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Generational Dynamics World View
*** 7-Jul-21 World View -- Russia and Tajikistan protect border As Afghan forces collapse under Taliban offensive

This morning's key headlines from
  • Tajikistan mobilizes 20,000 military reservists to Afghan border
  • Russia prepares to help Tajikistan protect its border with Afghanistan

**** Tajikistan mobilizes 20,000 military reservists to Afghan border

[Image: g210706b.jpg]
Map of Afghanistan showing recent rapid advance of Taliban (Afghan-Analysts)

Multiple analysts on TV have been echoing the reports that, as
American and Nato troops withdraw from Afghanistan, the Taliban are
taking control of the country far more rapidly than expected.

The Taliban are now in control of a third of the country. Many in the
Afghan army, who are supposed to be fighting the Taliban without the
aid of Nato, are apparently fleeing without a fight.

More than 1,000 Afghan security personnel fled border with Tajikistan,
causing Tajikistan's president to call up 20,000 military reservists
to guard the border. This follows a general warning to Tajikistan
villagers who live along the border to be prepared "to take up arms."
(See "3-May-21 World View -- US withdrawal from Afghanistan threatens Central Asia stability"

In May, a provincial governor announced:

<QUOTE>"In coordination with the police and intelligence
departments, we've registered all hunters who live in the border
areas. They will have to take up arms to defend our country. In
fact, all of us will have to take up weapons if the situation
dictates."<END QUOTE>

As I wrote at the time, the withdrawal of American and Nato forces in
Afghanistan threatens to destabilize the entire Central Asian region
that includes Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Many analysts are pointing these events out, and it's not lost on any
of them that after America and Nato have had forces in Afghanistan for
almost 20 years, all the work that was done is now about to be lost in
a period of a few months. In particular, there are already reports
that the freedoms of women and girls are already being curtailed in
newly-captured Taliban areas.

**** Russia prepares to help Tajikistan protect its border with Afghanistan

Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are all members of Russia's
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Russia, which
operates one of its largest military bases abroad in Tajikistan
equipped with tanks, helicopters, drones and ground attack aircraft,
and is promising to stabilize the border with Afghanistan if needed.

In the 1980s, Russia had an ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan
(Russia's "Vietnam") fighting Islamic Pashtuns who later became the
Taliban. Tajikistan and other Soviet Socialist republics, who were
part of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, supported Russia's invasion.
At that time, Osama bin Laden was a Sunni Muslim Saudi citizen whom
the Saudis got rid of by encouraging him to travel Afghanistan to
fight against the Orthodox Christian Russian infidels. Since the
Soviet Union was the West's major enemy at the time, America and other
Western countries supported bin Laden and his fight with the Soviets.

After the Soviets withdrew in 1989, the situation rapidly evolved.
There was an extremely bloody Afghan civil war between 1992-96,
pitting radicalized Pashtuns in the south against the Northern
Alliance in the north, consisting of Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.

As I've written many times, this civil war, a generational Crisis war,
is the controlling event today. Each side is bitterly angry at the
atrocities, beatings, tortures and rapes perpetrated by the other
side, and all many people want is revenge. That's always the nature
of an ethnic civil war, and it's the reason why the Taliban will never
fulfill their promises to give up violence. And that's why the
remnants of the old Northern Alliance are now fleeing across the
border into Tajikistan.

As I wrote at the time, the agreement between Donald Trump and the
Taliban in March 2020 was entirely delusional, but was apparently
driven by a desire to withdraw troops from Afghanistan no matter what
the cost and no matter how humiliating to the US. Joe Biden fully
endorsed the delusional agreement, and we're now seeing the results,
predictable and predicted. And yes, 20 years of work is now going
down the drain. ( "16-Feb-20 World View -- US and Taliban to sign laughable 'reduction in violence' agreement in Afghanistan"

So Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko says:

<QUOTE>"The situation there is rather tense because according
to some sources, up to 70% of the Tajik-Afghan border is now
controlled by the Taliban."<END QUOTE>

So the Northern Alliance may be reincarnated under Russian leadership.
Things are changing rapidly in Afghanistan, as the last American and
Nato troops prepare to leave, and many analysts are foreseeing a


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan,
China, Russia, Soviet Union,
Collective Security Treaty Organization, CSTO,
Afghanistan, Taliban, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks,
Uzbeks, Northern Alliance, Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden,
Andrei Rudenko

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** 07-Jul-2021 World View: Bond yields

Lots of panic on CNBC this morning because 10 yr bond yields are
falling to 1.3%, with the fear that they will fall to 1% by the end of
the week.
As a totalitarian movement, much like Commies and fascists, the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will be a humanitarian crisis. Watch for incoming... refugees. I see no reason to believe that the "new" Taliban will be any more pleasant than the "old" Taliban.

Why couldn't the superpowers of the time (the USA and the Soviet Union) have left Afghanistan alone?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(07-07-2021, 07:59 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 07-Jul-2021 World View: Bond yields

Lots of panic on CNBC this morning because 10 yr bond yields are
falling to 1.3%, with the fear that they will fall to 1% by the end of
the week.

What people must beware is the inverted yield curve in which long-term yields are lower than short-term yields. Very short-term yields make short-term borrowing more expensive, which discourages borrowing for starting new businesses. Speculative activity may be high and approaching the collapse. 

Quote:  The shape of the yield curve changes with the state of the economy. The normal or upward sloping yield curve occurs when the economy is growing. Two primary economic theories explain the shape of the yield curve; the pure expectations theory and the liquidity preference theory. 

In pure expectations theory, forward long-term rates are thought to be an average of expected short-term rates over the same total term of maturity. Liquidity preference theory points out that investors will demand a premium on the yield they receive in return for tying up liquidity in a longer term bond. Together these theories explain the shape of the yield curve as a function of investors’ current preferences and future expectations and why, in normal times, the yield curve slopes upward to the right. 

During normal periods of economic growth, and especially when the economy is being stimulated by low interest rates driven by Fed monetary policy, the yield curve slopes upward both because investors demand a premium yield for longer-term bonds and because they expect that at some point in the future the Fed will have to raise short-term rates to avoid an overheated economy and/or runaway inflation. In these circumstances, both expectations and liquidity preference reinforce each other and both contribute to an upward sloping yield curve.

When signals of an overheated economy start to appear or when investors otherwise have reason to believe that a short-term rate hike by the Fed is imminent, then these theories begin to work in the opposite directions and the slope of the yield curve flattens and can even turn negative (and inverted) if this effect is strong enough.

Investors begin to expect that the Fed’s efforts to cool down the overheated economy by raising short term rates will lead to a slowdown in economic activity, followed by a return to a low interest rate policy in order to fight the tendency for a slowdown to become a recession. Investors expectation of falling short-term interest rates in the future leads to a decrease in long term yields and an increase in short term yields in the present, causing the yield curve to flatten or even invert.

It is perfectly rational to expect interest rates to fall during recessions. If there is a recession, then stocks become less attractive and might enter a bear market. That increases the demand for bonds, which raises their prices and reduces yields. The Federal Reserve also generally lowers short-term interest rates to stimulate the economy during recessions. That expectation makes long-term bonds more appealing, which further increases their prices and decreases yields in the months preceding a recession.

Historical Examples of Inverted Yield Curves
  • In 2020, the yield curve briefly inverted on Feb. 25. Signals of inflationary pressure from a tight labor market and a series of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve from 2017 to 2019 raised expectations of a recession, exacerbated by initial coronavirus concerns. Those expectations eventually led the Fed to walk back the interest rate increases. This inversion of the yield curve signaled the onset of recession during 2020.

  • In 2006, the yield curve was inverted during much of the year. Long-term Treasury bonds went on to outperform stocks during 2007. In 2008, long-term Treasuries soared as the stock market crashed. In this case, the Great Recession arrived and turned out to be worse than expected.

  • In 1998, the yield curve briefly inverted. For a few weeks, Treasury bond prices surged after the Russian debt default. Quick interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve helped to prevent a recession in the United States. However, the Fed's actions may have contributed to the subsequent dotcom bubble.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 11-Jul-2021 World View: Afghanistan

(07-07-2021, 10:51 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: > As a totalitarian movement, much like Commies and fascists, the
> Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will be a humanitarian
> crisis. Watch for incoming... refugees. I see no reason to believe
> that the "new" Taliban will be any more pleasant than the "old"
> Taliban.

> Why couldn't the superpowers of the time (the USA and the Soviet
> Union) have left Afghanistan alone?

For centuries, Afghanistan has been like an exotic woman that says,
"Take me, and I'll make you powerful and wealthy." So she's so
exotic, and she's so willing, and you imagine all the riches and power
and wealth that you'll have, and so you take her. And while you're
inside her, she pulls out a knife from under the mattress and plunges
it into you.

