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Generational Dynamics World View
The 4T will inevitably result in the US rejecting the UN in favor of Embracing American imperial Power. The boomer notion of American force being linked with world peace and the UN will be discredited, note that the generational constellation shows this; only the first-wave boomers and silents like the UN, late-wave boomers and all younger generations despise the UN. The Crisis war will therefore be driven by the biases and values of said younger generations, not triggered by the commitments made by the discredited Aquarian boomer elite. An american empire is inevitable.
(04-14-2017, 11:52 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: > Ahhhhhaaaa. such a cosmic experience man. It never ends. Humans
> killing til to the ends. So, it goes, Syria goes to Anarchy, and
> thusly, Somalia, the ultimate
> metaphor. [Image: weed-light-effects-smiley-emoticon.gif]

> Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Another wound in the
> empire's flesh. Stupid "humanitarian" interventions in Somalia,
> Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Now, Donald, Drumphenstufpher goes
> forth to the bait, to be consumed in the Mideast Blackhole, ahhhh
> yeahhh, yea, man, yea, THC Uber alles, Rags, opts out of the
> Imperial consorts, yeah, man, a true child of the 1960's knows the
> way out. Mind altering chemicals is the true way, for it's
> written that anyone can be sovereign , given the key of the
> ultimate, chemicals, man, yeah, "Better Living Though
> Chemistry". DOW chemical. Yeah, just do it, man. Turn On [to
> chemicals], Tune in Samsara Blues
> Experiment/yeah....... hmmmmm..... C2H50H and THC,....... fuck
> the MIC...... I'm a useless hunk of biomass wrt MIC.......
> Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah. and.... fuck yeah, opt out.
> Ooooh yeah, Rags doesn't give a flying fuck about Mideast borders
> drawn by WWI powers from the Ottoman Empire. That's why theirs
> fighting... US out of MIdeast, US go for energy independence.
> Fuck NATO, UN, "One World Order:",

> hahahahahahahahahah. I bet Syria will be the next "failed state".
> Yehahahahahahahaahahahahah........... Wow, man. Smokie da pipe
> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..................
> Cool Big Grin Tongue

Powerful unstoppable forces throughout the universe are gathering and
controlling events, as the Ragnarök approaches. Quit whining and
accept your fate. It's out of your control.
John X is knowledgeable on many subjects but is quite ignorant on others. The main subject that he is ignorant on is the relative strengths and capabilities of the US, Russia and China. Basically if a US vs Russia war occurs or a US vs China war occurs; in both of the above scenarios the US is heavily favored to be the victor. If anything Russia and/or China would be the underdog militarily and economically.
The aging GIs frequently praised Gen X and Millies and lamented the crime of the boomers who did and still do everything in their power to carry out the wrecking their children's future in the name of "world peace".
Finally The only reason large-scale massacres did not occur during the retaliation for 9/11 is because of the boomers tyrannically holding the leash. NOT because americans inherently fight to "protect the innocent"; that notion is a boomer delusion. Xers and Millies (and many-late wave boomers as well) despise that disgusting belief system.
(04-14-2017, 03:21 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote:
(04-14-2017, 11:35 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: >   Assads actions are completely legitimate. Syria is a sovereign
>   state and what it's government does within its own borders is of
>   no concern to us.  

The logic you're using is not valid.  For example, what a person does
within his own home is not always legitimate.  For example, he may not
take meth, he may not have sex with his daughter, and he may not
commit murder.  These are all considered to be criminal actions, and
the perpetrator could be convicted of a crime and sent to jail for a
long time.

Similarly, al-Assad's actions are not at all legitimate, just because
his actions occur within his country's borders.  Using Sarin gas on
innocent women and children and little babies, or on any people for
that matter, is the criminal action of a war criminal, and al-Assad
could be convicted of a war crime and sent to jail for a long time.
There is no "crime" at the international level; the notion of crimes and criminal acts at the international level is a boomer delusion. The notion that whenever a regime does what the UN considers a crime means that the American must always be opposed to that regime from that moment onwards is again a globalistic boomer delusion.
(04-15-2017, 07:25 AM)Cynic Hero 86 Wrote: > Finally The only reason large-scale massacres did not occur during
> the retaliation for 9/11 is because of the boomers tyrannically
> holding the leash. NOT because americans inherently fight to
> "protect the innocent"; that notion is a boomer delusion. Xers and
> Millies (and many-late wave boomers as well) despise that
> disgusting belief system.

That's truly weird. You've outdone yourself.

