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Generational Dynamics World View
** 17-May-2021 World View: The 'Pilgrimage' and the 'Insurrection'

(05-17-2021, 09:33 AM)David Horn Wrote: > I've made the pilgrimage to Fox for the "healing" waters. Sorry,
> but even a rank novice can see through their mist. It's
> impossible to ignore the 6th of January, but Fox managed it
> nonetheless. And the drivel they spread when it's directly offset
> by video of the events they misrepresent should be enough to seal
> the deal. Apparently not.

> January 6th was only the worst of many misrepresentations. If it
> happens once or twice, it may be accidental or just sloppy. If it
> happens constantly, it's intentional and possibly
> slanderous... yet you persist.

What the hell are you talking about? Fox News hasn't ignored the Jan
6 events. They have politicians -- both Republican and Democrat -- on
all the time who refer to it as an "insurrection." And did you know
that Liz Chenez was interviewed several times in the last few days,
and allowed to rant on air endlessly about Trump's danger to
democracy, and that those views were debated on air by Republicans and
Democrats? Of course you don't know any of that, because your
puppetmasters have censored that information, and don't want you to
know. Idiotically, you believe everything your puppetmasters tell

That's why it's almost impossible to talk to you and other leftists.
You have absolutely no idea what's going on. Your ignorance is
cavernous at the Grand Canyon level. One "pilgrimage" doesn't make
you an expert on anything. All you know is what the Democrat
Puppetmasters want you to know.

And this is what makes me angry. Your remarks to me are "vulgar and
offensive," to use Brower's phrase. But like Brower and other
leftists, you don't give a shit about actual facts. You make up
vulgar and offensive crap all the time and pass judgment about things
you know nothing about. Your God is the shithead Adam Schiff who does
this on a daily basis.

Sure, let's take the so-called "insurrection" as an example.

I actually haven't followed the issue that closely, but there are
things that I recall from the coverage I've heard. One is that the
Democrats immediately declared it to be an attempt by Donald Trump to
overthrow the government, even though he would have no motive to do
so. He was actually calling for a peaceful protest, as can be seen by
anyone who reads what he actually said.

In his January 6 speech, Donald Trump gave a lengthy description of
the many examples of massive election fraud, and called for peaceful
protests. You can read it here:

-- Donald Trump Speech “Save America” Rally Transcript January 6
(, 6-Jan-2021)

But none of that matters to you and other Democrats. They declared it
to be an insurrection, and anyone who even questions that is
"slanderous," a word that brings your levels of ignorance and
stupidity to astronomic levels.

So as I said, the "insurrection" has been debated every day on Fox
News by both Republicans and Democrats. The one person who has done
extensive reporting on the "insurrection" is Sean Hannity. As I also
said, I haven't followed the details closely, but here are some things
that I remember hearing, that you would know nothing about because
your censorious puppetmasters don't want you to know:
  • The Democrats declared it an "insurrection" immediately, not
    knowing any facts, and know-nothing puppets like you simply mouthed
    the words you were given.

  • The "insurrectionist" Trump supporters were not carrying a single
    weapon. The only weapons were the guns carried by the capitol

  • No one was harmed or killed by the "insurrectionist" Trump
    supporters. The one person who was killed during the "insurrection"
    was a female Trump supporter who was shot dead by a Capitol policeman.
    The Democrats are refusing to release the name of the shooter. We can
    assume that the shooter was a Trump-hater shooting and killing a Trump
    supporter, which is not something that the Democrats would want anyone
    to know.

  • In fact, there's a lot of information that the Democrats are
    refusing to release, almost certainly because it would implicate the
    Democrats in the "insurrection." Democrats are being as sleazy as
    possible by hiding information.

  • The FBI has been investigating and sometimes jailing without
    charges people who were simply present at Trump's rally, whom the
    identified using facial recognition software. I'm sure you applaud
    that because you hate all Trump supporters, but that's what's been
    going on.

  • We hear endlessly about George Floyd, but there's no talk of
    massive number of black murders by other blacks, on the streets of
    cities run by Democrats, or of prisoners let out onto the streets so
    that they can kill other blacks. We believe that it's Democrat Party
    policy for as many blacks as possible to kill other blacks, since if
    Democrats even cared about blacks killing blacks on their streets,
    they'd do something about it, or at least talk about it.

  • Meanwhile, there's no talk of the real "insurrection" going on, by
    the Democrat Party's fascist antifa-blm militias.

As I said, I haven't followed all the details about the so-called
"insurrection," so if you want to know more about the above, you'll
have to do your own research.

The above is a great deal of information, but I know you don't care
about any of it, so I was only typing it mainly for my own benefit. I
realize you couldn't care less because, like shithead Adam Schiff and
all Democrats, you want to just make one vulgar and offensive
accusation after another and, when the facts prove one of them wrong,
you just move on to the next vulgar and offensive accusation. So
** 17-May-2021 World View: The Insurrection

Brower and Horn:

The following page give links to a number of news stories
about the so-called "insurrection." Check it out or not.
It really doesn't matter to you, does it.

(05-17-2021, 03:34 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 17-May-2021 World View: The Insurrection

Brower and Horn:

The following page give links to a number of news stories
about the so-called "insurrection."  Check it out or not.
It really doesn't matter to you, does it.


... of course violence ensued, both within and outside the Capitol building -- but a typical Fox News edit: ignore everything that disagrees with the "accepted" POV.  I watched too much of this, both in real time and later, and by no means was this a peaceful assembly.  People rarely die during a peaceful activity.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
I saw the ugly incident. Donald Trump appeared, and I had hoped that he would have given a statement like this:

"I know that you feel as cheated as I do, but the results are obvious and nothing can stop them. Joe Biden won, and there is no legal precedent for stopping the count of the votes as prescribed by law. Go in peace, and show your support for the American way of life and work for political campaigns for the politicians who stand for the true American values for which we all stand. My 2024 campaign for the Presidency of the United States begins now.

I expect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be failures because they do not adequately believe in God, free enterprise, and America as we do. Do protect yourselves from the sure failure of their economic, social, and foreign policy".

Nope. Vindictive liar and would-be despot that he is he chose violence.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 18-May-2021 World View: Ashli Babbitt

(05-17-2021, 05:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: > ... of course violence ensued, both within and outside the Capitol
> building -- but a typical Fox News edit: ignore everything that
> disagrees with the "accepted" POV. I watched too much of this,
> both in real time and later, and by no means was this a peaceful
> assembly. People rarely die during a peaceful activity.

Typical. Make up a phony "fact," ant then make up a phony accusation.
It's just so disgusting constantly dealing with this stream of total
crap from you and Brower and other Democrats.

So I didn't say there was no violence, because there was property
damage. And your "typical Fox News edit" phony accusation is really
typical crap from you. You're thinking of state media CNN, which
"edits" every news item to conform to the orders coming from their
bosses, the Biden administration. My experience is that Fox News
covers both sides and is almost always "fair and balanced," a concept
completely foreign to Democrats and state media like CNN.

What I DID say (not that you even care what I actually said) was that
no weapons were found except those of the Capitol police, that no one
was harmed or killed by the "insurrectionist" Trump supporters, and
that only one person was killed during the "insurrection," a female
Trump supporter who was shot dead by a Capitol policeman.

That person was Ashli Babbitt, a female, an unarmed veteran, and a
Trump supporter. She was presumably shot and killed by the Capitol
police for the crime of being a Trump supporter. Fox News and
Republican politicians have been demanding to know who shot and killed
Babbitt, and to get the details of the shooting, but the Democrats
have been adamently stonewalling, presumably because revealing what
happened would show Democrat complicity in the "insurrection."

I know you couldn't care less about Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt
being shot dead. I can just imagine what you're thinking, Horn: "A
Trump supporter? Shoot her dead! Pop! Pop! Shoot all the Trump
supporters! Bang! Bang! Bang! Better yet, kill as many Trump
supporters as possible. Then do what our pals the Chinese Communists
do. Round up the rest of the Trump supporters, enslave them, and use
them to build more mansions for Democrats!"

Nonetheless, if we were talking about a female antifa-blm fascist,
burning down or looting businesses, then shot dead by a policeman,
then you and Brower and other Democrats would be screaming that
policemen must be condemned and defunded. But no one would ever
accuse you or Brower or the Democrats of either consistency or
intellectual honesty.

