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Generational Dynamics World View
(03-04-2018, 08:32 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** Paragraph 2:

(03-04-2018, 08:00 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   Reagan and Dubya both said outrageous things, only to back
>   down. Trump does not back down.

** Paragraph 12:

(03-04-2018, 08:00 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   Then he backed down as the all-powerful National Rifle Association
>   made clear what it wants.

Except when the NRA makes clear that gun profits are more precious than human life. There are exceptions. But when it comes top his outrageous statements, President Trump does not back down.

Request for precision accepted.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Oh for heaven's sake. People on the left ridicule Trump all the time
for changing his mind. Here's an article from far-left NBC News from
last May on "President Trump's Flip-Flops."

Here's an article on how he changed his mind on immigration deal:

Really, your repetitious, mindless rants against Trump are pure
OK, John -- I confess. I have a gallery of my heroes Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and Obama. When expected to salute the American flag I clench my fist and shout "Workers of the world, hnite!". My favorite piece of music begins "Arise, ye pris'ners of starvation, arise, ye wretched of the world!" I have hammer-and-sickle wallpaper. I see Donald trump as the last depraved gasp of a capitalist order that has doomed and damned itself. I look forward to being the commandant of an American Gulag in which I get to torture former plutocrats into confessing where they put their hidden troves of loot. For now I want to disarm American patriots so that they cannot shoot back at my Cheka-like buddies.

Reality: Donald Trump is not a conservative; he is nearly a fascist. The only viable ideology is humanism, and any ideology that dehumanizes people (which includes practically every manifestation of Communism) cannot justify its results. Note also that capitalism without human values is itself bankrupt even if it succeeds in creating incredible wealth.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Well, during the Obama administration, the left was always
dehumanizing Tea Partiers, typically using vile epithets like
teabaggers. So I guess the people on the left are all fascists as
The sign:

[Image: th?id=OIP.LMKoe69zUZOErbKrojWnOQEsC5&pid...=177&h=109][Image: th?id=OIP.AF6u_HL1vJdW8Mvk3X6WTgHaFk&pid...=146&h=109][Image: th?id=OIP.XAFYBhQtbOzBX0A5eUuJcgHaFj&pid...=146&h=109]

Of course anyone could fault the 44th President for having the 'wrong' political beliefs... but (1) this meme is racist, and (2) Obama wasn't much of a liar.


[Image: th?id=OIP.UF9n-eqiw_DJs9DVFGtegQDTEs&pid...=300&h=300]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

*** 5-Mar-18 World View -- India and Vietnam sign security agreements for the South China Sea

This morning's key headlines from
  • India and Vietnam sign security agreements for the South China Sea
  • India's relationship with Southeast Asian nations overshadowed by China

**** India and Vietnam sign security agreements for the South China Sea

[Image: g180304b.jpg]
Vietnam's Tran Dai Quang visits Narendra Modi in New Delhi

During a state visit by Vietnam's president Tran Dai Quang to New
Delhi on Saturday, Quang and India's president Narendra Modi reached
agreements to increase trade and investment between the two countries,
and to cooperate in development projects in the defense sector and to
boost ties in oil and gas exploration.

Possibly the most significant agreement was a statement which, while
not specifically naming China, strongly objected to China's actions in
the South China Sea. According to the joint statement issued after
the Quang-Modi meeting:

<QUOTE>"27. The two sides re-affirmed their determination and
efforts to further cooperate in maintaining peace, stability and
development in the Indo-Pacific region as well as in the world at
large. They also reiterated the importance of, and the need for
complete compliance with international law, notably the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS), including
the implementation of international legal obligations in good
faith, the maintenance of freedom of navigation and over-flight in
the South China Sea, full respect for diplomatic and legal
processes, peaceful settlement of disputes without resorting to
the threat or use of force, and in accordance with international
law. In this regard, both sides support the full and effective
implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in
the South China Sea (DOC) and look forward to an early conclusion
of an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the South China

In the past, China has used military force to prevent Vietnamese
fishing boats from fishing in their own territorial waters.

A possible future flash point is India’s Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC) exploration activities in Vietnam's territorial
waters in the South China Sea. The Vietnamese President said, "We
highly value projects, including the cooperation in joint oil and gas
exploration in the continental shelf of Vietnam."

