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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 10:12 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 06:28 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: ... Me, I have a right to defend myself and other people as well and a right to purchase an elite weapon that is capable of doing that task.  Now, Eric should be able to understand that real America isn't going to allow itself to be over run by a bunch of foreigners. A small portion of Blue America maybe, but not the rest of the nation. The rest of the country ain't that stupid.

Your "elite weapon" is just that: a weapon.  It's not intended as a defensive arm.  It's strictly offensive.  The round fired by an AR-15, or any of the many lookalikes, travels fast and spins slowly.  What it strikes is shattered, and the slow spin makes the unstable round into a tumbling death-dealer, tearing bone and tissue in ways that are difficult, if not impossible, to repair.  Injuries tend to be permanent.  Death is highly likely, even for hits in non-critical areas of the body.

No, you should NEVER have a right to one of these!
Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

How many tanks and dynamite grenades do you plan to stockpile? Maybe an atom bomb or two?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 10:12 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 06:28 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: ... Me, I have a right to defend myself and other people as well and a right to purchase an elite weapon that is capable of doing that task.  Now, Eric should be able to understand that real America isn't going to allow itself to be over run by a bunch of foreigners. A small portion of Blue America maybe, but not the rest of the nation. The rest of the country ain't that stupid.

Your "elite weapon" is just that: a weapon.  It's not intended as a defensive arm.  It's strictly offensive.  The round fired by an AR-15, or any of the many lookalikes, travels fast and spins slowly.  What it strikes is shattered, and the slow spin makes the unstable round into a tumbling death-dealer, tearing bone and tissue in ways that are difficult, if not impossible, to repair.  Injuries tend to be permanent.  Death is highly likely, even for hits in non-critical areas of the body.

No, you should NEVER have a right to one of these!
Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

I remember seeing diagrams of illegal firearms. The one I most remember was a gun made to look like something else -- let us say a walking stick or a camera. Another, I recall was a gun rigged to fire from within something that hides it, such as a lunch pail or a shoe. Those are your basic "James Bond" or "Get Smart" weapons, the sorts that can be written into a film script or TV show. (OK, the fictional Maxwell Smart has a phone, and not a gun, in his shoe, but a KAOS agent might).

The umbrella that a Bulgarian secret agent used for injecting ricin into a dissident that the Commie regime wanted 'removed with extreme prejudice' would seem to fit into that category, even if, strictly speaking, it is not a firearm.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(04-29-2019, 10:58 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 07:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 03:17 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: There is some justification for orderly entrance of immigrants so that the nation is not "over run" or overwhelmed. 

But is there really such a thing as a "foreigner" in a nation of Immigrants? Tribes from Asia came here over 10,000 years ago. Spanish and Mexicans were the first whites to come to America, settling New Mexico in the 16th century. Some of them were also combos racially with the tribes that were here before Columbus. White Spanish Europeans also settled Florida, and then the British came in 1607 and the French soon after. Largely British immigrants settled the East Coast, and came further west mostly in the 19th century. The Spanish and then the Mexicans colonized California at the same time that American independence was being declared. Until 1848 the entire southwestern United States was part of Mexico. Blacks from Africa were imported by the slave traders from the 17th century until 1865. 

Even by 1804 Lewis and Clark explored what is now the NW USA where no whites had ever been, except for a few fur traders like John Jacob Astor. Some Irish and Germans followed the British to America, and more came after the famines and revolutions of 1846-48. Many Germans settled in the northern Mid-west, a land not unlike their own. Eastern Europeans came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were built, including Russian Jews after the 1880s pograms. Chinese came to the West to farm, mine, do business, and help build the railroads. Japanese followed, and were sent to prison camps in world war II. More Jews came to NY and CA after the Holocaust. Mexicans came to work the fields in the 20th century, and more settled in the southwest in recent years, including undocumenteds. At various times, political parties have opposed immigration and erected anti-immigrant laws directed at particular ethnic groups.

You claim Red America is not so stupid as to allow immigration, and yet the nation has asylum laws that were passed long before the nation was divided into red and blue increasingly since 1968. We are required by law to accept immigrants who can show they are oppressed in the land from which they came. Now there is a crisis which the Republican Party itself has largely created, through its support of fossil fuel-driven climate change, and with the help of some bad decisions by Democrats as well. Drought has caused civil war in the Middle East (especially Syria), causing more Muslim immigration. Now a new emergency has been caused by drought and oppression in Central America, and asylum seekers are flooding the border.

