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Generational Dynamics World View
COVID-19 is much too dangerous for the Chinese leadership to mess with. As in Iran, it could decimate political elites -- which means the Communist Party of China -- as well as critical scientists, engineers, and businessmen. Yes, Ji Xinping may be more reckless than other recent Chinese leadership... but not that reckless.

Nobody could have reasonably expected how badly the USA could have mangled a response to COVID-19. You. Xenakis, know what I think of Donald Trump, but his handling of COVID-19 is criminal, homicidal negligence on a scale rare in world history. Yes, I believe that former President Trump has committed indictable offenses involving COVID-19 alone.

China seems to have done far better than most countries in meeting the menace of COVID-19... including the United States, in part because China does not have the large number of Christian Protestant fundamentalists who disparage rational science when it in any way contradicts their beliefs. Contrast the devout Catholic Joe Biden who has no problem deferring to the wisest science of the time -- then again, the Catholic Church prefers concessions to science rather than create a rationale for rebellion or schism among smart kids who have been the basis of most heresies and schisms in history. (Here's a swipe at Donald Trump for his religiosity: he is nothing more than a "Santa Claus and Easter Bunny" Christian, someone who has no obvious source for any moral compass. Trump has no moral compass, so he can't be accused of hypocrisy. As for hypocrisy -- two sorts of people can fully evade it: genuine saints who are truly good, and people proud of their own wickedness. Regrettably the world has far more people like Nazi war criminal (and extreme sex pervert) Oskar Dirlewanger who led a penal brigade that did what one would expect it to do than like Saint Francis of Assisi. Most of us have some ideals, and about everyone falls short. I greet my fellow hypocrites with the recognition that I am one, too.

The death toll from COVID-19 in America alone is much like that of a shooting war that goes badly because the Leadership trivializes the loss of "cannon fodder" and has no willingness to change anything to get better results.

To defeat the United States in a military conflict one must apply a combination of ruthlessness, cleverness, and brute force that rarely exists in adequate amounts in any leader. Hitler and Tojo showed how inadequate their countries were in knocking out the USA as a menace to their diabolical plans for conquest and enslavement.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 03-Aug-2021 World View: Trump vs Covid

(08-03-2021, 01:45 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: > Nobody could have reasonably expected how badly the USA could have
> mangled a response to COVID-19. You. Xenakis, know what I think of
> Donald Trump, but his handling of COVID-19 is criminal, homicidal
> negligence on a scale rare in world history. Yes, I believe that
> former President Trump has committed indictable offenses involving
> COVID-19 alone.

I really don't have a clue what you're talking about. This appears to
be the opposite of the truth, so I assume it's just more of your

Trump caught on right away that China was intentionally spreading the
virus around the world while protecting China, so he shut down travel
from China and Europe. Trump claims that by doing this he saved
hundreds of thousands of lives, and that's credible to me. The
Chinese were furious. The Democrats were furious. Nancy Pelosi was
dancing in the streets in Chinatown, calling Trump xenophobic and
hateful and racist and White Supremacist. But like so many things,
Trump turned out to be right about this, and the Democrats were dead

And of course Operation Warp Speed produced three vaccines in nine
months, a medical miracle, where the Democrats were ridiculing and
mocking him, saying there wouldn't be vaccines for years. Once again,
Trump was right and the Democrats were dead wrong.
** 03-Aug-2021 World View: Gordon Chang: The end of the CCP?

tankbuilder Wrote:>

> "COVID-19 is ravaging China.

> The Delta variant is spreading across the country fast, and
> Beijing has no answer to the new strain other than draconian,
> totalitarian brute-force measures—and blaming foreigners.

> Millions of Chinese residents are now in various forms of
> lockdown. The recent infections constitute the most widespread
> coronavirus outbreak since the disease first hit China, sometime
> in late 2019.

> The new flare-up, which quickly slipped beyond the control of the
> authorities, is undermining core Communist Party propaganda
> narratives."

> Do you think this accelerates, or delays CCP actions?

I've been wondering the same thing.

Gordon Chang suggests that the uncontrolled spread of covid will
bring about the end of the Chinese Communist Party.

I can guarantee with almost certainty that this will NOT happen. The
CCP will do ANYTHING to preserve the CCP and their power. This is not

Instead, they will panic and do something really stupid. The CCP will
attempt to unify the nation by starting a war. They might launch a
war with Taiwan, or they might launch a war with Japan, or with India,
or they might launch their long-planned attack to conquer America "in
one blow."

That's the way the world works.

P.S.: And Gordon Chang is well aware of this.
** 03-Aug-2021 World View: Why would China not exist without CCP leadership?

The 2003 speech of General Chi Haotian is a long, complex strategy
document that the CCP has been following in detail for the last almost
20 years.

** 31-Jul-21 World View -- Wuhan Coronavirus -- Thinking the Unthinkable

The following claim by Chi Haotian was one of the most startling:

Quote:> "Everyone knows that without the leadership of our
> Party, China would not exist today. Therefore, our highest
> principle is to forever protect our Party’s leadership
> position. Before June 4 [1989 Tiananmen Square massacre], we
> realized vaguely that as long as China’s economy is developed,
> people would support and love the Communist Party. Therefore we
> had to use several decades of peacetime to develop China’s
> economy. ... But the June 4 riot gave our Party a warning and gave
> us a lesson that is still fresh."

What could that possibly mean? Why would China not exist without the
CCP? And what warning did the Tiananmen Square massacre give,
and what's the lesson?

I believe the key is to look at the last three imperial dynasties:
  • Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) -- China was conquered and ruled by
    the Mongols.
  • Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) -- China was ruled by the Chinese,
    ending in massive corruption.
  • Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) -- China was conquered and ruled by the
    Manchus (from Manchuria)

In most of the last millennium, China was governed by non-Chinese
ethnic groups, the Mongols and the Manchus. During those
periods, China effectively did not exist. The land area might
have been called "Extended Mongolia" and "Extended Manchuria" during
the Yuan and Qing dynasties, respectively, but not China. China
did not exist.

So Chi Haotian said that the lesson learned was that without the CCP,
China would collapse like the Ming Dynasty, and then be invaded
and governed by another group, perhaps the Tibetans or the Uighurs.
So China will no longer exist without the CCP.

The Chinese considered the Manchus to be "barbarians." (Of course,
the Chinese consider us to be barbarians, as well.)

Nontheless, the Manchu population of about half a million was able to
conquer the Ming Dynasty and govern China for over two and one-half

What this shows, more than anything, is that the Chinese are
incompetent to govern themselves.

What is Chi Haotian's solution to prevent the collapse of the CCP?