As you have blood pouring out of you, you stagger to the door of
her bedroom, and when you open the door, she shouts out into
the hallway: "Next!"
** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Why Trump supporters believe the election was stolen

The Democrats are always expressing faux outrage and astonishment and
ridicule that tens of millions of Trump supporters believe that the
2020 election was rigged, and stolen from Trump by the Democrats.

On his show on Friday night, Tucker Carlson read an entire long essay
in the form of a twitter thread explaining why Trump supporters
believe the election was stolen. The twitter feed was from Darryl
Cooper (@MartyrMade).

What's interesting about this essay is that it shows an evolution of
thought, from believing that the Democrats and the media would treat
Trump fairly to believing that they would do anything, no matter how
illegal or disastrous, to regain power from Trump. In the end, Cooper
suggests that if Trump had won the election, they might have had him

It's well worthwhile to take a few minutes to read through Cooper's
entire essay:

Quote:> "I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier
> Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to
> extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the
> perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and
> probably even Trump himself. 1/x

> Most believe some or all of the theories involving midnight
> ballots, voting machines, etc, but what you find when you talk to
> them is that, while they’ll defend those positions w/info they got
> from Hannity or Breitbart or whatever, they’re not particularly
> attached to them. 2/x

> Here are the facts – actual, confirmed facts – that shape their
> perspective: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using
> evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign. We now know that
> all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan’s July 2016
> memo, etc). 3/x

> These are Tea Party people. The types who give their kids a pocket
> Constitution for their birthday and have Founding Fathers memes in
> their bios. The intel community spying on a presidential campaign
> using fake evidence (incl forged documents) is a big deal to
> them. 4/x

> Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they
> could. We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence
> because of a court order. Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid
> for it, when we have emails from a year earlier proving that he
> knew. 5/x

> This was true with everyone, from CIA Dir Brennan & Adam Schiff –
> who were on TV saying they’d seen clear evidence of collusion
> w/Russia, while admitting under oath behind closed doors that they
> hadn’t – all the way down the line. In the end we learned that it
> was ALL fake. 6/x

> At first, many Trump ppl were worried there must be some
> collusion, because every media & intel agency wouldn’t make it up
> out of nothing. When it was clear that they had made it up,
> people expected a reckoning, and shed many illusions about their
> gov’t when it didn’t happen. 7/x

> We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used
> to justify spying on the Trump campaign, b) The FBI knew the
> Steele dossier was a DNC op, c) Steele’s source told the FBI the
> info was unserious, d) they did not inform the court of any of
> this and kept spying. 8/x

> Trump supporters know the collusion case front and back. They went
> from worrying the collusion must be real, to suspecting it might
> be fake, to realizing it was a scam, then watched as every
> institution – agencies, the press, Congress, academia – gaslit
> them for another year. 9/x

> Worse, collusion was used to scare people away from working in the
> administration. They knew their entire lives would be
> investigated. Many quit because they were being bankrupted by
> legal fees. The DoJ, press, & gov’t destroyed lives and actively
> subverted an elected admin. 10/x

> This is where people whose political identity was largely defined
> by a naive belief in what they learned in Civics class began to
> see the outline of a Regime that crossed all institutional
> boundaries. Because it had stepped out of the shadows to unite
> against an interloper. 11/x

> GOP propaganda still has many of them thinking in terms of
> partisan binaries, but A LOT of Trump supporters see that the
> Regime is not partisan. They all know that the same institutions
> would have taken opposite sides if it was a Tulsi Gabbard vs Jeb
> Bush election. 12/x

> It’s hard to describe to people on the left (who are used to
> thinking of gov’t as a conspiracy ... Watergate, COINTELPRO, WMD,
> etc) how shocking & disillusioning this was for people who
> encourage their sons to enlist in the Army, and hate ppl who don’t
> stand for the Anthem. 13/x

> They could have managed the shock if it only involved the
> government. But the behavior of the corporate press is really
> what radicalized them. They hate journalists more than they hate
> any politician or gov’t official, because they feel most betrayed
> by them. 14/x

> The idea that the press is driven by ratings/sensationalism became
> untenable. If that were true, they’d be all over the Epstein
> story. The corporate press is the propaganda arm of the Regime
> they now see in outline. Nothing anyone says will ever make them
> unsee that, period. 15/x

> This is profoundly disorienting. Many of them don’t know for
> certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know
> for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to
> them if there was. They have every reason to believe that, and
> it’s probably true. 16/x

> They watched the press behave like animals for four years. Tens of
> millions of people will always see Kavanaugh as a gang rapist,
> based on nothing, because of CNN. And CNN seems proud of
> that. They led a lynch mob against a high school kid. They cheered
> on a summer of riots. 17/x

> They always claimed the media had liberal bias, fine,
> whatever. They still thought the press would admit truth if they
> were cornered. Now they don’t. It’s a different thing to watch
> them invent stories whole cloth in order to destroy regular lives
> and spark mass violence. 18/x

> Time Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly
> conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests,
> the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who
> framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color
> revolution. 19/x

> Throughout the summer, Democrat governors took advantage of COVID
> to change voting procedures. It wasn’t just the mail-ins (they
> lowered signature matching standards, etc). After the collusion
> scam, the fake impeachment, Trump ppl expected shenanigans by
> now. 20/x

> Re: “fake impeachment”, we now know that Trump’s request for
> Ukraine to cooperate w/the DOJ regarding Biden’s $ activities in
> Ukraine was in support of an active investigation being pursued by
> the FBI and Ukraine AG at the time, and so a completely legitimate
> request. 21/x

> Then you get the Hunter laptop scandal. Big Tech ran a full-on
> censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a
> political candidate. Period. Everyone knows it, all of the Tech
> companies now admit it was a “mistake” – but, ya know, the
> election’s over, so who cares? 22/x

> Goes w/o saying, but: If the NY Times had Don Jr’s laptop, full of
> pics of him smoking crack and engaging in group sex, lots of lurid
> family drama, emails describing direct corruption and backed up by
> the CEO of the company they were using, the NYT wouldn’t have been
> banned. 23/x

> Think back: Stories about Trump being pissed on by Russian
> prostitutes and blackmailed by Putin were promoted as fact, and
> the only evidence was a document paid for by his opposition and
> disavowed by its source. The NY Post was banned for reporting on
> true information. 24/x

> The reaction of Trump ppl to all this was not, “no fair!” That’s
> how they felt about Romney’s “binders of women” in 2012. This is
> different. Now they see, correctly, that every institution is
> captured by ppl who will use any means to exclude them from the
> political process. 25/x

> And yet they showed up in record numbers to vote. He got 13m more
> votes than in 2016, 10m more than Clinton got! As election night
> dragged on, they allowed themselves some hope. But when the four
> critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at
> midnight, they knew. 26/x

> Over the ensuing weeks, they got shuffled around by grifters and
> media scam artists selling them conspiracy theories. They latched
> onto one, then another increasingly absurd theory as they tried to
> put a concrete name on something very real. 27/x

> Media & Tech did everything to make things worse. Everything about
> the election was strange – the changes to procedure, unprecedented
> mail-in voting, the delays, etc – but rather than admit that and
> make everything transparent, they banned discussion of it (even in
> DMs!). 28/x

> Everyone knows that, just as Don Jr’s laptop would’ve been the
> story of the century, if everything about the election dispute was
> the same, except the parties were reversed, suspicions about the
> outcome would’ve been Taken Very Seriously. See 2016 for
> proof. 29/x

> Even the courts’ refusal of the case gets nowhere w/them, because
> of how the opposition embraced mass political violence. They’ll
> say, w/good reason: What judge will stick his neck out for Trump
> knowing he’ll be destroyed in the media as a violent mob burns
> down his house? 30/x

> It’s a fact, according to Time Magazine, that mass riots were
> planned in cities across the country if Trump won. Sure, they were
> “protests”, but they were planned by the same people as during the
> summer, and everyone knows what it would have meant. Judges have
> families, too. 31/x

> Forget the ballot conspiracies. It’s a fact that governors used
> COVID to unconstitutionally alter election procedures (the
> Constitution states that only legislatures can do so) to help
> Biden to make up for a massive enthusiasm gap by gaming the
> mail-in ballot system. 32/x

> They knew it was unconstitutional, it’s right there in plain
> English. But they knew the cases wouldn’t see court until after
> the election. And what judge will toss millions of ballots
> because a governor broke the rules? The threat of mass riots
> wasn’t implied, it was direct. 33/x

> a) The entrenched bureaucracy & security state subverted Trump
> from Day 1, b) The press is part of the operation, c) Election
> rules were changed, d) Big Tech censors opposition, e) Political
> violence is legitimized & encouraged, f) Trump is banned from
> social media. 34/x

> They were led down some rabbit holes, but they are absolutely
> right that their gov’t is monopolized by a Regime that believes
> they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to
> keep them getting it. Trump fans should be happy he lost; it
> might’ve kept him alive. /end"

-- Darryl Cooper @MartyrMade / Must-Read Twitter Thread: Here’s Why We
KNOW the 2020 Election Was Stolen
(Noq Report, 9-Jul-2021)
** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Shocks of understanding

The evolution of thought described by Darryl Cooper almost exactly
describes my own changing thought process, as I've become increasing
astonished and depressed by the actions of the Democrats in
creating a Stalinist Fascist regime that is now trying to control
every aspect of America -- how we govern, how we think, what we
read, what we're allowed to say, and so forth.