The two leaders also signed pacts to provide for cooperation in areas
of nuclear energy, trade and agriculture. Times of India and Vietnam News and Business Today (India)

**** India's relationship with Southeast Asian nations overshadowed by China

In the 1990s, India adopted a "Look East" policy, committing the
country to actively engage the countries of Southeast Asia in terms of
trade, security, and agriculture. Nothing much came out of that
policy, and in November 2014, India's prime minister Narendra Modi
announced that the "Look East" policy would be replaced by an "Act
East" policy.

Still, not much has happened as a result of the Act East policy, but a
highly symbolic event occurred in January, when India held a Republic
Day celebration on January 25, and invited the leaders of all ten
countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and
they all agreed to come. According to a euphoric India media blog:

<QUOTE>"It is unprecedented, to say the least. It is a coup
of sorts: the presence of all 10 Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (Asean) leaders as chief guests for India’s Republic Day
celebrations in New Delhi. This puts much speculation to rest as
to whether all 10 heads of governments would be present on the
occasion or not.

Notwithstanding some of these countries maintaining close ties
with China, all the Asean leaders have decided to be present for
today’s India-Asean Commemorative Summit as well as Republic Day
tomorrow. This would send out a clear message that Delhi’s Act
East policy complements Asean’s Act West one. India’s focus is now
on upping the game to be a player in Southeast Asia to balance
power dynamics."<END QUOTE>

However, the euphoria was ridiculed by media commentary in other
countries, comparing India's influence with that of China. From

<QUOTE>"Amidst palpable euphoria at India hosting the heads
of all 10 Asean countries as guests of honor at its Republic Day
ceremonial parade, preceded a day earlier by an Asean-India summit
celebrating the silver anniversary of their relationship, India
needs to shed its abiding image of bureaucratic inertia, of being
tardy and slovenly in turning its initiatives into action. ...

China comes across as a Plutus or a Croesus, enticing India's ring
of neighbors. India is perceived more like a poor Lazarus. That
India has no deep pockets is understandable; what is inexcusable
is its bureaucratic sloth and smugness.

While India remains a laggard, in sharp contrast China sprints
ahead. India is seen as chugging along, metaphorically, with a
bullock-cart mentality; China has zipped ahead like a Formula One
racing car."<END QUOTE>

China's media was even more contemptuous:

<QUOTE>"Repeated reports by some Indian media that New Delhi
has launched a diplomatic offensive against Beijing are baffling
to the Chinese public. India and ASEAN have the right to hold the
summit, which exerts no negative effect upon China. However, some
Indians are tenacious in exaggerating the meeting's implications
to China.

In fact an examination of the China-Southeast Asia relationship
suggests that the situation is not like that the Indian media
depicts. ASEAN's trade volume with China is more than six times
that of India, and China's investment in the region is 10 times
that of India.

Some members of the Indian elite enjoy engaging in geopolitical
bluster. But they cannot truly gauge the reality of India's
comprehensive strength and diplomatic experience. They are
beginners playing at geopolitics.

Honestly speaking, Chinese people are not occupied by India. New
Delhi is not Beijing's major trading partner, and, despite border
disputes, is not an imminent security threat to us
Chinese."<END QUOTE>

It actually is somewhat surprising that all ten ASEAN country leaders
were willing to attend India's Republic Day celebrations. Cambodia
and Laos are very close partners with China, and one can imagine that
they asked China's permission before attending. Other ASEAN countries
have varying relations with China and India, but in most cases China
is a more important trading partner.

Vietnam seems to be the ASEAN country forging the closest links to
India, not only economically, but confronting China in the South China
Sea. The Diplomat and Times of India (24-Jan) and Straits Times (Singapore, 26-Jan) and Global Times (China) and East-West Center (13-Feb)

Related Articles

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, India, Narendra Modi, Vietnam, Tran Dai Quang,
China, South China Sea, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, ONGC,
Look East, Act East, Cambodia, Laos, Republic Day, Singapore,
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN

Permanent web link to this article
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Contribute to Generational Dynamics via PayPal

John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
Web site:
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(03-04-2018, 11:55 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: The sign:

[Image: th?id=OIP.LMKoe69zUZOErbKrojWnOQEsC5&pid...=177&h=109][Image: th?id=OIP.AF6u_HL1vJdW8Mvk3X6WTgHaFk&pid...=146&h=109][Image: th?id=OIP.XAFYBhQtbOzBX0A5eUuJcgHaFj&pid...=146&h=109]

Of course anyone could fault the 44th President for having the 'wrong' political beliefs... but (1) this meme is racist, and (2) Obama wasn't much of a liar.