Quote:> "After some deep pondering, we finally come to this
> conclusion: Only by turning our developed national strength into
> the force of a first striking outward – only by leading people to
> go out – can we win forever the Chinese people’s support and love
> for the Communist Party. Our party will then stand on invincible
> ground, and the Chinese people will have to depend on the
> Communist Party. They will forever follow the Communist Party with
> their hearts and minds, as was written in a couplet frequently
> seen in the countryside some years ago: “Listen to Chairman Mao,
> follow the Communist Party!”"

The solution is "first striking outward" -- a war -- and then "leading
people to go out" -- colonize the conquered land. And America is the
chosen land.

According to Chi: "We must not forget that the history of our
civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow
two tigers to live together."
** 03-Aug-2021 World View: War with America

Cool Breeze" Wrote:> Good post, very informative.

> Why would America be the next stop, though, when Japan and India
> are closer and are not the most friendly with them,
> either?

Deng Xiaoping said that America would block China's plans for
expansion, and so war with America was inevitable. After the
Tiananmen Square massacre, one of the "lessons learned" is
that China must prepare to conquer and colonize America.
(08-03-2021, 02:31 PM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 03-Aug-2021 World View: Trump vs Covid

(08-03-2021, 01:45 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   Nobody could have reasonably expected how badly the USA could have
>   mangled a response to COVID-19. You. Xenakis, know what I think of
>   Donald Trump, but his handling of COVID-19 is criminal, homicidal
>   negligence on a scale rare in world history. Yes, I believe that
>   former President Trump has committed indictable offenses involving
>   COVID-19 alone.

I really don't have a clue what you're talking about.  This appears to
be the opposite of the truth, so I assume it's just more of your

Let me parse it.

1. Respiratory infections seem to be a memory of the past in advanced-industrial societies, as with the Spanish influenza of slightly more than a century ago. We think in our arrogant complacency that respiratory infections can kill only people with compromised immune systems -- like people with AIDS, cancer, congestive heart failure, dementia, and organ failure. COVID-19 contradicts that. 

2. You know that I thoroughly despise Donald Trump as a model of a pathological leader, an extreme narcissist bordering on sociopathy, a man caring little except about himself and his "extensions". Ideally people like that either change their ways or get relegated to roles that minimize their potential damage. His business practices are a disgrace. He has demonstrated a low "emotional quotient" by mocking someone with a handicap. I learned while I was still in single digits that such is completely unthinkable. The blind and crippled that I knew as a child were often WWII vets. So Jack lost a foot from frostbite at Bastogne, and Martin went blind as a Japanese shell exploded right in front of him and wrecked his eyes. 

Maybe some of my age-mates kept telling jokes about handicaps past age ten or so, but I was not laughing at them. I have such serious handicaps that I qualify for disability. You may think that it is for intellectual inadequacy if you wish -- but it is for arms that have never been able to build muscle mass adequate for industrial work, poor hand-eye coordination, a bad back, and having my expressions often come out inappropriately. I can seem like a liar even if I am telling the truth. If I were to have anything on the DMS-V it would be Asperger's syndrome and not malignant narcissism, even if malignant narcissists can do well economically while ruining others' lives, credit scores, and opportunities. 

3. In military life, the term for failing to meet the standards expected of a soldier by shirking responsibility is "dereliction of duty". Maybe that does not have quite an equivalent in civilian life, but casting blame instead of offering a solution is bad.    

Quote:Trump caught on right away that China was intentionally spreading the
virus around the world


Quote:the world while protecting China,

China is a highly-regimented country that can do that. So is South Korea, although not on politics. South Korea did very well.

Russia and Iran are of course highly-dictatorial societies, but apparently not so well disciplined. ThaT makes all the difference in the world. 

Quote:so he shut down travel
from China and Europe.  Trump claims that by doing this he saved
hundreds of thousands of lives, and that's credible to me.
Dixit Donald Trump. Donald Trump's word is so worthless that one can believe him only in the rare instance in which what he says  has independent verification.  

Quote:The Chinese were furious.  The Democrats were furious.  Nancy Pelosi was
dancing in the streets in Chinatown, calling Trump xenophobic and
hateful and racist and White Supremacist.  But like so many things,
Trump turned out to be right about this, and the Democrats were dead

Donald Trump is a xenophobic, hateful racist. He is also a religious bigot.

Here, by the way, is Nancy Pelosi's district:

[Image: lossless-page1-400px-California_US_Congr...29.tif.png]

It includes San Francisco's Chinatown. In showing solidarity with Chinese-Americans, a large component of her district she did something that one expects of any Representative. That's constituent service. Those who fail at that don't get re-elected. Don't confuse Chinese-Americans with the government of the People's Republic of China.   

Quote:And of course Operation Warp Speed produced three vaccines in nine
months, a medical miracle, where the Democrats were ridiculing and
mocking him, saying there wouldn't be vaccines for years.  Once again,
Trump was right and the Democrats were dead wrong.

Heavily under the prodding of Democrats, so give some credit where it is due. Remember also that the pharmaceutical industry developed the vaccine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 04-Aug-2021 World View: Evil

(08-04-2021, 03:36 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: > Unproven!

(08-04-2021, 03:36 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: > Heavily under the prodding of Democrats, so give some credit where
> it is due.

When Trump does something great you call it racist and unproven. When
Democrats do nothing but sit on their asses, you demand that they get
credit anyway.

You're nothing but a worthless troll. You spew hatred and
divisiveness and you're proud of it.

You [the generic Democrat] support policies that cause thousands of
blacks to be shot on the streets of cities governed by Democrats. You
support letting violent criminals out of jail so that they can kill
more blacks.

You support the millions of illegal immigrants from coming in through
the border, spreading covid throughout the country, because you hope
they'll vote illegally for Democrats.

You support the Stalinest mass censorship of conservative opinions, or
indeed of anyone who disagrees with the Democrats. You're fully on
board for the Stalinist Fascist Democrat regime, consisting of the
Democrats, the mainstream media sewer, and "Big Tech."

You support the massive violence by antifa-blm, burning down cities at
will, with impunity.

By contrast, you support the mass jailing of peaceful January 6
protesters, who have been in solitary confinement for months simply
because they're Trump supporters. By contrast, there is no punishment
for Lt. Michael L. Byrd, a black officer of the Capitol police, on the
staff of Nancy Pelosi, for shooting and killing Ashli Babbitt, for the
crime of being a young girl, peacefully protesting, and worst of all,
a hated Trump supporter.

Your hatred of Trump supporters is deep and profound, and is no
different than the hatred that led the Nazis to slaughter the Jews or,
indeed, the hatred that led the Democrats to slaughter the blacks a
century ago through lynchings.

