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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(02-07-2022, 09:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-07-2022, 02:26 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Add to that: the right-wingers who want an America that endorses plutocracy and the cultural values of Christian fundamentalism are, as a whole, aging. Retailers and restaurants whose clientele is old tend to go under if they cannot replace their elderly customers who might have been a lucrative clientele in recent years. 

In a town of 10,000 near me both the Ruby Tuesday and the Bob Evans restaurant closed. Both have "old" customer bases.

... Conservatism will not die once and for all, but Gingrich/Trump-era conservatism can. Gingrich-era conservatism offers much for too few people and privation for the rest of us. We're getting the message. Trump-style conservatism lacks the sorts of characteristics that one associates with what I considered a sustainable conservatism of the 1970's... a limited role for government in subsidies and give-aways, promotion of small business, respect for tradition (OK, we have multiple traditions in America, and all of them are just as valid if they apply to the most credible people in their groups), rule of law, protocol and precedent, and respect for domestic tranquility. Class privilege is sustainable only if the economic elites can enforce deference through either outright terror (He who has the guns makes the rules) or economic subjection (He who owns the gold makes the rules).  It is impossible to connect Donald Trump to Edmund Burke. It is possible to imagine a new sort of conservatism emerging around 2030, one that rejects demagoguery and promotes individual responsibility.  

Is the "Blue" world wonderful? No. Much of it is so overpriced that one cannot live there except to endure Third-World living conditions (twelve in one room in AH-MAY-REEK-CAW!) in housing. Maybe we will need to put up with Japanese-style or South Korean-style housing densities if we are to have the American population concentrated along the coasts as is so in Australia because the "Heartland" is an economic desert in the sense that the Outback is a climatic desert with far too little opportunity. Maybe we need to shore up the economy in places like Ohio and Upstate New York that used to have excellent opportunity for people with modest education and a good work ethic who did factory work so that people aren't obliged to take chances with homelessness to avoid sure hopelessness. Obviously space per capital in urban areas must be significantly less with a population of 350 million than with a population of 175 million. There are no more orange groves in southern California to transform into subdivisions; fifty years later, those subdivisions are often slums. (A hint to the wise: unless the adult female is a Tiger Mom who can successfully get her kids to buck the anti-intellectual trends in America so that they can matriculate and do well in the excellent University of California system, stay clear of California).

The priority of the economic elites of America is to ensure that everything works for their own sybaritic excess at great human cost to everyone else. If I had to think of a way to waste every blessing that America has ever had, I could hardly imagine worse except for thermonuclear war. 

Oh, by the way, Classic X'er... what do you think of the epidemic of meth and opiates in the "Real America" that you so love?

I can see that the Bush/McCain/Romney era conservatism or compassionate conservatism is obviously on its way out. Liberalism or bleeding heart liberalism as you knew it, is currently on its way out too. Who is more likely to end up a meth head, a poor Democratic kid/grand kid stuck in Blue Podunk or a Republican voters kid/grand kid? Think about it. My parents old home town is more like Blue Podunk today. I wish we had more border agents and a fully completed  chunk of border wall to stem the illegal  flow of Chinese Fentanyl instead of border agents processing, releasing and transporting illegal immigrants all over the country. Do you have any idea, aren't you able to see (it's very obvious to everyone else) how trouble you guys are getting yourselves into these days. It's 4T dude, traitors (people who betray their country (Betray their fellow country men/citizens}can be rounded up and executed on the spot or assassinated during 4T's. It's up to you dude, I don't give a shit about you. You must know that/figured that out by now.

Considering that you traffic in rigid, unflattering stereotypes of people who fail to fit your norm and your pugnacious enmity toward such people, I would not want to face you if you had the power of life and death over people whom you hold in disdain. 

Most of the isolated rural areas (the Podunk as you call them) are strongly R and are the most fervent areas for R voting, especially in the Trump era...  unless they are majority-minority. Fentanyl is very bad stuff suited only to people with a limited life expectancy due to a terminal condition such as cancer or congestive heart failure. It's bad, but the pain that it suppresses is even worse. Where it comes from, whether from foreign smugglers or from pilfered patches, matters little. Border walls do nothing to stop "air freight" by smugglers who get through Customs, deliver a parcel to a safe house, and return whence they came. As for illegal aliens -- one of the surest ways to be deported is to be put through the process of the legal system. Illegal aliens get deported for minor drug offenses, DUI, shoplifting, and domestic abuse. They find the welfare system hard to latch onto, and if they make statements of verifiable falsehood they can be busted and deported. 

If I were to give advice to illegal aliens seeking to avoid deportation I would counsel them to

(1) learn English
(2) stick to low-visibility jobs (in a restaurant, work in the kitchen and don't be a waiter)
(3) do nothing that reeks of illegality 
(4) avoid fights
(5) avoid welfare and credit
(6) assimilate into a community of people culturally similar. 

We liberals are in deep trouble irrespective of much else should America become a fascistic society to the extent that we lack the means of escape, aren't willing to liquidate everything that we have for pennies on the grand, and be fussy about where we would go. You do not understand how miserable your life could be under fascistic rule because you will see friends and families disappear into the perverse legal legal system and come back broken; if you aren't enthusiastic enough about what the canned ideology you risk legal scrutiny. People will denounce you fraudulently just to get your job or to get your home at a fire-sale price without the smell of smoke. Most people will be obliged to work much harder for less, and if you think that management is brutal these days just wait until you see what fascism does to labor-management relations. They will look more like master-slave relations as they became in Nazi Germany. 

Remember: fascism is an ideology tailor-made for sociopaths and rapacious elites who have no qualms about inflicting suffering on others.   Yes, this is a 4T, but even I can see signs of its end. Two participants in the Michigan plot have chosen to plea bargain to do lesser time in prison than they might if they were to face criminal trials. The investigation of the Capitol Putsch has so far gotten lots of small fry -- but some of those small fry have been singing like canaries. The investigation is going after the bigger fish who risk longer terms of imprisonment and economic ruin. Some may even be in Congress as we speak.   