[Image: th?id=OIP.UF9n-eqiw_DJs9DVFGtegQDTEs&pid...=300&h=300]

It's easy enough to find a Tea Partier who is racist.

The fascist thing to do is to imply that all Tea Partiers are racist.
(03-04-2018, 11:55 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Of course anyone could fault the 44th President for having the 'wrong' political beliefs... but (1) this meme is racist, and (2) Obama wasn't much of a liar.
If you rate him on the size and impact of his lies on the average American, he certainly was.
*** 6-Mar-18 World View -- The Ghouta 'ceasefire' turns into a Syrian army scam to steal humanitarian aid

This morning's key headlines from
  • The Ghouta 'ceasefire' turns into a Syrian army scam to steal humanitarian aid
  • Syria says close to defeating Jaysh al-Islam in Eastern Ghouta

**** The Ghouta 'ceasefire' turns into a Syrian army scam to steal humanitarian aid

[Image: g180305b.jpg]
Trucks from humanitarian convoy in Eastern Ghouta on Monday (Reuters)

Syria permitted a humanitarian aid convoy to enter Eastern Ghouta for
the first time on Monday, but the Syrian army confiscated 70% of the
humanitarian supplies as it entered the region, suggesting that the
entire humanitarian aid program is a scam to use Western money to
provide supplies to the Syrian army.

It was only in the last two weeks that Russia announced that it would
permit a "ceasefire" in Eastern Ghouta for five hours a day, from 9 am
to 2 pm. This ceasefire would permit civilians to leave, and
humanitarian aid to be brought in.

So here are the results so far:
  • There's been no ceasefire. Syrian and Russian warplanes
    continue bombing between 9 am and 2 pm each day. The "ceasefire"
    agreement was a lie.

  • Civilians are not leaving because they're afraid to leave.
    Interviews with Eastern Ghouta civilians indicate that they don't
    trust the Syrian army, and believe that if they try to leave, the
    Syrian army will kill them. This is what happened in Aleppo.

  • Humanitarian aid was allowed in on Monday for the first time, but
    70% of the supplies were confiscated by the army.

The humanitarian aid convoy contained 46 trucks. The convoy reached
its destination in Douma, in the north of Eastern Ghouta, amid
continuing bombing by Syrian and Russian warplanes. The trucks were
said to contain food for just 27,500 people, out of the 400,000 people
under siege in Eastern Ghouta.

However, not all the food could be unloaded because the convoy had to
leave abruptly, because of incessant bombing by Syrian and Russian
warplanes. So Syria prevented even that extremely limited amount of
humanitarian aid from being delivered.

There's really nothing surprising about what's going on. During
Syria's siege of Aleppo in 2016, there were similar ceasefires that
weren't ceasefires, and people who tried to leave were permitted to
leave, but then were killed as they were leaving. There was
humanitarian aid, but Syria's army confiscated most of it before it
could reach its destination, and on some occasions the humanitarian
aid convoy was targeted by Syrian and Russian warplanes. Arab News
and Reuters and BBC and

**** Syria says close to defeating Jaysh al-Islam in Eastern Ghouta

Although Syria's president Bashar al-Assad considers pretty much all
the 400,000 people in Eastern Ghouta to be terrorists, his army is
particularly targeting an anti-Assad militia called "Jaysh al-Islam,"
or "Army of Islam."

After al-Assad began targeting peaceful protesters in 2011, and
particularly after he massacred thousands of innocent women and
children in a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia in August 2011,
anti-Assad militias began to form. These militias were generally very
small, but in 2013, Jaysh al-Islam was formed through a merger of
about fifty Damascus-based opposition groups. In addition to opposing
al-Assad, it was equally opposed to the so-called Islamic State (IS or
ISIS or ISIL or Daesh), and was responsible for expelling ISIS from
the Damascus area.