I'd like to add to Darryl Cooper's timeline by listing some of the
events that were the greatest shocks to me. I've written about
these many times, so there's nothing really new here, but I'm
collecting them here in one place.
  • The accusations that Trump was somehow being controlled by
    Putin was obviously idiotic form day one, and yet the Democrats
    launched a probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate it,
    with the intention of using it to impeach Trump. After three years,
    involving two dozen Trump-hating lawyers, the Mueller probe came up
    with nothing, which REALLY pissed the Democrats off. For me
    personally, the most amazing thing was that Trump survived this
    massive investigation of his entire life, proving that he was the most
    honest and uncorrupted politician in American history.

  • One shock occurred during Trump's 2018 State of the Union address,
    when he announced the lowest black unemployment rate in history.
    Everyone in the country was cheering, but not the Congressional Black

    [Image: 5a714cbd107290b9008b4779?format=jpeg]
    • Congressional Black Caucus as everyone else was cheering Trump's announcement of low black unemployment rates

    That's when I realized that the Congressional Black Caucus were just a
    bunch of house slaves that were only allowed to think and say what
    White Master asshole Pelosi ordered them to think and say.

  • The 2019 Ukraine impeachment hearings were a complete shock to me,
    since I previously could not have believed something so horrible could
    happen in America. Led by shithead Adam Schiff, the whole "trial" was
    a farce. Schiff even manufactured a document, a letter from Trump to
    Ukraine's president, that showed that Trump was a criminal. Trump was
    able to produce the real letter, but, incredibly, proving that Schiff
    had lied made no difference. Schiff just ignored that and went on to
    the next lie. When I say it was a major shock to me, I'm not
    exaggerating, since I never believed that something like that could
    happen in America.

  • The most bizarre shock came because I actually watched the
    hearings, something that probably no one else reading this did, so I
    know what actually happened. I actually watched the hearings, working
    at my desk with the tv on, and I know that every bit of testimony was
    completely refuted by Republican cross-examination. But then every
    single news report lied about it, saying something like "Today,
    Ambassador X gave explosive testimony that Trump withheld aid from
    Ukraine until Ukraine started investigating Joe and Hunter Biden." In
    fact, all the news reports used the same words, indicating that they
    were all reading the same press releases from Adam Schiff and the
    Democrats. But since I had seen every hearing, I knew that this was
    simply a lie. Particularly shocking was that the BBC knowingly
    repeated the same lie, because they receive a lot of funding from NPR
    and the Democrats.

  • One thing I found particularly shocking was the role that violence
    and threats of violence played a major role in impeachment hearings.
    The Democrats' star witness Gordon Sondland was forced to change his
    testimony. That occurred because Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl
    Blumenauer and other Democrats called on anti-Trump activists to
    attack Sondland's businesses. Sondland was forced to change his
    testimony to support the Democrats because his businesses and family
    were being threatened with violence, riots and demonstrations, after
    Democrats led by Adam Schiff called on the rioters to threaten
    Sondland. But even so, Sondland was forced to back down under
    Republican cross-examination. So at the end, not a single witness
    supported the Democrats' charges. Not a single one. I knew that
    because I had watched the hearings.

    *** 03-Dec-2019 World View: Civil war and impeachment hearings

    *** 14-Dec-2019 World View: Impeachment and violence

  • Readers should be aware that the Democrats are using violence
    and threats of violence everywhere possible. As Darryl Cooper points
    out, no judge is going to risk his life and the lives of his family
    by ruling against the Democrats. That's why so many judges
    just threw up their hands and dismissed the election fraud cases
    on a technicality.

  • The whole Democrat censorship regime was also a complete shock
    to me. The Ukraine hearings proved that the mainstream media
    would say whatever shithead Schiff told them to say. When Trump
    and other Republicans were blocked from social media, it was
    clear that something really evil was going on. The real tipping
    point came when Amazon, with a flip of a switch, was able
    to shut down, an online social media service with
    millions of members, but they did. Overnight. With no serious
    explanation. That's when I wrote

    ** 12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook

    where I wrote, "I never never thought I'd see the Genocide Playbook
    being used in America. This is the darkest time for America in my

  • The darkness in America has only gotten worse since then. There
    have been many new "shocks," but they aren't really shocks anymore
    since we've gotten used to the bad news. There is increasing evidence
    that the January 6 "insurrection" was staged by the Democrats. The
    only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter, Ashli Babbit. Her
    murder by a member of the Capitol police is being massively covered up
    by the Democrats. Beyond that, the Democrats are holding dozens of
    innocent protesters in jail, in solitary confinement, for months, with
    no charges or trials. This is what happens in China, and it's clear
    that the Democrats are increasingly emulating the Chinese Communists
    in many ways.

    I recently wrote about a BBC podcast, an investigation into
    the Democrats' horrific treatment of children at the southern border.

    *** 04-Jul-2021 World View: BBC Investigation into horrific treatment of children at southern border


    Listening to this podcast is sickening. She talks about hundreds of
    girls being forcibly packed together and locked up in a tent because
    they all have lice. That's just the start. Sexual assault is common,
    and covid is widespread.

    I would like to say that this was shocking, but nothing about the
    Democrats is shocking anymore. The Democrats are recreating the KKK
    by other means, by adopting policies that result in the murders of
    thousands of blacks on the streets of Chicago and other Democrat-run
    cities. The Democrats were freely lynching blacks a century ago, and
    now they're doing it in a different way. And the George Soros-funded
    Democrats have also adopted policies to do everything possible to
    destroy the US Constitutional form of Federal government, just as they
    tried to do during the American Civil War. The Democrats are still
    extremely pissed off that they lost the Civil War and the slaves were
    freed by Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans, and destroying the
    United States government is their way of getting revenge for the Civil

    There is no excuse for the Democrats. Everything they do is
    sickening, but nothing they do is shocking or surprising any more.
    They are as vicious and evil as the Nazis, the Soviets, the Chinese
    Communists, and any other horrific regime you can think of.
** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Union of Concerned Scientists on appeasing the Chinese Communists

The left-wing Union of Concerned Scientists has sent a letter to Biden
advising him, in the name of "science," to adopt a policy of
appeasement of the Chinese Communists, and ignore China's crimes and
just cooperate with them on climate change.

We already know from the entire Covid-19 crisis, that so-called
"scientists" in the Democrat party are nothing more than cheap whores
who will say anything for money, and will do as commanded by Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrats, and call whatever they say "science."

Here are some excerpts from the letter:

Quote:> "We, the undersigned organizations, call on the Biden
> administration and all members of Congress to eschew the dominant
> antagonistic approach to U.S.-China relations and instead
> prioritize multilateralism, diplomacy, and cooperation with China
> to address the existential threat that is the climate crisis.

> The escalating, bipartisan anti-China rhetoric in both Congress
> and the White House damages the diplomatic and political
> relationships needed to move forward boldly and cooperatively. It
> also bolsters racist, right-wing movements in the United States,
> fuels violence against people of East and Southeast Asian descent,
> paves the way for higher U.S. military spending, and, critically,
> does nothing to actually support the wellbeing of everyday people
> in either China or the United States.

> Like the pandemic and so many of our most urgent crises, climate
> change has no nationalistic solutions. To combat the climate
> crisis and build a global economy that works for everyday working
> people — in the U.S. and China alike — we must shift from
> competition to cooperation."

I've written about the climate change hoax many times, but in
retrospect one of the most interesting and relevant aspects was the
hacking and release of thousands of e-mail messages from climate
"scientists" from 1996 to 2009. The messages were hacked from a
database at East Anglia University, a center for climate change
"research." The hacked e-mail messages showed a pattern of deception
and fraud by climate "scientists." The scientists urge one another to
smooth over data and hide unfavorable data, to enforce a unified view,
and to blackball scientists with opposing views. They've certainly
done that, as anyone who questions the climate change religion can
immediately lose his job.