The difference between a 4T and a 1T is that in a 1T, new rules are set rigidly and everyone knows them. People may have some choice on how they comply, but the rules are there. Political violence is out of the question in a 1T. Fair play is one reliable way to avoid trouble. There is far less privacy for deviant behavior that stick out for violating key rules (such as making and keeping notes of meetings that discuss substantive matters. Economic inequality becomes much less severe (that has yet to happen), so anyone who acts as a Big Shot, High Roller, or Big Spender who has less-than-impressive means becomes suspect. Maybe if one is simply wasting an inheritance one can get away with buying a car beyond your obvious means. Community revives where it was recently weak. People in some dreary Podunk learn to make the best of Podunk (yes, one can attend ice-cream socials, watch high-school sports, participate in civic and service groups, and of course attend religious services and prayer meetings. That's how small-town life was in the 1950's and 1960's before people got high-fallutin' ideas that they could make the world a better place by taking some Voyage to the Interior. 

The world will be better when kids are involved in Scouting, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, 4-H, FFA, Job's Daughters or the Order of De Molay. and church-related youth groups instead of simply hanging out in meaningless activities.  We have plenty of Elk's Clubs, Moose Lodges, Y's, American Legions, Masonic Lodges, and VFW halls. One thing that I have noticed over sixty years is that people who have the narrowest range of geographic activities find the greatest depth in human interactions. Maybe making the best out of Podunk is better for us all than going to the Big City to go 'where the action is'.  Add to this -- maybe people can invest time and effort into making gardens grow instead of wasting time at the shopping mall and becoming addled on video games and banal interactions on computers. 

Dreary as things are due to an economic system that enriches elites while keeping most people broke, a recent ramping-up of political extremism and violence, decay of adult manners (especially among middle-aged and older people), international stresses, and a plague known as COVID-19 stalking us all, I can see a better world. It won't quite be like the 1950's; Jim Crow is gone once and for all, LGBT rights are well entrenched, and the technological progress and infrastructure built in the 1950's and later is either intact or heavily improved.  We are entering an age in which rational thought is expected even among dullards and conspiracy theories have lost their sting. 

The rules will be in place, and one of them will be that extremism of any kind will be in deep contempt.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-08-2022, 01:32 PM)Skabungus Wrote: Well now.  

It's been a while and it appears we still have a right wing that believes Antifa is a living breathing being set on destroying the republic by "burning American cities" and "killing people".....  even though there are no facts to back that... at all.

I wondered where you were. I'm glad to see you back, and I hope that you will stick around again.

As I see it the Black Lives Matters people have far more respect for law and order (they are only against police brutality that is itself criminal) than the people who attempted a Bolshevik-style coup in the Capitol thirteen months ago. Black lives must matter if Americans are to have a good society. If only Jewish lives had mattered in Hitlerland... not to ignore that much else was wrong with the demonic Third Reich, such as its militarism, regimentation, repression, and exploitation.

Most people can distinguish between peaceful protest and such overt criminality as looting, assaults, and property destruction. People aren't being busted for peaceful protests, but peaceful protesters who brought their video cameras to a demonstration to document police violence might instead get video of someone torching a police car and turn that over to the police. Going to a store to take off with electronics, clothes, or toys without paying for them because a demonstration is going on nearby isn't peaceful demonstration. 

I strongly encourage people who participate in peaceful protests to show respect for the communities in which they protest by going to the local small businesses and patronizing such places. That's a good way to meet fellow protesters and perhaps even get the message across to staff and owners. 

It's undeniable that left-wingers were remarkably scarce in the surroundings of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. There was no counter-protest, likely because moderate-to-liberal people expected nothing to happen until they saw news coverage. I got sick to my stomach when people chanted "Hang Mike Pence". 

I've seen video of such deeds as participants attacking news crews... tsk, tsk, tsk. How do such people think that attacking news crews and camera equipment is consistent with the First Amendment? Such looks like a violation of civil rights, a very serious federal crime, to me.       

I'm glad to see some old timers here still.  

Quote:As we approach the orgasm / crescendo / implosion / explosion / or fizzle that will constitute the end of the crisis era, I have many questions.

Do any of you have answers, or even inklings ?

I regret to say that most people -- even some with whom I have ideological agreement -- have the wrong answers. So could I. Far too little is settled yet.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-08-2022, 01:44 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(02-07-2022, 09:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-07-2022, 02:26 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Add to that: the right-wingers who want an America that endorses plutocracy and the cultural values of Christian fundamentalism are, as a whole, aging. Retailers and restaurants whose clientele is old tend to go under if they cannot replace their elderly customers who might have been a lucrative clientele in recent years. 

In a town of 10,000 near me both the Ruby Tuesday and the Bob Evans restaurant closed. Both have "old" customer bases.

... Conservatism will not die once and for all, but Gingrich/Trump-era conservatism can. Gingrich-era conservatism offers much for too few people and privation for the rest of us. We're getting the message. Trump-style conservatism lacks the sorts of characteristics that one associates with what I considered a sustainable conservatism of the 1970's... a limited role for government in subsidies and give-aways, promotion of small business, respect for tradition (OK, we have multiple traditions in America, and all of them are just as valid if they apply to the most credible people in their groups), rule of law, protocol and precedent, and respect for domestic tranquility. Class privilege is sustainable only if the economic elites can enforce deference through either outright terror (He who has the guns makes the rules) or economic subjection (He who owns the gold makes the rules).  It is impossible to connect Donald Trump to Edmund Burke. It is possible to imagine a new sort of conservatism emerging around 2030, one that rejects demagoguery and promotes individual responsibility.  

Is the "Blue" world wonderful? No. Much of it is so overpriced that one cannot live there except to endure Third-World living conditions (twelve in one room in AH-MAY-REEK-CAW!) in housing. Maybe we will need to put up with Japanese-style or South Korean-style housing densities if we are to have the American population concentrated along the coasts as is so in Australia because the "Heartland" is an economic desert in the sense that the Outback is a climatic desert with far too little opportunity. Maybe we need to shore up the economy in places like Ohio and Upstate New York that used to have excellent opportunity for people with modest education and a good work ethic who did factory work so that people aren't obliged to take chances with homelessness to avoid sure hopelessness. Obviously space per capital in urban areas must be significantly less with a population of 350 million than with a population of 175 million. There are no more orange groves in southern California to transform into subdivisions; fifty years later, those subdivisions are often slums. (A hint to the wise: unless the adult female is a Tiger Mom who can successfully get her kids to buck the anti-intellectual trends in America so that they can matriculate and do well in the excellent University of California system, stay clear of California).