You've become completely evil, and you have no clue.
** 04-Aug-2021 World View: The Covid release

Navigator Wrote:> The reasons I believe the WuHu flu was accidentally released are
> the following:

> 1. It is not "highly lethal". It is much more effective than
> normal flu, but it is not the black plague. It takes out 1/1000,
> mostly elderly or those with pre-existing conditions that would
> probably preclude military service. This is not what I would want
> from a bioweapon.

> 2. The Chinese certainly did not have an antidote. Since the
> didn't have an antidote, they are just as vulnerable to the WuHu
> flu. This is NOT what you want from your bio weapon. In fact the
> Sino they are currently peddling has little to no
> effectiveness. Hundreds of thousands of their own people (probably
> millions) have died from this, and it has certainly had a
> detrimental effect on their own economy.

> 3. It was released in China, not in the USA or Taiwan or
> Japan. Even the Chinese could not cover this part up and this is
> where the Wuhan Wet Market lie came from (a pretty silly lie, as
> it is less than 1km from the real source, the Wuhan Virology
> Institute).

This seems about right, but let's start by pointing out what happened
starting in December 2019. Whether the release into Wuhan was
accidental or intentional, there was not nothing accidental about what
happened next. This was completely intentional. The CCP encouraged,
even demanded, travel between Wuhan and 180 different countries, while
forbidding travel between Wuhan and elsewhere in China.

The CCP compounded the crime by lying about the virus's
transmissibility, by getting their WHO puppet to confirm their lies,
and by sending people around the world to buy up all commercially
available PPE (gowns, masks, etc.) so that it would be unavailable to
medical personnel in other countries.

Politically, the CCP quickly took credit for being the first country
to beat the virus. Xi Jinping gave several speeches declaring this a
major war that China had won before any other country.

All of this was intentional and criminal.

So even though the evidence shows that the virus was released from the
lab accidentally, I can't help but think that the subsequent
intentional and criminal behavior might imply that the lab leak was
also intentional and criminal.

If it was intentional, then it was some kind of "proof of concept beta
test" that backfired badly. It's possible that they were testing out
a method to spread a virus worldwide. They did not want it to be
lethal, since it was just a test. I believe they expected to get
through this completely unscathed. I believe that they did not expect
to be blamed for the virus. This proves how stupid the CCP is.

The Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs committee did an
extensive investigation, and reached the following conclusion:

Quote:> "Based on the material collected and analyzed by the
> Committee Minority Staff, the preponderance of evidence suggests
> SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a Wuhan Institute of
> Virology laboratory sometime prior to September 12, 2019."

The crucial point here is the date: prior to September 12, 2019. The
report gives several reasons for this date, including the following:
"The sudden removal of the WIV’s virus and sample database in the
middle of the night on September 12, 2019 and without explanation."

So the virus was beginning to spread in Wuhan by September 12, and the
CCP knew it.

The report provides a fascinating narrative of what happened after
that -- the super-spreader events, the deep coverup, and so forth.

In a sense it doesn't matter whether the virus escaped from the lab
accidentally, since everything that happened after September 12 was
intentional and criminal.

The Chinese have had several experiences with viruses in the past, and
they could have killed off the virus quickly, if they had wanted to.
Instead, the let it spread, and they launched a deep coverup,
punishing anyone who revealed what was going on.

So there was was a three month period between September and December
when the CCP knew about the virus and could have killed it off, but
instead let it spread through super-spreader events combined with a
deep coverup. This was followed by encouraging -- even demanding --
people in 180 countries to travel to and from Wuhan, thus spreading it
around the world, while forbidding travel between Wuhan and other
parts of China.

I want to particularly address one point that you made: "It was
released in China, not in the USA or Taiwan or Japan."

In fact, it had to be released in Wuhan, if the release was
intentional, and could not have been released in another country.

The spread of the virus required three months of super-spreader events
and coverups. This could only have been done in Wuhan.

Suppose that the virus had been somehow put into a fish market in San
Francisco. As soon as people started getting sick, there would be
investigators all over the place. They would kill off the virus
quickly and used contact tracing to keep it from spreading.
Furthermore, they would collect footage from street cameras and ask
the public for their photos of the fish market. They would identify
who planted the virus, and trace it back to the CCP.

So if the leak was intentional, it had to be in Wuhan.

The thing is: If China wanted to spread a virus around the world, the
steps they followed were exactly the way to do it. That's why the
circumstantial evidence is that the whole thing was intentional. We
know that everything AFTER September 12 was intentional, so it seems
likely that the action BEFORE September 12 was also intentional.

What was the motive? As I've said many times, the Chinese Communists
are the stupidest people on earth. Just look at the Great Leap
Forward or the Tiananmen Square massacre or the massive torture,
beating, and enslavement of millions of Uighurs. So the motive of the
lab leak would be equally stupid, whatever it is.
(08-04-2021, 05:46 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 04-Aug-2021 World View: Evil

(08-04-2021, 03:36 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   Unproven!

(08-04-2021, 03:36 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: >   Heavily under the prodding of Democrats, so give some credit where
>   it is due.

When Trump does something great you call it racist and unproven.  When
Democrats do nothing but sit on their asses, you demand that they get
credit anyway.

You're nothing but a worthless troll.  You spew hatred and
divisiveness and you're proud of it.

I am not a political leader. I do not make money off my writings. I have no authority. If I were a political leader in a dangerous time I would make it a point that my thought was not the cause of people doing great things. My ideal as a great leader in a dangerous time is Sir Winston Churchill, who knew well that the farmer, the foot-soldier, the sailor, the airman, the industrial worker, the processor of information at Bletchley Park was making victory possible. He did not need recognition for greatness to achieve what he did. His thoughts were far from original; look at his speeches and you see Cato or Cicero. The war between Britain and the Third Reich had parallels in the Second Punic War.   

I see Donald Trump, and I see a man with pretensions to greatness without the talent or intellectual capacity to back his contentions. Trump is too self-indulgent, lazy, hollow, and unlearned (those go together) to be an effective leader at a national scale. His recklessness and cruelty marred his Presidency. If I am to compare him to figures of antiquity, then as with Churchill I might come up with some Roman figures - but in the case of Trump those figures would be  Nero, Caligula, or Commodus. Our system has checks and balances, especially meaningful elections but also institutions that prevent despotic tendencies from being realized.

I look at how foreign leaders treat him. Putin knows how to exploit his overweening vanity. Merkel simply waits him out, recognizing that he can do nothing positive to improve things.   

Quote:You [the generic Democrat] support policies that cause thousands of
blacks to be shot on the streets of cities governed by Democrats.  You
support letting violent criminals out of jail so that they can kill
more blacks.