Also, it's completely incorrect. The reason that the 2001 war in
Afghanistan ended so quickly is because Afghanistan was in the early
part of a generational Recovery era (First Turning). Today,
Afghanistan is into an Awakening era, and the Pashtun Taliban are
becoming more active, which means that American troops there will
never finish their mission, and at some point will have to just
abandon Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden was under the protection of the Muslim Pashtun Taliban
in a country in a Recovery era. If OBL had instead been under the
protection of the Muslim Uighurs in China's Xinjiang province, then
things would have unfolded very differently.
(04-15-2017, 07:54 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote:
(04-15-2017, 07:25 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: >   Finally The only reason large-scale massacres did not occur during
>   the retaliation for 9/11 is because of the boomers tyrannically
>   holding the leash. NOT because americans inherently fight to
>   "protect the innocent"; that notion is a boomer delusion. Xers and
>   Millies (and many-late wave boomers as well) despise that
>   disgusting belief system.  

That's truly weird.  You've outdone yourself.

Also, it's completely incorrect.  The reason that the 2001 war in
Afghanistan ended so quickly is because Afghanistan was in the early
part of a generational Recovery era (First Turning).  Today,
Afghanistan is into an Awakening era, and the Pashtun Taliban are
becoming more active, which means that American troops there will
never finish their mission, and at some point will have to just
abandon Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden was under the protection of the Muslim Pashtun Taliban
in a country in a Recovery era.  If OBL had instead been under the
protection of the Muslim Uighurs in China's Xinjiang province, then
things would have unfolded very differently.
LOL, the only reason the US has bogged down in the mideast is because the boomers are running the operations. The boomers due to their nihilistic hatred of US military power, never really wanted to win the war on terrorism. A US victory in the war on terrorism is very possible if boomers were not running the country. How such a victory can be obtained? Remember my earlier posts on the conduct of military operations in the middle east.
(04-15-2017, 07:54 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote:
(04-15-2017, 07:25 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: >   Finally The only reason large-scale massacres did not occur during
>   the retaliation for 9/11 is because of the boomers tyrannically
>   holding the leash. NOT because americans inherently fight to
>   "protect the innocent"; that notion is a boomer delusion. Xers and
>   Millies (and many-late wave boomers as well) despise that
>   disgusting belief system.  

That's truly weird.  You've outdone yourself.

Also, it's completely incorrect.  The reason that the 2001 war in
Afghanistan ended so quickly is because Afghanistan was in the early
part of a generational Recovery era (First Turning).  Today,
Afghanistan is into an Awakening era, and the Pashtun Taliban are
becoming more active, which means that American troops there will
never finish their mission, and at some point will have to just
abandon Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden was under the protection of the Muslim Pashtun Taliban
in a country in a Recovery era.  If OBL had instead been under the
protection of the Muslim Uighurs in China's Xinjiang province, then
things would have unfolded very differently.
 Also here I was NOT refering to afghan conduct of the war, I was referring to AMERICAN conduct of the afghan war.
Also John X on an entirely different subject. Many Americans oppose immigration and outsourcing because it lowers the manufacturing base of the country and the influx of immigrants means higher unemployment for Americans because many businesses out of greed; refuse to hire American workers.
(04-15-2017, 07:25 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: > Finally The only reason large-scale massacres did not occur during
> the retaliation for 9/11 is because of the boomers tyrannically
> holding the leash. NOT because americans inherently fight to
> "protect the innocent"; that notion is a boomer delusion. Xers and
> Millies (and many-late wave boomers as well) despise that
> disgusting belief system.

(04-15-2017, 07:54 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: That's truly weird. You've outdone yourself.

Also, it's completely incorrect. The reason that the 2001 war in
Afghanistan ended so quickly is because Afghanistan was in the early
part of a generational Recovery era (First Turning). Today,
Afghanistan is into an Awakening era, and the Pashtun Taliban are
becoming more active, which means that American troops there will
never finish their mission, and at some point will have to just
abandon Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden was under the protection of the Muslim Pashtun Taliban
in a country in a Recovery era. If OBL had instead been under the
protection of the Muslim Uighurs in China's Xinjiang province, then
things would have unfolded very differently.

(04-15-2017, 10:00 AM)Cynic Hero 86 Wrote: > Also here I was NOT refering to afghan conduct of the war, I was
> referring to AMERICAN conduct of the afghan war.