So what are you going to do now? Oh, I know! Make up some new false
"facts" and some new false accusations. That will be your next
(05-18-2021, 07:30 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 18-May-2021 World View: Ashli Babbitt

(05-17-2021, 05:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: ... of course violence ensued, both within and outside the Capitol building -- but a typical Fox News edit: ignore everything that disagrees with the "accepted" POV.  I watched too much of this, both in real time and later, and by no means was this a peaceful assembly.  People rarely die during a peaceful activity.

Typical.  Make up a phony "fact," ant then make up a phony accusation.  It's just so disgusting constantly dealing with this stream of total crap from you and Brower and other Democrats.

So I didn't say there was no violence, because there was property damage.  And your "typical Fox News edit" phony accusation is really typical crap from you.  You're thinking of state media CNN, which "edits" every news item to conform to the orders coming from their bosses, the Biden administration.  My experience is that Fox News covers both sides and is almost always "fair and balanced," a concept completely foreign to Democrats and state media like CNN.

Here's certainly an edited but more balance overview of the riot:  Find it HERE (if it won't play directly for some unknown reason).


I found a much more dramatic one, but it ran over 2 hours.

Xenakis continues ... Wrote:'What I DID say (not that you even care what I actually said) was that no weapons were found except those of the Capitol police, that no one was harmed or killed by the "insurrectionist" Trump supporters, and that only one person was killed during the "insurrection," a female Trump supporter who was shot dead by a Capitol policeman.

That person was Ashli Babbitt, a female, an unarmed veteran, and a Trump supporter.  She was presumably shot and killed by the Capitol police for the crime of being a Trump supporter.  Fox News and Republican politicians have been demanding to know who shot and killed Babbitt, and to get the details of the shooting, but the Democrats have been adamantly stonewalling, presumably because revealing what happened would show Democrat complicity in the "insurrection."

Can anyone determine that no weapons were present?  No.  Ashli Babbitt was, frankly, naïve.  Who in their right mind can think that they can breach a barricade actively defended by armed and heavily outnumbered officers, when they were defending the governing officers of the land.  That's just nuts!

Xenakis continues ... Wrote:I know you couldn't care less about Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt being shot dead.  I can just imagine what you're thinking, Horn: "A Trump supporter? Shoot her dead! Pop!  Pop!  Shoot all the Trump supporters! Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  Better yet, kill as many Trump supporters as possible.  Then do what our pals the Chinese Communists do.  Round up the rest of the Trump supporters, enslave them, and use them to build more mansions for Democrats!"

Nonetheless, if we were talking about a female antifa-blm fascist, burning down or looting businesses, then shot dead by a policeman, then you and Brower and other Democrats would be screaming that policemen must be condemned and defunded.  But no one would ever accuse you or Brower or the Democrats of either consistency or intellectual honesty.

So what are you going to do now?  Oh, I know!  Make up some new false "facts" and some new false accusations.  That will be your next posting.

Oh please, give me a break. Are you arguing that an attack on the US Capitol by people threatening the Speaker of the House and the VPOTUS are just a bunch of good-old patriots out for a leisurely afternoon in DC?  This has nothing to do with Antifa or BLM, though some of those activities elsewhere will generate jail time too.  No, this was insurrection pure and simple.  Maybe they were incompetent insurrectionists, but the intent and actions are there to see by all.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(05-18-2021, 07:30 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 18-May-2021 World View: Ashli Babbitt

(05-17-2021, 05:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: >   ... of course violence ensued, both within and outside the Capitol
>   building -- but a typical Fox News edit: ignore everything that
>   disagrees with the "accepted" POV.  I watched too much of this,
>   both in real time and later, and by no means was this a peaceful
>   assembly.  People rarely die during a peaceful activity.

Typical.  Make up a phony "fact," ant then make up a phony accusation.
It's just so disgusting constantly dealing with this stream of total
crap from you and Brower and other Democrats.

Some people obviously intended violence. Not the Capitol Police. Not Congress.

I heard Donald Trump's words. Were he not President he would have been busted for incitement to riot. 

Quote:So I didn't say there was no violence, because there was property
damage.  And your "typical Fox News edit" phony accusation is really
typical crap from you.  You're thinking of state media CNN, which
"edits" every news item to conform to the orders coming from their
bosses, the Biden administration.  My experience is that Fox News
covers both sides and is almost always "fair and balanced," a concept
completely foreign to Democrats and state media like CNN.

CNN is owned by Time-Warner. Time-Warner is not a state enterprise. To be sure, CNN is not a great news source except on breaking news. 

Quote:What I DID say (not that you even care what I actually said) was that
no weapons were found except those of the Capitol police, that no one
was harmed or killed by the "insurrectionist" Trump supporters, and
that only one person was killed during the "insurrection," a female
Trump supporter who was shot dead by a Capitol policeman.

Capitol Police did die.

Quote:That person was Ashli Babbitt, a female, an unarmed veteran, and a
Trump supporter.  She was presumably shot and killed by the Capitol
police for the crime of being a Trump supporter.  Fox News and
Republican politicians have been demanding to know who shot and killed
Babbitt, and to get the details of the shooting, but the Democrats
have been adamently stonewalling, presumably because revealing what
happened would show Democrat complicity in the "insurrection."

She was aiding people committing a serious breach of national security. Maybe someone else was the intended target and she got hit instead. 

Quote:I know you couldn't care less about Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt
being shot dead.  I can just imagine what you're thinking, Horn: "A
Trump supporter?  Shoot her dead! Pop!  Pop!  Shoot all the Trump
supporters! Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  Better yet, kill as many Trump
supporters as possible.  Then do what our pals the Chinese Communists
do.  Round up the rest of the Trump supporters, enslave them, and use
them to build more mansions for Democrats!"

She was one of many.  One of those things.

Quote:Nonetheless, if we were talking about a female antifa-blm fascist,
burning down or looting businesses, then shot dead by a policeman,
then you and Brower and other Democrats would be screaming that
policemen must be condemned and defunded.  But no one would ever
accuse you or Brower or the Democrats of either consistency or
intellectual honesty.

Holding weapons or committing assault and battery? You asked for a violent (if defensive) action by the cops. 

Even  by your criteria, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are left-wing challenges to the Establishment. Black Lives Matter is is an amorphous, ad hoc group with no formal organization. Its apparent objective is limited to getting the police to be less trigger-happy with black suspects. It is not for helping people get away with a crime. 

It would be wiser that some police departments change their ways in training and that more funds go to social work than to militarized cops. I have known of police departments that have used innovative means of reaching out to at-risk communities. Police can at times have juvenile delinquents as captive audiences; most adult offenders were juvenile delinquents. Maybe you lead the juvenile delinquent into vocational training and/or to drug rehab or the mental health system. 

It isn't always simple. Crime is not simple. Do not expect rigid consistency from me in discussing law enforcement. Offenders are not a monolith. 

Quote:So what are you going to do now?  Oh, I know!  Make up some new false
"facts" and some new false accusations.  That will be your next

I'll let David Horn speak for himself. He does well.

Defending the Trump Presidency is about as pointless as defending the basic design of the Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, the attention given to icebergs on the deck of the RMS Titanic, or the sexual conduct of Harvey Weinstein. 

Quote:How does any president’s reputation sink so low? The reasons are best understood as the reverse of those that produce presidential greatness. In almost every survey of historians dating back to the 1940s, three presidents have emerged as supreme successes: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt. These were the men who guided the nation through what historians consider its greatest crises: the founding era after the ratification of the Constitution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression and Second World War. Presented with arduous, at times seemingly impossible circumstances, they rallied the nation, governed brilliantly and left the republic more secure than when they entered office.

Calamitous presidents, faced with enormous difficulties — Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Hoover and now Bush — have divided the nation, governed erratically and left the nation worse off. In each case, different factors contributed to the failure: disastrous domestic policies, foreign-policy blunders and military setbacks, executive misconduct, crises of credibility and public trust. Bush, however, is one of the rarities in presidential history: He has not only stumbled badly in every one of these key areas, he has also displayed a weakness common among the greatest presidential failures — an unswerving adherence to a simplistic ideology that abjures deviation from dogma as heresy, thus preventing any pragmatic adjustment to changing realities. Repeatedly, Bush has undone himself, a failing revealed in each major area of presidential performance.

