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Generational Dynamics World View
** 11-Apr-2020 World View: The number of US deaths from Covid-19

New York state governor Andrew Cuomo has just been giving his daily
coronavirus news briefing.

He was giving the number of infections and the number of deaths, and
as usual in such situations when politicians have to use a little
elementary school arithmetic, he was completely confused. As I've
pointed out many, many times, many politicians and journalists cannot
do math at even the 2nd grade level.

So he referred to Trump's task force figures for deaths in the US,
based on models developed by the experts Anthony Fauci and Deborah
Birx. The task force estimated two million deaths if the economy had
not been shut down (i.e., no mitigation steps or lockdowns). They
estimate 200-400K deaths with mitigation. And the task force hopes to
bring it down to 60K deaths in the US if the public continues to honor
"social separation" guidelines.

Cuomo also referenced figures from the CDC model that 160 million
people will be infected. Cuomo ridiculed that figure.

So the first problem is that the 60K deaths figure is up to August of
this year, while the 160 million figure covers a two year period, so
the two figures are not comparable. This is a common mistake that
politicians and pundits make, completely confusing everyone by not
comparing equalivalent time periods, equivalent regions, or equivalent
mitigation enforcement.

There have already been almost 20,000 deaths in the US, for February
and March, and some of April. Unless that rate slows down (which may
happen in the summer), the number of deaths to August will be in the
60-100K range.

However, that rate of death could spike substantially when the US
"opens up" the economy, currently expected in mid-May. So there could
well be 100-200K deaths by August, depending on what happens when the
lockdowns end.

Now, I've seen the figure that 60% of people who are exposed to
Covid-19 will become infected. So let's assume that everyone will be
exposed to Covid-19 in one way or another some time in the next two
years. I personally believe this to be true, particularly after all
lockdowns are over and forgotten. It means that the infection rate of
160 million people over two years is quite plausible.

Finally, my own estimate of the number of deaths comes from a
comparison to the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu pandemic. Based on that
comparison, I estimated 4 million deaths in the current pandemic.

** 22-Mar-20 World View -- Today's Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic vs 1918 Spanish Flu

That pandemic occurred in three "waves," with the second wave, in the
fall of 1919, being the worst. The second wave was made worse by the
fact that the Spanish Flu virus mutated in the summer of 1918, and
became much more dangerous, and even people who survived the illness
in the spring had no immunity to the mutated flu in the fall.

I have heard several TV experts discuss mutations of Covid-19 in
general terms. What I heard was that there have already been
mutations, and that there are already three strains of Covid-19,
although the three strains are sufficiently similar that someone who
survives illness from one is still immune from the other two, at least
for a while. According to one person, the European version is
different than the Chinese version, and the east coast has the
European version, while the west coast has the Chinese version. This
shows the danger that there may be yet another mutation that can
strike survivors of the other strains, as happened in 1918, and a huge
number of deaths from a second wave in the fall is at least a
possibility. However, Anthony Fauci says that they're well prepared
if that happens, whereas they weren't prepared in 1918.

So there are variety of estimates of the number of deaths -- from 60K
until August to four million over two years. These estimates seem to
change almost every day.

The only thing that can slow these deaths is the successful deployment
of a vaccine, and every expert I've heard says that won't occur for
another 12-18 months.
** 11-Apr-2020 World View: International hot spots

Navigator Wrote:> This could mean, extrapolated to the entire population, that
> eventually 10% of the population (that would be about 30 million
> in the USA) would require hospitalization.

That's true, but there's one more thing that the media and even
Trump's task force all dance around but never really address.

There's a lot of talk about "hot spots." New York state is the
current biggest hot spot, responsible for almost half the deaths in
the country.

And a tv report today listed the next likely hot spots: Delaware,
South Dakots, Maryland, Rhode Island, Pensylvania. The number of
cases in these five states has doubled or tripled in the last seven
days. These hot spots will be growing as the New York hot spot is on
a downward slope, and it's hoped that resources can be transferred
from New York to those other locations.

However, the hot spots that the news reports rarely mention are
elsewhere: Central America, South America, Africa, the Mideast, parts
of Asia. Particularly vulnerable are crowded refugee camps and
crowded megacities, where poverty and crowding combine to make such
things as social separation and self-isolation impossible.

These probably add up to one or two billion people in these hot spots.
What's going to happen to these people? Are we all just going to sit
around and watch them die by the hundreds of millions?

They're going to try to escape to the non-hot spot countries -- the
United States, Europe, Australia, and even China -- anywhere that they
believe that they'll be safe from Covid-19.

The point is that these massive hot spots will increase the number of
deaths in the non-hot spot countries because the massive number of
infections and deaths will spill over into the non-hot spot countries.
Every country will try to build walls to keep people out, but we've
already seen in the last ten years how difficult building such walls
can be.

So your estimate that 10% of the American population could require
hospitalation may be defeated people from international hot spots will
end up seeding additional hot spots in the non-hot spot countries.
** 11-Apr-2020 World View: Guangdong Province

Higgenbotham Wrote:>

> @Jkylebass

> Secretary xi is in trouble within China. According to my sources
> within, the party elite want xi gone. The Guangdong elite (Uncle
> Deng’s family) are beginning to rattle the cages of change against
> the supposed “emperor for life”. #XiJinping #china
> #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied

> 12:48 PM · Apr 11, 2020

If this is true, then it's significant because Guangdong province is
adjacent to Hong Kong, and is the crucible of the last two major
anti-government rebellions. The last two of these massive rebellions
were the the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64) and Mao's Communist
Revolution (1934-49) -- and both of these rebellions began in
Guangdong province and spread north.
** 12-Apr-2020 World View: Deaths

Guest Wrote:> How many of you know someone personally who died from it? Far as
> I know some 95 year old guy who was dying any way is the only one
> in my state, don't know anybody except one toddler who was sick
> for a day, no personal knowledge of anyone else.

