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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
This is a dated and unrealistic view of "Ell Ay". Any part of America that has the population of Michigan in an area the size of Massachusetts that has done no planning for such a fate is in deep trouble. Randy Newman's "I Love L A" sets the stage for a remake of his video that in 1983 showed that Southern California  doesn't quite fit the Hollywood dream:

Quite frankly, Greater LA was a far nicer place back when a car such as the 1955 Buick in which Randy Newman drives around was new. You know... Orange County had orange groves, Disneyland was affordable, and Caltrans had yet to fully implement the freeway system that ended up facilitating longer commutes, heavier traffic, and more air pollution. Hollywood was that big shiny object to entice people from such drab places as Passaic, Paterson, Peoria and Pittsburgh. The weather was nice, at the least. California was attracting good K-12 teachers; it's now getting stuck with people who can't teach elsewhere and have difficulty teaching such students as are there, especially in Greater LA. Teaching is a hardship career in California.

More recent and more realistic. San Francisco and San Jose are fine if you like being little more than a conduit of money from your employer to your landlord. I can't say anything about San Diego, as I haven't been there since the 1970's. Except for Sacramento, the Central Valley is basically western Texas with far higher taxes. (Western Texas is awful, and it's losing population). Oakland is a dump. 

Don't get me wrong; I love the Mediterranean climate. But if I wanted to move to a place with a Mediterranean climate and a great shoreline it would now be Portugal. I used to live in California. I wouldn't do so now. It's not what it used to be. (I can read Portuguese, which will help).

Now take a look at the super-expensive cars. Some of those could pay the tuition and rent for a four-year degree at the fine state universities of California. Money spent on some of those cars might instead be invested in a mom-and-pop business that allows one to make a living. Somehow I have usually noted that ostentatious spending often signals great poverty as a dark side. I know, I know, I know... I could never truly appreciate a sports car because I see vehicular speed as a commodity for schmucks. I also have a sordid definition for luxury, which means ostentatious waste.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(01-05-2022, 01:41 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-03-2022, 11:32 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: ad64c8d7dc88c412aa6f62c3c52e3ac9c1ca69b3...=800&h=479]

You need a Donkey and a caricature of Chuck Schumer instead of Trump for this to be accurate. It to bad you don't see what we see since everything you have and need to survive is now on the line. I'm not going to feel bad when you can no longer afford to eat or live in your home and the Democratic government can no longer fulfill its obligations because it over extended itself along time ago. I hear California is nice and warm and rich and very very kind and generous to sad sacks.

You just do not get it, Classic X'er. 

No President has done more to gut the Constitution to fit his ideological whims than Trump. No President has done more to such up to murderous dictators since FDR had to make ethical compromises with Stalin strictly out of military necessity. Trump faces no such necessity. The stunt in which he had people tear-gassed so that he could stand holding a Bible that he neither reads nor heeds in front of a church that he does not attend demonstrates the fraudulence of any pretense to piety. Then there was the January 6 Putsch in which he sought to negate a free and fair election that had been conducted as cleanly as is possible (OK, COVID-19 was out and about making voting in person unduly dangerous as a "super-spreader event", so many state legislatures did what they had to do). Had he succeeded we would have a President in office despite losing the election, which is one way in which dictatorships often start.

You know about the Viking helmet on the elephant, a long-lasting symbol of the Republican Party. The GOP has yet to distance itself from such bad behavior. Usually the losing Presidential nominee retires, and someone else becomes the effective leader of the party. There is no such person. The GOP has committed itself to Donald Trump irrespective of consequences to itself, let alone the USA. 

Chuck Schumer isn't President.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(01-05-2022, 05:58 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 01:41 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-03-2022, 11:32 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: ad64c8d7dc88c412aa6f62c3c52e3ac9c1ca69b3...=800&h=479]

You need a Donkey and a caricature of Chuck Schumer instead of Trump for this to be accurate. It to bad you don't see what we see since everything you have and need to survive is now on the line. I'm not going to feel bad when you can no longer afford to eat or live in your home and the Democratic government can no longer fulfill its obligations because it over extended itself along time ago. I hear California is nice and warm and rich and very very kind and generous to sad sacks.

You just do not get it, Classic X'er. 

No President has done more to gut the Constitution to fit his ideological whims than Trump. No President has done more to such up to murderous dictators since FDR had to make ethical compromises with Stalin strictly out of military necessity. Trump faces no such necessity. The stunt in which he had people tear-gassed so that he could stand holding a Bible that he neither reads nor heeds in front of a church that he does not attend demonstrates the fraudulence of any pretense to piety. Then there was the January 6 Putsch in which he sought to negate a free and fair election that had been conducted as cleanly as is possible (OK, COVID-19 was out and about making voting in person unduly dangerous as a "super-spreader event", so many state legislatures did what they had to do). Had he succeeded we would have a President in office despite losing the election, which is one way in which dictatorships often start.

You know about the Viking helmet on the elephant, a long-lasting symbol of the Republican Party. The GOP has yet to distance itself from such bad behavior. Usually the losing Presidential nominee retires, and someone else becomes the effective leader of the party. There is no such person. The GOP has committed itself to Donald Trump irrespective of consequences to itself, let alone the USA. 

Chuck Schumer isn't President.
You haven't been paying attention to the Democrats. You probably should since your life/well being is now directly attached to them. Let's see, we have a group of Left Wing teachers making the decisions on whether children will be educated or not. Are you aware of that and do you agree with that? Do you think teachers in our area would be able to get away with that shit? So, what's the value of an education system that has no decent students or decent parents who are paying for it? Any fucking clue what an educational system like that is worth? I know what the Viking helmet on the elephant is supposed to insinuate. I'm going to ask you one more time, which group obviously cheated by illegally changing elections during the last election? It's your group so to speak. If you like Portugal then I suggest you start making plans to move/escape to Portugal and accept whatever shit happens in Portugal while we are busy cleaning house here. You know if I were you, the last thing I would do is go along with something stupid or stupid shit that pisses off an American Super Power.