What Sean Wilentz said about Dubya fifteen years ago applies even more harshly to Trump, who is even more corrupt than Harding and more devious than Nixon. But Harding corruption got exposed after he died and was largely undone and prosecuted by a more honorable successor (Calvin Coolidge), and nobody ever died as the result of the Watergate scandal. Trump may not have bungled America into a shooting war, but he got America the scale of mass death of a shooting war in his bungled response to COVID-19. Yes, Lincoln and FDR led America through particularly-deadly wars, bit at least Lincoln and FDR emancipated huge numbers of slaves. There is no heroic consequence from COVID-19, most of whose death toll in America was avoidable. Trump could have gone along with the smart people in medicine and Big Business, the latter generally conservative in their outlook, and told Americans to stay home, wash frequently, and wear masks. Instead he promoted high-risk behavior, which included participation in his campaign rallies. Trump did nothing to thwart aggression by Russia and China... and his anti-Muslim rhetoric may have suggested that the Chinese dictatorship could clamp down harder than they might otherwise have against the Uighurs. 

But let's go one step further. Wilentz said nothing about the personal life of Dubya. Any businessman will engender controversy about his profit-and-loss decisions. So it was with Mitt Romney, and so it was with Dubya. But Trump's business model is close to a gangster model. He is closer to Al Capone than to Warren Buffett. What do you expect from someone with ties to organized crime? He hurts customers, lenders, and suppliers. But let us get to another aspect: he has a way with women that I would not want in a son of mine (if I had children) and I would not want to see in a son-in-law if I had a daughter (likewise). He treats women like bad employers treat staff (Draw and discard!). He has two divorced ex-wives of whom he tired, and a fling with a porn star. At the least, Dubya has been married to the same woman since he was a young man. 

I may be old-fashioned about marital fidelity, but the examples of its lack are mostly hurtful. I know of the abandoned waifs, and perhaps even more damaging, children who begin their delicate lives in comparative privilege that borders on entitlement and find that they are inconveniences when Daddy leaves his 40-year-old wife for someone who resembles the Playboy Magazine Playmate of the Month.  The children still have their materialistic view on what constitutes happiness but get cynical about human relationships. They see life as nothing more than money and what it can buy. 

For good reason the vows usually offered at every marriage ceremony that I have ever attended include the words "until Death do us part". Not "until I find someone richer or more accomplished". Not "until I find someone sexier".  Not "until one of us tires of the other". I have seen spouses who gamed this -- and children got hurt. 

OK, I excuse divorce for infidelity, violence, and overall amorality of the other spouse. 

Do you think of Donald Trump as a good role model for children? Do you see him as a model of a businessman? Do see him as a model of a good husband and father? Do you see him as a competent leader? 

If Donald Trump were from the social background that I am from, then he would probably drop out of college and sell used cars -- with the aid of odometer fraud. If he were from the wrong side of the tracks he would probably be a drug trafficker or pimp.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-18-2021, 11:39 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(05-18-2021, 07:30 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 18-May-2021 World View: Ashli Babbitt

(05-17-2021, 05:00 PM)David Horn Wrote: ... of course violence ensued, both within and outside the Capitol building -- but a typical Fox News edit: ignore everything that disagrees with the "accepted" POV.  I watched too much of this, both in real time and later, and by no means was this a peaceful assembly.  People rarely die during a peaceful activity.

Typical.  Make up a phony "fact," ant then make up a phony accusation.  It's just so disgusting constantly dealing with this stream of total crap from you and Brower and other Democrats.

So I didn't say there was no violence, because there was property damage.  And your "typical Fox News edit" phony accusation is really typical crap from you.  You're thinking of state media CNN, which "edits" every news item to conform to the orders coming from their bosses, the Biden administration.  My experience is that Fox News covers both sides and is almost always "fair and balanced," a concept completely foreign to Democrats and state media like CNN.

Here's certainly an edited but more balance overview of the riot:  Find it HERE (if it won't play directly for some unknown reason).


I found a much more dramatic one, but it ran over 2 hours.

Xenakis continues ... Wrote:'What I DID say (not that you even care what I actually said) was that no weapons were found except those of the Capitol police, that no one was harmed or killed by the "insurrectionist" Trump supporters, and that only one person was killed during the "insurrection," a female Trump supporter who was shot dead by a Capitol policeman.

That person was Ashli Babbitt, a female, an unarmed veteran, and a Trump supporter.  She was presumably shot and killed by the Capitol police for the crime of being a Trump supporter.  Fox News and Republican politicians have been demanding to know who shot and killed Babbitt, and to get the details of the shooting, but the Democrats have been adamantly stonewalling, presumably because revealing what happened would show Democrat complicity in the "insurrection."

Can anyone determine that no weapons were present?  No.  Ashli Babbitt was, frankly, naïve.  Who in their right mind can think that they can breach a barricade actively defended by armed and heavily outnumbered officers, when they were defending the governing officers of the land.  That's just nuts!

Xenakis continues ... Wrote:I know you couldn't care less about Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt being shot dead.  I can just imagine what you're thinking, Horn: "A Trump supporter? Shoot her dead! Pop!  Pop!  Shoot all the Trump supporters! Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  Better yet, kill as many Trump supporters as possible.  Then do what our pals the Chinese Communists do.  Round up the rest of the Trump supporters, enslave them, and use them to build more mansions for Democrats!"

Nonetheless, if we were talking about a female antifa-blm fascist, burning down or looting businesses, then shot dead by a policeman, then you and Brower and other Democrats would be screaming that policemen must be condemned and defunded.  But no one would ever accuse you or Brower or the Democrats of either consistency or intellectual honesty.

So what are you going to do now?  Oh, I know!  Make up some new false "facts" and some new false accusations.  That will be your next posting.

Oh please, give me a break. Are you arguing that an attack on the US Capitol by people threatening the Speaker of the House and the VPOTUS are just a bunch of good-old patriots out for a leisurely afternoon in DC?  This has nothing to do with Antifa or BLM, though some of those activities elsewhere will generate jail time too.  No, this was insurrection pure and simple.  Maybe they were incompetent insurrectionists, but the intent and actions are there to see by all.

Excellent, David!

Political figures of both sides were legitimately scared of an event that better resembled the Bolsheviks storming the Winter Palace than anything else in American history. I am surprised that a right-winger like Mr. X can't catch that analogy. Obviously it is possible that the formality of counting the electoral votes could have been completed in a building suitable for holding Congress and staff (the Pentagon? a sports venue... I forget... where do the Washington Wizards play basketball or the Washington Capitols play hockey? Maybe Lincoln Center...) The count would still be valid.

I see felony crime upon felony crime, including assaults, destructive trespassing, and threats of violence against elected officials. Somebody got the laptop of the Speaker of the House (not shown here) but that is itself a huge breach of national security. I would assume that anything in a legislator's desk or object of carriage could include classified information. People get long prison terms for the theft of classified information. 

Eventually the Joint Chiefs of Staff had to clarify the situation on who was rightly elected.

January 6, 2021 was a dark day in American history... but one that established clearly how we select a President and Vice-President. Angry, organized mobs do not choose our politicians for us. The insurrectionist mob did not succeed in getting a second term for Donald Trump. It did not maim or kill members of Congress. It did not establish a dictatorship with Donald Trump owing that mob a lot -- such as getting to settle scores with their 'enemies'. 

I do not predict how courts of law adjudicate legally-suspect actions. We shall see how that plays out soon enough. I can say this: law and order and the rule of law are both indispensable and venerable traditions that most of us have long associated with conservatism. The mob in the Capitol mocked both.  Mob violence is not conservative; it is not liberal. It could be Communist or fascist., but whatever it is it is antithetical to what I consider American.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 18-May-2021 World View: Palestinians unify in general strike on 'Day of Rage'

[Image: AP_21138392321744.jpg]
  • Anti-Israel demonstration during general strike in
    Ramallah on Tuesday (AP)

On-site reporters for the BBC and al-Jazeera are reporting that the
levels of anger and nationalism opposing Israeli security forces in
the West Bank are much higher than in the 2014 war.

Of special significance is that, for the first time, there is
unity among all the Palestinian groups -- not only the ones living
in Gaza and the West Bank, but also joined by the Arabs living
in Israel.

The Palestinians declared Tuesday to be a "Day of Rage." A
general strike in the West Bank left business districts deserted
in multiple cities.

There were large anti-Israeli demonstration in cities around the
world. Large Palestinian crowds in Lebanon and Jordan tried to cross
the border into the West Bank, and had to be stopped by the security
forces in those two countries.

The war with Gaza has been continuing without pause.
The Palestinians are attacking southern Israel with mortars,
and large cities like Tel Aviv with rockets supplied by Iran.

Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday promised that tonight's
missile strikes by Israel into Gaza will be larger than ever, and
will particularly target new geographical areas.

In Gaza, thousands of people are being forced from their homes by
Israeli airstrikes. The deaths particularly of children are being
heavily criticized by the international press. International pressure
is growing to force Israel to accept a ceasefire on Hamas's terms.
However, Netanyahu will not have to agree to that, as long as
he has the support of Joe Biden.

In the Congress, the Mideast war is causing a serious split
among the Democrats, with leftist Democrats, led by AOC,
demanding that Biden withdraw all support and funding from

---- Sources:

-- In Pictures: In show of unity, Palestinians go on strike
(Al-Jazeera, 18-May-2021)

-- Arabs hold general strike across Israel as Palestinians declare
‘day of rage’
(Reuters, 18-May-2021)

-- India expresses apprehension at spread of violence in West Bank,
(ANI, India, 18-May-2021)

-- Middle East - Truce calls mount as Israel-Palestinian conflict
rages on
(Reuters, 18-May-2021)

-- Rocket from Gaza kills 2; Israel topples 6-story building
(AP, 18-May-2021)

-- Abraham Accords / As Arab world rallies around Palestinians and
bloodshed mounts, Trump-era peace deals fade from view
(Stamford Advocate, 14-May-2021)

-- The 1936 Palestine strike: A history of Palestinian revolt
(Mideast Eye, 18-May-2021)

----- Related articles:

** 16-May-21 World View -- Will there be a third Palestinian Intifada?

** 14-May-21 World View -- Communal violence within Israel threatens much wider war

** 11-May-21 World View -- Violence escalates between Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem and Gaza
** 19-May-2021 World View: Hamas claims ceasefire with Israel by Friday

[Image: F210519ARK65-640x400.jpg]
  • Rockets launched from Gaza on Wednesday

There are reports that Hamas is saying that there will be a ceasefire
between Hamas and Israel by Friday. This would be the result of
intense mediation efforts by Egypt.

Apparently there are two versions of the intended ceasefire.

In one version, the ceasefire applies only to the rocket/missile
exchanges between Gaza and Israel, but does not apply to the clashes
in the West Bank between Jews and Arabs.

In the other version, the ceasefire applies to all fighting, but Hamas
requies that Israel must end all incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in
Jerusalem, and must not evict Palestinians from their homes.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden spoke to Israel's prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and demanded that be on the "path to a ceasefire today."

Nonetheless, it's far from clear that Netanyahu will go along with
either version of the ceasefire or, if the ceasefire occurs, that it
will last more than a few days.

I note particularly note that the Israeli court hearing to evict the
threatened evictions of Palestinians from their homes, based on a
pre-1948 document, is to occur in June.

------ Sources:

-- Senior Hamas official: Ceasefire can be reached within ‘one or two
(Times Of Israel, 19-May-2021)

-- Middle East -- Hamas official predicts ceasefire soon but Israel-Gaza
fight goes on
(Reuters, 19-May-2021)

----- Related articles:

** 16-May-21 World View -- Will there be a third Palestinian Intifada?

** 14-May-21 World View -- Communal violence within Israel threatens much wider war

** 11-May-21 World View -- Violence escalates between Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem and Gaza
(05-19-2021, 10:47 PM)ohn J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 19-May-2021 World View: Hamas claims ceasefire with Israel by Friday

There are reports that Hamas is saying that there will be a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel by Friday.  This would be the result of intense mediation efforts by Egypt.

Apparently there are two versions of the intended ceasefire. In one version, the ceasefire applies only to the rocket/missile exchanges between Gaza and Israel, but does not apply to the clashes in the West Bank between Jews and Arabs. In the other version, the ceasefire applies to all fighting, but Hamas requires that Israel must end all incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and must not evict Palestinians from their homes.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden spoke to Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanded that be on the "path to a ceasefire today." Nonetheless, it's far from clear that Netanyahu will go along with either version of the ceasefire or, if the ceasefire occurs, that it will last more than a few days.

I note particularly note that the Israeli court hearing to evict the threatened evictions of Palestinians from their homes, based on a pre-1948 document, is to occur in June.

Netanyahu is making a huge gamble that pro-Israeli sentiment in the US is so strong that he can do pretty much anything he wishes. In this Hamas is his greatest ally, since both require the same at-the-throat standoff that the two have practiced for decades. This time, Netanyahu may be taking a risk to save his skin in the short term that will bite hard in the longer term. Pro-Israeli sentiment is waning most among young American Jews. That's a prescription of nothing good for Israel.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(05-20-2021, 10:25 AM)David Horn Wrote: Netanyahu is making a huge gamble that pro-Israeli sentiment in the US is so strong that he can do pretty much anything he wishes.

Which, apparently, was agreeing to the Egyptian brokered ceasefire.
(05-20-2021, 11:30 PM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(05-20-2021, 10:25 AM)David Horn Wrote: Netanyahu is making a huge gamble that pro-Israeli sentiment in the US is so strong that he can do pretty much anything he wishes.

Which, apparently, was agreeing to the Egyptian brokered ceasefire.

He got what he wanted, and so did Hamas. He gets to rule for yet another day, avoiding jail in the process, and so do the Hamas leaders.  It's a vicious cycle.  The one thing potentially making it unstable is the Millennial generation, which, as a whole, is disgusted by the carnage.  When they achieve power, standby.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
So how does being "disgusted by the carnage" mean that they oppose the cease fire?
(05-21-2021, 11:56 AM)Warren Dew Wrote: So how does being "disgusted by the carnage" mean that they oppose the cease fire?

No, they (Millennials) favor that, but they are rapidly moving away from unmitigated support of the Israeli state. They find no good-guys on either side, except for the innocent people themselves.  Assume this blossoms as some new method of engagement, but what is beyond me.  The Israeli RW is hard to like, and they aren't buying into the Jewish identity argument anymore.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(05-22-2021, 08:22 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(05-21-2021, 11:56 AM)Warren Dew Wrote: So how does being "disgusted by the carnage" mean that they oppose the cease fire?

No, they (Millennials) favor that, but they are rapidly moving away from unmitigated support of the Israeli state. They find no good-guys on either side, except for the innocent people themselves.  Assume this blossoms as some new method of engagement, but what is beyond me.  The Israeli RW is hard to like, and they aren't buying into the Jewish identity argument anymore.

That is the only viable solution. Just as Jews are not exempt from criticism when they go bad (Judaism never defended rogue Jews such as gangsters and swindlers), neither is the Israeli state. 

The Gaza Strip is not going away, and neither are the Palestinians.

I see one possible point of an Arab-Israeli peace settlement: that the number of Jews who emigrated from the Arab world to Israel is about the same number of people as the Arabs who fled Palestine as the Zionists took over. Two wrongs do not make right, but by now people of Palestinian origin in the Arab world might as well have the choice of citizenship in lands in which they now live. If they can get this in the United States, then why not.... (name the Islamic country)?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

*** 26-May-21 World View -- The aftermath of the Israel - Gaza war

This morning's key headlines from
  • The Gaza-Israel war by the numbers
  • What did the Gaza Palestinians accomplish? International attention
  • What did the Israelis accomplish? Mowing the lawn
  • The Biden Administration plans
  • The future of the Mideast

**** The Gaza-Israel war by the numbers

[Image: g210525b.jpg]
Over $300,000 in gold shaped as nails and hidden in wooden pallets. Hamas tried to smuggle the gold into the West Bank to fund terror activity. (Jerusalem Post)

The worst possible outcome of the recent war -- that it would
spiral into a full-scale regional war -- did not happen.

The best possible outcome of the recent war -- that it would settle
the Israel-Palestinian dispute once and for all -- did not happen and
could not possibly happen.

The 11 day conflict ended with a ceasefire on Friday, May 21, at 2
am. Nobody believes that there won't be another war soon.

Hamas fired 4,300 rockets from Gaza into Israel during the conflict,
killing two children and six adults in Israel.

Israel fired thousands of missiles into Gaza during the conflict,
killing 66 children and 248 adults.

Gaza was devastated by the war. More than 100,000 people lost
their homes. Water and sewer systems were destroyed, so there's
no water or sanitation. There is little electricity, and many
hospitals were destroyed.