> How many of you know someone who lost their job or business over
> this? Personally know many by name.

> This is horseshit and someone needs to be hanged for the
> damage.

In New York City, they're burying unclaimed bodies in mass graves.

New York is the current worst hot spot, but it appears to be slowing
down there, and within a couple of weeks it should over overtaken by
several other hot spots, as the virus rolls on from place to place.

Sooner or later it will roll on to your village. Then you may
personally know several people who die from the virus.

I'm an old person, and I'm overweight, so I'll probably die if I'm
infected. Then you can say you knew me.

President Trump is pressing very hard to open up the economy again,
pushing back against those who want to continue the lockdowns into
June or July. Trump will make a decision this week, and the most
likely decision will be gradual loosening of restrictions, starting in
May for some regions. Perhaps you'll be in one of those regions.
** 13-Apr-2020 World View: WHO mandatory requirements for ending lockdowns

In a statement carried on the BBC, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
director of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that on Tuesday
he will be issuing a new strategy and guidelines for countries that
wish to end the lockdowns. He said that the guidelines will contain
mandatory requirements for end lockdowns.

Presumably, Tedros has received approval from his masters, the CCP
thugs, for these mandatory requirements. It doesn't matter to the CCP
thugs what the requirements are since the CCP have no intention of
following them, just as they never follow any international

As we know, the highly racist Chinese since ancient times have viewed
the universe in three layers -- The highest layer is the Kingdom of
Heaven. The second layer is China, the Master Race, the Middle
Kingdom -- yellow race, black hair, brown eyes, yellow skin. And the
bottom layer is you and me -- the barbarians. So to the CCP thugs,
the WHO is just another vehicle that they can use to keep the
barbarians under control, while they go on with their enlightened work
of torturing, raping, slaughtering and enslaving Muslims, Christians
and Buddhists.

So here are the six mandatory requirements issued by the WHO and
Tedros, on behalf of the CCP thugs:
  • 1 that transmission is controlled

  • 2 that health system capacities are in palace to detect, test,
    isolate and treat every case and test every contact

  • 3 that outbreak risks are minimized in special settings like
    health facilities and nursing homes

  • 4 that preventive measures are in place in workplaces, schools,
    and other places where it's essential for people to go.

  • 5 that importation risks can be managed

  • 6 that communities are fully educated , engaged, and empowered to
    adjust to the new norm.

The full WHO/CCP policy will be issued on Tuesday.
** 13-Apr-2020 World View: Wuhan Coronavirus in other countries

Xeraphim1 Wrote:> Big News doesn't cover what is happening in developing countries
> very well. My in-laws in the Philippines have been on lock down
> for more than two weeks and probably will be until the end of
> April. Most people there don't have savings and depend on day to
> day work for money. My in-laws haven't had any work for a couple
> weeks and while they thought of ways to make things for sale, no
> one has money to buy them. They're going to be okay since we're
> sending them money to at least buy rice, but others are eating
> boiled bananas to survive. In comparison, people here and in
> Europe have it very easy. It's going to be the same story for some
> three quarters of the world's population. After a while
> desperation will exceed the possible risks of disease and the lock
> downs will have to end.

What you're written here is very right and very important. In America,
the UK and Europe, the media assume that the West is isolated from
the rest of the world, and within a couple of months everyone will go
back to work, and normalcy will return.

The West is going to be heavily affected by what's happening in the
rest of the world. You've given one small example where you're
sending money to your in-laws in the Philippines so that they can buy
a little rice. There are going to be billions of situations like

Al-Jazeera has been reporting on how different countries
are coping. I took a few notes:
  • Ecuador has streets filled with bodies.

  • Spain has eased lockdown restrictions, even though the number of
    deaths is growing.

  • South Korea, which has been held up as a model of successfully
    combating the virus, is suddenly seeing a resurgence of infections --
    which some people are call "reinfections" or "reactivations" in people
    who have previously been sick and recovered.

  • Japan is refusing the impose any lockdown restrictions. Tokyo is
    being described as a new "hot spot," like NYC.

  • Russia has reported the largest daily increase in infections yet,
    and Vladimir Putin is saying that the armed forces may have to be
    involved, whatever that means. Russia is a vast country, and the
    lockdowns will be different in different regions. China is closing
    its border to Russia.

  • Nigeria is a huge country, where most people are extremely poor
    and need to work every day to feed their families. And now, the
    government is demanding that people stay at home and stop working for
    at least two weeks. Nigeria's problems are exacerbated by the fact
    that their principle export is oil, and the price of oil has

  • Turkey's Erdogan refuses to impose total lockdowns. Instead, he's
    imposing weekend lockdowns. That should work great.

  • New York government Andrew Cuomo says that "the worst is over," as
    long as people continue to follow the lockdown rules.

  • In Uganda, thousands of people are living in crowded refugee
    camps, having fled from the war in South Sudan. As Covid-19 begins to
    spread through the camp, the World Food Program (WFP) is being forced
    to cut rations in half, because of lack of international

  • China is the same and, as usual, everything that Chinese officials
    say is completely full of crap.
** 14-Apr-2020 World View: Starving rats go to war in New York City

A web site reader called my attention to this story:

[Image: rats-37.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=600&h=400&crop=1]
  • Rats at war during lockdown

Quote:> "Starving rats are resorting to war and cannibalism to
> survive coronavirus lockdown ...

> “A restaurant all of a sudden closes now, which has happened by
> the thousands in not just New York City but coast to coast and
> around the world,” Corrigan said. “And those rats that were living
> by that restaurant [or] some place nearby, and perhaps for decades
> having generations of rats that depended on that restaurant food,
> well, life is no longer working for them, and they only have a
> couple of choices.”