The priority of the economic elites of America is to ensure that everything works for their own sybaritic excess at great human cost to everyone else. If I had to think of a way to waste every blessing that America has ever had, I could hardly imagine worse except for thermonuclear war. 

Oh, by the way, Classic X'er... what do you think of the epidemic of meth and opiates in the "Real America" that you so love?

I can see that the Bush/McCain/Romney era conservatism or compassionate conservatism is obviously on its way out. Liberalism or bleeding heart liberalism as you knew it, is currently on its way out too. Who is more likely to end up a meth head, a poor Democratic kid/grand kid stuck in Blue Podunk or a Republican voters kid/grand kid? Think about it. My parents old home town is more like Blue Podunk today. I wish we had more border agents and a fully completed  chunk of border wall to stem the illegal  flow of Chinese Fentanyl instead of border agents processing, releasing and transporting illegal immigrants all over the country. Do you have any idea, aren't you able to see (it's very obvious to everyone else) how trouble you guys are getting yourselves into these days. It's 4T dude, traitors (people who betray their country (Betray their fellow country men/citizens}can be rounded up and executed on the spot or assassinated during 4T's. It's up to you dude, I don't give a shit about you. You must know that/figured that out by now.

Considering that you traffic in rigid, unflattering stereotypes of people who fail to fit your norm and your pugnacious enmity toward such people, I would not want to face you if you had the power of life and death over people whom you hold in disdain. 

Most of the isolated rural areas (the Podunk as you call them) are strongly R and are the most fervent areas for R voting, especially in the Trump era...  unless they are majority-minority. Fentanyl is very bad stuff suited only to people with a limited life expectancy due to a terminal condition such as cancer or congestive heart failure. It's bad, but the pain that it suppresses is even worse. Where it comes from, whether from foreign smugglers or from pilfered patches, matters little. Border walls do nothing to stop "air freight" by smugglers who get through Customs, deliver a parcel to a safe house, and return whence they came. As for illegal aliens -- one of the surest ways to be deported is to be put through the process of the legal system. Illegal aliens get deported for minor drug offenses, DUI, shoplifting, and domestic abuse. They find the welfare system hard to latch onto, and if they make statements of verifiable falsehood they can be busted and deported. 

If I were to give advice to illegal aliens seeking to avoid deportation I would counsel them to

(1) learn English
(2) stick to low-visibility jobs (in a restaurant, work in the kitchen and don't be a waiter)
(3) do nothing that reeks of illegality 
(4) avoid fights
(5) avoid welfare and credit
(6) assimilate into a community of people culturally similar. 

We liberals are in deep trouble irrespective of much else should America become a fascistic society to the extent that we lack the means of escape, aren't willing to liquidate everything that we have for pennies on the grand, and be fussy about where we would go. You do not understand how miserable your life could be under fascistic rule because you will see friends and families disappear into the perverse legal legal system and come back broken; if you aren't enthusiastic enough about what the canned ideology you risk legal scrutiny. People will denounce you fraudulently just to get your job or to get your home at a fire-sale price without the smell of smoke. Most people will be obliged to work much harder for less, and if you think that management is brutal these days just wait until you see what fascism does to labor-management relations. They will look more like master-slave relations as they became in Nazi Germany. 

Remember: fascism is an ideology tailor-made for sociopaths and rapacious elites who have no qualms about inflicting suffering on others.   Yes, this is a 4T, but even I can see signs of its end. Two participants in the Michigan plot have chosen to plea bargain to do lesser time in prison than they might if they were to face criminal trials. The investigation of the Capitol Putsch has so far gotten lots of small fry -- but some of those small fry have been singing like canaries. The investigation is going after the bigger fish who risk longer terms of imprisonment and economic ruin. Some may even be in Congress as we speak.   

The difference between a 4T and a 1T is that in a 1T, new rules are set rigidly and everyone knows them. People may have some choice on how they comply, but the rules are there. Political violence is out of the question in a 1T. Fair play is one reliable way to avoid trouble. There is far less privacy for deviant behavior that stick out for violating key rules (such as making and keeping notes of meetings that discuss substantive matters. Economic inequality becomes much less severe (that has yet to happen), so anyone who acts as a Big Shot, High Roller, or Big Spender who has less-than-impressive means becomes suspect. Maybe if one is simply wasting an inheritance one can get away with buying a car beyond your obvious means. Community revives where it was recently weak. People in some dreary Podunk learn to make the best of Podunk (yes, one can attend ice-cream socials, watch high-school sports, participate in civic and service groups, and of course attend religious services and prayer meetings. That's how small-town life was in the 1950's and 1960's before people got high-fallutin' ideas that they could make the world a better place by taking some Voyage to the Interior. 

The world will be better when kids are involved in Scouting, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, 4-H, FFA, Job's Daughters or the Order of De Molay. and church-related youth groups instead of simply hanging out in meaningless activities.  We have plenty of Elk's Clubs, Moose Lodges, Y's, American Legions, Masonic Lodges, and VFW halls. One thing that I have noticed over sixty years is that people who have the narrowest range of geographic activities find the greatest depth in human interactions. Maybe making the best out of Podunk is better for us all than going to the Big City to go 'where the action is'.  Add to this -- maybe people can invest time and effort into making gardens grow instead of wasting time at the shopping mall and becoming addled on video games and banal interactions on computers. 

Dreary as things are due to an economic system that enriches elites while keeping most people broke, a recent ramping-up of political extremism and violence, decay of adult manners (especially among middle-aged and older people), international stresses, and a plague known as COVID-19 stalking us all, I can see a better world. It won't quite be like the 1950's; Jim Crow is gone once and for all, LGBT rights are well entrenched, and the technological progress and infrastructure built in the 1950's and later is either intact or heavily improved.  We are entering an age in which rational thought is expected even among dullards and conspiracy theories have lost their sting. 

The rules will be in place, and one of them will be that extremism of any kind will be in deep contempt.
I've learned just about everything I know about the Left from those on the Left over the years.  What did I tell you about going along with Left Wing stereotypes the other day? What have I told will happen to you if you continue going along with them and continue to traffic them? How many Nazi believers/supporters died during World War II? How many Bolshevik believers/supporters died during World War II? Millions of them on both sides? How many ordinary people (mainly peasants) were either killed by the Bolsheviks or killed by the Bolsheviks polices after World War II? Millions more of them? How many Americans cared as it was all going on?