**** What did the Gaza Palestinians accomplish? International attention

If you listen to Palestinians interviewed on tv, then you hear them
say that the deaths and destruction in Gaza were worth it because
those deaths have generated international outrage at Israel. There
have been international anti-Israel riots and demonstrations in cities
around the world. There have been calls for boycotts of Israeli

In a way, this is a longing for a return to the 2000s decade, when the
Palestinian issue was front page news around the world almost every
day. Starting around ten years ago, Palestinian spokesmen began
complaining that they had been completely forgotten by the
international community because of other international issues, such as
the wars in Ukraine and Syria. One of the motivations for starting
the 2014 summer war with Israel is thought by some to be an attempt to
get back on the front pages. And now, the Palestinians themselves
seem to be saying the same thing.

Some Arab writers are saying the same thing in different ways.

German-Egyptian Intellectual Dr. Hamed Abdel-Samad said the
following in an interview:

<QUOTE>"Hamas has turned the Palestinians into beggars.
Where did all the money go? I would like Fatah and Hamas to
explain to the Palestinians where all this money went? [Imagine]
what could have been done with it.

Why wasn't it invested in good education, instead of making
children TV shows that teach them martyrdom and suicide? Why do
all the leaders of Fatah have villas, palaces, and a lot of money?
They stole from their people and did not invest in their freedom,
in their educations, and in their self confidence. They left their
people only with the choice between martyrdom or begging for
money."<END QUOTE>

Saudi journalists are even more harshly critical of the actions of the
Gaza Palestinians, directly connecting the actions of Hamas to the
agenda of the Iranians, who are supplying Hamas with the rockets that
they've been launching at Israel.

As the war began, Saudi journalist Muhammad Aal Al-Sheikh tweeted:

<QUOTE>"I suspect that the move of those Palestinian factions
that are agents of the Persians was carried out on orders from
Iran, so as to exert pressure in [Iran's] favor in the Vienna
[nuclear] talks. The implications [of the escalation] will likely
be devastating for the helpless citizens of Gaza."<END QUOTE>

Another Saudi journalist, Sa'ud Al-Fawzan said that the war
could have been avoided entirely, but it's something that that the
leaders of Palestine and Israel wanted:

<QUOTE>"I will never show tolerance for the killing of
children in [either] Tel Aviv or Gaza. Those responsible for their
death are both [Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu and
[Hamas leader in Gaza Isma'il] Haniya. Were it not for Netanyahu
and Haniya, the Palestinians and the Israelis would have lived
together just as our forefathers coexisted peacefully with the
Jews for many centuries."<END QUOTE>

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, this interpretation
is comforting, but delusional. There is enormous mutual hostility,
xenophobia and hatred between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and
do Netanyahu and Haniya were doing what the people they were governing
wanted them to do.

And this is further proved, by the way, by the communal violence
between Palestinians and Israelis that broke out and is still ongoing.

**** What did the Israelis accomplish? Mowing the lawn

First, not all Israelis are happy with the ceasefire. The cities of
Ashkelon and Sderot, in southern Israel, have been hit particularly
hard to by Gaza rockets over the years, and have suffered numerous

According to Sderot's mayor Alon Davidi:

<QUOTE>"This proves that despite the full support and
perseverance and heroism that the residents of the south have
shown for the past 20 years, it appears that Prime Minister
[Benjamin] Netanyahu and the Israeli government are not interested
in defeating Hamas and prefer temporary quiet for residents of
central Israel at the expense of residents of the Gaza periphery
and the south, who will continue to suffer from
terrorism."<END QUOTE>

Of course it's totally delusional that completely defeating Hamas is
even possible, but this is a widely held desire by many Israelis,
especially in the south.

When Israeli officials are interviewed about what they accomplished,
they describe the war much more succintly and in military terms.

They say that Israel had to defend itself from the incoming rockets,
and that they had to retaliate with massive missile strikes to destroy
Hamas's military infrastructure, including military offices, weapons
stores, and a huge labyrinth of underground tunnels. The objective is
to prevent a new war from occurring for as long a time as possible.

Israeli military commanders do not have any expectation of defeating
Hamas permanently. They use the metaphor "mowing the lawn" to capture
the idea that after destroying Hamas's arsenal and tunnels, they will
be restored again by Iran -- the grass will grow back and have to be
mowed again.

**** The Biden Administration plans

It was Egypt that negotiated the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
President Joe Biden says that ceasefire was possible because of his
intense behind the scenes mediation.

One of the accomplishments claimed by the Palestinians, along with the
rise in worldwide outrage at Israel, is that the far left in America's
Democrat Party, led by AOC, is demanding that Biden withdraw his
support from Israel. In particular, Biden is being pressured from the
left to cancel a $735 million weapons deal, most of which would be
used to resupply the defensive missiles in the Iron Dome anti-missile
system that protected much of Israel from the thousands of Gaza

Not resupplying the Iron Dome would have disastrous consequences for
Israel, and would permit thousands of Gaza rockets to reach their
intended destinations, killing civilians in their homes.

AOC in the past has said that she is thrilled by how Biden has taken
one far left socialist position after another, but now for the first
time, Biden is being forced to take a position opposed to AOC. On
Friday, Biden says that the Democrat party "still supports Israel,"
and said:

<QUOTE>"There is no shift in my commitment to the security of
Israel. Period. No shift. The shift is we still need a two-state
solution. It is the only answer."<END QUOTE>

I've been ridiculing the "two-state solution" through the presidencies
of Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden. The first major Generational
Dynamics analysis that I posted was Mideast Roadmap - Will it bring peace? (1-May-2003), in which I explained
why there would not be peace between the Israelis and Palestinians,
because they would be re-fighting the bloody 1948 war that followed
the partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel.
Trump's two-state solution plan was announced just a little over a
year ago. ( "29-Jan-20 World View -- Trump announces fantasy 'Peace to Prosperity' Mideast peace plan"

Since 2006, there have been five wars involving Israel and
Palestinians: the war between Israelis and Hezbollah, fought largely
on Lebanon's soil in 2006; the war between Palestinian factions Hamas
and Fatah in Gaza in 2008, that led to Hamas control of Gaza;
Operation Cast Lead, the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza early in
2009; the two wars between Israel and Hamas in Gaza in November, 2012
and July-August 2014.

These wars follow a typical, predictable pattern of a series of
clashes separated by periods of peace, with each clash more violent
than the preceding one. As the old saying goes, "Peace is that brief,
glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading."
This pattern cannot go on forever, and eventually will lead to a
full-scale generational crisis war.

So now Biden is adopting the same delusional two-state solution plan
as Bush, Obama and Trump. The main features of Biden's plan are like
every other policy announced by Biden -- just do the opposite of Trump

Trump's strategy, which included isolating Iran, was to strongly
support Israel and cut funding for Palestinian militias, to prevent
another war. Biden's strategy, which includes negotiations with Iran
to restore the JCPOA nuclear deal, is to "rebuild ties" with the
Palestinians. Biden will reopen the the consulate with the
Palestinians in Jerusalem -- Trump had closed it and made it part of
the new embassy in Jerusalem. Biden will ask Congress for $75 million
for economic assistance for the Palestinans, and also $5.5 million for
emergency aid for Gaza. Biden will also restore $32 million in new
aid for UNRWA, for the exponentially growing number of Palestinian

The money being provided is intended for use in rebuilding Gaza's
buildings and infrastructure after being devastated by war. The
objection, of course, is that those millions of dollars will be used
by Hamas to purchase new stocks of weapons from Iran in preparation
for the next war with Israel, instead of to rebuild Gaza.

Along with this monetary largess comes another part of the plan that
seems totally delusional. Biden's plan is to route the money though
the West Bank Palestinian Authority, and let Fatah, Hamas's enemy,
take charge of using Biden's money to rebuild Gaza. Yeah, that will
work fine.

As for the Democrat Party, there's a poisonous anti-Semitism growing,
which is resulting in violent attacks on Jews in this country. Black
Lives Matter is promoting the same hate-filled anti-Semitism.
Democrat leaders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have said nothing
about the growing violence against Jews.

**** The future of the Mideast

Regular readers will be familiar with the following paragraph, since
I've written something like it dozens of times:

Generational Dynamics predicts that there is an approaching Clash of
Civilizations world war, pitting the "axis" of China, Pakistan and the
Sunni Muslim countries against the "allies," the US, India, Russia and
Iran. Part of it will be a major new war between Jews and Arabs,
re-fighting the bloody the war of 1948-49 that followed the
partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel.
The war between Jews and Arabs will be part of a major regional war,
pitting Sunnis versus Shias, Jews versus Arabs, and various ethnic
groups against each other.

