(11-09-2016, 07:50 PM)Danilynn Wrote: This election, because of the Supreme Court issue, was THE SINGLE most important election of the last decade.
I don't want the second amendment gutted, without it the other 9 are in serious jeopardy from the loons I have seen rioting over this election. Guess what snowflake, half of America felt just like you all apparently feel (in 2008 &2012) without babbling and bawling in youtube videos or rioting because we didn't win. We dealt with it, bitched when applicable and did everything possible to put someone who felt like we did that the book "1984" was meant as a warning not an instructional manual.
Kinser and I, both warned and told all ya'll a year ago. a full blinking year ago, that President Elect Donald J. Trump was gonna do just what he did last night. You can only shove so much illogical crap down our throats here in "rural bitter clinger deplorable" flyover country so long before we get fed up with the lunacy and fight back. And fight back hard.
Guess what, Gen X is grown up and before 2024 we WILL TAKE the majority regardless of party affiliation in the house and senate. And we are a catalyst for change. We are ruthless and if we can't fix, we will watch it burn to re-build it.
Time to get onboard the Trump Train and lend a hand to making our country run right and not on acid fumes from Woodstock or sit back and watch us obliterate it. Cause either way, gen x is pissed, and we will fix it.
In a year, maybe it will take two, I'm not sure if its going to more funny or sad, when you pathetic wake up to being had by the Orange Anus Clown. Will it be a decline in jobs and wages when you were promised 4 million new jobs? Will it be when your health insurance premium growth goes back to double digit increase EVERY year? Or, will it be when you watch a family or friend die from a "pre-condition" because they couldn't afford medication without insurance? Or maybe it will be when you find out your own junk insurance isn't worth anything for your own illness or accident? Maybe it will be realizing that your tax break gets you an extra 6-pac every other month while Trump's family and financial buddies rip off billions, and the resulting deficits give the Rightees the power to gut YOUR Social Security and Medicare, and you realize you will have to work until you drop dead.
But maybe you'll get lucky, and stay as blissfully ignorant as you are today, still letting Faux News do your 'thinking' for you. Because being able to clutch your guns isn't going to do a damn thing for the world of hurt that's getting ready to come down the road to rip your economic well-being its very own orange anus. On the other hand, if your brain does start some independent functioning, and you begin to grasp how much you've been "Trump trained," at least you have one way to put yourself out of misery.
Let's talk in a year or two. You own this.