Today, Jaysh al-Islam has about 10,000 fighters in Eastern Ghouta, and
is the major group opposing the Syrian army in Eastern Ghouta.
Eastern Ghouta has been under the control of Jaysh al-Islam and other
anti-Assad militias since 2012.

The Syrian government now says that its army have reclaimed a third of
Eastern Ghouta in the last few days. Furthermore, the army "has been
rapidly advancing through the East Ghouta region of Damascus recently,
capturing several areas that were under the control of Jaysh
Al-Islam," according to Syrian media.

The current objective of the Syrian army is to split Eastern Ghouta
into two pieces, so that it's divided horizontally. Syrian media says
that the army has taken control of several villages and farms
"eliminating large numbers of terrorists and destroying their bases,
tunnels, trenches, and ordinance." If it's successful in splitting
the region, then the Jaysh al-Islam in the north will be cut off from
supplies, giving the Syrian army control of the northern half.
Al Masdar News (Damascus) and Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) and
Mehr News (Iran) and Stanford - Jaysh al-Islam and Deutsche Welle

Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Syria, Ghouta, Russia, Bashar al-Assad,
Eastern Ghouta, Hama, Idlib, barrel bombs, chlorine, Sarin gas, Aleppo,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Jaysh al-Islam, Army of Islam, Douma

Permanent web link to this article
Receive daily World View columns by e-mail
Contribute to Generational Dynamics via PayPal

John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
Web site:
Subscribe to World View:
Boomers currently Run the countries of the west. Therefore the responsibility to Maintaining the basic necessities of government, economy and security, rests on the baby boomer generation. It's not currently the younger generations Job to Maintain society at the moment, because the boomers are the ones currently occupying the positions that influences the maintenance of society. At the moment boomers, Maintaining society is YOUR Job. Boomers can Make so that is the Job of Xers and Millies by stepping down and allowing the young to occupy the positions of governance, when that happens the the job of governance would rest with Xers and Millies since they would be occupying the position of responsibility. However until then and until that occurs, it is Boomers who currently Have the responsibility of governing and maintain the security and well being of the west because boomers are the ones currently controlling the government.
In terms of strictly governing the country regardless of generation, Congress over the last 30 years or so simply has too much power. Under the current system as interpreted over the past few decades; the president simply cannot do his/her job. If the president is not allowed to unilaterally enact policy; How can He/She properly direct national security? The answer is the he/she would be unable to, because everything is currently subject to having to be cleared through congress in order to be implemented. Granting the president the power to unilaterally authorize war and to declare war would be a major reform of the system.
(03-06-2018, 01:48 PM)Cynic Hero Wrote: Boomers currently Run the countries of the west. Therefore the responsibility to Maintaining the basic necessities of government, economy and security, rests on the baby boomer generation. It's not currently the younger generations Job to Maintain society at the moment, because the boomers are the ones currently occupying the positions that influences the maintenance of society. At the moment boomers, Maintaining society is YOUR Job. Boomers can Make so that is the Job of Xers and Millies by stepping down and allowing the young to occupy the positions of governance, when that happens the the job of governance would rest with Xers and Millies since they would be occupying the position of responsibility. However until then and until that occurs, it is Boomers who currently Have the responsibility of governing and maintain the security and well being of the west because boomers are the ones currently controlling the government.

Boomers are at or near their peak in numerical control of Congress and State Governorships -- and I see them approaching the decline in such numbers. Boomers are approaching their last act in American politics because they are now getting old enough to start retiring or dying off in large numbers. The oldest Boomers are turning 75 this year, and the youngest turn 58. Political careers rarely begin in people's late 50s, and many end in the early-to-middle 70s. So it has been with the Silent and GIs.

Boomers are not a political monolith, and the rigid ideology of Donald Trump is only one side  of the political spectrum -- and a side that could easily end up in the minority as the Millennial Generation starts entering high political offices. So it was with GIs, the Silent, Boomers, and X -- we will start seeing them in significant numbers in Congress as older politicians retire or become irrelevant. That will be enough to undo the marginal advantage of Rightist politicians in America. The Millennial Generation leans undeniably to the Left as voters.