The latest Gaza war is actually different from previous Gaza wars in
some significant ways.

First, Hamas had more rockets and more powerful rockets than in the
past, supplied by Iran. Hamas points with pride to the fact that its
rockets can now reach apartment buildings in Tel Aviv for the first

Second, Israel's missile strikes on Gaza were much more powerful than
in the past. The destruction of apartment blocks and infrastructure
was much more extensive than in 2014.

Third, the communal violence between Arabs and Israelis in the West
Bank and within Israel itself was much greater and more violent than
in the past. In particular, for the first time, Arabs living as
citizens in Israel took the fight to their Israeli neighbors. This is
extremely ominous, and the communal violence is still ongoing.

No politician, except the most delusional, believes that the recent
Gaza war was the last one. In a sense, the continuing communal
violence suggests that the recent Gaza war hasn't really ended yet.
But we can expect a new Gaza war in the not too distant future, and at
some point it will escalate into a full regional Mideast war.


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Israel, Gaza, West Bank, Palestine,
Hamas, Fatah, Yassir Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu,
Iran, Hamed Abdel-Samad, Muhammad Aal Al-Sheikh, Sa'ud Al-Fawzan,
Ashkelon, Sderot, Tel Aviv, Alon Davidi, Egypt,
Iron Dome, two-state solution

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The warrior ethos holds losses of innocent lives constitute moral victories even if they have no connection to any tactical or strategic value. After a Crisis war, such deaths are at best inconvenient and at worst odious. Life becomes more precious after a Crisis Era, a hallmark of a 1T.

Are Israel and Palestinian Arab entities headed to a 1T? Sure. Within the next few months? How many?

I once heard an Israeli say that Palestinians will have peace when they love their children more than they hate Jews and Israel. Hate is extremely powerful, and it is the (schlock) stock in trade of many political figures. It is obvious that Gaza must gain economic viability.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

*** 1-Jun-21 World View -- Coronavirus coverup unravels in US as China threatens Australia

This morning's key headlines from
  • China's 'Wolf Warrior' strategy moves towards world war
  • Australia's long hostile relationship with China
  • Australia retaliates by cancelling BRI projects
  • Evidence grows that Wuhan coronavirus came from Wuhan Virology Lab
  • Weaponizing biotech and 'gain of function' research
  • China becomes increasingly unstable and desperate
  • Sidebar: Attacks on Asian-Pacific people in the United States

**** China's 'Wolf Warrior' strategy moves towards world war

[Image: g210531b.jpg]
China views Australia as being a puppet, with America as the puppetmaster (Global Times)

This is an article about two subjects -- threats by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) to bomb Australia and the unraveling of the
CCP's Wuhan coronavirus coverup. As different as these issues are,
they have a common core: the intense increase in the last year of
China's xenophobia, paranoia, nationalism and belligerence. This has
been predicted by Generational Dynamics for years, as the prelude to
world war. By now, the level of hostility between China and the West
is as bad as the hostility between Japan and the US in 1941, in the
months prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

This is being described as a sharp rise in "Wolf Warrior" strategy,
named after a 2015 Chinese-produced military action film that demands
a belligerent response to anyone disrespecting China.

Here's how left-leaning Foreign Policy magazine puts it:

<QUOTE>"Sometime in 2020, China came unmoored from its grand
strategy. Until then, Beijing’s diplomatic, military, and economic
efforts were all directed toward national security. ... The
consistency of purpose underpinning China’s behavior was hard to

Of late, however, China has lost that purposefulness -- one of the
hallmarks of grand strategy. The predominant feature of Chinese
conduct today is not grand strategy but a belligerent, defensive
nationalism that lashes out without heed of consequences. Just why
that breakdown has occurred is uncertain, but it is clear that the
change has put both China and the world in jeopardy. China risks
undoing all it has gained -- at considerable cost -- since the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power. And the rest of the
world, particularly the United States, finds itself confronted not
with the hard task of managing a rising, reasonably predictable
power but the infinitely harder job of managing a flailing
one."<END QUOTE>

Analysts analyzing the situation say that the rise in this kind of
xenophobic nationalism actually began in 2008 with the global
financial crisis. I would agree with that because 2008 was 59 years
after the end of China's civil war in 1949, and so was the time that
China entered its generational Crisis era (Fourth Turning), just as
2003 was the time when America entered its generational Crisis era, 58
years after the end of World War II. There's a parallel between
Washington and Beijing in that sensible policies in this era have been
replaced by total lunacy in both capitals. Unfortunately, that's how
world wars start.

Last year I gave as an example of the insanity of CCP policy is that
it was threatening war over 21 different border disputes with
neighboring countries. This would be like America threatening border
disputes with Canada, Russia, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic and
Cuba. The CCP no longer has any coherent strategy, and is striking
out in all directions. (See "5-Jul-20 World View -- Gleeful China wins big Hong Kong victory at UN Human Rights Council -- India's list of China's border disagreements"

**** Australia's long hostile relationship with China

Australia has a long history of antipathy towards Chinese in Australia
since European settlement, starting with race riots amid the gold rush
of the 1850s and '60s. With hundreds of Chinese prospectors injured
and evicted from mining sites, the unrest prompted immigration rules
that led to the infamous "White Australia" policy, which existed in
various forms from 1901 until 1973.

Although these racist policies were repealed decades ago, there has
never been a comfortable relationship. In May 2018, an Australian MP
accused politicians of Chinese ancestry of being spies for the CCP,
and the parliament passed sweeping influence laws targeting secret
attempts by foreign spies to influence Australia's politicians, media,
ethnic groups and civil society organizations. ( "29-Jun-18 World View -- Australia passes foreign influence laws, targeting China"

In April of last year, Australia's relationship with China
deteriorated significantly after prime minister Scott Morrison called
for an international inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus
pandemic. The Chinese were furious, assuming that it was an attack on
the CCP (which, in fact, it was). Morrison further infuriated the
Chinese for commenting on human rights abuses in Xinjian and Hong
Kong, and for criticizing China's repeated threats to invade Taiwan.

At this point, China was deep into its "wolf warrior" phase. China
blocked or slowed exports from Australia of numerous products,
including wine, barley, beef, timber and coal.

[Image: g210531c.jpg]
CCP tweet with fake picture of Australian soldier holding a knife to the neck of an Afghan baby, saying, 'Don't be afraid, we are coming to bring you peace'. The baby and the knife are blurred in the above picture. (SMH)

Australia was infuriated in December when China's foreign ministry
tweeted a fake picture of an Australian soldier holding a knife to the
neck of an Afghan baby, saying, "Don't be afraid, we are coming to
bring you peace." In his strongest criticism of China, Morrison said:

<QUOTE>"The Chinese government should be totally ashamed of
this post. It diminishes them in the world's eyes. It is an
absolutely outrageous and disgusting slur. Australia is seeking an
apology from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and we are seeking it
be removed from Twitter."<END QUOTE>

Needless to say, China did not apologize, and Twitter did not remove it.
However, Morrison's statement was significant because it was strong
comment Morrison had ever made about the CCP since taking office.

**** Australia retaliates by cancelling BRI projects

Four months later, in April of this year, Australia struck back at
China by canceling Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) agreements that China
had contracted with Victoria, a province in southeast Australia. The
reason given was that the projects were not compatible with
Australia's security, and made Victoria too dependent on China.
Agreements with Iran and Syria were also scrapped at the same time.

These were small projects, so this should not have been a big deal,
and it would not have been in any other era. But China responded with
rage and threats, calling the cancellation "unreasonable and
provocative," and vowing revenge.

China's state media Global Times accused Australia to be a puppet of
the United States, and wrote the following, referring to Australia's
capital city Canberra:

<QUOTE>"Canberra must have known or even anticipated that its
action would draw such a furious response and potentially
crippling countermeasures from Beijing. However, it still decided
to move ahead with the action. Clearly, Canberra is increasingly
unhinged and in way over its head by taking such a suicidal attack
on not just China but also its own economic interests.

Since the cancellation of the BRI deals, speculation has been rife
that Canberra may soon suffer from the wrath of its largest
trading partner. Given the viciousness and seriousness of the
move, we won't be surprised if China takes forceful
countermeasures to inflict serious pain on Australia. With China's
comprehensive strength, there are numerous ways for China to
achieve that."<END QUOTE>

The reason for China's hysterical response is that the cancellation
of this small project is a loss of faith for the CCP and Xi Jinping

As I've written in the past, has a totally delusional geopolitical
strategy based on BRI. Guided by China's leadership, countries
throughout Africa, Asia and the Mideast will put aside their
disagreements. Old hatreds will be mended by necessity, to attract
capital for investments. These include countries like Iran, Saudi
Arabia, India, and Pakistan. China will create a "global colossal,"
of dozens of countries in a massive multi-country partnership, bound
together by China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China foresees
connecting the world through trade and peace, but foresees only one
obstacle: that America will try to block it, leading to war.