You're right. Chuck and Nancy aren't President and neither is Biden or Harris or Trump. Biden has already checked out for the most part and Harris is a sick joke. America is already either fully aware of it or becoming more aware of it as we speak. Jan 6 should be a major concern to anyone financially tied to DC. It was a prelude of what's to come after most of America rejects it and stops funding it and begins to further hamper it and starts teaching it who the real bosses are these days. Gee, even the ghetto slug running San Fran into the ground must have been informed who her real bosses are these days. Are you aware of her recent trip down from her Ivory Tower and her recent about face? Do you think America would care if she's over run by her own shit or shit from some other country and ends up hanging from a rope after being tied down and gang raped? As far as Trump, I don't know if Trump will be running for POTUS again in 2024 or not at this point. It doesn't matter to me if he does or doesn't at this point.
(01-05-2022, 01:03 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 10:42 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: My mother listened to your music. She was American to the core. Musical taste or preference has nothing to do with whether one is American or not. Whether you are aware or not, there is a natural process that is taking place right now. Americans are leaving Democratic controlled areas by the thousands which is good for America in my opinion. I have no love for the Progressives and they have no love for me or Americans in general. You should know that by now. You're on their side, you're working for them and you should know what that means too. I've spent the last two decades reminding Progressives about the American country and showing them what Americans have the freedom to do and the power to do as well. 4 vs 1 only matters here that's all. Right now in real life, its about 6 vs 4 which means you're done. If it takes a fight to prove its done then so be it. To be honest, I don't know a Democrat who is a Democrat these days. YOU ARE GOING to learn that elections have consequences. Every fucking one of you is going to learn it by the time. Welcome to the Real World boy. I wish you luck and Godspeed.

If people are leaving one area for another, that doesn't imply that their philosophy is being left behind.  I moved to Red America 50 years ago.  I'm sitll a liberal/progressive. As people move, they rebalance the politics of the area they adopt.  Right now, the most targetted area is Texas, with expat Californians providing the anchor votes.  Why do you think the Texas Republicans are going so far overboard with voter suppression?  It may take a few cycles for the demographics to become undeniable, but they will at some point.  The real queston: can you Red Americans tolerate being a more-or-less permanent minority?

You live where I live more or less. People like me don't pay much attention to people like you where we  live because you're not considered a threat to us right now  Believe me, you want it to stay that way. You don't want to mess with us because we will mess with you if it comes to that. A neighbor like you found that out with me.

I live in the middle of more firearm-owning rednecks (they're preferred term, not mine) than professional retirees like me.  I don't intimidate easily.

C-Xer Wrote:I doubt people are leaving California to make Texas more like Progressive blue state that they left. I'd say the continuous border problem (the continued influx of illegal immigration) and an understanding of what the Left pulled off and got away with during the last election has more to do with the Republicans tightening up voting laws in their state than the folks who left California and chose Texas to live in and raise their children. Minnesota ain't as Democratic controlled as California, New York or Illinois these days.

People are leaving California simply because it's too expensive to live there anymore.  It's much smaller than Texas and has twice the population.  Most have some culture shock when they get to their new cities, but most of the cities in Texas are already bluer than the state as a whole, and some are Azure Blue.

C-Xer Wrote:What demographics are you referring to, the minority demographic that's causing the bulk of the issues/problems and lagging behind these days that you've been adding more of on a regular basis that's going to drag you down and ruin you eventually? The demographic that we see robbing and trashing stores and torches portions of cities and when it gets upset or doesn't get it's way and so forth. Yeah. You should do something about that demographic other than what you've been doing with it for years. I suggest that you do something about it before America does something about it and find yourselves (wife included) being gathered up and dumped in with that particular demographic and find yourselves fighting to survive in a lawless Democratic shit hole where the majority have been taught to hate white people.

I lie with many minorities where I am, get along with all of them, and find them typically hard working and, frankly, put upon.  Look around.  People are quitting their shitty jobs, working for the people you admire, bacaus they finally can.  That may or maynot be permanent.  In any case, it's well past time that the little people get a hearing in this country -- or are they the robber-trashers yuo're talking about?

C-Xer Wrote:I can't think of a better group of people who deserve to go out that way than you guys at this point. Like I said, you better start thinking because American Right is on to you guys and its not going to be long before you start seeing Democrats dropping like flies and what's left of the old  GOPer's being replaced by American hardliners who don't have any qualms when it comes to doing battle with Leftists and crushing the Left altogether.

In case you missed the message: you guys lost last time even turning out the largest part of your electorate.  WHere you could, you stopped the "robber-trashers" from voting (I think that's voter fraud, don't you?), yet you still lost.  Your side has only won the popular POTUS vote once since 1988, even though you've connived your way in the White House in both 2000 and 2016.  So I guess it's more fraud or guns for you, then.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(01-05-2022, 04:08 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 01:03 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 10:42 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(01-02-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: My mother listened to your music. She was American to the core. Musical taste or preference has nothing to do with whether one is American or not. Whether you are aware or not, there is a natural process that is taking place right now. Americans are leaving Democratic controlled areas by the thousands which is good for America in my opinion. I have no love for the Progressives and they have no love for me or Americans in general. You should know that by now. You're on their side, you're working for them and you should know what that means too. I've spent the last two decades reminding Progressives about the American country and showing them what Americans have the freedom to do and the power to do as well. 4 vs 1 only matters here that's all. Right now in real life, its about 6 vs 4 which means you're done. If it takes a fight to prove its done then so be it. To be honest, I don't know a Democrat who is a Democrat these days. YOU ARE GOING to learn that elections have consequences. Every fucking one of you is going to learn it by the time. Welcome to the Real World boy. I wish you luck and Godspeed.

If people are leaving one area for another, that doesn't imply that their philosophy is being left behind.  I moved to Red America 50 years ago.  I'm sitll a liberal/progressive. As people move, they rebalance the politics of the area they adopt.  Right now, the most targetted area is Texas, with expat Californians providing the anchor votes.  Why do you think the Texas Republicans are going so far overboard with voter suppression?  It may take a few cycles for the demographics to become undeniable, but they will at some point.  The real queston: can you Red Americans tolerate being a more-or-less permanent minority?

You live where I live more or less. People like me don't pay much attention to people like you where we  live because you're not considered a threat to us right now  Believe me, you want it to stay that way. You don't want to mess with us because we will mess with you if it comes to that. A neighbor like you found that out with me.

I live in the middle of more firearm-owning rednecks (they're preferred term, not mine) than professional retirees like me.  I don't intimidate easily.

C-Xer Wrote:I doubt people are leaving California to make Texas more like Progressive blue state that they left. I'd say the continuous border problem (the continued influx of illegal immigration) and an understanding of what the Left pulled off and got away with during the last election has more to do with the Republicans tightening up voting laws in their state than the folks who left California and chose Texas to live in and raise their children. Minnesota ain't as Democratic controlled as California, New York or Illinois these days.

