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Let's make fun of Trump, bash him, etc. while we can!
(02-09-2022, 07:47 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.

As I've seen it, there are at least two problems.  One has a strong moral element for the common people, such as slavery.  One has a monetary elite element, such as putting the political power in industrial hands rather than agricultural so the robber barons could profit.  When the purpose of the Civil War is discussed, you see slavery emphasized in the north, and the role of the elites in the south.  I see both.  As we hit slavery hard, we enabled the robber barons.  Similarly the Revolution dealt with both democracy and colonial imperialism.  So with FDR's time with economics and containment.  Can you really see only one?  You should really look into America, get less obsessed with your own imagination.

The Red affinity for prejudice and saving money by not providing services can stand for the stay the same faction in the current crisis.  The flip side would be equality and the government working for the people.  If you want to go with prejudice and inaction, it is your choice, but I warn you it is not the American choice.

Also is your imaginary Acirema really backing death, criminality, polution, autocracy and obsolete infrastructure?  Normally you separate yourself half way from the Trump perspective, but you are still with Trump all the way?  I have the feeling that the criminal justice system is running a bit slow deliberately so the message of it will be unmistakable by the 2022 and 2024 elections.  The bright move for a Red politician involves crossing Trump enough to set yourself up as a replacement, avoiding crossing Trump while he still has a following, and making your move as the following vanishes.  I expect it is coming, and those who are still riding Trump's coat tails are painting themselves into a corner.

Prejudice is not disliking oppressors.  I have never watched The View, but if you can wrap yourself around America's history of white male oppression, you might understand how points of view other than your own developed.
You talk like you're innocent of being involved with oppression. You're a Liberal white male on the Democratic side right. Yes, you should take your own advice and study up on American history and learn how Americans have dealt with oppression throughout it's history. Like I said, you are fortunate that a couple Democratic Senators were smart enough to understand that being recognized as Americans by millions of American voters was more important to them as individuals than being recognized as Progressives or as Democratic party loyalists at this particular time in American history.
(02-21-2022, 09:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 07:47 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.

As I've seen it, there are at least two problems.  One has a strong moral element for the common people, such as slavery.  One has a monetary elite element, such as putting the political power in industrial hands rather than agricultural so the robber barons could profit.  When the purpose of the Civil War is discussed, you see slavery emphasized in the north, and the role of the elites in the south.  I see both.  As we hit slavery hard, we enabled the robber barons.  Similarly the Revolution dealt with both democracy and colonial imperialism.  So with FDR's time with economics and containment.  Can you really see only one?  You should really look into America, get less obsessed with your own imagination.

The Red affinity for prejudice and saving money by not providing services can stand for the stay the same faction in the current crisis.  The flip side would be equality and the government working for the people.  If you want to go with prejudice and inaction, it is your choice, but I warn you it is not the American choice.

Also is your imaginary Acirema really backing death, criminality, polution, autocracy and obsolete infrastructure?  Normally you separate yourself half way from the Trump perspective, but you are still with Trump all the way?  I have the feeling that the criminal justice system is running a bit slow deliberately so the message of it will be unmistakable by the 2022 and 2024 elections.  The bright move for a Red politician involves crossing Trump enough to set yourself up as a replacement, avoiding crossing Trump while he still has a following, and making your move as the following vanishes.  I expect it is coming, and those who are still riding Trump's coat tails are painting themselves into a corner.

Prejudice is not disliking oppressors.  I have never watched The View, but if you can wrap yourself around America's history of white male oppression, you might understand how points of view other than your own developed.
You talk like you're innocent of being involved with oppression. You're a Liberal white male on the Democratic side right. Yes, you should take your own advice and study up on American history and learn how Americans have dealt with oppression throughout it's history. Like I said, you are fortunate that a couple Democratic Senators were smart enough to understand that being recognized as Americans by millions of American voters was more important to them as individuals than being recognized as Progressives or as Democratic party loyalists at this particular time in American history.

Classic Xer, what do you know about white people oppressing blacks and people of color generally in the USA in history?