I hope of course that the "elite" semi-automatic weapons will be outlawed during the progressive era soon to come. We'll see. It needs to be done, though I am not unmindful of the potential violent reaction by red-state gun nuts. But assuming a consensus has been reached to outlaw these weapons, a progressive blue-run administration will be able to crush this rebellion without too much trouble. The right-wing supreme court may be able to stop such gun laws, however. Originally, the rulings of the Scalia Court did not imply that such laws could not be passed.

The word immigrant no longer applies to most American citizens these days. Yes, there was a time when most Americans where immigrants like a hundred and fifty years ago on my fathers side and well over two hundred years ago on my mothers side. I dunno, I hope we don't see the day when Mexican Americans naturally divide or split between those who still primarily identify as Mexicans and those who primarily identify as Americans. I think things are going to get ugly if the current negative crap that's going on with the liberals these days continues. I'd say the reason we're seeing so many asylum seekers coming in mass is because the global blues understand that the good old days of taking advantage of America is on the verge of coming to an end. I like what Trump threatened to do about the illegal immigrant issue. Hell, I suggested doing something similar myself a while ago. Of coarse, he's not suggesting to remove your border security personnel and eliminate your boarder walls like me. He's just suggesting the idea of busing them in mass and releasing them in blue areas like yours for the blues to deal with right now. Like I've said, Trump is willing to give the bluer American folks a chance to prove themselves to the rest of America at this point. I've already told you that I'm not going to be there to save you or defend you when things start getting rough in blue areas.

Immigrants 100 or 150 years ago, and immigrants today. No difference. We are a nation of immigrants. Our history, our heritage, our essence, is one of immigrants coming to this land. Republicans shot down reforms that would have smoothed out the system, preferring fear and prejudice. Now they are reaping the consequences. The more Trump threatens to "end" the "good old days of taking advantage of America," the more they come, because we fail to help those people to rid themselves of their banana republic system and continue through our support for climate change to ruin their lands.

You have your own challenge in Minnesota, because you have not yet managed to turn your state red. It's probably going back to its long-time blue heritage now, which has brought it such benefits.

Interestingly, I was reading about the global warming episode 56 million years ago called The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) a fascinating episode in Earth history when to adapt many mammals including our ancestors moved north to colder regions. Today's Republican-caused global warming is heating up the planet 10 times faster, and probably farther than the PETM (which started from a much warmer base climate), and now too humans are adapting by fleeing the tropical drought-stricken areas and moving north. You Classic Xer cannot stop the whirlwind of global migration, which your Reaganomics policies have caused because they stopped the needed regulations to encourage and bring about the transition to an economy that emits less greenhouse gases.
Immigrants applied to those who arrived 150 years ago, and US citizens applied to all the American generations who were born after them.
Mexican-Americans are assimilating -- but they are in large enough numbers and have been assimilating Anglos into their culture.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

Weapons of war are not just any weapon.  They are designed to kill or permanently disable opposing forces -- military forces.  Some punk down at the beer hall or even a guy trying a home invasion can be stopped will much less savagery, with the rest handled by law enforcement.

FWIW, you shouldn't have a streetsweeper shotgun either -- unless you are controlling a mass riot or storming an urban center.

[Image: 1271706741.jpg]
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(05-01-2019, 10:27 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 10:58 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 07:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 03:17 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: There is some justification for orderly entrance of immigrants so that the nation is not "over run" or overwhelmed. 

But is there really such a thing as a "foreigner" in a nation of Immigrants? Tribes from Asia came here over 10,000 years ago. Spanish and Mexicans were the first whites to come to America, settling New Mexico in the 16th century. Some of them were also combos racially with the tribes that were here before Columbus. White Spanish Europeans also settled Florida, and then the British came in 1607 and the French soon after. Largely British immigrants settled the East Coast, and came further west mostly in the 19th century. The Spanish and then the Mexicans colonized California at the same time that American independence was being declared. Until 1848 the entire southwestern United States was part of Mexico. Blacks from Africa were imported by the slave traders from the 17th century until 1865. 