What applies to Boomers in America will also apply elsewhere in the world, even in countries that have a sympathetic regard for age and have long life expectancies. Thus all democratic countries in Europe, southern South America, Israel, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. In countries with somewhat younger populations, like India and most of Latin America, you can expect the age wave to shift legislatures and executive positions to younger and likely more li9beral electorates if they have not done so yet. (Most African and Middle-Eastern countries are not in line with the generational cycle of the USA, western Europe, India, and the Far East).

Yes, experience and connections matter, and some Boomers will still be elected and will fill upper political posts -- but people not Boomers will decide which ones get to the highest positions. Just because Sir Winston Churchill and Karl Mannerheim were in their 70s when leading their countries through the supremely-dangerous Crisis of 1940 and FDR was in poor enough health that he might as well have been in his 70s  not mean that their countries' Congresses and Parliaments were full of old people. Churchill, Mannerheim, and FDR were perfectly suited for their dangerous times. See also Frederick the Great, Garibaldi, Lincoln, Bismarck, and Juarez in their times.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(03-06-2018, 01:53 PM)Cynic Hero Wrote: In terms of strictly governing the country regardless of generation, Congress over the last 30 years or so simply has too much power. Under the current system as interpreted over the past few decades; the president simply cannot do his/her job. If the president is not allowed to unilaterally enact policy; How can He/She properly direct national security? The answer is the he/she would be unable to, because everything is currently subject to having to be cleared through congress in order to be implemented. Granting the president the power to unilaterally authorize war and to declare war would be a major reform of the system.

If things get really dicey, Congress will be obliged to meet the dangers of the time even if that implies an expansion of the  legislative purview. We do not want the President acting unilaterally except to make ultimate choices that are his alone due to the obvious need for secrecy and definitive choice (the use of Executive Orders by the President peaked during American involvement in World War II. FDR performed beautifully, so he could get away with it.

Unilateral decisions by the President  on non-trivial matters and not on simple interpretation of laws is either dictatorial or despotic, and thus contrary to the American political tradition.

We will need a President with a moral compass, respect for process and precedent, high levels of integrity and wisdom, and clear-headed rationality as a rule. I think that Xenakis would be perfectly happy with someone like Obama except for having a conservative agenda. Indeed, I can predict that the next conservative President who has real success will have a personality much more like that of Obama even if he has an agenda that  includes the evisceration  of trade unions, a big cut-back on the welfare state, privatization of much  of the public sector, and tax reforms that load more taxes on the non-rich but create capital for investment in job-creating plant and equipment.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

*** 7-Mar-18 World View -- Sri Lanka declares state of emergency after Buddhist-Muslim violence

This morning's key headlines from
  • Sri Lanka declares state of emergency after Buddhist-Muslim violence
  • Growing violence by Sri Lankan Buddhist hardliners against Tamils
  • North Korea says it will denuclearize if the regime is 'secure'

**** Sri Lanka declares state of emergency after Buddhist-Muslim violence

[Image: g180306b.jpg]
Sri Lanka government troops enforce curfew in Kandy district on Tuesday (Reuters)

Sri Lanka's government declared a state of emergency on Tuesday, after
violent clashes between ethnic Sinhalese and ethnic Tamils began to
spread, eight years after the end of an extremely violence civil war
between the two ethnic groups.

The sequence of events is as follows:
  • On February 22, a (Buddhist) Sinhalese truck driver was
    assaulted by four (Muslim) Tamil youths at a filling station in
    Digana, Kandy, in Sri Lanka. The truck driver died on Saturday.

  • The funeral was held in Digana on Sunday. During the funeral
    procession, the Sinhalese began attacking Tamil-owned shops and
    properties, setting some shops on fire. More than 30 shops and houses
    were damaged, and dozens of mosques were attacked.

  • Clashes between Tamils and Sinhalese erupted all over the region
    on Monday, and in other Sri Lankan cities as well. The police imposed
    a curfew on Monday evening.

  • On Tuesday, Sri Lanka's president Maithripala Sirisena declared a
    nationwide state of emergency for seven days. Under the emergency,
    security forces can carry out searches without warrant and detain
    suspects without charges.