One thing is has been hard to wrap my head around, is why women were denied the vote in the USA until the exact date of my own Mother's birth. What possible basis for this oppression could be asserted?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-20-2022, 02:09 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(02-20-2022, 12:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: On the 290th birthday of our first President, the one who largely established through his conduct what the Presidency is (no powers other than those few delegated by the Constitution or authorized for the time by Congress) Donald Trump starts his new social platform.

[Image: d92f33ff3777c7b4fb51d0e607d1757090aa766f...=800&h=447]

Meanwhile the accounting firm that signed off on some of his latest financial statements now repudiates them as unreliable. As a general rule, accounting fraud once detected is economic and professional death. If he should make ago of it (unlikely because he is too lazy) such would be one of the most perverse miracles in history.

Never underestimate the naivete of the American people.  Stupidity is no deterrent to the kind of success DJT is interested in creating.

You meant to say the Acireman people instead of the American right. OK, right now you're on fire internally and smoking a bit but you haven't quite figured out that you're going down in a ball of flame yet.[/quote]

Need I remind you?

As a general rule, accounting fraud once detected is economic and professional death.

That's how it went with Charles Keating, John Rigas, Bernie Ebbers, and the beloved crew at Enrob Corporation. Business failure does not send one to prison, but when one cooks the books to make a money-losing entity look profitable or cheats the tax authorities through fraudulence the legal system isn't so sympathetic. Many businesses fail in our competitive, largely free-enterprise system. Even an unprofitable company can stimulate prosperity among others by hiring people and buying stuff. Cheats and frauds do far more harm than good. We may not have debtors' prisons which would do more to condemn people to poverty through excessive caution, but we do send fraudsters to prison. Some companies (like Sears and K-Mart) die when their assets can not buy the innovation necessary for survival. Nobody is going to prison for the inevitable, terminal rot of Sears.

Make fraudulent statements about solvency to a lender, and you are at best gambling on other people's money. Such is a waste of capital. Cheat on taxes and you create severe resentments among taxpayers.

If integrity is not an expected norm in business, then one has a kleptocratic or aristocratic order in which the vast majority of people have no stake in the order.

Quote: Who (pointless profanity excised) is in charge? Is Trump in charge or is Brandon in charge?

For four dreary years Donald Trump was President, and he assumed (wrongly) that he had nearly-dictatorial powers. Joe Biden was lawfully elected to be President, and aside from such powers as the Constitution allots to him directly, he has none that Congress does not authorize. Biden better understands how the Presidency works.Whether he will be up to the challenge of Vladimir Putin's dreams of an expansionist regime is yet to be known. Trump would have sold out to Putin through appeasement.

We have a chance with Biden as President, and things would have steadily gotten worse under Trump.

Quote: Who (pointless profanity excised) is getting burned/hurt by the truth?

Reality can hurt us all badly when we deny its consequences. Truth is often the pain and loss that follows from stupid deeds.

Quote:Did you vote for Biden/Brandon? How old are you? How poor are you? What color of skin do you have? You're to old and to wealthy and have no excuse as far as you're race goes for you to get away with being naive or ignorant, don't you think? Facebook just lost 30 Billion. Any idea where that 30 billion is going to end up? Dude, you are outmatched and you have already lost the support of the bulk of the American people. At what point do you and others look in the mirror and admit to yourselves that you're a bunch of morons???????????????? Americans aren't going to care about what happens to a bunch of morons anymore than I'm going to care about what happens to a bunch of Liberals.

Better a sane liberal than a fascist seeking to impose his perverse dream that brings shame and pain upon innocent people conned into falling for fascism or upon even-more-innocent who knew what little they could get from fascism and could neither escape nor face its worst. I have no use for evil; it offers nothing except with ugly strings attached. Such includes culpability.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Eric the Green
(02-21-2022, 09:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 07:47 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-09-2022, 01:53 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You got one crisis related problem right. Any clue which one it is? Have you ever watched The View? If you do, you are watching a group of prejudice women (its pretty obvious) associated with the Democratic party or Acirema. You would fit right in with Them if you were a female or looked like a female today, Why are you clinging to old narratives and non solutions when you know it isn't the American Way.