I have no delusion about criminals. They are not romantic misfits. They are not simply people in which a few things went wrong and got caught for one huge mistake. Most criminals fit some model of evil personality -- borderline personality disorder, pathological narcissism, sociopathy, or psychopathy. Most criminals are evil characters, predators upon fellow people. We have prisons because some people are too untrustworthy for coping with the situations that they encounter. This said, there are plenty of fine people in the nastiest slums and barrios, people consigned to them due to their lack of skill, connections to other people who actually live there,  and lack of viable alternatives. Some people keep their humanity despite that, and I have plenty of question of how many people living in Chicago's prosperous Gold Coast would fare if they were consigned to the South Side which looks like a modernized view of hard life out of a Dickens novel. 

I'm going to make this observation: religion is likely a bigger part of life on Chicago's South Side than on its prosperous Gold Coast. Life is day-to-day in poverty. If you are not brought up in it you have the illusion that you can easily defer gratification and think of the long term. Maybe you can read long Russian novels and listen to symphonic works by Bruckner or Mahler because you can organize your time for such. It is hard to maintain a long-term focus when a food might run short or a criminal might see you as simply someone to rob or rape. The poverty is depressing, so perhaps one turns to a Christian sect that outsiders deride as "Holy Rollers". If you live on Chicago's Gold Coast you can organize your time and finances so that if you want to see natural wonders you can drive on a weekend to the Door Peninsula of Wisconsin, Michigan's Upper Peninsula, or the delightful shoreline of Michigan on Lake Michigan. I see plenty of Illinois plates, typically from the Chicago metro area, in St. Joseph, South Haven, Douglas, Saugatuck, Holland, Grand Haven, and Muskegon. Those places resemble coastal California without the extreme cost of living and overt commercialism... except for having real winters that follow the gaudy spectacle of fall foliage. 

I get a rap for self-righteousness on bad behavior of others. Crime? Do the time and do the crime. I am as harsh in judgment of drunks, druggies, and sexual perverts as anyone. Donald Trump really is a horrible person, someone whose business ethics and moral judgment suggest an extreme solipsist who thinks that the rest of the world revolves around him. That is fine for a vulnerable infant, but almost everyone grows out of it just to survive in a plutocratic, bureaucratized, monopolistic social order in which opportunity isn't for all. Most people learn early that their sole accepted role in life is to make someone already filthy rich even more filthy rich, to indulge the worst tendencies in human behavior because those people have the money that one lacks except for deference to such tendencies in richer and more powerful people, or enforcing the rules of the system. Toiler, barmaid, cop?

We have been living in a social order that looks much like the nightmare that the fictional George Bailey discovers that the world would be like without him in It's a Wonderful Life. George Bailey may have found that in a more collegial time that people giving a damn about the lives of others have a positive influence upon the world. Sure he doesn;t get everything that he wants, but maybe one can't get that without leaving others in despair.  

Quote:You support the millions of illegal immigrants from coming in through
the border, spreading covid throughout the country, because you hope
they'll vote illegally for Democrats.

I've been inoculated. I saw nobody from INS. Illegal aliens could easily get  COVID inoculations. I have my inoculation card... it says nothing about whether I am a legal resident of the USA. I'm sure that the big farmers near where I live are encouraging to get their workers inoculated, legal status or not. Should they be deported, then those people will be no danger of spreading COVID-19 back where they come from. News gets around to illegal aliens, especially of Hispanic origin. Have you ever heard of Telemundo or Univision? There's plenty of word-of-mouth communication, and in the case of illegal aliens it is much more reliable than QAnon conspiracy theories.

One of the surest ways to get caught as an illegal alien is to vote. Voting offers too much risk for the benefit.  

Quote:You support the Stalinist mass censorship of conservative opinions, or
indeed of anyone who disagrees with the Democrats.  You're fully on
board for the Stalinist Fascist Democrat regime, consisting of the
Democrats, the mainstream media sewer, and "Big Tech."

Conservative media have merit (think of the Wall Street Journal) when they meet the standards of fact-checking that separates mainstream journalism from junk. Most of the news that we get ultimately comes from AP wires, which are definitive for telling the original story.    

Quote:You support the massive violence by antifa-blm, burning down cities at
will, with impunity.

Antifa is tiny and insignificant, if visible where it appears. 

Quote:By contrast, you support the mass jailing of peaceful January 6
protesters, who have been in solitary confinement for months simply
because they're Trump supporters.  By contrast, there is no punishment
for Lt. Michael L. Byrd, a black officer of the Capitol police, on the
staff of Nancy Pelosi, for shooting and killing Ashli Babbitt, for the
crime of being a young girl, peacefully protesting, and worst of all,
a hated Trump supporter.

Peaceful protesters? It sounds more like the Bolsheviks storming the Winter Palace in Petrograd in 1917 on behalf of Lenin, except that the Bolsheviks faced no resistance. Ashli Bobbit was the first to make a breach of a highly-secured area, and that made her an easy target. She was 39, so "young girl" as a depiction of her is often a patronizing act of male chauvinism. 

I've seen peaceful pro-Trump protesters who still contend that Donald Trump "really won" and try to convince us of their pro-gun and anti-abortion agendas. They are free to believe that Trump was robbed in 2020 just as my side was free to believe that Al Gore was robbed in 2000. 

Storming a legislative building to stop a legislative process is grossly undemocratic. Rule of law is necessary for ptevention of despotism.  

Quote:Your hatred of Trump supporters is deep and profound, and is no
different than the hatred that led the Nazis to slaughter the Jews or,
indeed, the hatred that led the Democrats to slaughter the blacks a
century ago through lynchings.

Remember that the two main parties are very different from what they used to be. The overlay between electoral victories of Eisenhower and Obama say much about the political cultures of the states:

Quote:When all is said and done, I think that the Obama and Eisenhower Presidencies are going to look like good analogues. Both Presidents are chilly rationalists. Both are practically scandal-free administrations. Both started with a troublesome war that both found their way out of. Neither did much to 'grow' the strength of their Parties in either House of Congress. To compare ISIS to Fidel Castro is completely unfair to Fidel Castro, a gentleman by contrast to ISIS. 

The definitive moderate Republican may have been Dwight Eisenhower, and I have heard plenty of Democrats praise the Eisenhower Presidency. He went along with Supreme Court rulings that outlawed segregationist practices, stayed clear of the McCarthy bandwagon, and let McCarthy implode.

[Image: genusmap.php?year=2008&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_...&NE3=2;1;7]
gray -- did not vote in 1952 or 1956
white -- Eisenhower twice, Obama twice
deep blue -- Republican all four elections
light blue -- Republican all but 2012 (I assume that greater Omaha went for Ike twice)
light green -- Eisenhower once, Stevenson once, Obama never
dark green -- Stevenson twice, Obama never
pink -- Stevenson twice, Obama once 

No state voted Democratic all four times, so no state is in deep red.