Even by 1804 Lewis and Clark explored what is now the NW USA where no whites had ever been, except for a few fur traders like John Jacob Astor. Some Irish and Germans followed the British to America, and more came after the famines and revolutions of 1846-48. Many Germans settled in the northern Mid-west, a land not unlike their own. Eastern Europeans came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were built, including Russian Jews after the 1880s pograms. Chinese came to the West to farm, mine, do business, and help build the railroads. Japanese followed, and were sent to prison camps in world war II. More Jews came to NY and CA after the Holocaust. Mexicans came to work the fields in the 20th century, and more settled in the southwest in recent years, including undocumenteds. At various times, political parties have opposed immigration and erected anti-immigrant laws directed at particular ethnic groups.

You claim Red America is not so stupid as to allow immigration, and yet the nation has asylum laws that were passed long before the nation was divided into red and blue increasingly since 1968. We are required by law to accept immigrants who can show they are oppressed in the land from which they came. Now there is a crisis which the Republican Party itself has largely created, through its support of fossil fuel-driven climate change, and with the help of some bad decisions by Democrats as well. Drought has caused civil war in the Middle East (especially Syria), causing more Muslim immigration. Now a new emergency has been caused by drought and oppression in Central America, and asylum seekers are flooding the border.

I hope of course that the "elite" semi-automatic weapons will be outlawed during the progressive era soon to come. We'll see. It needs to be done, though I am not unmindful of the potential violent reaction by red-state gun nuts. But assuming a consensus has been reached to outlaw these weapons, a progressive blue-run administration will be able to crush this rebellion without too much trouble. The right-wing supreme court may be able to stop such gun laws, however. Originally, the rulings of the Scalia Court did not imply that such laws could not be passed.

The word immigrant no longer applies to most American citizens these days. Yes, there was a time when most Americans where immigrants like a hundred and fifty years ago on my fathers side and well over two hundred years ago on my mothers side. I dunno, I hope we don't see the day when Mexican Americans naturally divide or split between those who still primarily identify as Mexicans and those who primarily identify as Americans. I think things are going to get ugly if the current negative crap that's going on with the liberals these days continues. I'd say the reason we're seeing so many asylum seekers coming in mass is because the global blues understand that the good old days of taking advantage of America is on the verge of coming to an end. I like what Trump threatened to do about the illegal immigrant issue. Hell, I suggested doing something similar myself a while ago. Of coarse, he's not suggesting to remove your border security personnel and eliminate your boarder walls like me. He's just suggesting the idea of busing them in mass and releasing them in blue areas like yours for the blues to deal with right now. Like I've said, Trump is willing to give the bluer American folks a chance to prove themselves to the rest of America at this point. I've already told you that I'm not going to be there to save you or defend you when things start getting rough in blue areas.

Immigrants 100 or 150 years ago, and immigrants today. No difference. We are a nation of immigrants. Our history, our heritage, our essence, is one of immigrants coming to this land. Republicans shot down reforms that would have smoothed out the system, preferring fear and prejudice. Now they are reaping the consequences. The more Trump threatens to "end" the "good old days of taking advantage of America," the more they come, because we fail to help those people to rid themselves of their banana republic system and continue through our support for climate change to ruin their lands.

You have your own challenge in Minnesota, because you have not yet managed to turn your state red. It's probably going back to its long-time blue heritage now, which has brought it such benefits.

Interestingly, I was reading about the global warming episode 56 million years ago called The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) a fascinating episode in Earth history when to adapt many mammals including our ancestors moved north to colder regions. Today's Republican-caused global warming is heating up the planet 10 times faster, and probably farther than the PETM (which started from a much warmer base climate), and now too humans are adapting by fleeing the tropical drought-stricken areas and moving north. You Classic Xer cannot stop the whirlwind of global migration, which your Reaganomics policies have caused because they stopped the needed regulations to encourage and bring about the transition to an economy that emits less greenhouse gases.
Immigrants applied to those who arrived 150 years ago, and US citizens applied to all the American generations who were born after them.

Arbitrary definition. Americans are all immigrants. Ultimately, everyone not of African descent and living in Africa is an immigrant. Similarly, immigrants arriving today will be the parents of US citizens in the future. Same deal. The idea of first come first grab is no idea that gives you any moral authority over more-recent immigrants. Human beings move around on this planet, and have for at least 50,000 years.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-03-2019, 12:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(05-01-2019, 10:27 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 10:58 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 07:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 03:17 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: There is some justification for orderly entrance of immigrants so that the nation is not "over run" or overwhelmed. 