China has used bribery, corruption, and threats to coerce countries in
Asia, Africa and Europe agree to build BRI projects in those
countries. However, China is receiving increasing resistance to these
projects because of "debt trap diplomacy," which gives China almost
effective control over each national government. This is actually
what Australia feared, in canceling Victoria's BRI project.

A firm cancellation of Australia's Victoria BRI project would be
the first such cancellation and would be a major crack in the
entire delusional geopolitical plan, since it would provide cover
for other countries to similary cancel or refuse BRI projects.

So China's hysteria over the cancelation, with threats of revenge,
is intended to force Australia to reverse its decision, just
as the boycotts of barley, coal and other products was intended
to force Australia to back down from its demands in the
area of human rights and particularly its demand for an international
investigation of the source of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

At the beginning of May, the editor in chief of the Global Times
posted the following editorial:

<QUOTE>"Given that Australian hawks keep hyping or hinting
that Australia will assist the US military and participate in war
once a military conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Straits, and the
Australian media outlets have been actively promoting the
sentiment, I suggest China make a plan to impose retaliatory
punishment against Australia once it militarily interferes in the
cross-Straits situation. The plan should include long-range
strikes on the military facilities and relevant key facilities on
Australian soil if it really sends its troops to China's offshore
areas and combats against the PLA. In addition to making the plan,
China should also reveal this plan through non-official channels
to deter the extreme forces of Australia and prevent them from
taking the risk and committing irresponsible

China loves peace and will not take the initiative to pick a fight
with faraway Australia, but Australian hawks must be
clear-minded. If they are bold enough to coordinate with the US to
militarily interfere in the Taiwan question and send troops to the
Taiwan Straits to wage war with the PLA, they must know what
disasters they would cause to their country. China has a strong
production capability, including producing additional long-range
missiles with conventional warheads that target military
objectives in Australia when the situation becomes highly
tense."<END QUOTE>

This is a remarkable statement, for several reasons:
  • It assumes that China will soon be invading Taiwan. This is
    undoubtedly true, since China's foreign ministry threatens Taiwan
    frequently, and China's military conducts threatening exercises around

  • It assumes that America will defend Taiwan. Some people doubt
    this, but I have no doubt that it's true. At any rate, the Chinese
    Communists believe it to be true.

  • It assumes that Australia will join America in defending Taiwan.
    Given Australia's nationalism and anti-Chinese xenophobia, as well
    as its support for Taiwan, I believe this to be true. However,
    the purpose of the Global Times editorial is to threaten the
    Australians into not defending Taiwan.

  • It demands that China's military prepare to attack Australia with
    long-range missiles with conventional warheads.

This editorial well illustrates the belligerent mood in Beijing, and
its "wolf warrior" attitude that China must never be disrespected.

**** Evidence grows that Wuhan coronavirus came from Wuhan Virology Lab

Now let's turn to the second subject area, the Wuhan coronavirus.

Last week, president Joe Biden ordered intelligence officials to
investigate the origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus, including the theory
that it came from the Wuhan Virology Lab in China, either accidentally
or intentionally, and that the virus was the result of "gain of
function" research to create a bioweapon for the military. The
investigation will also look at China's actions in covering up the
spread of the virus, protecting China by blocking internal travel, and
then purposely spreading the virus to 180 other countries by
encouraging air travel between Wuhan and those countries.

This order has caused a seismic shock in Beijing, as well as in
Washington's mainstream media.

Simply calling for an investigation isn't exactly an act of war, but
we've seen how Australia's call for an investigation in March of last
year led to hysterical calls for revenge and retribution, including
boycotts of Australian goods, escalating up to the present time when
Chinese media is talking about bombing Australian soil.

The CCP is far more reluctant to threaten the US militarily than to
threaten Australia. Nonetheless, they must be considering possible
forms of revenge in the next few weeks.

For now, the CCP response is limited to the usual hysterical
lying and deceptions. Here's the statement from China's foreign
ministry spokesman:

<QUOTE>"However, some in the US, turning a blind eye to
facts, science, the questionable study of origins and botched
response at home, kept clamoring for additional investigation in
China. This shows that they don't care about facts or truth and
have zero interest in a serious science-based study of
origins. Their one aim is to use the pandemic to pursue
stigmatization and political manipulation to shift the blame. They
are being disrespectful to science, irresponsible to people's
lives, and counter-productive to concerted global efforts to fight
the virus. With 33 million confirmed cases and 600,000 deaths from
COVID-19, both the highest in the world, the US, instead of
examining its own behavior, attempted to scapegoat China. What are
they up to? Can they sleep at night with a troubled conscience?

What secrets are hidden in the suspicion-shrouded Fort Detrick and
the over 200 US bio-labs all over the world? In July 2019, there
were reports on the unexplained outbreaks of respiratory disease
in northern Virginia and on the subsequent EVALI outbreaks in
Wisconsin. What's hidden there? When will the US release detailed
data and information on relevant cases? It owes an explanation to
the world."<END QUOTE>

There are many biolabs in many countries around the world, including
one at Fort Detrick biodefense center, where an infectious disease
research program was shut down in 2019 over problems with disposal of
dangerous materials. However, there was no threat to public health,
no injuries to employees, and no attempt to protect the United States
while purposely infecting 180 countries around the world, so its
in no way comparable to the Wuhan Virology Lab.

The seismic shock to Washington's mainstream media is that this is the
biggest story of the century, and yet the mainstream media adamantly
refused to investigate and report on it, but has cooperated with the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to label it as "fake news" or a
"conspiracy theory" that was dreamed up by president Donald Trump
for political reasons.

Left wing media pundits have been falling all over themselves trying
to explain why Donald Trump was right and they were all wrong about
the biggest story of the century. Joy Behar of the TV show The View,
who is a total idiot, said:

<QUOTE>"Trump was blaming the Chinese from the beginning. He
was using them as scapegoats. If it happens to be true it was from
Wuhan, then that was just a lucky break on his part because he
took a guess, in my opinion."<END QUOTE>

This was echoed by other mainstream media pundits, explaining
that the reason that they missed the story of the century was that
they didn't want to admit that Trump was right.

However, I believe that the real reason is obvious and far more
sinister. The mainstream media and many politicians are totally
compromised by the Chinese. News organizations that report news that
"disrespects" China can be expelled from China, and even have their
reporters jailed. Sports figures have been forced to make humiliating
public apologies, kowtowing to China, for merely uttering the word
"Uighur" or the phrase "the nation of Taiwan." California
representative Eric Swalwell was totally compromised by an affair with
a hot Chinese spy, and Joe Biden and his son Hunter are totally
compromised by their financial deals with China. But that's just the
tip of the iceberg. The CCP have given grants, provided money,
provided girls, and provided workers to every university, every
public, private and governmental organization, to infiltrate them.
This has been a nationwide scandal in Australia and New Zealand.

That China operates this way has been well-documented in many
countries, with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) being the primary
bribery and extortion vehicle in Asia, Africa and Europe. This is
China's playbook, and it gives them the leverage to use extortion
against any reporter, sports figure or politician that might otherwise
"disrespect" China or disagree with Chinese Communist policies.

So that's the reason why the mainstream media have been refusing to
investigate and report the greatest story so far this century. They
would rather find a way to blame Trump, even though it makes them look
like idiots, rather than admit to being extorted, which they were.

Biden was clearly reluctant to order any investigation for the same
reasons, and in fact in January he closed an investigation in the
State Dept. that had been opened by Trump and Mike Pompeo. So what

It's just that circumstantial evidence has been growing and growing
more powerful over time. This has included whistleblowers and
scientists who had worked in the Wuhan Virology Lab.

There were several triggering events during the month of May:
  • On May 14, an article in Science Magazine, signed by dozen of
    scientists, said that "consideration of evidence supporting a
    laboratory accident was insufficient," and said that "A proper
    investigation should be transparent, objective, data-driven, inclusive
    of broad expertise, subject to independent oversight, and responsibly
    managed to minimize the impact of conflicts of interest."