Adlai E. Stevenson may not have been particularly racist, but it looks as if Ike turned off voters in Arkansas, where Orval faubus would (or had) shut down Little Rock Central High School rather tan allow a handful of Negro (the polite word of the time) students 'soil' it by their presence; Mississippi, which had a KGB-style secret police dedicated to protecting the 'separation of the races'; Alabama, where fascist pigs would eventually bomb the Eighth Street Baptist Church with the murder of four innocent girls,: Georgia, where Lester Maddox would offer axe nandles as bludgeons to keep blacks out of his chicken restaurant; and both North and South Carolina, best described as states entering the early-industrial (sweat-shop) stage of industrial development. Ike did win Tennessee twice -- but the state has area that is strongly Republican as a leftover reality from the Civil War (the people of mountainous eastern Tennessee didn't want to be cannon fodder to defend planters in western Tennessee), and mostly farm-and-ranch states in the West that would go to McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Farmers and ranchers remain a strong R constituency today as they were in the 1950's except in the South, where farmers and ranchers have heavily gone from D to R. 

The states' political cultures have changed little, except that blacks have the vote in the South. But whites in the South have gone from D to R. Partisan identities have changed greatly. . 

If you will note something: Obama had only one victory in a Presidential election of any state that went to Stevenson even once.

I have an overlay map for 2020, but it is not so neat and clean in appearance. Similarly telling is the change from 1976 to Obama elections:

Quote:     Carter 1976, Obama 2008/2012    

[Image: genusmap.php?year=2004&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_...&NE3=2;1;5]

Carter 1976, Obama twice  red
Carter 1976, Obama once pink
Carter 1976, Obama never yellow
Ford 1976, Obama twice white
Ford 1976, Obama once light blue
Ford 1976, Obama never blue

Jimmy Carter is the last Democratic nominee to win Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, or Texas, and second-to-last to win Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, or West Virginia. Carter was the last Democrat, and arguably the only Democrat, to put together an electoral coalition that combined poor whites and poor blacks... and won. Democrats would lose a raft of states in white that (except for Iowa) would not go to a Republican after 1976 except in Republican wins of the Presidency. Go figure.   

Quote:You've become completely evil, and you have no clue.

Evil? Because I do not recognize some greatness in Donald Trump as in the likes of Abraham Lincoln or Sir Winston Churchill?

It is Donald Trump who is evil. The one shared trait that all of the Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg had in common was a lack of empathy.  Good people find it difficult to do bad things to others and get squeamish about trying to convince others to do bad things to others. I can say the same about drug traffickers, financial cheats, spouse-abusers, rapists, and armed robbers. 

Donald Trump is a liar, a cheat, and a bigot. He sees the rest of Humanity solely as extensions of himself. He has conned people into doing things that get them into legal problems that they never thought possible. Many people in the dreary South Side of Chicago are far better than he because they have learned that they cannot get away with much and must accept the worst that capitalist plutocracy can do as the best that they can hope for in This World. Donald Trump never learned humility working for some obnoxious boss whose obligation it is to make subordinates suffer on behalf of capitalism at its worst. When nothing matters in society except the Power, Indulgence, and Gain of rapacious elites (I capitalized those words to make a fitting acronym -- PIG, as in the literal pigs of George Orwell's Animal Farm), most people suffer. Maybe I would have been better able to cope with such if I believed in pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die than in rational attempts to explain something nasty. 

The nastiest people in existence demand that people praise their nastiness. Donald Trump believes, like all rapacious elites from Pharaohs to the Soviet-style nomenklatura, that the rest of Humanity has a duty to praise his nastiness as charity. At that he is no better than some slave-owning planter who insistend that people who owned neither plantations nor slaves that slavery was a good thing... for the slaves!    

Good people do not lead others into acts that hurt them without some high purpose such as saving their country or a part of it from calamity bigger than themselves. You must be living in some version of alternative reality.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 06-Aug-2021 World View: Wuhan Virus event

Navigator Wrote:> I fully agree with you that what happened after the "incident" of
> release was Criminal and Intentional. The CCP decided that China
> alone could not suffer the effects of the virus, and worked to
> ensure that the rest of the world got infected too.

> They might have been able to significantly contain the spread, but
> I think it got too far before senior leadership was fully aware of
> what was going on.

> One of the attributes of a CCP type leadership system is that NO
> ONE admits that anything is wrong until they absolutely have to.
> This way, what could have been solved by quick action, becomes a
> disaster as it spreads or as the effects become much much worse.

> So the Wuhan leader probably knew what was going on, but tried to
> keep it under the radar as long as possible. But by then, it had
> gotten out, and the Wuhan lockdown was far too late. And then
> with the rest of China thus exposed CCP leadership decide the rest
> of the world needs to be exposed as well.

> I understand your point of view regarding the "incident", but not
> everything is intentional/part of a master plot. Stuff like this
> is just going to happen under incompetent leadership / management.

> The only per-incident intent, in my opinion, is doing bio-med
> research to develop things like this. That is also Criminal and
> Evil (and Stupid) to the extreme.

OK, I accept your description as an alternate explantion to mine, and
possibly even more likely than mine, that the CCP's criminal activity
didn't begin until late December or early January.

However, the world has been fooled and is being fooled by the Chinese
trolls too many times to simply give them the benefit of the doubt.
We have to start from the basis that everything they say is a lie,
since that's the case 90% of the time. I note that the September 12
action by the Wuhan Virology Lab of deleting their Virus Database was
a sufficiently public event that the CCP leadership should have known
about it, and would have taken control, and the CCP's criminal
activity would have begun on September 12.
** 06-Aug-2021 World View: Sacrificing millions of Chinese

thinker Wrote:> The general that talked about how they needed to clean up America
> after the conquest with a bioweapon, said that they had to be
> quiet about it or the we would nuke them. The virus was created so
> that it would not be particular lethal for this reason plus it
> wasn't the time yet for the very lethal one. Also their goals are
> different right know for the short term, the truly lethal virus is
> a finishing move. Also notice the virus was deadly mainly to the
> very old or the very sick such as people with two or more co
> morbidities. this is actually good for China as letting it loose
> in their country would get rid of the people in their country that
> would be the most useless in a war. As far as protecting their
> people the general also said that they were willing to loose large
> numbers of people and that this was not a problem as the survivors
> would eventually repopulate China. One more thing being from a
> communist country I can tell you from first hand experience that
> communist governments don't care at all about their
> people.

I'm struggling to understand the grand motive behind the Wuhan
Virus Event, but an objective of killing off old people does not
ring true.