> The resulting survival instinct is so strong, they’re even eating
> their own kind. “These rats are fighting with one another; now the
> adults are killing the young in the nest and cannibalizing the
> pups,” Corrigan said."
** 14-Apr-2020 World View: Simultaneous cataclysmic crises

Higgenbotham Wrote:>

> But for reference, consider the following (vis a vis the claims
> made in the letter).

> I've said before (tongue in cheek) that his computer may be
> missing a diode. But I think this time he is on the right track.
> Does it have to be precisely May 1? Don't know how any computer,
> missing diode or not, would be able to forecast that, as a
> shutdown is not an all or nothing proposition.

In the last century, the following three cataclysmic crises took place
ten years apart:
  • 1918-1919 Spanish Flu pandemic
  • 1929 Stock market panic and crash
  • 1940-45 World War II

Today, all three of these cataclysmic crises are occurring
simultaneously. In addition, the WW I and WW II fault lines and
timelines have been combined.

So the economic crisis will be much worse than the Great Depression,
and the war will be much worse than WW II.

I still don't agree that the world is headed for a new dark age, as
you claim, but I do agree that this is the best evidence so far that
supports your view.
** 15-Apr-2020 World View: Three crises

vincecate Wrote:> To be fair, the Spanish flu started during WWI and WWIII has not
> started yet.

Probably I should change the three crises as follows:
  • 1914-1919 World War I + Spanish Flu pandemic
  • 1929-33 Stock market panic and crash
  • 1940-45 World War II

Whether WW III has already started is a matter of speculation.

vincecate Wrote:> When I look for Generational Dynamics WebLog the last post I see
> is March 27. Just wanted to check that recent hosting changes had
> not left it not showing new posts...

I'm thinking of writing an article on the IMF prediction that the
"Lockout Recession" will be the worst since the 1930s.

I'm going to answer your question in the "Generational Dynamics World
View News" thread.
** 15-Apr-2020 World View: Covid-19 in Idlib, Syria

[Image: b09262474883419eb97cb38302e8b984_18.jpg]

  • A refugee camp in Sarmada, Idlib province, Syria, on the border with Turkey. (Reuters)

vincecate Wrote:> When I look for Generational Dynamics WebLog the last post I see
> is March 27. Just wanted to check that recent hosting changes had
> not left it not showing new posts...

Till your post mentioned it, I hadn't realized it's been that long. I
don't like to write an article unless I can contribute something
meaningful from the point of view of Generational Dynamics, and since
March 27, there's been only one news story -- the pandemic -- and I've
been writing stuff about that regularly in the forum in the
"Generational Dynamics World View News" thread.

So let's look at the last article that I posted on the main web site:

** 27-Mar-20 World View -- Coronavirus pandemic threatens 3.5 million people in Syria's Idlib

I've written about the Idlib situation many times. Bashar al-Assad's
army is conducting genocide and ethnic cleansing of Sunni Muslims in
Islam, and is pushing 3.5 million people, mostly children, toward the
closed border with Turkey, expecting to force Turkey's Erdogan to open
the border, who would then arrange for them to pour into Europe.

All of that should have been well on its way by this time, and I
probably would have written one or two articles about it. But thanks
to Covid-19, everything has stopped, since all sides are frozen with
fear about a "coronavirus tsunami" affecting both Idlib and Damascus.

One interesting new development is that thousands of displaced people
who left their homes and fled to camps near the border with Turkey are
now returning to their former homes. They feel that their former
homes are safer than a crowded refugee camp where a Covid-19 would
spread quickly. I assume that in their former homes and villages,
they would be practicing "social distancing" and "self-isolation."

---- Source:

-- Scarce resources in Syria's rebel-held areas amid COVID-19 fears
(Al-Jazeera, 14-Apr-2020)
** 15-Apr-2020 World View: 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic may have originated in China

A web site reader has called my attention to an article appearing in
National Geographic in 2014. The article points to a detailed
historical analysis with evidence that the 1918-19 Spanish Flu
pandemic actually originated in China:

Quote:> "1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million
> Originated in China, Historians Say

> For decades, scientists have debated where in the world the
> pandemic started, variously pinpointing its origins in France,
> China, the American Midwest, and beyond. Without a clear location,
> scientists have lacked a complete picture of the conditions that
> bred the disease and factors that might lead to similar outbreaks
> in the future.

> The deadly "Spanish flu" claimed more lives than World War I,
> which ended the same year the pandemic struck. Now, new research
> is placing the flu's emergence in a forgotten episode of World War
> I: the shipment of Chinese laborers across Canada in sealed train
> cars.

> Historian Mark Humphries of Canada's Memorial University of
> Newfoundland says that newly unearthed records confirm that one of
> the side stories of the war—the mobilization of 96,000 Chinese
> laborers to work behind the British and French lines on World War
> I's Western Front—may have been the source of the pandemic. ...

> "This is about as close to a smoking gun as a historian is going
> to get," says historian James Higgins, who lectures at Lehigh
> University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and who has researched the
> 1918 spread of the pandemic in the United States. "These records
> answer a lot of questions about the pandemic."


A New York Times article by Rick Gladstone on February 10, 2020, lists
several pandemics that have been traced to China:
  • Asian flu of 1957
  • Hong Kong flu of 1968
  • 1997 Bird Flu outbreak
  • 2003 Sars epidemic
  • Covid-19

So the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic would be in addition to those five.
** 15-Apr-2020 World View: Tomorrow, when the world is free

vincecate Wrote:> Almost everywhere is less than 300 deaths per million population
> from covid-19, so 0.03% overall. The vast majority of these are
> older and have co-morbidities. As people realize that the 3.4%
> deathrate is just not true, the panic will fade.