But is there really such a thing as a "foreigner" in a nation of Immigrants? Tribes from Asia came here over 10,000 years ago. Spanish and Mexicans were the first whites to come to America, settling New Mexico in the 16th century. Some of them were also combos racially with the tribes that were here before Columbus. White Spanish Europeans also settled Florida, and then the British came in 1607 and the French soon after. Largely British immigrants settled the East Coast, and came further west mostly in the 19th century. The Spanish and then the Mexicans colonized California at the same time that American independence was being declared. Until 1848 the entire southwestern United States was part of Mexico. Blacks from Africa were imported by the slave traders from the 17th century until 1865. 

Even by 1804 Lewis and Clark explored what is now the NW USA where no whites had ever been, except for a few fur traders like John Jacob Astor. Some Irish and Germans followed the British to America, and more came after the famines and revolutions of 1846-48. Many Germans settled in the northern Mid-west, a land not unlike their own. Eastern Europeans came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were built, including Russian Jews after the 1880s pograms. Chinese came to the West to farm, mine, do business, and help build the railroads. Japanese followed, and were sent to prison camps in world war II. More Jews came to NY and CA after the Holocaust. Mexicans came to work the fields in the 20th century, and more settled in the southwest in recent years, including undocumenteds. At various times, political parties have opposed immigration and erected anti-immigrant laws directed at particular ethnic groups.

You claim Red America is not so stupid as to allow immigration, and yet the nation has asylum laws that were passed long before the nation was divided into red and blue increasingly since 1968. We are required by law to accept immigrants who can show they are oppressed in the land from which they came. Now there is a crisis which the Republican Party itself has largely created, through its support of fossil fuel-driven climate change, and with the help of some bad decisions by Democrats as well. Drought has caused civil war in the Middle East (especially Syria), causing more Muslim immigration. Now a new emergency has been caused by drought and oppression in Central America, and asylum seekers are flooding the border.

I hope of course that the "elite" semi-automatic weapons will be outlawed during the progressive era soon to come. We'll see. It needs to be done, though I am not unmindful of the potential violent reaction by red-state gun nuts. But assuming a consensus has been reached to outlaw these weapons, a progressive blue-run administration will be able to crush this rebellion without too much trouble. The right-wing supreme court may be able to stop such gun laws, however. Originally, the rulings of the Scalia Court did not imply that such laws could not be passed.

The word immigrant no longer applies to most American citizens these days. Yes, there was a time when most Americans where immigrants like a hundred and fifty years ago on my fathers side and well over two hundred years ago on my mothers side. I dunno, I hope we don't see the day when Mexican Americans naturally divide or split between those who still primarily identify as Mexicans and those who primarily identify as Americans. I think things are going to get ugly if the current negative crap that's going on with the liberals these days continues. I'd say the reason we're seeing so many asylum seekers coming in mass is because the global blues understand that the good old days of taking advantage of America is on the verge of coming to an end. I like what Trump threatened to do about the illegal immigrant issue. Hell, I suggested doing something similar myself a while ago. Of coarse, he's not suggesting to remove your border security personnel and eliminate your boarder walls like me. He's just suggesting the idea of busing them in mass and releasing them in blue areas like yours for the blues to deal with right now. Like I've said, Trump is willing to give the bluer American folks a chance to prove themselves to the rest of America at this point. I've already told you that I'm not going to be there to save you or defend you when things start getting rough in blue areas.

Immigrants 100 or 150 years ago, and immigrants today. No difference. We are a nation of immigrants. Our history, our heritage, our essence, is one of immigrants coming to this land. Republicans shot down reforms that would have smoothed out the system, preferring fear and prejudice. Now they are reaping the consequences. The more Trump threatens to "end" the "good old days of taking advantage of America," the more they come, because we fail to help those people to rid themselves of their banana republic system and continue through our support for climate change to ruin their lands.

You have your own challenge in Minnesota, because you have not yet managed to turn your state red. It's probably going back to its long-time blue heritage now, which has brought it such benefits.

Interestingly, I was reading about the global warming episode 56 million years ago called The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) a fascinating episode in Earth history when to adapt many mammals including our ancestors moved north to colder regions. Today's Republican-caused global warming is heating up the planet 10 times faster, and probably farther than the PETM (which started from a much warmer base climate), and now too humans are adapting by fleeing the tropical drought-stricken areas and moving north. You Classic Xer cannot stop the whirlwind of global migration, which your Reaganomics policies have caused because they stopped the needed regulations to encourage and bring about the transition to an economy that emits less greenhouse gases.
Immigrants applied to those who arrived 150 years ago, and US citizens applied to all the American generations who were born after them.