As I've seen it, there are at least two problems.  One has a strong moral element for the common people, such as slavery.  One has a monetary elite element, such as putting the political power in industrial hands rather than agricultural so the robber barons could profit.  When the purpose of the Civil War is discussed, you see slavery emphasized in the north, and the role of the elites in the south.  I see both.  As we hit slavery hard, we enabled the robber barons.  Similarly the Revolution dealt with both democracy and colonial imperialism.  So with FDR's time with economics and containment.  Can you really see only one?  You should really look into America, get less obsessed with your own imagination.

The Red affinity for prejudice and saving money by not providing services can stand for the stay the same faction in the current crisis.  The flip side would be equality and the government working for the people.  If you want to go with prejudice and inaction, it is your choice, but I warn you it is not the American choice.

Also is your imaginary Acirema really backing death, criminality, polution, autocracy and obsolete infrastructure?  Normally you separate yourself half way from the Trump perspective, but you are still with Trump all the way?  I have the feeling that the criminal justice system is running a bit slow deliberately so the message of it will be unmistakable by the 2022 and 2024 elections.  The bright move for a Red politician involves crossing Trump enough to set yourself up as a replacement, avoiding crossing Trump while he still has a following, and making your move as the following vanishes.  I expect it is coming, and those who are still riding Trump's coat tails are painting themselves into a corner.

Prejudice is not disliking oppressors.  I have never watched The View, but if you can wrap yourself around America's history of white male oppression, you might understand how points of view other than your own developed.
You talk like you're innocent of being involved with oppression. You're a Liberal white male on the Democratic side right. Yes, you should take your own advice and study up on American history and learn how Americans have dealt with oppression throughout it's history. Like I said, you are fortunate that a couple Democratic Senators were smart enough to understand that being recognized as Americans by millions of American voters was more important to them as individuals than being recognized as Progressives or as Democratic party loyalists at this particular time in American history.

Classic Xer, what do you know about white people oppressing blacks and people of color generally in the USA in history?

One thing is has been hard to wrap my head around, is why women were denied the vote in the USA until the exact date of my own Mother's birth. What possible basis for this oppression could be asserted?

I don't know anything about white people oppressing blacks and people of color. I live in a modern day suburb with black people and other people of color who have the same freedoms, similar core values and similar income levels as the white people who live in the area. I guess that's the reason why we get along and no longer judge each other by skin color for the most part.  There seems to be a major disconnect between what you and others say about oppressing blacks and other people of color and what the rest of know and see in real life. The Democrats of old once viewed women as property just like Democrats of old once viewed the slaves as property. The Democratic party still seems to have a hold over both of them ( blacks and women in general) but that's in the process of changing as you or the Democrats above you probably know or figured out by now.
(02-22-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I don't know anything about white people oppressing blacks and people of color. I live in a modern day suburb with black people and other people of color who have the same freedoms, similar core values and similar income levels as the white people who live in the area. I guess that's the reason why we get along and no longer judge each other by skin color for the most part.  There seems to be a major disconnect between what you and others say about oppressing blacks and other people of color and what the rest of know and see in real life. The Democrats of old once viewed women as property just like Democrats of old once viewed the slaves as property. The Democratic party still seems to have a hold over both of them ( blacks and women in general) but that's in the process of changing as you or the Democrats above you probably know or figured out by now.

Again, it was the rural racist faction that oppressed women and minorities.  The parties switched places on racial policy when LBJ allied with MLK and the Republicans went with the southern strategy.  (You really should study America rather than repeat absurd fallacy.)  Today there are still folks who will murder due to skin shade, invade and shoot paintballs into crowds in commonly black communities or hold insurrections against democracy to keep a racist president in power.

I can agree that many in the rural racist faction have grown beyond that point, but many have not, thus the struggle for equality needs to continue.  Some find prejudice, death, criminality and insurrection acceptable, turning a blind eye, thinking Trump and all he stands for just wonderful if they can continue their prejudiced mindset.  I disagree.  Racism is a recurrent fad.  In this time it is resurfacing again.  It ought to and will be suppressed.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(02-22-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I don't know anything about white people oppressing blacks and people of color. I live in a modern day suburb with black people and other people of color who have the same freedoms, similar core values and similar income levels as the white people who live in the area. I guess that's the reason why we get along and no longer judge each other by skin color for the most part.  There seems to be a major disconnect between what you and others say about oppressing blacks and other people of color and what the rest of know and see in real life. The Democrats of old once viewed women as property just like Democrats of old once viewed the slaves as property. The Democratic party still seems to have a hold over both of them ( blacks and women in general) but that's in the process of changing as you or the Democrats above you probably know or figured out by now.