Is Jim Crow gone forever? How many black/minority groups on the Democratic side openly support segregationist policies and how many are openly engaged in acts associated with segregation today?
(02-08-2022, 02:46 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-08-2022, 01:44 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Remember: fascism is an ideology tailor-made for sociopaths and rapacious elites who have no qualms about inflicting suffering on others.   Yes, this is a 4T, but even I can see signs of its end. Two participants in the Michigan plot have chosen to plea bargain to do lesser time in prison than they might if they were to face criminal trials. The investigation of the Capitol Putsch has so far gotten lots of small fry -- but some of those small fry have been singing like canaries. The investigation is going after the bigger fish who risk longer terms of imprisonment and economic ruin. Some may even be in Congress as we speak.   

The difference between a 4T and a 1T is that in a 1T, new rules are set rigidly and everyone knows them. People may have some choice on how they comply, but the rules are there. Political violence is out of the question in a 1T. Fair play is one reliable way to avoid trouble. There is far less privacy for deviant behavior that stick out for violating key rules (such as making and keeping notes of meetings that discuss substantive matters. Economic inequality becomes much less severe (that has yet to happen), so anyone who acts as a Big Shot, High Roller, or Big Spender who has less-than-impressive means becomes suspect. Maybe if one is simply wasting an inheritance one can get away with buying a car beyond your obvious means. Community revives where it was recently weak. People in some dreary Podunk learn to make the best of Podunk (yes, one can attend ice-cream socials, watch high-school sports, participate in civic and service groups, and of course attend religious services and prayer meetings. That's how small-town life was in the 1950's and 1960's before people got high-fallutin' ideas that they could make the world a better place by taking some Voyage to the Interior. 

The world will be better when kids are involved in Scouting, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, 4-H, FFA, Job's Daughters or the Order of De Molay. and church-related youth groups instead of simply hanging out in meaningless activities.  We have plenty of Elk's Clubs, Moose Lodges, Y's, American Legions, Masonic Lodges, and VFW halls. One thing that I have noticed over sixty years is that people who have the narrowest range of geographic activities find the greatest depth in human interactions. Maybe making the best out of Podunk is better for us all than going to the Big City to go 'where the action is'.  Add to this -- maybe people can invest time and effort into making gardens grow instead of wasting time at the shopping mall and becoming addled on video games and banal interactions on computers. 

Dreary as things are due to an economic system that enriches elites while keeping most people broke, a recent ramping-up of political extremism and violence, decay of adult manners (especially among middle-aged and older people), international stresses, and a plague known as COVID-19 stalking us all, I can see a better world. It won't quite be like the 1950's; Jim Crow is gone once and for all, LGBT rights are well entrenched, and the technological progress and infrastructure built in the 1950's and later is either intact or heavily improved.  We are entering an age in which rational thought is expected even among dullards and conspiracy theories have lost their sting. 

The rules will be in place, and one of them will be that extremism of any kind will be in deep contempt.

I've learned just about everything I know  about the Left from those on the Left over the years.  What did I tell you about going along with Left Wing stereotypes the other day? What have I told  will  happen to you if you continue going along with them and continue to traffic them? How many Nazi believers/supporters died during World War II? How many Bolshevik believers/supporters died during World War II? Millions of them on both sides? How many ordinary people (mainly peasants) were either killed by the Bolsheviks or killed by the Bolsheviks polices after World War II? Millions more of them? How many Americans cared as it was all going on?

Is Jim Crow gone forever? How many black/minority groups on the Democratic side openly support segregationist policies  and how many are openly engaged in acts associated with  segregation today?

Have you considered that we liberals also read history? I can read Howe and Strauss theory and glean a general outline of how life will be after the Crisis is over. If as usually happens 

Quote:The wrong shall fail, the Right prevail 

as in the bleakest of all Christmas carols (it fit the American Civil War, and Tennyson got it right), then the bad stuff will be gone.
So consider how Germans might have often predicted, based on events of 1940 and early 1941, how things would go. Germany would reshape the world from North Cape to Crete. The Jews would be recognized forever as the evil-doers that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion depicts them and would be rendered harmless.  Warmongers like Sir Winston Churchill and Charles DeGaulle would die dangling from piano wires to extend their agonies. Germans would shout "Sieg heil!" and "Heil Hitler!" and sing the Horst-Wessel-Lied with pride. The Nazi flag would fly in glory in much of the world and would scare a Jew like FDR even in America. (FDR was not Jewish, but the Nazis typically accused him of being a Jew) before Americans, especially those of German stock, would delight in liberation from the machinations of Jewish world conspiracy. The Soviet monstrosity of Stalin and his Jewish henchmen? Also to be obliterated. Germans would get to live as settlers in the vast plains of Russia (with some Dutch, Scandinavians, and even English invited) as the original inhabitants would be removed. 

A few years later... we know the real story. I need not go into the details of damage and judgment. Nazism is dead in Germany; the Nazi Party, Nazi flags, Nazi slogans, Nazi symbols, and Nazi songs are all illegal and remain so nearly 77 years after the end of the war.   On the very day that Hitler offed himself in the fetid bunker, this happened in Munich:

The SS and Gestapo would no longer terrorize these people.  

I don't see America going as you predict. I have a longer view of history, and you are not the first person to have attitudes like yours. 4T's almost invariably show your kind terribly wrong, and that your kind is the last to get the message.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-08-2022, 01:59 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-07-2022, 10:41 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-07-2022, 01:48 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-06-2022, 04:34 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-05-2022, 09:19 AM)David Horn Wrote: Your side forgot what every member of any community needs to know by instinct: no one's an island.  If we move to the final solution being hyper-libertarianism it will be indistinguishable from anarchy, and anarchy is a prescription for chaos, decline and, ultimately, death.  Why in God's name do you wish for this?
Hyper-libertarianism as in what we are seeing going on in the blue cities and along our southern border and within Democratic politics today. Haven't you been listening to me? You are right, it's stupid (mind boggling) and I don't know why you guys are continuing to ignore it, supporting it and going along with it the way you are these days. Do you currently live in an American State or an American region or Blue Acirema? I get the impression that you don't understand or realize or understand/realize that the majority of the country knows that people like you are on the side of lawlessness. I don't wish it, I see it and I've been telling you/warning you of the reckoning that's currently building and showing you that the rules of the game are going to substantially change and telling you what to expect to see happening as America shifts to 4T. In short, you are messing with an established Super Power that's about to bring the hammer down and declare open season on today's Left. I like you a little better than the rest which is why I've been suggesting that you retire from Left Wing politics before it's to late. Personally speaking, I don't think today's Left understands the difference between American law enforcement and Fascism or the difference between killing a criminal and Murder or the difference between Good and Evil or right and wrong these days.