People are leaving California simply because it's too expensive to live there anymore.  It's much smaller than Texas and has twice the population.  Most have some culture shock when they get to their new cities, but most of the cities in Texas are already bluer than the state as a whole, and some are Azure Blue.

C-Xer Wrote:What demographics are you referring to, the minority demographic that's causing the bulk of the issues/problems and lagging behind these days that you've been adding more of on a regular basis that's going to drag you down and ruin you eventually? The demographic that we see robbing and trashing stores and torches portions of cities and when it gets upset or doesn't get it's way and so forth. Yeah. You should do something about that demographic other than what you've been doing with it for years. I suggest that you do something about it before America does something about it and find yourselves (wife included) being gathered up and dumped in with that particular demographic and find yourselves fighting to survive in a lawless Democratic shit hole where the majority have been taught to hate white people.

I lie with many minorities where I am, get along with all of them, and find them typically hard working and, frankly, put upon.  Look around.  People are quitting their shitty jobs, working for the people you admire, bacaus they finally can.  That may or maynot be permanent.  In any case, it's well past time that the little people get a hearing in this country -- or are they the robber-trashers yuo're talking about?

C-Xer Wrote:I can't think of a better group of people who deserve to go out that way than you guys at this point. Like I said, you better start thinking because American Right is on to you guys and its not going to be long before you start seeing Democrats dropping like flies and what's left of the old  GOPer's being replaced by American hardliners who don't have any qualms when it comes to doing battle with Leftists and crushing the Left altogether.

In case you missed the message: you guys lost last time even turning out the largest part of your electorate.  WHere you could, you stopped the "robber-trashers" from voting (I think that's voter fraud, don't you?), yet you still lost.  Your side has only won the popular POTUS vote once since 1988, even though you've connived your way in the White House in both 2000 and 2016.  So I guess it's more fraud or guns for you, then.
n case you haven't been paying attention, you no longer represent the majority of the country these days. The Biden sham has been exposed to the American. I represent the majority of it today. So, have you figured out that your vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting COVID or dying from COVID yet? Guess what, Biden is done and that's going to become more and more apparent as the year goes on. You've never represented the majority even though you've been related to it as you say. One would think crazy old Bernie won the national election instead of senile old Biden.

So, what percentage of the US population do you and Eric actually represent these days? I'd say 25-30% or just over half the Democratic population based on polls. BTW, the Democrats have always been in charge of the government aka public sector and the Republicans have always represented the private sector aka primary tax payers and that's the way it's been since FDR was in power. Like I said, the Republican side doesn't need the Democrats and you're most likely going to find that out before you die. Like I said, you shouldn't feel threatened or intimated by us where you live because your neighbors aren't threatened by your presence. BTW, you place to much value on popularity these days. You know as well as we know, no one is going to be happy about being screwed these days. I mean think about it, how many American minded Democrats would you have to screw to advance your agenda? I don't think we'll have to do much convincing to allow us to screw every one of you. I mean, you have proven to be as much of a problem/threat to them as us.
(01-05-2022, 03:16 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 05:58 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 01:41 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-03-2022, 11:32 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: ad64c8d7dc88c412aa6f62c3c52e3ac9c1ca69b3...=800&h=479]

You need a Donkey and a caricature of Chuck Schumer instead of Trump for this to be accurate. It to bad you don't see what we see since everything you have and need to survive is now on the line. I'm not going to feel bad when you can no longer afford to eat or live in your home and the Democratic government can no longer fulfill its obligations because it over extended itself along time ago. I hear California is nice and warm and rich and very very kind and generous to sad sacks.

You just do not get it, Classic X'er. 

No President has done more to gut the Constitution to fit his ideological whims than Trump. No President has done more to such up to murderous dictators since FDR had to make ethical compromises with Stalin strictly out of military necessity. Trump faces no such necessity. The stunt in which he had people tear-gassed so that he could stand holding a Bible that he neither reads nor heeds in front of a church that he does not attend demonstrates the fraudulence of any pretense to piety. Then there was the January 6 Putsch in which he sought to negate a free and fair election that had been conducted as cleanly as is possible (OK, COVID-19 was out and about making voting in person unduly dangerous as a "super-spreader event", so many state legislatures did what they had to do). Had he succeeded we would have a President in office despite losing the election, which is one way in which dictatorships often start.

You know about the Viking helmet on the elephant, a long-lasting symbol of the Republican Party. The GOP has yet to distance itself from such bad behavior. Usually the losing Presidential nominee retires, and someone else becomes the effective leader of the party. There is no such person. The GOP has committed itself to Donald Trump irrespective of consequences to itself, let alone the USA. 

Chuck Schumer isn't President.

You haven't been paying attention to the Democrats. You probably should since your life/well being is now directly attached to them. Let's see, we have a group of Left Wing teachers making the decisions on whether children will be educated or not. Are you aware of that and do you agree with that? Do you think teachers in our area would be able to get away with that (profanity deleted)? So, what's the value of an education system that has no decent students or decent parents who are paying for it? Any (profanity deleted) clue what an educational system like that is worth? I know what the Viking helmet on the elephant is supposed to insinuate. I'm going to ask you one more time, which group obviously cheated by illegally changing elections during the last election? It's your group so to speak. If you like Portugal then I suggest you start making plans to move/escape to Portugal and accept whatever (profanity deleted) happens in Portugal while we are busy cleaning house here. You know if I were you, the last thing I would do is go along with something stupid (vile language excised) that pisses off an American Super Power.

By "cleaning house" do you mean by "ethnic cleansing"? If so, then I suggest that you consult clergy. Assuming that you are a nominal Christian, you need recognize that "ethnic cleansing" is murder, deportation, or forced exile. It's a crime against humanity. Please clarify.

Remember -- you do not represent America any more than I do, especially when you rage about people who differ from you by ethnicity, religion, or non-extremist ideology. We liberals are coming to recognize tradition as a sane default when radicalism fails. The difference between liberal endorsement of tradition and some fascist identitarianism is that I recognize that a tradition very different from mine can be just as valid.  

