (a favorite trick of Saddam Hussein's Mukhabarat) which ensures that you don't get to enjoy freedom for long in Perth or Prague.

Barack Obama won the Presidency despite being black and won re-election decisively, which says much about him. In view of all the derision about him mostly for what he is or what he is alleged to be, I can't see how the Right treated him 'nicely':

[Image: download.htm]

This comes from the fascistic Posse Comitatus site, which has some vile commentary:

African lion or Lyin African. One is in the zoo and the other is the Communist Marxist Obama in the White House. How the public tide of opinion has turned on the Liberal Communist Party and their commie henchmen (including the Jewess Nancy Pelosi) in the White House. And the masses continue to awaken to these political whores in all aspects. The picture below is worth
10,000 words of truth.

[color=#3366ff]Dr. James P. Wickstrom, D. Litt.

President Obama seems to get caught in few lies for a high-profile politician. Enough said. (FYI -- Nancy Pelosi isn't Jewish, as if being Jewish would make one questionable as a person).

Doctor of Letters -- where did "Doctor" Wickstrom get that -- some diploma mill? I could write better than that when I was in junior high school.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(08-10-2016, 06:53 PM)Cynic Hero 86 Wrote: I think Most Xers and Millies have always known that boomers have been trying to "domesticate" them ever since the earliest Xers were small children. The Clueless and Tone-deaf Boomers responded to the fact that their kids largely rejected the "democratic pacifism" the boomers believed as idiotic nonsense. Most Xers and Millies Just tune out their silent and boomer parents idiotic ramblings, because they saw everyday experience refute these notions before their own eyes.

Well, the "Lyin' African" hasn't domesticated you.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
If hillary is a good leader, Eric, Xymox. How come wikileaks has produced copious amounts of documents indicating otherwise. Documents don't lie.

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