So you think the police have a right to kill criminals, and you call that a justice system? You think following the law is fomenting a riot and a coup and then calling it "legitimate political discourse"?

Yes, it's quite clear that the right wing is shifting the rules of the game to bring down the hammer on us on the Left. That's called fascism, destruction of democracy, etc.
The police have the right to kill them and so do I and about a million or 2 others who live in the State of Minnesota. If BLM and Antifa can do it, why can't a group angry American citizens who were upset by the obvious shenanigans that took place that were covered up by the political establishments prior to the last election. Based on Liberal standards which proceeded it, it was a display of legitimate political discourse. Like I said, I don't  think Left Wingers like you and others here seem to know the difference between American law enforcement and Fascism these days.

On a lighter note, I heard the Facebook dude took a 30 billion dollar loss last week. I wonder what's in store for his royal majesty, the next time America withdraws.  I also heard the co-founders of the BLM movement skipped town with 16 million for themselves. I know that's racist or seems racist to you but whatever. It's looks/sounds crooked to me. I don't know why you continue posting here and taking lumps when you have created a SAFE place for you and your fiends to post that you have complete control over elsewhere.

BLM and antifa don't have the right to do it, and don't do it, but police do it, and they don't have the right, and neither do you and about a million or 2 others who live in the state of Minnesota. Remember right here, you have dedicated you life to breaking the law, and conscripted a million or two of your fellow racist fascists in MN to breaking the law too. You have no right to talk about obeying the law. You don't indeed seem to know the difference between American law enforcement and Fascism these days. You have no ability whatsoever to prove that the election is what everyone who has looked at it says, except one person and his followers: it was the most democratic and fair election ever conducted. And YOU LOST buddy. Our side got 7 million more votes than you.

Another victim of your violence, Amir Locke, was revealed on Democracy Now today.

I wonder if Classic Xer of Minnesota approves of this raid. Cops wearing gloves and full tactical gear, somehow obtain a key and enter an apartment in Minneapolis MN without knocking, and shoot 22-year old musician Amir Locke who was sleeping on the couch and who had reached for a licensed gun. It seems to be a clear violation of the 4th amendment, which says:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Minneapolis MN police were apparently searching for Amir's cousin Marlon Speed, who was charged with murder. Locke was staying in Marlon's brother's house. Locke was not named in the warrant, which therefore did not meet the requirement of describing the person to be seized and made completely insecure.

Well-known civil rights attorney Ben Crump agreed on this video with my perception before I saw him say it that this raid violated the 4th amendment. He also reports that for the first time a gun-rights organization defended Locke's right to defend himself with a gun against intruders. Locke apparently had no idea the police were coming, and was barely awake when he was shot. 

No-knock warrants violate the 4th amendment. 82% of them are obtained to use against black people, Crump says. Brionna Taylor was killed in TN after a similar no-knock warrant used against an innocent black person.

Personally I think having a gun for self-defense is the wrong idea, and it may have cost Mr. Locke his life. But does Classic Xer think the police and his militias have the right to be judge, jury and executioner and "kill criminals" without cause? Does he and people like him think the constitution, including the 4th and 2nd amendments, does not apply to people of color?

This is far from making fun of Trump, the subject of this thread. It is a serious matter. But Trump has called for the police to be rough. 

I wonder what would have happened if the police had obtained a search warrant to find Mr. Speed, knocked on the door, waited for Locke to wake up and answer, and then asked him at the door to let them in so they could search for Mr. Speed, showing Locke their warrant. Locke would likely not have carried a gun just to answer a knock on the door. This would have been a regular police investigation, and Locke may or may not have had any answers. Mr. Speed was not there, and the police could have found that out once Locke let them in. Imagine if Columbo have knocked on the door, been polite and humble, was unarmed, announced he was from MPD homicide, showed his badge, and asked Mr. Locke for information. That's the way the mostly-white rich people on Columbo or Perry Mason or their equivalents in real life are treated. But people of color are not given this consideration.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-08-2022, 09:40 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: I wonder if Classic Xer of Minnesota approves of this raid. Cops wearing gloves and full tactical gear, somehow obtain a key and enter an apartment in Minneapolis MN without knocking, and shoot 22-year old musician Amir Locke who was sleeping on the couch and who had reached for a licensed gun. It seems to be a clear violation of the 4th amendment, which says:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Minneapolis MN police were apparently searching for Amir's cousin Marlon Speed, who was charged with murder. Locke was staying in Marlon's brother's house. Locke was not named in the warrant, which therefore did not meet the requirement of describing the person to be seized and made completely insecure.

Well-known civil rights attorney Ben Crump agreed on this video with my perception before I saw him say it that this raid violated the 4th amendment. He also reports that for the first time a gun-rights organization defended Locke's right to defend himself with a gun against intruders. Locke apparently had no idea the police were coming, and was barely awake when he was shot. 

No-knock warrants violate the 4th amendment. 82% of them are obtained to use against black people, Crump says. Brionna Taylor was killed in TN after a similar no-knock warrant used against an innocent black person.

Personally I think having a gun for self-defense is the wrong idea, and it may have cost Mr. Locke his life. But does Classic Xer think the police and his militias have the right to be judge, jury and executioner and "kill criminals" without cause? Does he and people like him think the constitution, including the 4th and 2nd amendments, does not apply to people of color?

This is far from making fun of Trump, the subject of this thread. It is a serious matter. But Trump has called for the police to be rough. 

I wonder what would have happened if the police had obtained a search warrant to find Mr. Speed, knocked on the door, waited for Locke to wake up and answer, and then asked him at the door to let them in so they could search for Mr. Speed, showing Locke their warrant. Locke would likely not have carried a gun just to answer a knock on the door. This would have been a regular police investigation, and Locke may or may not have had any answers. Mr. Speed was not there, and the police could have found that out once Locke let them in. Imagine if Columbo have knocked on the door, been polite and humble, was unarmed, announced he was from MPD homicide, showed his badge, and asked Mr. Locke for information. That's the way the mostly-white rich people on Columbo or Perry Mason or their equivalents in real life are treated. But people of color are not given this consideration.