The reason that the 2001 Afghan war ended so quickly is that
Afghanistan was in a generational Recovery era (First Turning).
That's why the Afghan army collapsed so quickly - there was no will to
fight. America's conduct of the war was determined by Afghanistan's
conduct of the war, and that was determined by Afghanistan's
generational era. If Afghanistan had been in a Crisis era,
then things could have been very different.
(04-15-2017, 05:26 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: The reason that the 2001 Afghan war ended so quickly is that
Afghanistan was in a generational Recovery era (First Turning).
That's why the Afghan army collapsed so quickly - there was no will to
fight.  America's conduct of the war was determined by Afghanistan's
conduct of the war, and that was determined by Afghanistan's
generational era.  If Afghanistan had been in a Crisis era,
then things could have been very different.

What an Anti-american ideologue you are: the reason the 2001 war ended so quickly is because the overwhelmingly superiority of US air power meant that any afghan fighter who poked his head up was usually swiftly taken out by air strikes. The vast Majority of them as a result did not want to commit suicide and promptly switched sides. The true fanatics fought to the bitter end and died at places like Tora Bora or fled into Pakistan or the deep mountains like OBL himself and Zawahiri. You consistently refuse to acknowledge US military superiority. There is a reason the insurgents of Iraq preferred to attrit US forces with IEDs rather than risk open battle, because they would have been slaughtered in any open battle (see fallujah). The IED strategy only had some success due to the incompetent strategy implemented in Iraq courtesy of the boomers. Also the US military currently is superior to both the Russian Military and the Chinese Military. And that is NOT courtesy of the boomers, in fact its in spite of them because boomers have had less influence on the military than in the civilian arena. If 4T theory has any veracity the Boomer globalists/Kaganites/Neocons will not get their way, and US society would resemble what trump what speaking about during the campaign. The notion of boomers having complete power, succeeding in maintaining that complete power, then sacrificing Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z as cannon fodder and then handing power directly to the future new artists does not match 4T theory, in fact it directly contradicts it. This did not happen during the 1914-1953 period of the last 3T/4T/early 1T.
*** 16-Apr-17 World View -- Deadly explosion in Syria targets buses carrying 5,000 al-Assad supporters

This morning's key headlines from
  • Deadly explosion in Syria targets buses carrying 5,000 al-Assad supporters
  • Evidence of Bashar al-Assad's war crimes and atrocities continues to grow

**** Deadly explosion in Syria targets buses carrying 5,000 al-Assad supporters

[Image: g170415b.jpg]
A bus burning during the attack. The passengers were still in their seats as the bus burned. (ARA News)

On Saturday, a suicide bomber approached a group of buses carrying
thousands of supporters of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad. He was
in a car supposedly carrying food aid to be delivered to the people in
the buses. The driver of the car started passing out crisps (potato
chips) to children, and when a group of children had gathered around
him and his car, he exploded the car bomb. The massive explosion
killed over 100, and injured hundreds more.

The buses were evacuating about 5,000 Shia supporters of Shia/Alawite
al-Assad from villages near Aleppo under control of the Sunni
opposition, to bring them to an area under control of al-Assad's

The evacuation was a complex plan as part of a peace deal negotiated
by Russia, Iran and Turkey in January. At the same time that Shias
were being evacuated from Sunni-controlled areas near Aleppo, there
were a similar number of buses evacuating a similar number of Sunnis
from government-controlled areas near Damascus.

This complex arrangement of simultaneous evacuations had been stalled
for months due to disagreements among various factions as to who would
be evacuated. Finally, the buses had all been loaded up and ready to
go on Friday, but there were additional delays, and the buses were not
permitted to move, making them static targets. After the passengers
had been waiting in the buses for about 30 hours, the suicide bomber

Once the explosion had occurred, a decision was made to allow the
remaining buses to leave immediately, so that they would no longer be
static targets of possible additional attackers.

No one has taken credit for the explosion, but it's assumed that the
perpetrators are from the Sunni opposition groups, such as the
al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front, now Jabhat Fateh
al-Sham or JFS), or the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or

There are thought to be two possible motives for the attack.

First, it's possible that it was a revenge attack in response to last
week's horrific Sarin gas attack by Syria's president Bashar al-Assad
on the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, killing up to 100
people. Al-Assad's Sarin attack has infuriated Sunnis throughout
the Mideast, and prompted calls for revenge.

A second possible motive is to express opposition to the so-called
peace agreement. The farcical agreement was reached by Russia, Iran
and Turkey, meeting in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, in
January, but it was considered a joke by many because it did not
include any parties who are nominally the opponents in Syria's civil
war -- the Bashar al-Assad regime or the Sunni opposition militias.
So it's possible that the Sunni opposition perpetrated Saturday's
explosion in order to undermine the so-called peace agreement.