It used to be the norm. Even a relatively-privileged black person at the time such as W E B Dubois or Lena Horne knew well that once out of a relatively-sheltered world things could be nasty. Jim Crow practice is still within the memory of living people; contrast the Holocaust, whose last survivors are rapidly dying off. (A hint: Anne Frank would turn 93 this year had she survived... and she came close to surviving). I'm old enough to remember the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama with the result of three innocent black girls being killed. I was seven, but I was old enough to pass judgment upon the fascist pigs (KKK) who did that on behalf of segregation and White Supremacy.

There is now a relatively large black bourgeoisie that now does well. It gets plenty of respect from wise white people. Obviously it must do much well to offset what was a slow start for its ancestors. Still, plenty of stupid and cruel white people lurk outside of the safe havens of the black bourgeoisie. A certain ugly word is not quite dead, and there are still dirty looks at "mixed couples" with biracial children. (The black bourgeoisie does much intermarriage). As for blacks not so well off there are the commonplace assumptions of cruel and stupid white people, and for such blacks there are even fewer safe havens -- maybe a place of worship.

The Democrats of old? Southern whites of all classes used to be hostile to the Party of Lincoln first for abolishing slavery and then for impoverishing the South through high tariffs. Recognize also that the segregationist pols also were slow to do such things as invest in schools, sewers, roads, and public health. To keep from doing any good for black people relegated to be super-cheap labor they ended up hurting poor whites. Remember well: white people can also oppress white people.

Know well: in a system like ours, with so much human talent, so much capital invested, so much productive capacity as it has, and so many people as educated as they are, poverty is oppression. White people in the Deep and Mountain South can be just as oppressed as people of color. I'm not going to say that color leads to more problems than alcoholism, addiction, a low IQ, or criminal tendencies. Heck, if I could trade 'my' Asperger's for being black, then I would go black so that I could enjoy a more normal life.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-22-2022, 06:06 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-22-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I don't know anything about white people oppressing blacks and people of color. I live in a modern day suburb with black people and other people of color who have the same freedoms, similar core values and similar income levels as the white people who live in the area. I guess that's the reason why we get along and no longer judge each other by skin color for the most part.  There seems to be a major disconnect between what you and others say about oppressing blacks and other people of color and what the rest of know and see in real life. The Democrats of old once viewed women as property just like Democrats of old once viewed the slaves as property. The Democratic party still seems to have a hold over both of them ( blacks and women in general) but that's in the process of changing as you or the Democrats above you probably know or figured out by now.

Again, it was the rural racist faction that oppressed women and minorities.  The parties switched places on racial policy when LBJ allied with MLK and the Republicans went with the southern strategy.  (You really should study America rather than repeat absurd fallacy.)  Today there are still folks who will murder due to skin shade, invade and shoot paintballs into crowds in commonly black communities or hold insurrections against democracy to keep a racist president in power.

I can agree that many in the rural racist faction have grown beyond that point, but many have not, thus the struggle for equality needs to continue.  Some find prejudice, death, criminality and insurrection acceptable, turning a blind eye, thinking Trump and all he stands for just wonderful if they can continue their prejudiced mindset.  I disagree.  Racism is a recurrent fad.  In this time it is resurfacing again.  It ought to and will be suppressed.

The Trump/Republican and rural factions seem to ignore or explain away the police killings and unfair treatments of black people. They also ignore the great racial wealth gap. Have practices like redlining of black and poor neighborhoods been ended? It doesn't seem so. And now the Classic Xer factions want to end "critical race theory" and any other knowledge of history about racism in the past and how we got where we are. A strong nation, as George W Bush said, does not bury its past, but can face it. The Classic Xer version of America is not a strong and confident nation that can study and face up to its past mistakes, errors and violations and correct them today.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
[Image: dcef9f86c67a78b83bc1eafdbbdedf4abfb8c33b...=800&h=420]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: c3db09e56d077322d07312a719e9e1405467719f...=800&h=442]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Anyone still supporting Donald Trump, and by consequence Vladimir Putin, is a Russian asset who deserves to be deported to its rightful ownership.