I have plugged dogs as more reliable defenders than guns.  Of course I would call the dog back on a cop, but burglars, robbers, and rapists are welcome to feel that they might be meat. If I am not a criminal I will insist on seeing a badge and get the badge number. There are fake cops (an infamous example: Ted Bundy carried a fake police badge), and I will give a full police report on anyone who abuses police power. A hint: real cops hate fake cops.

I have never had a desire to be a cop, but if I were a detective I would be one of those dumb-like-a-fox Columbo types: an annoying fellow whom one tries to drive off with a facile lie. You know how that goes: as J. Edgar Hoover said, every criminal that he had ever met had one thing in common -- that they are liars. Innocent people will tell the truth just to clear themselves.   

The cops do not need to be brutal to be effective except in self-defense. Know well: self-defense is often even more brutal than overt aggression. Attack a cop and experience the worst.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-08-2022, 04:24 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: as in the bleakest of all Christmas carols (it fit the American Civil War, and Tennyson got it right), then the bad stuff will be gone.
So consider how Germans might have often predicted, based on events of 1940 and early 1941, how things would go. Germany would reshape the world from North Cape to Crete. The Jews would be recognized forever as the evil-doers that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion depicts them and would be rendered harmless.  Warmongers like Sir Winston Churchill and Charles DeGaulle would die dangling from piano wires to extend their agonies. Germans would shout "Sieg heil!" and "Heil Hitler!" and sing the Horst-Wessel-Lied with pride. The Nazi flag would fly in glory in much of the world and would scare a Jew like FDR even in America. (FDR was not Jewish, but the Nazis typically accused him of being a Jew) before Americans, especially those of German stock, would delight in liberation from the machinations of Jewish world conspiracy. The Soviet monstrosity of Stalin and his Jewish henchmen? Also to be obliterated. Germans would get to live as settlers in the vast plains of Russia (with some Dutch, Scandinavians, and even English invited) as the original inhabitants would be removed. 

A few years later... we know the real story. I need not go into the details of damage and judgment. Nazism is dead in Germany; the Nazi Party, Nazi flags, Nazi slogans, Nazi symbols, and Nazi songs are all illegal and remain so nearly 77 years after the end of the war.   On the very day that Hitler offed himself in the fetid bunker, this happened in Munich:

The SS and Gestapo would no longer terrorize these people.  

I don't see America going as you predict. I have a longer view of history, and you are not the first person to have attitudes like yours. 4T's almost invariably show your kind terribly wrong, and that your kind is the last to get the message.
You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you, I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you (Pbower), I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.

Each crisis was centered on a set of problems.  You had a privileged 'nobel' minority and colonial imperialism in the Revolution.  You had slavery and industrial power in the Civil War.  You had the economy and expansionist autocratic cultures in FDR's time.  This time Covid, prejudice, democracy and disrespect for the environment seem to be the crisis issues.

America has always solved the problems, though there has often been a faction that is stuck on the way things have been.  The glory associated with America's crises is associated with how they solved the problems.  The do not solve problems people are currently advocating death by Covid, prejudice, elite criminality, destroying nature, and letting the infrastructure fail.  These ideas do not fit well with America or my idea of a crisis.

They also lead to a certain disrespect for those who want the problems not to be solved.

Thus, I agree we will not unsolve the old problems, but I disagree and expect we will solve the new.  We have to.  Clinging to old non solutions just isn't the American way.  

Acirema?  Maybe.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(02-09-2022, 07:00 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you (Pbower), I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.

Each crisis was centered on a set of problems.  You had a privileged 'nobel' minority and colonial imperialism in the Revolution.  You had slavery and industrial power in the Civil War.  You had the economy and expansionist autocratic cultures in FDR's time.  This time Covid, prejudice, democracy and disrespect for the environment seem to be the crisis issues.

America has always solved the problems, though there has often been a faction that is stuck on the way things have been.  The glory associated with America's crises is associated with how they solved the problems.  The do not solve problems people are currently advocating death by Covid, prejudice, elite criminality, destroying nature, and letting the infrastructure fail.  These ideas do not fit well with America or my idea of a crisis.

They also lead to a certain disrespect for those who want the problems not to be solved.

Thus, I agree we will not unsolve the old problems, but I disagree and expect we will solve the new.  We have to.  Clinging to old non solutions just isn't the American way.  

Acirema?  Maybe.
You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-08-2022, 04:24 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: So consider how Germans might have often predicted, based on events of 1940 and early 1941, how things would go. Germany would reshape the world from North Cape to Crete. The Jews would be recognized forever as the evil-doers that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion depicts them and would be rendered harmless.  Warmongers like Sir Winston Churchill and Charles DeGaulle would die dangling from piano wires to extend their agonies. Germans would shout "Sieg heil!" and "Heil Hitler!" and sing the Horst-Wessel-Lied with pride. The Nazi flag would fly in glory in much of the world and would scare a Jew like FDR even in America. (FDR was not Jewish, but the Nazis typically accused him of being a Jew) before Americans, especially those of German stock, would delight in liberation from the machinations of Jewish world conspiracy. The Soviet monstrosity of Stalin and his Jewish henchmen? Also to be obliterated. Germans would get to live as settlers in the vast plains of Russia (with some Dutch, Scandinavians, and even English invited) as the original inhabitants would be removed. 

A few years later... we know the real story. I need not go into the details of damage and judgment. Nazism is dead in Germany; the Nazi Party, Nazi flags, Nazi slogans, Nazi symbols, and Nazi songs are all illegal and remain so nearly 77 years after the end of the war.   On the very day that Hitler offed himself in the fetid bunker, this happened in Munich:

The SS and Gestapo would no longer terrorize these people.  

I don't see America going as you predict. I have a longer view of history, and you are not the first person to have attitudes like yours. 4T's almost invariably show your kind terribly wrong, and that your kind is the last to get the message.

You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you, I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the (nonsense) that they currently represent for much longer either.

We are in the same country and we have equal claims to citizenship, so far as I can tell. My side is generally OK, but I wish that your side were less scary. Unlike you I can recognize other people with equal claims to being American, many of those people very different from me in origin. Many of those people may have similar tastes in culture and even cuisine (OK, a fusion of German-American and English-American cuisine is awful) while having shared ethical values and attitudes on economics. 