There has been growing tension and violence between the Sinhalese and
Tamil communities, with some hardline Buddhist groups accusing Muslims
of forcing people to convert to Islam and vandalizing Buddhist
archaeological sites. The Buddhists have also accused the Muslims of
refusing to use condoms, so they can have more babies.

It also appears that Buddhist hardliners in Sri Lanka are being
influenced by the genocide by Myanmar (Burma) against Rohingya
Muslims. That genocide is being led by Buddhist monks, particularly
Ashin Wirathu, a Buddhist monk who turned "969" from a Buddhist sign
of peace and happiness into a sign of bloody genocide and ethnic

Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka are mimicking the genocidal incitement in
Burma by using racist hate speech to target Sri Lanka Tamils
-- most of whom are Hindu. India Today and The Island (Sri Lanka) and UPI

**** Growing violence by Sri Lankan Buddhist hardliners against Tamils

It's only been eight years since the end of the civil war, but we're
seeing the very early stages of something that I've described as
occurring sooner or later in every country following the end of a
generational crisis civil war between two ethnic groups.

Among generational crisis wars, an external war is fundamentally
different than an internal civil war between two ethnic groups. In an
external war, one country's army invades another country. When the
war ends, the invading army leaves, and the two countries continue
relations through the United Nations or international or bilateral

But when an internal civil war between two ethnic or tribal groups
occurs and then ends, then the people who killed, tortured, mutilated
and raped each other still have to live with each other, often in the
same villages, sometimes on the same street. And so the extreme
trauma and bitterness of war continues, even though the war has ended.
That's clearly what we're seeing in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, as the
young babies and children who weren't really aware of the war grow
older, they become aware of how much they hate each other, and the
violence only grows.

I've written articles about what happens to such countries as the
decades pass and new generations grow up during generational Awakening
and Unraveling eras. The leaders of the winning side refuse to step
down, and start using violence and atrocities against civilians to
stay in power. These include Paul Biya in Cameroon, Pierre Nkurunziza
in Burundi, Paul Kagame in Rwanda, Yoweri Museveni in Uganda, Robert
Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Joseph Kabila in DRC, or, outside of Africa,
Bashar al-Assad in Syria and Hun Sen in Cambodia.

This has already started in Sri Lanka. Mahinda Rajapaksa was elected
president in 2005, but lost the election in 2015. He tried to get the
army to overturn the election results, but didn't succeed in that.
But we can certainly expect to see more of that in the future.

It's too early for that to be happening in Sri Lanka, because the
civil war ended only eight years ago. But it's pretty clear that Sri
Lanka is on that path. The current violence will fizzle quickly, but
as the young post-war generation grows up, the violence between Tamils
and Sinhalese will grow, and the Sinhalese government will begin using
violence and atrocities to control the Tamils in the name of national
security. Indian Express

Related Articles

**** North Korea says it will denuclearize if the regime is 'secure'

The media are all agog about the sensational statement that came out
on Tuesday, as a South Korean delegation returned from its meeting
with North Korea's child dictator Kim Jong-un on Monday. According to
South Korea's chief delegator Chung Eui-yong:

<QUOTE>"North Korea made clear its willingness to
denuclearize the Korean peninsula and the fact there is no reason
for it to have a nuclear program if military threats against the
North are resolved and its regime is secure."<END QUOTE>

So North Korean officials have thought about nothing else but nuclear
weapons and ballistic missiles for decades, but now they're willing to
give them up for some promise of security? I don't think so.

There's nothing that the US could do to guarantee that would cause the
North to say: "OK, now I agree that the military threats are resolved,
and the regime is secure." The North Koreans could make demands --
withdraw all troops from South Korea, withdraw all ships from the
region, close all military bases around the world, etc., etc., but
there would always be new demands. So the whole promise is a scam.