Arbitrary definition. Americans are all immigrants. Ultimately, everyone not of African descent and living in Africa is an immigrant. Similarly, immigrants arriving today will be the parents of US citizens in the future. Same deal. The idea of first come first grab is no idea that gives you any moral authority over more-recent immigrants. Human beings move around on this planet, and have for at least 50,000 years.
Well, I don't care if you still identify with being an immigrant and still view yourself as being one today. However, I'm pretty sure that you still have legal documentation that proves that you're an American citizen and separates you from the legal immigrants and the illegal immigrants as well if needed or required by others as proof. Now, if I understand that there's a difference and you understand that there's a difference then I don't what the problem is other than the obvious differences between our interests today. Yes, Americans are all related to legal immigration from some other place (country or continent) and human migration from some other land mass or continent that took place around 50,000 years ago. BTW, you don't think all those leftist revolutions and civil wars fought between leftists and fascist like dictatorships during the 70's and 80's has had anything to do with the wide scale poverty and lack of social stability and government inability and lawlessness that they've been experiencing for a few decades.
(05-02-2019, 01:40 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

Weapons of war are not just any weapon.  They are designed to kill or permanently disable opposing forces -- military forces.  Some punk down at the beer hall or even a guy trying a home invasion can be stopped will much less savagery, with the rest handled by law enforcement.

FWIW, you shouldn't have a streetsweeper shotgun either -- unless you are controlling a mass riot or storming an urban center.

[Image: 1271706741.jpg]
Who do you think would win the gun fight? The one armed with a street sweeper or an American group armed with semi automatic shotguns?
(05-03-2019, 04:28 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-02-2019, 01:40 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

Weapons of war are not just any weapon.  They are designed to kill or permanently disable opposing forces -- military forces.  Some punk down at the beer hall or even a guy trying a home invasion can be stopped will much less savagery, with the rest handled by law enforcement.

FWIW, you shouldn't have a streetsweeper shotgun either -- unless you are controlling a mass riot or storming an urban center.

[Image: 1271706741.jpg]
Who do you think would win the gun fight? The one armed with a street sweeper or an American group armed with semi automatic shotguns?

One flamethrower, one airstrike with an effective missile, or even one well-thrown grenade would decide it all.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: 09e1f33e7e7ea8b7b2f5a2ec9139f7a8789a4a4f...=600&h=532]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-03-2019, 07:15 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(05-03-2019, 04:28 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-02-2019, 01:40 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 06:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Dude, any gun/weapon can be used strictly for defense. Guns/ weapons  aren't for offensive use only as you say.

Weapons of war are not just any weapon.  They are designed to kill or permanently disable opposing forces -- military forces.  Some punk down at the beer hall or even a guy trying a home invasion can be stopped will much less savagery, with the rest handled by law enforcement.

FWIW, you shouldn't have a streetsweeper shotgun either -- unless you are controlling a mass riot or storming an urban center.

[Image: 1271706741.jpg]
Who do you think would win the gun fight? The one armed with a street sweeper or an American group armed with semi automatic shotguns?

One flamethrower, one airstrike with an effective missile, or even one well-thrown grenade would decide it all.

Whichever side commands the armed forces will win.
If a rebel side wishes to win, it will have to organize a state and field a superior army. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-03-2019, 04:05 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-03-2019, 12:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(05-01-2019, 10:27 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 10:58 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 07:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: The word immigrant no longer applies to most American citizens these days. Yes, there was a time when most Americans where immigrants like a hundred and fifty years ago on my fathers side and well over two hundred years ago on my mothers side. I dunno, I hope we don't see the day when Mexican Americans naturally divide or split between those who still primarily identify as Mexicans and those who primarily identify as Americans. I think things are going to get ugly if the current negative crap that's going on with the liberals these days continues. I'd say the reason we're seeing so many asylum seekers coming in mass is because the global blues understand that the good old days of taking advantage of America is on the verge of coming to an end. I like what Trump threatened to do about the illegal immigrant issue. Hell, I suggested doing something similar myself a while ago. Of coarse, he's not suggesting to remove your border security personnel and eliminate your boarder walls like me. He's just suggesting the idea of busing them in mass and releasing them in blue areas like yours for the blues to deal with right now. Like I've said, Trump is willing to give the bluer American folks a chance to prove themselves to the rest of America at this point. I've already told you that I'm not going to be there to save you or defend you when things start getting rough in blue areas.