But the most relevant point that I wrote about at the time is that in
the thousands of hacked e-mail messages, not a single one contains the
word "Singularity." The Singularity is the point in time when
computers become more intelligent than humans. I've predicted that
this will happen in the 2030s. The Singularity completely destroys
the "scientific" climate change narrative. Not everybody believes
that the Singularity is coming, or that it is coming soon, but enough
people believe it so that between 1996 and 2009, one of these
so-called "scientists" should have said something like, "Hey guys,
what about the Singularity?" It's clear that the "cancel culture" was
heavily in place even then, and a scientist could be "canceled" for
questioning the official narrative in any way, including even using
the word "Singularity."

So now we have a similar collection of left-wing "scientist" whores
telling us that we'd better just do as the Chinese Communists say, and
just ignore their torture, beating, rape, and enslavement of millions
of Uighurs.

Not every Democrat agrees with this, of course, but there are enough
Soros-funded Democrats who would like to destroy the US Constitutional
federal form of government, and this is one way to do it. Democrats
are pretty stupid but, fortunately, even most Democrats aren't this

** Climate Change conference in Copenhagen is all about getting green -- money

-- Biden’s new Cold War with China will result in climate collapse,
progressives warn
(Politico, 7-Jul-2021)

-- [Union Of Concerned Scientists -- prioritize Climate change over
(, 7-Jul-2021)

-- [Pelosi letter -- prioritize Climate change over China]
(Quincy, 7-Jul-2021)
** 10-Jul-2021 World View: The Possibility of Sabotage by the Democrats

If you've read my book on Vietnam, then you know that I researched it
for many months, and used over 200 references, including several dozen
entire books. This was necessary not only because Vietnam's history
is complicated, much more complicated than China's, but also because
of the Vietnam War.

The war effort was sabotaged by two obviously disastrous decisions by
JFK -- agreeing to make Laos neutral, and ousting Ngo Dinh Diem,
leading to his assassination. Even Ho Chi Minh was quoted as saying
that he couldn't believe that the Americans could be so stupid, given
that Diem was the strongest anti-Communist leader available.

These two decisions sabotaged the war effort, and it was obvious at
the time the decisions were made that they would sabotage the war
effort. So the only real question is motivation. Why did JFK want to
lose the war to the North Vietnamese Communists?

I didn't really speculate on JFK's motive in the book, except to say
that perhaps Kennedy was too young to be president, and too confused
by conflicting advice from his advisors, who were twenty years older
than he was. Maybe the actual motive was related to the fact that in
1960 the KKK was still active, lynching blacks, and the Democrats were
still furious that they had lost the Civil War.

But whatever the motive, the inescapable conclusion was that JFK
sabotaged the war effort, and made sure that the Americans and South
Vietnamese would lose, and that the winners would be the North
Vietnamese, the Soviet Union, and the American Communist Party

So the speculation is that some elements of the Democrat Party will do
everything possible to appease the Chinese Communists and do
everything possible to sabotage any confrontation. This would
include, I assume, allowing China to annex Taiwan without a struggle.

Many Democrats are financially compromised by the Chinese Communists.
Eric Swalwell, who slept with an extremely hot Chinese Communist spy,
is a poster child, along with Hunter Biden, Anthony Fauci, and many
other Democrats, who are targeted by China's bribery and extortion
policies, and so have to do as they're told. Democrats rarely
criticize the Chinese Communists for enslaving millions of Uighurs,
because they'd lose their funding if they did, and because they want
to emulate the Chinese by re-enslaving the blacks.

And now we have that ridiculous letter from the Union of Concerned
Scientists that I wrote about in my last posting.

This would be a big mistake for the Democrats. When I was working for
IBM several decades ago, there were constant stories and rumors that
IBM had helped the Nazis by selling them card processing equipment to
keep track of the Jews.

The Democrats will already be remembered in history for their
Stalinist Fascist censorship regime, and they will be smeared much
more if they appease the Chinese Communists and sabotage the United

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: Vietnam, Buddhism, and the Vietnam War:
How Vietnam became an economic powerhouse after the Vietnam War"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 4), March 2021
Paperback: 325 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99
** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Latest news about election audits

The Democrats and the mainstream media think that we're all so stupid
that we'll never be able to prove the massive fraud in the 2020

There are several election audits going on. They take a lot of time
since they require forensic analysis of millions of votes. Results
are expected this fall.

In the meantime, here's some of the latest news on the election

-- A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of
Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try

-- New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020
(Federalist, 10-Jul-2021)

According to the latest Rasmussen poll, the number of people who believe
that the election was rigged is increasing:

Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll

Jul 2 "How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020
presidential election?"

Very or Somewhat Likely-
White - 51%
Black - 49%
Oth Non-White - 56%
Dem - 30%
Unaffil - 51%
GOP - 74%
All Voters - 51%
(07-11-2021, 09:52 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Latest news about election audits

The Democrats and the mainstream media think that we're all so stupid
wise that we'll never be able to prove the massive fraud in the 2020

Fixed. There has been less potential for vote fraud or electoral manipulation in the latest Presidential election than in any prior election. Some of the strongest evidence is that President Trump and the GOP did better than the mainstream media expected. He still lost.  

We have had close elections before (1960, 1976, 2000, 2004, and 2016) and they have all been settled in accordance with law. The 2020 Presidential election was not really close in the popular vote (a margin of 4.46%, which is in fact larger than the difference in 2012, when Obama won the popular vote by 3.86%). A nationwide shift of 0.64% would have given America a second term of Donald Trump. I'll spare you my prediction about how nasty life would now be if Trump were still President. Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Man in the High Castle  are far better than my speculations.

But Biden won, and things seem to be getting calmer.   

Quote:There are several election audits going on.  They take a lot of time
since they require forensic analysis of millions of votes.  Results
are expected this fall.

The audit in Arizona is utterly botched -- so badly that it ensures the result that you dread.  It has had no controls for ensuring the integrity of the ballots after the audit.Above all, an audit is rightly done by people who have a professional disinterest in the results.

Quote:In the meantime, here's some of the latest news on the election


-- A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of
  Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try

-- New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020
(Federalist, 10-Jul-2021)

One state. Tell me again -- how many dead people voted? Or is the problem that people don't simply turn their ballots over to their employers to make the selections on the behalf of people who can't be trusted to make such important decisions as who can best govern America? Leaving the political choices to big landowners, tycoons, and industrialists would give us the sort of social policies associated with the likes of Agosto Pinochet. 

Quote:According to the latest Rasmussen poll, the number of people who believe
that the election was rigged is increasing:

Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll

Jul 2 "How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020
presidential election?"

Very or Somewhat Likely-
White - 51%
Black - 49%
Oth Non-White - 56%
Dem - 30%
Unaffil - 51%
GOP - 74%
All Voters - 51%

It's over. It's as settled as the 2020 World Series. Approval for Joe Biden is typically over 50% (Rasmussen is a rare exception) with disapproval in the low 40's. We know how very close elections are decided -- in accordance with extant laws.

Consider this: the vote for Representative from the 2nd Congressional district of Iowa was decided by 6 votes in the 2020. The loser, a Democrat, found that the House of Representatives would not challenge the result, and she withdrew her challenge. (We may see how she does in 2022).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 12-Jul-2021 World View: Cuba street protests at start of Crisis era

[Image: 58233333_303.jpg]
  • Angry protesters confront Cuba's President Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

Cuba's government is in turmoil in the face of large anti-government
protests that started over the weekend.

Analysts are blaming three factors:
  • Mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, and lack of vital
    medicines. (Cuba is supposed to be this great country for medical
    research, but was not so great during the pandemic.)

  • Bad economy -- growing inflation, blackouts, and shortages of
    food, medicine and basic products.

  • Access to internet social media, used to spread the news of the

Analysts are comparing this to the 1994 student protests, which
fizzled fairly quickly.

However, today's protests are different because this is the beginning
of a generational Crisis era.

Cuba's last generational crisis war was Fidel Castro's revolution that
climaxed in 1960. The new Crisis era began 58 years later, in 2018.

Prior to 2018, Cuba was in an Unraveling era, when many of the
Communist policies imposed by Fidel Castro began to unravel. They
moved hundreds of thousands of people from government employment to
private sector employment, including self-employment. They abandoned
the core principal of Marxist Socialism, "From each according to
abilities, to each according to needs." Instead, workers in the
private sector will be able to earn high salaries.