So let's see where this goes next. Daily Telegraph (Australia)

Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Sri Lanka, Digana, Kandy,
Buddhist, Sinhalese, Muslims, Hindus, Tamils,
Maithripala Sirisena, Myanmar, Burma, Rohingyas,
North Korea, Kim Jong-un, South Korea, Chung Eui-yong

Permanent web link to this article
Receive daily World View columns by e-mail
Contribute to Generational Dynamics via PayPal

John J. Xenakis
100 Memorial Drive Apt 8-13A
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: 617-864-0010
Web site:
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(03-06-2018, 01:53 PM)Cynic Hero Wrote: In terms of strictly governing the country regardless of generation, Congress over the last 30 years or so simply has too much power. Under the current system as interpreted over the past few decades; the president simply cannot do his/her job. If the president is not allowed to unilaterally enact policy; How can He/She properly direct national security? The answer is the he/she would be unable to, because everything is currently subject to having to be cleared through congress in order to be implemented. Granting the president the power to unilaterally authorize war and to declare war would be a major reform of the system.

Strange that you should say this, since Congress is the one branch of government that isn't under control of Boomers, Paul Ryan being Gen X.
(03-06-2018, 10:49 PM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(03-06-2018, 01:53 PM)Cynic Hero Wrote: In terms of strictly governing the country regardless of generation, Congress over the last 30 years or so simply has too much power. Under the current system as interpreted over the past few decades; the president simply cannot do his/her job. If the president is not allowed to unilaterally enact policy; How can He/She properly direct national security? The answer is the he/she would be unable to, because everything is currently subject to having to be cleared through congress in order to be implemented. Granting the president the power to unilaterally authorize war and to declare war would be a major reform of the system.

Strange that you should say this, since Congress is the one branch of government that isn't under control of Boomers, Paul Ryan being Gen X.

I'm Referring More to the Senate and the Oversight committees in the government.
(03-06-2018, 02:35 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: > We will need a President with a moral compass, respect for process
> and precedent, high levels of integrity and wisdom, and
> clear-headed rationality as a rule. I think that Xenakis would be
> perfectly happy with someone like Obama except for having a
> conservative agenda. Indeed, I can predict that the next
> conservative President who has real success will have a
> personality much more like that of Obama even if he has an agenda
> that includes the evisceration of trade unions, a big cut-back on
> the welfare state, privatization of much of the public sector, and
> tax reforms that load more taxes on the non-rich but create
> capital for investment in job-creating plant and
> equipment.

The reason I rarely criticized Obama personally is because I never had
the fanatical, obsessive, irrational, vitriolic, uncontrollable hatred
for him that you have for Trump.

Obama was driven by a hatred of Boomers that he inherited from his
dysfunctional childhood when his father deserted his mother. Obama's
policy was to do the opposite of whatever Bush would have done, which
is why Obama had one foreign policy disaster after another. Obama
should have united the country on race, but instead he used his own
race as a bludgeon to make himself the most racially divisive
president in my lifetime. Remarks like "you didn't build that"
illustrate why Obama was completely illiterate about economics, and
explains why he used his pen and his phone to implement the stupidest
and most destructive economic policies since Nixon's price controls.
Obama always considered himself the smartest person in the room, even
when he was the stupidest person in the room. So no, I don't think
much of Obama's personality.

You wrote yesterday that "Trump never changes his mind," which was a
ridiculous thing to say, as I showed you when I responded. Actually,
you were writing about Obama, who always asked himself, "What would
George Bush do," and do the opposite, or "What would Jeremiah Wright
do," and do that, and refuse to change his mind, and lie repeatedly,
even in the face of one disaster after another. Obama's policies were
guided by hatred, emotion and stupidity, never by facts.

If you fanatics succeed in getting rid of Trump, then there is someone
who can serve as "a President with a moral compass, respect for
process and precedent, high levels of integrity and wisdom, and
clear-headed rationality as a rule." That would be Mike Pence, who
has a very strong Christian moral compass, and has the other things
you describe. In addition, he'll continue Trump's policy of making
America great again.

Writing my daily "World View" articles, I see fanatical hatred all
over the world. There's your fanatical hatred of Trump, Cynic's
fanatical hatred of Boomers, Sunni jihadists' fanatical hatred of
Shias, al-Assad's fanatical hatred of his opposition, Burmese
fanatical hatred of Rohingyas, Sri Lankan Sinhalese fanatical hatred
of Tamils, and so forth.