Quote:You're right. Chuck and Nancy aren't President and neither is Biden or Harris. Biden has already checked out for the most part. America is either aware of it or becoming more aware of it as we speak. Jan 6 should be a major concern to anyone financially tied to DC. It was a prelude of what's to come after most of America rejects it and stops funding it and begins to further hamper it and starts  teaching it who the real bosses are these days. Gee, even the ghetto slug running San Fran into the ground must have been informed who her real bosses are these days. Are you aware of her recent trip down from her Ivory Tower and her recent about face?  Do you think America would care if (thoroughly brutal language excised, and this is good for reporting you)? As far as Trump, I don't know if Trump will be running for POTUS again in 2024 or not at this point. It doesn't matter to me if he does or doesn't at this point.

Sure, just what we need (note the snark)-- political failures getting away with denying the judgment of the majority as determined by the Ele3ctoral College (or the simple plurality should we do the sensible thing with the Electoral College by Constitutional amendment) and declaring themselves winners. After a time, as with the late Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, there are no meaningful elections because dictatorships do not need electoral contests. People know who the Leader is no matter how incompetent, corrupt, cruel, and reckless he can be.

Who are the real bosses? Schmucks like you? No -- it will be some irresponsible clique that looks out only for its power, indulgence, and gain while everyone else suffers. Once-proud property owners are obliged to make forced sales for pennies on the grand to people well connected to the political elites. If someone well-connected wants your job because he is a party hack, then you get fired. After you are fired you might get to be a laborer. Start a business? You will be taxed into ruin and get nothing in return. What usually happens is that some vile clique makes impossible promises to the masses at the cost of political pariahs. Then those not so well connected find that the farm or other business that they receive in some "revolutionary" distribution is foreclosed upon in some 'socialization' of private property or some aristocratic elite arranging things so that you are forced to sell out. 

My comment about Portugal was a reference to the climate... and not being so messed up as California is. If you are broke because you have little to show as your income goes rapidly to some rapacious landlord, then you are poor even if you have a highly-esteemed job and impressive title.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

At least California has a reasonably-liberal governor and legislature now, so I have some hope we can get things better here. More affordable housing is needed and our leaders are working on this. We are leading the nation in energy efficiency and renewables. That's a major feather in our cap. We can't seem to get that fast train done, but I suppose infrastructure is getting built. At least we are willing to pay for what we need. Education suffered for years from when we were a red state and voted against taxes. We are still slowly recovering from this. Immigrants are probably an educational burden.

We are pretty progressive, but we still vote wrong on many voter initiatives. Hispanics are a big portion of our population, and immigrants from everywhere are welcome. They work hard and get ahead. They may not all be liberals on every issue though. But so far, California remains very blue in national elections, and the turning point there was when Republican Governor Wilson attacked immigrants with an initiative. The Republican Party never recovered from that mistake here.

I see Classic Xer likes to attack the current mayor of San Francisco, probably because she's a woman of color. She is not presidential material, but as far as I can see she has a good grasp on what to do and does it. So does our governor; he's very active and can-do and may become president someday. Increasing crime is a problem here, but that may not be unique in the nation. We are below the national average per capita in covid cases because our liberal government is at-least somewhat willing to act on it. We have strong gun laws and have the results from this too, as do most other blue states.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(01-05-2022, 09:14 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: At least California has a reasonably-liberal governor and legislature now, so I have some hope we can get things better here. More affordable housing is needed and our leaders are working on this. We are leading the nation in energy efficiency and renewables. That's a major feather in our cap. We can't seem to get that fast train done, but I suppose infrastructure is getting built. At least we are willing to pay for what we need. Education suffered for years from when we were a red state and voted against taxes. We are still slowly recovering from this. Immigrants are probably an educational burden.

We are pretty progressive, but we still vote wrong on many voter initiatives. Hispanics are a big portion of our population, and immigrants from everywhere are welcome. They work hard and get ahead. They may not all be liberals on every issue though. But so far, California remains very blue in national elections, and the turning point there was when Republican Governor Wilson attacked immigrants with an initiative. The Republican Party never recovered from that mistake here.

I see Classic Xer likes to attack the current mayor of San Francisco, probably because she's a woman of color. She is not presidential material, but as far as I can see she has a good grasp on what to do and does it. So does our governor; he's very active and can-do and may become president someday. Increasing crime is a problem here, but that may not be unique in the nation. We are below the national average per capita in covid cases because our liberal government is at-least somewhat willing to act on it. We have strong gun laws and have the results from this too, as do most other blue states.
She's Presidential material, Biden just proved that an old senile fool can become President of Acirema these days. Like your governor, she knows what to say and knows what not to do to stay in power. As far as her, I don't care if she's black and has breasts and a vagina. I think she has a really cool name. London Breed, doesn't that sound pretty cool? Plus, she ain't bad looking woman either. BTW, you and the other stooges have proved time after time that race, gender, sexual orientation matters more to you than me or the overall competency and know how of the individual that you and other stooges will support. With you guys, it's more about their marketability and using them to accomplish than actual competence and what they can actually do on their own at this point. Like I said, she figured out who her real bosses were and how much she stood to loose by ignoring ghetto slugs as far as money aka funding but its probably to little to late because the damage she helped cause is already done at this point. So, are you ready for millions more to support and millions more entering illegally too? Like I said, you are the only people that I know who are dumb enough to continue fucking themselves. I'm sorry dude but your sides collapse and the chaos that ensues is going to be kind of fun to watch.
(01-06-2022, 12:04 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-05-2022, 09:14 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: At least California has a reasonably-liberal governor and legislature now, so I have some hope we can get things better here. More affordable housing is needed and our leaders are working on this. We are leading the nation in energy efficiency and renewables. That's a major feather in our cap. We can't seem to get that fast train done, but I suppose infrastructure is getting built. At least we are willing to pay for what we need. Education suffered for years from when we were a red state and voted against taxes. We are still slowly recovering from this. Immigrants are probably an educational burden.

We are pretty progressive, but we still vote wrong on many voter initiatives. Hispanics are a big portion of our population, and immigrants from everywhere are welcome. They work hard and get ahead. They may not all be liberals on every issue though. But so far, California remains very blue in national elections, and the turning point there was when Republican Governor Wilson attacked immigrants with an initiative. The Republican Party never recovered from that mistake here.

I see Classic Xer likes to attack the current mayor of San Francisco, probably because she's a woman of color. She is not presidential material, but as far as I can see she has a good grasp on what to do and does it. So does our governor; he's very active and can-do and may become president someday. Increasing crime is a problem here, but that may not be unique in the nation. We are below the national average per capita in covid cases because our liberal government is at-least somewhat willing to act on it. We have strong gun laws and have the results from this too, as do most other blue states.