You're right that the CCP would happily sacrifice the lives of
millions of Chinese to stay in power. Why not? If you start with 1.4
billion people, and you sacrifice 50 million people, then you still
have 1.4 billion people. So Chinese people are just interchangeable
cogs in their wheel of progress.
** 06-Aug-2021 World View: Nord Stream 2

Christoph Becker" Wrote:> By the way, I have an article on Chi Haotian's speech on my German
> blog since 2015
> (
> ).

> However:

> 1. We do have a very efficient tool to deal with every virus and
> bio-weapon. Thus I never feared the corona virus. For a examples
> and explanations see the presentation "CDS vs COVID-19 THE
> ANTIDOTE Dr. Manuel Aparicio-Alonso. AMAZING 99.3% recovery rate!
> This will change the world!"
> ( )
> and the documentary "The Universal Antidote" on
> .

> 2. An other important reason for the "corona virus" panic and the
> "vaccinations" may be, that the western "Elites" are convinced
> that their countries are overpopulated while the resources are
> declining. Germany, for example, today has more than 5.8 times as
> much inhabitants per square km than in 1820, at the beginning of
> the industrial age and the use of fossil fuels, when the country
> was already overpopulated, as the poor state of the woods
> shows. Today this country has almost no more fossil fuels, while
> it is clear, that there will be no practical replacements for
> fossil fuels. Further more the government may know, that Germany
> and other European countries will become unable to buy fossil
> fuels in just a few years, because the fossil fuel producing
> countries use up more energy for them self and because China and
> India will need and demand more fossil energy while at the same
> time the efficiency of the energy production is declining.

> 3. Do you know
> ? This is a very good description of how China is bringing down
> the West. However, the main problem is the stupidity of the people
> and the "Elites" in the West.

So how do you feel about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which has been
much in the news?

*** Why the World Worries About Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

Your blog contains a second speech by Chi Haotian which seems to develop
his scenario further. Do you have an English translation of that speech
or, even better, a link to an English translation? Thanks.
** 06-Aug-2021 World View: China infuriated by Biden's offer of 'safe haven' to Hong Kong refugees

President Joe Biden offered "safe haven" to Hong Kong to thousands of
Hong Kong refugees in the United States for 18 months, infuriating the
Chinese Communists.

This was in response to the harsh crackdown by the Chinese Communists
on Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, including "disappearing" dozens
of them. Many such activists have fled Hong Kong for the US, Canada,
Australia, or the UK. These countries have all taken steps to make
fleeing to their countries easier.

According to China's Foreign Ministry:

Quote:> "[The move] slandered and smeared Hong Kong’s national
> security law, nakedly intervened in Hong Kong affairs and China’s
> internal affairs, and blatantly trampled on international law and
> the basic norms of international relations. ...

> [The US was] weaving lies and slandering Hong Kong’s national
> security laws, blatantly beautifying the anti-China chaos in Hong
> Kong, and presumptuously offering the so-called ‘safe haven.' It
> is a vain attempt to stigmatize Hong Kong, stigmatize China, and
> stop at nothing to undermine Hong Kong through petty
> actions."

Biden's announcement causes problems for the Chinese Communists on
multiple levels.

First, it humliates the CCP by "smearing Hong Kong's national security
law," and that's a good thing, because the law deserves to be smeared.

Second, it puts out of reach thousands of Hong Kong pro-democracy
advocates that the CCP would like to jail, torture and kill.

Third, it exacerbates a problem that the CCP has with its long-term
plan to conquer the United States, use a biological weapon to kill all
the Americans, leaving the land completely unpopulated, and then
colonizing it with Chinese.

The problem is that the Chinese people in China are apparently willing
to go along with killing the Americans, but they're opposed to killing
the Chinese people in America. So this makes the CCP's problem more
complicated, as they try to come up with a biological weapon that
kills everyone except those with a Chinese DNA.

-- Biden offers 'safe haven' to Hong Kong residents in U.S. after
China crackdown
(Reuters, 6-Aug-2021)

-- China slams US offer of safe havens for Hong Kong residents
(AP, 6-Aug-2021)
** 06-Aug-2021 World View: More useful idiocy

thomasglee Wrote:> And if you're found to be wrong, you will be called a useful idiot
> yourself.

Lol! By the Biden administration?

If the virus had been planted by the US, then the Chinese would have
figured that out by September 12, 2019, and they would have announced
that and gotten the WHO to announce that long before now. The whole
concept is ridiculous.

thomasglee Wrote:> You need to learn to let others express themselves without delving
> into being an ass about it. Not once did I say I doubt the Chinese
> are behind it. All I said was that what makes me sad is that if
> one day it was found to be true that it was the USA I wouldn't be
> all that surprised. I wish our government wasn't so untrustworthy
> that such a thought could even creep into my mind, but it does
> because they are and I am a realist who understands that not
> everything is as it seems.

> It is not unfathomable to believe it could be a joint effort
> between some in our government and the Chinese.

> Think outside the box....

I've been called a lot worse, so being called an ass is the least
of my concerns.

I've been following the situation in Afghanistan pretty closely for
months, and yesterday the Taliban captured a major provincial capital.
Today, the UN envoy to Afghanistan Deborah Lyons said the following
(my transcription):

Quote:> "There had been expcectation that when the agreement
> was signed in March 2020 we would see a reduction in violance. We
> did not. There had an expectation that when the peace talks began
> in September that we would see reducion in violence. We did not.
> There had been an expectation that when foreign troops left, we
> would see a reduction in violence. We did not.

> Instead we've seen a 50% -- five zero -- increase in civilian
> casualties, with the certainty of many more, as the cities are
> attacked."

What a pile of crap. Not only is she a useful idiot, it also shows
how the entire United Nations is a bunch of useful idiots, repeatedly
kowtowing to the likes of China. Her expectation was a reduction in
violence? This is worse than a useful idiot. This is a total idiot.
You'd think she would be humiliated and embarrassed to make this
statement, but nothing embarrasses these idiots.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi was a useful idiot for
the Burmese army, defending their genocide, until the army turned
against her, and buried her deep in some prison.

The WHO were a bunch of useful idiots for the Chinese, by supporting
their lies about the Wuhan virus.

Anthony Fauci was a useful idiot, paying for funding for the Wuhan
lab, covering it up, and lying about it.

I've spent the last couple of days immersing myself in various
documents about Chinese strategy, and we may be close to being the
target of a massive nuclear attack by the Chinese Communists. Their
whole strategy is based on deception and deflection, such as
pretending to be threatening Taiwan, when the real target is the US.

So I am getting REALLY REALLY sick and tired of crap from trolls and
useful idiots.