You're all the same. You spew hatred all over the place, you incite
violence, and you make the world a miserable place. You're the reason
the world is headed for war.
(03-07-2018, 09:01 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: Writing my daily "World View" articles, I see fanatical hatred all
over the world.  There's your fanatical hatred of Trump, Cynic's
fanatical hatred of Boomers, Sunni jihadists' fanatical hatred of
Shias, al-Assad's fanatical hatred of his opposition, Burmese
fanatical hatred of Rohingyas, Sri Lankan Sinhalese fanatical hatred
of Tamils, and so forth.

Boomer globalists are selfish. Xers and Millies are not trying to prevent boomers from experiencing personal happiness. Xers and Millies oppose or hate boomers because the boomer keeps trying to control the Xer/Millie's behavior without the consent of the Xer or Millie. All the young is demanding from the boomer is that the boomer maintain love for their children when the children decide to do what THEY want because the Xer is the boomers kid. The parent doesn't get the choice to love their children their love is supposed to be unconditional. So if the kid takes a gun and murders the neighbor's kid and the parent saw him do it, even so the parents job is that the kid's conditions are continuously improved. Therefore in the above scenario the only acceptable option is that when to police knock on the door is to say that they have no idea who shot the neighbor's kid and didn't see the killer. Boomers never had Xer's and Millies back like that, and this is a BIG reason their is high resentment of boomers by Xers and Millies. Xers and Millies despise the fact that politics is dominated by the Boomer left (liberal globalist pacifists) and the Boomer right (neocons and theocons). This results in the boomer right being the only viable option because at least the neocons would not initiate nonsense such as unilateral nuclear disarmament like the boomer left delusionally wants. The Boomers therefore deeply oppose any Xer/millie led political movement note how the Boomer Right cracked down on the Millie Alt-right. Trump has politically been castrated in terms of his personal influence in the GOP, instead we have "President Trump without Trumpism". The Government Bureaucracy won't allow mass Expulsions of Immigrants that were promised during the campaign. Bureaucrats are not allowing the President to do the Job the president was elected for, therefore the Bureaucracy is tyrannical.

Regarding the Foreign Genocides mentioned above; Xers and Millies laugh at the rebel groups mentioned above; they deserved what they got by initiating civil war within those countries. There is nothing wrong with ending civil conflicts initiated by terrorists by brutally "draining the swamp" from which those terrorists operated. The Nation-State is the supreme arbiter of Power and the arbiter of rights.
(03-06-2018, 10:46 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ****
**** North Korea says it will denuclearize if the regime is 'secure'

The media are all agog about the sensational statement that came out
on Tuesday, as a South Korean delegation returned from its meeting
with North Korea's child dictator Kim Jong-un on Monday.  According to
South Korea's chief delegator Chung Eui-yong:

   <QUOTE>"North Korea made clear its willingness to
   denuclearize the Korean peninsula and the fact there is no reason
   for it to have a nuclear program if military threats against the
   North are resolved and its regime is secure."<END QUOTE>

So North Korean officials have thought about nothing else but nuclear
weapons and ballistic missiles for decades, but now they're willing to
give them up for some promise of security?  I don't think so.

There's nothing that the US could do to guarantee that would cause the
North to say: "OK, now I agree that the military threats are resolved,
and the regime is secure."  The North Koreans could make demands --
withdraw all troops from South Korea, withdraw all ships from the
region, close all military bases around the world, etc., etc., but
there would always be new demands.  So the whole promise is a scam.

So let's see where this goes next.  Daily Telegraph (Australia)

Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Sri Lanka, Digana, Kandy,
Buddhist, Sinhalese, Muslims, Hindus, Tamils,
Maithripala Sirisena, Myanmar, Burma, Rohingyas,
North Korea, Kim Jong-un, South Korea, Chung Eui-yong

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North Korea's Missiles are there to blackmail the US into remaining Neutral in an potential North Korean invasion of the South. If the US is Neutral then the North Considers it's objectives to have been achieved. The Solution here is to Arm South Korea and Japan with Nukes to add deterrence against the North.
(03-07-2018, 11:03 AM)Cynic Hero Wrote: North Korea's Missiles are there to blackmail the US into remaining Neutral in an potential North Korean invasion of the South. If the US is Neutral then the North Considers it's objectives to have been achieved. The Solution here is to Arm South Korea and Japan with Nukes to add deterrence against the North.

So those nukes can be turned against us in a few years?  No thanks.

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