Last year, as Bashar al-Assad's warplanes were dropping barrel bombs
loaded with explosives, metal and chlorine gas on marketplaces,
hospitals, schools and homes in Aleppo, al-Assad issued a delusional
statement saying that the destruction of Aleppo would be a victory
that would be remembered throughout history, and that it would end the
war, since the jihadists would no longer have any reason to continue
fighting. We're all still waiting for the war to end and the
jihadists to go home. ARA News (Syria) and AP and Reuters (14-Apr)

Related Articles

**** Evidence of Bashar al-Assad's war crimes and atrocities continues to grow

Last week's Sarin gas attack by the Bashar al-Assad regime was just
the latest atrocity in his years of torture, enforced disappearances,
siege warfare and indiscriminate bombing of civilian neighborhoods and

A length analysis by the New York Times calls the amount of evidence
of al-Assad's war crimes "staggering," but al-Assad continues
committing war crimes with impunity. According to the article:

> [indent]<QUOTE>"Three tons of captured Syrian government documents,
> providing a chilling and extensive catalog of the state’s war
> crimes, are held by a single organization in Europe. A Syrian
> police photographer fled with pictures of more than 6,000 dead at
> the hands of the state, many of them tortured. The smartphone
> alone has broken war’s barriers: Records of crimes are now so
> graphic, so immediate, so overwhelming.
> Yet six years since the war began, this mountain of documentation
> — more perhaps than in any conflict before it — has brought little
> justice. The people behind the violence remain free, and there is
> no clear path to bring the bulk of the evidence before any court,
> anywhere.
> More than 400,000 people have been killed in the Syrian war. Half
> the country’s population has been displaced. Syrian human rights
> groups list more than 100,000 people as missing, either detained
> or killed. Tens of thousands languish in government custody,
> where torture, deprivation, filth and overcrowding are so severe
> that a United Nations commission said they amounted to
> “extermination,” a crime against humanity. ...
> Since this month’s chemical attack, residents have reported
> several attacks with incendiary weapons in Idlib and neighboring
> Hama provinces, uploading videos that show blinding fires typical
> of weapons like thermite and white phosphorus. They cause severe
> burns, similar to napalm, and their use is prohibited in civilian
> areas. ...
> A Syrian man who did four stints of detention and torture for
> taking humanitarian aid to wounded protesters and rebels recounted
> his experiences, but then expressed despair that anything would
> come of it.
> “Countries don’t need this evidence — they already know what’s
> happening. ... We are just pawns on a chessboard. I have women
> friends who were detained, raped, got pregnant, were tortured with
> acid. ... There is no justice. And because there is no justice,
> there is no hope."<END QUOTE>

This week, the Russians and Syrians began their usual disinformation
campaign, claiming that black is white or that there's no evidence
that the al-Assad regime was responsible.

The clearest example of how this works occurred after the MH17
passenger plane was shot down over eastern Ukraine by a Russian Buk
missile. There was a two-year investigation by a Dutch team that
included investigators from Australia, Malaysia, Ukraine, and Belgium.
They collected tens of thousands of pieces of evidence, including
forensic examinations, witness statements, satellite images, radar
data and intercepted telephone calls. Their conclusion was that there
is absolutely no doubt that the passenger plane was shot down by a
Russian Buk missile shot from by Russians. But the Russians just say
it's all manufactured data, as if it were even possible to manufacture
that much evidence.

Similarly, there are thousands of pieces of evidence, including
forensic collections and analyses, photos, videos, eyewitness
testimony, doctors' testimony, the UNSC report, analyses of the UNSC
report, and so forth, proving al-Assad's repeated use of chemical
weapons, including Sarin gas, chlorine gas, ammonia and phosphorus,
and that he used them on hospitals, schools and markets with no
military objective except to kill as many innocent women and children
as possible.

So I saw Bashar al-Assad interviewed by the AFP on television last
week. The guy is a total sleazebag, but I watched as much of the
interview as I could stand. He said he has no chemical weapons.
Well, that's exactly what he said after his Sarin gas attack in 2013.
In that case, he ended up agreeing to let the Americans take control
of and destroy 1,300 tonnes of his chemical weapons that he had said
he didn't have.