Today's new anti-government protests are larger and more widespread
than the 1994 student protests. Since this is the beginning of a
generational Crisis era, it's quite possible that it will spread, in
the following weeks and months, into a re-fighting of Castro's

-- Cuba: Thousands turn out to anti-government protests
(Deutsche-Welle, 12-Jul-2021)

-- Cuba protests: Three key issues that explain the rare unrest
(BBC, 12-Jul-2021)

-- Hundreds of people take to Tampa streets to show their support for
protesters in Cuba
(ABC, 12-Jul-2021)

** 16-Sep-10 News -- Cuba's seismic shift has global implications

** 20-Apr-18 World View -- Cuba's new president Miguel Díaz-Canel makes delusional promise to continue Socialist revolution
** 12-Jul-2021 World View: Election audits

(07-12-2021, 01:22 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: > It's over.

It is definitely not over. Far from it. Democrats like yourself are
becoming desperate and hysterical as the audits proceed. Democrats
are frozen in terror by the 75 million Trump supporters who
overwhelmingly believe that the election was rigged, and there are
more of them than they are of you. In fact, 30% of Democrats believe
the election was rigged. No wonder your posts sound so desperate and

By the way, if you want to NOT sound desperate and hysterical, you
might try the following: "We Democrats welcome the election audits,
because they'll prove that the election was fair, and that Biden is
the legitimate president, so the Trump supporters can accept that."

Under the radar... it looks as if generational change might bring an end to Castro-era practices. The Commie regime in Cuba has only one arguable ally that can give it any effective support. The new boss is someone roughly the age of Barack Obama, which is now comparatively old (Obama turns 60 this year) for political leaders in much of the world. Generation X is approaching elderhood, at least among its first (Obama) wave.

Quote:President Joe Biden said Monday that the United States stands with the Cuban people, as thousands protest against food and medicine shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic. It has been said to be the biggest anti-government protest in 30 years.

“We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime,” Biden said in a statement.
The president also called on the Cuban regime to “hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.”

“The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights,” Biden said in a statement. “Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected.”

The new boss of Cuba can perhaps look to the nonagerian Mikhail Gorbachev as a reminder that the demise of a Commie regime is not personal doom. It has been thirty years now... 

Quote:Although many people tried to take out their cellphones and broadcast the protests live, Cuban authorities shut down internet service throughout the afternoon. Officers also charged protesters, barraging them with tear gas and arresting some.

“As if pandemic outbreaks had not existed all over the world, the Cuban-American mafia, paying very well on social networks to influencers and YouTubers, has created a whole campaign ... and has called for demonstrations across the country,” President Miguel Díaz-Canel told reporters.

Freedom, vaccines, a generous pensioning-off of President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and keeping any semblance of a Cuban-American mafia (see also Sicilian, Neapolitan, Albanian, and Russian... also the Yakuza, Chinese triads and Latin-American drug cartels... it looks like a win-win as the best possible solution. I'd be delighted to see Cuba become another Costa Rica.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(07-12-2021, 11:01 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 12-Jul-2021 World View: Election audits

(07-12-2021, 01:22 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   It's over.

It is definitely not over.  Far from it.  Democrats like yourself are becoming desperate and hysterical as the audits proceed.  Democrats are frozen in terror by the 75 million Trump supporters who overwhelmingly believe that the election was rigged, and there are more of them than they are of you.  In fact, 30% of Democrats believe the election was rigged.  No wonder your posts sound so desperate and hysterical.

By the way, if you want to NOT sound desperate and hysterical, you might try the following: "We Democrats welcome the election audits, because they'll prove that the election was fair, and that Biden is the legitimate president, so the Trump supporters can accept that."


Apparently, you misunderstand the concept of forensic audits, becasue the bizarre audit in Arizona (and others planned for elsewhere) wouldn't pass muster in a kangaroo court, to say nothing of a real one.  To be legitimate, the "evidence" (ballots, tallying machines, etc.) must be within a fully documented and controlled chain of custody, and that was shot to hell on day one.  

This is theater, and piss-poor theater at that.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(07-11-2021, 09:47 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Shocks of understanding
  • One shock occurred during Trump's 2018 State of the Union address,
    when he announced the lowest black unemployment rate in history.
    Everyone in the country was cheering, but not the Congressional Black

    [Image: 5a714cbd107290b9008b4779?format=jpeg]
    • Congressional Black Caucus as everyone else was cheering Trump's announcement of low black unemployment rates
  • That's when I realized that the Congressional Black Caucus were just a
    bunch of house slaves that were only allowed to think and say what
    White Master asshole Pelosi ordered them to think and say.

Old stuff, but give credit where it is due: African-Americans themselves! A few years ago I took a side trip from Detroit Metropolitan Airport on Interstate 96 in Oakland and Livingston Counties (Oakland County, including the cesspool Pontiac, is part of the Detroit Metropolitan Area, and Livingston County is the still-rural county on I-96 between the Detroit Metro and Lansing metro areas around 8 am. I expected to see heavy traffic going the opposite direction of me toward Detroit but expected light traffic the other way. Guess what? I saw heavy traffic going in my direction, and lots of black faces in the cars. I figured it unlikely that African-Americans had any special proclivity to work graveyard shifts, and I would not expect them to be headed toward Livingston County, which is still super-majority white (96.7%) returning home for the day, I could only figure that they were headed to work. Lansing and East Lansing? Maybe... but I am guessing that African-Americans in the opportunity-starved parts of Detroit are commuting to work. Fast food, retail, maybe some light manufacturing?

That's one way to get work. Donald Trump had no program to solve unemployment in the Greater Detroit area. Those African-Americans did it the old-fashioned way: going where the jobs are, maybe taking thirty-mile or forty-mile one-way commutes each way.   

Quote:The 2019 Ukraine impeachment hearings were a complete shock to me,
since I previously could not have believed something so horrible could
happen in America.  Led by (PPE*) Adam Schiff, the whole "trial" was
a farce.  Schiff even manufactured a document, a letter from Trump to
Ukraine's president, that showed that Trump was a criminal.  Trump was
able to produce the real letter, but, incredibly, proving that Schiff
had lied made no difference.  Schiff just ignored that and went on to
the next lie.  When I say it was a major shock to me, I'm not
exaggerating, since I never believed that something like that could
happen in America.

President Trump made such necessary. Trump tried to blackmail a foreign leader into doing some partisan dirty work on his behalf. Although hard bargains are part of the Presidential repertoire, such is typically done for some objective of foreign policy. This was far more objectionable than Iran-Contra, which led to some scathing editorials  and Congressional speeches,  but not to any impeachment.  This is no more admirable than soliciting a bribe. 

Quote:The most bizarre shock came because I actually watched the
hearings, something that probably no one else reading this did, so I
know what actually happened.  I actually watched the hearings, working
at my desk with the tv on, and I know that every bit of testimony was
completely refuted by Republican cross-examination.  But then every
single news report lied about it, saying something like "Today,
Ambassador X gave explosive testimony that Trump withheld aid from
Ukraine until Ukraine started investigating Joe and Hunter Biden."  In
fact, all the news reports used the same words, indicating that they
were all reading the same press releases from Adam Schiff and the
Democrats.  But since I had seen every hearing, I knew that this was
simply a lie.  Particularly shocking was that the BBC knowingly
repeated the same lie, because they receive a lot of funding from NPR
and the Democrats.

[*]NPR and the BBC are highly respected for factual  content in news stories. The difference between them and FoX News as purveyors of news, other than ideological stance, is that NPR and the BBC both fact-check. FoX News spins a story to fit an ideological position and agenda. Donald Trump is an inveterate liar whose word is useless unless someone backs it up with objective truth. As rarely as he tells the truth, waiting for him to tell it is about as futile as waiting for an alcoholic to lay off easily-available drink.

Quote:Readers should be aware that the Democrats are using violence
and threats of violence everywhere possible.  As Darryl Cooper points
out, no judge is going to risk his life and the lives of his family
by ruling against the Democrats.  That's why so many judges
just threw up their hands and dismissed the election fraud cases
on a technicality.

Tell me all about the violence and intimidation that Democrats could do. An inordinate number of votes were cast by mail, and post offices are not where one expects political or any other sort of violence. The biggest violence of 2020 was the COVID-19 plague which compelled many state legislatures to make absentee voting easy because there would be violence, in the form of a very nasty virus, lurking at the polls. One might as well let rattlesnakes loose at polling places as compel people to vote only in person, as COVID-19 has a higher death rate than rattler bites.  OK, the rattlers were already in hibernation in the northern US, including the critical states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but even in that, I had less cause to fear a rattler than someone with COVID-19. Rattlers retreat to avoid my heavy tread, and I retreat to avoid the horrible fangs. 