My intellect likely overpowers yours (I know what my IQ is, but I am not saying) and you may think that I bully you for that. Just remember: it's typically the smart people who do the most valuable innovations of science and culture and have the means of solving what are often intractable problems. If necessary I can play dumb. That's acting, Stupid people might try to act brilliant, but they make fools of themselves in the process. High intelligence creates its own cultural quirks, such as the patience for reading very long books (if they are good, like The Brothers Karamazov) or listening to extended works of music (again, if really good -- like J S Bach's Art of Fugue). These obviously have little appeal to morons.  In music, just consider what the Top 40 hits are in any given time: they are typically less than five minutes in length. Classical music fans like me often gravitate to musical works that take over 30 minutes to play and tolerate such quirks as an opera being written in a language that they do not understand. As one of my favorite jokes about opera, Tchaikovsky wrote an excellent Italian opera (Yevgeny Onegin) except for having one odd quirk: the libretto is in Russian.
I suppose that one's level of intellect will shape one's cultural choices,  

I like to believe that I have a long and broad view of history, and much that has gone on in America has been tried and found troublesome. If it went sour in Spain in the 1930's then it is likely a bad idea here.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.

As I've seen it, there are at least two problems.  One has a strong moral element for the common people, such as slavery.  One has a monetary elite element, such as putting the political power in industrial hands rather than agricultural so the robber barons could profit.  When the purpose of the Civil War is discussed, you see slavery emphasized in the north, and the role of the elites in the south.  I see both.  As we hit slavery hard, we enabled the robber barons.  Similarly the Revolution dealt with both democracy and colonial imperialism.  So with FDR's time with economics and containment.  Can you really see only one?  You should really look into America, get less obsessed with your own imagination.

The Red affinity for prejudice and saving money by not providing services can stand for the stay the same faction in the current crisis.  The flip side would be equality and the government working for the people.  If you want to go with prejudice and inaction, it is your choice, but I warn you it is not the American choice.

Also is your imaginary Acirema really backing death, criminality, polution, autocracy and obsolete infrastructure?  Normally you separate yourself half way from the Trump perspective, but you are still with Trump all the way?  I have the feeling that the criminal justice system is running a bit slow deliberately so the message of it will be unmistakable by the 2022 and 2024 elections.  The bright move for a Red politician involves crossing Trump enough to set yourself up as a replacement, avoiding crossing Trump while he still has a following, and making your move as the following vanishes.  I expect it is coming, and those who are still riding Trump's coat tails are painting themselves into a corner.

Prejudice is not disliking oppressors.  I have never watched The View, but if you can wrap yourself around America's history of white male oppression, you might understand how points of view other than your own developed.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 07:00 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you (Pbower), I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.

Each crisis was centered on a set of problems.  You had a privileged 'nobel' minority and colonial imperialism in the Revolution.  You had slavery and industrial power in the Civil War.  You had the economy and expansionist autocratic cultures in FDR's time.  This time Covid, prejudice, democracy and disrespect for the environment seem to be the crisis issues.

America has always solved the problems, though there has often been a faction that is stuck on the way things have been.  The glory associated with America's crises is associated with how they solved the problems.  The do not solve problems people are currently advocating death by Covid, prejudice, elite criminality, destroying nature, and letting the infrastructure fail.  These ideas do not fit well with America or my idea of a crisis.

They also lead to a certain disrespect for those who want the problems not to be solved.

Thus, I agree we will not unsolve the old problems, but I disagree and expect we will solve the new.  We have to.  Clinging to old non solutions just isn't the American way.  

Acirema?  Maybe.
You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudiced women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way?

If your American Way triumphs over ours, we won't have an America, because civilization on Earth will be largely destroyed. Your way is the way to death. 

I hope enough people in the USA realize this, so that the blue side can win elections and enact the needed solutions, which is possible only without the neoliberal trickle-down Reaganomics doctrine from your side (as well as the social divisionism and prejudices from your side) that hampers the needed government actions, which along with the needed actions taken by individuals, businesses and peoples' movements can save us and restart real progress again. That society fails which does not advance.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 07:00 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you (Pbower), I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.

Each crisis was centered on a set of problems.  You had a privileged 'nobel' minority and colonial imperialism in the Revolution.  You had slavery and industrial power in the Civil War.  You had the economy and expansionist autocratic cultures in FDR's time.  This time Covid, prejudice, democracy and disrespect for the environment seem to be the crisis issues.

America has always solved the problems, though there has often been a faction that is stuck on the way things have been.  The glory associated with America's crises is associated with how they solved the problems.  The do not solve problems people are currently advocating death by Covid, prejudice, elite criminality, destroying nature, and letting the infrastructure fail.  These ideas do not fit well with America or my idea of a crisis.

They also lead to a certain disrespect for those who want the problems not to be solved.

Thus, I agree we will not unsolve the old problems, but I disagree and expect we will solve the new.  We have to.  Clinging to old non solutions just isn't the American way.  

Acirema?  Maybe.

You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.

I've seen bits and pieces of it, but just enough to catch a flavor.  It's not the worst waste of time on daytime TV, but it is TV. A general rule in life is that if you watch a lot of TV, then you aren't really living. 

Everybody has prejudices and some of them are valid. If they are that certain ethnic or religious groups are predictably stupid, incompetent, or amoral, then that prejudice is one that deserves divestment. In any event, I doubt that you have much respect for women. I pity your wife and any daughter that you may have. 

I can assure you now that there are multiple American Ways, as most people fit into certain boxes at once: ethnicity or mixture of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, region, vocation, level of intelligence or formal education... even being a "horse person" or a "snake person" makes one different. Let's not forget that one's generation defines much, as someone born in 1965 and someone born in 1985 are likely to have big differences just for differences in experiences. 

If you don't think gender is important, then my family has had two golden cocker spaniels -- one a neutered male and the other a neutered female. Even though they lived with the same human family they could have hardly been more different. This said, dogs are obviously not conscious of any feminist or male-chauvinist attitudes. They are simply dogs. The male was far more aggressive than the female. (One exception: mess with a a female dog's puppies, and you stand to be hurt badly). OK, both dogs got along well with cats, but that may reflect the human family.  