Immigrants 100 or 150 years ago, and immigrants today. No difference. We are a nation of immigrants. Our history, our heritage, our essence, is one of immigrants coming to this land. Republicans shot down reforms that would have smoothed out the system, preferring fear and prejudice. Now they are reaping the consequences. The more Trump threatens to "end" the "good old days of taking advantage of America," the more they come, because we fail to help those people to rid themselves of their banana republic system and continue through our support for climate change to ruin their lands.

You have your own challenge in Minnesota, because you have not yet managed to turn your state red. It's probably going back to its long-time blue heritage now, which has brought it such benefits.

Interestingly, I was reading about the global warming episode 56 million years ago called The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) a fascinating episode in Earth history when to adapt many mammals including our ancestors moved north to colder regions. Today's Republican-caused global warming is heating up the planet 10 times faster, and probably farther than the PETM (which started from a much warmer base climate), and now too humans are adapting by fleeing the tropical drought-stricken areas and moving north. You Classic Xer cannot stop the whirlwind of global migration, which your Reaganomics policies have caused because they stopped the needed regulations to encourage and bring about the transition to an economy that emits less greenhouse gases.
Immigrants applied to those who arrived 150 years ago, and US citizens applied to all the American generations who were born after them.

Arbitrary definition. Americans are all immigrants. Ultimately, everyone not of African descent and living in Africa is an immigrant. Similarly, immigrants arriving today will be the parents of US citizens in the future. Same deal. The idea of first come first grab is no idea that gives you any moral authority over more-recent immigrants. Human beings move around on this planet, and have for at least 50,000 years.
Well, I don't care if you still identify with being an immigrant and still view yourself as being one today. However, I'm pretty sure that you still have legal documentation that proves that you're an American citizen and separates you from the legal immigrants and the illegal immigrants as well if needed or required by others as proof. Now, if I understand that there's a difference and you understand that there's a difference then I don't what the problem is other than the obvious differences between our interests today. Yes, Americans are all related to legal immigration from some other place (country or continent) and human migration from some other land mass or continent that took place around 50,000 years ago. BTW, you don't think all those leftist revolutions and civil wars fought between leftists and fascist like dictatorships during the 70's and 80's has had anything to do with the wide scale poverty and lack of social stability and government inability and lawlessness  that they've been experiencing for a few decades.

The accident of where you were born at a particular time is the only difference. As far as being human and deserving of respect and fair treatment is concerned, I don't see that this makes a difference.

The widespread poverty and instability of certain lands south of the border is due to the rulership of banana bosses supported by American corporations and American or American-trained military and death squads. Failure of revolutions against those dictatorships, not the revolutions themselves, is responsible for those problems.

I don't base my entire view of history on labels. Quite a few regimes called "leftist" have been harmful and oppressive. It depends on the behavior of those regimes, and how much freedom and prosperity they bring through policies that help the people, whether they lead to an exodus or not. Trickle-down economics that benefits only rich landowners and foreign corporations, such as you advocate, does not help the people, any more than an oiligarchic kleptocracy like Venezuela or a tyrannical communist monarchy like North Korea helps the people.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
The sacrilege is to still have faith in this President:

[Image: 4857d04b-ebc3-4f44-b51e-815ea5112dfd.jpg]

I do not accuse the President of sorcery.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

He does exercize a spell over his audience. He is a skilled black magician in that respect.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
[Image: c85ea7157449c7349d9925845f372bfbb741db01...=600&h=592]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Very funny. "Like" And they both know how to quack.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Really, about those who still believe in The Donald:

[Image: 5d13d1032d9bf8ace1b523ef386ce7f36b6ab81d...=600&h=475]

Occam's razor, anyone?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

From 28 years ago:

[Image: f39798a77368f21151d57879e044e5fda3cc2a17...=600&h=611]

A reminder: in the three states in which Donald Trump is best known, he was defeated by the sixth (NY), tenth (NJ), and eleventh (CT) largest margins.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

In economic news:

[Image: e423ccaed4558b76007a58c438854dbb0ff1dee4...=800&h=417]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: 5aa0d1f198bc58ab7b72c0e1a24d4be5ce800c0b...=800&h=560]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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