In other words, once you've killed off all the Boomers once and for
all, then the world can finally be free again.

There'll be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow just you wait and see
There'll be love and laughter and peace ever after
Tomorrow when the world is free
** 16-Apr-2020 World View: Continuing the lockdown

Earlier today, New York, Los Angeles and Washington DC all extended
their stay-at-home lockdown orders until at least May 15.

Donald Trump, who has said "the cure can't be worse than the disease,"
is pushing very hard to end the lockdown on May 1.

This seems completely unrealistic, and even May 15 seems unrealistic.
But perhaps certain kinds of businesses might begin to open in early
May. Grocery stores and drug stores are already allowed to stay open.
How about furniture stores?

The UK also extended its stay-at-home lockdown orders today, without
giving an end date. They announced several conditions that must be
met before the lockdowns can end:
  • NHS must be able to cope without being overwhelmed.

  • Sustained and continuing fall in death rates

  • Sustained and continuing fall in rate of infection

  • Testing needs to be ready and there has to be enough PPE for

  • Be sure that there's no risk of a secondary wave that would
    overwhelm the NHS.

The UK minister said that if you rush now to end the lockdowns too
early, then there will be a second wave of infections that would be
much worse, and would require even longer lockdowns.
Regarding Johns last post....

Covid 19 has been compared to the Spanish flue. I noticed that a history of this was posted to A century ago this flu reached Seattle. Initially there was a lockdown/social distancing. This lockdown was eased when with an apparent slowdown in the rate of infection. Leading to a new surge of infection. And a third surge of infection.
** 16-Apr-2020 World View: China's motive

Guest Wrote:>

> Did Xi Jinping Deliberately Sicken the World? PRC moral turpitude
> forces us to consider the unthinkable.

This article provides a motive for the actions by China and the
WHO to hide the severity of the Covid-19 epidemic: So that other
countries would be infected.

Unfortunately, this is quite plausible.

If the CCP had been honest from the beginning, then the epidemic would
have spread in China, but the rest of the world would have been
spared. This scenario must have been horrific and unthinkable to the
CCP thugs.

By lying about the virus, and by getting the WHO to vouch for their
lies, the CCP thugs made sure that other countries would be infected
as much as China was.

Donald Trump may have alluded to this possibility in his press
briefing on Wednesday. I can't remember the exact words he used, but
it was something like this: "China and WHO made a big mistake, not
being transparent. They didn't know that it would spread to a major
pandemic. At least we hope they didn't know. If they did know, then
it was [pause] a much greater offense."

The administration is conducting a detailed investigation about what
happened in Wuhan. According to semi-confirmed leaks, the Chinese
scientists were studying the virus in Wuhan, one of the girls working
in the lab became infected. She passed it on to her fiancé, and he
works in the "wet market" where the virus spread into an epidemic.

If the investigation finds that the CCP and WHO had a motive of
infecting the rest of the world, so that China wouldn't be the only
infected nation, this would be extremely significant, and would
infuriate a lot of nations towards China. It could very well be the
spark that leads to war.

There is no limit to the stupidity of the CCP thugs. The CCP thugs
are a bottomless sewer of stupidity.

As I've written many times, the CCP always one incredibly stupid thing
after another. You never know what the CCP is going to do to handle a
situation, but you can be certain that whatever the CCP thugs do,
they'll only make the situation worse. That's certainly the case in
this situation.

It's just incredible to me how the do one unbelievably stupid thing
after another. I remember thinking of that with regard to Mao
Zedong's Great Leap Forward, which was so stupid that it led to the
needless deaths from starvation and execution of tens of millions of
innocent Chinese civilians. Since then, it's been one stupid thing
after another.

The wonderful Chinese people deserve something better than the
worthless garbage in the CCP, but they're obviously not going to get

Will the motive proposed by the Diplomat article turn out to be true?
We'll have to wait for the investigation, but one thing we know is
that the CCP's behavior is ALWAYS worse than expected.
** 18-Apr-2020 World View: CCP thugs arrest Hong Kong activists during pandemic

[Image: 5760.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=forma...2ccd34d2f3]
  • Arrested former lawmaker and pro-democracy activist Martin
    Lee (center) talks to the media after leaving the central district
    police station in Hong Kong.

There are some signs that regional conflicts are growing, as most of
the world is distracted by the Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic

On the one hand, the conflicts in Syria and Yemen appear to be
frozen in place, as all belligerents are fearing a "coronavirus
tsunami." In in the Mideast, Iran is being widely blamed for being
the super-spreader that has spread Covid-19 throughout the region.

However, there are some conflicts that are worsening, because
of the coronavirus pandemic distraction.

There are reports that the CCP thugs are arresting pro-democracy
leaders in Hong Kong, even though there have been no demonstrations
for months. This is an example of what can happen. The only
protection that these young people had was international pressure on
the CCP. But now, nobody cares about anything but the coronavirus
pandemic, so the CCP thugs see their opportunity.

Furthermore, a widespread pro-democratic protest is almost impossible
during the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic crisis.

There have also been reports of increased military activity by the CCP
thugs in the South China and East China seas.

Another example is that in Burma (Myanmar), the military is stepping
up attacks on Rohingyas and other ethnic groups in Rakhine, Chin,
Karen and northern Shan states. It may even be an objective to
destroy health facilities, so that as many people in these ethnic
groups will die from the virus.