Intelligence? If one is stupid, then I can assure you that one has no desire to listen to this:

It has its delights for someone who has certain acquired tastes for long stretches of finely-crafted music, especially rich counterpoint. Plenty of smart people still can think of better things to do with their lives than listen to Bruckner symphonies. Let's put it this way: if the best that one can hope for in life is to work in a dollar store and have a smoke during a break, then this not for that person. 

This is not the German part of my heritage speaking here. I prefer Puccini to Wagner, thank you, and I have no Italian ancestry. 

...If I am to make any prediction on how this Crisis Era will unfold, then it will be that the most rational, humane, and decent will prevail. America has a rich basis of tradition upon which to fall back when absurdity arises from recent fads and crazes. America has multiple traditions, none more valid than the others -- and the leaders within those traditions well know that. Those traditions that most foster creativity, learning, enterprise, and integrity typically show why they have staying power.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: 97f3ca06fe86725ea776bd1ffc6c2e46baedc930...=800&h=400]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

On the 290th birthday of our first President, the one who largelyestablished through his conduct what the Presidency is (no powers other than those few delegated by the Constitution or authorized for the time by Congress) Donald Trump starts his new social platform.

[Image: d92f33ff3777c7b4fb51d0e607d1757090aa766f...=800&h=447]

Meanwhile the accounting firm that signed off on some of his latest financial statements now repudiates them as unreliable. As a general rule, accounting fraud once detected is economic and professional death. If he should make ago of it (unlikely because he is too lazy) such would be one of the most perverse miracles in history.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-20-2022, 12:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: On the 290th birthday of our first President, the one who largelyestablished through his conduct what the Presidency is (no powers other than those few delegated by the Constitution or authorized for the time by Congress) Donald Trump starts his new social platform.

[Image: d92f33ff3777c7b4fb51d0e607d1757090aa766f...=800&h=447]

Meanwhile the accounting firm that signed off on some of his latest financial statements now repudiates them as unreliable. As a general rule, accounting fraud once detected is economic and professional death. If he should make ago of it (unlikely because he is too lazy) such would be one of the most perverse miracles in history.

Never underestimate the naivete of the American people.  Stupidity is no deterrent to the kind of success DJT is interested in creating.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(02-09-2022, 11:25 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: 97f3ca06fe86725ea776bd1ffc6c2e46baedc930...=800&h=400]

Not very appetizing, is it??!!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-20-2022, 02:09 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(02-20-2022, 12:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: On the 290th birthday of our first President, the one who largelyestablished through his conduct what the Presidency is (no powers other than those few delegated by the Constitution or authorized for the time by Congress) Donald Trump starts his new social platform.

[Image: d92f33ff3777c7b4fb51d0e607d1757090aa766f...=800&h=447]

Meanwhile the accounting firm that signed off on some of his latest financial statements now repudiates them as unreliable. As a general rule, accounting fraud once detected is economic and professional death. If he should make ago of it (unlikely because he is too lazy) such would be one of the most perverse miracles in history.

Never underestimate the naivete of the American people.  Stupidity is no deterrent to the kind of success DJT is interested in creating.
You meant to say the Acireman people instead of the American right. OK, right now you're on fire internally and smoking a bit but you haven't quite figured out that you're going down in a ball of flame yet. Who the fuck is in charge? Is Trump in charge or is Brandon in charge? Who the fuck is getting burned/hurt by the truth? Did you vote for Biden/Brandon? How old are you? How poor are you? What color of skin do you have? You're to old and to wealthy and have no excuse as far as you're race goes for you to get away with being naive or ignorant, don't you think? Facebook just lost 30 Billion. Any idea where that 30 billion is going to end up? Dude, you are outmatched and you have already lost the support of the bulk of the American people. At what point do you and others look in the mirror and admit to yourselves that you're a bunch of morons???????????????? Americans aren't going to care about what happens to a bunch of morons anymore than I'm going to care about what happens to a bunch of Liberals.
(02-20-2022, 07:26 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 11:25 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: 97f3ca06fe86725ea776bd1ffc6c2e46baedc930...=800&h=400]

Not very appetizing, is it??!!
Nope, it's neither appealing or appetizing. With that said, you shouldn't be so deeply into it as you and the others are today. Hint, there's a major difference between bullshitting about stuff that's largely irrelevant and doesn't matter to most most people and bullshitting about stuff that does these days. You're pretty much stuck dude.
(02-09-2022, 08:11 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 07:00 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 04:57 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You are related to the Democratic Party or Acirema, as goes the Democrats so goes you. Do you have any other choice but to go along with Them at this point? I agree with you (Pbower), I don't see America going back to slavery or Jim Crow or sticking with Biden/Harris and all the SHIT that they currently represent for much longer either.

Each crisis was centered on a set of problems.  You had a privileged 'nobel' minority and colonial imperialism in the Revolution.  You had slavery and industrial power in the Civil War.  You had the economy and expansionist autocratic cultures in FDR's time.  This time Covid, prejudice, democracy and disrespect for the environment seem to be the crisis issues.

America has always solved the problems, though there has often been a faction that is stuck on the way things have been.  The glory associated with America's crises is associated with how they solved the problems.  The do not solve problems people are currently advocating death by Covid, prejudice, elite criminality, destroying nature, and letting the infrastructure fail.  These ideas do not fit well with America or my idea of a crisis.

They also lead to a certain disrespect for those who want the problems not to be solved.

Thus, I agree we will not unsolve the old problems, but I disagree and expect we will solve the new.  We have to.  Clinging to old non solutions just isn't the American way.  

Acirema?  Maybe.
You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudiced women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way?

If your American Way triumphs over ours, we won't have an America, because civilization on Earth will be largely destroyed. Your way is the way to death. 

I hope enough people in the USA realize this, so that the blue side can win elections and enact the needed solutions, which is possible only without the neoliberal trickle-down Reaganomics doctrine from your side (as well as the social divisionism and prejudices from your side) that hampers the needed government actions, which along with the needed actions taken by individuals, businesses and peoples' movements can save us and restart real progress again. That society fails which does not advance.
True. The American way isn't the solution to any of your problems and when the American way more or less triumphs, you will no longer have America as you say or be related to it any longer. The split is coming dude and all the blues have to look forward to is living/dying under some sort of dictatorship as the rest of America continues onward as a free country.

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