She's Presidential material, Biden just proved that an old senile fool can become President of Acirema these days. Like your governor, she knows what to say and knows what not to do to stay in power.

There's the old joke "Anyone can grow up to be President"... and I have seen Obama as an example of someone becoming President despite having an African father... well, he's smart, hard-working, honest, erudite, cautious, and moral. The other side is Donald Trump, who had everything going right for him despite his unsuitability for high office. He's immature, cruel, vindictive, selfish, corrupt, and intellectually lazy; he has connections to organized crime.

Quote:As far as her, I don't care if she's black and has breasts and a vagina. I think she has a really cool name. London Breed, doesn't that sound pretty cool?  Plus, she ain't bad looking woman either.

Unless something happens to President Biden, the first female President is most likely to be Amy Klobuchar, who is not going to win beauty contests.  

Quote:BTW, you and the other stooges have proved time after time that race, gender, sexual orientation matters more to you than me or the overall competency and know how of the individual that you and other stooges will support.

What is your excuse for failing to recognize the gross inadequacy of Donald Trump as President?

Quote: With you guys, it's more about their marketability and using them to accomplish than actual competence and what they can actually do on their own at this point. Like I said, she figured out who her real bosses were and how much she stood to loose by ignoring ghetto slugs as far as money aka funding but its probably to little to late because the damage she helped cause is already done at this point.

Quality matters to us. We liberals despise tokens.

Quote: So, are you ready for millions more to support and millions more entering illegally too? Like I said, you are the only people that I know who are dumb enough to continue (vile word -- please replace it with something like "messing up") themselves. I'm sorry dude but your sides collapse and the chaos that ensues is going to be kind of fun to watch.

Illegal aliens do something many privileged Americans do not do. They work, often at jobs necessary but odious to lazy people who prefer soft work or none at all.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(01-06-2022, 12:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Illegal aliens do something many privileged Americans do not do. They work, often at jobs necessary but odious to lazy people who prefer soft work or none at all.
One could easily associated this comment with a racist or white supremacy since you are privileged white person living off the dole who is still healthy enough to scrub a public toilet. What do you think PB, would you resort to scrubbing public toilets to survive or would you kill yourself? True, the illegal aliens do something that many privileged blue folks like yourself won't do which is why we are most likely going to keep most of them and get rid of most of you. Like I said, it's going to suck to be a privileged blue puke like yourself. Like I said, the privileged blues have already over extended themselves due to their association with us. You just keep fucking up, believing and going along with them and continue digging yourselves deeper holes and continue burning bridges with taxpayers like you've been doing for decades. Dude, only a blue minded idiot/imbecile/moron like yourself would continue to further alienate/undermine an American Super Power.
(01-06-2022, 12:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: There's the old joke "Anyone can grow up to be President"... and I have seen Obama as an example of someone becoming President despite having an African father... well, he's smart, hard-working, honest, erudite, cautious, and moral. The other side is Donald Trump, who had everything going right for him despite his unsuitability for high office. He's immature, cruel, vindictive, selfish, corrupt, and intellectually lazy; he has connections to organized crime.
Yep. Obama proved that a decent looking, decent sounding black community organizer with little to no experience in governing can be elected President of Acirema too. He turned out to be a big dud for the most part and largely incapable of getting anything meaningful accomplished and created the divisions by openly displaying his arrogance and by getting involved in petty shit that he should have been wise enough to stay out of and by saying stupid shit that insulted millions of Americans. But, he did enough to get a Noble Peace Prize and make himself mega rich today. What do you think about the idea of him and his racist wife eating cake as you're struggling to eat and keep a roof over your head? Like I said, privileged blue folk like yourself deserve no sympathy from Americans.

As far as Trump, he's no worse than the Democratic related shit that millions of Americans are able to see and hear on a regular basis these days. Like I said, you should start paying more attention to them since your life and well being are directly attached to them these days. I haven't met a Democratic supporter who hasn't made a point of separating themselves from the Democratic related shit America see's on a regular basis these days. I get the impression that they understand the unenviable position that they're all in these days. I've met them up north. I've met them in the neighborhood. I've met them just about every where lately.
(01-06-2022, 03:02 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-06-2022, 12:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: There's the old joke "Anyone can grow up to be President"... and I have seen Obama as an example of someone becoming President despite having an African father... well, he's smart, hard-working, honest, erudite, cautious, and moral. The other side is Donald Trump, who had everything going right for him despite his unsuitability for high office. He's immature, cruel, vindictive, selfish, corrupt, and intellectually lazy; he has connections to organized crime.

Yep. Obama proved that a decent looking, decent sounding  black community organizer with little to no experience in governing can be elected President of Acirema too. He turned out to be a big dud for the most part and largely incapable of getting anything meaningful accomplished and created the divisions by openly displaying his arrogance and by getting involved in petty shit  that he should  have been wise enough to stay out of and by saying stupid shit that insulted millions of Americans. But, he did enough to get a Noble Peace Prize and make himself  mega  rich today. What do you think about the idea of him and his racist wife eating cake as you're struggling to eat and keep a roof over your head? Like I said, privileged blue folk like yourself deserve no sympathy from Americans.

I'd say that putting an end to the most dangerous economic meltdown in nearly 80 years is quite an achievement. Sure, he followed the FDR script in backing the banks, but that was the right thing to do. The first year and one half of the autumn 1929 - autumn 1932 meltdown was much like the year and a half beginning in the autumn of 2007. The protracted meltdown of 1929-1932 had the effect of facilitating the rise of Satan Incarnate in Germany. 

He should have gotten a Nobel Prize for economics.  He had his plan in place in January 2009.

Oh, yes, whacking the most infamous and dangerous terrorist in history? That got him re-elected. Note well what I say about the President and his powers? The Constitution grants him few powers, including the signing and vetoing of bills. He has practically no other powers other than those that he can talk Congress into granting him. When the Senate Majority Leader says first that he wants to make Barack Obama a one-term President and upon that failure was delighted to give him nothing... well, that is how the system works when the Opposition Party has both Houses of Congress. 