We democrats did not do our usual canvassing in 2020 out of concerns of safety of partisan activists and of voters, but Donald Trump held his mass rallies, super-spreader events. I do not yet know what the demographics of death from COVID-19 were among African-Americans in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, but if the death rate was inordinately high, then we can all see why Donald Trump came closer to winning the election than many of us liberals expected. I am not accusing anyone of any malign plot, but... note well that mass inoculations were rare in the autumn of 2020. We shall see statistical evidence by 2022.  You can also count on Democrats taking nothing for granted in 2022. We expect Republicans to operate folksy campaigns while front groups like Club for Growth, FreedomWorks!, the National Right-to-Work Committee, ALEC, etc. demonize anyone who fails to believe that no human suffering can ever be in excess if it allows the unlimited Power, Indulgence, and Greed (PIG -- as in the villainous critters of Orwell's Animal Farm) of American PIGS who walk upright. (A reminder -- pigs are not cute like the cartoon character "Porky". They are documented man-eaters. They are as lethal as dogs, but dogs are at least well-behaved and find us more desirable food sources alive than dead.   

Quote:The whole Democrat censorship regime was also a complete shock
to me.  The Ukraine hearings proved that the mainstream media
would say whatever shithead Schiff told them to say.  When Trump
and other Republicans were blocked from social media, it was
clear that something really evil was going on.  The real tipping
point came when Amazon, with a flip of a switch, was able
to shut down, an online social media service with
millions of members, but they did.  Overnight.  With no serious
explanation.  That's when I wrote

** 12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook

where I wrote, "I never never thought I'd see the Genocide Playbook
being used in America.  This is the darkest time for America in my

Parler is back in operation, but now with some constraints. If you wonder why it was shut down, then look at this:

Quote:Parler (/ˈpɑːrlər/) is an American microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supportersconservativesconspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists.[9][10][11][12] Posts on the service often contain far-right content,[17] antisemitism,[24] and conspiracy theories such as QAnon.[28] Journalists have described Parler as an alt-tech alternative to Twitter, and users include those banned from mainstream social networks or who oppose their moderation policies.[9][12][29]

Launched in August 2018, Parler markets itself as a free speech-focused and unbiased alternative to mainstream social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Journalists have criticized this as being a cover for its far-right userbase.[11][12][23] Journalists and users have also criticized the service for content policies that are more restrictive than the company portrays and sometimes more restrictive than those of its competitors.[30][31][32][33] Some left-wing and liberal users have been banned from Parler for challenging the prevailing viewpoints on the site, criticizing Parler, or creating parody accounts.[34][35][36]

Founder and CEO John Matze was Parler's chief executive officer until January 29, 2021, at which point he said he had been fired by the company's board, which he asserted was controlled by co-founder and investor Rebekah Mercer.[37] Former Tea Party activist Mark Meckler served as interim CEO from February to May 2021, when the Brexit Party donor and former candidate George Farmer was named CEO.[38][39]

After reports that Parler was used to coordinate the 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol, several companies denied it their services.[40] Apple and Google removed Parler's mobile app from their app stores, and Parler went offline on January 10, 2021, when Amazon Web Services canceled its hosting services.[41][42][43] Before it went offline in January 2021, according to Parler, the service had about 15 million total users.[44] It resumed service on February 15, 2021, having found alternative hosting arrangements, and a version of the app with added content filters was released on the Apple App Store on May 17.[7][8][45]
[*]Ahem! Coordinating the Storming of the Winter Palace... Beer-Hall Putsch... January 6 takeover of the Capitol? It should have been shut down. Websites of criminal entities such as Silk Road have been shut down.  By the way: explain, please, why Federico Klein, a Trump appointee, pled guilty in a plea bargain for his obvious, documented role in the Putsch.   

Quote:The darkness in America has only gotten worse since then.  There
have been many new "shocks," but they aren't really shocks anymore
since we've gotten used to the bad news.  There is increasing evidence
that the January 6 "insurrection" was staged by the Democrats.  The
only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter, Ashli Babbit.  Her
murder by a member of the Capitol police is being massively covered up
by the Democrats.  Beyond that, the Democrats are holding dozens of
innocent protesters in jail, in solitary confinement, for months, with
no charges or trials.  This is what happens in China, and it's clear
that the Democrats are increasingly emulating the Chinese Communists
in many ways.

Donny Devious instigated the attack.  

Quote:I recently wrote about a BBC podcast, an investigation into
the Democrats' horrific treatment of children at the southern border.

*** 04-Jul-2021 World View: BBC Investigation into horrific treatment of children at southern border
*** [url=]


Listening to this podcast is sickening.  She talks about hundreds of
girls being forcibly packed together and locked up in a tent because
they all have lice.  That's just the start.  Sexual assault is common,
and covid is widespread.

I would like to say that this was shocking, but nothing about the
Democrats is shocking anymore.  The Democrats are recreating the KKK
by other means, by adopting policies that result in the murders of
thousands of blacks on the streets of Chicago and other Democrat-run
cities.  The Democrats were freely lynching blacks a century ago, and
now they're doing it in a different way.  And the George Soros-funded
Democrats have also adopted policies to do everything possible to
destroy the US Constitutional form of Federal government, just as they
tried to do during the American Civil War.  The Democrats are still
extremely pissed off that they lost the Civil War and the slaves were
freed by Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans, and destroying the
United States government is their way of getting revenge for the Civil

There is no excuse for the Democrats.  Everything they do is
sickening, but nothing they do is shocking or surprising any more.
They are as vicious and evil as the Nazis, the Soviets, the Chinese
Communists, and any other horrific regime you can think of.

If you want to fault Democratic political leaders in the giant cities for inadequate suppression of violent crime, then go ahead, but contemplate also why Republicans  win few elections in those cities. Maybe the Republican Party has taken over the racist component of the American electorate that the Democratic Party. Nature abhors a vacuum, and so does partisan politics. 

More significantly, the Republican Party is heavily enmeshed in the (white) part of the Religious Right. African-Americans are still much more religious on the average than white people, and traditionally African-American churches insulated themselves well from the Religious Right. The Religious Right, mostly non-denominational and loosely-affiliated Southern Baptist churches, was able to decimate mainline Protestant denominations in the Mountain and Deep South.

...Donald Trump is a useful idiot of Vladimir Putin. Now President Putin must deal honestly with Joe Biden. Should Putin get better in honest dealings, then that is how good negotiations work.    

*Pointless Profanity Expunged.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

*** 15-Jul-21 World View -- South Africa tribal violence spreading and growing

This morning's key headlines from
  • South Africa tribal violence spreading and growing
  • Xenophobic violence during Jacob Zuma's term
  • Cyril Ramaphosa, from the Venda tribe, becomes president
  • Brief generational history of South Africa
  • Rewriting the history of the Mfecane
  • Cuba street protests at start of its generational Crisis era

**** South Africa tribal violence spreading and growing

[Image: g210714b.jpg]
Burning warehouse in Durban following riots gives rise to fears of food and fuel shortages (Reuters)

Communal violence is spreading in South Africa, led by members of the
Zulu tribe. More than 70 people have been killed and more than 1,200
people have been arrested, as the violence continues into the eighth

Rioters have been looting shopping centers, stores and warehouses,
possibly emulating the antifa-blm looters in Portland and Chicago.
There are already pockets of hunger in South Africa, and it's feared
that the looting will make shortages of food and fuel worse.

The rioting was triggered by the jailing of South Africa's
ex-president Jacob Zuma, a charismatic and popular Zulu leader who was
ousted from his own ANC party over accusations of corruption and rape.

For several weeks, Zuma has been calling on his supporters to prevent
his arrest by locking arms and blocking the police from arresting
him. He has often been seen singing his favorite revolutionary song
"Umshini Wami" (Bring me my machine gun), often accompanied by him
swirling his hips and skillfully doing a traditional Zulu dance. He
used that song frequently during his political campaigns.

The two largest tribes in South Africa are the Zulu tribe and the
Xhosa tribe. Between them, they make up a third of South Africa’s 55
million people.

The African National Congress (ANC) is the only political party that
has won elections since South Africa's independence in 1994. Thus,
the leader of the ANC always goes on to become the president. Up
until recently, the Zulu and Xhosa tribes have dominated the ANC.

The ANC hero, Nelson Mandela, a Xhosa, became the first president of
the ANC and of South Africa in 1994. He was followed by Mandela's
hand-picked successor, Thabo Mbeki, another Xhosa. The ANC became
sharply divided in Decenber 2007, when when Mbeki lost a bruising
battle for ANC leadership with a Zulu, Jacob Zuma.

**** Xenophobic violence during Jacob Zuma's term

In 2008, xenophobic violence against immigrants from other African
countries, originating in Alexandria, a suburb of the capital city
Johannesburg, spread east into the Zulu heartland of Durban and west
into Cape Town. The violence was spurred by a poor economy and a lack
of jobs, with the accusations that other African immigrants were
taking the good jobs.