DaKardii says the same thing as you, but I tend to shrug when he says

But I expect a lot more from you, because you lived in Korea for 20
years. You know very well how the CCP uses deception and deflection
to cover up their plans. In fact, wasn't it you just a few days ago
in another thread where you accused me and Americans of being naïve,
saying that you've lived in Asia for 20 years, and you see through the
CCP's lies whereas Americans are always being fooled? That was you,
wasn't it? And now you're doing the same thing? What the hell???
** 06-Aug-2021 World View: Sydney McLaughlin, Dalilah Muhammad and Tamyra Mensah-Stock

  • Olympics winners Sydney McLaughlin and Dalilah Muhammad posing with American flags

On Tuesday night, NBC primetime viewers were treated to an Olympics
performance for the ages. American hurdler Sydney McLaughlin came from
behind to defeat fellow American and defending Olympic champion
Dalilah Muhammad in the 400-meter hurdles, capturing the gold medal
and setting a new world record in the process. The race was both
extremely exciting—all three medalists, including bronze medalist
Femke Bol of the Netherlands, set new personal bests with their
finishing times—and a big moment for the U.S. Olympic team.

[Image: tamyra-mensah-stock-85.jpg?quality=90&st...400&crop=1]
  • Wrestling Olympics winner Tamyra Mensah-Stock posing with American flag

US wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock could barely contain her pride in
country after her historic gold medal win in the women’s 68-kilogram
freestyle division — winning a new legion of fans for her unabashed

“I love representing the USA. I love living there. I love it, and I’m
so happy I get to represent USA!” said the exuberant 28-year-old
Texas raised grappler, who is the first black woman and the second
woman ever to claim a wrestling gold for the US after her win Tuesday
over Nigeria’s Blessing Oborududu.

“It feels amazing,” Mensah-Stock, wearing an American flag draped
around her shoulders, told reporters following the match, curling her
hands into a heart shape.

Fans cheered Mensah-Stock’s win — and her joyous celebration of the
Red, White and Blue — which came after US hammer thrower Gwen Berry
turned her back on the National Anthem during Olympic trials and Raven
Saunders made a symbol of protest after winning silver in the shot

“Wrestles like a badass, but has a heart as gold as that medal! Her
enthusiasm & joy for life are infectious,” Amy Burchard wrote.

[Posing with American flags must have infuriated the people in the
loony left in NBC's and MSNBC's audience.]
pbrower2a mentioned the Spanish flu. That hit about a century ago. So...the world was definitely out of practice regarding particularly nasty/deadly respiratory viruses. Then Covid seemingly came out of nowhere. Given the lack of a comparable pandemic since the Spanish flu, it is not entirely surprising that governments weren't entirely competent in handling the issue.

Something like the 58 rule. If enough time passes, the people running the show have no personal memories of the previous crisis. Certainly after a century.
(08-07-2021, 08:50 AM)John J. Xenakis Wrote: ** 06-Aug-2021 World View: Sydney McLaughlin, Dalilah Muhammad and Tamyra Mensah-Stock

  • Olympics winners Sydney McLaughlin and Dalilah Muhammad posing with American flags

On Tuesday night, NBC primetime viewers were treated to an Olympics
performance for the ages. American hurdler Sydney McLaughlin came from
behind to defeat fellow American and defending Olympic champion
Dalilah Muhammad in the 400-meter hurdles, capturing the gold medal
and setting a new world record in the process. The race was both
extremely exciting—all three medalists, including bronze medalist
Femke Bol of the Netherlands, set new personal bests with their
finishing times—and a big moment for the U.S. Olympic team.

[Image: tamyra-mensah-stock-85.jpg?quality=90&st...400&crop=1]
  • Wrestling Olympics winner Tamyra Mensah-Stock posing with American flag

US wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock could barely contain her pride in
country after her historic gold medal win in the women’s 68-kilogram
freestyle division — winning a new legion of fans for her unabashed

No different in spirit than Olympic athletes of the past proudly displaying the flags of the German Democratic Republic (the one that was neither German, democratic, nor republican, as the old joke goes), Ceausescu's Romania, the Soviet Union, the PRC, or Castro's Cuba. Everybody loves a winner. 

Quote:“I love representing the USA. I love living there. I love it, and I’m
so happy I get to represent USA!” said the exuberant 28-year-old
Texas raised grappler, who is the first black woman and the second
woman ever to claim a wrestling gold for the US after her win Tuesday
over Nigeria’s Blessing Oborududu.

“It feels amazing,” Mensah-Stock, wearing an American flag draped
around her shoulders, told reporters following the match, curling her
hands into a heart shape.

Patriotism is acceptable. Athletes trying to use the Olympics as a forum for expressing some political message (think of the Black Power salute of John Carlos at the 1968 Games at Mexico City) isn't so acceptable. That has not changed. Of course, behavior of Iraqi athletes at the 1996 games in Atlanta indicated trouble. Maybe the son of a despotic President trying to politicize the Iraqi Olympic team was over the top for Olympic officials. 

Quote:Fans cheered Mensah-Stock’s win — and her joyous celebration of the
Red, White and Blue — which came after US hammer thrower Gwen Berry
turned her back on the National Anthem during Olympic trials and Raven
Saunders made a symbol of protest after winning silver in the shot

The Olympic Games is the wrong place to make one's point for Black Lives Matter or some other cause. That includes opposition to abortion or support of "gun rights".

“Wrestles like a badass, but has a heart as gold as that medal! Her
enthusiasm & joy for life are infectious,” Amy Burchard wrote.

[Posing with American flags must have infuriated the people in the
loony left in NBC's and MSNBC's audience.]

The Flag isn't the problem. Donald Trump and his acolytes were, and people who used the US flag as a weapon in the insurrection of January 6 as much abused the US flag as KKK fascists who believe in America so long as it is their part only... and the parts of America that look like Tamyra Stock or people with the surname "Muhammad" can be relegated to... dare I say it? The difference between the KKK and Nazis is that one has shown clearly what it would do if it took over a country. The other disintegrated before it could do large-scale genocide. 

But back to the US flag. I'm sure that the unfortunate denizens of Dachau and Mauthausen were delighted to see US troops enter their camps and the much hated Cross-of-Satan flag vanish. At the least, Old Glory meant no more Gestapo or SS terror -- and no new terror unless one was a war criminal. 

Flags are neutral unless they bear an ideological symbol such as a swastika or a hammer-and-sickle -- or some  demagogue or despot uses them as an effort to transfer loyalty to themselves.