Through Oymyahon or Verkhoyansk (the two coldest communities in the winter in the northern hemisphere).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Indeed, we face the same challenge to democracy at home that we do from abroad. Trump is just one of the many dictators to arise and get stronger in this era we are living through. I don't know what's in store for sure, but looking at the prospects from my cosmic perspective, I take it that we are about to enter the resolution period of our crisis, and if we step up to the task, victory will follow. And we will leave the period of increasingly tight royal rule as in the 1770s to an era of revolution that changed the world and set in motion democratic movements still echoing from that original one in 1789-94.

It's time now for patriots to step forward, and liberate us from Putin and his fellow monster dictators, and as well from the gas and oil barons that now hold us hostage to Russia by convincing Biden not to sanction Russia's oil and gas business for fear of high gas prices.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-25-2022, 06:39 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: Indeed, we face the same challenge to democracy at home that we do from abroad. Trump is just one of the many dictators to arise and get stronger in this era we are living through. I don't know what's in store for sure, but looking at the prospects from my cosmic perspective, I take it that we are about to enter the resolution period of our crisis, and if we step up to the task, victory will follow. And we will leave the period of increasingly tight royal rule as in the 1770s to an era of revolution that changed the world and set in motion democratic movements still echoing from that original one in 1789-94.

It's time now for patriots to step forward, and liberate us from Putin and his fellow monster dictators, and as well from the gas and oil barons that now hold us hostage to Russia by convincing Biden not to sanction Russia's oil and gas business for fear of high gas prices.

You seem to be jumping ahead. This just might be the regeneracy we have been waiting for. And isn’t the resolution the final act of the crisis period? And didn’t you predict that the crisis would not be resolved until this decade’s end? Aren’t crisis period typically about focusing on a task and completing it? And making sure we’ve done our research and prep work in advance, so that going forward, we’re building on a strong foundation. A time when we should have our eye on the prize and nothing can deter us.
Anti-war protests appeared in Moscow.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

[Image: 1304808a9b7a9a56a9c4666d9cc35f92e4dad752...=800&h=440]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-24-2022, 09:11 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Anyone still supporting Donald Trump, and by consequence Vladimir Putin, is a Russian asset who deserves to be deported to its rightful ownership.

Through Oymyahon or Verkhoyansk (the two coldest communities in the winter in the northern hemisphere).

Maybe Trump is a Russian asset that could be confiscated.

Trump still has a higher approval rating than Biden, by a couple of points. It's really sickening. But I'm sure the "American" Classic Xer is right in Trump's and Putin's corner.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
[Image: 8dec62bb1d0e7cfd27ddbcf8334bea61c5c59d73...=800&h=587]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-26-2022, 10:43 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-24-2022, 09:11 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Anyone still supporting Donald Trump, and by consequence Vladimir Putin, is a Russian asset who deserves to be deported to its rightful ownership.

Through Oymyahon or Verkhoyansk (the two coldest communities in the winter in the northern hemisphere).

Maybe Trump is a Russian asset that could be confiscated.

Trump still has a higher approval rating than Biden, by a couple of points.
It's really sickening. But I'm sure the "American" Classic Xer is right in Trump's and Putin's corner.

I doubt that that will last. I make it a point to not predict polling results.

Remember that the first impeachment centered on Trump attempting to blackmail the President of Ukraine into getting or fabricating dirt on (current) President Biden.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-22-2022, 06:06 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(02-22-2022, 02:05 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I don't know anything about white people oppressing blacks and people of color. I live in a modern day suburb with black people and other people of color who have the same freedoms, similar core values and similar income levels as the white people who live in the area. I guess that's the reason why we get along and no longer judge each other by skin color for the most part.  There seems to be a major disconnect between what you and others say about oppressing blacks and other people of color and what the rest of know and see in real life. The Democrats of old once viewed women as property just like Democrats of old once viewed the slaves as property. The Democratic party still seems to have a hold over both of them ( blacks and women in general) but that's in the process of changing as you or the Democrats above you probably know or figured out by now.