Tens of thousands of immigrants were forced to flee for their lives
from their homes and businesses, often with no time to collect their
belongings before their homes and businesses were looted and
destroyed. The violence and looting were generally perpetrated by
young South Africans from the Zulu and Xhosa tribes. (See "South Africa will create 'temporary shelters' for migrants, not 'refugee camps' (31-May-2008)"

The xenophobic violence was repeated in 2015 when thousands of people,
mostly foreigners from Zimbabwe and Malawi, fled for their lives,
after mobs with machetes attacked them in the city of Durban. Durban
is the largest city in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal,
which is the heartland of the Zulu tribe. The anti-immigrant violence
spread to Johannesburg. It's believed that the attacks were triggered
by remarks made by Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini, who said in a public
speech, "We are requesting those who come from outside to please go
back to their countries." ( "17-Apr-15 World View -- South African xenophobic violence echoes 1820s Mfecane Zulu massacre"

**** Cyril Ramaphosa, from the Venda tribe, becomes president

Jacob Zuma was ousted from the party before his second term ended in
2018. He is facing 16 charges of corruption, fraud, graft and
racketeering relating to a 1999 purchase of weapons and gear from
European arms firms when he was deputy president. In 2006, he was in
court for the alleged rape of a colleague's HIV-positive daughter. He
was acquited of those charges, but not before bragging that he had
unprotected sex with the woman, but avoided catching HIV by taking a
shower after sex.

A surprise candidate, Cyril Ramaphosa, won the ANC leadership in 2017,
in a close battle with the favored Zulu candidate. Ramaphosa is a
member of the Venda tribe, a small tribe with fewer than 700,000
people, living near the border with Zibabwe.

Ramaphosa became president in the hope that he could be relatively
neutral between the Zulus and Xhosas, and could resolve the
divisiveness between those two tribes. One businessman voter was
quoted as saying,

<QUOTE>"There are not enough Venda to hijack the country.
When Thabo Mbeki was president [from 1999 to 2008], you had to be
Xhosa to get anywhere. Under Zuma, the Zulus have led the way. I
am hoping that Cyril as a Venda will have to involve all South
Africans because his own people are so few."<END QUOTE>

There have been very divisive issues during Cyril Ramaphosa's term as
president, and Ramaphosa has been successful in defusing most of them.
The most explosive one was the proposal to confiscate the land of
white farmers without compensation. Ramaphosa found a way to mitigate
the land confiscation without compensation to make it less divisive.

However, probably the most explosive issue of all has been the jailing
of Jacob Zuma for corruption, and that has led to the current tribal
violence that appears to be increasing.

**** Brief generational history of South Africa

Human existence has forever been controlled by one major law: That the
population always grows more quickly than the food supply. This is
the reason why every society has to have an existential, genocidal war
every 80 years or so. The purpose of the war is to kill off enough
people so that the survivors have enough food to eat.

That appears to be what happened in southern Africa at the end of the
1700s. Population levels were increasing rapidly, and resources were
increasingly scarce. The introduction of corn by the Europeans had
the double effect of producing more food, but using more water to
grow. Corn became a major staple, but there was massive disruption
and suffering with declining rainfall at the end of the 1700s,
followed by a calamitous ten-year drought that began about 1800.
Presumably, this is the fault of "climate change."

Kingdoms that had existed side by side in peace for decades began to
fight each other for resources. The result was a massive war called
the Mfecane ("the crushing") that climaxed in 1828. The Mfecane gave
rise to Shaka, considered to be possibly the greatest African warrior
in history. Shaka introduced many new warfare techniques. One of the
best known was to use short spears, which required close combat with
the enemy, rather than long spears, which would be thrown but would
not always be effective.

By the mid-1820s, Shaka ruled a kingdom of more than 100,000 people
with a standing army of 40,000 men. The great Zulu Empire lasted for
decades, until it was destroyed by the British in 1879 in the bloody
Anglo-Zulu war. At the climax of that crisis war, the Zulus were
dispersed, and the Zulu nation ended.

South Africa's last generational Crisis war was World War II. Since
South Africa was part of the British Empire, it fought on the side of
the allies, although some tribal factions wished to side with the
Germans or stay neutral. The British colonists introduced Apartheid
during the 1940s, but it was abolished in the generational Awakening
era of the 1990s that led to South African independence, an Awakening
era climax.

When I talk about the world in today's generational Crisis era, I talk
about increasing nationalism and xenophobia in almost every nation.
The same is true on a tribal basis in South Africa. The Zulus have
become extremely nationalistic, and this is driving the current round
of looting and rioting. But this time the violence is directed at
membrs of other South African tribes, not just a "immigrants" from
other African countries, as occurred in 2008 and 2015.

As the world approaches a new world war, South Africa can be expected
to be involved in two different wars. One war will be as a
participant in the world war on the side of either China or the West
-- to be decided -- and the other will be an internal civil war,
refighting the battles of the Mfecane.

**** Rewriting the history of the Mfecane

Just as China blames all its failures on the 1840s Opium Wars, some
South African historians are blaming all their failures on the
Mfecane, and blaming the Mfecane on the Europeans.

In 1988, a historian named Julian Cobbing published a paper on "The
Mfecane As Alibi." He argued that the Mfecane was caused by the
European and Brazilian slave trade, and if it had been for the
Europeans, then the Mfecan would never have occurred.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, this is nonsense. As
we said, there was overpopulation and a calamitous drought at the
beginning of the 1800s, and this is exactly the formula for a
generational crisis war, a war of extermination, whose purpose is to
kill off enough people so that the survivors will have enough to eat.
So the Mfecane would have occurred with or without the Europeans.

The same thing is happening today, around the world. A report earlier
this week by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) says that "world hunger and malnutrition levels worsened
dramatically last year, with most of the increase likely due to the
COVID-19 pandemic." This continued and accelerated a trend that had
already been occurring prior to the pandemic.

According to the report, "Unfortunately, the pandemic continues to
expose weaknesses in our food systems, which threaten the lives and
livelihoods of people around the world. No region of the world has
been spared."

The increase in hunger and malnutrition means that there is less food
per capita in the world. For populations living on the margin, this
means that they will have to fight for enough food to feed themselves
and their families. This usually translates into anti-government
protests, such as the ones we see today in South Africa and Cuba,
and leads to either civil wars or external wars.

*** Cuba street protests at start of its generational Crisis era

Cuba's government is in turmoil in the face of large anti-government
protests that started over the weekend.

Analysts are blaming three factors:
  • Mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, and lack of vital
    medicines. (Cuba is supposed to be this great country for medical
    research, but was not so great during the pandemic.)

  • Bad economy -- growing inflation, blackouts, and shortages of
    food, medicine and basic products.

  • Access to internet social media, used to spread the news of the

Analysts are comparing this to the 1994 student protests, which
fizzled fairly quickly.

However, today's protests are different because this is the beginning
of a generational Crisis era.

Cuba's last generational crisis war was Fidel Castro's revolution that
climaxed in 1960. The new Crisis era began 58 years later, in 2018.

Prior to 2018, Cuba was in an Unraveling era, when many of the
Communist policies imposed by Fidel Castro began to unravel. They
moved hundreds of thousands of people from government employment to
private sector employment, including self-employment. They abandoned
the core principal of Marxist Socialism, "From each according to
abilities, to each according to needs." Instead, workers in the
private sector will be able to earn high salaries.

Today's new anti-government protests are larger and more widespread
than the 1994 student protests. Since this is the beginning of a
generational Crisis era, it's quite possible that it will spread, in
the following weeks and months, into a re-fighting of Castro's


Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, South Africa, Durban, Johnanessburg,
Jacob Zuma, Umshini Wami, Bring me my machine gun,
African National Congress, ANC,
KwaZulu-Natal, Goodwill Zwelithini, Cyril Ramaphosa,
Mfecane, Shaka, Julian Cobbing

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John J. Xenakis
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Let's start by defining what genocide is and is not. Genocide is the deliberate, calculated plot and action to destroy or decimate a culture or ethnic group or reckless mistreatment of people in ways that lead to that group's decimation or annihilation.  

Quote:The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such" including the killing of its members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to "bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. Victims have to be deliberately, not randomly, targeted because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups outlined in the above definition.[4][5][6][7]

This does not apply to voluntary assimilation. An African-American man marrying and having mixed-race (defined within the society as non-white) by a white woman in a consensual relationship is not committing genocide, although vehement racists might see such as the "submergence" of the "white race", as was so with the likes of the racists Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant about a century ago and with neo-Nazi scum today. . . 