Without having become President he would have likely stayed in the Senate until finding himself the strongest possible answer to Donald Trump in 2012 or 2016. I can hardly imagine how big a landslide a savvy pol would have had against someone both immature and senile like Trump. But this is contrafactual history. That can go all sorts of ways.  I am sure that you know about The Man in the High Castle  that depicts an Axis victory because FDR is assassinated. I've got my idea of an Axis victory, and it involves Germany, Japan, and an independent India defeating a KKK-dominated America. Don't worry: those are a democratic Germany that under Konrad Adenauer expresses Christian Democratic values and has the advantage of treating the Jews well and turning Britain and France against a murderous, fascistic (KKK) America.

Obama is rich, but he is a competent writer with a good story. Writers as a group struggle to make a living, but many can't really write (think of many long-term minor-league baseball players who would hit .225 with slight power or have an ERA around 6 if they pitched in the majors) or lack a coherent story. J. K. Rowling has even better stories (Harry Potter), and she is even richer. The only near-great President to have completed two high-quality terms of office before age 55, not having died in office (Lincoln, FDR) or soon after (Washington) he has stories to tell. Nothing like the Queen of England. Angela Merkel's memoirs should be interesting, don't you think? I doubt that she will have much to say about Donald Trump that flatters him.  
Quote:As far as Trump, he's no worse than the Democratic related (viable alternatives would be "rubbish" or "nonsense" -- as a writer without a good story I would be a better editor than creative writer) that Americans see and hear on a regular basis these days.

Sure. Mocking the handicapped. Attempting to form a secret police. Ridiculing a well-regarded Republican US Senator for having been a prisoner of North Vietnam. Arranging his events so that his properties could turn him a profit during those events. Showing no evidence of Christian values. Pushing quack medical treatments. Pandering to dictators who feel that they finally have an unqualified friend. Cutting a sleazy deal with the Taliban that goes bad. Telling Ghislaine Maxwell that he hopes her the best (she enabled her boyfriend to deal underage girls to high-profile perverts). Contrast Obama to this, and what do I see? A spit-and-polish leader who expects the best of people and gets good results. I see someone who has a "Do the crime and do the time" attitude toward outright criminals in contrast to the juvenile-delinquent attitude that "it's illegal only if you get caught". 

I heard Mitt Romney excoriate Donald Trump in April 2016 for a sleazy personal life, callous remarks toward people in bad situations through no fault of their own, and his corrupt practices as a capitalist. That resonated with me. I had hoped that conservative Americans would come to their senses and find some better alternative to Donald Trump to succeed Barack Obama. Everything that Mitt Romney said about Trump has turned all too true. Romney would have been a far-better President, but I'm guessing that with his wife's medical problems (MS) he had other things to do than to run for President in 2016. We would be in a second term of Mitt Romney as President with the expectation that some Democrat would succeed him in a pattern that had held for 24 years and would have held for longer  (to 1980) with Ronald Reagan, whom the elder Bush succeeded. America got tired of the Reagan-Bush agenda after twelve years, which is stronger than eight.

Quote:Like I said, you should start paying more attention to them since your life and well being are attached to them these days. I haven't met a Democratic supporter who hasn't made a point of separating themselves from the Democratic related (see my previous advice on editing. A hint: I would use the word rubbish or nonsense that you did not use previously) America see's (the apostrophe in an uncontracted verb? That is even more egregious than the infamous "grocers' apostrophe", in "Banana's 17 cents") on a regular basis these days. I get the impression that they understand the unenviable position that they're all in these days.

Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be without Asperger's, or at least knowing that I had it. I would have taken different educational and vocational routes. Without Asperger's I might now be a retired federal judge. Knowing that I have it and living accordingly I might have been more adept at getting and holding a job because I would know enough to limit my contacts with other people. Maybe I would be a good travel writer. A hint: I love museums but hate casinos. Maybe I would be a good math teacher who has written copy on math textbooks.

This is the first anniversary of the most infamous days in American history. We recently hand the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attack and the eightieth anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. In those, the villains were not Americans, and it was easy for Americans to unite against the Bad Guys. This time the Bad Guys were our fellow Americans, people who sought to negate an election to get their political way at the potential cost of killing American democracy. There was no partisan bickering after FDR gave his "Day of Infamy"  speech. America might not have been in a war mood on December 6, but it wanted to get it all over as efficiently and quickly as possible. Not many people said anything like "We had it coming" soon after September 11, 2001. 

My first responses to 9/11 were profanities, some of them having the gerund of the F-word between "God" and "damn!" Then I wondered what could possibly cause people to so hate America that they  could do something like this. Oh, 72 virgins? Yes, 72 hyena souls in Hell, "virgin" to the taste of human flesh getting to tear apart the damned souls of the hijackers and their co-conspirators.

I may not have liked hypocritical Vice-President Pence, but I could only excoriate the call "Hang Mike Pence" for not being a perfect toady for President Trump. This would have been as inexcusable from the Left. There was nothing left-wing about the rioters. 

America is deeply divided a year later between people who wish that the Capitol Putsch had never happened and those who still think it a good idea and would rather that Donald Trump still be President despite losing the 2020 election. In view of what I know of the histories of other countries, nullification of a valid electoral result is catastrophe to that nation's political future. We have a former President who cultivated a totalitarian-style cult of personality to cover his ethical and administrative failures. We have a President whose most obvious virtue is that he is not Donald Quisling Trump.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Should they make an exception for Trump on President's Day? I mean the holiday season goes on for quite a while. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years... How much would it take to add January 6? Why associate Trump with the real presidents? Give him his own holiday.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(01-06-2022, 06:21 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: Should they make an exception for Trump on President's Day?  I mean the holiday season goes on for quite a while.  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years...  How much would it take to add January 6?  Why associate Trump with the real presidents?  Give him his own holiday.

I thought it's the Democrat's Pearl Harbor of sorts. I thought the Democratic vigil was pretty tacky. I suppose it was OK for a political cult following but that's about it. Why should we associate Biden/Harris with real Presidents? Biden has already proven to be nothing more than a senile old man and we already know what she is and the main reason that she was picked to be his running mate. So, what's a government that has little to no integrity worth and how long will it be before it's rejected, discarded and defunded?
Obama would have defeated Trump. Hillary might have had an outside chance to defeat John McCain. Well, things didn't work out. I guess it was destiny to have Trump be the last president in the 40-year cycle we've talked about here.

Biden didn't sound senile at all today as he nailed Trump to the wall in his speech on the anniversary of his attempted coup. I don't even call it an insurrection, because such might be laudible against a real tyrant that had seized power, as is happening today in Kazakhstan and has been tried in countless other countries recently where democracy had been stolen or never allowed. But this was a tyrant using lies to turn everything upside down in the heads of fools like Classic Xer so that a demagogue tyrant could seize power. It failed, but still threatens to happen again.