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden's chief medical adviser, has
    always maintained he believes the virus was passed from animals to
    humans, but flip-flopped this month. Fauci was also accused of lying
    to Congress over "gain-of-function" research, as described below.

  • On May 5, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists published an article
    analyzing the work of Shi Zheng-li, known as "Bat Lady," who had lead
    research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to employ gain-of-function
    research to make bat viruses transmissable to humans.

  • On May 23, there were new reports that three researchers from
    China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November
    2019 that they sought hospital care, suggesting the virus began
    spreading as early as October 2019. The Chinese deny the report, but
    the Chinese Communists lie about everything, so nobody believes them
    anyway. The Chinese Communists are too stupid to understand the
    lesson from Aesop's Fables that if you're a liar, then no one believes
    you even when you might be telling the truth."

  • On Tuesday of last week, the Chinese Communists that they would no
    longer cooperate with any further WHO additional

Biden had previously called for the previous WHO investigation to be
completed, as had been promised, but after the CCP announcement on
Tuesday that they wouldn't cooperate, Biden was compelled politically
to agree to an investigation.

**** Weaponizing biotech and 'gain of function' research

In August 2019, shortly before the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus,
Defense One magazine published a detailed analysis of decades of
China's plans for creating biological weapons for use by the military.
So it's possible, though unproven, that Covid-19 was developed by the
Chinese military as a bioweapon.

If you take a virus and turn it into a bioweapon, the type of research
is named "gain-of-function." The enhanced virus may be more lethal,
may spread more easily, or may target only certain kinds of entities.
For example, in 2000 Dutch researchers genetically engineered the
spike protein of a mouse coronavirus so that it would attack only
cats, but not rodents.

The nightmare scenario for the world is that Chinese scientists might
similarly engineer a virus that attacks all humans, excluding all
those with Chinese DNA.

Not surprisingly, gain-of-function research has become highly
controversial. As described by the recent article in Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides
grants funding projects at the Wuhan Virology Lab. When questioned
about these grants in congressional committees, Dr. Anthony Fauci
denied vehemently that these grants ever funded gain-of-research
funding at the Wuhan Lab.

However, publicly available documents show that the grants went to a
prime contractor, Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance of
New York, and that Daszak subcontracted to Bat Lady, Shi Zheng-li, the
gain-of-function researcher at Wuhan Virology Lab that we previously
described. Fauci insisted that there was no gain-of-function research
because the grant agreement specified that there would be no
gain-of-funding research. Under questioning, Fauci admitted that
there was no way to tell if the Chinese were lying.

The Chinese Communists are supported by many useful idiots in the
United States, but apparently Fauci is the stupidest useful idiot of
them all.

**** China becomes increasingly unstable and desperate

I've described China's Communist government as being desperate and
unstable in the past, and that's been true, but it's been getting much
worse. It's a worsening trend that the CCP is desperately striking
out in all directions, with a delusional geopolitical plan, 21 border
disputes, deteriorating BRI strategy, and facing people in hundreds of
countries that are pissed off that China protected themselves while
purposely inflicting the Wuhan Coronavirus on them, though are afraid
to take any action because of China's bribery and extortion playbook.

Americans can't grasp how China's government is becoming increasingly
unstable because the US Constitutional government is possibly the most
stable in world history, and we can't imagine it any other way. Every
serious decision we take is subject to checks and balances by three
branches of government, and is usually first debated in various
committees, agencies, and the courts.

Contrast that with China, where Xi Jinping has made himself a dictator
for life, which means that he could make a serious decision and there
would be no one there to stop him. That's what happened with Mao
Zedong's disastrous Great Leap Forward in 1958, which resulted in tens
of millions of unnecessary deaths, and destroyed China's economy for
decades, so much that it still hasn't recovered. Nothing like that
could ever happen in America.

Why did the Imperial Japanese choose November 7, 1941, to bomb Pearl
Harbor? They chose that date because they thought that the were
running out of time and they panicked. The US had placed an embargo
on the trade of all militarily useful items with Japan, and faced with
serious shortages, they believed that they had to move quickly, or
they would lose the opportunity.

We know that the Chinese are going to attack Taiwan. We know that
because they've said so repeatedly, and they've been open about making
military preparations for an attack. And now we've learned that their
preparations are reaching the stage of possibly bombing Australia,
because they believe that Australia's military would join with
America's military in defending Taiwan.

China's "Wolf Warrior" strategy of xenophobia, nationalism and
belligerance has been growing. I've tried to show a trend, how there
have been a series of such incidents, and how each incident has been
worse than the last one. Over the last 20 years, I've studied
thousands of wars, and this is how wars start.

The Chinese military or Xi Jinping may decide, for rational or
irrational reasons, that they've run out of time and that they have to
move quickly, or they would lose the opportunity. No one, not even
the Chinese themselves, can predict when they will panic and take that
step. All we can do is watch as the Chinese Communist government
becomes increasingly unstable and desperate.

**** Sidebar: Attacks on Asian-Pacific people in the United States

This is a separate subject, but this is a good place to include it.

The mainstream media have been pointing to an increase in hate
crimes on Asian Americans as proof that Republicans are white
supremacists, and that they've been stirred up by president Trump's
frequent reference to the "China Virus."

It takes a reporter from the NY Times or CNN to say something as
totally idiotic as that. These attacks have been going on since the
1800s, and incidentally they've been even worse in Australia. So they
long predate Trump.

However I came across a report, posted in January by the National
Institutes of Health, which used data from the Department of Justice
to "examine the nature and characteristics of hate crimes against
Asian Americans." The report compared hate crimes against Asian
Americans, African Americans, and Hispanics.

The most important finding of the report is that perpetrators of hate
crimes against Asians are most likely to be blacks, for economic
reasons. This is something that's been known anecdotally for a long
time, but the NIH report confirms it. It's also clear that the
writers of the NIH report don't want you to easily find this result,
probably for fear that if they expose the truth, they'll get fired or

You have to go far into the report to find the results (search for
"Table 3" or "Findings of this study, however, also provide support to
the minority-specific model"), but the findings are clear:
  • Hate crimes against Asians are overwhelmingly done by blacks.

    "Hate crimes against Asian Americans are more likely than hate crimes
    against either African Americans or Hispanics to be committed by
    non-White offenders."

  • Blacks may be motivated by their resentment of the success of

    "This finding may be attributed to animosity toward the “model
    minority” from other minority groups. As aforementioned, the “model
    minority” stereotype assuming Asian Americans’ success in economics,
    education, and other opportunities generates potential competition or
    threats by members of other racial groups, which in turn may lead to
    resentment to be further acted upon through hate crimes."

  • Blacks may be motivated by fears that they'll lose their special
    privileges and financial welfare and other benefits because Asians
    will get the same benefits during downturns.

    "Offenders of other minorities of color targeting Asian Americans
    might fit the category of “reactionists." ... Instead of acting
    impulsively, the “reactionists” are motivated by protecting their
    resources from competitors.... This finding might also lend indirect
    support to the perspective of racial competition motivating hate
    crimes, which argues that when members of a racial group perceive that
    their access and privileges to material resources are threatened by
    other racial groups during economic downturns, racial conflict and
    hate crimes may occur."

The article by conservative Michelle Malkin referenced below provides
multiple examples of hate crimes against Asians by blacks, probably
all Democrats.

Reading through the news stories of the Atlanta shooting in March of
Asians, you can almost see the frustration of the writers that they
can't find an angle to blame Republicans. By this time it's almost
certain that the Atlanta shooter was a Democrat, probably a supporter
of Black Lives Matter.

A personal note: All the signs are there that the Atlanta shooter was
obsessed with Asian women and went berserk. I find this quite
believable, since I've known two guys in the past who were obsessed
with Asian women -- to date them not to kill them. There's something
about Asian women that causes some men (not me) to obsess about them.

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019, Paperback: 331 pages, with over 200 source references,


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, China, Wolf Warrior, Australia, Victoria,
Japan, Pearl Harbor, Belt and Road Initiative, BRI,
Xi Jinping, Taiwan, New Zealand,
Wuhan coronavirus, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Aesop's Fables,
Fort Detrick , Eric Swalwell, Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci,
World Health Organization, WHO, Bat Lady, Shi Zheng-li,
Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance of New York,
Mao Zedong, Great Leap Forward, Asian hate attacks,
Michelle Malkin

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My guess is that a panicked Chinese government would try to seize Taiwan.

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