All of this comes at a time when suspicious are growing that the CCP
and WHO purposely censored early reports and lied about human to human
transmission in order to guarantee that the virus would spread to
Europe and the United States. Another benefit to the CCP thugs' lying
is that now they can take advantage of the pandemic they caused to
launch military action in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

---- Sources:

-- China / Police in Hong Kong arrest 15 activists amid autonomy
(Guardian, 18-Apr-2020)

-- U.S. says China should stop 'bullying behaviour' in South China Sea
(Reuters, 18-Apr-2020)

-- Myanmar military steps up attacks as coronavirus spreads
(AlJaz, 16-Apr-2020)
Overreaction to Covid-19 on the Theodore Roosevelt left the Chinese with the only aircraft carrier in the Western Pacific:

Hopefully the Navy will take this lesson to heart and toughen up a bit, though unfortunately it may just be ignored.
*** 19-Apr-20 World View -- How three major 20th century crises are merging into a single mega-crisis today

This morning's key headlines from
  • Three crises merge: pandemic, stock market bubble, war
  • Returning to work -- the timeline
  • Potential stock market crisis
  • Potential war crisis
  • The source and course of the pandemic in China
  • The economists and analysts
  • The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) hoax
  • The three cataclysmic crises

**** Three crises merge: pandemic, stock market bubble, war

[Image: g200418b.jpg]
Morgan Stanley Research: Project timeline and milestones for a return to work in the US (ZeroHedge)

In the past week, president Donald Trump has announced on Thursday a
plan for "opening up" the American economy on a rolling basis,
starting in May and continuing until a vaccine is found.

In the past week, several pharmaceutical companies have announced
development of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments, raising hopes that
the virus will be defeated by the fall, even though every medical
expert I've heard says that 12-18 months will be required to perform
all the testing phases before a new vaccine can be deployed.

In the past week, the stock market has swung upward, giving investors
the hope that "the bottom has been reached," after a period where
investors have been whiplashed by wild swings.

In the past week, several ongoing conflicts in the Mideast, Africa and
Asia have become frozen because of fear of a "coronavirus tsunami,"
leading some people to hope that the Covid-19 crisis will end wars for
a while. However, China and other countries have taken advantage of
international pandemic distraction to launch military actions.

Each of these changes gives hope that the end of the Covid-19 crisis
is sight, at least in the distance.

However, if you want to understand what's going on today, you have to
understand that we don't have three or four different sets of problems
(virus, stock market, real economy, global tensions) that can be
solved independently.

The situation is almost infinitely more complex than that, but what
we're seeing is the three major Western crises of the 20th century all
merging into a single interlocking crisis today.

The three major cataclysmic Western crises of the 20th century are as
  • 1914-1919: Spanish Flu pandemic, following World War I
  • 1929-33: Stock market bubble bursts, causing panic and crash
  • 1940-45: World War II

In the 20th century, these crises occurred ten years apart, giving the
world a chance to recover from one before having to deal with another.

But today, all three of these cataclysmic crises are occurring
simultaneously. In addition, the WW I and WW II fault lines and
timelines have been combined. Whether one of the currently "frozen"
conflicts will eventually spiral into WW III is a matter of

The world is a complex system, where everything interlocks with
everything else. So if two or more crises occur simultaneously, they
interact with one another. When government officials try to deal with
one crisis, they're hindered by problems with the other crises. So
today's economic crisis will be much worse than the Great Depression,
and World War III will be much worse than WW I and WW II combined.

**** Returning to work -- the timeline

On Thursday, president Trump announced a framework for opening up the
US economy and returning to work. The framework is "data driven," and
since the data can differ from state to state or region to region, the
timeline will differ from region to region.

The chart at the beginning of this article was created by Morgan
Stanley several days ago, so it doesn't precisely align with Trump's
Thursday announcement. But it's close enough to serve as a reference
model for discussion.

One issue highlighted by this chart is the date when a vaccine is
broadly available. The chart assumes March 2021, which is a bit on
the optimistic side, in view of what I've heard from experts.

Another issue highlighted by this chart is the "Potential Second Wave
of Infections," starting in the fall, though it's not reflected "Daily
New Cases" dark blue line. Scientists have already identified several
minor mutations, with America's west coast dealing with the "Chinese
virus," while the east coast dealing with the "European mutation."

The chart ignores the consequences of a significant mutation. In the
1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, the flu virus mutated over the summer into
something much more virulent, resulting in far more deaths in the

So the chart, like Trump's announced plan, might be called the "base
scenario." It assumes that a lot of things will go right, but it's
fragile, in that if one the assumptions is even partially wrong, then
it could result in major changes to the plan.

So this chart, and Trump's plan, assume that a vaccine will be
available in a year or a little later, which corresponds to the
statements by experts. They also assume that any "second wave" can be
controlled quickly, as Dr. Anthony Fauci on Trump's coronavirus team
has promised, using experience gathered from the the first wave.

However, the biggest omissions in this chart, and in Trump's announced
plan, is that there is no recognition of the other major crises that
I've listed above -- a stock market crisis and a war crisis.

**** Potential stock market crisis

As regular Generational Dynamics readers are well aware, the stock
market is in a huge bubble, with stocks far overpriced. By contrast,
stocks were far underpriced in 1918 at the time of the Spanish Flu

The S&P 500 price earnings ratio can tell us whether stocks are
overpriced or underpriced. The historic average of the P/E ratio is
14. Here are the three values relevant to the current discussion:
  • March 1918 - 7.4 -- Spanish Flu pandemic
  • September 1929 - 20.2 -- Just before stock market crash
  • March 2020 - 23.9 -- recent P/E ratio

This is an illustration of what I mean by simultaneous crises today.

There was no stock market bubble in 1918, the time of the Spanish Flu,
and it was literally almost impossible to have a stock market panic at
that time. The bubble grew during the 1920s, and burst ten years
later, in the 1929 stock market crash. So the Spanish Flu crisis and
the stock market crisis were ten years apart.

But today, the Covid-19 pandemic crisis is occurring SIMULTANEOUSLY
with a huge stock market bubble. With the market far overpriced in a
bubble, a panic could occur at any time.