"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(01-06-2022, 07:41 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-06-2022, 06:21 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: Should they make an exception for Trump on President's Day?  I mean the holiday season goes on for quite a while.  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years...  How much would it take to add January 6?  Why associate Trump with the real presidents?  Give him his own holiday.

I thought it's the Democrat's Pearl Harbor of sorts. I thought the Democratic vigil was pretty tacky. I suppose it was OK for a political cult following but that's about it. Why should we associate Biden/Harris with real Presidents? Biden has already proven to be nothing more than a senile old man and we already know what she is and the main reason that she was picked to be his running mate. So, what's a government that has little to no integrity worth and how long will it be before it's rejected, discarded and defunded?

Republicans perpetrated the Putsch. We Democrats have no responsibility to exculpate participants. 

Joe Biden was lawfully elected President and Kamala Harris was lawfully elected Vice-President in accordance with extant laws. Those laws made electoral fraud far more difficult this time than in other elections. Dead people who voted early often got their ballots disqualified. 

81 million Americans (maybe not "your" idea of what constitutes "American", but that is not your judgment to make; existing law, including the Constitution, does) voted for someone whom you hold in contempt. You are free to hold President Biden in contempt just as I am free to hold former President Trump in contempt so long as I do nothing to threaten or do violence against him. By the way -- I want those who erected a gallows in front of the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence!" to go to prison. I excuse no violence against those politicians with whom I disagree. 

81 million Americans were more than enough to offset the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump even with the distortion inherent in the Electoral College that our Constitution has established to determine who will win. We have had two elections (2000 and 2016) in which the Democratic nominee got more votes than the Republican nominee... and we Democrats have recognized the validity of the elections because such is the result of the law. You are free to believe that President Biden is a horrible President, just as I had a right to believe that Donald Trump was a horrible President. President Trump did much to justify my early misgivings about him, but he was lawfully elected President. 

Maybe Republicans need to learn more about the signs of poor character, intellectual laziness, and personal vileness that ensure that a potential nominee for President will be a disaster as President. Trump came close to being re-elected President because 47% of Americans for some reason could excuse his awfulness as a person and leader. Roughly one million votes (of over 159 million) evenly shifted across the states would have swung Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin to Donald Trump. That is only 0.64%. Yes, it was that close -- less than the number of votes for third-party nominees and entities such as "Jesus Christ", "Darth Vader", and... whatever. (It is unrealistic that the critical votes would have all shifted in those three states alone). Much of the critical vote that got Joe Biden elected comes from people whom you do not consider "American". 

If you do not like the result of the last election, then you have several options:

1.  suicide, which means that you can do nothing to change things
2.  terrorism, which is likely to get you killed or sentenced to a long prison term in which case your political values are no longer important 
3.  emigration, which may be difficult due to problems with language, cuisine and culture 
4   trying to mitigate the effects, such as aiding the lawful opposition
5.  working to change the political realities through upcoming elections, lobbying, etc.
6.  using your economic rights to achieve your economic ends through non-political means and your freedom of expression to try to convince pepole that you are right and the opposition is wrong

Most of us are stuck with #6 even if we have the politicians that we want elected. You are doing a poor job of convincing us that Trump is wonderful with your vile language and colorful metaphors of violence.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(01-06-2022, 05:19 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: America is deeply divided a year later between people who wish that the Capitol Putsch had never happened and those who still think it a good idea and would rather that Donald Trump still be President despite losing the 2020 election. In view of what I know of the histories of other countries, nullification of a valid electoral result is catastrophe to that nation's political future. We have a former President who cultivated a totalitarian-style cult of personality to cover his ethical and administrative failures. We have a President whose most obvious virtue is that he is not Donald Quisling Trump.
If you didn't have Asperger's you probably wouldn't be a step above the gutter and dabbling in third world politics. The division boils down to whether one views it as being a bigger deal than what the country had already witnessed occur before it. You know where I stand on that, I view it the same as all the shit before it. With that said, you should also be able to understand why Americans don't care about it as much as Progressive Democrats these days.
(01-06-2022, 05:19 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Republicans perpetrated the Putsch. We Democrats have no responsibility to exculpate participants. 

Joe Biden was lawfully elected President and Kamala Harris was lawfully elected Vice-President in accordance with extant laws. Those laws made electoral fraud far more difficult this time than in other elections. Dead people who voted early often got their ballots disqualified. 

81 million Americans (maybe not "your" idea of what constitutes "American", but that is not your judgment to make; existing law, including the Constitution, does) voted for someone whom you hold in contempt. You are free to hold President Biden in contempt just as I am free to hold former President Trump in contempt so long as I do nothing to threaten or do violence against him. By the way -- I want those who erected a gallows in front of the Capitol and shouted "Hang Mike Pence!" to go to prison. I excuse no violence against those politicians with whom I disagree. 

81 million Americans were more than enough to offset the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump even with the distortion inherent in the Electoral College that our Constitution has established to determine who will win. We have had two elections (2000 and 2016) in which the Democratic nominee got more votes than the Republican nominee... and we Democrats have recognized the validity of the elections because such is the result of the law. You are free to believe that President Biden is a horrible President, just as I had a right to believe that Donald Trump was a horrible President. President Trump did much to justify my early misgivings about him, but he was lawfully elected President. 

Maybe Republicans need to learn more about the signs of poor character, intellectual laziness, and personal vileness that ensure that a potential nominee for President will be a disaster as President. Trump came close to being re-elected President because 47% of Americans for some reason could excuse his awfulness as a person and leader. Roughly one million votes (of over 159 million) evenly shifted across the states would have swung Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin to Donald Trump. That is only 0.64%. Yes, it was that close -- less than the number of votes for third-party nominees and entities such as "Jesus Christ", "Darth Vader", and... whatever. (It is unrealistic that the critical votes would have all shifted in those three states alone). Much of the critical vote that got Joe Biden elected comes from people whom you do not consider "American". 

If you do not like the result of the last election, then you have several options:

1.  suicide, which means that you can do nothing to change things
2.  terrorism, which is likely to get you killed or sentenced to a long prison term in which case your political values are no longer important 
3.  emigration, which may be difficult due to problems with language, cuisine and culture 
4   trying to mitigate the effects, such as aiding the lawful opposition
5.  working to change the political realities through upcoming elections, lobbying, etc.
6.  using your economic rights to achieve your economic ends through non-political means and your freedom of expression to try to convince pepole that you are right and the opposition is wrong

Most of us are stuck with #6 even if we have the politicians that we want elected. You are doing a poor job of convincing us that Trump is wonderful with your vile language and colorful metaphors of violence.