It's far easier to display the US flag with Donald Trump out of office. I wonder why!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

I don't have a problem with displays of patriotism, but I certainly have problems with pathological nationalism and with treachery on behalf of any form of despotism. We all know what forty-eight stars and thirteen stripes meant from Operation Torch to Mauthausen and Buchenwald... and from Midway to Iwo Jima. I see nothing inconsistent between fifty stars and thirteen stripes and the Civil Rights movement. I see plenty wrong with insurrectionists using a US flag to attack police officers in the Capitol Building in an effort to nullify a fair and free election on behalf of a President who went down the path to dictatorship. Is that any worse than using a Nazi, Soviet, Saddam-era Ba'athist or ISIS flag to attack police officers doing their jobs? At least we know the Nazi, Soviet, Ba'athist, and ISIS banners for what they stand. Using one of those in the service of an evil cause is what one expects.

Using the US flag in the service of an evil cause is at least as offensive to me as is defecating upon it.

Democracy does not mean that one gets what one wants in politics, but it certainly means that if you want something that doesn't hurt others you have a chance with your own effort, toil, and investment... or your ability, should you lack the capital for investment, the ability to convince those with capital to buy shares or lend money. Someone now ninety years old may in theory may have voted for Eisenhower twice, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon twice, Carter, Reagan twice, the elder Bush once, Clinton twice, Dubya twice, Obama twice, Trump once, and Biden. Ignoring 2000 and 2020 as an oddity that means that random chance leaves one with one chance in 34300 or so of being "right". (2000 and 2020 are ambiguous on whether voting with the electoral plurality or with the results of the Electoral College was "right".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

** 07-Aug-2021 World View: JR Nyquist

brainwitty Wrote:> Hello John. Just saw on about what you posted on
> about the chinese unleashing the virus.
> Seems JR
> has read the same paper and has a detailed post on that
> article. Well worth your reading time. Here is JR's link:


> I will not spoil your reading but it is clear the chinese plan is
> right on track.

Thanks for the link. I originally got the text of Chi Haotian's
speech from Nyquist's blog at:

-- The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian - 2003
(JRNyquistBlog, 11-Sep-2019)

I've just spent the last two days going through all the posts in
Nyquist's log since then, to see why he posted the speech, and what
his analysis is. I was just coming up to his 8/7 post when I saw
your post.

Actually, it's quite a conundrum. He doesn't give any reason why he
decided to post the speech. Even more puzzling, he posted it on
9/11/2019, which was the day before 9/12/2019, when the Wuhan virology
database mysteriously disappeared. But he wouldn't have known that on
9/11, would he? Unless he had contacts that told him something was
going on. Most likely, the timing was a coincidence.

At any rate, he clearly believes that the entire Wuhan Virus Event was
intentional and planned by the CCP, and he gives his theory about how
the virus evolved:

-- General Chi’s Nasty Wuhan Soup: A Recipe for BioWar?
(JRNYquist, 30-Jan-2020)

I'll try to write something more about Nyquist tomorrow.
** 08-Aug-2021 World View: Was Chi Haotian's speech genuine?

Trevor Wrote:> I do have a question about whether this speech is the genuine
> article, given how much nonsense circulates around the
> internet. Admittedly, it's not much of a stretch, given what the
> CCPs done since taking power, but I do wonder.

I've been spending all my time researching exactly this issue. There
are actually two separate questions -- was the speech itself genuine,
and was the description of China's strategy as described in the speech

As far as the speech itself, it was published in the Epoch Times in
2005, so there has been plenty of time for Chinese officials to
disavow the speech. Chi Haotian himself is still alive, 88 years old
when he appeared at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
of China on September 18, 2017. So Chi has had years to disavow the
speech, but has never done so. The speech has been floating around
the internet since then, and has appeared in other places. For
example, two days ago Christoph Becker in this very forum thread
provided a link to his blog in 2015 that referenced the speech. So
there is absolutely no question that the document is real.

So there's no doubt about the authenticity of the speech. Ironically,
the question is whether the speech is Chinese disinformation,
designed to deceive and deflect from China's real intentions. I guess
that's possible, but it's hard to see what it deflects from, since
what it contains is so awful.

So the next question is: Can we validate the contents of the speech
from other sources?

First, is China planning a nuclear attack on the US? That's been
pretty obvious for years, as China has produced one nuclear weapons
system after another that could only be used to attack the US.

The Federation of American Scientists discovered that China has
recently built hundreds of missile silos. This suggests that the
massive nuclear attack to conquer America "in one blow" is getting
very close.

-- China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field
(FederationAmericanScientists/FAS, 26-Jul-2021)

So that pretty much proves that China is planning a large nuclear
attack on the US.

Second, has China been developing biological weapons? Yes, especially
since the end of WW II. Here's a paper I found from 2002 that goes
into extensive detail about China's chemical and biological weapons
programs. It's from the Chemical and Biological Weapons
Nonproliferation Program, Center for Nonproliferation Studies,
Monterey Institute of International Studies.

-- China’s Role in the Chemical and Biological Disarmament Regimes --
Eric Croddy
(, March 2002:

It was interesting to me to read that China accused the US of hiring
Japanese bio weapons experts from WW II and used chemical weapons
during the Korean War against the North Koreans and even on Chinese
territory. These claims were debunked, but China kept using them,
probably for domestic purposes to justify their own bio weapons

So it's clear that as of 2002, China was actively developing bio
weapons. So the claims about bio weapons made by Chi Haotian in his
2003 speech are quite credible.

Third, is China still developing bioweapons today? Well, nobody would
seriously suggest that China would stop developing any sort of weapons
technology, so of course China is still developing bioweapons today.

But now we have absolute proof with the Wuhan Virus Event. It's now
pretty universally agreed (outside of China) that the Wuhan virus was
developed in the Wuhan lab, and released into the public. I believe
that the release was intentional, but many people believe it was
accidental. It doesn't really matter which is true, since the outcome
is what's important -- that China intentionally spread the virus to
180 countries, while protecting China.

Jeff Nyquist in his blog traced the development of Covid-19 back to an
NCoV discovered by Saudi doctors in 2012, which the Chinese stole from
the Saudis.

-- General Chi’s Nasty Wuhan Soup: A Recipe for BioWar?
(JRNYquist, 30-Jan-2020)

Fourth, what about the overall strategy -- a massive nuclear attack on
the United States, following by the use of bioweapons to "clean up
America" for colonization by the Chinese?

We can't prove that the CCP is currently planning this strategy,
except by the circumstantial evidence that all the pieces are in place
for this, and China seems to be preparing for it.

Nyquist does an extensive analysis of this, pointing out that China
has developed a large and growing fleet of amphibious transport ships,
each capable of transporting 1,000 troops.

-- What President Trump Must Do to Stop China’s Invasion
(JRNYquist, 17-Apr-2020)

So my personal conclusion, based on a great deal of the evidence from
a large and growing body of research that I've collected, is that the
speech attributed to Chi Haotian is valid, and that its contents are
fully validated.

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