This doesn't mean that a stock market panic must necessarily occur,
but it means that the probability is high that it will occur. This is
in contrast to 1918, when a stock market panic was almost impossible.

The timelines in the Morgan Stanley chart above, as in Trump's
announced plan, assume that there will be no stock market panic. This
means that the plans assume that funds will be available to pay for
all the testing and bailouts and loans and unemployment benefits. Any
sane person reading news must be as shocked as I am these days to see
the government distribute trillions of dollars in newly "printed"
money, as if they were distributing marbles. This is tied into the
current economic fad, "Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)" that I'll
describe below.

**** Potential war crisis

As regular Generational Dynamics readers are well aware, most of the
world is in a generational Crisis era, with high levels of xenophobia
and nationalism in almost every nation. This means that most
countries, including China, Japan, Turkey, Russia, the EU, the United
States, and many others have no fear of war, have no hesitation to set
"red lines" or to cross other countries' "red lines," without
understanding that such actions can quickly spiral into major wars.

This was not the case for Western nations in 1918, since World War I
was just finishing up, and everyone was war-weary. This is an
enormous difference between 1918 and today.

As regular readers know, Generational Dynamics predicts that there is
an approaching Clash of Civilizations world war, pitting the "axis" of
China, Pakistan and the Sunni Muslim countries against the "allies,"
the US, India, Russia and Iran. Part of it will be a major new war
between Jews and Arabs, re-fighting the bloody the war of 1948-49 that
followed the partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state
of Israel. The war between Jews and Arabs will be part of a major
regional war, pitting Sunnis versus Shias, Jews versus Arabs, and
various ethnic groups against each other.

Furthermore, as I've written in the past, China does not want a war
with the US. However, China is planning a war of extermination
against Japan, in revenge for Japan's atrocities in World War II, and
also a war of annexation against Taiwan. China is developing a huge
arsenal of missiles and ships to attack the United States because the
Chinese know that the US will defend Japan and Taiwan when they're
attacked by China.

Those interested in understanding the dynamics of China's plans should
read my book, "World View: War Between China and Japan: Why America
Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book 2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99

So we have war tensions growing in many places in the world, during
the generational Crisis era. It's impossible to predict how the
Covid-19 pandemic is affecting whatever war plans might be in progress
in any of these countries. In the Mideast, we're seeing some ongoing
conflicts in Syria and Yemen frozen in place because of the Covid-19
pandemic threat. On the other hand, there are reports that China is
taking belligerent actions in the South China Sea and East China Sea
in order to take advantage of how the Covid-19 pandemic has distracted
the United States.

A decision to go to war during a generational Crisis era is a "chaotic
event" (in the sense of Chaos Theory), which means something trivial
(like a butterfly flapping its wings) could affect the nature or the
time of the decision to go to war. The Covid-19 pandemic is not a
trivial event, of course, but the same principle can apply. So if we
apply that reasoning to China, then the pandemic may cause the CCP
thugs to say, "We'd better wait a while longer to make sure the army
is OK," or it may cause the CCP thugs to say, "Since Japan is flat on
its back from the pandemic, now is the time to strike." It could go
either way.

**** The source and course of the pandemic in China

This is a brief summary of the accusations being directed against
China as the source of the pandemic. These are important because they
may play a role in the anger and xenophobia directed against China,
and in the defensiveness and xenophobia directed by China against
other countries.

It's now widely accepted that China could have used standard
containment measures (contact tracing and isolation) to stamp out
Covid-19 fairly quickly in December. Instead, the CCP censored all
news and social media reports of the growing danger, and forced the
doctor, Dr. Li Wenlian, who had identified and reported about the
virus, to sign a phony confession. Dr. Li died of the disease
himself, and other doctors were "disappeared."

China repeatedly censored any reports of the virus, and denied that
there was any human-to-human transmission for weeks. China's claims
would not have been believed, since China lies about everything, but
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization
(WHO), vouched for China's lies.

These lies lulled many countries, in Europe, Asia and the United
States, into a sense of complacency. If it hadn't been for those
lies, the pandemic would have been far less severe, because the US and
other countries would have started reacting much sooner.

There are some additional issues:
  • There are accusations that Covid-19 was developed at the Wuhan
    Institute Of Virology as a bio-weapon. However, that accusation is
    rejected by almost all responsible experts.

  • There are accusations that the virus occurred naturally, and was
    being studied at the Wuhan Institute Of Virology, but escaped.
    According to one story, a girl working at the Institute became
    infected, and gave it to her fiancé, who works at the "wet market"
    where the virus spread. This accusation is considered possible.

  • There are accusations that China purposely lied about the virus,
    and coerced the WHO to vouch for those lies, in order to guarantee
    that the pandemic spread to the rest of the world. The motive would
    have been to avoid the embarrasing and intolerable situation where the
    virus spreads across China, but other countries are not infected. The
    US administration is investigating this accusation.

  • These accusations are supported by the fact that China blocked all
    airplane flights from Wuhan into other parts of China, but permitted
    flights from Wuhan to any other country. This suggests consciousness
    of guilt.

As things stand, many nations are facing the pandemic because China
censored the facts and lied about them. If it turns out that China
did so on purpose, in order to infect other nations, then some of
those nations might consider it an act of war.

All the actual facts will be coming out over the next few weeks.

**** The economists and analysts

I listen all the time to economists and financial analysts on CNBC,
Bloomberg TV, Wall St Journal and elsewhere, often described as
"reknowned" or "legendary." These people are idiots. They have no
particular skills at explaining or forecasting the economy than an
random seven-year-old child. Their only skill is to dress up their
own political biases or their firm's sales pitches into words that
will get them on TV.