So now he's saying that gave away all his chemical weapons and doesn't
have any left. But Brigadier-General Zaher al-Sakat, who was head of
chemical warfare in the al-Assad regime until he defected in 2013, has
said that al-Assad failed to declare additional tonnes of chemical
weapons, including sarin components. There was never any independent
verification that al-Assad had declared all his chemical weapons, and
al-Sakat's testimony proves that al-Assad was lying.

It's almost unbelievable how much destruction al-Assad has caused.
Thanks to al-Assad, Putin and Khamenei, there are about 50,000
jihadist fighters from 86 countries that have come to Syria, first to
join the rebels fighting al-Assad, then to join the al-Qaeda linked
Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front, now Jabhat Fateh al-Sham or JFS), and
the so-called Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh). Al-Assad
has created the al-Nusra front and ISIS. He's created millions of
refugees that have flooded into neighboring countries, and over a
million have poured into Europe.

It's now clear to al-Assad that nobody is going to stop him, and he
can continue committing genocide as long as he wants, with impunity.
Al-Assad is the worst war criminal so far in the 21st century, and
nobody is even going to try to stop him. That's the way the world
works. And people wonder why we have world wars.

The worst people in the world are the leaders that order their armies
to commit genocide, war crimes, atrocities, and crimes against
humanity -- people like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Robert
Mugabe, Josef Stalin, and Bashar al-Assad.

Right behind them, in second place, are people like the people who
support al-Assad -- the deniers, the collaborators, the acolytes and
the trolls -- the people who defend the war criminals and make the
actions of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and al-Assad possible. These are the
people that make genocide and war crimes possible, and they are as
much to blame as the war criminals themselves. NY Times and Telegraph (London) and Salon

Related Articles
[*] France says there's 'no doubt' that Syria regime used sarin gas (05-Jun-2013)

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Aleppo, Damascus,
Russia, Iran, Turkey, Brigadier-General Zaher al-Sakat,
Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, JFS, Front for the Conquest of Syria,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, Russian Buk 9M38 missile, Ukraine

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John J. Xenakis
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The New York Times has degenerated in recent years into a globalistic rag that advocates effeminate feministic values. That they have embraced the UN and the idea of world government is a sign of their degeneracy, not courage.
(04-15-2017, 05:33 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote:
(04-14-2017, 11:52 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: >   Ahhhhhaaaa. such a cosmic experience man.  It never ends. Humans
>   killing til to the ends. So, it goes, Syria goes to Anarchy, and
>   thusly, Somalia, the ultimate
>   metaphor.
>   ... , given the key of the
>   ultimate, chemicals, man, yeah, "Better Living Though
>   Chemistry". DOW chemical.  
Powerful unstoppable forces throughout the universe are gathering and
controlling events, as the Ragnarök approaches.  Quit whining and
accept your fate.  It's out of your control.

1. I snipped out some stuff for brevity's sake.
2. Powerful unstoppable forces:   Actually, I agree with your assessment.
a. The Mideast is a cesspool of fanatical ideologies.
b. Said ideologies induce false notions in the West. Stuff like "humanitarian intervention via bombing the fuck out of some brown folks." makes for utopia.  Makes no sense...
c. Of course, no thoughts on "after <insert (assorted perjorative adjectives ) autocrat(s) >  are taken down, some clusterfuck will happen. Believe me, I eagerly await whatever I, Ragnarök will end up meting out on imperial objectives.
d. It never fails, decisions based on emotion lead to disasters.
e. My prediction for Syria, Assad is taken down, anarchy shall follow. The folks who live in Syria will be begging for Assad's return after anarchy fucks them up far more than he.
f. So when will the Saudi oil fields become economic targets of some aggrieved party? After all, I'd reckon that a lot of Shias will come to see that bashing Saudi Arabia's income stream in the knees will take the pressure off of them.
Iran also benefits from the subsequent oil price increase. Russia does likewise benefit.
---Value Added Cool
(04-15-2017, 10:11 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: *** 16-Apr-17 World View -- Deadly explosion in Syria targets buses carrying 5,000 al-Assad supporters


**** Evidence of Bashar al-Assad's war crimes and atrocities continues to grow

>        More than 400,000 people have been killed in the Syrian war. Half
>        the country’s population has been displaced. Syrian human rights
>        groups list more than 100,000 people as missing, either detained
>        or killed.  Tens of thousands languish in government custody,
>        where torture, deprivation, filth and overcrowding are so severe
>        that a United Nations commission said they amounted to
>        “extermination,” a crime against humanity. ...
>        Since this month’s chemical attack, residents have reported
>        several attacks with incendiary weapons in Idlib and neighboring
>        Hama provinces, uploading videos that show blinding fires typical
>        of weapons like thermite and white phosphorus. They cause severe
>        burns, similar to napalm, and their use is prohibited in civilian
>        areas. ...
>        “Countries don’t need this evidence — they already know what’s
>        happening. ... We are just pawns on a chessboard. I have women
>        friends who were detained, raped, got pregnant, were tortured with
>        acid. ... There is no justice.  And because there is no justice,
>        there is no hope."<END QUOTE>

This week, the Russians and Syrians began their usual disinformation
campaign, claiming that black is white or that there's no evidence
that the al-Assad regime was responsible.