Obviously, any systematic murders of a 'race', 'ethnicity', or religious group, most infamously the Holocaust, represent the definitive genocide.  If you are discussing the Turkish genocides of Greek and Armenian peoples in the Ottoman Empire or the Hutu attempt to exterminate Tutsi people in Rwanda, then you are right. 

Note that the definition excluded social classes, perhaps (weasel words!) to avoid offending the Soviet Union, which had just done that. In recent times the United States has come to include such a horror as the extermination of kulaks in the Soviet Union as a part of its legal definition. 

Mass rapes would seem to be mental harm. This was not considered in 1948, as it was unthinkable. To be sure the Soviet Army had plenty of 'rape machines" as soldiers... but those, if caught, risked execution. Rape is a violation of every military code. if not for its wrongness, then for its compromise of military discipline.  More blatantly, enslavement would be a cause of mental harm for obliteration of an earlier culture (read David Hackett Fischer's Albion's Seed about the establishment of race-based slavery in the British colonies, and you will find an account of the complete destruction of any African culture in "fresh" slaves. Perhaps blatant treatment of others as so subordinate that their children can be easily diverted from school to 'labor" as a public policy (I think of Apartheid as a prime example, but Jim Crow practice, if more 'moderate' than Apartheid would serve as an example, too. 

Forced conversions to the majority religion? That was rarely done in 1948, but the Spanish Inquisition might have qualified. If one reverted to 'old ways', such as by refusing to eat pork (anathemas under Islamic and Jewish dietary laws alike) or performed some distinctive ritual characteristic of the old religion one might be killed for that. ISIS could be in huge trouble for something of that type. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with such behavior that a well-tied rope and the appropriate drop could not solve in the perpetrator. 

No culture can survive without economic viability. A farming community must not be compelled to surrender its farms. People who survive due to skilled trades or business ownership must not be denied the right to continue in such roles. Deliberate imposition of economic ruin upon an ethnic or religious group might be one stage of a process that leads to extermination, as with Jews in Nazi Germany. The Trail of Tears, intended to remove First Peoples from the American Southeast to the infertile semidesert of what is now Oklahoma.   

Breaking families is one of the most personally-destructive deeds possible to the human psyche. I will spare you some recent drama. 

Prevention of births can be done through many means, including sterilization, deliberate separation of people by gender of the same group if of child-bearing age, and prevention of cohabitation. To be sure, simply reducing birth rates (the most effective means is to keep people in school as long as possible; the gigantic families of one time were the norm when the completion of even elementary education was no certainty. But that, one assumes, is even-handed. Having three children instead of ten means a lower birth rate; in a poor country that also means much less likelihood of famines that overpopulation makes a near certainty.  

... I see the destructive results of global warming having the potential for much the same effects as genocide.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 15-Jul-2021 World View: Cuba and South Africa

thinker Wrote:> As the only Cuban on this forum that I know of I would like to put
> somethings out there and see what you guys think.

> I do not know if the Cuban government will use Venezuelans. From
> what I have gathered from members of my family and Venezuelan
> friends that the Venezuelan government uses Cuban secret police
> for their own security all the way up to Maduro. They do not trust
> enough of their own people for this work and they are supposedly
> in even worse shape than Cuba if you can believe that. I think a
> better candidate and what I worry about is that it will be
> China. China has already collaborated with the Cuban government on
> other things and this would give them a very strong foothold on a
> country that is less than 100 miles from the U.S..

This wouldn't surprise me in the least. The Chinese Communists have
been using their "magic weapon" -- the infiltration of Chinese people
in every country in every possible way, in its "United Front" program.
So they'll send prostitutes to Eric Swalwell and other Democrats, or
will send thugs to help Maduro, and possibly to Cuba. This is part of
the CCP's delusional vision of the future where the Chinese Communists
run the world, all the nations of the world live under Chinese
governance in peace and harmony.

Guest Wrote:> Yes, I have lived in Latin America, and yes, the Cubans provide
> Venezuela's eite with security and are bones and muscle of the
> police state there. Yes, China will be called in. BUT, Latin
> America is not an easy place. I think even the Chinese will be
> overwhelmed. The Soviets offered some free stuff in exchange for a
> loss of personal freedom. China only offers slavery.

The cornerstone of China's delusional world view is the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI), which gives China a foothold in hundreds of
countries. However, the CCP intention is that by using debt trap
diplomacy to build a railway or a port they think that they've won the
hearts and minds of the people in that country, which is obviously
completely delusional.

My feeling has been that China's BRI program is overextended, and
that many of the loans are not being repaid. This would give China
the option of foreclosing on the loan, but this would defeat their
long-term delusional goal of getting everyone to agree to letting
China rule the world.

So when you say that the Chinese could be overwhelmed in Latin
America, I think that's quite possible. The Latin American countries
reflexibly blame every problem on the United States, but it wouldn't
take much for them to start blaming their problems on China.

thinker Wrote:> On South Africa, I went on safari to South Africa during the Obama
> administration and met with lots of people. The white South
> Africans told me that there was a civil war coming between the
> black tribes. The white South Africans were planning on staying
> out of it but they were arming themselves more than usual. I do
> not know if they will be able to stay out of it but I did see
> videos of a group of people called the cape colored who are the
> descendants of former Indian slaves brought to South Africa during
> colonial times. They were organizing themselves with white South
> Africans into armed militias to protect themselves.

It's interesting that the white South Africans have seen this tribal
conflict coming.

The mainstream media these days is always full of lies, and in
South Africa these days the mainstream media pretend that tribal
differences those exist. That's why my article emphasizes tribal
conflicts from the first line, and that's why the article references
27 different sources plus 9 related articles. I access this
many sources to make sure that I have my facts right.

I'm sorry that I didn't go even further and get into the issue of
attacks on Indians:


> One of the leaders of the Indian community in South Africa said,
> "The Indian people are being targeted in all areas of Kwazulu
> Natal and Johannesburg. There are 1.3 million in South Africa,
> although all are not in danger presently, but it's heading that
> way. We have been crying out to the South African government to
> send the South African Defence force to assist. They are not
> coming through. Our Indian brothers and sisters together with
> South African police forces cannot cope, they being outnumbered."

As a separate issue, Aeden has tracked down a story about how the left
in South Africa is following the lead of the American Democrat party
by provoking an artificial crisis in order, in South Africa, to
perpetrate a coup:

Quote:> "Under investigation: Twelve masterminds planned and
> executed insurrection on social media, then lost control after
> looting spree

> South Africa suffered an insurrection attempt this week with two
> provinces, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, disabled and national fuel
> and food supply lines disrupted. It is the first such campaign
> organised and orchestrated on social media and shows the potency
> of the medium. Just over 38 million South Africans are now on the
> internet and 25 million of us are on social media.

> More than 70 people have died, at least 1,354 people have been
> arrested and 12 ringleaders are being investigated for a political
> campaign that has spiralled out of the control of its
> firestarters."

This is the same technique the Democrats used in the January 6
"insurrection" hoax -- create a crisis, lie about the crisis, and then
"never let a crisis go to waste," in this case by creating a
Stalinist Fascist regime that includes censorship of all political

In the past few months I've become aware of the brilliance of the US
Constitution and its ability to withstand these kinds of crises, and I
expect that to happen again, especially as audits in Arizona, Georgia
and other states are proving that the Democrats rigged the 2020

However, we have a sort of comparison here. The far-left in America
and South Africa are using the same tactics to get dictatorial control
of their respective governments. We can watch the two situations in
parallel, to see which of the two dictator attempts are successful.
** 16-Jul-2021 World View: Nuclear war

Jack Edwards" Wrote:
Quote:The CCP will not go down easy. Nukes are most certainly
> going to be used and it will start with the CCP stupidly launching
> nukes after discovering its conventional military, crap airforce
> suffer humiliating losses.

> Take this advice. Geiger counter and iodine tablets will be a
> must. Store food and water to last several months.

> I ran into this article/video. Chinese propaganda aimed at
> intimidating Japan: If even one soldier from Japan interferes with
> Taiwan then a "Japanese exception protocol" will be enacted
> authorizing preemptive use of nukes. Not sure it represents
> policy at the highest level of CCP leadership - but scary
> nonetheless.

tim Wrote:> And yet we have people here, who are supposedly students of
> Generational Theory, who actually believe that nukes will not be
> used on cities.

It's the triumph of self-delusion over history and common sense.

Japan has just changed its maps so that Taiwan is clearly no
longer part of China.

-- Japan removes Taiwan from China map in defense white paper
(Taiwan News, 14-Jul-2021)

The Chinese are thirsting for revenge for WW II, and the Japanese are
taking a "fuck you" attitude to China. This is going to infuriate
both sides considerably.

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99

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