There are so many examples. One was the housing bubble in the
mid-2000s decade. That there was a housing bubble was obvious, to me
and to others, as early as 2004, when Alan Greenspan said there was a
housing bubble. But for years the "experts" on CNBC and in the Wall
Street Journal kept saying that "Housing prices can't go down --
people have to live somewhere," and "Banks won't foreclose -- it's not
in their interest to do so" and "These housing construction firms know
what they're doing, and they wouldn't be building houses if it were
just a bubble."

It wasn't until 2009 that I heard a tv analyst talk about a housing
bubble -- they said that it had occurred several years earlier. These
"reknowned" or "legendary" experts only recognized the housing bubble
long after it had burst. That's why I call them idiots -- they can't
even see the most obvious things.

Economists are no different from politicians, and I see this all the
time. SAT scores have been plummeting since the Boomers were in
school. Since then, it became fashionable to major in idiotic
subjects like sociology or women's studies, and then call yourself an
"expert." You can see this in politicans, in computer programmers,
and in economists.

Another example, which I've written about many times, is that
economists are unable to explain the tech bubble that occurred in the
late 1990s -- why it occurred at all and why it didn't occur ten years
earlier or later. The economist idiots just say, "Oh, it's because of
the internet," which is no explanation at all, especially it doesn't
explain why it didn't happen in the 1980s, when millions of
programmers were developing PC software in the basements.

As Generational Dynamics readers are well aware, the 1990s tech bubble
occurred at exactly the time the survivors of the 1929 stock market
crash and Great Depression all disappeared (retired or died). As long
as they were in charge, as they were in the 1980s, PC software
investments were made with care. But when their children were in
charge, starting in the 1990s, internet software investments were made
with reckless abandon.

Those concepts are beyond the grasp of economists and analysts,
because understanding it requires more knowledge than you get in
fourth grade. So they're simply incapable of understanding this.

**** The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) hoax

Economists and analysts may not have any knowledge beyond the fourth
grade, but that doesn't stop them from becoming drug addicts. And for
today's economists, the cocaine-like addiction drug is known as "The
Modern Monetary Theory" (MMT).

In centuries past, when Kings wanted to "print money," they actually
had to run some sort of printing press. But not today. Today, anyone
can "print money" simply by creating and issuing bonds. The US
government "prints money" by selling Treasury bonds.

When Barack Obama took office, the national debt was $10.6 trillion.
When Donald Trump took office, the national debt was $19.9 trillion.
But this year, the government is going on a massive spending spree.
There was a $2.1 trillion bailout bill, and there are more bailouts
and infrastructure programs planned. The total national debt will go
to around $27 trillion.

So doesn't that debt have to be repaid? The magic of MMT says that it

Here are the elements of MMT:
  • A country like the United States, which controls and prints
    its own "fiat" currency, can "print" as much as it wants without
    having to repay it.

  • The only problem is that it might cause hyperinflation, as in the
    case of Germany's Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe.

  • If that happens, then just raise taxes, and the hyperinflation
    will disappear.

You read this, and you might think it's something out of a comic book,
but it's considered serious economic theory today (though

The first fallacy is that the government would raise taxes to control
the hyperinflation. That's ridiculous. Neither Democrats nor
Republicans would ever agree to such a tax increase, and decades of
history prove that's true.

The biggest fallacy of all in MMT is that it causes inflation or
hyperinflation. That's not what happens in a generational Crisis era,
like today, when almost everyone is in debt. Today the country and
the world are in a classic deflationary spiral, and anyone counting on
inflation is going to be badly hurt.

MMT is the ultimate form of drug addiction.

It's like a drug addict who has already lost his home, his family and
his job, and who needs to take more and more drugs to feel ok. Taking
more and more drugs only postpones and worsens the problems he has to
face, but it may be the best choice for the time being because it
postpones the problems he has to face. In the meantime, he keeps hope
alive. Maybe he'll win a $10 million lottery, so he'll be able to use
the money to get off drugs, and get his home and family back. Keep
taking drugs, and keep hope alive as long as possible. If something
can't go on forever, then it won't.

So that's why so many economists and politicians hope for and predict
inflation. Just as a drug addict might hope for winning the lottery,
economists and politicians hope hyperinflation, which is their version
of winning the lottery, since hyperinflation wipes out debt. It's a
dream fantasy.

When people have tons of money, then they buy lots of things, creating

But people have NO money today. They have the opposite. Instead of
tons of money, they have tons of debt, which is the opposite. They
have tons of interlocking debt.

They do not have the money to spend or the desire to spend, so there
won't be hyperinflation. You have a clue what's going on when the
federal government is tying its bailouts to requirements to spend. If
the government has to force people to spend there won't be inflation.
If people won't spend, then there'll be deflation, the opposite of

The way the economy will fail is when somebody's margin call or
somebody's bankruptcy triggers a chain reaction of debt payment
failure. That's what a deflationary spiral is, as one bankruptcy
triggers another one. This is what I used to refer to as the
Principle of Maximum Ruin: The maximum number of people are ruined to
the maximum extent possible. Inflation is a fantasy.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics theory, hyperinflation
can only occur in generational Awakening and Unraveling eras, as in
the case of Germany's Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe. In a generational
Crisis era, when all the bills come due, it's not inflation but it's a
massive deflationary spiral that occurs. If I have enough time left,
then at a future date I'll write about the theory of how all this
works. I can't get into it now, because this article is long enough
as it is.

**** The three cataclysmic crises

At the beginning of this article, I referenced Donald Trump's plan for
"opening up" the economy, and I referenced the Morgan Stanley plan, as
illustrated by the diagram at the beginning of the article.

Those two plans differ in details, but from a high level, they're
pretty much the same plan. They portray the most optimistic scenario
for ending the Covid-19 pandemic crisis in America. However, these
plans overlook the consequences of several real possibilities.