Again, it was the rural racist faction that oppressed women and minorities.  The parties switched places on racial policy when LBJ allied with MLK and the Republicans went with the southern strategy.  (You really should study America rather than repeat absurd fallacy.)  Today there are still folks who will murder due to skin shade, invade and shoot paintballs into crowds in commonly black communities or hold insurrections against democracy to keep a racist president in power.

I can agree that many in the rural racist faction have grown beyond that point, but many have not, thus the struggle for equality needs to continue.  Some find prejudice, death, criminality and insurrection acceptable, turning a blind eye, thinking Trump and all he stands for just wonderful if they can continue their prejudiced mindset.  I disagree.  Racism is a recurrent fad.  In this time it is resurfacing again.  It ought to and will be suppressed.
Bob, the rural racist Democrats or rural racist faction as you say are dying off and being replaced by rural Republican voters/supporters aka hard core American voters like me. Bob, if you continue drifting off and continue pissing American voters off and continue getting in the way of American progress there's going to be hell to pay and you will never overcome the carnage and the losses that America inflicts on you and every other Biden supporter who hasn't come to grips with reality yet. You and the other blue fools elected Chamberlain/Hoover. As Ive told you many times, you're not going to fix racism as long as the Democrats continue to value it and continue clinging to it and using it the way they're doing today. Bob, it's as plain as day.
(02-26-2022, 11:37 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: 8dec62bb1d0e7cfd27ddbcf8334bea61c5c59d73...=800&h=587]
So, who the fuck elected Chamberlain? It wasn't me. So, why is a pussy like you digging a nastier hole for himself? Are you stupid or ignorant or a complete moron or what? I told you that our adversaries could see the problem with Biden that we could see but that didn't change your mind or the mind of anyone else who voted for him Like I said, you better the blue shit hole you prefer to die in before you no longer have the right to do so. So, what do you think our Democratic capital is worth today? Any idea? Other than a Democrat, who is willing to sacrifice or die for a stinking Democrat these days? Do you have any idea?
(03-03-2022, 02:17 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-26-2022, 11:37 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: [Image: 8dec62bb1d0e7cfd27ddbcf8334bea61c5c59d73...=800&h=587]
So, who the fuck elected Chamberlain? It wasn't me. So, why is a pussy like you digging a nastier hole for himself? Are you stupid or ignorant or a complete moron or what? I told you that our adversaries could see the problem with Biden that we could see but that didn't change your mind or the mind of anyone else who voted for him Like I said, you better the blue shit hole you prefer to die in before you no longer have the right to do so. So, what do you think our Democratic capital is worth today? Any idea? Other than a Democrat, who is willing to sacrifice or die for a stinking Democrat these days? Do you have any idea?

Great picture, Mr. Brower. Classic Xer supports the appeaser, who was never Biden, but Trump. YOU voted for Chamberlain, Classic. YOU voted for Trump. Putin's buddy! As Rick Steves' program on fascism said, authoritarian tyrants love each other's company! You love Trump, and YOU love Putin!

Voting for Trump, is voting for Russian misinformation, fake news, and hacking that helped put Trump in office. Voting for Trump is voting for a coup, a power-grab, a total denial of reality. A demagogue whose playbook comes right out of Mussolini and Hitler, and the likes of Classic Xer fall for it hook, line and sinker, all the way down the line!

Say Classic Xer, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Thanks to you and your buddies, the iron curtain has descended again across the continent.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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  Stimulus Bill Would Make Illegal Streaming a Felony LNE 7 3,108 02-02-2021, 04:12 AM
Last Post: random3
  Trump: Bring back torture to make America great nebraska 0 1,789 01-13-2018, 07:51 PM
Last Post: nebraska
  Bill would make New York first state to ban declawing of cats nebraska 0 2,061 01-13-2018, 07:13 AM
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  Bill would make it a crime to videotape police in Arizona nebraska 0 1,998 01-11-2018, 04:01 AM
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  High taxes, regulations make NY dead last in freedom nebraska 4 3,654 12-27-2017, 07:51 PM
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  This result Bundy of trial should be fun. Galen 0 1,881 12-24-2017, 12:40 AM
Last Post: Galen
  Let's make fun of and bash Gary Johnson too! Eric the Green 16 19,271 10-15-2016, 02:50 PM
Last Post: Eric the Green

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