( begin subjective judgement here.
The worst people in the world are the leaders that order their armies
to commit genocide, war crimes, atrocities, and crimes against
humanity -- people like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Robert
Mugabe, Josef Stalin, and Bashar al-Assad.
end subjective judgment here. )

1. As a good computer geek, I added some delimiters to assist in reading.
2. Why did you leave out the CIA since it's just as bad as aforementioned "bad people"?
3. List of CIA crimes against humanity. Honduras,Chile,Argentina, help and assist (begin bad guy list
Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran, aid and abet military coup de etats' in Chile,Honduras,Iran,etc.?
end bad guy list )
4. Let's use a universal standard. I think all CIA employees,Dick Cheney, GWB, Carl Rove are all war criminals of the worst degree. I'd even state that Obama's record needs an examination. He has droned US citizens without the proper legal procedures. This hypocrisy is maddening. I think we should offer the aggrieved nation
states the opportunity to extradite said scum. So if say, Iran can prove in the Hague, that some CIA agent committed atrocities against any citizen of Iran, the US should for the sake of consistency, extradite the offender to Iran and follow Iran's laws. We insist foreign actors to follow our laws, so Iran is equal here.

5. If this "World Policeman" gig keeps going, then at least have rules that apply equally to all. Otherwise, do what I'd prefer, take off the cop uniform and act smart by putting US interests first, not the dumb empire.

Quote:Right behind them, in second place, are people like the people who
support al-Assad -- the deniers, the collaborators, the acolytes and
the trolls -- the people who defend the war criminals and make the
actions of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and al-Assad possible.  These are the
people that make genocide and war crimes possible, and they are as
much to blame as the war criminals themselves.  NY Times and Telegraph (London) and Salon

*sigh* And... again, you reiterate this odd emotional nonsense. Emotions have no place in foreign policy. Tongue
Like I said before, and to paraphrase Mcarthy of all folks.
Genocide in the past, genocide in the present, and genocide in the future. And again, like I said before, humans are such tacky, tacky creatures. Until such point in either evolution or we short circuit the collective lizard brain, nothing changes.
---Value Added Cool
The globalistic values of the boomers are disgusting. Selfish boomers like praising leaders who lie to the american people, they equate tying the hands of the american people as "freedom" and having americans have oversight over the government with "assisting tyranny" because boomers want nothing less than to "democratize" Russia and China by reinstalling the romanovs in the former and the ROC in the latter. Any attempt to do either of these will lead to WW3. Boomers know that if they have to ask the american people for permission to implement these objectives, the people would automatically say no to it, so boomer don't care if they dont have popular support for their policy. John X for examples, frequently praises politicians who go back on their campaign promises as "embodying freedom" LOL, what a joke.
With regards to the US debt problem, Slashing medicare and social security would solve matters pretty quickly.
(04-16-2017, 12:17 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: With regards to the US debt problem, Slashing medicare and social security would solve matters pretty quickly.

Uh, your "solution" has external costs.  So you up to dying in some sort of epidemic spawned by cutting Medicare?
Health care should be a public good because your health depends on the health of some random elder not coming down with some multi drug resistant TB.
Social Security:  Dream on man.  There's more of use than y'all. We AARP'ers will crucify whoever messes with our $. We paid in, we deserve to get paid out. Tongue
---Value Added Cool
Boomers like John X frequently site Gen-X support for the MIC (military-industrial complex) and Reagan-Bush as examples of Xer "nihilism". This is delusional When reagan-Bush is the likely precursor of the crisis state. Just like teddy roosevelt/wilson was the precursor for FDR in the last saeculum, and on the german side: how Kaiser Wilhelm's war prefigured Hitler's war. The notion that John X and other boomers that Carter is the precursor is a F-ing Joke. Yeah Carter with his pathetic "human rights" and his stupid peanut farm, LOL.

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