At the beginning of this article, I listed three major 20th century
  • 1914-1919: Spanish Flu pandemic, following World War I
  • 1929-33: Stock market bubble bursts, causing panic and crash
  • 1940-45: World War II

In the 20th century, these crises occurred ten years apart. But from
the point of view of Generational Dynamics, they are likely to merge
in the 21st century.
  • The MMT engorgement is creating tens of trillions of dollars
    of interlocking debt throughout the world. In the case of a major
    sovereign bankruptcy, central banks around the world would be rushing
    to fill the gap by issuing more debt, but in the case of a large
    bankruptcy, they would be unable to do so, and the bankruptcy would
    propagate throughout the world economy in a chain reaction.

  • The economic lockdowns, social distancing and self-isolation have
    had disastrous effects on productivity in all countries that have
    implemented it, including China and the United States. Even when the
    lockdowns end, it will take years to restore productivity to its
    former levels. This is not speculation. Last week, the International
    Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast the worst global recession since the
    1930s Great Depression. This means that the money require to make
    debt repayments will not be available in many cases, resulting in the
    chain of bankruptcies described above.

  • Covid-18 has frozen some military plans. But in Rakhine State and
    Hong Kong, Burma (Myanmar) and China, respectively, are taking
    advantage of the West's pandemic distraction to launch belligerent
    attacks. In the spirit of "Never let a crisis go to waste," it's
    possible that there are many previously unplanned military actions are
    being planned. In a generational Crisis era, these military actions
    are much more likely to spiral into larger than they would have been,
    say, in the 1990s Unraveling era.

  • China is overdue for a mass anti-government rebellion, such as the
    ones the country has had at regular intervals throughout its millennia
    of history. The last two of these massive rebellions were the the
    Taiping Rebellion (1850-64) and Mao's Communist Revolution (1934-49)
    -- and both of these rebellions began in Guangdong province, adjacent
    to Hong Kong, and spread north. China is overdue for a new massive
    civil war, and China is currently experiencing a major economic
    setback. This could trigger a new rebellion.

  • As I wrote in my book, "War between China and Japan," China is
    planning a war of extermination against Japan, to get revenge for
    Japan's atrocities during WW II, and is planning a war of annexation
    with Taiwan. China may decide to take advantage of the pandemic
    crisis to launch these wars.

  • The "return to work" plans described above apply to the US,
    Europe, and other developed nations. But these don't apply at all to
    underdeveloped nations in Africa, the Mideast, Asia, and South and
    Central America, with a poor or non-existent health services
    infrastructure, and where poverty and crowding make social distancing
    and isolation impossible. Covid-19 is going to "burn though" these
    nations, triggering ethnic, religious and tribal wars, resulting in
    enormous poverty and death, and this is going to spill over into the
    developed nations.

Generational Dynamics predicts that all of the items in this list of
events will occur, though not necessarily in the two year time frame
contemplated by the "opening up" scenarios. However, bear in mind
that the IMF has predicted the worst global recession since the 1930s
Great Depression. So with debt around the world increasing almost
exponentially, and with ethnic and racial tensions growing around the
world because of Covid-18, the probability that they'll occur in the
next year is substantially higher than at any time since the end of
World War II.

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019, Paperback: 331 pages, with over 200 source references,

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: Iran's Struggle for Supremacy
-- Tehran's Obsession to Redraw the Map of the Middle East"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 1), September 2018, Paperback:
153 pages, over 100 source references, $7.00,

John Xenakis is author of: "Generational Dynamics Anniversary Edition
- Forecasting America's Destiny", (Generational Theory Book Series,
Book 3), January 2020, Paperback: 359 pages, $14.99,


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19, China,
Spanish flu, Morgan Stanley,
Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Modern Monetary Theory, MMT,
Myanmar, Burma, Hong Kong, Taiping Rebellion, Mao Zedong

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** 18-Apr-2020 World View: Coronavirus impact on China's military

(04-18-2020, 02:55 PM)Warren Dew Wrote: > Overreaction to Covid-19 on the Theodore Roosevelt left the
> Chinese with the only aircraft carrier in the Western Pacific:


> Hopefully the Navy will take this lesson to heart and toughen up a
> bit, though unfortunately it may just be ignored.

One thing that we don't know is how the Wuhan Coronavirus has affected
China's military. The CCP thugs claim that not a single China soldier
has been infected.
** 19-Apr-2020 World View: South Korea infections

John Wrote:> 19-Apr-20 World View -- How three major 20th century crises are
> merging into a single mega-crisis today

> The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) hoax

> ** 19-Apr-20 World View -- How three major 20th century crises are merging into a single mega-crisis today
> **

Guest Wrote:> This the best analysis you've ever written,John.

> I'm in South Korea. We're in a strange holding pattern here. All
> of my surviving family now back in Asia. We have houses in
> America, but no way to get back. I don't know if any of us would
> be any safer in the US. Somehow I doubt it. I

Thanks for the compliment.

South Korea is in the news today, as the country posted only
eight new coronavirus cases, the lowest since February 20.

A lot of people want to draw lessons from South Korea -- lots of
testing, and so forth. The big issue is that South Korea requires
that people install an app on their mobile phones that lets the
government track their movements. It's highly doubtful that people in
America or Australia or many European countries would tolerate such an

As for where you and your family are safest, that's a problem. People
used to ask me that when they just had WW III to worry about. One
suggested solution was to hide out in an obscure African village and,
if possible, marry someone there, to ride out the war. But now that
doesn't seem to be a viable solution because even if you're safe
from missiles, Covid-19 could still find you. So I don't know where
you would be safe today.

---- Sources:

-- South Korea Sees Fewest New Virus Cases Since Start of Surge
(Bloomberg, 19-Apr-2020)

-- South Korea relaxes some social distancing rules as new virus cases
(Reuters, 19-Apr-2020)

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