I'm not upset about the result of the last election. As a matter of fact, I couldn't have asked for a better scenario then the one that's playing out in front of everyone these days. Think about it, we have a group of blue stooges fucking themselves at every turn how aren't going have much of a country left by the time they figure out that they've lost I've never said that he was wonderful or said you have to like him or support him or accept him if/when reelected.  Was FDR wonderful as you say or was FDR a ruthless/careless asshole capable of asserting his authority? If you're looking for someone wonderful, you're not going to find them during the 4T.

Was Biden lawfully elected? How many election laws were illegally changed to help him get elected? How many tech giants with special protections eliminated 1sr Amendment rights of American citizens and blocked or banned information related to him to help him get elected? How much Left Wing violence was tolerated or supported to help him get elected? You may view all of that as lawful but I don't.

Like I said, you better start paying more attention to them now that your life and well being are directly related to them. Was he even mentally fit to run for office to begin with? Like I said, a bunch of blue stooges like you living in Germany voted for Hitler. How many of them knew they were voting for an evil dictator at the time? It's kind of funny how the so called defenders of democracy are doing everything in their power to destroy the democratic system that we have and establish themselves as a ruling party. Guess what, millions of Americans are well aware of it and expecting the GOP to do something about it and there are also expectations being placed on some Democratic politicians too.
(01-06-2022, 08:30 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Obama would have defeated Trump. Hillary might have had an outside chance to defeat John McCain. Well, things didn't work out. I guess it was destiny to have Trump be the last president in the 40-year cycle we've talked about here.

Biden didn't sound senile at all today as he nailed Trump to the wall in his speech on the anniversary of his attempted coup. I don't even call it an insurrection, because such might be laudible against a real tyrant that had seized power, as is happening today in Kazakhstan and has been tried in countless other countries recently where democracy had been stolen or never allowed. But this was a tyrant using lies to turn everything upside down in the heads of fools like Classic Xer so that a demagogue tyrant could seize power. It failed, but still threatens to happen again.

Yay!!! Biden didn't sound senile at all today. Is Biden the last POTUS? Will Trump be the first President of the American States? How long will it be before you see what's going on in Kazakhstan going on in Chicago and other blue cities? I'm amazed at the amount of shit the Democratic population is willing to put up with these days. One other thing, it would take more than an unarmed mob to over throw the government. I think you should pull your head out of your ass, stop acting like some fool and get a grip on reality because the games you and the Democrats are used to playing are ending. You should be busy figuring out what your going to do to afford the millions of illegals that the American States are going to be dropping off at your border or community coupled with the millions coming in illegally. Oh and then there's all the criminals that blues are attracting with their senseless laws that only benefit criminals. I mean, we'll be able to shoot them on sight in America.
(01-06-2022, 11:13 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-06-2022, 08:30 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Obama would have defeated Trump. Hillary might have had an outside chance to defeat John McCain. Well, things didn't work out. I guess it was destiny to have Trump be the last president in the 40-year cycle we've talked about here.

Biden didn't sound senile at all today as he nailed Trump to the wall in his speech on the anniversary of his attempted coup. I don't even call it an insurrection, because such might be laudible against a real tyrant that had seized power, as is happening today in Kazakhstan and has been tried in countless other countries recently where democracy had been stolen or never allowed. But this was a tyrant using lies to turn everything upside down in the heads of fools like Classic Xer so that a demagogue tyrant could seize power. It failed, but still threatens to happen again.

Yay!!! Biden didn't sound senile at all today. Is Biden the last POTUS?

I dunno. Do you have any inside information on any Chixculub-style disaster? A super-volcano eruption? Invaders from another star system with advanced military power and incredible ruthlessness?

No the United States is not merging with Japan and accepting its Emperor, in which case America will not need a President.  

Quote:Will Trump be the first President of the American States?

God help us should he be President of anything! Considering what he has done, he might be the first ex-President to go to prison as an inmate.  

Quote:How long will it be before you see what's going on in Kazakhstan going on in Chicago and other blue cities?

People are protesting against an authoritarian regime with a very bad record on human rights -- and the dictator has called for help from his good buddy Vladimir Putin. That can't be good. How does that compare to Chicago? Are there big protests against a dictatorial regime in Chicago as there are in Almaty? If you are thinking of street crime, then the military isn't good at solving any of it (except to treat the wounded. Military physicians were brought into a hospital in Los Angeles a few years ago to treat people injured with gunfire from military-style weapons. The drug gangs can roast in Hell for all I am concerned, and American addicts are culpable for the blood money involved in the violence involving the trafficking in illegal drugs.

Quote:I'm amazed at (what) the Democratic population is willing to put up with these days. One other thing, it would take more than an unarmed mob to over throw the government.

Are you calling for such? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Quote:I think you should (vile metaphor excised) stop acting like some fool  and get a grip on reality because the games you and the Democrats are used to playing are ending. You should be busy figuring out what your going to do to afford the millions of illegals that the American States are going to be dropping off at your border or community coupled with the millions coming in illegally. Oh and then there's all the criminals that blues are attracting with their senseless laws that only benefit criminals. I mean, we'll be able to shoot them on sight in America.

The big agricultural interests in Red states and Red parts of Blue states hire huge numbers of illegal aliens to do agricultural labor and to do industrial-style food production as in dairies and slaughterhouses. Such workers are cheap and reliable, and as illegal aliens they won't be voting. They will be easy to deport should they strike. You have it very wrong: many corporate farmers couldn't afford to be without such cheap, reliable labor that does work that few others would do. 

As for crime, something like this

[Image: 200px-Rottweiler_kopf_2.jpg] 

is a powerful deterrent to burglaries, rapes, and muggings. Except for good behavior (yours and the dog's) this is a dangerous predator. It might be great with the kids, but pose a threat to the kids and you have just met something with much too much in common with bears and Big Cats. Such a dog could overpower an intruder in less time than you could grab your gun. You will instead call the cops and call the tiger off the crook when the cops tell you to do so. Worse things can happen to a crook than to go away for an extended stay at the grey-bar hotel, like savage bites and scratches from one of the last animals that you would want as an enemy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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